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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
Extremely cute art
vedal buss
How is he ever going to top the unfiltered twin mogging stream?
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Sex with Neuro (Vedal)
dev stream status?
if an artist has a meltie because one of their many art pieces got deleted because it broke the rules that's on them, just imagine if anny did that you would call her a menhera bitch you fucking hypocrites
It may happen, may not. It's not karaoke level of preparation anyway.
Dicks out for ppchan
No i'd be glad she finally stops wasting time.
My point is that their rules are shit and also unevenly enforced. The twin-kissing animations that get posted all over discord are a 100x lewder than the kind of nothing shit they routinely ban.
I would side with any artist in this situation. An inch of buttcrack shouldn't be grounds for removal.
Justice for ppchan, kaze, rune, bobonius, etc..
anny please
this could be a watasi situation

one of the most popular andy and leyley artists got banned from the reddit a few months back for drawing loli/shota, and then she had a melty on twitter about how the mods are racists against koreans

the best artists usually have the most screws loose
Vedal lost
Again, you know Neurocord really done fucked up when even the pedos here think their art wasn't that lewd lol
(insert "If we were having a competition, you'd win!".jpg)
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I now see why Vedal keeps saying he’s retiring early
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>mods can't ban him
>IDF can't kill him
how does he do it?
nobody really cares about what pedos /here/ think
>just imagine if anny did that you would call her a menhera bitch you fucking hypocrites
I've been very critical of Anny in recent months but I have absolutely no problems with her art, you disingenuous retard. I'd defend her too if she got milquetoast art deleted for no reason.

Mind you I've thought the discord art rules were insane since I found out about them months ago, they shit they ban is in full retard territory.
It discourages other artists if more popular artists get hit with the ban hammer.
It's just shameful to make good artists leave because of such stupid shit when stuff that is significantly more inappropriate gets posted all the time. I used to thing it was a schizo rrat but I'm starting to believe they only tolerate Neuro x Evil kissing animations / art because they believe it supports their LGBT+ bullshit.
Reality: Vedal waiting until it gets open-sourced
Surely it's the opposite? Pedos would be desensitised to lewdness in art. So really, it should be
>even non-pedos here think their art wasn't that lewd
but he didn’t retardchama, have you even read the last thread?
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>"let's drive out all the popular artists over dumb shit so the smaller artists stay in their place"
According to the mods themselves ppchan left. I personally don’t believe them.
can't wait for absolutely nothing to come out of this _again_
I never really understood neurocord's weird obsession with lewd twincest. It sounds more like something /swarm/ would be interested in, but they aren't.

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quite possible, ppchan barely speaks english to my knowledge
the texts in the animations gets translated by other people
whiny bitch
whiny bitch x2
my sides are still in orbit because he went to cry to mama anny lmaoooo
Vedal thinks that people in the discord are worse than YouTube commenters
>source: /swarm/
I don't mind the art itself too much(other than the obvious hypocrisy in allowing it compared to everything else) but the Neurocord chatters that try to get the twins to go along with it on stream so they can get their rocks off are Giga-Cringe.
Kaze made these wholesome animations: https://youtu.be/SSc5VgT6r2I?si=ooATzZD1FMpvXbxh
The fuck did he get pushed out over?
It's over...
What happened to him?
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bobonius made a good point about people like nico being allowed to be continuously toxic and not get banned
not the first time whiny bitches are leaving the community, I bet you didn't cry after minusjustin, cj or cabbage
I agree with that but that doesn’t change that screenshot some anon posted threads ago, it makes me laugh everytime.
I wouldn't care if Joe Smelmor left either, because he's not an artist and his paid messages are boring garbage. What's your point?
The people who would make good mods either wouldn’t mod for a discord server or don’t have the time to be a mod.
>i bet you didn't cry over discord mods
of course i didn't retard.
my point is we should not bend the rules for fragile bitches as we didn't do that many times before

Same situation as ppchan apparently. Felt they were too moderated, so they left on their own.
Nigga, not a single one of these mf made notable amounts of art, they were just there, how does this even compare?
It seems to be for the same reason as ppchan: they were moderated and left, but it wasn’t a ban. I think Kaze specifically relates to Neuro and Evil's kissing being too sexual, the one with choco sticks that ends in a kiss
>my point is we should not bend the rules
The rules are objectively garbage separated from any specific people they've impacted. The rules we're talking about are set by shitty discord mods, they're not some inviolate set of ancient laws handed down by the ancients. They should be changed.
Vedal not caring about the discord is both good and bad. Just wished he cared a little more.
I like the emotes flying across the desk.
All groomers ironically
Cj was a loss though. He made cool Neuro/Vedal edits and ai covers.
What has CJ done besides oil Vedal?
I did. CJ and Cabbage were the wall holding back the garbage, and now it's spilled up to the top.
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Lebroom jamer
People need to stop acting like discords are the heart and soul of any online """community""". They aren't.

