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Nijisanji EN YouTube channels:












Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:

Our Minecraft server:

Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>86045750
sex with my cute wife
I feel so shit even though I did nothing but sleep all day
the globie guy's cute
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ill always love my big sisters
Did you take a bath? When was the last time you drank water and ate?
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About 45 mins ago
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bDImBgQZ3rU I need to have sex with both of them
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cocksleeve material
i dont deserve kisses..................................
Reimu's latest hetship target
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why wouldnt you.......
Reimu is pleasant
Sometimes I wonder if in a hypothetical event Anycolor purchases Brave Group, if the Japanese government would invoke their antitrust laws. Like Anycolor and Cover are an undisputed duopoly of the industry, Brave Group is a close third behind them, and then a handful of medium-sized groups behind BG. Or maybe the VTubing industry is not big enough for anyone to care.
I feel like shit a lot of the time, showering sometimes helps, even temporarily
Oh man the trucker tan is actually hard as fuck on you. Like the side of you that's constantly exposed to the sun ages way more
Yeah they're apparently friends from long ago
Reimu is neat
I don't know that Japan has anti trust laws like that
More likely that Cover and Brave would merge or Cover would aquire Brave since they share investors.
proud of you vanta, but I hope these normie "content creator" don't end up affecting your channel negatively.
Schizo I'm asking a legit question because they just did a "nice to talk to you for the first time wink wink" and kohaku said he's been a phantomo since the start so he gives off hints that they have worked together before
Why are you replying to every mention of Reimu flirting with the guy? Are you a jealous incel
I literally answered you and you wasted time responding to the schizo as if he was an actual person.
I was trying to find updates about the flesh streamer shit and I keep getting asmongold jumpscares ewwwww
i've seen pictures it's scary... skin cancer is no joke guys
It is and as someone who lives in a heavy trucking state, it is incredible how many people think they're stronger than the fucking sun
>doxxfagging info
No wonder the vtubing medium is dying
the thing is resolved already anyway so no point in bothering searching it up
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well i think you do deserve it thats not stopping me!
I can't believe it was yet another case of a guy asking for an open marriage and then getting butthurt when his wife sleeps with another man. Talk about an unforced error.
No it isn’t
i still think cheating is gross in literally any way so it doesnt matter what happened but its whatever, smaller than i thought
i really dont...........
yes it is
even if it doesn't kill you, you might lose your ear or your nose to it
the only thing thats a shock is him saying they've split which is a surprise to me, but other than that I guess it's all fine
Check the other dudes twitter
More livers should play Sims
i just did so the girl lied to him then, women are all the same
I need a liver for this feel
Amamiya is a woman
I'm not jealous nor an incel, I just wanted to annoy you and another anon, it was fun watching you get mad at three words. but now it's starting to get boring, you guys just keep repeating the same talking points, over and over
CUTE DRAGON GAMER GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>kept replying to every mention of Reimu
Sounds like you're the one who got annoyed
But can love still blossom?
Shamefur dispray!
the split was kinda obvious when he moved places
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I love Finana so much. No stream today she said she might show up on Aster's birthday depending on what he's doing otherwise I hope she's chilling.
I thought that was for streaming purposes...
i mean yeah of course i got annoyed, you've been saying the same shit about reimu phrased in the exact same ways since, what, 2023? at this point you talk about her more regularly than any actual phantomo, you might as well be one
noone KNEW and he said he would talk about it after half a year or something so it was def a divorce
A misogynist gay guy, how stereotypical...
He really doesn't
22 actually
I LIKE MY FRIENDS WHO ARE GIRLS its just a figure of speech
SIGH yeah whatever. At least its not the worst outcome. I need to watch NL and General sam to engross myself in my baldies
Imagine going schizo just because people don't watch Reimu. You're the one who shit up the thread because she's unpopular
Vanta, you might as well see a therapist if you're gonna be venting to chat this much..
me too especially that my oshi is mia
>I'm not misogynistic I have friends who are girls
Mya anon...
>i have black friends
Jannies she literally mentioned knowing him on stream. You're getting too overprotective again
*rosemi voice* men amirite
NTA but you seemed a lot more schizo than he did.
>Reimu is ___
>Reimu is ____
even now you're still reeing over it
It's kinda funny honestly
Nah. Nobody was paying attention to the schizo phantomo
Ike is a woman
i was trying to give him the benefit of doubt there
if i'm going schizo then you're past the point of being gone, i genuinely wish you well in getting over whatever hang-ups the random anime girl png on your screen gave you
Ike is also a lying whore so that checks out
My lying whore
(You) were. Which is why you're still seething over his 3 word replies a whole ass thread later.
