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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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I miss her I miss her I miss her Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Keep things comfy, etc.

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and former member discussion
/mouse/ for subathon-specific discussion

Previous Thread: >>86033033
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I love Michi so much.
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i love kchon!
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>lord anal-stain
man, I love moose
>lord analstain
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Moose x Dragon
I feel there's a cock or two missing from this image
Lord Analstank
>if you wanted "something", it had to be out of pocket
niji hate
The priority was the golden yacht, please understand
Shareholders above all.
Western horses win once more
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froot love
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love froot
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Kuro said Michi might play B&W or Platinum
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You can ERP a hundred E-girls in chats
Start another stalking, try to stop the feeling
You can say it's just the way you are
Make a new excuse, another stupid reason
Good luck, babe (well, good luck), well, good luck, babe (well, good luck)
You'd have to stop the autism just to stop the feeling
I hate Mei. Hope he stays out of VShojo. He always ruins chats he's in. He's ruined michis whole chat right now.
>I put water in my eyes
why would you ever do that
Michi got spam calls from a Holo/Phasefag
the new Hime
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I know who I want to be my first fuck of the new year
Be more like Himefags.
Fuck he's so annoying in Michi's chat I am leaving.
>500$ dono
if hime's grandma was so flat, how is hime herself so stacked?
make it make sense
mindbroken kek
Hime's momma probably had fat tits
Hime's grandma is in no way flat
Was that through streamlabs or something?
Fucking Mei ruined her stream. Who do I watch now? I hate him.
She tucks them in
streamlabs, yeah
Michi is explaining alternatives to the germ theory of disease (disease is caused by wind)
You should watch trans porn
No wonder Michi has so many health issues. You are ill but don't like the medicine? Eat some instant noodles with a fuckton of garlic, yep, that'll do.
Who? im watching and there is no one there
i watched mei's stream shes good no idea why she gets schizoed.
I think this gifter's suicidal, that or an oiler
Me ?
A low effort phoneposter
You ?
An anon
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Mouse tits
What do you mean even nijisisters? I defended froot from day 1( although I'm a brother) as did reimu and /NijiEn/
It's one schizo homosexual pedophile named draco. He's been banned a thousand times but keeps evading it.
if anon is blind how is he able to post?
make it make sense
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Zen mating pose
From hairy potty?
the schizo is dumb enough to call the fbi on her, and they realized he was batshit insane.
absolute brainlet
Kuro is in his 20s and he already has a middle age crisis. Poor fucker.
I think Nijistacies are the misunderstood heroes of this entire board just like Batman or the X-Men
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he got community noted
I'm assuming he means twitter nijisisters. I don't think /nijien/ has much of a presence in the catalog.
You will get over or get used to most medical issues, either way. So having some kind of harmless way to feel like you're doing something, which doesn't have any side effects like eating garlic or drinking a lot of orange juice or whatever is a reasonable strategy. Medical solutions can be expensive or annoying and often come with side effects, because they're actually doing something chemical or whatever in your body. For example, if it's a cold, nothing a doctor is going to give you will meaningfully change the outcome. If the visit is free or low cost, maybe you feel better to be reassured it's just a cold you'll get over, or you want them to tell you take half an asprin and get some extra sleep, or some other placebo treatment? Sure. But eating the garlic would achieve the same thing. You get over the cold at the same rate in both cases.
kek both Connor and Thor ratio the hell out of him too kek
5 mil views, jesus, wtf is going on with twitter nowadays
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zen mating press
yeah, that's the ones I meant
How dare you saying that about the commander
It's like if this place's shitters had a financial incentive to post bait and there was a bot highlighting the shittiest bait possible because it knows it will get a lot of (You)s
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I miss Henya
>cyberpunk after baldur's
Michibros are suffering
Astroneer Vshojo co-op server
on elon's twitter, anyone that pays elon $5 a month gets a blue check on their account and they get paid for however many engagements they have on their posts. They also get to the top of any post so all you see on any popular post on there is a bunch of african and indian bots saying "Wow.", "This is indeed a thing" or some combination of random emojis

