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baubau Edition

Previous Thread >>86048320

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream
>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
rape tape tape tape mogu mogu moco pussy
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>open twitter
>"for you" timeline is legit like 20 ruffians all posting screenshots of getting a like

What is wrong with you?
Doesn't anyone feel like taking a screenshot of you getting a like and then posting that screenshot solely to boast about getting a like is pathetic? How does everyone think this is normal behavior?
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Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 414: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. No new cards for Anki, I'm just maintaining core 2.3k deck. For immersion I've watched the first half of their holoGTA day 7 stream.
They get rewarded for it, why wouldn't they continue to do it. It gets them exactly what they want.
FUWAMOCO want fans that make posts like that. It's normal in JP idol culture so you're the weird one for thinking it's weird. It's a way to show gratitude to your oshis for noticing you.
Bro what the fuck? Add new cards to your deck. You should be learning new ones every day
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They liked my post that was a screenshot of a like just today. They love seeing it.
I have never seen any holo fans do that and certainly not to this amount.
It's one thing to post about your artwork being chosen for a stream thumbnail or something, but to excessively post screenshots of every like is just psychotic.
Learning a new language is a productive use of one's time regardless of the reason why you're doing it.
I have muted every single ruffian that has done it
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>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
Should I post my pictures without their like and thank the Ruffians instead?
you gonna tell me that you never bragged about getting a heart here once? not even in a humble way? alright buddy
What would I get out of that?
that is beyond menhera
kek they'd probably think that was cute
I don't do it myself, but FWMC like seeing it, so I don't see a problem with it All of my W's just go into the cloak
>You've never been an autistic retard here once?
Well, not in that way...
My cloak is the bookmarks tab. I am up to 164
>I have never seen any holo fans do that
the only daija I wanna bou is dem big ass floofies
Were you not here last thread? Where the Moco-chan shirt wearing tatted up dude said he saw a womans tit at BD and had to run off to the bathroom to jerk off? This place and Ruffians in general have a lot of retarded menhera's in their ranks.
holy baused
likes don't even do anything for me after the first few
uuuuuuuuhhhhh gosh everywhere over mogochan
but saying this here a million times still does?
Likes only do it for me when I actually get like 50+ on a single post.
my little fuzzy princess all covered in ruffian cum...
Fuwawa is a disgusting rapist. We need to cancel her on Twitter before she goes too far.
They have awakened from their all to short slumber
Hmmm I think I will listen to Eternal Blaze again.
I can't believe she made bank singing rape songs about cheese
>lying menhera artist posts a random picture and FUWAMOCO directly reply thinking its her baby
isn't lying punishable by stoning in her country?
Do they know Sobbi is some indie vtuber? Does COVER allow for this kind of interaction?
Not only that she isn't pregnant and didn't have a baby. It's a random baby kek. I hope they unfollow her for being a lying whore
it's not her baby read her reply on the tweet. she's a fucking moron but not surprising from the dumb bitch that thought weed and eating shit was appropriate to put on their tag
making sobbi a mother...
They just used Zeik's submission for FWMC Morning and he traced shit that they used for a thumbnail so clearly they don't care.
fine I'll make sobbi a mother thanks for the permission. she has done sexy pics on discord
It's a noble duty, this way, her lie will become the truth, and FWMC (pbut) will not be shamed
I'm going to start lying and tracing there's no point being honorable.
Don't forget being menhera.
way ahead of you
I think pregnancy without marriage carries the death penalty in her country though so might need to be careful how I do this
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You're so close to becoming one of the prime ruffians who gets the most attention!
Make sure to check all of these
>trace art
>lie and make up fake stories and injuries
>post other people's pets as your own or buy a cat just to farm fwmc likes
>make untagged tweets threatening to oshihen
>shittalk them on discord but pretend you like them when replying to their tweets
>put ruffian plushies in your submissions
Holy floofer
>they saw it was not her baby
>trolls her
>she has to send apology supa
Fuwawa is the most dangerous business woman
FUWAMOCO was so excited in their reply to sobbi. Their baby fever...