It really is funny ngl
my girlboy
Okay, Vox.
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Am I your friend who's a girl ;_;
I'm myanon's friend kyaa
I love my cute wife Reimu and STOOOOOOOOOOP FIGHTING
you're so cute
NTA but (You) keep leplying. Both of you are seething
I'm Myanon's girl friend now...
you're cute too
telling my irls about my male bestie in poland..
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Moonmoon is a cuck
Okay, Vox.
new wave, five girls, mahou shoujo theme
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I'm a girl now..?
Anyone wanna have a sleepover and pillow fight?
is that what girls do..
my mom never let me have a sleepover and now my friends moved away, so we can only call on discord..
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>Destroying a 15 year marriage
>Won't talk about it
>Taking the high road on his own cheating
This is your oshi?
>Vanta the only streaming
>Not the OP
Is this some bias against him
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is the new game wiwa is playing good? i have so many vods to catch up to.....
Go get a job closer to your friends.
It gets significantly harder to get friends the older you get so it's worth moving for them. Trust me.
maid dress, lacy pantsu, too-tight thigh highs, NOW
no, reimu was live when the thread was made
i cant even get a job now..
also shave your fat ugly hairy body please
Based, other guy's acuck
Ask them if their company has an employee reference system a lot of larger ones do.
comfybaker is racist
Ike makes me so happy it makes me miserable
Okay miku
So? Why not choose Vanta then? The OP has a timestamp and his waiting room was set top go up 20 mins before this thread was created.
There is an explicit bias with how OP pics are picked
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>reimu was live when the thread was made
>vanta was not
it's that simple
and zali was also live too, why aren't you fighting for him as op too
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>fat ugly hairy
I've been stuck in my hotel room for 4 days now don't be mean please I'm suffering enough...
That was exceedingly obvious after Kunai didn't even get an OP out of spite despite it being her graduation after someone called out the thread baker. She just picks her faves and uses them for the OP most often.
bake the thread yourself next time instead of throwing a temper tantrum and samefagging
Put on the maid dress and I'll apologize
Miku doesn't work for this. Should've said Len instead.
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please stop posting, everytime i see your posts i get unbearably sad about your suffering i dont want to see it anymore... get better right now..
Watch her not use Vanta again next thread OP because of her ego
Comfy Baker hates black people.
Mya anon hates women

We are a deeply problematic thread
which poster is homophobic?
take a nair bath stinky ugly nasty
Mya anon....
Who’s every NijiEN’s favorite vocaloid
Sonny is definitely Kaai Yuki
You're literally just saying this because you said you went to listen to inabakumori but don't even know his favorite vocaloid
your response to these accusations?
>OP can only be whoever is live
ennaschizo outs himself as a newfag, again
Dude please I’m begging you please take meds your posts are genuinely more insane than Ennaschizo’s sometimes
Sonny's favorite Vocaloid is Len Kagamine, because he's a shotacon. Ike's favorites are the Kagamines, specifically Len, because he's also a shotacon.
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he is literally a gachikoi for a woman
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Why is a Briskadet being nice to me???
It's great but I thought you were all tsundere for Pomies??
Scrolling through this, some of the girls don't even get OPs in the period that Reimu has already been used twice
BASED. They all love men vocaloids.
Not a Briskadet but I also want you to be happy, Pomie. I hope things work out for you soon.
wtf does that mean............................................................................................................
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That's a stupid rule. Why does it have to be limited to whoever's live?
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This is what it feels like to goon to Twisty's ASMRs.
you're absolutely right, and since for a brief period both vanta and zali were live and streaming together, the next op should be erotic medicrow ship art
Don't get priapism
yeah today is aster's day and he isn't even live for another three hours, all ops for the next day should only be aster
Can't take criticism?
it's not, that was my point. whoever bakes chooses who's in the OP.
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Thank you for caring anon! I can walk again now at least. I just have constant coughing and can't talk because my throat hurts too much. If I'm lucky I'll be better by tomorrow!
We should also ONLY do sonnyban thread pics
It's the best. And Sonny endorses it
should've been the copypasta
what do you mean, i'm literally offering suggestions and alternatives
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Ugh I hate women...
