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Remember when 100k subscribers was a big deal? Like not just for vtubers but even in the ancient youtube days.
She seems so excited about streaming again
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I think she is trying to tell us something but i still don't know what it is...
>I'll treat myself to the new version when I hit 200k!
You mean she'll just fucking ask for a new one?
For those who don't get the joke
I keked
I remember when "YouTubers" were a tight community and everyone knew everyone regardless of their individual niches
She single handedly managed to work towards it, now heading to 200k while not even breaking 80k under Anycolor.
So joining Nijisanji was actually a step down for her. Fuck me, if Nijisanji EN hopes to get some new waves in they better have something to offer upfront because they cant promise a bigger audience anymore.
There's a ton of desperate low 1-2 views. They'll find people.
She seems to have gotten the same treatment as Bonbon, huh.
They’ll just have signing bonuses and stipulate that you can only keep that money if you don’t pull any major yabs before your time on the graduation queue is up. Said queue also starts when you sign, for an enhanced revolving door experience.
Anycolor is the Costa Concordia of Vtubing.
You know, the luxury cruise ship that had casinos, malls, jewelry stores and shit but then hired a Helmsman from Indonesia cause he was that cheap and desperate for a job, who never even steered a ship, didnt speak italian or english and steered right into rocks cause he mixed up starboard and port.
6 months at minimum, around the same time a call center worker burns out and leaves.
True, but there were days when many high 3-view indies would have accepted a NijiEN position.
I still can’t believe that happened. Cutting that many corners for cheap labor is so retarded that I fully expect Niji to do similarly.
No one watched her league streams, retard. Her graduation stream only had 1,000 views. She legitimately didn't even fucking try to do anything in Niji. She wouldn't even sing her own debut song. She's just basically confirming she joined just to farm viewers than funnel it all back to her PL
>Cutting that many corners for cheap labor is so retarded that I fully expect Niji to do similarly.
They literally pay their managers minimum wage
I guess NijiEN will have to find those hidden gems now.
Hey, that’s not true, Elira must be getting at least a decent wage.
>she literally just fucking asked for it
Damn... it was really that easy...
claude... i kneel...
I remember when one of the guys I watched hit 100k subs and it was seen as a big deal with the possibility of recognition from the game devs he made videos about one MMORPG
She never hit 100k while in Niji in the first place. This is just the most blatant grift of all time
Oh well, I barely have any time to watch a new chuuba, but I guess that I can spare a subscription for a good cause.
>they better have something to offer upfront
and from Sayu we know those offers are outright lies.
It wasn't entirely his fault, the Captain was a cowardly retard who got the job despite not being qualified and the Navigator wasn't doing their job of recording every course change and informing everyone of their location.
So the niji comparison is certainly even more apt
Sayu got fucking fired in two weeks, how would she even know? She barely made it past monetization
They pay the same as Hololive, retardchama
Good for her
why would I believe kurosanji over my kamioshi?
also, she got herself fired on purpose after she realized she's been scammed, which is why the sisters hit her the hardest.
Oh, it's the average sayuschizo
ogey sister
Nijisanji will never run out of applicants.
They the best dating service after all!
Do the offer the YAB drugs for free?
This one seems personal, out of every one, yes.
ex nijishitters doing this play button stuff got old real quick
Her claims still haven't been disputed to be fair. The lack of a debut budget for example
This one especially because there was literally no reason to other than grift
nijiseethe, your livers will never own their achievements
The (Italian) captain was mostly at fault, and I think was the only one to see jail time. Unlike Niji where the culprits will take the whole branch down with them.
There is a debut budget. JP members talked about only having to pay for things that went over budget
>"Her claims still haven't been disputed..."
This is honestly why the Kurosanji label seems like it's stuck forever on this company. If they'd had the good sense to lie and say Sayu was making shit up, they'd probably still be coasting along at a decent clip, but whenever an ex-liver brings up one of these insane-sounding accusations all we get back from Anycolor is...

... crickets.
Why would they need to say it's a lie when JP members already said they do get a budget before she even existed?
Being a public company, they arguably have a duty to sue to regain their reputation if the allegations are false. Either they're neglecting this duty, or they know that the allegations are true and the ex-Nijis have proof, which makes suing even worse than keeping quiet.
If there was one then they probably gave their livers pennies and called it a budget
Why would anyone sue Sayu? She was retarded enough to make her lies blatant and her menhera nature makes no one take her seriously anymore
>never interacted with Pomu while she was in niji
>didn't even show up for her graduation
>now is trying to leech from her
Wow, this is some high-grade copium.
Actually she had a single 4 person collab with her. Nothing else. Not even an appearance in anyone's graduations. But I guarantee she'll be the first to try collab with all the exes
Say the line, Claude!
> It wasn't entirely his fault, the Captain was a cowardly retard who got the job despite not being qualified
So just like Nij- oh you got there, kek.
>No one watched her graduation stream