basically these niggas get paid for engagement and they don't care about what they have to do to get it
safe and effective
she's dead, bro
>Froot raided Michi
we didn't get the art stream
kek nope
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I hope one day Zen debuts 2.0 version of this outfit
I miss broot
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I already miss Froot huuuuuuuuuuuuu
wdym cyberpunk good
wtf this has to do with geega?
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same, but this outift also
spoilered for eroticism
Then stop mating pressing the corpse
moshi moshi, agent jones speaking
kek thius dude is an IRL ugly bastard
I like Cyberpunk more and the gameplay will make it easier for her to interact with chat rather than nerding out. I hope she fucks the latina with the fat ass.
Cyberpunk is way better than baldur
You can push through the story in Cyberpunk in ten hours. The side stuff is copy pasted trash and it's very obvious after doing even a couple of gigs. Overall, that leads to a better experience, I think, because it means you focus on the most curated and flashy stuff. With BG, the early side stuff is excellent or at least decent, but the quality goes down and down as you get later in the games. So you start out doing everything and when you get to the second and third act in particular, you keep doing one dissapointing side quest after another, thinking it must be a fluke. It will get good again like it was at first. But it never does, which spoils the whole experience. Cyberpunk pushes you onto the story path and so you're in and out without that dragging ever hurting your impression.
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also, holy fuck what i wouldn't give to see this outfit again
The gigs are pretty fun, though.
The actual copy pasted stuff is the police scanner shit.
That game was cute
The side stuff is perfectly fine if you like the core gameplay loop. Break into a building, assassinate everyone, loot, repeat.
thank you for the laugh
at least the story in Cyberpunk is short-ish.
I have never seen a single play through of Baldurs get to the end
Which stream are they dumping? Also name so we can track them.
>Tags: Corruption, Instant-loss, Domination-loss, Booty, Group, Creampie, Orgy, Gangbang, Bimbofication, Busty, Vtuber
can people post more grandma / christmas zen outfit pics / webms? i lost all mine
Geega is married to a redditor
Kuro really loves Bocchi
just google zentreya outfits
her vtuber wiki page has quite a few
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woah now, I only use the OSRS subreddit
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sure, but literally no webms and I want some
Michi's, ElvineTheSilent
Here's my theory: Floods happen whenever Mother Nature is wet and horny
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Remember when Zen was afraid to show her ass cleavage. Times have changed...
I only started liking vtubers (froot specifically) because of the recent drama
What does that mean
Okay. Not familiar with that one. Might be a new oiler.
Gunrun, ban RP right now.
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This is the most unsexy shit I have ever read
>no zen today
why even live
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to see zen tomorrow
Bluecheck + engagement bait gets you on everybody's timeline. I encountered this post in the wild before it got shared here.
even rule34 commenters are better at ERP than these two are
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The commander was captured by the lewd army and became a nikubenki
>liking Eminem
Well that ain't GEEGA. So it's massively fucking off topic.
You love slop
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That's my cum and only my cum
I didn't even write shit like this when I was a teenager what in the unholy fuck
Nah the BG3 now has pretty balanced experience as a whole. The only thing that irks me a little bit is companion interaction, it does get a little stale after 1st act. The quests are totally fine.
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Will Mouse beat ninja's record?
CG basically did this. They did rp crime and terrorism directed at the two of them for months, and it only drove them together, which became a kind of joking flirtation and then a real affair.
