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Amelia Watson appreciation thread
This thread's for Ame, an adorable, dorky, wonderful detective!
Last thread: >>86014947
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In just a little while, Ame will continue with ER, as Elden Lord Bowson has visions of erm: https://youtu.be/s7pwfCtXgPw
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://youtu.be/fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
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Here's your new Ame
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What was Ame's degree that she was working towards? Did she earn it and that's why she's starting a new job?
>doesn't know the difference between PT and PST (or PDT)
sasuga detective
Leave the married woman alone!
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If Ame looks like this we'll still have people replying to art of her with
But it'll be about her ears instead of her boobs.
Took me a bit to find it since its been a couple years:
oh yeah, one of the undisclosed collabs is going to be Mumei btw
So cool
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are you guys going to participate in the goodbye project? Are you gonna draw something or send a message?
Already sent a message
I'm sending a fan letter
Yeah I sent a message
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Did Ame ever say when she told myth she was graduating? The earliest I can find proof for is May.
They knew since before Myth 1-block at the latest
Probably a bit before
Kiara said she organized the 1block collab because of it, so maybe a month or a few weeks before then
already sent a message
turning in fan letter after the 30th
Kiara said they've known since before Myth One-Block, and Ame told the rest of EN by the time of Breaking Dimensions
what the
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In honor of Ame hating it I'm playing the original Mafia, because I also never finished it as a kid.
im so fcking depressed guys...
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She'll be back as an indie. Presumably going to be doing more experimental mocap stuff that she couldn't do under Hololive's bureaucracy.
I cannot fathom this coming to an end without another Gura collab. Any membershrimps in here? Has Gura said anything at all?
i got over it, but then ame hugged miko at the end of GTA and i got bummed out again
Yeah, but when she's indie she might collab with male vtubers/streamers and won't be my gf
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she hates it
What’s the cope gonna be when she reincarnates and she still streams like once every two weeks? And then she has no pressure from a company do anything and no peer pressure from watching her coworkers stream their asses off. No collabs to drag her out of hiatus.
>goodbye project
elaborate, is it a discord project?
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Quick puzzy before stream!
I'd much rather the current outcome than Ame getting depressed
I know, and i'd be lying if i said that im not excited about it. But it's still depressing to leave all behind and go down a new path separate from all that we made in hololive.
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Is there/Can we get a soundpost from GTA when Suisei said "See you again, Ame"?
I feel that would give anons hope, and I don't want my friends to do anything irrational like selfharm :(
To the anon that mentioned the fan happi the other day, thank you. Even though it was past the deadline for orders, I was able to get in touch with them and get myself one. I'll be repping Ame next year at fes regardless if she's performing or not.
It'll probably a long one if it's an endurance stream so Ame may still be going by the time I get home. Enjoy, and see you later, gators.
Chances of Ame taking a dump again?
At least we'll still see/hear her as Ame sometimes
Whetehr its for myth anniversary, call ins, pre recorded stuff we don't know fully yet.
Still I'm gonna miss seeing this model all the time
I hope her new one is just as kyut
didnt calli say her and ame had something in the works or did my brain make this up?
Probably the long delayed rainforest song
two things
MV with Ame but it's a Mori song
Something else in october that Ame will sing in
yes it'll prob release in oct
the one we will see first is lose-lose days MV feat. all myth
the second one is some new song/cover with ame involved.
Depends on how much coffee and sugar she has before the stream.
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A green fat fuck gave me a message of hope already, but thank you anyways
lol rip, probably will have heavily vetted entries wit those shitbags, think I'll just stick to a fan letter
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The streams are gonna start while I'm at work, guess I'll have to be late. I hate having to work, I just wanna watch Ame >:(
another puzzle completed
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Good work gators!
I'll be trying to make at least one puzzy every day, but please feel free to make your own when you're bored.
very cool art!
Do you think she could still be able join collabs? I mean, the announcement said that her social media activities would conclude... but as long as she doesnt stream, it should be ok right? i know nothing about legal stuff so idk

Ame is cute in every form
Theres no point in speculating, wait for the future to happen.
Idk maybe, i know gigi mentioned wanting to make a collab just so ame can come back for it
Probably not the 7 days to die thing more has planned for the first week of October tho
I think she can appear anywhere and everywhere, as long as it's announced by official accounts
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ahh. it hurts.
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easier to say than to manage, even though it's true
I worry over what will change and what may not, but for today I guess i'll worry about whether I manage to be summoned or not
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>not imagining you're the one secretly reverse ntr-ing not!ame from those guys
please dont reply to obvious bait
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>Get everything set to help Ame with the DLC
>Get dressed as an Impmate
>Get good weapons and support spells
>My grandma needs to go to the hospital and I'm the only one free enough to take her there

Please guys... help Ame for me!
