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Is Irys gonna be next after Ame? Is Cover Corp Kurolive after all? Are they oppressing the talents like this from the get go?
It means she wants to do more JP collabs but is forced to participate in EN project work
Why is she so fucking busy, the fuck she does nowadays
kson shoutout, they had dinner like a month ago
Hi Flare, please sit on my face
I truly wonder what all that behind the scenes homework really is.
what even is this homework besides signing papers/merch?
sex with investors
She’s probably just on another hikki fit again.
God, I love that woman.
But enough about Elira’s favorite pastime.
It means she wants to work for an agency that provides more creative freedom.
>shes so next sisters
fuck off retard
Irys in shackles. Hot.
Is she making fun of Aqua?
dance practice. 3d, big collab projects, voice packs, mv, birthday if any. meetings. the more plans they add, more homework they will have.
The truth hurts.
>People responding seriously to an "Irys" poster
For shame
She's joining Vshojo and finding a indie male vtuber husband
She just wants to read her favorite manga and go on a date with her new wife Flare.
or kson, either works
My rrat is that it's Compiling consumer data. Stuff like the size and frequency of supas, the content of the supas(making them predictable and repeatable if analyzed), how many members unmembered and for what stated reason, what type of merch does chat ask for the most, are those chatters already donators. Given how much of Cover's profit comes from supas, membership, etc I doubt they are just ignoring the metrics and not trying to maximize.
I wouldn't be surprised. IRyS can be real sneaky about sliding in disses like this. I remember the day the Magni and Vesper "graduation" got announced she dropped an unannounced karaoke stream saying "I'm feeling really happy today so I wanted to sing".
They aren't asking the girls to do these stats. Do you want Irys doing math for you? You can just write code to do all of that.
Thats your bait attempt? Its like you guys arent even trying anymore...
She needs to sing me a song and knock this off
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>myth and promise are now unhinged and no longer keep their stress out to themselves.
>instead lets tell the fans that the company they are working has the worst work environment by having deadlines till it kills your sanity.
are women this stupid?
They're women.
Complaining about work is normal behavior and everybody does it. It doesn't mean you are being mistreated and you hate your job.
women hate being told what to do but they need to be told what to do
>myth and promise are now unhinged and no longer keep their stress out to themselves.
I showed my wife your post
She's tired of doing merch signing and rehearsing for 3D and singing and wants to stream normally again either that or pot shot at kson
Which serious job doesn't have deadlines?
blame kiara. she started all the public whining.
You guys really are retarded.
>"What could all this Holo Homework be???"
I dunno, do these girls regularly & randomly show up in other Holomem's 3D lives? Does IRyS have a history of releasing lots of music? Is there a major international holiday happening in the next 3 months that maybe they need to practice some performances for?
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>About to happen
Without Kiara we wouldn’t have half the shit we know now on this board. You think Gura ever tells us anything? We should be thanking Kiara.
>holotrannies are already turning on IRyS for daring to speak up against le holo family
Like clockwork
Nice falseflag attempt, cuck
yeah, now everyone's miserable
All corpos are black wwww
Who knows?
>never streams
>always "busy"
>nothing to show for being so busy all the time
>when she does stream it's a 8hr+ long elden ring snoozefests
who the fuck wants to sit through that?
if she's so busy how come other holos who actually produce more content in general than her stream regularly, release albums, show up in lives and collabs etc.?
She's nice every once and a while, or if she shows up in some collab once in a blue moon but I don't see how anyone could have her as their oshi.
There's no development, no growth to cheer for.
You're becoming more and more like nijisisters. You already turned on Ame and now you're turning on IRyS. You're all corpo deepthroaters.
>your oshi spends her after stream time making SQL queries that can be imported into Power BI dashboards.
Poor girls......

I think they actually might ask something like that, imagine Irys crying at 11pm on a thursday because her data is not importing properly into her dashboard.
Yes because men are well known for never complaining about work
>listening to fags (note: You) about who yournoshi should be
I've come to the realization that 60% of /vt/ are /vpol/ infiltrators which explains the sad state of this board. The other 40% are people who watch streams buy sadly can't talk about their oshis without having to put with the bullshit from these vpolniggers.
>"serious job"
It makes serious money though.
Nah, it reads more like Irys sneakily making fun of Ame in the open, kind of Enna style...
Doesn't make it a serious job, as evident by how they can just stop streaming for weeks/months on end with no ill effects.
but enough about nijisanji
Fuck off
>Irys is piled up with recordings
>Nerissa is piled up with recordings
Look i aint saying anything but....
wow nijidrones are really out of ammo huh
She hasn't released much music since Project Hope died
>streams are pre-recorded
I fucking KNEW IT
I will never understand what IRyS did to goad all the sisters so hard
Yeah she is totally making fun of Ame, by hyperbolizing corpo deadlines which are probably annoying for someone like Ame, yet for the average worker it is part and parcel. Something like:

>Bitch, what even are you complaining about,deadlines? Fine, I will remain in hololive with these "shackles" making fuck tons of money, you go ahead and enjoy your "freedom" LMAO
iRySSA duet album
You faggots constantly attacking hololive, their talents, and their fans are going to harden them from receiving any input. I already believe every single post like this are nijifags, seafags, or phasefags, and I just disregard any of it.
Honestly, i wouldnt be against it. If SorAz can, then why not IRyssa?
That she doesn't like deadlines
Men unironically never complain about their job unless they're about to quit. You'd know this if you were a man.
>Is Irys gonna be next after Ame?
No, she was able to get a 2.0 model redesign and joined the new Promise gen so I don't think she has any intention of leaving. She is attempting to lift up the mood and the graduation is stressing out the talents and the fans.

