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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

This bakery family post credit scene is like a full season of some anime.
That's it? Hololive just wins?
>checking if still alive
>/#/ thread proving to be the manliest thread in the catalog
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Mococo collar doko?
the post credit was like the end of a VN after picking all the wrong choices
>6.6k FWMC morning
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Isn't that something only the poster can see?
code for the first one?
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what went wrong with the Bakers
They are still at it? No wonder this place is so slow
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btw did anyone react to biboo's untimely "omedetou"?
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4chan is like INSANELY slow right now, just me?
They were self serving cheaters from the start.
Such awful people don't deserve this much happiness.
RR 5.6K now, not bad
that's pretty good considering they're being overlapped by Raora
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doubt it or it would've been posted here
I didn't see it in any JP clips.
Neither did they.
I thought they respect talent's collab choices? Why are they mad?
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I actually like brown nipples more than pink
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Mr fox entered in their lives.
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>4chan is like INSANELY slow right now, just me?
Rest of the boards are chugging along just fine but this one is slow because not a lot going on
no spam from who know who so i don't mind
FWMC favourite pokemon:
>Fuwawa likes Vaporeon
>Mococo likes Raichu
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Isn't one of the CGDCT top dog an actual doctor?
No idea, It's a random webm from /gif/.
I can give you the other 2 since I've made them myself, though.
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Which sanrio character did they say?
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>fuwawa favorite sanrio character
Mococo meanwhile little twin star
I'll assume one of two things
1) you're enthralled by the availability of pattaya and brazilian pornography
2) you are one yourself

fucking based
post more pink japanese nipples PLEASE
Fubuki almost did but skipped past it lol
is this their "wojak the enemy = win"?
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>ReGLOSS 3D Live Reach the Top 2024.09.28 SAT 8 PM JST
>1st Album "ReGLOSS"
>Feeling Gradation *new*

>セプテンバーさん / September-san (cover) *new*
>快晴 / Kaisei (cover)
>青と夏 / Ao To Natsu (cover)
>青のすみか / Ao no Sumika (cover)
>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover)
>奏 / Kanade (cover)
>My Dearest (cover)
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)

>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs
Miko been overlapped like hell by people who leech off her project
Poor girl
Raichu is an ugly useless fat fuck.
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this soap opera is hilarious
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Mococo is a good imouto
qrd, what started this meltdown?
They respect their choices as long as it’s the one they think is correct
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For 1k? I can't dorya to that, Elira black screen had
comments. 1k is pretty much a rounding number close to that
Mio said she doesn’t want to do male collabs and doesn’t like them.
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when they got called out in the main sub
Oh.. That's old news though kek
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By the way, looks like yesterday Fubuki's chat and comments were spammed with the exact same bait about overlap as this thread and Miko general, only in Japanese. Hardly conclusive evidence as it's a very obvious shitpost, but I've suspected for a while that this board has been raided by the two Japanese schizos capable of basic English or at least that they're coordinating with an EN Holoanti Discord.
Mio thing
there's alsoprobably a couple people mad about the ttrpg shit
it'll probably get worse if the homos don't show up to the valve collab
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was talking more about loading speed n shit...
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korone exploded a grenade in her hand
GRIM, no wonder that website is shit. They don't have a good forum? Why go to a foreigner one? That's why despite being third wolders they are so into NA polshit?
Why would they show up to the valve shit? Are they delusional?
Hololive doesn't deserve her. Fucking scum co-workers
>it'll probably get worse if the homos don't show up to the valve collab
What is this about?
>but I've suspected for a while that this board has been raided by the two Japanese schizos capable of basic English
It's the other way around. One English speaking retard google translating his way into the JP forums.
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I dont think it's bait, probably actual mental illness on display here
Homobeggars headcanon.
Imagine the number if she did an anniversary watchalong
Wtf how did Raora play this for 3 hours?
That whore leeched off everyone the past few years, she reaps what she sows.
raora redirect
FWMC raided raora.
>1 min
anon at least wait 20 minutes or something
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Hologta happening without any drama really mindbroke people
NTA but I appreciate the full spectrum of nipple colors
It's the circumfrence size that I become a snob about
>3.3M views in 1 day
Suisei found a new student
thought it was weird i was being pushed that song but i guess someone wants it worked
We should add holostars to avoid this drama
(15) as in?
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/#/ LOVES young fertile teenage girls.
isn't this a bit too much like just watching the stream?
Cover spy here
All leaks are fake
So why did you post an either borderline or actual Christmas Cake (my source is that no one under the age of 25 has ever heard of Korean MMOs)
I hope fagoo is paying attention. Since enrico until now the homo mentions skyrocketed just for the purpose to attacking the girls.
