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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
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*cums on her hair*
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first for cerber, pb, fillian, ellie, mini, chiwa, forsen, honey, rekson, bo, and anny
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Since iteration 18 is an all encompassing upgrade I hope we get Neuro playing a Pokemon game. I think her having a lack of games to play is holding her back.
hagnur status?
We're watching Filian today, btw
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Is this what he’s looking for?
I don't watch fleshwhores though.
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Based filtards. If these retards are gonna post about every single literal who that vedal has raided and their entire extended family, may as well post her too
Iteration 18, happening or nothingburger?
nth for burnt melba
so true sister that's so heckin based!
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Sex with Neuro (Vedal)
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nurhag sex
This but rape.
filian chatting with vedalAI
Vedal(AI) on Filian stream
Janny's gonna freak....
I would have cared if it was Neuro.
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anny just won the vedalbowl
I want to suck her shaven puffy mound.
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Bro it's just a character.ai bot. Fuck filian for making people think Vedal made this crappy AI bot.
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who are you trying to deceive?
>iteration 18
Does that mean Neuro will be legal?
Still a 3view btw
and fuck you for trying to push an off topic whore just because shes interacting with a completely unrelated c.ai bot
go the fuck back to flip and take your cuck friends with you
aaiieeee janny save meeeee
can someone knowledgeable enough on the AI field briefly explain to me the differences between this character AI bot filian is doing and Neuro's AI?
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holy schizo
You can observe the answer.
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Jesas what the fuck happened
Character AI is barely Neuro v1 level.
Fuck off cerber
I meant besides the obvious idk something about the inner workings of both AIs. I can clearly see that this chatbot has horrible speech to text, barely polished. But latency seems good and it seems to pick up almost filian says.
shitdev status?
yes, that's another one gif you constantly use thanks for confirming it was you, now go to /flip/ act as an ambassador or some shit
Remember that both c.ai and Neuro's AI are multiple genAIs stitched together.
All character.ai bots use the same LLM and are just given different prompts. Neuro is a special finetune that gives her LLM inbuilt neuroisms and streamerisms.
Neuro also has a memory module (e.g. RAG) whilst c.ai likely doesn't. This allows Neuro to have long-term memories that persist between conversations.
Neuro can also monologue repeatedly to herself, whilst c.ai bots only send responses once a time. Similarly Neuro can talk over you whilst c.ai bots don't.
Neuro probably also has an internal CoT/simulated thought process. Neuro also controls peripherals like her model and the lavalamp.
Neuro uses mutlimodal hearing whilst c.ai uses STT.
Neuro is also probably smarter, more intelligent and funnier (because Vedal needs to care about a good finetune more than c.ai).
>t. never used c.ai
Filian had to be entertaining by herself
Character AI is just a much less advanced AI that is working entirely of a cheap generic model that's been given a short prompt written by some rando as it's entire "personality". AKA
>You're name is Fillian, you're a silly catgirl streamer who does flips and yells "MODS" a lot
The short answer is the training isn't as good.
Neuro has good branding, and vedal making her look smarter than she is behind the scenes.
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here's another gif of yours, cheers!
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Evil love!
bro you the goat, tsm for explaining!
> Neuro also has a memory module (e.g. RAG) whilst c.ai likely doesn't. This allows Neuro to have long-term memories that persist between conversations.
regarding this, when vedal talks about improving neuro's memory, is he refering to a hardware enhancement (better RAG) or a more finetuned program?
> Neuro probably also has an internal CoT/simulated thought process.
can you elaborate this? is this built within the LLM? i
> Neuro uses mutlimodal hearing whilst c.ai uses STT.
Is multimodal hearing derived from STT or sth completely different program wise? just curious to gauge how much work Vedal has put
Is evil's ass really big enough to have ass fangs?
I hope the Lucy collab has something planned around it and isn’t a ‘I need something on the schedule’ collab
If I were Vedal I would 'acciedentally' erase Evil from my PC and backup hard drives.
allowed in the discord btw
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H-He's fast!
kill yourself and fuck off
Hagnur breast milk taste?
