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Granted, these irl male collab streams happen a lot on twitch already, but chuubas on Youtube have no real champion to rally behind and help them break free from long obsolete expectations and traditions of GFE and male interaction celibacy. Dokibird has the admiration and goodwill of the masses, the average vtuber fan, the silent majority, to lift up the entire genre. What she does and will do allows everyone, but especially the thousands of smaller female chuubas, to slip from the shackles of a few mentally ill screechers holding them and their creative desires hostage. She may not be ready to show her face and do irl streams herself yet, but she's making huge steps towards breaking down the barriers between general streaming and vtubing. Dragoons I kneel to your oshi.
you sound mad
Uh oh, what happened to nijisanji this time?
How come when Filian collabs with big names her viewerbase grows but when Doki does her viewerbase stays stagnant?
You really believe these fags that think that Vtubers on Youtube and Twitch are different? Oh yeah this one is special because she stream on Youtube and doing a collab, my fucking god man.
Obvious seething sister thread
Doki won
Niji lost
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Filian/Dokiturd/Plappa in the gas chamber for bringing this scourge upon this sphere
Sykunno's been a shitter in the greater vtuber sphere since before HoloEN even existed, sadly.
>nijicunt avatarfagging with doki's close friend to anti doki
you love to see it
they were together irl very recently but you don't watch either so you wouldn't know that
Chilled has a mustache now? I can't say it looks horrible on him but it ain't good either.
she streams on YT
he looks like he should be on a "sex offenders near you" list. dont know why guys get these creepy staches
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why is doki enabling this creepy leech
Nah, he looks more like a Vaudeville act's doorsman than a pedo to me. Well, the stare is creepy, but the curleh mustache basically takes away all of my attention from anything else.
Just weird seeing Youtubers I used to live by like a decade ago look way different. Even Jerma still looks like himself, Chilled just looks like a different person. Which I guess is the point of a stache.
Context on this image?
It's a Reddit filename. That's your context.
>begs for a collab
>gets ignored
yeah i'm sure /who/ and the hoomans love dookie lmao
anyway, I'm glad gigi got into hololive because her and mumei have become very close
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>doesn't call Filian a retarded name unlike Dokibird and Pippa
you gave yourself away, just like that
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you just replied to a hooman
now go suck enna's boyfriend's cock, nijicuck
i hate pretty much all of these youtuber faces
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what happened
>snakes her Gen mates
>snakes her ex co-workers
>snakes her vtuber "family"
>snakes her actual family
>snakes multiple staff of hers
she'll fit right in with these people
if you were really a hooman you'd know what happens when you bring a certain off-topic vtuber to /who/
i adore mumei, but your claim is as dumb as saying that every deadbeat "likes and respects" connor
She is the CCP's Trojan Horse into the indie scene, this much is obvious.
good thing my oshi is mumei and not the board then and she has nothing to do with the retarded politics here
are you lobotomized
>I adore mumei
no you don't
you're using her face to anti
moreso her close friend
you hate her and you should deepthroat a shotgun
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Kinda ironic how that picture of Mumei has become the new pic related.
spoiler alert: it's the same poster
What form of schizophrenic delusion is this?
Doki male collabing is like complaining that the sky is blue or water is wet. It won't get whatever seethe you're particularly looking for
some retard
doki is cantonese (aka hates the ccp)
doki is an important western vtuber since she is an embodiment of the most important western values
she is the #believeallwomen / "blaming other people for her mental illness and insane women actions" vtuber
i'm not even that poster you dungus, i'm just telling you how many hoomans feel
goodbye and keep enjoying your biyearly crumbs i guess
people dont really care as much about girls interacting with normal men as they do with them being around creepy sex pest weirdos
If you actually care about this stuff (you probably don't, antis with an axe to grinds always make these half assed arguments for (You)s) go watch some JPs instead. Plenty of them out there who stick to their vtuber guns, and plenty more who do interesting things with the vtuber concept.
Or hell, find an EN indie with the right vibes you want. Plenty to choose from who need the support.