>mfw I finally get why the fuck ame has a doctor's stethoscope despite being a detective...
>amelia holmes WATSON
>Watson was Holmes' best friend
>Watson was a field medic a.k.a. a war DOCTOR
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Let Me Solo Her in chat. I hope he doesn't get summoned. I only want purebred, retarded gators in there.
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Firstly, please make sure your grandmother is okay
Secondly, if I stay awake and she actually requests help, I'll be there
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Cheers mate. Keep her memory alive for us eh? Specially the some of us that admired her just as much but can never seem to get lucky enough to go.
What's more important to you?
i think anything streaming related is off-limit for now but i refuse to think that the deal is set in stone. Ame and Cover can negotiate further on how it will eventually turn out.
mabudachi timestamp
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It was me! Happy for you teamate!
I know. That's why I said I know Myth knew by May at the latest. Kiara said she organized one-block because she knew Ame was leaving, and this is the stream on May 21 where she pitched the idea to the rest of Myth.
Here are the timestamps where she talks about it. It’s kind of sad rewatching this now and understanding why she wanted to do more Myth collabs so badly.
But I still think they knew way before this because Kiara streamed almost every day in May and never seemed that sad, and she's pretty bad at hiding her emotions.
Ame had so much fun BAU BAUing with the twins. Truly dog coded.
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luv me war doctor wife~
Got blown away by all the AMEEEEE spam, but I assume he'll type more once she's around
It's a catch-22. Even if he wanted to be with ame first which I doubt because he's probably not a monster, ame would be pissed if she found out they put her first instead of their grandma. Specially because of how much ame loved grandma-watson.
Ameeee how's bubbaaaa
i want him to get summoned, but just wave and then dc to say hi. that would be funny.
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I can tell you are a very based individual.
2016 was 8 years ago
Damn is THAT what purple sounds like?
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you guys stockpiled on gifts right for if you get in right?
Sounded a little more violet to me. But what do I know.
should I buy this game bros? I can't stand fromsoft games normally but Ame always makes ER look so fun
>password is AMEWAY
Such a shame I'm at work during this
I have drapes that color once. I think it's called puce.
Did she ever say why she was retiring from active streaming or gave any vague general reason? Or is she going to stream but under another chuuba name? And, if its the later, does it have anything to do with the whole hololive shift from livestreaming to more concert idol stuff that was speculated to be the reason Aqua left?
Soulsfag, but yes you absolutely should. Even if you're not into the gameplay loop the open world should hook you like it did Ame.
It's like dark souls 3.5 open world edition. If you don't like souls like/Fromsoft gameplay there's little chance you'll like Elden Ring
You have 50+ previous threads worth of discussion to read
>close this~
If you cant stand soulsgames then you should probably steer away from ER since its basically just open world dark souls.
>>86062027 might have a point tho, ER has the power to get you into liking soulslikes but it is a bit of a gamble.
stream died already... it's over....
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her thumbnail is so phallic
seems easier to just ask here. I dotn really have the time to go over 50+ threads of speculation and nonsense on the offchance that I stumble across a plausible answer. if you dont want to tell me just dont reply.
with internet connection that shitty, she won't be summoning anyone to help her anytime soon. At least she won't be invaded either.
This femmate is crying because she has boobs and is forced to wear clothes
heavily mixed bag. Mostly what >>86062137 said. Personally the open world, artificial difficulties, grinding and combat mechanics might filter you but then again if you're iron headed like Ame's been the past 2 years, you'll find something within the madness to keep you pushing forward (favorite weapon, boss, area, etc.) I was about to put the game down for months but of course she wanted to summon today
souls games love shitty internet
I would just watch the chatting stream, rather than relying on anyone else's interpretation. It's all the beginning anyway so no need to search through the video

>spend my whole life having working hard to raise and provide for a family
>my children go on to do the same
>there's trouble with conceiving but finally the lord gifts me with a single, beautiful grandson
>most lovely grandchild a woman could ask for
>decades later, terminal disease nips at my heels
>have an appointment to receive lifesaving care but my grandson is too busy to take me
>pass away with a single tear in my eye, and a big smile on my face, knowing his oshi needs the support more than I do
That wasn't because of the internet, anon...
Thank you
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Summer is over anon, tourism season ended.
Go back to wherever you came from.
Only faggots and babies need to be spoonfed.
Gramma would understand...