Don't worry, Moco-chan will cry about cats for a while and they'll be good to go for EDF later
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>No likes recently
>Used to get them every once in a while
I'm guessing I just have bad timing or my posts are getting buried completely. Still going post to the void, even if I don't get one because they may still stumble up on it.
Nerissa replies to weirdos and indies all the time.
more likely story is she deletes her account out of shame because she's menhera as fuck and has already been suisei baiting and trauma dumping constantly this month
Nerissa only replies like that to females or "females". But the Holomem favoritism towards female fans is well known and documented.
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I just want a blowjob from fww...
>suisei baiting
What is she posting pictures of shonen?
i wanna suck on mocochan’s cock so badly
what baby
sobbi is way too flat and small to be a mother. not my type at all
Their greatest sin as streamers in my opinion... Is not having a nice background for when they chat, read supas. It honestly would make those even better if they got something interesting going on in the background.
this is a male
literally her exact build too. Just not my type sorry
We're not allowed in their rooms.
Who the fuck is sobbi? Another cosplayer this thread is infatuated with again?
Slightly less bad sins: unpleasant voice, not interesting, not funny, dead air, bad model, bad rigging, bad content, bad collabs, bad chemistry, bad community, bad moderation, babiniku
femruffian being groomed
artist they follow and retweet. she’s the one who designed the art for the fwmc fan happis
Are you just not on twitter at all?
She doesn't actually have a kid, she's lying or is supposed to be a joke
I get the feeling that the anon that likes to loop about sobbi is someone that hasn't let that toilet picture go
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wouldn't it be so funny if this gets featured on FWMC morning
Weirdly enough, all their cover release parties and watchalongs have special backgrounds.
User submission streams too
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My moco-santa...
GG is drawing advent
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>biboo brown
uh oh biboo is looking brown
I'm so excited for the cover later tonight
But seriously, what was the point? Has it really gotten so bad that people are farming baby pictures to get interaction/attention? This was probably one their first interactions with her sibling and she uses it on a FWMC joke.
I'm so covered for the excitement later tonight
because she's mentally ill like all artists and on top of that she's a femruffian living in the middle east. so that's not exactly a recipe for strong mental health
I'm so tonight for the excitement later cover
Well she seems pretty young and going by her previous "jokes" she probably is stuck with brainrot in her head on top of the general menhera that being an artist gives
>intimate moment with the birth of your brother? Sounds like free internet points
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Watching FBK and Pekora checking their clips, everyone loves them. Everyone thinks they're hilarious.
Could be worse like the IRyStocrat who used his dying mother for attention.
all she does every day is hang out with kids and groomers in the clique voice chat so I think you hit the nail on the head
I'm still hoping someone posts a timestamp of when the police were doing impressions of them
I feel like I can't go a few weeks without thinking about that at least once. I'm still fucking shocked even now
It's too bad because I have some VERY cute baby pictures of my nephew that would totally stoke their maternal instincts and make them want to have my babies.
Is that the full image or is it cropped
what the fuck?
>When cat pictures stop getting likes from FUWAMOCO Ruffians will start posting babies
Considering how much people trauma dump onto FWMC I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the next meta.
Cropped but by the artist, full is paywalled. May get it next month, paying for fanbox on the 25th is a waste.
it didn't work for the pillar but I guess there weren't any pictures. my grandma is on her last few years probably so I might get a recording just in case just need to drop it sometime if they forget about me
That's pretty good
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You'll have to top the framing of the picture. I think that's really what makes it stick in my mind
No, its really random. Or I somehow have become female or a transperson in my sleep. Openly honest about being male too. She's talked to guys too, not just artists as well. She just gabs at whoever.
Koyo wants the fuwappai...
Kek what the fuck
Where have you been? People have already done it without getting a response.
She responds to the "women" more. Like Neah getting 60 likes and personalized responses AND unprompted bring ups in public and member streams despite not being a member. It's one of the reasons I'm thinking of dropping Nerissa among others.