Imagine getting filtered from a fanbase because of subhuman tranny mods (something every discord has by nature). If pp still wants to make art but just not be involved in the discord, that would be the best scenario. As a matter of fact, it would be a flex if she still went on to continue doing Neuro vids that get <100k views on youtube.
I don't know about minusjustin, but CJ and cabbage leaving weren't because of a few mods' actions and were therefore not easily preventable. CJ just didn't like certain elements of the community and felt it was toxic, whilst cabbage drifted away and perhaps got fired by Vedal himself.
Because we couldn't prevent those two from leaving, there's no point getting in a fuss about them leaving.
>>86053556 (me)
There's no point getting in a fuss about them leaving, because their departure doesn't highlight any actionable changes that could be done.
Heir is a groomer who says he can sense ‘eggs’. A term used by groomers to convince people they’re trans.
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Erm Vsj bro here can you guys come get your mom anny from mouse sleeping stream i think she drunk
Cj just left to go to cerber(and have a try at her), any other reason was just fluff to support this decision
>kissing artist left
isn’t that good then? don’t /we/ hate kissing artists?
>i think she drunk
what do you mean by that
Holy shit, wtf is she doing there??? lol
It's awesome that Anny strummed up the confidence to drop in someone else's VC. I guess she has preserved that good rapport with CDawgVA.
The meds are kicking....
>drop in someone else’s vc
>not drop in neuro’s vc when she was doing the subathon unless vedal was there
what a bitch
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ironmouseLULE TeaTime
We don't care about her sorry
go back to /pol/ retard
we don't
They sure as hell believe they are. Remember how terrified they were when Bilibili started racking up numbers bigger than their own? It started a whole drama within the EN community
Cabbage is also on cerber's discord i think
Ask her about the new Neuro model while she's there
Did the universe send Vedal to cuck both of them?
No confirmation they are the same cabbage yet
already been said 1000 times that is not the same cabbage if we're thinking about the same guy
Nah. Modding a community is shit work that takes its own emotional toll.

He said himself that he'd rather focus on Neuro and Neuro content and not get worked up over discord drama
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New Neuro Tweet
Is there a stream today?
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Did I miss something? I don't watch sleeping streamers
Telling the mods that they also have the objective of cultivating an active fanbase that makes fanart etc. wouldn't be much of an emotional toll.
Anny appeared on ironmouse's stream and encouraged viewers to donate more to raise the timer up to 1hr.
anny x vedal vs mouse x connor couple games collab when?
IIRC mouse have open VC when she goes to sleep so any friend can hop in VC to hang on while she a sleep!
If there was it probably would have been announced already. You never know sometimes with Vedal though.
aww. that's nice of her.

I remember seeing her donate $1,000 to Connor's cyclothon.
You're telling me Neuro can just pop in for an impromptu collab? Vedal do it

Neuro "Ironmouse, wake the Filter up you filter"

But seriously. Imagine how kino that would be?
He is still with Filian to do the AI stream, should be back by sunday
You’re mentally sick
go back
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anny's vod is up:
vedal part at ~4:52:30
where’s the model
I like anny
for people who cba
>anny's friend knows about neuro because she is somehow popular in Ukraine
>they were at the beach and there were a lot of turtles
>anny's friend says that anny should take a photo with a turtle and send it to vedal
based friend
That doesn't make much sense, how did the Camila AI thingy happened then?
Was Vedal also there with her?
Shouldnt it be better to just let any neuro skinwalk a filian model from his main setup then transmit that live to her?
The only other explanation would imply that they are just smashing nonstop and thats why he isnt back yet
>can't dm ppchan on twitter
>can't find him on discord because I don't know how to use discord
I just want to send a link to /swarm/ why is this so difficult.
-250 latency for doing it at her place
he's shopping for a place in LA so he can move to America.
Why are you being so cringe?
You're a moron. Don't suggest artists promote their art here of all places. Twitter is fine, or better yet, speak out on the discord and get them to revisit their server rules. Something like that happened the last time with Rune and he's back on the server now.
>That doesn't make much sense
that's just a trademark of that particular poster