Sorry, I can't part ways with my Reduvia. It's been too long and I'm too rusty not to rely on OP weapons
It'd be pretty epic if let me solo her gets to help her
>if you dont want to tell me just dont reply.
so I'm supposed to put AMEWAY as the multiplayer password and not the group password, right
>ermmm guys you have to do exactly as I say
Disappointing but I understand
Yes, use the top line
I replied so I could call you a faggot.
CUTE grossed out ame
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are you this nigga >>86062235
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Watching Oblivion and now this. It still feels like nothing has changed, like it's just another regular gaming stream. I'm oddly at peace.
>mamma mia
I wanted to watch Ame get mad at more Mario games…
No, I knew she was retiring but I dont have time to follow everything with excruciating detail so I figured I would just ask here.
Anyone down for some multiplayer while we wait? Fight clubs or invasions, you name it
We could have an anon meetup in a colosseum
It stings quite a bit that it took impending graduation for us to finally get some semblance of the good days
it'd be the perfect week in any other context, best in ages
CUTE hic
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she's doing her reps at her own pace
Gotta soak it in while we can, gator. Live in the present, etc.
>littel tiny~

we still got some other fun streams before this tho
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>her face when I massage her tits
They're very sensitive!
Ame's sensitive but perky areolae!
I've noticed she's been saying
>you little shits!
a lot lately, is there like a TV show that uses it a lot or what?
CUTE hic
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I didn't think you could get to this area without Messmer.
Oh it's a Kiara thing? Neat.
So she's near messmer right?
Not at all, Messmer is on the Shadowkeep and she's on a different zone rn.
JGHFW, what did I miss so far?
multiplayer password is AMEWAY
Bubba is very active
Ame is cuter than usual
Igon dies when you burn the tree after Romina?
Part of me wants to try to play with her, but I also want to ensure the teamates that put in the work to make a new game character to match hers gets to do so. I'm so conflicted
I will use my big hammer
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>bubba didn't get any kisses...
this hurts.
multiplayer password scales your character, it's fine
That's noble of you but if the newmates get to play, she might never finish in time if they're not experienced enough.
you can even do the boss before doing messmer
nope lol, she'll have to backtrack eventually
yes, you can, I did it last night
cute yowch
Blessed Bubba barks. Feel like I haven't heard this in a long time.
They're saying bye to us T-T
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>bubba doesn't usually bark this much
>he misses the teamates and knows we might never see him again
Good boy, bubba. Good boy.
Even Kiara is getting the old experience. Ame was streaming so late recently she rarely got a chance to watch her.
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Bubba is a based boy and deserves all the kisses.
Professor Layton-coded Ame
me on the globe
Bubba is the little brown one right? And miki's the one wearing the detective hat? Shouldn't bubba have the hat?
Miraculously, I don't think they got a single pet right in that drawing.
CUTE hic
I don't think 2 days is gonna be enough to wrap up Bowson's adventure in the the shadow lands
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This is true!
i want to hug Ame's voice
If she gets carried for the bosses, it should be just enough.
Although she might have to skip Metyr. Quest is a little lengthy.
She really doesn't have the time to be full clearing this shithole.
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I want to hug Ame's slender yet curvy body. I bet her skin is soft and plush...
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All according to keikaku. She has no choice but to delay her leave for another week.
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I successfully made a week off for her.
I don't know if I'm ready.
I mean I'm still following her, just unsure since it'll be the first time I dip my toes outside of hololive
cute awoooo~
How do I join her? I always wanted to join her!
Just put AMEWAY in your multiplayer password system and get in the same area as her and put your summoning sign down
Do I need to join have Shadow of the Erdtree to join?
Who is this "cat" exactly?
oof i don't have Shadow of Erd ;-;
Overwatch or Ghiradeli?
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looks like some people are already putting their summon signs at romina.
her aunt's cat
Someone needs to make Ryan Gosling
From 1 to 100, 1 being the beginning of the stream and 100 being the final boss. Where is Ame?
Auntie Watson’s fat cat Ghirardelli. He really likes Ame.
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From a quick google search, there's plenty of sliders/presets already out there trying to make literally me.
Was listening on my way home from work. Finally home and can watch now yay :D
Wait wasnt one of you guys talking about ame getting a new holy hammer?
with no space. invade me and prove your worth to Ame
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Is she near romina?
>+8 Blessing
I don't think she's going to make it...
Looks less like literally me and more like the guy on a girl's cartoon whose entire personality is that he's stupid and likes football
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don't come back weakling
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I think you just described Ken.