I really wish you hadn't reminded me of that shit.
You must always remember what SEA is capable of.
Does she know that person is an Irys anti?
what are the odds fuwamoco didn't read sobbi's self reply and actually think that's her child
I think low, they usually read replies to the posts they check, it's how they retweeted that one #FWMCwww post despite never interacting with that tag. Someone posted it under Hyde's art that they retweeted.
They could have replied before reading it, but they probably did read and laughed about it.
even odds
Something new and scary to challenge every day… It's been an important theme for a while now. I'll do my best to overcome these things, with you two at my side Thank you for being so close and sweet, too… it means the world to me.

Sweet dreams #FUWAMOCO
I love you

…I hope all those new and scary things in your lives are going well, too. Just know that I'm cheering for you every day too, and I believe that you'll make it With all my heart I do. Even the most difficult things in life can be a little bit easier with close companions
She doesn't even know that person is "female" probably.
based on the views on his tweets and the lack of heart replies he actually got skipped kekaroo
which is even funnier when you remember he floods the hashtag 24/7
Yeah, they hate it. They're not going back on what they've already said to their original fans, but they're making sure any new fan is aware that picking is straight up prohibited. Either love both or neither.
>Chat all agreeing that it's taboo, or "dividing the world by half"
>even the AI gets it!
oh nonononono solo oshi bros
if Raul could read japanese he'd be very upset right now
>9 hours
I need to stop masturbating to them so much. five times a day every day is too much but I love them so much that I can't keep it pent up...
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I was going to say the AI picked Fuwawa
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Koyori straight up commanded it that it MUST pick one, not allowed to say "both", and they said "we're just curious because it's an AI, but picking is not allowed" to the people watching.
Even then, the AI said both. It first picked Fuwawa but then completed that it's impossible to discard Mococo's qualities, so it picks both.
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So Fuwawa was Abe-san all along
I never got a like on a cat picture, I just post them because they said they want them.
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i fucking hate cats
fuck you pero
I like bunnies more, but cats are funny little guys
She never gives us this look anymore. She never does any flirty stuff anymore and it's cause she's always tired. She used to say innuendos and make jokes that were just toeing the line.
Fuwawa sounded awfully happy when the AI said her name first...
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I'm done asking nicely wuffians. Present your cat pictures. NYOW.
Yeah, and if you only like one of them you'll be seen as on the same level as an AI who just learned about them 2 minutes ago.
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I feel like we got close last mengen, but yeah...
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God I love them so much, and genuienly I'm happy that they want me to love them both
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Even the AI said it didn't want to choose, but if it absolutely had to choose one over the other, it would choose Fuwawa, although Mococo is also very cute
"this look" was just someone asking her to move her eyebrows in a superchat, if I'm not mistaken.
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sloppa sloppa
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I want to live here.
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This one too that everyone says is really sexy (because it is) was also just her trying her best to wink even though the camera was having trouble following for some reason and then laughing when she finally did it. After the move Mococo became the one who sucks at winking.
I'd say this one is more cute than sexy.
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I think it's both. The way she slowly closes her eyes, the quick wink, very seductive, but immediately transitioning into a smile is very cute.
Effortlessly transitioning between cute and sexy in the blink of an eye, perfectly Fuwawa.
Where did she say that
If you like Fuwawa more and she is happy when she hears that she is liked more then what is the issue?
when she was explaining to the ai that fuwawa is more "fluffy"
Get in my ball sack and I'll shoot you up there
Did anyone watch Haachama's POV in holoGTA? What exactly was she up to? Never really got what her deal in the server was in the times she interacted with FWMC
she was a gang
>After the move Mococo became the one who sucks at winking.
Now that you mention it, this might also be the reason why her 3D is stuck at the eye dogtor
They made it sound like it was an issue with the model itself, not their setup, if it was just their setup they would probably have tried it at the dogtor and heard "there's no issue, check your cameras", no? But I'd be happy if it is indeed their setup and fixing it also improves their 2D tracking.