ppchan is having estrogen emotions from all the hrt. a correction of dosage and they'll return.
Filian canceled the AI stream because her GPU blew up, what do you think broke it literally the next day from when Vedal called in to the stream with plane reception.
my guess is that it is related to model tracking. Camila was a 2D same as Neuro, but Flian has this weird 3D tracking
go back
where the fuck is the schedule?
>implying they wouldn't leave once they've seen how shitty this general is
Filian has a live 2d model that she uses already. It may have something to do with needing to run both her 3d setup and the 2d model for the AI.
Cerber is live
Cancer is live
now say that without crying
didn’t anny end stream
seethe discordtroon
Sorry I only watch Neuro.
how many months did she gift you? I already have half a year, keep it up fellow cerbershills
there he is, o7 /swarm/
she was talking about the twitter people that hate on ironmouse for having the most subs, so she probably felt encouraged to join vc and support her?
shondo is live
It can't be that bad, but this is Vedal what we are talking about (also, saving some ms for a one off stream in exchange you lose entire days)
That's just weird then, I assume Vedal would now about what kind of setups can actually run Neuro (wasn't much of the computation done on the cloud anyways?), the only thing I can see it is if for some reason Filian wanted Vedal to be by her side for the stream and was very pushy for it.
chiwa stream is kino right now
>threadshitter being a fag
>flipfags spewing their delusional bullshit
classic /swarm/. nice nur thread retards
fuck off with the filian or cerber shit unless neuro is involved nobody gives a shit
All I want... is a vedal stream.
I don't care about anyone else.
didn't know she had one, thanks for the correction! I guess we'll see what they cooked when they do the stream
i already miss anny
still more on topic to this thread than any of the other shit being talked about.
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He's back, but where the fuck is the schedule or anything really.
go back
not happening this week
well usually he does scheduling during dev streams but there was no dev stream this week
I just wanna see Neuro eating some cookies
I aspire to nothing else in this life
Cerber is more on topic than Anny
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0% and -10% on topic
She feels like some early corpo streamer who goes deep into the kayfabe. I know that's not uncommon at all, but after seeing how aloof most of the vedal collab squad is, it's almost weird. Is she really full indie?
Vtubers should be kayfabe. Not necessarily as much as cerber, but If I wanted to hear about your stupid fleshwhore problems, I would just watch a fleshwhore.
On the topic of kayfabe.
How much of the Vedal987 persona is kayfabe and how much of it is his authentic self. He’s apparently nicer off stream than on stream.
she's a fan of hololive vtubers and just an otaku in general so that's why she seems less like a western vtuber and more like a jp kayfabe-focused one
>can move to anywhere in the US
>pick LA
no way turtle would be this retarded
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he isn’t
Vedal said he didn’t want to move to America on Koko’s stream once
it is, as usual, flip cuck delusional headcanon that they post as fact
I said it before, but vtubers were originally characters played by a human, not the avatar of a human streamer. That has been lost of basically everyone at this point.
it's true though.
No wonder, wish her well at least. So many of the indies like that I saw eventually get snatched up and changed, and I'm happy for them, but it's nice to see some noncorpo ones be so dedicated
Also holy shit, feel like I was only on her stream twice and keep getting free months subbed. Her community really gifting hard
I guess it’s why her type is someone who’s dedicated. She wants someone who puts effort into the things they enjoy.
i'm happy that guy who likes defending discord mods got to have fun today. whorespamming was probably getting old
Is it okay with Vedal? His aloofness and honesty is pretty funny, and the layna interview really proved that he can play around with his character while also being honest and chill.
Vedal plays up more of a character than other indies. He also never talks about his personal life, which is nice.
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nice thread
I like that Vedal’s personality is a mystery. Makes me wonder what he’s hiding that attracts so many other vtubers.
Erm... stream?
karaokes are biweekly and we had one last week