In a different timeline, after CG breaks into Geega's group's warehouse, she crashes out with the people she's closest with in a hopeless, bitter war. And it escalates in the same way of worse and worse harrassment, except CG can break rules and do all kinds of stuff like sending their audiences to stalk her on socials. So Geega ends up being the one to get suspension bridge attached to someone on her team. Omie or Larry seem like the most likely, but who knows.
Delete this
>it's twitch.tuvalu because they couldn't afford .com
Wait, seriously? It's still a better domain so damn, that worked out.
that you didn't know much about vtubers before or hated them because you though all of them were like Hololive, but the drama introduced you to vtubers that proved your earlier preconceptions wrong
There's so many top tier openings from Gundam anime, but I never seem them in these ranking videos
you just met 2 people who were teenager in the deep 90's
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So this is how streamers/youtubers flirt...
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Wednesday innit?
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>Vshojo country is real
>To get a Vshojo STD
oh, well i'll be damned
i thought it was a generic domain
Michi will give Vshojo STD
zens got some fat fucking tits in that image
I got a Vshojo STD let's goooo
Gunrun confirmed this is an unicorn company
Lucky you
Gunrun will fire the girls if they have sex, black company
Corporate mandated virginity
>bye shojo
>bi shojo
My oshi's a virgin...
>Are we supposed to be pretty girls
>or virgins
>Because we can't be both
ugly org
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>Vshojo was almost called xarth
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I only know because my favorite fat bitch says Twitch Dot Tuvalu nonstop, but they were just talking about it in Michi's stream.
>I am live inside Justin
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Michi is graduating.
not VShojo, it was Twitch
He is talking about Twitch
>I am a very agreeable person
>Tell me something and I'll agree
she's talking about Mysta, isn't she?
not watching michi rn and i don't watch the duwag either, i do save her reaction images tho
Kuro catching strays
>Michis name is a pun on mischievous
>because her "friend" had mysterious
Michi roasting Kuro? No way.
just had sexual thoughts about geega
a team has been dispatched, any last words?
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Michi needs more futa art
michi is a unicorn
Michi shitting on men
Still no Gundam opening. These rankings are terrible.
what the fuck
>michi is fertile right now
you don't even need a calendar for Michi, she just tells everything herself
I am once again asking for a Vshojo Runescape arc
Michi is ovulating right now
Michibros, today is your day.
Gundam fans don't make opening rankings because there are no PCs at the retirement home
>Michi is fertile right now and in that outfit.
geega i love you
I hate women
Being a woman sounds like it’s a pain in the ass
I love women, I will protect them
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is she really talking about this while Gunrun is in the chat?
This but unironically.
Welcome to the Michi exp
imagine not having a dick lol
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gunrun right now
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Seeing people defend this woman did change my perspective on this whole Vtuber thing a bit...
If you think that's bad you should try living in a majority muslim nation
Sex ed streamer
Michi taro and luck acutely so scary dude
So he doesn't know that I mating press Zen every day
Michi Vei segment
Ligma balls
dunno what you are looking for, but Twitch vtubers in general are way better conversationalists
my 8 years old nephew is heavier than this
God I hate how Mei makes himself the center of attention.
This list has been so ass
One, technically
>Meets gunrun.
>MTD in her chat today.
>Talked about cryptic stuff that happened at TC.
I am thinking /in/.
Enjoy your new home in LA, Geega
She is a pocket pussy (mine)
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Michi is happy
Michi emphasizing she's been in VShojo for 5 months now. 5 months without a new member