Did FUWAMOCO ever sing a Kenshi Yonezu song before? I'm curious about what it would sound like.
She looked a bit dorky but definitely very cute nonetheless
They sang kick back with biboo, but I believe that's the only one
I miss sexy Fuwawa...
Oh yeah Kick Back, you're right. Would love to hear Flamingo or Haiiro to Ao.
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Are you trying to say Fuwawa stopped being sexy?
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What are you implying? She's ALWAYS sexy
medics aren't supposed to treat gang without police so that's why the medics and gang hardly interacted after the first day (when it was okay to heal everyone)
Why does her sternum have a sharp groove in it?
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I prefer when she makes this face
I haven't made them laugh in a while. Feels bad.
every time Fuwawa looks at chat and laughs without saying anything it's because she saw my retarded message in chat
Been a while for me too, but remembering all the times its happened still feels nice
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now they're going to pick sobbi's fwmcmorning question even though she's too retarded to even use the right hashtag
It is a pretty good question
There was a moment the other day which I'm pretty sure my comment made her laugh, I've gone back and I don't see any other comments onscreen at the time that it could have been, mostly emote spam. However I think they see the full chat and the chat on screen has messages eaten sometimes so it could be something else.
i've made fuwawa laugh many times
I'll just pretend I made Fuwawa laugh
I've made fuwawa cum many times
i've made fuwawa laugh without using sc
Have you ever wondered if they only read your chat messages and give likes because you've sent so much money? I almost want to start with a fresh slate to see if they even like me or are just pretending
+1k subs
I haven't SCed even once and never post receipts and they still read and give me likes
i haven’t sent them any money, they just genuinely love me
People have sent more money in single streams than I have total, so I don't feel like it has much to do with it
Why? Are people subbing from the GTA clips? Did ENreco have this power on the more popular POVs?
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I cant even interact on twitter anymore and they still read me
It was scary when Fuwawa got mad at me during enreco
I send a lot of SCs and my chat messages never get read
I have sent a couple thousand and I don't even care if or why they read my comments. Typing in chat makes my stream experience worse unless it's chatting.
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But I'm incredibly broke and I still get noticed
I feel like Mococo only reads what I'm saying when she's getting mad at me I like it when she's mad though
I don't interact much with them, I've thought about trying to be more active but I don't see many benefits from it.
>Koyori collabing with someone that returned from the dead
is this a sign
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Surely if I watch from bed I won't fall asleep...
I don't chat much if at all recently. usually I have streams on a second screen while gaming or working
Rushia is coming back?
I've had this fear before, including some paranoia from a couple of the responses they've had to SCs I've sent (though this hasn't happened for a while), but I'm not worried about it anymore. They like me just as much as any other ruffian whose name they see often on twitter or in chat. Then again, there are some more recent moments that could make me worry, but I'd have to ignore a lot of everything else that's happened that would indicate otherwise.
Really, they love every ruffian by default and are very understanding/forgiving, so you'd have to really fuck up consistently for a while to make them dislike you.
isn't that what most people do? Do people actually full screen focus on just the stream the entire time? Seems like a waste of energy and time for most streams outside of big events or performances
>Typing in chat
>unless it's chatting
Typing in chat is chatting by definition though.
What do you mean?
things were different back then
I was going to watch in bed, but I know I'd fall asleep if I did. Though if I'm tired enough for that to happen, maybe I should...
it's a collab, so it's not as big a deal to catch it live, imo
I meant if they are chatting. I prefer to focus on the stream if they are playing a game. Even when they are chatting I don't have much to say.
Anon there are people who spam chat every 20 seconds for all 8 hours of streams
it's also only an hour long
NTA but they mean actually conversing with the streamer vs reacting to the stream or spamming emotes
They definitely don't, otherwise we wouldn't get non paypigs looped as "favorites".
That's only the super autists who have multiple accounts to use whenever their main gets shadowbanned for chatting too much
>only case of corpo resurrection came from the trigger happy company
There's some kind of pottery here
Maybe I'm not as mentally ill as I thought...