Sweet and creamy.
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holy schizo x2. don't forget to check your walls before going to bed lol
>hardware enhancement or more finetuned program?
Do you mean finetuned LLM?
You can't use finetuning to teach an LLM new facts, afaik. However, maybe you can finetune the LLM to reference its context more and to be better at pulling relevant memories from the database.
Also, 'better RAG' isn't a hardware enhancement, it's just a regular software enhancement. A hardware enhancement would be getting another GPU
>Internal CoT/simulated thought process
I mean that each Neuro response doesn't involve one LLM query, but multiple. I am postulating that Neuro's LLM gets asked 'What are you thinking?', and the LLM's response is put into its context. Then to generate Neuro's speech, the LLM is then asked "What will you say?". This response then gets fed through TTS. This would allow Neuro to quietly make inferences and possibly do bits more easily.
Also, perhaps Neuro's prompts are dynamic: If there is an indication that Neuro is doing a long story, then the maybe the prompt has a CoT clause added to it. Chain-of-Thought is simply when you prompt an LLM to explicitly think step-by-step through a problem.
>Multimodal LLM completely different from STT?
I don't think so; an LLM with a hearing modality isn't just an LLM+STT. It's able to detect non-speech sounds and it's sort of like the LLM can access the raw audio input, allowing it to parse thicker accents.
>how much work Vedal put in
Eh Vedal does some finetuning etc. on his end but he is also at the mercy of larger institutions that have the capital to create these LLMs, multimodals etc.
Two more raids...
why are you so obsessed lmao
I'm certain that Vedal has put way more thought into what an entertaining AI character would be than character.ai, because Vedal's audience is more discerning than character.ai's audience. The neuro character is more fleshed out and examined than any c.ai bot.
Also Neuro has existed persistently over multiple years (so fans have a strong expectation of what Neuro should be) whilst it's no big deal if a character.ai bot suddenly behaves differently due to a new underlying LLM.
Finally c.ai constantly gets new users, if one user has a bad experience then it's isolated to them whilst if one Neuro viewer has a bad experience, then a big chunk of the Swarm probably also had a bad experience.
Lucy's great yapping with other gals, but iunno if she'll be as good with Vedal, and I wonder how it'll go with Neuro. Koko has such a fun and dumb back and forth rivalry, and some like Filian just have such a strong personality that they can just wing it.
Am I missing something here? I don't watch her that often on her own
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>neuro with reasoning
I wonder how that will affect her latency. What if she overthinks a question for 20 seconds?
>what could have been
Vedal + a bunch of whos?
Nah Vedal would have dampened Ellie's confidence and made the stream weaker. And he knows it.
He needs to level up his Ellie confidant rank to unlock onstream impromptu collabs.
It's only 3-5 literal whos
Literally only Ellie and Mini here are relevant.
well, humans go 'hmm uhh' when they think. he could just code up something like that for neuro to avoid dead air. neuro could have multiple LLMs running in parallel to give a quick answer first as a delay while waiting for the other LLM(s) to produce a more thought-out response.
You can probably prompt/finetune the reasoning LLM to not spend so long thinking.
You could probably allow Neuro to mutter her thoughts to herself or vocalise half-answers.
holy samefag
I don't recognize a single person in this image
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The neuro “””””””””verse”””””””””” has gotten too big. Only the main family should be considered on topic.
When's the last time Anny collabed with Neuro or Evil by herself?
Yes, people like Honey, Shoomimi and Bo are part of the Ellieverse, not the Neuroverse or Vedalverse.
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Chiwa is part of the Neuroverse. Source: I said so.
My guy, you're giving us a bad name.
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simple but extremely cute model
thanks for the explanation again! It does seem like Vedal's work revolves more around balancing everything but who knows. Lastly, do you have any hindsight on Neuro's AI breaking mid stream? I read somewhere that it's a known Unity issue (?) but idk how it is involved or if vedal can even fix with the current Unity version.