And the baker's bias shits it up by not giving a chance to other members to be in the OP. Except for her faves.
fair point, so who would you personally want to see as the thread op?
you act like your hands are tied and you can't put on your big boy pants and bake the thread yourself when it dies. keep complaining like a sissy
who is tis random vanta is in vc with
Sorry guys I took over comfybakers computer while they're bathing and I will now exclusively use Da Wose for the op everytime
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bud you can't even get first post over her.....
>her faves
she doesn't even watch reimu she watches vanta more if you're so mad bake the fucking thread faggot
Anyone in a maid bikini
how is comfybaker biased when fuuchan is rarely the OP even when he's live. did this retard forget where the comfy comes from
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Let's be real, you faggots don't even look at the OP 99% of the time.
Why do you have to lie just to defend some anon
time to revive the nijigirls split
he didn't forget anything it's just that whenever he has nothing to do he picks apart avatarfags and his favorites aren't here right now so he's going for the OP
I love this Sonny emote why do you always use it to metapost
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Because it exudes holier than thou aura
So do other generals limit their OP to only whoever's live? Or is it just this one
that's been true since the dawn of time though, we always had newfags asking for the password for the ninisani watchalong site. which should've been a sign for how retarded anons are
skinwalking as LOEschizo without inciting genderwars first is a weak LARP
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>Another graduation, another play button post

Why do they ALL do this?
Why do you care
imo kunai didn't deserve an op desu, but comfydant baker did make at least 2 threads for her in her last week you retard
It's so surreal how much she loves her current "fans" while hating Nakarats during her time in Niji.
Lol okay I’m not trying to come off as some rabid corpo bootlicker or whatever but she literally posted an old ass button just so she could be part of the meme, at least the others did it when they reached actual new milestones
god i hate how new and retarded you fucks are
because her design pigeonholed her as a huge dyke mommytuber
Unironic woman moment
Ironically the schizo is a homegrown /#/tard, a thread with a long history of using random 2hus and anime girls as their OP instead of a Virtual YouTuber
doesn't own the concept of a nijigirls split and has been dead for over two years now, invoking dead schizos is dumb
She literally had no reason to post that play button other than to be petty since she never even got to 100k subs in Niji since she didn't even stream. Is she just doing this just to grift from the anti audience? I just bad for her fans
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Its even stranger when you consider that she had less of an impact than Zaion yet was around for more time.
I just don't get it. If a corpo isn't for you that's perfectly fine but this feels so weird and petty, like she sees all the rrats about niji and knows what she's doing.
I mean you gotta pay the bills
go ahead and make your split then, i need a good laugh
idk man, anycolor should really give the livers play button
Yeah sure briskadet you totally never start drama
i don't give a rat's ass about a button i just want people to FUCKING STREAM AND NOT ALL AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME
Retard, Kunai never even got to 100k because she's a lazy cunt
Kunai was doomed from the beginning due to her design
wtf claude and ryojisan have a deadlock collab tonight
it became a rule back when we had our first dedicated baker (quilldren baker), sisters get upset when you don't use a liver that's currently live
It feels weird and petty because it is weird and petty.
>redesign her mascot to look more like nakarats
>play button post
least subtle grift
You're just a faggot. Her model was sex. She joined just to funnel people into her PL. She refused to be a part of anything in Niji and wouldn't even stream. How can she be seething about not getting to 100k while not even fucking trying?
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maybe thatll cheer me up i wanna see any of them play paradox
Retard doesn't watch both kunai and her pl, the pl reached 100k long time ago and kunai never reached 100k
>Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.
Forgot your distorted Claude pic
I predict a dramatuber collab before the end of the year
There's no point in the current environment, it'd get raided worse than the second generation nijigirls split did that happened in '22-'23.
he's locking in
It was toma, twitch indie
Does anyone know if aster posted a schedule or at least said what he will do for his birthday? I expect that the members will join since the majority of them specifically didnt have a stream for this.
it starts at midnight for me... i might watch an hour before heading to bed, i need to be in the office tomorrow
I like short hair but her design was just gross (weird tsurime, mole, lipstick, fake cat ears, beak-like lips) and basically made for lesbians and no one else
even an ugly design like reimu can get to 100k, kunai was just lazy
She could have paid the bills by actually streaming or doing anything at all
6am for me so ill miss 1 hour of it because i get to office at 7......
EST and euro suffering........