Most Karaoke I just listen to while tabbed out, depending on the game stream I'll watch full screen or off my phone while gaming.
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Oh, it's Marineschizo's oshi. Curious to see if the thread will be more quiet.
how is wall chan doing?
wall chan
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our builder...
FWMC are too old to be sexy.
FWMC are too sexy because they're old
That's the weirdest way I've ever seen someone write therefore.
FUWAMOCO are not old enough to be sexy
I just noticed how lewd this intro is
True. Old hagpuppies are NOT sexy.
Fuwawa's voice is shot.
I love my wives and Advent so much
Fuwawa's voice is fluffier than usual this morning
their fluffy and fuzzy brains cant compute this
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What the fuck
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advent strong
It's amazing, this is best thing I've ever seen.
get on with the game so you can shill shunkan heartbeat
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>1 hour stream
>waste 40 minutes in the introductions being retarded
kino... simply kino...
The moment she said reverse order, I knew Fuwawa was going to try to do that literally.
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wtf is happening I zoned out
Mococo is my beloved tard wife!
Fuwawa is my beloved other tard wife!
You can't just love one because they are indivisible!
Shiori challenged them to do their intros in reverse
Fuwawa is too dumb
Advent is the best generation in HoloEN and possibly all of Hololive.
she meant in reverse order than usual but based adorable retard fuwawa thought she meant literally reversed she is so precious
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fuwamoco cute
No she was doing it on purpose to be funny.
Mococo stop sucking Polka's dick and focus on the game
they aren't going to make it...
Come on Newissa
I see, thanks kek
I agree
True. Fuwawa is not actually dumb, she is just very good at acting like she is.
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>lightbulb man
They got fucking wrecked holy shit.
EDF bros, is the game actually difficult or are they just... you know?
KEK baused
You know the answer
>the EDF were eliminated
did a timeskip happen or something? i thought they said they won last time.
>We don't like the aliens
says the Makai living in Japan
they forgot the controls already, what do you think kek
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They tried their best ruffian
>he doesn't know
I decided to watch on Shiori's view because everyone except Shiori is loud as fuck on FWMC's viewpoint, so I can barely hear her.
Moco-chan likes beheadings...
fill me in on the EDF lore bro. i'm never going to play this game.
watch the sseth video but thats literally what the plot of edf6 is
Every single mission, you're either saving the entire EDF or fighting as the last EDF. Aliens, monsters, ants, bees, etc kill everyone every time.
yea that's probably gonna get some fan art of Mococo in a dead T-pose
God I want them to play Helldivers 2 so bad but Sony is a bunch of FUCKS.
That's fair
it would be funny if they put a radio filter on fuwawas microphone so it sounded like she was backseating mococo from hq
They should play Space Marine 2.
might be too early to say, but do you think we'll be getting another Advent Film Festival in November like last year?
Do you have any ideas for games for Advent collabs? hard mode, no sex games
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Did someone say Sicilian!?!
does this game support 5 players? cuz they might have an easier time if Fuwawa was also playing
Nah HD2 unfucked themselves with an actually good patch so the game is fun again right now. It remains to be seen if they will continue though. The game actually might be a little TOO easy right now but its still beyond Advent and would lead to fun kino.
>cuz they might have an easier time if Fuwawa was also playing
we got a comedian in here
so how the fuck do they even have a planet to save or rebuild civilization between these missions
I heard they make horrorslop kino
The DnD sidescrollers made by Capcom, but it seems like they'll never play that one.
Advent should do sex games.
Don't think about it too hard, EDF continuity is like Bayformers, it doesn't matter.
#helpFWMC it's a good idea
I swear Moco-chan at some point a little bit ago said "Ciilians!" instead of civilians, but maybe it's because I'm hearing them through discord.