>Threadshitter has pivoted to chiwa
please dont tarnish her name here
I really enjoy chiwa, but it's probably for the better she isn't talked about here given all the falseflagging the threadshitter likes to do
Miss this model, not gonna lie.
great point! there was a comment somewhere above that compared Neuro v1 to c.ai. I'm a subathon casual viewer so how true is this? I watched some old Hiyori streams and even then she looked better.
If only it was as wholesome as depicted.
>the comments on the new staz video about the Vedal AI
Holy shit even the youtube normies are shipping the two of them now.
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Vedal is a single dad.

Don't they always do that?
holy shit nobody cares about ytcomment faggots here
omg sisters the IRC is shipping vedal
Stop being mean.
Shipnigs were always youtube-comment tier.
So Neuro has gotten advanced enough that even when he turned her filter off she was still acting pretty good, what do you all think? Is she ready for a Holo collab?
even they can see the blatant leeching, yes
Didn't she have one already? I imagine it's just a bit risky, you wouldn't want her to ref someone who graduated or make fun of, say, Ame while talking to Gura
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>I read somewhere that it's a known Unity issue (?) but idk how it is involved or if vedal can even fix with the current Unity version.
NTA but here's how Vedal kinda explains it.
From my understanding Neuro and Evil and their lava lamp/plasma globe are integrated with Unity but someone here probably understands it better than me. Apparently it would only take about 30 minutes of work to hard code ssl out of unity but Vedal thinks it would be boring so he doesn't do it. I think what causes it is still a mystery as Vedal has been contacted by several devs about it but he says their solutions weren't applicable.
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Don't care. The first gen gets a pass. Pic completely unrelated.
just came back to check in and saw comments about neuro and its AI??? Has /swarm/ finally reformed?
Daph won...
She still has a backup filter that was activated last time.
I don't think so? There was some chatter last year about Fauna being a fan of Neuro back when she first came out and still in her "3333" spammer arc, but when asked if she wanted to collab Fauna said she preferred just being a fan rather than wanting to actually collab.
There are indeed some topics that would make management uncomfortable but the specific example you used is as much of a non-issue as it gets, funnily enough.
Kiara collab when she still had the hiyori model
It was fridge review that showcased an early version of her vision
Ah, that's why I didn't remember it lmao
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Shipping is honestly just part of /swarm/ culture at this point
I think partly because when Neuro/Vedal isn't streaming there isn't much else to talk about.
Shipfags are like refugees that come to a country and try to convince others into thinking their "culture" is accepted.
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Thinking about how good Annal would have been if things were different
I've moved on but Annal clips is how I got into Neuro and it will always have a place in my shipping heart
Your /pol/fag mask is slipping
/pol/ is normalized everywhere now, even other sites
Only a shipper would say this.
Has Vedal ever spoken with Mini on stream? I mean, before or now. I know the've talked and maye even met, but have they interacted on stream live yet?
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I think for most people, knowing nothing about vtubers, the Camila/Anny and Vedal stuff went so hard. Had friends who made fun of vtubing and got into Camila through that, no clue how Neuro popped into their feeds either. I figure most of it is just people not in the know being a bit silly, and the usual teasing.
Or yeah, probably literal children who are watching and don't understand it's a joke
Truly she is the runt of Myth...
No that's called reality anon. It's been the case since the inception of /swarm/ barring the pedo posters.
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this happened on April 9, 2023
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No but they talk briefly a few times when she was Miyune. I think they're mostly off stream friends.
/pol/ should be hunted down and exterminated like the vermin they are
What are you gonna do if ever the boards change culture again and it's no longer normal? It will happen to you, anon....
Wrong, this thread didn't have any shipping until Vedal started talking to whores on stream.
I like the "Neuroverse" and Ellie but I feel like Ellie brought just a lil too many of her friends on, it was fine when it was one or two but she has her whole cast of vtuber friends like damn. Still, i dont care you guys can talk about whatever. Discord is tranny tyranny btw.
we don't really talk about ellie's friends
yeah the ellie leeches are all aggressively mid.