Holy that rp shit is blowing up, everyone should stay away from gtarp.
This list is so ass
Michi has anorexia !?
I get that, if your only exposusre of vtubers would just be Hololive for example, it would definitely seem like only people that browse /r9k/ watch vtubers
When I stop mating pressing them
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Geega will dive right in
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Gun now knows when Michi is ovulating
>Has collabed with Zen and Mouse
michi is an good example of how amazing indo medicine is
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When Henya stops mating pressing them
not to be an architect or anything, but fatten this bitch up
what the fuck girl's a damn skelly
Relationship rp tends to become a real relationship, because obviously. The same way if you rp being friends with someone you're going to start to think of them as a real friend. If people kept everything totally seperated none of it would ever resonate at all. The cringe comes with the fun moments.
If VShojo is smart they should already have a calendar tracking everyone's periods. Even Kuro's.
relationship rp only works if it's a giant unserious joke
if it's rped straight, you have a problem
you shoulda seen the fallout from 17.8%, rp is a gold mine for this kinda shit. biiiiiiiiig SecondLife overlap.
And release it as merch
mouse and zen joked about her adduction but I doubt geega listens to anyone's advice. but geega shut down relationship rp from the start. too many cringe shippers already
>VShojo used pad/cup/tampon merch
I know you sickos would buy it
>who has enough gay energy
>all of chat going you
I hope she's in. I think it would make her happy.
Zen is fertile 365 days a year
Michi is 5'1" and 83lbs. That puts her at an underweight BMI, and she has to gain exactly 15 lbs to return to a healthy weight.
Geega's silence is deafening.
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Gunrun's stand
>what would Gun's stand be
>gunrun in chat: IRL backpack
everyone should avoid gtarp but what is blowing up?
How much does Geega weigh?
Even when it's joke, there's a tendancy to try and make it spicy or add drama and fold in other feelings. Did you watch Geega with Tony? That was never serious romance, but it was enough that his real gf was uncomfortable and made him stop. She's shifted that sort of rp to Delver's two characters, and, again it's not serious but you can literally hear her light up when they meet up or talk on the phone and the smile when she talks about him is unmistabkle.
moonmoon froot cosplay
>doesn't work and when it does the bitrate warps you into some monstrosity from the void
She's hold on someone's at my
She's at ~44kg now. The 38kg was from her past
>gf was uncomfortable and made him stop
I also believe that but proof?
I've heard this rumor only once, only here and by a guy that suspiciously typed exactly like blackjack. and blackjack is obsessed with vshojo members' dating life
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Ah okay. That puts her at nearly healthy weight.
You joke, but after reading through the comments, it looks like he was/is going through a divorce during this.
This lover? Me
anon, don't reply to the catalogfag
Featherweight org
Damn, Leechga was just setting up to really dig her claws into moon2 and siphon every last viewer he had, but now she has to distance herself from him. Or not, she talked about her stance on drama involving her friends at least twice, but I wasn't paying attention both times.
Geega was also banging Siobhan at Twitchcon.
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>Moon slips up and blows Geega's cover story about moving while she was actually at Twitch-con
>A couple days later he's implicated in a cheating scandal.
Now, I'm not saying Geega's actually a fed, but....
moonmoon is male and not a vtuber, you really think anything's gonna happen to him?
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we need some fat bitches
That makes him an even easier cancel target. No one simps for men.
It'd extremely unlikely she's Muslim or wears a hijab.
society isn't ready to blame women for their fair share of cheating yet. the man always comes under fire first as the assumed initiator of cheating. moonmoon will have to deal with it first, also because he has a larger audience
that's just not true lmao
Doc cheated on his wife (whom he had kids with btw), and nothing happened to him
Incels don't have a problem with men cheating
Whoops meant for >>86043782
>the husband didn't name any of the other DOJ members she was fooling around with or leak their dms
>only the man who slipped up in relation to GEEGA
Black and White won the poll
nathan is the only over male doj member i can think of. there is this other one that is technically a man but he doesnt count
what country even is that
Kuro is the biggest nostalgiafag
Chat is going to be fucking insufferable over Michi not knowing 'basic' stuff like type advantages
obviously not, if Doc and xQc got away with it, so is he
Nostalgia? He is a fucking kid
It's basic.
I checked up on those threads about this and both of them are getting called weirdos and creeps over this and their RP
I mean it's not something someone who never played pokemon is going to know
You're basic. Nobody has the relationships between 20 arbitrary variables memorized except dorks.
someone tell her about pkmn.help
Type advantages are basic. Natures are where things get autistic.
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he reposted his comment lmao
Compare the text. What revisions did he make.
did he delete it because the replies to it were cooking him?
I would be doing that if I was Geega
kek, I was literally about to post this, I saw people talking about him in a bait thread and decided to check. What are the odds of him deleting his comment a 2nd time?
Kuro was born in this millennium uh
>I won't engage with anyone but empress
>the only person he will engage with is the one he relentlessly stalked for years
seems like it
He is /here/ and he knows he is cooked. Don't worry CINNA false will tell us all we need to know about you.
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I posted this a few minutes ago, this faggot is losing sleep over it.
well, unlucky for him, people are on his trail and everything he says is gonna get archived
Bug resisting fighting is not intuitive
bit harsh callling my general a random e-girl tho
As a reply to a question about his current girlfriend and when they started dating, both of them posted about him leaving yesterday after being together for their 6 year anniversary
So they started dating in September of 2018
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Is there any way to archive his comment?

