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Destroyer of numbers - Edition

>What is /fig/?
/fig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss idol vtubers who play fighting games and (beat em ups), either from large companies, small ones, or indies, as well as to discuss fighting games about Hololive and other vtubers in general.

>So is this thread about fighting games or Idol showdown?
Neither: this is a thread about idols and fighting games.

>But what is an idol?
An idol is something unobtainable and moe that makes your kokoro go doki doki (WIP)

>Is {X} a fighting game?
Temporally we will define fighting games as games fighting idols play.

>Are beat em ups a fighting game?
No, but we will use the loophole above provide a home for them temporally as well since most of the fighting idols also play beat em ups. If the genre seems to have a revival at some point, we would recommend splitting this thread (again).

>I have no friends, can I ask for games here?
Just post a request in the GAME ANCHOR

>Idol Showdown stuff
IS patch notes: https://steamdb.info/app/1742020/patchnotes/
Beta builds: https://twitter.com/IdolShowdown/status/1660016297164390405 (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)
Twitter Tech: https://pastebin.com/XQtD5D1y (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)
Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/categories/video-games/updated-idol-showdown-characters-1434585

>HoloXBreak stuff

>Glossary of Fighting Terms

>Hololive Smash Clone fangame

>Fighting Idols
Seeking for a chuuba who plays fightan? check our well catered selection of seiso idols (and a few extra):

>Recent Fightan Streams
Vivi Brightshield Sajam slam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MS78BuflUCc
Tekken Tuesday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loi4hc3tk_Q
Runie tries guilty gear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nod8gPAN3M8

>How do I git gud? (Youtube videos)
https://pastebin.com/pnzsYe4C (embed) (embed) (embed)

>OFFICIAL GUIDE TO PLAYING FIGHTAN (Will be updated): https://rentry.org/vaqrg8r4

>Lost your motivation to play fighting games? Read this cute girls manga:

>"FT10 NOOB!" "My oshi can beat your oshi!"
Take that somewhere else, this thread is full of newbies who just want to play the funny idol game. Be nice.

>How do I git gud? (Youtube videos)
https://pastebin.com/pnzsYe4C (embed) (embed) (embed)

>OFFICIAL GUIDE TO PLAYING FIGHTAN (Will be updated): https://rentry.org/vaqrg8r4

>Lost your motivation to play fighting games? Read this cute girls manga:

>News for September 25st, 2024
Huntress wins Sajam slam making her worthy of her title: "the last streeter vtuber of the west".
Terry out, figgers getting back to streets, nature is healing.
Local figger also discover the DLC street con where you cant buy just one dlc character. This news caster recommends just getting the battlepass with the rest of the money until another one goes into discount.
On similar news JP got buffed so now korone and korone sukis will go back to kicking ass
Shimada Tiger skips Evo not to get covid then gets covid anyway at ikea proving you can keep the tiger out of Evo but not the Evo out of the tiger
Nutritionists debate: Does being fat makes you worst at fighting games? Local expert Juri anon suggest fasting for better performance.
Speaking of nutrition I havent had breakfast yet today :(
Confidence level: joshus let the thread die early and it was just about to hit bump limit anyway

https://www.twitch.tv/zoolifetiger (embed) (embed) (embed)

And remember: No discords, no names, no fighting. Only idols and love. wao!

Other useful threads:


previous frontier: >>85756280
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Anchor post for finding games. Idol showdown, Street fighter, Tekken, Fightcade. Anything goes, just keep in mind that not everyone has the game you own
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2hu still terrying
thread died just about 20 minutes after I bumped it
idk if it was autosaged or if some crazy short lived bait spree on the catalog killed iit
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I was watching over it and suddenly it was dead
probably post ame graduation storm
download the page 10 notifier if you have 4chanx
uh, well sure
does terry make streets fun or is it still boring throwslop
I dont think adding a new character will fix the throwslop
I think terry is pretty fun from the rental time I had with him He seems to have a distinct gameplan different from street fighter characters
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unicorn streets: https://www.twitch.tv/tsumugi0807
just delay throw tech my dude
maybe i'll reinstall to try him out