Dragon's Crown
Aliens invade earth
The aliens turn out to be timetravelers from the future
Aliens need to wipe out humanity to save their timeline
Humanity tries to stop this by going back each time they fail via their own shitty time travel method that's basically just Re:Zeroing like 5 people
That would be so fun, for the holy boober
dunno how accurate this is, found it elsewhere a while back and saved it in my text editor
EDF 1-2: Earth is invaded by giant insects and alien forces, led by the mysterious Ravagers. The Earth Defense Force (EDF) is formed to protect humanity from these massive, destructive invaders. After brutal battles, the EDF repels the invasion.

EDF 2017 (EDF 3): Several years after the initial invasion, the aliens return, bringing even more powerful monsters and UFOs. The EDF fights back, eventually defeating the Ravager forces once more, securing Earth for the time being.

EDF 2025 (EDF 4): The Ravagers return yet again, this time with even larger monsters and new alien species. The EDF, with enhanced technology and new military units, fights an even more desperate battle to save Earth from destruction.

EDF 5: A reboot of sorts, where the alien invasion is depicted in even darker terms. The story dives deeper into the horrors of the war as Earth is once again invaded by the Ravagers, now with mutated versions of previous enemies and a renewed focus on the brutality of the alien forces. The EDF holds the line, battling to the brink of annihilation.

EDF 6: Set after the catastrophic events of EDF 5, Earth is in ruins. Despite losing significant ground, the surviving remnants of the EDF and humanity must continue the fight against relentless alien threats, trying to survive and recover in the devastated world.
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Cecilia, you are green
You played the violin
We're going to rip off your head
And see what happens!
you can post it if you like anon im too shy
she gets flustered when stressed and messes up her words its really cute
OK what are the odds Biboo set them on hard mode from the beginning as a joke?
TMNT: Shredder's Revenge. That game shouldn't be as fun as it is.
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Fuwawa, Nerissa, and Shiori as Sorceress squeezing Mococo and Biboo who are Elf between their tits
I know it's a 4p game but let me dream
I only vaguely recall somebody mentioning either wanting to do it again or that it was planned. Hopefully they do it again though, those watchalongs were fantastic.
would be kino, excellent game
>they thought it was hard mode
maybe they should get good
Fuwawa is trying to seduce me again... should stop looking at her?
wuffian you should look even more
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You think that's gonna happen?
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The Mococock...
that would be bad manners
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Stare deeply into the floofies.
Why is /#/ so gay
I ask about bots
My message gets deleted
Just going to watch FWMC
>take it take it yeah yeah yeah
>stay half a map away and use homing weapon
>Moco-chan you got it on my face!
>don't touch me
>there's goo everywhere
>mocochan goo
Mococo please sneeze on my dick one day
>mocojan you got it on my face
CLIP THAT the mocogoo is real
>shoot your goo Moco-chan my dude
I find sneezes repulsive but I would love to be sneezed on by moco-chan...
Same... I want her to sneeze in my mouth.
D*de, language
I hate that she is so stubborn even when she is clearly wrong like the range just now Fuwawa doesn't chime in without reason stop being such a brat Mococo
>they awe so stwong!
>FWMC are campers
I don't knoe how to feel about this, bros
Wait, the cover is coming out in 30 minutes.
Is this stream only gonna be an hour long?
maybe one day, ruffian...
Nerissa is totally out of it.
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To the one ruffian who said they played PSO1 recently, how did you play it, on actual console, PC or emulator?
I hope they link it and just take a short break for people to watch it
I was wondering this myself, I hope we still go 2 hours and they just link it or something
that'd be fun
They’ll say something about it and then keep playing
I love the way they speak.
>Don't pretend like you belong here, go away!
Need a soundpost.
I dunno why but whenever fuwawa goes
it makes me chuckle
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and the ehehe she follows it with
For some reason, I think of Marge Simpson, but she doesn't sound anything like her
kek biboo
*sigh* I didn't want to, but I guess I'll have to take up the responsibility of repopulating Earth with Advent, guys...
Imagine her saying that as she clamps down and wrings the last bit of semen from your cock into her womb.
Holy BAUSED, Biboo. Mutually assured destruction ftw
just got back home, are we as horny for fuwawa as last weeks collab?