The fuck are you two on about? This event wouldn't have gotten nearly as many views if it wasn't for the Gamers and their story line. The reason she got over 90k views yesterday was because of them. Are you fags seriously pissy that Fubuki, who's been sacrificing for Hololive since the beginning, got 10k more views than her?
They got true happiness in the end with their new partners
Cheating wife got Dr Fox
Hentai dad got yandere wife
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Hololive won
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years old
nigga they're just shitposters trying to farm (You)'s. no genuine holofan thinks like those trannies
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What's your tourist ass doing here?
suisei wanna copy AZKi and groom her own singer?
>Ame will group call all 10 holostars EN out of nowhere
It's gonna be such chaos. Imagine the melty
who the hell is this and why is she recommended to me?
ah so that's why Suisei's short has an attached notice to minors in the description
New zelda soon
Every piece of hololive content has that
oh, that's the small singer i follow, don't know how you got her in your algo tho
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>Are they delusional?
Yes, extremely
>1k get
Also, she's recommended to everyone.
Take a guess who.
Did you post a youtube link here?
If people click on ?si links their algo syncornises with the ops algo.
some people in this thread are delusional because ame was being nice to them 2 years ago
>Top down zelda
nah, i would never link things i like in 4chan
sounds like your opinion is invalid
Don't be a pussy and share your dolphin porn alredy
What did Pekora say, is she doing or not doing a part 2?
>Be fat tiddy enjoyer
>Chink BA loli invading my Twitter
Not her channel, any YouTube link
>Protagonist is Zelda
She is a singer with 70M views song.
Um Newfag here
what leaked?
>Take a guess who
I have no idea but I assume it's NG
Mumei. directly into me mouf btw.
>sub-500 previous thread
/#/ is declining!
Go back redditranny
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>nijiGTA: 5 lines thanking them for the opportunity to host the server for them, wanting to have more fun in the future, and a picture of him with the two niji organizers
>holoGTA: 2 lines
Sparking zero holo mini tournament
he was a male
We are not botted anymore
Mori making homos and cgdct holofags seethe in one fell swoop never felt this good. I hope saplings are ready to skip another stream.
>19million views first song is pretty crazy, but that was the big song that season. 73Mil for the MV.
Is this an appropriate moment to use the term "industry plant"?
>eurokek dead hours
Grim desu
>friends, cool to hangout with
>just a job, male NG
it's the nousagi musketeer isn't it, that dude has zero chill
Is she signed with a label?
If yes then maybe.
If no then she is a prodigy.
Brother, the war ended years ago
>samefag retard hours
I think the rrat about this staff actually is gem-chan is real
aaaaaaa back to how it used to be
He one guyed the whole subreddit so it's working
Yeah this is who I suspected as well lmao
Did he get to roleplay with them in the server? One of the girls that did support for hologta was bummed she didn't get to roleplay with holomems but said it was still fun.
>Random seethe hours
It's so over for us
People from countries that cant afford games consoles shouldn't be speaking
i assume this is biboo's how did they know
Homos won't show up to the valve collab
They WILL show up to Ame's final stream though
Amelia Watson
Lots of projection right here, monkey.
Stop coping. The writings been on the wall. The homos have their schedules out already. It's over.
who is gem-chan
Damn Nihongou Jouzo Amelia-chan
holy, its THAT song
I hear it in many jpop reactions
m chan flavor de gem
Biboos pet rock (manager)
im pretty sure ive seen this channel posted here like a year or two ago
i don't remember who this is supposed to be though
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>Ironmouse sleep hours
Guess so.
4 year long con
There's a reason her name is
>Watson Amelia
And not
>Amelia Watson
She's been a Japanese girl role-playing for four years and only stopped because she couldn't keep it up any more
Biboo caretaker
Wtf nousagis are based?
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Truly grimm when the fat lards are around....
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The sword one is really popping off, it was at 21k yesterday.
it must be, She was also translating for Biboo while she was playing with the JPs
>Chumbies constantly battling sisters and normalfags
Is that why there's some here there are pretty aggressive? It's like they've been molded to seek fights.
This. Japanese vtuber fans would never behave like this.
EN3 is real, and happening sooner then you think
Prodigy then. Suisei selects her target well.
Nigga explain this ?
Why so SHIT ?
>Salome 7.9k
>Raora 7.2k
yeah holoEN didn't do as good as they expected
The writing is on the wall for sisters, all the good content is Hololive. They're moving on to other normie activities like J-dramas
>rrat about this staff actually is gem-chan is real
Weren't they confirmed to be a couple of JP indies they asked to help out?