>bro just check the drive rush
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drive rush checking hasnt been that much of an issue ever since they increased the hurtbox size during the first s1 patch to be honest, same with drive parry, cr mp usually solves any issues nowdays.
The real bitch is cr mk into rush which is still a problem and an unsolvable one.
I tried and failed instructions unclear
anything up interesting for today?
probably not until tomorrow
also a reminder we play in divegrass tomorrow in the round of 24 against holox
lets gooooo
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jp streets: https://www.twitch.tv/sorano_rano
oh yeah there's a couple more days until botan talks about her second tournament
Discord has Street Fighter cosmetics you can earn for free by playing the game. I dunno if /fig/ cares, but hey
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Casually redid parry and clank collision to mirror the architecture of hitbox collision. Works way better, fixes basically everything, feels even smoother.
dev can you show me some ame gameplay
She has no hitboxes, so unfortunately it would be boring
show me anyways, you've posted some before
dev san has foresaken me...
I found a TAS only bug while setting this replay up, and also discovered at least one case of replay desync I haven't figured out the cause for (it isn't the bug)
how do i get them, asking for a friend
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Going into a tournament wish me luck
>TNS run
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I cant get into TNS because it is NA only
I probably could if someone vouched for my connection but im not good enough to even bother and its not that good anyway
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im sure it was the ronis
like shimada's only brain cell
tigers are not known for their intellectual prowess
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Lost one won one then wait 20 minutes cause my opponent is on a MK tournament and there is no time based DQs on this one people have been complaining
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Won against that guy because I literally labbed him while waiting him then a 1650 Mr Ken flowcharted me to death
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fumi masters run: https://www.twitch.tv/fumi
>fumi didnt know she should drive rush in neutral
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you mean friday right
yes I mean Friday, sorry it's been a long one
why are we on page 10?
anyway give me cool coyo art/moments/clips, thanks
how's the patch so far for streets?
terries everywhere as per usual with new chars and they raped zangief
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The machine learning cpu is a lot better for learning than the cheating imput reading bitch they used for the normal one, its good to learn what people actually throw

Also the replay take over interface is quite clunky but damn this option is useful I will finally destroy all E.Hondas now
what'd they even do to Zangief?
headbutt downscaled which means you no longer have to fear combos just jump up
I do not believe
the hondas will prevail
Sophie playing kekken (old news) instead of streets.

50k people online on streets apparently while tekken has 8k
pushing vtubers did really seem like the right angle
Sophie is just on the grind anon
she's a genetic freak and isn't built for the streets no longer
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This JP chuuba that plays a lot of Street Fighter 2i is playing Street Fighter 1 today, Nemupipi
oh no her hands
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What if the board simply added more pages
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Ok! Completely reworked the parry system to make it feel actually good to parry things. You now get much more advantage out of it, but it’s still as risky as before
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alright fumi https://x.com/Shine_NYC/status/1838969835432128908
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sophie over here fighting DIO
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also why the FUCK is amour playing under night: https://www.twitch.tv/amour
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you can hear all that mashing
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didnt know merkava was just some dude
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Reminder to post your Marisa birthday altars
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Coyo interview with Irodori Mayoi.

26th is marisa's (SF6) birthday apparently
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I have lingering trauma from playing street 1
to specifically shut this guy up >>86046017
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Ken and chun in fatal fury announced https://youtu.be/DfiF8Guf1bA?si=gLBB5lfefteMoE66
what if we put a cross over on your cross over
a double cross
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jp streets: https://www.twitch.tv/comachi_tbkn
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big boobs suesei...
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I like to say gg when i win or lose and act nice in general but no one knows that if I win a close match i give my opponents the middle finger
It's only a gg if I win
Coyo wanted to do a KemoV slumber party for a theoretical 24 stream. Imagine.
I got the free discord thing
you just need to open quests and play 15 minutes