Here is the previous version.
she's so lucky, baldo my oshi
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How do I get Geega to fuck me?
mssing in the edit: "so apologies in advance" "I think that's a fair thing to point out" ",right?"
I keep telling you fuckers to get a six pack but you're too lazy
Maybe, but not because of this, his thing with Froot was like Feb-March 2018.
Anyway, you guys shouldn't antagonize this fag unless he actually does something, it'll just make him more likely to attack Froot. If he tries that by all means go nuclear but right now it just inflames the situation.
I have seen pictures of moonmoon while you clearly haven't.
Vtubers? VShojo? Anywhere?
What did I miss? I heard Geega mooned everyone at a Five Guys?
Mouse said she might play Class of 09 once the last part came out, which it did a day or two ago. Could make for some fun streams, if so.
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I extracted the text with OCR and ran it through a text comparer, he made some slight revisions
A bunch of GTA RP streamers met up and had an orgy at Twitchcon. Geega graciously volunteered to look after their children, before abruptly specifying she meant little boys only.

She's such a good babysitter!
No I haven't but if people want to watch him yap or whatever you already need to compensate with something
I beat the fucking computer. get fucked skynet
I was there
The Geegass was right in front of my cajun style fries
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>the internet doesn't need to know to know about everyone's issues
what a fucking clown
Moonmoon was in the kekchair
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so that's why my pookie's lawyer betrayed him for the other baldie and ultimately cost him the election....
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*insert kirby sucking gif*
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I love Zen so much it's unreal
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Quick collage of all the comments.

This, let him talk, let's see what he does, showing up in the first place was already a big mistake on his part, deleting and reposting that comment is another big mistake, it makes him look like he's on damage control.
His comment being 95% the same means that he already had this draft prepared, saved, and ready for PR.
He isn't just a random schizo liar, he's someone with a plan even if not very smart.
is geega a homewrecker?
>Geega secretly goes to Twitchon
>Moonmoon accidentally leaks this
>"Suddenly" he's in drama
Moonmoon is learning why you don't cross the Geeg. She has access to hundreds of honeypots- I mean women who will claim anything she needs them to.
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I love cyber bitches
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that reminds me
sex bot suit?
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never ever cross the Geeg
Nihilister outfit
>geega participated in DOJ freak-offs
Can we get this off topic e celeb garbage out of here? Take it to LSF ya fucks. No vtubers are involved in this shit.
from 4 streams back to 0, love it
Nikke Zentreya? Ma'am please, my dick can't take this.
geega was involved.
It's on topic
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>Take it to LSF ya fucks
people are actually trying to, but the mods are deleting each thread that surfaces about it
I mean I assume it's going to legally distinct. Unless they got involved in a licensing agreement lmao
good god I need to fuck that racoon slampig
Geega & notGeega are directly involved
I'm going to need to see a hyper stylized badass action fight between Saiiren with her mecha out and this version of Zen specifically.

Or sex. Sex with Saiiren and Zen is also good
this happened at twitchcon. geega supposedly met up with him at twitchcon. geega is a vtuber in vshojo
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Albino's video on the Froot situation.

slowpoke anon, we talked about this days ago already
We're talking about geega being a homewrecker now
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I see you forgot they actually did an official collab.
>days ago
That video came out 24h ago.
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slowpoke, but my favorite reaction was to him learning that the "cheating" was discord erp while she was separated
thise video is a stream recap, I'm talking about the stream
Her and Sinder got express permission to get model outfits cosplaying Nihilister
Oh my bad.
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Tweet says Nikke approved. If they put her in the game I'll actually play gacha slop for a second time in my life.