>or else the owl gets it~
I realised as soon as I hit "Submit", kek
>Ame holding an inanimate object/creature hostage in a video game
Gonna miss this bit.
I've been in both worlds. It's honestly not too terribly different most of the time, especially if the streamer is big. Hopefully we'll get to see Ame doing some interesting and innovative content! I'm excited.
Don't worry anon, it'll still be fun.
i just got trashed by Max, good shit. wp
Sign is down at the first step grace
Ame... I hoped you stayed forever
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you still there or no?
fuck this that Max guy good
fight the max guy anon
Why dont you pvp guys just use the arena
what RL? I'm not getting invasions, just use my duelist sign
I like lies of p more than elden ring
I really like her BGM
peak comfy
sitting at church of the bud rn just waiting. I WILL get in there bros
>swords only
What about a big sunflower? I don't think I'm very good though lol
did you get the YOU FUCKING BUG?
that could be useful
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>that voice crack of realization
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I see a chest right here tho?
I suggested it for a meetup >>86062828, but everyone ignored it and now some anon is asking for fights ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Damn you femmate. Why did you have to make me notice it too...
Nope I totally missed it while catching back up to live probably.
>oh it's a shrimp guy I don't like these guys
bug moment is 28ish minutes ago
So tiny!
To be fair these shrimp guys are pure ass. I hate them too lol
Ame is mocking soulfags...
Based. I love the games but hate the "rules" the community makes.
Just got here, I see she's on Romina.
Did she skip the Shadowkeep as most people do? What else did she do?
Make sure to have your name be as funny as possible so Ame chooses you
Thankies! I found it.
what the fuck is this boss design
trash. Utter rubbish. Dogshit like the zoomers say
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Pretty bug lady.
imagine in the future she’s like “oh this reminds me of Gur—uh never mind.”
a fromsoft classic of bug lady with pointy stick
she has Messmer, Avatar, Gaius, Bayle, Metyr, and Putrescence to kill along with Radahn
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which one of you dumbfucks
>Ame sees shark
>"This reminds me of uhhh... Yknow~ *circles it with her cursor and giggles*"
This is one of those "when's my turn?" bosses
I know I'm just joking around anon.
If we can do this, Messmer and another optional boss today I think we're in a good spot for 2 streams. Idk if we're gonna get all optional bosses though.
That's the whole DLC though
Not really, with proper Scadutree Level she's really easy.
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She's actually got a few decent openers. A couple BS attacks still but she's definitely more manageable than other bosses.
She's also pretty squishy.
she's alot more fair than she looks, I think I'd call her one of the not bullshit bosses if anything
Hasn’t she beaten pretty much every boss with summons? Why does she suddenly care about whether it’s easy or not? Especially when time is of the essence.
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Oh I know, i mostly am too. I don't actually get worked up about it lol
This boss reminds me of the final form of the tall lady from RE village what with the female human torso coming out of the monster form
oh, she's not IRyS, she's Rushia, just clicked
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All in all shes doing really well
Rushia had a song called iris so it counts!
I just got here does she have the password system set up for seeing summon signs?
If she was at max Scadutree blessing for this point in the game she would've easily beaten her.
Password is AMEWAY
Wait I just realized, without Messmer she can't burn the tree right? So it won't fuck up the NPC quests even if she inspects it right?
nope, but I doubt shes doing any of the sidequests at this point
But I wanted to help...
Igon is still doable!
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I believed
I wanna help too. But I really like seeing Ame be proud of herself after a win, so I'm happy either way.
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Yeah. Her doing it herself (+ gremlins) is definitely more cool to see even if I wanted to be her savior
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I hope she does the Igon/Bayle questline.
Another thing fun about her being an indie is she can insult games without having to worry about permissions being revoked. I hope she'll try some shovelware at some point, just to make fun of it.
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>she's going to skip everything related to the NPCs
I wish we had gotten a doot emote
yeah mine
H-How did Ame know its my birthday today...
>female cat
must be "overwatch"
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check behind you...
Ame is always talking about food...
Cute... I want to feed her.
she loves you anon
Same. I love all the Bowson pointy hat/bulb hat + dooter art
My birthday is tomorrow though...
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hbd <3
Rewatch the VOD
I hope so too.
My birthday is next Monday...;-;
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Nice stick, timmet.
I hope you can still enjoy it anon. Get yourself something tasty, Ame would want you too.
cute spoked ame noise
cute jumpscared ame
That brings up a question, how much unhinged things she can do before Cover wants to rescind the contract they have? I know she'll be indie and "not affiliated" but she's still the person behind "Amelia Watson"
CUTE hic
Snacktime Teamates go get a snack.

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