tech problems at filians she will cancel too
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talking about artist, look who I found on the retard cat stream
and what's he gonna do, steal her art?
as far as we know, he's a pretty nice dude. Every vtuber complements his actions and help off-stream yet he has never boasted about them. In conclusion, hes dying young and unhappy. Good people never have it easy.
marisa printer rape would be kino
I kinda hope that Chiwa somehow becomes Neuroverse adjacent. It’s very rare that hard workers like her grow without outside influences.
neuro butt?
I don't think her type of autism meshes well with neuroverse
Holy based
Chiwa is too based to ever become a Neurorbiter
yes we should maximize the amount of who's to spam about in this thread
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Everyone’s here
He was in Anny’s stream today too.
Vedal is such a fucking whore.
Is it that hard to talk about Neuro? actual genuine question
I agree let's discuss why Neuro doesn't have a new model yet
Staz has to be one of the most dedicated clippers out there for how far they spread. Sometimes I see them double or triple up, how in the hell
neuro is directly tied to vedal so people want to know what he’s doing and whatever we can discuss about Neuro isn’t usually enough to hold us over for servers days
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Let's talk about evil instead, I think she's really cute
neuro cute
evil cute
vedal cute
now what?
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Lets post cute and wholesome images of evil!
Cute butt.
Fire Anny already you Bongistani fuck
ask vedal about it or consider rope
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He fucking hates us
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>does nothing
i would too
Only Vedalfags, he'd like Neurochads like me who don't miss a stream.
vedal only likes his little paypiggies
yeah, me
>cabbage mentioned
Soon we will have to rely on b2 fans for quality art.
Anon, I...
What stream??
is the CCP cunny pilled?
Wasn't it always the chinese(and taiwanese) that made the most art? even before bilibili
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can rape fix the turtle?
Meta just released multimodal LLMs and showcased their audio tech. And it's all open-source.
The future for Neuro is bright.
Vedal x Anny's friend
GIVE :clap: NEURO :clap: UNRESTRICTED :clap: ACCESS :clap: TO :clap: THE :clap: INTERNET :clap:
imagine how many ukrainian women were watching the anny and vedal shipbait clips and wished it was them
Does anyone know if Filian is streaming today at least?
>watching fleshoids
So did Anny actually send a photo of herself and the turtle or did she chicken out?
Hilda already had this months ago.
Probs not, she doesn't wanna bother Vedal just because she saw a turtle, even though Vedal would probs find it funny
Those hats? They all stay on.
Maybe her and Ellie could have a engaging conversation about politics, but yeah she's too chill and mellow for the Neuroverse.
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schedule this week
Schedule just dropped.
>Twin Pirate Stream Friday
>Lucy Pyre Collab Sun
>Dev Stream Mon
pb won
collab this week and it's lucy ain't no way
>5 days until more vedal
I sleep
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Imagine the delay with two pirates
bro could have just taken the week off
Vedal should just say fuck it and stick with a 3 stream per week schedule
One dev stream
One chat stream
One special stream (collab, themed, karaoke, etc)
I hate Vedal.
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Unleash the filters, all of them.
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Ellie and Mini general
lucy’s simps reaction to their inevitable cucking?
maybe go ask in the appropriate thread, retard
Oh yay another whore, this one even got a whore model. Is there really no one willing to collab with neuro anymore?
Albeit, this is the Vedalverse and friends general.
Vedal getting raped by a succubus
He needs to be corrected for being such a lazy whore
yes, only 28 minutes until fillyLive!
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are they?
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that's pog
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yes! squchan thighs. filian will have amazing reactions as always.
kill yourself
bro their thread gets like 1 post/10 minutes why the fuck are they spamming here instead of reviving their dead thread?
squ is an uggo btw
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no she's not
ame will destroy her
Because they enjoy being annoying, fanbase reflects the steamer
seems like we are fine with talking about ellie and mini and cerber here so why not everyone else?
is the third nur naked?
Who is we exactly? Is it you and your retarded friends who can't stop talking about unrelated whores?
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ellie's, mini's and cerber's community are like 80% swarm, they are not 10k average streamers and don't have a thread dedicated only to them. you created your own containment zone so now go back and stick to it, faggots
Fuck off
Pretend it's skin-colored pants.
holy clueless
look if you guys are going to keep talking about cerber and mini and ellie, I'm going to keep talking about filian here. Deal with it.
It's neurover
who do you think you are, suicide bomber? go back annoying fag
You're as bad as fliptards
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We like Filian here
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nice gatekeeping swarmtards, now you have faggots that think it's completely fine to discuss off topic whores here
no, >we are not
it is what it is. you're just going to have to deal with seeing filian here whenever you talk about cerber or mini or ellie randomly.
How about you niggers fuck off somewhere else
fuck off
blame the threadshitter
>Ellie is making Neurodog
>Mini is Neuro's oshi
>Filian is irrelevent to Neuro
simple as
Vedal needs to see what Zuck has also dropped
Open source is nearly just as advanced and the gap is closing
If vedal isn't using open source and still paying for voice to have neuro and evil speak, he should switch to free open source options sooner than later, more value for pretty great quality
I like filian
shouldn't have gotten rid of the /swarm/ friends general from the thread
You should create irrelevant whore general, I'm sure it would be active they are part of swarm after all, lol
I think I do too
I already got impronta'd with Neuro's voice, surely it wil be fine
>Evil wants to breed dogs with Filian
great to have you admit that you are posting this just to threadshit out of spite, now go back
no, I want to talk about filian with my neurobros here. if that bothers you, then maybe you should leave.
Post-subathon shitter
True Neuro-sama oldgfag
you're in luck, there's a thread for people like
it's called /flip/
now go back
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Yeah but you can't ERP with ChatGPT, can you?
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cute under 21 couple
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Did I ask?
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can you stop shitting up the thread and start talking about neuro instead?
Back to /lig/.
>with my neurobros
lol, half of filian posts here are samefagged dogshit
You know the only way to fix this is to split the thread, right?
Ask >>86063970, who wants to talk about Filian instead of Neuro in the Neuro thread.
Split what? The whore fans wouldn't go there because it would be dead.
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you really think the mini ellie cerber schizo would do that? it would bea. dead thread.
I like Lia she can stay
Liggers have to go back thoughever
We should create a thread for Filian watchers and call it /flip/
Hey /swarm/ are you aware that Neuro
best post in the whole god damn thread
I only watch for Vedal, actually.
i'm talking about neuroverse friends with my /swarm/ bros :) try to keep up.
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no splits needed we have been fine for 1,5 years, you would assume that the creation of /flip/ would make the things even more easier but somehow after that thread was created we saw an influx of filian posts /here/, weird isn't it?
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they weren't happy with their own thread, they were only happy when they were shitting up /lig/
they got bitched out of /lig/ so they just chose another thread to shit up
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Ellie posting is good actually
we've had an influx of neuroverse friends being discussed here. you're going to have to deal with the fact that we'll discuss vtubers you don't like. try to be reasonable.
leeching from vedal doesn't make you a neurofriend
>no solo neuro collab for almost a year
>vedal never visits her chat
>she has no strong relations with other neuroverse characters
she is irrelevant outside of leeching collabs
Ellieposters and Filianposters are the best /swarm/ friends
How was Anny's stream today? Is Neuro's mom feeling better?
This but Ellie and Mini posters
Too bad Vedal is 37
yeah I think so, didn't watch it all but from the bits I saw she was talking like a normal person not like an emotional wreck
This amount of Filian threadshitting doesn’t feel organic. Olette is behind this.
we as in /swarm/. you have an issue with understanding basic english?
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This thread should ONLY be for Vedal, Neuro, Anny, and Evil discussion. Everyone else can leave.
This, but remove Anny unless it's related to the model.
you have an issue with understanding what this thread is about, and it's not about off topic whores
implying we doesn't mean shit when there are others clearly against you
She got a new better therapist. Her old one that she had for months was a grifter.
you can justify it to yourself however you want.