This but with Sinder in her Red Hood outfit. Wait what am I saying? Emotionally charged lesbian three way after a titanic battle.
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stupid pink cat poster
*mating presses you*
what video is this comment on
KEKAROO but in all earnest: I like when arrogant, narcissists get exposed
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the watamates are on our side
What are the chances Mei is actually /in/? These rrats around her are starting to seem real to me.
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Anny on da mouse telly
It's the blue eyes white dragon...
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>The pauses and nervous laughter when he starts to respond
Vei serpent
Moonmoon is a +
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Laimu tiddies
which erp drama will you choose, white(brown) man?
If I say anything. I will be shot. I cannot.
Where's the hate?
Me × Laimu erp drama
>I am the GOAT
He's not based on his flirting
what are the options chief?
anny and IPN?
geega and moonmoon?
moonmoon and divasoandso?
connor and mouse?
soda and vei?
On my face while she pats my head while calling me a good boy in her accent.
do not the ferret
Why is it always white or brown? They're like the same thing anyway
I don't want to think about Vei sexting
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blue men are in the other thread
the working class must be divided
>subathon server
didn't know anny was invited, have they collabed before recently?
I like MissLala
Can we get her /in/?
Just woke up. Anny's on Mouse's stream?
Froot got her reputation damaged for doing the equivalent of "*pounces on you* owo what's this?" over discord, the internet deserves to die.
She has been in it since the previous subathon
She said she didn't wanna do anal so a bunch of retards wanted to ruin her life
Yes, to the surprise of many from what I see. Now get Mata in there and it's real Ukrainian hours in the subathon.
snuffy keeps telling her dog to kill itself
Anny is finally /in/, her heart will be healed.
May I request:
A. Talks like that to me. Woof woof.
B. A vocaroo of it
Remember when Anny fingered herself on stream and didn't get banned
anny invented getting banned
who else? I'm not familiar
Anny invented masturbation
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sex with Snuffy
Is Mouse having a stroke?
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Wasn't expecting Anny to actually be on topic today, but ok.
Sweaty feral sex with Snuffy until my heart fucking explodes and I die on the spot
I love tomboys
Zen should get tomboy model
anny just assassinated her live on stream, she won
Enjoy sleeping in that bed tonight without me there to make it a FURNACE alongside you
I love fat bitches
my actual unironic wife
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Consentually hugging Froot
horny RPer-coded post
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Consentually getting pegged by Froot
Actually she's my wife
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Snuffy is our wife
No she wasn't. None of you have linked anything related to GEEGA and >>86052515 outed you. Fuck off out of here with your shit.
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>anny and IPN?
IPN can do better
>geega and moonmoon?
Geega can do better
>moonmoon and divasoandso?
I don't even care.
>connor and mouse?
Nightly erotic video sessions while Mouse craves him to fill her empty heart (and cunt)
>soda and vei?
Mutually abusive.
just opened the Mouse stream
what's going on?
Why are long mid faces in vogue right now? I don't like it
will she appear on subathon this year?
I get it froot is a cute gal but obsessing over her this much while being in a 6 year relationship is crazy. All he had to do was move on with his life and he wouldn't be in this predicament, incels man
we LOVE fleshtuber drama here in r/lives- I mean vsj+
the Snuffer will NEVER be in
anny joined and said slava ukraini
calm down and scroll up
tankiebros... not like this...
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As of now I've found myself deeply enjoying this froot character. Her voice is very nice to listen to and it did help me sleep last night while watching a VOD on my bed.
The zentreya person seems interesting as well so I'll check her out
no shes too afraid to show up without a direct invite
Yes, WE
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Sez u
Meta-posters need to be anally gaped
anyone who ever talked to a vshojo clearly means they are related.
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Zen is great
Look man, I dislike Zuckerberg as much as the next guy, but I don't need to see some boomers assholes getting gaped.
he literally said he met up with geega at twitchcon
fuck quick how do i metapost
Snuffy doesn't like the new pony show
The zuck also owns instagram and whatsapp.
So you'll also see e-girls and all of Asia
zen snuffy ff14 will return
If you have time you should also check out Froot's song covers, they're amazing

Here's a few of them

I don't think there's anyone else in VShojo particularly like Froot but an easy way to find out if you like someone else is just by watching some collabs she's in. And lately Froot seems to like hanging out with Mata a lot and they're very endearing together

Anyway new thread
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The Henya collab...
out of Froot's friends the closest to her stream content would probably be Saiiren, who also is very soft spoken

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