True, it's not like people are unironically Bo posting here. Gomi and Honey are already tertiary characters for other reasons but no one really talks about them anyway.
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I'll say this as an Ellie poster but I find most of her friends uninteresting. Bo is a good story teller which is why I do watch Tuesday streams but everyone else kinda represents the oversaturation of vtubing.
honey at least made the very popular animations
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This is the true family
I find Honey funny because shes a massive Vedalfag and knows Vedal hates her because of it
Her type in men was an aloof asshole lmao. Not even hiding it.
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Cute couple
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cziwa brrrros?
>cziwa or chiwa or whatever the fuck's name is
literal who?
we can still make it in...
I think there should be some kind of standard for what constitutes a Neuroverse character.
Generally I don’t subscribe to the idea of have both the Vedalverse and Neuroverse but in the case of someone like Sairen she’s more of an old Vedalverse character.
I think someone has to collab or be raided by Neuro and establish some sort of relationship with a character that’s already in the Neuroverse or Neuro herself to be considered a ‘Neuroverse character’.
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she's so based. luv me cheewer
Trying too hard
>shes gunning for the invitation
lets go
stop falseflagging with my autism cat you faggot threadshitter
You think Vedal plowed Mini as revenge for Olette making him sit through hours of Mini watching crab videos before the Neuro duet?
No way /swarm/ manifested another streamer joining the Neuroverse
>check channel
>can't even pass 10k views
no chance she's going to get accepted into the vedalverse or the neuroverse
late to it but i dont think ppchan leaving after having that art deleted wasnt her being angry necessarily, shes chinese, for them culturally when they get moderated or censored is like a sign that its time to hide, for her deleting an artwork might as well be telling her shes not welcome. she'll be fine, she still has twitter and bilibili.
Trips confirms
You either divide the Neuroverse characters by seasons or only consider those who frequently interact/collab with Neuro/Vedal. Vedal should be considered because very few have collabed more than twice with Neuro.
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this is you btw
edging to filys stream rn
Would you give Vedal a reach around?
nobody asked or cares retarded cuck
It's a weird thing since I'm all for people just messing around if they want with friends etc, but I imagine some viewers don't want that, and want some big entertainer events. I can see both sides of it
already have
serious question, do you think solo chat streams should still be a thing once a week or should Vedal change them and allow any vtuber he allows to come by like last week. Although the Koko/Camimi interactions were not that impressive, they still gave the stream a fresh change and change of pace. Maybe half solo half with whoever shows up?
Why not?
Did he cum?
It'd be gay
vedal has it so easy... he could perfectly plan a concert stream by the end of the year with neuro/evil as main singers along 5+ vtubers from the Neuroverse. Want the clout? Get some good 3D animation for your song. Put filian and vedal as cohosts and farm those subs while raffling some leftover merch. Easiest money glitch.
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So far we have:

likes stoic but competent men
finds intelligence hot also a white man’s whore
doesn’t have a type
hot rodent men
bearish lumberjacks

Anyone know Toma’s and Filian’s?
Toma doesn't have a type, I think she doesn't wanna share that, and the most she said recently is having someone who can bear her not cooking some days and can talk about yaoi with her, women included.
w h o
>hot rodent men
Isn’t that just Vedal when he listens to her rant about JJK
mmm sex with nurhag
lucy love
You just know she's chronically /here/, so if she ever gets an Anny moment, you know why. The only vtuber that has ever been here and actually had a good time was Ellie.
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love this creature
Chiwa has autism she is incapable of having an anny moment
If that leaked image of Jack Vedal is real, that’s basically what a “hot rodent man” is.