she didn't even have a graduation stream, please try harder sister.
She did. Her last stream where she announced a hiatus or graduation or whatever retarded synonym she used and it only got 1,000 views. She was a two view league streamer before she got into Niji. The only thing she had was her YouTube sub count and some old popular videos
Yeah, that's what I'm getting at. NDF and Sisters in general can try to talk around Anycolor's radio silence as much as they want but the fact that they haven't dragged Sayu, Dokibird, Matara Kan, and Mint Fantome into a courtroom imo is basically an admission by omission that all these anti-Niji rrats are true.
Yeah she totally blatantly lied about the shitty management! The real management is doing the right thing by ignoring it and letting the lies fester and kill off the pipeline of incoming talent! Denauth is the highest quality wave of hires, please ignore the fact that they're borderline 2views
I remember when every gaming channel signed their souls over to Machinima because they didn't know any better.
Why not? He can just fucking ask
>Denauth is the highest quality wave of hires
That's true, Ryona owns a car after all
Also when Selen thing was happening, they didn't try to deny her claims, they
acknowledged them
How much is the debut budget? Does it cover anything above and beyond royalty-free music and stock visual assets?
Hell, for that matter, does the debut "budget" even cover the cost of the electricity they use to keep their computer and router operating while streaming their debut stream?
kys, I didn't look at your image or try to figure out your point. Stop fucking making threads like this. Actually fucking say something in the OP and demonstrate that there's a reason why someone should look at the image or care about it.
Hol' up I never heard about this, got any links?
>Her last stream where she announced a hiatus or graduation or whatever retarded synonym she used
That isn't a grad stream. Not that (You) Nijisisters would understand anything about treating chuubas kindly on their way out.
Good for her
Stop using words you don't know the meaning of.
How else is she supposed to get subs? Talent? She spent so much time on a hiatus I almost believe she only joined to farm the free subs they all get after leaving
Sisters are seething ITT
>Come back and rush to post a play button which she didn't received now and wasn't denied before because she never even reached 100k since she didn't fucking streamed
It's literally what she's doing
well there are decent ammount of nijisisters that wants to be a vtuber too, just look at recent v4mirai gen
why find someone that is good at streaming when you can get sisters who bootlicks your company and more than willing to degrade themselves to mere accessories for the boys?
>Shit on Niji
Is there an ex niji that actually likes them? This always happens.
They will just ACCELERATE in JP ESL VTA dodgers, literal 1views and more men
Hex was a pussy and said nothing
Okay, the others were likely just them being proud, but this is 100% a potshot at Niji.
I'm liking her more and more with each twitter post.
Hex literally ran away before one of his #Cut4Hex killed herself lol
The closest thing to any ex niji saying something nice about them is literally Doki going off about the (potential) benefits of joining a corpo, not that any of those benefits were actually offered to her.
Dark times, any youtuber that wasn't totally retarded or a literal child avoided that though.
>didn't received
>didn't fucking streamed
If you can't even negate properly I really going to vouch for Anon and say you don't know what grifting means.
This never happened you fucking schizo. Why do sisters pretend like watch Niji streamers when it's obvious every time they open their mouths that they've never seen a single second of one in their entire lives?
>JP members
And EN members have said there isn’t one. Your oshi (Riku) hasn’t said anything, and it’s more reasonable to believe that people in the company would lie than for people out of it to do so. Or are you still waiting on that Anycolor v. Dokibird lawsuit to materialize?
You need to be over 18 to post here
Nijisanji EN is now a step down for anyone who is averaging more than ~100 viewers. You'd have to be fucking insane to join unless your career is just completely stillborn
Then they signed with TGS, then Polaris, then finally Polaris before getting a clue and just doing it themselves...
In Niji's defense, they'd have to sue in either the US (Mint and Sayu) or Canada (Doki and Matara) - and unlike Japan, both the US and Canada allow truth as an absolute defense against defamation claims. Also none of them except Sayu have ever mentioned Nijisanji or Anycolor by name, so AC would have to prove that any of the other three were talking about their time at Niji and not their time at any other previous employer.
Oh, and the Discovery process. I can't imagine that AC is in any particular hurry to make their receipts part of the public record. Especially if they tried to scrub their receipts, but the court asks Discord/Slack/etc. for a copy.
Between all of that and the inherent difficulty of international lawsuits, there's no real surprise why AC isn't suing any of them.

....oh, and they haven't gone after the JP ex-members who described Niji as "prison".
looking at the numbers of superchats on some streams there is no way any of these fuckers are making enough to live
Yeah they are all actually dead. They're just playing post mortem pranks on you.
And Mint calls herself a ghost. Pbuh!
Yeah, most NijiEN members make hardly any money these days. Really just Scarle and Aia, who have avoided the entire situation.
This is why most NijiEN members either live with their family, or have second jobs.
to be fair, that was always the case. They treat the organs as if they're full time employees but pay them as if they're part time contractors.
Organs have gone on stream crying about not being able to afford shit.
Didn't he bitch and whine a lot on his way out?
sayu didn't say that
She hasn't even returned to streaming yet.
holoEN collapse deflection thread
Gotta keep up with the trend

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