I'm sure anons linked their twitters confirming it
Man sisters really can't handle the fact that he might be more successful them daboiz
This is where I recognize this song
why would sisters watch fps slop
She composed song called 'At Hoshimachi Station'
Miko is holding back against IM
Since when they don't? He usually gets big numbers for Apex tournaments.
So, an indie that has the money and connections for that production, MV, mixing and marketing?
Yeah, def industry plant.
Why do saplings hate their oshi’s oshi?
Cute voice. A big corpo should poach her.
Kuzushit has been getting rough numbers for late starts for a while now. Probably whoever bots him can't be up this late
Wake up anon, it's 2024
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By the way what happened here?
Haven't seen a graph this bad in some time
I was literally watching saplings seethe over Mori picking a card to determine a random trait. Her having an ex husband is kek behaviour and fits fauna perfectly lmao. Keep crying
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Thats tiktokers attention span
This like modern stock exchange
BOT run off
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I watch the interview of the Director of Cover US and I can tell you right now that guy will never gonna let that happen
It’s perfect grammar retard, slop calling others ESL and shit when everyday people say worse crap with English being their main language
not important enough to bot I guess
The visions in your head aren't real bro. Everyone having a good time seems to make you really mad
This is the same nig that falseflags as a chumbud itt
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I miss all the EN3 shitposts. Good times
Why do people like IM, she seems so boring...
Nothing you posted denies him being a sapling tho
NTA but isn't it
>I'd rather not
and is missing a verb after that?
Has Japan considered changing its timezone so I can watch more streams
It's only perfect grammar if you're an esl retard that thinks 'non' and 'none' are the same thing.
>slop calling others
just ask the pm
It's been a cover staple this year, especially for the koreans.
Where did you see this, though
Raora cute
And nothing confirms him being a sapling either, but he for sure is a shitposter that gets his post deleted
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> Laplus : It's the first time I'm doing GTA that's like this.
> Laplus : Most of the ones I participated in before, I quit after 3-4 days *everyone laughs*
> Laplus : This is actually fun, I want to complete the whole week.
> Watame : It's nice that you can log in daily isn't it?
> Laplus : Yeah, I'm looking forward to playing till the final day.
NTA but is this mouse writing or are you like in elementary school for handwriting
how she doing the cel shaded shadow thing its cool
Lots of people noticed, myself included.
It was extremely unprofessional of her.

NTA but it was Miko's event that was organized and admin'd by her. It doesn't matter how much you enjoyed FBK's performance, she doesn't get to undercut the host out of greed.
>The reason she got over 90k views yesterday was because of them
Holy projection. The only reason Foobs pulled 100k (for the first time ever) is because she backstabbed Miko and undercut her frame to get first dibs on something that wasn't hers to take. She's a greedy wretch and my opinion of her is forever changed after yesterday.
Raora raided herself to the room with kronii collab. She wanted to raid the purple regross but I think is an awful idea because that confuse them a lot and the retention would be awful.
That's just a clip from her 3D live last year...season no?
I don't remember when it happened, but remember they appeared 60% in.
>Holy projection. The only reason Foobs pulled 100k (for the first time ever)
Anon, that was the third 100k for Fubuki
Anon you're exposing yourself as the one spamming her shit since literally no one actually cares which stream has the most CCV for the day, it's only a silly race we do in this thread
Ririka is the only one that understands and appreciates raids fully.
The rest have welcomed viewers too though.
Unironic nijisister behaviour, way to out yourself retard
It's nostalgic, but I do NOT miss the grim times.
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This year for her birthday, where she invited zero holomems.
botters are asleep
I think they do it with OBS they have some image effects in there
why are you acting like a literal insane person who thinks overlap, golds etc. matter
because shes dying
i've only played for 15 minutes but the new Zelda game seems good so far
I thought that was Henya?
>no one actually cares which stream has the most CCV for the day
neither do i, no one is complaining about ccv
people are rightfully criticizing FBK cutting in line, stepping over the host, to stick her face in the buffet.
It's disgusting and should be called out.
>He actually cares about imaginary 4chan golds
they probably those [hologtastaff]name player in server, not cover staff
Kaela gets to have all of this for herself, she's so lucky
haven't said one thing to FBK, I unsubbed and will never give her a click again unless I see a naked dogeza

havent seen a niji stream since sister claire in 2020, keep coping
pretty presumptuous to think you classify as a person
get a new shtick sub human nigger your shit was getting old an hour in
Why is the 53pagpag crying? His whore leeches 99.9% of the year, how is that a problem?
she's not dying she's already dead
holy subhuman samefagging
kill yourself
Regardless, the event was over and Miko was no longer the host.