Why do people wake up at 6 am
You’re just too used to moeblobs, I don’t like Uki’s face because his proportions just look weird but Kunai looks fine
Only after begging for subs while clinging to Luxiem
>hating on moles and nekomimi buns
Gayest post in the entire thread
If you're gay, you can just say so
i am physically incapable of waking up past 7
Its up.
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it's joever
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i have work
some people have jobs
Work or School
I need to eat before my oshi streams
Kohaku who collabed with Reimu is also followed by ironmouse, geega, bao and shoto amongus other people.
Reimu was hinting at him to get into nijisanji via apex. And he's known Reimu since 2021, played apex with her and watched Kimetsu no yaiba together.
Today's collab was to promote her PL friend it seems.
Every single time /nenfem/ has surfaced it has been accompanied by a couple threads of blatant, continuous and effective genderwar bait, followed by a declaration that this thread is "rotten" or "infested by whores" and a lot of posts telling people to move there. Usually the thread does not make it past 3 iterations (except that one time) before dying off. The schizo may not own the concept but he sure haunts it.
Real /nenfem/ has never been tried, I suppose. If you revive it, I'll pray that it won't fail as it historically has.
If there are less hours in the day, I'll feel like killing myself.
Suzuna is also part of Maimoto's stream
i dont know where the nen in nenmen and nenfem comes from...
do you meet any cute boys at work
niji en
Nijisanji EN
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watch hunter x hunter
theres an arknights youtuber who streams IS for like 5 hours, a few times a month, and i wish we could get our own arknights vtuber.... vivi why do you hate me?? IS and RA can be milked for ages..
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i thought anon was joking when he said she redesigned her mascot to look like nakarats
they are literally nakarats without the ears
so is this the reason TTT couldn't release a thing for kunai's graduation, she fucked off and clearly hated them and didn't want to contribute?
Must be nijiEN or somet- OH MY RUBBER NEN
Ging did nothing wrong
/nenfem/ won't work for the simple reason that the only 2 fanbases that actually liveposted the girls, pomudachis and dragoons, are gone.
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with a rat form too
what happened to creative freedom?
Reimu is actually cute + 2.0 improved her massively, she can sing and pretty much everyone got a load of dead subs during the Luxiem boom
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no its all boomers besides i barely leave my server room
Why do you always give the game away so blatantly? Toddlers are more adept at deception than you.
Real /nenfem/ was tried, that's what all those threads from 2022-2023 were. It wasn't our fault that some opportunistic schizo decided to use its existence to troll this thread.
Just another male whose cock Reimu wants to suck
>Makes her mascot her Niji one
>Proceeds to shit on Niji days after
Is she bipolar?
any hot ojisan?
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Rosemi's fans are active when she streams
The only reason she likes HxH is because it has a shota MC
pomudachis livepost their body dysmorphia more than mint's streams
nah.. theyre all nasty
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Ok Vox
Bonbon (candy in french) mention!
before /luxnoc/ became /nenmen/ we tried /NijiMEN/ but anons kept getting lost and mistaking it for main. it was a funny transition period.
creative freedom is for being as lazy as possible
lazu+ is basically a nijigirl split anywa
>Rosemi's fans are active when she streams
Yeah but they socpost instead of liveposting Wosemi-sama. It's why Rosemi graduating and shedding the nu-buds that don't even watch her would be a good thing.
if you bite the most blatant bait itt yet i will fuck your ass with no protection
Were you dropped on your head as a child or something?
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Were you dropped on your head as a child or something?
the era of rosebud socposting has been long over, the only one left is the wildottr guy
why even lie about something that takes 10 seconds to verify
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sigh *unbuckles pants*
Reminder: Don't search up "Rosebuds" on Twitter
They're doing this thing called trolling, you see. Reality doesn't matter because they only care about replies and making people mad on the internet.
It would take you like a full year to build up a fresh account for IS.
vtuber that streams MOC 12, AS and Pure Fiction
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jokes on you that's my fetish
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this suzuna art makes me happy
Nothing wrong with making a dedicated girls' split, there just really truly isn't much organic demand because lazulight already has one and the only other girl with a really strong fan presence here is rosemi and a /wose/ gets made every once in a while, sometimes as a stealth thread so ONE. LETTER.-kun is less likely to shit it up. Anons really underestimate the amount of people who either watch livers of both gender or just aren't bothered by posts about the ones they don't watch. Like I watch a ton of livers so I don't use any NijiEN splits whatsoever because my threadwatcher already has like 20 things on it from elsewhere and I feel no need too.