On the other hand this juri avatar >>86100169
is 15 bucks might as well buy the fucking costume captcha: yrv mad
jp streets: https://www.twitch.tv/goma_350
scribblegame https://x.com/tMOEqJOE/status/1839140658541625520
the true successor of kyanta 2
damn thats janky looking as fuck
the expression remind me of pizza tower
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Soon it will be the weekend and I will have to face an army of Terries in ranked...
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So to those who tried terry in other games how does it feel in sf6
drive rush sort of makes him sort of his own beast in this game compared to his regular iterations
I've mostly played him in the old KoF games though where dumb mechanics like that weren't really a thing to worry about
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jp streets: https://www.twitch.tv/suzuta7
why does she have a moustache
why do you not
but I do and I'm not even brian_f
mari tekken: https://www.twitch.tv/marisleepi
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I don't play streets, tekken or figthcade stuff, I am terrible at IS, /fig/ hates my games, none of my favorite VTubers play fighting games
I don't belong anywhere
this post is too coherent to be a joshu
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Just wait until HoloXbreak dev fixes the online and you can play beat em ups using koyo with us
Any moment now...
Alternatively just wait until our local dev releases his smash clone we will all have fun and fig will flourish
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the no streams
if this were jong we would just stalk other figgers playing fighting games and we would criticize them
we're not that gay yet
fighting game fans don't actually play them
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I play but im too self concious to let other people watch my games i feel that i make too many mistakes
>OkaKoro, Sora, and Fubuki banished to the Assist Mines
Pouring one out for the game's potential playerbase

>That Mio gameplay
Welcome back Heritage For the Future Tandems
game looks really heavily inspired by skull girls which is already a game heavily inspired by other fighting games
also yeah that mio gameplay is fucking bullshit but it makes sense. Not sure how you'd translate tandems in the modern day
will they add a streamer mode at last and learn from the mistakes of idol showdown?
if you dont make it fun to stream they wont stream it
>learn from the mistakes of idol showdown?
>referencing stars from the get go

Nothing has ever been learned, no one ever learns
>ugly western art
I don't like what they're doing with Kanata, and adding her to something with homos feels agenda-driven
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finally, streams...

>already diamond on marisa
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Diamond is top 20%, not really high for someone who plays fighting games regularly.
well I mean its relatively quick since she just started this week
you basically start in plat anyway, the real filter is diamond 2/3
fumi really no braining marisa
only way to play it
See devanon, if someone can release a game with literal unfinished scribbles as their animation you can too
man marisa just doesn't like aki in this matchup
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amour back on tekken: https://www.twitch.tv/amour
I thought she hated tekken now
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sophie also online with kekken: https://www.twitch.tv/afterschoolsophie
she probably hates streets more from a community stand point
we all do but we keep playing
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I actually never played holocure
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reminds me to picrel, wonder now which one is going to come out first, that one Kronii game made by the Freedom Planet dev or this chibi fighter
noice, hope she stays as the promised haste character
This one looks more interesting than what just got revealed
its very likely that other one might never be completed, I seen them working on it for longer than dev has on his thing
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The updates are consistent so I have hope, went from just cool figtha animations for Gen3 to an actual playable fighting game which might or might not have all the JP side once it finally releases after Silksong lol
its definitely a passion project by one dude so who knows when it'll come out
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man terry looks fun to play
You should at least grind money since you'll have to roll Gacha to get Luna. Thankfully Holocure's Gacha is a nonproblem because it has incredibly low pity since you're expected to get dupes.
It’s also cheap as fuck. I have over 2 million coins
>HH is a fanmade holopro anime/airdasher fighting game with assist elements in the vein of games like Sengoku Basara X, Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax, and Million Arthur Arcana Blood.
People who deeper into the Anime fighter hole than me, how fast are these games?
>HH’s input interpreter is intentionally designed to be stricter than many modern anime fighting games. It is more reminiscent of retro games before the SFIV era, although it is not an exact recreation of old input interpreters.
If you are able to execute special inputs with 100% consistency, we consider it to be a testament to your execution! Do not feel discouraged for missing DPs or even a 236, even us as the devs mess up our special inputs quite often.
But why though
these dudes want you to break your fingers and play like you have adhd
Because some games are designed by elitists who hate you for wanting to play their game
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>no modern
>in fact, harder inputs