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no you dont understand
jannies on 4chinz delete posts about doki in /who/ so they CLEARLY hate each other
or something idk that's his only argument
>still gets ignored
Oh boy, can't wait for this shit bait thread to reach page 10 and "somehow" get bumped.
Anyone who replies after this is gay
Damn I was too harsh on her
>more males with vtubers
>chilled chaos
what is this fucking 2011?
Holozhangs bowing to chinks deflection thread.
I am glad I dropped this bitch after the first male collab. I knew it she will end up doing fleshtube collabs. Fleshtube collabers are whores using an anime avatar and do not belong in the vtuber industry.
Haircut. Filled out his eyebrows. Cured acne
removing IPs was a mistake
OP has replied to himself like 10 times here, all the same post style
>avatarfagging with doki's close friend
You mean with a Luxiem fan?
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Give up Ren she is never going to reply to homos ever again!
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He is cursed with only being able to look at the camera from one angle for the rest of his life
sykkuno got really really fat
he used to be so hot
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>this is why doki is important
this is what will make vtubers worse in years anon.
damn, haven't heard that name since the Creature days. Dude must be like 40 now.
Who the fuck are those guys?
I am gay, now let's make hot fuck
Sexpesting cute anons is a far better use of this thread than bothering with bait
I don't take offense at Doki collabing with flesh males.
I take offense at Doki collabing with Ellum, the dumbest chav in existence.
One of these is going to tie her to train tracks, one looks like some dude playing Hokuto no Ken competitively and the third one probably played FNAF with clickbait thumbnail and title
>still bumping his thread at page 10
He is dumb but he's too middle class to be a chav.
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>doxx fag shit to reply to schizos
> he/she herself doesn’t listen to what they themselves said
You are a shitposter yourself since Not mumei already told you to fuck off and that she doesn’t to be associated with any of your nijitard drama
I remember ChilledChaos had a fun group kind of like the PartyCrashers of back then.
But then the guy went really weird with left wing political topics after being influenced by his girlfriend and became a twitter lolcow and kind of lost support from a lot of people.

Doki should be careful when collabing with washed up fleshies because the tripwires are everywhere
OP here. I realized I never posted the link to the collab. Go support Doki in about 45 minutes.
>She may not be ready to show her face and do irl streams herself yet
Too close to the sun, I was considering believing you before this line. Still 8/10 b8, earned a reply.
That has always been my concern with one of the channels I watch. Most of the members of the group don't comment on politics at all, but one of them makes some remarks on rare occasions (no idea where he leans because I don't know what right or left even mean) and I'm always worried about him going too far. Got even scarier when they were on hiatus for years and I didn't know if he went full retard or something, but thankfully everything was fine. Can't imagine the channel without him either.
I'm glad most vtubers I watch don't voice their own opinions on these matters because even if they are actually nutjobs or whatever, I don't have any reason to believe it.
In general you need to watch out for people who are obviously trying to boost themselves and fishing for clips or controversy.
>posting stream link in catalog
I remember when he left The Creatures and joined the SeaNanners orbit. A lot of youtubers from that era went full crazy to cling to relevence.
Dokicucks you're okay with this?
>Creepy Leech
Hey, dont you dare call my cure shark wife a leech
Yes, there clear different cultures between them. Starting from chat and content.
>doki told the story herself
>literally says she asked and got permission to tell it
keep pretending like you watch them, nijicunt
it's really funny LMAO
Outing yourself with all your generic catalogshitter avatarfaggotry
Its sorta strange for me to see all these people from when I was in middle school now slowly enter the vtuber sphere (Ray from Lets Play, Chilled Chaos, etc)
>expecting a Nijinig to have enough IQ
Live now
Male voices on stream now. Go check it out.
can't unsee it now
I just wish chilled would stop hanging out with these people, desu
don't care about doki either way
ngl i saw this thumbnail earlier when i was on youtubes front page and was quite disappointed in doki.
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It's a male collab bait thread, retard.