Even nenmen is just a dedicated hugbox (I mean that in the least shitpost-y way possible) of a few people who keep it alive out of love, a thread for the girls with a similar premise could work out great but the girls get targeted by bad actors more often so it usually fizzles out.
a year passes faster than you think, TTT will be one year old in less than two months. in the meantime you can clear all the stories and events bit by bit.
tbf there's been cn accounts who cleared is3 with only the pipis, i wouldn't even mind if they only pulled meta so they could clear

Uki's face and overall design is so ugly imo. >>86064555 also kunai's design was gorgeous. I always roll my eyes whenever someone bring the "wasted design/spot" talk but this is the first time I genuinely feel like she wasted a spot someone could have gotten with such a pretty model and just being in nijisanji.
The most amazing thing about this image is that it works for multiple vtubers.
Fuck it. Send in another wave Comrade Riku
not to mention the board is too fast nowadays and slower threads really struggle, threads hit page 10 in 30min and archive in under an hour.
I'm just glad people like my shitty meme drawing enough to repost it.
it'd genuinely be fixed with longer hair, that's all, she openly disliked it
What's with the loops today?
That Rosemi is built for hardcore pounding all night
i'm fucking bummed about her model too. her mama's art style is great, i hope we get another kid from her someday. just like how i've held out for another soubin child.
yeah, it's been rough keeping my home thread alive recently
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surely I don't have to have a new account right surely if I just unfriend everyone and change my name I can keep my limited ops
happy birthday to layla too
That thread came after Kunai had already graduated. The baker kept her in the OP out of spite but didn't use her as the pic after someone called her out even in yhe actual thread where she graduated
i wonder why they don't create a holo board if each girl of theirs has their own general
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her language stream with ike was sweet happy birthday layla
She disliked everything and that's so annoying lol. One of the biggest debuffs in live2d not design has been reimu yet she streams like crazy, her 3D fixed the original design and like everyone else who disliked something about their model they just waited for new outfits, but she's so petty and streamed 0 times????
wasn't this clarified with the whole zaion debacle, you just have to ask for approval to use your old account?
Fact check
Yeah I'm basing it off petra who didn't have a new fresh account. Plus you'd have to put a gun to my head to make me go through the first 3 arcs
can we get a fat check
in that case you could started on IS and RA right away... i hope you get in anon
I don't care about her reasons for not streaming, don't care if she thinks it's better to go back to her bigger PL, and I pretty much respected whatever reasoning she had. Her stupid tweet about her playbutton made me dislike her. Fucking fine, get out of nijisanji to your bigger PL, get those likes, tet that attention and gather as much as you can while everyone hates on niji see how much that lasts for you and how much you can actually keep, cause people like doki and mint who actually had a following in niji went back to their normal numbers after being super popular and super watched by antis. Same thing will happen with her, and I would have supported if not for her unnecessary pettiness.
honestly you could just skip the story... i kinda hate watching story streams of gacha when i've already played it
Did iluna and xsoleil ever get second outfit merch? I wanna buy Doppio's.
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>Reimu OP
>another shit thread
I just got to buy some PC upgrades...
I like story reading for some events because I get to put my linguistics knowledge and accents to use!
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I’m tired of monkey game
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what Nijisanji-related name would you give to your child
Please don't be real please don't be real please don't be real this is worse than the people who named their kids Karkat
i would kill my SO if they wanted to name my child after a vtuber
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I actually run into a lot of cute white college boys shopping with their parents at work. They're all so skinny and young. I love when they wear shorts.
So he posted a picture of his baby brother and pretended that the baby was named after a vtuber so that said vtuber would notice him?
reminder that the kid named karkat is somewhere in the world right now
for ak i love it when people read and pay attention to the story even if i've seen it before. so really it's up to you in the end, everyone has different preferences
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For me it's this
if you get in play maria nearl and nearl light first so you can do funny polish accents, thank you. also because i love the horses including uncle..
Yeah. Never trust anyone who posets a kid on twitter just to get some vtuber's attention
moshi moshi fbi?
not one good streamer in this group
>white college boys
>in shorts
there is nothing cute about gross hairy legs
ive seen a lot of cute white college boys when i drive past this private university near my city...
For a streamer, I think the best thing to do would be a watchalong for the first season of the anime and then pick up the main story in game since it gets tolerable around that point. Also >>86067301
should be done between the end of arc 1 and start of arc 2.
Change boys to girls and the Vox image into a Pomu one and people are gonna react very differently.