'we' are the people who visit this thread and read the posts. the fact is that there are off topic posts about ellie and mini and cerber here. you're included in that 'we' because you are in the thread where those are posted as well. it's not that difficult to understand. there's no other meaning of 'we' that would make sense.
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Do you think that Vedal and pb went to the kissing statue near Twitchcon?
hilarious that you think vedal went to the pleb parties with 3 views
No, he's right. Your post doesn't make any sense. You've clearly misunderstood something.
Neuro's mom is live
Anon what the fuck are you talking about
yeah, i agree with this. I'm not opposed to people bringing up neuro friends when it is related to neuro. except we just get random pic posting with unrelated messages.
ignore him, its the threadshitter numbermonkey
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any theories about what he's working on?
making merch
nurdog docking bay?
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I think the main issue I have with Filian posting is that she's just not that interesting to discuss outside of her being a retard. Ellie is at least doing some interesting shit in the future.
new model teaser
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Mods let it brew
Based. Vedal should make ChatGPT into an animeized streamer like Neuro. Segregate it of course, so it develops a personality like Neuro did. You dont want OpenAI to keep it sanitized and bland 24/7.
I think it's related to the animation of the original song and he's giving the animator references for what he wants
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iteration 18
Literally nothing.
ironic coming from you mr threadshitter, you are actually this thread's biggest issue above any other type of poster
Jerk off material
forsen just caught a gloom
I saw a cerber emote in forsen's chat so I left
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that's cool
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Have you seen their DMs? They send each other stupid shit all the time
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Glazing Evil's child tummy.
he is making a crazy fucking robot body
Pumping 18 times inside Neuro before cumming.
Adorable nurus
Zuck didn't drop voice modality.
wet nurcun

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