>she is totally making fun of Ame
Irys was angry with management for months after Sana's graduation. They all know that Ame is going to be an indie vtuber on Twitch but they can't say that. The most they can do is vaguely hint that she had reasons for why she left Hololive.
IRyS is the type that needs to be given deadlines.
If she was allowed freedom, she'd just spend all day playing Splatoon and reading BL.
Are you confusing her with Ina? Since when does Irys play Elden Ring?
Anon please
Baffling post
liggermen and vshojo beggars are pathetic
Recording songs is not some 8-hour-a-day job like you fags seem to think it is. Neither is 3D prep. The only things that would qualify would be things you created entirely on your own: video creation, drawing art, writing a paper, making a song from scratch etc. The point is, the more people are involved, the easier it gets and less stressful "deadlines" become. The question then becomes: what is IRyS doing entirely by herself in this company? This is what you should be speculating (shitposting) about. This >>86054978 is also true.
this is really borderline pathetic.
Nice stretch, retard. Really reading behind the lines.
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Anon, that was a schizo but at least you could've searched "IRyS Elden Ring" on YT before defending her
If IRyS graduates I'll kms bros
Hey bro don't be too drastic you can always watch her reincarnation in twitch
Ok smart guy, let's see you take a crack at it.
poor IRyS gets worked down to the bone.
I don't think you understand how sexy that is
Dress her up like an office lady while she's doing office lady work
I've had Irys blocked on youtube for years so I'd have to search in another browser to even see the videos, but I associate her more with Splatoon.
Why? :(
thanks for sharing paki
Yes, the mismanaged Project HOPE died a retarded death and left her in limbo. But music/mv production finally seems to be gearing back up for HoloEN again; IRyS finally released Carbonated Love and Kronii's 2nd original is dropping MV tomorrow.

/vt/ anons have the memories of goldfish, though, so they can't see a handful of music updates, then see all the girls bringing up "Holo homework" suddenly, and put 1 and 1 together.
Honestly, the biggest reason was probably her clippers (which is why I literally have her name filtered altogether) but I'm also not the type of person to spend my time bitching and crying about Holos until the end of time, I just block the bad ones and move on with my life. I often forget the ones I've blocked exist. It was crazy in HoloGTA hearing the voices of some of those people in other streams after so long like Mori's cringe cowboy voice.
Not to validate this schizo but as someone that used to like her a lot and watch all her streams, I find myself just not tuning into her anymore. I dunno why, her streams just don't interest me much.
>"I've had IRyS blocked for years..."
So what are you doing in an IRyS quote thread?
Not to invalidate this schizo but as someone that used to hate her a lot and watch none of her streams, I find myself just start tuning into her. I dunno why, her streams just interest me much.
>we wouldn’t have half the shit we know now on this board
yeah... which would be a good thing. This board fucking sucks
Great, then you have no qualms about going back?
voice packs are probably the easiest work they do. moreso than streams.
Probably just Promise anniversary related stuff, Mumei has to work on stuff this week as well.
Your Uno Reverse card attempt is falling flat.
If you watched her you'd know she's been hinting at a big project coming up. No idea what it is but my bets on either a new ep or a Promise 3d anniversary live
Irys wants to have unprotected sex (with me)
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>You already turned on Ame
Proof? Everyone I've seen is just disappointed in Cover, like with Aqua, and unsure about what "future activities" Ame could ever possibly participate in as an affiliate, since she'll likely be reincarnating.
>and now you're turning on IRyS.
The number of people "turning" on Ame and Irys is suspiciously similar to the number of nijisisters left on this board.
>0 dead air
baffling post
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I want to hate you but you're probably the only real one in a SEA of people that'd unironically say "Calli" and think nothing of it. All the power to you, block schizo.
this but unironically
kurolive is fucking toast
Many Holos fantasize about leaving, but stay for the money, fear fans will leave them, and stuff like Hololive's ability to set up successful live concerts.
you severely underestimate what it takes to be a live entertainer.
>Holodrone complains about sisters being terrible while acting exactly like them.
What would you call this mental illness?
I call it you projecting heavily.
It's just going to get worse
I don't get it
That guy off screen? Me.
I sure fucking HOPE so.
Anon, All Japanese are miserable working for Japanese companies.

For any Westerner, it's just 10x times worse. All ENs are going to grind for 4 years on average before "retiring".
It's called venting. People who actually have jobs do this sometimes. You might even have one when you are older. If she had real issues she wouldn't be tweeting about it.
Can you retards just fuck off already
>You already turned on Ame
Yeah, like 2 years ago when she said "fuck you" to her fan base and on top of that stopped caring about streaming.
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it's par for the course for her
my respect for Irys went up
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That's cool Recording Studio Guy.
Obsession is treatable, anon.
Yet it's done little for your insatiable cock lust. Puzzling.
No retard
hololive generally makes other corpos seethe but why IRyS specifically, she's inoffensive
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Are (You) going to continue shitting up the catalog? Are twitter screencap threads cancer after all? Are they the result of (You) eating pagpag daily?
i've seen Filian complaining about being swamped with work outside of streaming as an indie
who knows how bad it really is for the corpochuubas
I PROMISE you more graduations coming from cover
Inshallah brother.
>never streams
This idiot is thinking of gura.
You'll turn on IRyS too if she leaves.
so basically they hate all the work that needs to go into being a singing/dancing idol and just want to stream. interesting.
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>i've seen Filian complaining about being swamped with work outside of streaming as an indie
Do her fags at her general talk about this? I'd like to read some comments.
Name names then

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