He got what he wanted anyway. A reply from his oshi.
Looks like using kids for internet attention pays off
I read polish books/stories when I was younger and I remember helping people pronounce the names of people when blemi's event first happened Accent though is hard because out of 3 polish people i have met, none of them speak similar
Ryoji is playing deadcock? I'll be there
oh this is a good idea, i like it
Nijifags do the same thing while rationalizing that it's ok. At least holofags recognize this as cringe
i saw a tweet talking about how hard it is to write claude, and i was so confused how a claude fanfic writer got onto my fyp when i don't even follow him, but then i realized it was claude fe3h..
Claude should be brown too...
if only Claude Nijisanji EN was as sexy as Claude Fire Emblem
>correct logo
0/10 should've played deadcock
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I regret all my Tittyfuck Kunai Nakasato posts.
AVALLITE WILL COME BY YIPPEEE!! more rosco (and gale) and ryoma is good
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Sonny LOVE
Feesh LOVE
Wosemi LOVE
Shubert LOVE
Meroco RABU
Stream Cendrillon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7HZcCgMx3w
Stream Break Free https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YnDtV6Yejo
Stream Ringo Mogire Beam
Stream Infinity
Stream Bling-Bang-Bang-Born
wait no ryojisan waiting room.. why does he hate me
>nuh uh!!! nou!!!!
>claude fe3h
I misread that as "claude feesh", it's so over
we asked for less apex so he's starving us as punishment
i woke up at the same time as debi..
Also I feel like with any general about a female vtuber, it just doesn't last because there's always so much fighting or tribalfagging or not enough interest. Someone made a unity thread called /cgdct/ and it barely lasted. Even /cbdct/ is still going. It would be nice for them to have a unity thread for people to talk about multiple girls from multiple corpos without fighting but we can't have nice things because of the jannies on this board.
Captcha: NAHDW
But I am worrying about the state of this board....
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Today I discovered this exist
what did you do to feesh...
Men are catty bitches.
These are pretty good.
Remember when holofags were posting that child in a gura costume as some sort of own? I don't think all lolicons are pedophiles but my god that was just too fucking far.
if you're on the west coast, you should try out somisomi, they sell taiyaki ice cream and it's good
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i wish i had clawfeesh writers on my feed
>try to look up Claude and Finana's ship name since I didnt now what it's called
>find post calling Claude and Petra are their otp
>its about fe3h

Claude needs to change his name this shit keeps happening. Also we need more brown sex in Nijien Petra from 3 houses is hot too.

Hes so fucking hot he reminds me of Gale's design
>FBI hangs up after realizing it's an adult attracted to other adults
I fought with Google's Gemini so much today, I'm already tired. But I won in the end, stupid fucking AI piece of shit
I smell kino
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speaking of
Speaking of Gale, I hope he drops by Aster's birthday party.
Debi woke up
they have been around for years grandpa
are you white or live in the country side?
Sex with black femanons.
Nijifags love posting kids in their threads
>bro has the post saved
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pat pat wushu wushu~
And they have the nerve to say this about women. Looks like it was all just deflection this whole time.
>anon has a stroke while reading kazimierz dialogue
>polish viewers understand them
Yikes. More parents posting their kids for internet points.
"Come on dear. Draw the anime character for mummy so that she can get attention from a vtuber online!"
seethe nijicuck
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this is the third time this collab has been posted
There, there , Nakarat. You can just say it was your lust for the model and not for the person behind it
why does that pirate guy looks like a slut
She looks so cheerful
im a little confused still because i don't really know pvp game types... so is deadlock like league but 3d and you just have your own character instead of the little soldiers?
Wow, not a single good NijiEN member in that collab
he is
And he needed to find an old post meanwhile holofags do this shit in a day that ends in y
Can you zoomer children please settle down?
He moans every stream. Almost as much as Fuuchan.
No you don't. In your heart of hearts you know you want to explore that pocket still
look up a game called smite its basically this but in FPS form but yes its a moba where you farm creeps push lanes buy items first then fight vs enemies
Yes. It's a moba like league or as some like to call the moba genre ASSFAGGOTS
it's a third person shooter MOBA
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but are his moans as lewd as fuuchan's
i love the ASSFAGGOTS term and how it originated from d2g
more slay the princess! i was just thinking about this game the other day
What a waste of pape material
Now that I think about it, no. Not really. They're mostly joke moans with the occasional sexy moans.

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