Miko should've RPed instead of buggering around with the cops vs criminals (which was stacked with high CCV chuubas interestingly enough) if she wanted the big numbers. Maybe next HoloGTA she'll get her chance to shine?
>unless I see a naked dogeza
we can agree on that

There's a new one?
it's in the graphical style of Link's Awakening but it's not just a remake of a gameboy game thankfully
There was something magical about being a Holofan in early-to-mid 2023, though.
The year started terrible, but after a certain point the vibes had shifted in a way that was slowly getting more and more noticeable. Then CtW was announced. And then when it happened, the floodgates really started opening, and the vibes started becoming immaculate
its the first new zelda game in decades
Completely agree, the feeling of victory after a struggle was palpable
And it peaked in the best possible way
kek true
Oh nice it's been a while
Quite barebones, but a good concept nonetheless.
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i havent even been here 30 minutes though...
maybe it's more than one person that sees FBK's abhorrent behavior for what it is?
>in 11 hours
you're the same retarded nigger as yesterday you stupid attention whore
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I hope you apes remembered to shitpost about this.
Why would we shitpost about it, we're not the global schizos
If it was more than one person you they (read: you) wouldn't be posting off cooldown, there would be posts in between the cooldown timers. Kill yourself rimjobschizo
>everything is good
>im going to seethe about something that does not matter and you couldn't explain to even your closest family without seeming like a psycho
nope, hakozu baelzu has already suffered enought in the hands of jr officer Biboo Harrasseki
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None of these whores are relevant so I certainly wouldn't waste any of my time doing that...
>t. ape shitposting about that
Miko shouldn't be with the cops in the first place. It makes it impossible to balance without accusations of favoritism. That is my major criticism of her.
so we went from ive been here all morning to: yeah well you were here yesterday so...
most honest Fox glazer
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>undercut the host out of greed.
I wonder if anyone will shitpost when they pass Iroha and Lui in the near future.
I've been listening to this for almost an hour and JUST realized it's not a boy
Doubt it. Iroha and Lui are irrelevant runts.
Iroha had a 100k+ CCV 3D live recently.
Miko being a cop was alright imo, but it would have been better if Suisei didn't join them as well for the last few days. It was better early on when she was doing random crimes, could have even joined the gang for the final heist.
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I'm a fox glazer
【Terrible News】
An indie Vtuber I like posted a take on Twitter about the economy that made me realize she has no idea how money works at all (aka she's stupid)
Tell her to stop having opinions on things like that
i know you're only pretending to be confused, but to elaborate for any honest onlookers:
miComet did a news segment every day to recap previous events via clips
on the final day, Miko's big sendoff of her successful event, FBK posts a guerilla stream of THE EXACT SAME CONTENT an hour before Miko's scheduled stream and then proceeded to overlap the entire thing
this is inexcusable for any holo, including my oshi
hope that clears things up buddy
Sure, but I don't miss it, it's like beating cancer, the elation of overcoming some terrible thing is great and all, but that doesn't mean it wasn't complete ass during it.
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>on the final day
the final day was the previous day.
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Another Day
Another Holo Gold
And Total Victory
What'd she say? I'm curious as to just how stupid of a take it was.
nobody talked about morning faggot i've said an hour in, learn to fucking read you shit eating monkey
Miko hosted and admin'd the entire thing while troubleshooting other holo's issues and still managed to produce kino everyday
Not that it matters, because that's not what the discussion is about
No, I'm not.
Only children think like that.
You're an idiot
>i've said an hour in
semantics, and you were wrong in either case and are doubling down
Suisei joined because Miko was stressed out about balancing.
Seriously, she's probably the only holo who would throw away a golden opportunity like that. She was involved with a bakery, a drug dealer, and fbk. Any sane person would stick with them to the end.
ENreco2 map
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Fauna wrist flashbang
this nigger really is craving attention
also he kinda type like marine schizo kek
Sasuga leeching kitsune.
Kanna ASMR mogging Nene ASMR...
They are not from the Council gen though.
the news is a staple of the event and the frame was up since the night before
Fubuki knew exactly what she was doing
metah geer...
That was her choice, she could've found people to do that in the background but she chose not to (at least not until the "staff" players appeared in later days).
>thin, fragile vegan wrist
Just imagine.
yet lui had a genuine 3view stream
never happened to any of Promise roru
How was part 1 of the TTRPG last night
Mumei back home...
Eat a burger skelettor
it was very good, mori high chance of just dying on stream thursday
Something else that's never happened to a Promise is a 100k stream post debut roru
Stop samefagging.