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Based, also TUD
It's obviously a bait thread but I think it's more about Twitch fleshies rather than males. If it was intended as a male collab bait thread then they've picked a rather weird chuuba to use for it.
>doki popular
>doki makes people seethe
>male collabs make people seethe
>fleshtubers make people seethe
do the math
the fact that nobody who actually knows doki since at least her selen days cares about her interacting with men is irrelevant to a catalognigger who can only think in terms of seething and baiting
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kek if you know you know
La+ naf fubuki organized the same tournament with fleshslops on YT and even included a bunch of holomems
It's so surreal seeing ChilledChaos of all people in there
I used to watch him playing The Sims 3 a decade ago
Is this some sort of an accomplishment now? Sad.
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Dokibird and Brave Group are going to kill gfe and cgdct in western vtubing. I give it a year and a half.
>picked a rather weird chuuba to use for it
>implying that this has ever once stopped these pagpag eating catalog bottomfeeders in the entire history of /vt/
Anon, this is the board that forced the "plapkin plappa" meme.
Yeah, shit like this feels surreal.
Hey big anon how mighty to meet
What tight jeans you wear they would look good on floor
They're not going to kill it, but they will give new girls the confidence to not prey on male loneliness to make their money. Those who enjoy this kind of work will still do it. So if anything, it'll be a filter for genuine GGE instead of merely profit oriented emotional exploitation.
Lost a ton of respect for Chilled when he privated his Cards against Humanity vids because muh values. I remember him calling out Hutch in a vid for being a pussy and not being offensive anymore. Now he's the same. He's the only one who privated his shit too.
Used to watch him a lot too.
Never really got know if he had any drama, but like, what turned me off from him was that he was too much of a try-hard and enjoys winning above all else.
Dunno if he's still like this though.
He does have good banter though.
I have mixed feelings basically.
nice necrobump
He's a try hard since 2011. Him losing all the edge and having hypocrisy sucks.
There is a zealous hooman jannie that will delete anything related to mumei's rm in seconds , specially if it makes them look like cucks
God I fucking hate Sykkuno so much. That motherfucker is so fucking fake. People like him immediately give me shit vibes.
>That motherfucker is so fucking fake
>said the anon on a forum about mentally ill women who role play as cartoons
>mentally ill women who role play as cartoons
I wish.

Most of those whores only put up an anime girl on screen to hide their face.
That's just Vshojo.
He wears makeup now
doki is cantonese aka she cums herself over dim sum
Calm down sister. I know you are standing up for your UwU basedboy but calm the fuck down.
I don't even watch him and didn't even knew he existed until Doki beat him up, but doesn't complaining about "fakeness" on a vtuber forum make you feel a little silly?
Any proof you're not the same? >>86061894
Suck my ass, Enna
Do fagoons really?
I wake up and this thread is still being bumped by its faggot OP, what a sad fucking life.
I didn't bump shit, get fucked
>an extremely obvious bait thread, but one that has broad appeal to multiple fish & great angering potential due to poking at /vt/core contradictions
A well-deserved (You) for this masterful bait, this one's going to bump limit
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I just saw Chilled in the OP, bro.
luv my oshi Chilled
Once you take a step back you realize he just repeats the same boring sex joke every time
A friend didn't even remember he had his old chinstrap beard when he was talking with her, so he literally grew a mustache out of spite
the one who went weird on Twitter that you're thinking of wasn't Chilled but his former friend GaLm
the guy went off his meds, went on crazy rambling rants, went through like three different identity changes in like a week, started a bunch of GoFundMes and blew the money on OnlyFans girls, got arrested at one point, and burned all his bridges with the friend group while his new GF at the time was egging him on
you must be thinking of someone else, too
>doki is cantonese
>Confusing languages with actual ethnicity and loyalty.
No you moron, she has specifcally stated she LOVES mainland China and its culture because that is where she has lived most of her life. They speak cantonese there too. She is a CCP supporter and streams on their platform bilibili, cope harder.
Chilled doesn't do much sex jokes though. He's known for kicking kids at Disneyland and Pushing women now.

>GaLm went off the deep end
Yikes. What happened to Smarty?