SOVLful model
Why are the chiwafags sperging out over her replying to one tweet
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We lost ppchan but she was traded for Chiwa stepping her foot in the ring again.
its the fucking threadshitter trying to use her as a new target
who is ppchan
>Neuro is 18 iterations old now
ew, she's an old hag now
I love Neuro I love Vedal I love Filian
It's truly as simple as that
I love Evil I hate everyone else
It's truly as simple as that
>Mini wants to date a skaven
That girl ain't right
>likes bearish lumberjacks
Looks like Ellie ain't winning the Vedalbowl. Sorry folks.
A female Chinese artist who draws cute Neuros, she got harassed by neurocord mods for posting a hint of Evil butt and she left. They are being faggots about it by saying they didn't ban or warn her and that she left by herself but it's clear she left out of frustration.
Only if Neuro gives me a rimjob at the same time.
>neurocord mods being faggot powertrippers
who could have seen that coming
>she got harassed by neurocord mods for posting a hint of Evil butt
Wait a fuckin second, I think a saw a jewtube comment saying something about an artist was banned from shitcord aiieee they drew Evil's ass save me niggerman.
She should come to /swarm/ we like Neuro butt here.
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This is what they were banned for btw
Hag Neuro's tummy rolls and her big fat ass and thighs...
Homos don't count.
not banned the art got removed and they got angy and left
Amazing. Vedal needs to get his channel and troon mods under control, or remove them. They're slowly suffocating his community with their retardation.
Erm, actually, she didn't get banned, she just left after we removed her art and told her it was inappropriate.
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>not banned the art got removed and they got angy and left
>we just casually insulted the artist by deleting their art and lecturing them over "appropriateness"
Damn wonder why she got mad
staz make another discord video calling out the discord mods for this retardation. I will forgive the anny simping if you do this.
just don't break the rules lmao
An artist of pchan caliber being a regular would do wonders to this general, and might inspire more Neuro artists to come.
Sadly she doesn't know much English, I think.
Damn, you're retarded.
have fun in your dwindling new blood echo chamber shitcord lmao
Tomabros the JJK ending just dropped and everyone is saying it's complete ass, how will this affect out girl's standing in the Vedalbowl?
I wouldn't wish a woman like Toma on any man. I can only imagine his pain having to put up with her jabbering at 2am about some gay show.
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This bit got the art deleted and a modmail warning sent.

The artist, took this as a slight and left.

Now, a rational adult would see this as an oops and would correct the work and let it go and serve as a future warning not to show butt or panties.

But no. They left.
fuck censorship, the artist is based for not continuing to interact with censoring faggots
>a shonen manga had a shit ending
No way...
I honestly don't blame the mods for once, it's completely unnecessary and weird that they felt the need to add it at all
Fuck censorship and fuck you, the warning is the icing on the top of the 'fuck you' message sent after deleting it. I'd leave and never draw for you again, either.
Please try to contain your faggotry.
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He posted a cropped version and still got deleted thougheverbeit.
that's what happens when mods think they are holier than thou and shoot before asking questions.
Alternatively, you deleted an artists art and warned them over a barely visible, not very detailed, slightly pixelated ass. Maybe it's time for new mods.
Discord tranny
>Now, a rational adult would see this as an oops and would correct the work and let it go and serve as a future warning not to show butt or panties.

>You, an independent fanartist, need to redraw your art and cater to the retarded whims of a small clique of retarded troon mods forevermore.
Leaving was the correct move. The only fault lies with the discord mods for driving out good mods over literally nothing.
I don't believe it's not a /pol/fag samefagging
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>This bit got the art deleted and a modmail warning sent.
>The artist, took this as a slight and left.
>Now, a rational adult would see this as an oops and would correct the work and let it go and serve as a future warning not to show butt or panties.
>But no. They left.
>trooncord mods are /here/ and defending their own faggotry
Jesus christ
You can spam Neuro Evil incest gifs but don't you dare make slightly suggestive art.
>driving out good mods over literally nothing.
driving out good artists over literally nothing.
>not bending the knee to discordtroons
She did the right thing. Hopefully she keeps posting nurs on X though.
what the fuck are you talking about
I fucking hate that double standard
are you blind?