Fauna forcing her shitty debt into being relevant when there are two priests in the group making it implausible for them to want to kill was fucking stupid. She is also painfully unfunny.
look at this dumb nijinigger thinking the news streams got anything to do with all the clip reviewing
No fucking way our local schizo is being assblasted about YESTERDAY number lmao
can smell the dogfucker seethe hmmmmm
reminder that holoX was in the shitter the whole GTA overlap
how does that make you feel
most shill gen in Hololive's history getting mogged
Isn't she just talking about a sale, though? Everyoone is doing it all year, every year, 24/7.
Great. I think Biboo really needs to get more of a personality rather than relying on old stale memes.
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I've had my fill now.
If she wanted to be first she could have streamed earlier. It started at 9pm when EVERY actual news of the event was at 6pm.
The event was over.
That means Miko was no longer hosting.
Is that cellotape around her wrists?
Looks meh, they should host it on Broville
>maybe if i keep bringing up other corpos and playing dumb i wont have to say anything of substance
dont worry fembud im next so youre not going anywhere
Fauna was very hetero, as usual
Her wrists are taped down so she doesn't accidentally reveal them. Yes she's that paranoid.
your schizo delusions are not "substance" you niggerfaggot
>still seething after 1 year
kill yourself Biboo schizo
Probably but saying "the economy" just has me like, damn, people really think it's like
>okay time to hit the "make things more expensive" button
>“Hope that clears things up”
Hmmmmmm what fanbase have I heard this exact phrase before
It was great but it was just Character creation. The dice deciding their charcters definitely were not rigged.
A lot of teasing Mori. A good group to, they all just quickly commit to the bit and bounce off each other
Dude, 90% of the words out of her mouth was some meme. She said "I got that dog in me" like eight separate times alone. I'm not sure why I'm getting labeled a schizo when that's exactly what she was doing.
I'm new here. Which of the HoloENs had 3view streams? Not shitposting, genuinely curious.
buddy, the timing just proves the malice
the actual crime was Foob's content choice and deliberately undercutting the host of the thing she was reviewing
even Pekora, the person who hates Miko with a white-hot passion managed to wait a day lmao
FBK is a selfish, greedy idiot
I wish at least 1 more holo joins then it's gold
None that's the point.
That's the same impression I got. She's seeing a regular sale as some new trick by the big corpos to get people to buy stuff during inflation times.
was great, I didn’t know I needed a RP god in Holo
Idk much about but I wanna see more
Stop making memes your personality, it’s RP you can let it go
why are all schizos retarded
Hit 20k+ ccv
because they are not schizos they're just low iq piss monkeys
It's already settled. The event was over. It wasn't at the same time as the news streams. It's not a unique idea of a stream format, as you made clear by bringing up Pekora.
You need to stop the numberfag larp, you don't have fun doing this you're just being schizo.
hey more conspiracies for the pile!
because thats a really rare saying after all
maybe it is where you're from though

i can lay out my claims and make an argument as to why they're there, all you can do curse and miss the point
Nah that’s the schizo pebble, he does that even when we are just posting merch numbers
Anons are right though, I think it's ok to state it gets a little much when Biboo does nothing but meme. It's fine for the most part though.
go away marine schizo you are fat and you smell bad
Biboo needs more experience with serious RP, it will benefit her even in lighter ones
>(aka she's stupid)
that's every vtuber
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>As a common bonus for all three versions (first production run), a serial code for a pre-sale lottery for tickets to the solo live "Unity" to be held on Saturday, December 7, 2024, and a lottery ticket for an "online two-shot photo event" to commemorate the release of the album are enclosed.
>even Pekora, the person who hates Miko with a white-hot passion managed to wait a day lmao
Meanwhile Pekora was laughing at Miko's bits earlier on her stream. Keep on larping, sister.
i mean that's a reasonable take. >>86053034
this is literally what Nvidia did with their GPUs. i believe they call this "price anchoring"
>jew consumer for keks by raising prices
>wait long enough till the consoomers normalize it
>sell new product at reduced price (still overpriced)
>consoomers eat it up and licks your boots for being "considerate"
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>a bonus
That’s one way of wording it
The event ended the night before but the news is an extension of that, and was miComet's alone
Pekora isn't proof of FBK's innocence because she did the right thing and waited until the day after (when the event was ACKSHULLY over) as opposed to Foobs who squeezed in right before the host's frame in hopes of siphoning views
literal leech behavior, and i dont throw that word around lightly like others do
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ay caramba, hermana
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kek gotta pad those stats
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A snake posing as a cat posing as a fox...