Smarty just kinda quit
he was never big and he had other stuff he cared more about going on so he just moved on with his life
Probably brainwashed by her family too, the extremely abusive parents she suddenly loves a lot..
>Streams on billibilli
Hasn't yet but go off I guess.
I do find this CCP supporter delusion to be a funny cope
Nta but pretty sure he's just living his life away from content creation
If you're so sure about this, you have timestamps and links to back this up, right? No? How strange. You seemed so incredibly sure of it, too...
Streams, sponsored by, tomato, tomato as they say.
I remember Chilled's tweets getting passed around /pol/ because of what an assclown he was being. He was also doing weird political rants in his videos. Also if you listen to him for any length of time all his humor is just really crass sex jokes.
So nothing beyond coping and just throwing things at a wall.
She needs to pay back her masters somehow anon, prrrrrrrrrrease understand.
So how did you start this cope genuinely asking?
>Smarty just quit
He was the runt of the group. Cheesy took over his character archetype too. He's more annoying than Smarty though.

He's just an edgy fuck before moving to Twitch. All his offensive stuff are mostly privated now though.
I accept your concession she is vetted and approved by her homeland.
it sucks extra hard because Chilled and GaLm being competitive with each other was great content, but then he hooked up with the wrong girl and had his psychotic break where he freaked out on the rest of the Derp Crew
on the flip side, Tom's an indie vtuber who has collabed with VShojo now, though, so that's kinda neat
Any evidence beyond your delusional ramblings?
Coward, but chat reflects the streamer so i didn't expect any more from you.
You're still dodging the question. Once again any evidence beyond you rambling like a delusional moron
Galm should've pulled a Chilled and date and marry a fan. Poor bastard.
>Tom became a Vtuber
Kek. I don't really watch Tom much even back in the day. He's alright.
>vshojo collab
I skipped all those moments when Chilled collabed with Zen because he ruins all the comedy timing with the text to speech.
And people defend him on youtube, Jesus.
Since Fagoons are slow in the ehad here is a timely analogy: If someone posted on social media just how much they love Russia and how proud they are of being Russian on multiple poccassions without a single disclaimer anywhere, ever, that they don't support Russian's genocide of Ukraine or authoritarism, and gets sponorships by Russian companies, you would rightfully conclude they are acting as a shill. A Zhang who does the same exact thing is no better.
Holy headcanon, Batman
Those social credit points must be real good whenever she goes home though.......
>Nijinig writing delusional fac fictions
Why are they like this?
>wall of text, so skippa skippa
>see "I kneel to your oshi" at the end
Falseflaggers should be lined up against a wall and shot to death
China is West Taiwan.
>Nijikek is a globohomo leftoid
Wow, what a surprise
You could just not support a Zhang who politically shows her support online for the mainland anon, it isn't that difficult.
>more headcanon
0 IQ nijikek, just like your beloved Riku
>Poor bastard
I mean, I think she was a shitty person for sticking with it while he was clearly spiraling, but you can't put all the blame on the girl for supporting his bullshit until it got too much for even her
in the end, GaLm was the one resentful of the others, going off his meds, freaking out, and refusing their attempts to help him until they all dropped him
To be fair he had fucked up genes. He was some kind of Korean/Black mix.
Imagine if your genetics was basically a mixed soup of non-complementary pieces that don't match. It's like if mixed pieces from a Power Ranger and a barbie
Damn shame seeing all the youtubers I watch go down.
Chilled became a pussy, Galm went schizo and just recently Hutch become a /pol/fag.
>streams on their platform bilibili
I'd still like to know which discord this was passed around because months later there are still retards who keep repeating this despite her never - at any point- streaming on Bilibili. Is it a sister discord or a BVTM discord?
>CCP supporter
Yes, the Hong Kong native whose parents took her to the UK and then Cananda is a CCP supporter...
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lol you fucking retardchama
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isn't the guy on the bottom left the one mori tried to collab with?
go back
least obvious falseflag
Link to this? This screen shot looks like something made in paint.

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