I think I will pass this one thanks
Not too much. Dangeki bunko is somewhat slow paced
Devs are retarded le old better dickriders?
look at this dude afraid of a motion
I wish I wasn't on a toaster so I could record it, but Ollie's forward dash starts with her scooting backwards before hustling. If you mash forward Ollie just slides backwards like she's KBDing. They certainly had ideas for their roster.
I finished SFI in fightcade I know motion is something to be both feared and respected
Maybe I’m wrong here, but I think having either basic or important moves locked behind strict or imprecise inputs is a bad idea if you want anyone to play your game
Still can't show a video but imagine this frame of Ollie sliding backwards like the floor was freshly waxed.
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I think by including Stars is pretty clear they arent making this game for the vtubers audience but for the fighting game crowd, who probably wont give a fuck
twitter mentality syndrome i guess
So Assists in this have 2 attacks + a super. Sana draws her summoner to her and you can move her to put yourself in the Tager dimension and Hakka has Galactica Phantom as a Super?
have you found any funny tech yet?
Sora's pretty basic. Got a swing, a get off me, and a piano charge for her super.
Fubuki charges at you and I immediately discovered you can call her again and she'll attack again and combo like she's a quasi-puppet. This includes her super.
OkaKoro, of all things, got Bros Moves that require timing to come out full strength. Properly timed Chopper looks like it could blend things and I can't get their Super to work.

Besides the fact Fubuki is disgusting due to assists being able to cancel into themselves and Ollie's dumbass wavedash, nothing.
>The heroic baseball superstar, it’s HoloHeaven’s shoto, Oozora Subaru!
>An all rounded character that can do it all. She sports high mobility, fast and long reaching buttons, meterless reversals, projectiles, oki tools, and high average damage, you name it.
>Her B buttons are all incredible pokes, but they really shine once paired with her universal movement options. Use her run, airdashes, and bunny hops to slip past your opponent’s attacks.
>On top of this, her team can hit her star ball projectiles to change their trajectories.
>The big oki projectile, Pleiades Star Ball, will also become an enhanced projectile, and each hit will wall bounce.
>Pick Subaru if you want a straightforward and powerful character who utilizes HoloHeaven’s system mechanics and assists to gain an edge in battle.

She's Sol Batguy. Even has the Dragon Install. What else is there to say?
I'll check it out tomorrow
it sounds like it knows its pure kusoge as opposed to idol showdown
>Stand Name, Hatotaurus. The fortune teller Ookami Mio wields unstoppable power!
>A puppet character that uses negative edge to command Hatotaurus. Use 3, 6, 9 inputs to move Hato forwards, and 1, 4, 7 inputs to move Hato backwards. >Hato has attacks on A, B, and C, and cannot jump or leave the ground.
>One attack is all it takes to delete Hato, and will always deal fixed damage to Mio, regardless of attack strength.
>However, there is no cooldown or meter associated with Hatotaurus, and you can summon and unsummon Hato as much as you like. Be careful, as a couple bad summons could spell the end for Mio.
>While you can fight with Mio by herself, you might find her strengths to be overshadowed by other characters who can do the same things but better. Find safe times to summon Hato to your side and dominate the pace of the match.
>Pick Mio if you like a character who can snowball a match into her favor with knockdowns into setplay and overwhelming tag team offense.
Came in expecting Jojo, got Carl with Dio's knives. Probably has disgusting setups and combos even in this incomplete state.
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Reminder we are the 4th game tomorrow vs current cup holders /holox/ tomorrow in the last weekend of divegrass. Could be our last game of the season so come show support if you can. Game starts at 3:00 PM EST or 12:00 PM PST. 19:00 UTC.
sleb time
>It’s like he’s straight from a comic book! The underworld’s superhero, Aragami Oga saves the day!
>A big body with tri-jumps!? Oga uses a unique airdash that angles him towards the ground. Like in versus games, use this low to the ground to run nearly unblockable high low mixups back to back. His average damage is also decently high, leading to a devastating blender offense.
>Oga however pays for his incredible offense with his very tall and wide hurtbox. A keen opponent can utilize this weakness to make neutral and defense difficult to survive.
>Oga has slow 623 DPs, and does not have an invul backdash, and might have to rely on his strong but costly level 2 super to escape dangerous situations.
>Despite having a downward tri-jump, he does not have an 8 way airdash, and its horizontal speed is decent, but not amazing. An evasive opponent may be difficult to pin down.
>Pick Oga if you like to weather the storm, then destroy the opponent with blistering high lows.