But you'll only fool me once Fubuki, enjoy it.
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>the pizzatime collabo is in the middle of the night for me
mental midget
you're my intellectual superior?
proof next thread?
It was good, all of them were joking around the whole time and laughing so I'm not sure why people are acting like only Biboo was doing it to the point it ruined the stream. If you like any of the members you'll enjoy it.
I don't think anyone said Biboo ruined the stream? She just leans too much on memes for the context
Where did anyone say Biboo ruined the stream? They just said she relied too much on memes. Which is true.
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She was laughing at shuba falling, are you mentally impaired, pagpag eater?
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see, in an attempt to wrongfully defend FBK, you actually triggered the REAL schizo >>86053666
the Miko anti
lie with dogs, you get fleas
which is the /#/-approved way Biboo should act?
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>this nigger can't fathom cause and effects
Coming up with her own shit? Like the other two did? I don't understand what you're asking.
Is Policenauts a visual novel? a couple years before my time..
where is ERB in Undertale actually? it only gets good in Genocide run.
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Today is very packed. Isn't this debuffson paradise? She will overlap everyone playing ER.
It's impressive how consistent bad her schedules are
She already beat the game and hit everyone with the "play it yourself to see the other endings" she's not going to touch it again.
>3 days off
based queen
Coming up with memes on the spot or at least modifying them to fit the setting duh, just turn McQueen into a horse or something instead of keeping it as a car for example
>the memes are her "own way" of acting in the stream
>/#/ still malds over it
yeah you guys just suck.
She literally got lightning mcqueen off the chat to begin with
iirc she was at asgore doing pacifist. Maybe I'm wrong it was quite a while ago
Watching Pekora discovering the bakery family storyline made me realize that the gang basically missed the biggest event on the server. Kinda lame.
kek >we did nothing you're having your own little argument with a few people
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jesus christ she's a fucking lamy
> > >we
It's always funny how people get mad at opinions of others instead of just ignoring it and letting the conversation die. Like no one was even being nasty about it either.
People are really sensitive about their oshis and lash out.
i guess we'll see a Kizaki H doujin from Matanonki next Comiket...
... kuro... wamy? masaka
The witch?
EN4 is real, and it's happening real soon then anyone could ever think
>/#/ is set into archiving with sub-500 posts again
pack it up this general is already dead!
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I'm happy the game gets a fuckton of attention by artists.
Why are RR and Kronii's starting time different? Are they taking turn to stream the collab?
/#/ is healing
Jumping into this to say that she should be bouncing on it
Wow I can't believe the whole of EN3 is overplapping each other?
What happened to gen unity?
Kronii is busy fucking with me and will be 2 hours late to the collab
Good, we need to go back to the days where /#/ had maybe 2-3 threads a day.
i wrote this make it 4 hours at least
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Two types of women I love.
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>different day
Oof pagpagbro, not again
The board is so fucking dead.
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I tried my best...
Got out woked by Sucker Punch by making the protag of their new game an Ainu woman (the Mexicans of Japan) for janny purposes this is a joke
Has an assassins creed game ever flopt?
That face is horrid
I call that a holo sandwich
god damn calm the fuck down janny
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Okashi nanaoraaaaaaaa?!!
my post is vtuber related...
probably winter kek
Damn. Janny deleting all off topic ahit today huh.
Holy shit janny what are you doing
Someone doesn't like their favorite game series getting disrespected kek
Janny self delete?
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Janny kek it’s ok, take a whiff and calm down
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>ctrl + f
/#/ is healing
What are you guys talking about today
/vt/ - Videogame Talks
>people talking /v/ entirely unrelated to any Vtuber
>it becomes the dominant discussion of the thread for a bit
>surprised someone reported it
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I want to ejaculate in Ceres Fauna.
We were talking abou-
this >>86041293 got archived btw
Flip organizers slowly getting holo (side branch) money now. Now im in a dilemma if i should support this for greater chances they’ll bring JP and EN next time.
we are talking about vtubers and definitely not some doa video game
No vidya talk perms …
Fuck off back to your shithole, /v/fags
I hate faggots like you. I don't even watch her, but vermin like you won't stop shoving it in everyone elses face.
The problem has always been cost. ID and homos are a lot cheaper than EN/JP
>videogames are off topic in a board about anime women playing videogames
Well, they're rightly concerned the entire thing would devolve into polshit, so fair enough in this case.
yes because there was no [REDACTED] in it so it was safe
Did anyone play it/talk about it? No? And it's veering heavily into offtopic stuff? Someone reported it and it got slapped. Posters were unharmed though.