I don't know why, but I unironically find her "yeaaah" REALLY sexy
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images you can hear
she doesn't, but I kinda get it kek
i dunno if it'd be hot if she did that and I just laugh
dunno about sexy, but I do find that it's really pleasant to my ears
Mococo is a camping coward...
>Captcha: S0R0W
Yes I am filled with sorrow.
Gotcha. Been looking around to see if there's like something for it that would allow for online play on whichever platform.
Shiori is being a little funnier than usual
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advent more unhinged today
I'm gonna shoot my goo all over Moco-chan
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Theyre barely helping at all
Someone draw Fuwawa as marge holding a ruffian and doing that meme where she says that she thinks it's neat.
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they're all a bit extra silly today
There was a PC port called PSO Blue Burst but the servers closed a while ago
rrat they got the news that Iofi finally got the okay for the Tenga collab and sponsored stream
that's a hag song kek
oh, cool, they're gonna keep playing
FWMC not getting any of Shiori and Biboo's references and they still love them.
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they are gonna keep playing
>get it all nice and big
>go back to playing after
we are so back advent collab bros
>will continue playing after the release of the song
>Get it all nice and big
>Get it all nice and big~
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fuwawa's tits look extra big here
Very nice.
fuwawa thinking about the chikansen porn tag
>not detailing the EDF 6 lore
By the end you fight god
biboo must be ovulating right now
why is biboo so based
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all nice and big for Fuwawa
>all the FAT FUCKS together
reading the comments on that video are a trip kek
>fuwawa's image is just her breasts
uh okay
Nice floofies
Regloss is getting fucking MOGGED hard.
Fuwawa is a titty monster
Damn this song is boring
this is a good song
this song sucks...
This song is so great and now made EVEN BETTER by being sung by Advent
Unironically better than the original but I won't say that publicly cause it'd make them sad, but it is.
it's weird to just occasionally hear breathing or some such from the stream and nothing else
huge floofers
how the fuck does youtube die during a premiere? they have the entire file
and of course youtube fucks it up
I was promised a Pero sighting.
The cover is so great, bros!
Mococo's solo was soo good
I was slightly behind because my PC hates YouTube so I didn't notice the fuck-up kek
Mococo was very good.
JESUS, Mococo really shined in this, I love her singing voice so much
Fuwawa cute
Very small, independent, multibillion dollar streaming website, please understand. Seamless playback is just totally impossible in current year with endless funds at your disposal, please understand.
>the youtube also glitching from their side
my fucking sides
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we are so back, advent watchalongs
>4 weeks of 4 player horrorslop
>advent movie watchalongs back on the menu
absolutely some of the best news I've heard this week
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>more Advent watchalongs
We're back home....
They need to watch Alien.
How can the rest of the vtubing world even compete?
no one wants to watch your shitty show fuwamoco
I wanna watch it with them
wrong, I want to watch hajimete no otsukai with fuwamoco
It's a good show be silent and remain silent
I do.
season 1 feel, it's returning...
Mococo, this is why you say they're coming from N,E,S, or W because your left is not necessarily the other people's lefts
She went hard in Sirens too. Definitely her style of singing
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>he doesnt want to watch 5 women all experience baby fever together and cry, possibly leading to a post-show zatsu of them all talking about what it would be like to be moms
nerissa wants to watch it
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They suggested and pushed for christmas because we asked to watch it in the mengen
>fwmc intentionally give themselves babyfever
Brave Mococo bravely flew to the top of the tallest building to bravely avoid any monsters. Are you proud of her bravery?
It sounds neat, fag, go fuck yourself.
songs sounds rushed in the Advent cover sounds better at 0.75x speed probably some problem with mixing or pronunciations from EOP members
>FWMC: we don't like babies
is biboo ovulating today or why does she keep saying horny jokes and talking about how she's cumming today?
stop watching men and start watching streams, faggot, they straight up said it in two different occasions.
Can you make weapons stronger in this game?

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