THE DREADED MALE. Kinda weird to use since he seems designed to zip around with stuff like a jump cancellable special and a divekick. They gave him captain corridor. Random lore tidbit I still remember: he borrowed Mori's Scythe.
>Back from the dead, the super kawaii gunslinging zombie idol, Kureiji Ollie, zones out the competition!
>A zoner with good ol’ fullscreen lows and long reaching anti airs, they’ll always have your back. Use 2C, 6A, and jB to wall out your opponent.
>Paired with her top class space control are her chess piece projectiles. You can use negative edge to hold chess pieces in place, and fire them whenever you please. You can also cancel projectile sets with assist calls!
>If your opponent sits too still, chip them out with multi hitting attacks like 6[C], j2C and her supers.
>Ollie however lacks a fast 2A for mashing on defense, her ground throw has a close range deadzone, and lackluster movement speed to escape. Her backdash is invul, but has slightly long recovery, and in the big picture, will have trouble defending where other characters won’t.
>Despite these weaknesses, she has plenty of polarizing strengths to make up for it.
>Pick Ollie if you like dominating neutral with top class space control.
Zoner with some charge stuffs/10. Probably the 2nd easiest to use besides Shuba but the gap in ease feels pretty big. Something I've neglected to mention is that the assist bar has this thing were moving backwards will slow its natural gain and grounded backdash will cause it to outright drain. Mashing her weird forward dash counts as moving backwards so this silly shmoovement hurts her a bit.
Forgot the image. Whoops.
>The angel with a whopping 50kg grip strength, Amane Kanata grapples her way to victory!
>As a grappler, her signature (Air OK) command grab is always a threat. It’s lightning fast, long reaching, and packs a punch, especially with a follow up combo.
>Her strike-based combos are bone crushing, having the highest average damage in the game.
>And top it off, her Wing Stance gives her access to Wing Stance cancels (like Johnny’s Mist Finer), giving her unreasonable plus frames on block.
>She has an absurdly invul backdash, and a 2 frame Level 3 command grab super, but lacks practical DPs.
>Unfortunately, she only has one overhead attack in her j.A, all of her other jump attacks hit mid.
>Her slow horizontal speed makes closing the space between you and the opponent very difficult in neutral.
>Unlike traditional grapplers in other fighting games, she lacks anti projectile attacks, and armored attacks.
>To compensate, she has a relatively small hurtbox, and many movement options. Try finely tuning her position with j.C, super jump, 236A>A, and many other moves.
>Pick Kanata if you’re willing to play patiently. You’ll be rewarded with erasing the opponent’s HP in a flash. Embrace that grappler brain!
Tiny Pot. Wing Stance kinda gets her back into more normal proportions and lets her use a super wavedash which sounds like it can be used for funny things.
>The shooting star with an alter ego, Hoshimachi Suisei and Suicopath shine bright as one!
>Suisei and her alter ego, Suicopath, are a transforming stance character. Rather than having a heavy attack button, the C button is a stance change button.
>Each form has its strengths and weaknesses.
>Suisei is evasive with her two airdashes and air OK rekka. She is smaller, her buttons have fast startup, and she builds large amounts of super meter.
>But her damage is extremely small, and her short range buttons force her to close the space. She also has no supers!
>Suicopath can’t jump, airdash, or run. She is big, and her buttons are sluggish, and builds no super meter from attacks! To make matters worse, Suicopath cannot air tech, so be prepared to eat some otherwise impossible combos.
>However, her damage is much higher, and has great knockdowns in many situations. Her buttons have longer range, and she has a great level 1 and level 2 super as well.
>As a bonus, most of her normals have chip damage.
>By themselves, their movesets are quite small compared to the rest of the cast. So use the C button wisely to switch stances to suit the situation. Keep in mind suisei’s rekka can be whiff canceled into stance switch, stance switching can be kara canceled into assist calls.
>Pick Suisei if you want a technical character where you can switch fighting styles on the fly.
Feels even weirder to use than Oga. Suisei is an odd choice for the stance change character. She feels less like two halves of a character flipping between each other and and more like two quarters of a character flipping between each other. Also, while I've been cool with the outfit choices for most of the cast, I thought this was Kobo when I first saw her. Is this outfit a reference to a song MV or something?

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