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Fauna ticked
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Everyone is (dead)
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It's irritating when they hit this stuff but let our schizos shit up the thread for hours, sometimes even with doxbait.
>deleted as soon as it was posted
So like no one is alive to catch reports at like 8:00 AM EST?
I thought they only hired NEETS for jannies what the fuck no 8 AM NEETS?
Alas, jannies are humans, and humans are biased towards/against certain topics.
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I agree
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It's not about money.
you sound like the kind of faggot who would make a "woke" excel sheet and put Hololive on there, hmmm
If you want to go by strict constitution then all twitchshit should be offtopic on a virtual youtuber board
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They were offsetting the loss of costumers with ESG investors. But now even those investors have had to cut the fat to survive. What we are left with is "woke" companies without that precious investor lifeblood. Things will change rather fast soon.
95% of the discussions itt are off-topic, talking about Ubisoft fuckups is the tamest kind of off-topic shit we get
February is black history month btw
I dunno but i feel like screaming about IdPol in video games is actually one of the worst topics to veer into
That shits ruined entire boards
please make vshoshit offtopic, and thank you
Yes yes, point taken, but I'm gonna give the janny the benefit of the doubt that they're just sick of everything and not being paid a cent to have to clean up this dumpsterfire of a board and they just hit the "Delete post+all replies" on the entire thing since they've seen how this particular song and dance tends to end.
that's clever
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Hololive woke my dick up
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About that, all the shit from /v/ is literally a trammy psyop that's organized on discord. It's actually disgusting. When you think schizos here aren't deranged enough to do something, don't doubt it. This site attracts some of the most mentally ill people on the planet.
it got spammed here so fucking much and lot of times it got archived, i just want janny to know that its a fucking dox if he doesn't know
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Listen to this more it's close to 1 mirion
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It's always funny how they gave black people one of the coldest months in the year.
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Thank you
The BA poster is one of the best anons right now. He's not causing trouble.
the majority of the content these girls stream is literally video games, retard
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Why aren't any EN girls doing gta reaction streams?
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They really need something like a pdf for jannys to use to familiarize themselves with common doxshit and serial threadshitter hallmarks.
Ok, so which holo has the thickiest bush?
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It's been known.
>if he doesn't know
Look at what is getting deleted on this thread dude
He knows and he doesn't care, he cares about making sure you don't mention video games and that's it
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>Give the jannies a file of dox
Absolutely amazing idea, no way that would backfire.
>Fallout 4 ad-style video to introduce jannies to schizophrenics and what do to do them specifically
Would be kinda kino ngl
made me lol, kek good shitpost
>As a big fan of ubisoft games
Nobody is a fan of Ubisoft games.
Functioning societies don't work this way
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nice try
I miss Fauna.
I really like Far Cry 5...had to quit 6 though, the tranny guerilla really ruined the vibes. Same with Valhalla.
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meant for>>86055887
and janny stop deleting video game shit you retard Kiara has already scheduled a stream for zelda
eat my ass and go somewhere else
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I used to be, back when Rayman and Splinter Cell existed
Nigga maybe lead with the Kiara bit
big mac...
Based Foobs putting that stinky shrine maiden and her simps in their place. Fubuki is a goddess, Miko should be worshiping her!
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Just when I thought the thread can't get any worse
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I want to watch Mumei play Palworld. Anyway, my Dad started playing ZZZ today...
Alright janny i take it back, please ban them all
Well we won't archive sub-500 I guess
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Assassin's Creed.
watch my cute autistic wife play video games
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you like what you see?
It's not off topic
unlike your post
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If you look closely, there are french fries instead of patties. Totally vegan-friendly.
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what now retard
That game looks kino to watch, is she the only EN that scheduled it?
I heard it lags sometimes on switch sadly
>Dad playing zzz
Who's his favorite
I want to see JP play it kek so hopefully
See, now the janny is just gonna mess with ya 'cause you're giving them a reaction.
Would you still love your oshi if she made onions face thumbnails
Yeah, that's why I stopped playing Valhalla. A fucking Persian pooner being accepted in 1300s Ireland was just too much.
I would kill for a game where you play as Ayame during Imjin War. It would even be historically accurate as Ayame is an Oni and was alive during that time.
Don't believe me? Check wikipedia, you know people wouldn't lie on wikipedia
Am I retard I don't know what this means?
You think Fauna would play Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver if I told her it had vampires in it
Genuinely shocking to see the argument
>If they play video games that means we can talk about all video games and video game news even if they aren't playing it
And horrified at how easily that logic becomes
>Uki said something about the I/P war that means its permanently on topic in /vt/
If only he could actually go schizo on people that are openly dox and shitposting both on this thread and else where instead of trying to police a specific conversation on /#/ would be great
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This thread was fun, I won't lie.
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I wish there was a legit copy of Blood Omwn 2 for her to play. You get to be Kain!
We have our own DEI
ASSASSIN'S CREED Korone series was pretty good
>even if they aren't playing it
This thread can only discuss streams that are live right now?
This a new rule?
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I don't even understand why they didn't do Blood Omen to begin with
is the update soon or was the screenshots just TBA date? im a casual player
This thread is a bit of a hot mess atm, then again people rubberneck car accidents all the time, so...
Kek imagine the niji meltdown if a kouhai did this to their king
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Forgot picrel
what we one had
Did you guys have childhood love?
I liked Fauna's Black Flag one but I wish stealth game went more in direction of Dishonored than Assassin's Creed, it makes for better stream content
Chuds won videogames and vtubers
No, they are ugly looking
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Pekora arriving as a DLC(nobody will have to listen to the pirate whore's moans anymore)
Late October/Early November.
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in 2 months
Unnatural thread.
>extremely talented
that's how you know when a game is slop.
>Two rebroadcasts
>3 real streams, one of which is SC reading
>1 members watchalong
Rough schedule famsenpai, goes against all common sense for what a holo should do in their first year
Month or two left
Yes, and I willingly missed her shot, she was mad interested in me and I knew it, but I was socially awkward and would rather not getting into any of that shit
yes, she was a tomboy who could not control her hair
Yes, Fran from ff12.
This is one the things I love about Hololive. Even the absolute shitters are treated well by the other girls. Hell not only treated well but they try to promote them.
There is a real feel of unity, of Hololive growing stronger together instead of being every person for themselves
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Oh CC streams HL2 today
>dox getting linked
i tried being subtle about it before when /vshojo/ thread was doxxing and cuckposting Gura with the release of new Twitch tools and yet janny doesn't do anything about it and keeps deleting twitter and reddit screenshots here instead
Still more stress than Fauna
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thank you
Anarchotyranism kino
I had a crush on a girl for all of elementary school
That's concord
she was my cousin, later i found out we weren't related by blood, by the time i saw her again she already got wed, and she died from miscarriage
Yeah, slowing down again though. Most streams this week not being on her channel should hurt to
Yeah, she became a complete by the time we were in high school. She actually cheated on her boyfriend with me (and another 3 other guys that I know of).
She eventually started ghosting me and it fucked me up for a few years but thankfully I managed to realize that I should cut her from my life.
she knew the whole time and never liked me back
But she always plays old ass ugly ass games when given the opportunity
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She's gonna take the sana exit route and faggots are going to keep bringing her up like in comments for years like she wasn't a complete waste of time and money. I can't wait.
Wait so we're finally getting ID4?
was mutual too
but my dad got a new job overseas so i left and never saw or heard from her ever again
ever since I've had just the worst luck with women
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The homos are getting new toys?
ID3 wasn't that long ago
2 October from the hazuki baubau leak.
I thought ID dont make any money
>hazuki baubau leak
The coordinated messages seem like a management-requested attempt to start a hype cycle for something
its not that deep, music and video games and perhaps even movies are on topic because of how streaming is.
I get that the website isn't into the idea of celebrity boards etc but its just how it has to be with the current level of streaming.
One day maybe we are all in a VR universe getting handjobs from vtubers and video games are outdated but not today.
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i had a childhood friend that i used to play with everyday. we stopped meeting each other after we played house
I'm glad Fubuki did it since she is among the 5 holos I consistently watch. Who cares if Miko was going to do the same?
She was all over me but switched schools before middle school came around and I actually became interested in girls. Looked her up years later a little chubby but she had fat cans. Tragic it would have been a beautiful thing.
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I was a little ball of hurt and introversion in middle school and was just starting to get out of my shell in high school so not really. Didn't date until college.
unlike concord, that did not take 400 million dollars and eight years to make
Brother just report it next time
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>Clauvio followed dooby
Holy fuck
Could be because they just finished a meeting where they were told something
who and who
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what did she mean by this?
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>Listening to cuckposters
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Yes, didn't confess though because it seemed she wasn't interested at the time. 3 years later when I was already deep in anime shit and I had no more feelings for her that we got in touch. Told me she was just waiting for me to confess. She's now a lesbian.
NO Fauna today?
i did?
Two streams tomorrow.
Two streams the day after that.
What kind of mental illness causes someone to think and behave like this?
I wonder if they're sticking with the 3 member gen thing
It's a follow back. Dooby has a decent follow list.

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