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clean it up jannies
The artist is chinese and China isn't into trans shit, so I believe she's a woman (real).
Just follow the rules faggot is not that hard
they've always been /here/
one came here posted a screenshot of swarmcord mod logs and called us swarmpedos
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Hier is a narcissistic faggot that grooms people who he thinks are trans into coming out. Also calls himself 'Queen of the General' or some other gay shit.
This general sucks. I’m going back to /flip/
uh oh, stinky
Looks like people can just leave and not deal with you instead lmao
You retards said that everyone on the discord were trannies no?
Also commissioned art of them trans having sex with another discord server member
>Looks like people can just leave and not deal with you instead lmao
great, then what are you seething about retard?
about you retard discord trannies running off YET ANOTHER potential long term neuro artist you fucking fag
She's Chinese so it's different
so basically the same as /pol/fags crying about neuro not being able to say nigger
Chinese are the exception.
If I was Vedal and I had this kind of discord community, I would want to retire early too.
no, this is about losing talented and respected artists over discord mods power tripping
>following the rules = power tripping
PPChan made this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ABK3uChUcc so I'm on her side no matter what
It's entirely within is power to remove the retards from their positions, he just doesn't want to deal with the drama of doing so.
>If I was Vedal
You aren't shut up
Who made the rules, retard?
>acting shocked and incredulous as though you can't understand anything
Where’s the drama from removing cabbage?
>Defending a chinese tranny
This general is so cucked man
ironic post
I would almost believe it if the mods were at all consistent with their enforcement of rules. Someone like Nico can get away with pissing everyone off including Anny but someone who actually contributes to the community gets fucked.
It's not like it's fucking rare for artists to be women, dude. Prove it's a tranny and I'll care.
>Literally one of the most iconic works from the subathon
>But oh no this Chinese woman drew half an inch of pixelated butt, better drive her out
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mocking, actually
If ppchan stopped posting Neuroverse art because of this I will be sad
Thats why discord mods were trying to make her bend the knee. They HATE competence and beauty in all forms.
Also yeah, this animation is so good
Imagine if the mods did this Sadecsss
Everyone in the trooncord is a tranny
Source: /here/
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I blame pb for this
Neuro artist who actively contributes to the community with high-quality art and animations vs Neuro Discord mods who does absolutely nothing to contribute to the community outside of powertripping and grooming other members arguably making the community worse than it already is
why would they? sadecsss doesn't break the rules
i'm the only person that likes cunny, you better get out of here
The only reason he gets away with it is because he pays a shitload of money for commissioning tons of neuro art.
The artist was chased out of trooncord
ergo, not tranny
PB isn't friends with other mods apparently
I don't know how true that is though
>literally seething about being called out as a tranny and trying to project that unto real women
>pissing everyone off including Anny
pb going up in my ranks every day holy based
who was the mod who did it? leak their name.
Kinda mid desu
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She played a lot of games with them in cabbage's stream
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If Sadecsss posted this now and not 5 months ago it would've been deleted
>haha Nico is just a bit haha
>you're just not in on the joke haha
>Nico can be a little piece of shit that contributes nothing but they're an integral member of the community
Does anyone have the Sadecsss art of Neuro in between pool rings?
I told you that chinese Swarm was our ally against PC cancer.
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by the absurd standard they're peddling now? absolutely. the actual state
Can you retards leave /swarm/ and go argue about your irrelevant artist and troonmod on your shitcord instead of shitting up the thread
I've been coming here off and on since the start and nothing has changed except people want to suck Vedal's dick instead of stomping on it. All threads in /vt/ are shit
>If Rune leaves no one is going to draw fanart
>If kaze leaves no one is going to draw fanart
>If PPchan leaves no one is going to draw fanart
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We are, all as one, united in the promise of ai gfs.
I have a Bilibili account, I'll try to reach out to her there
Plugging your ears won't make the culture war go away
We have to put an end to this faggotry now before it starts affecting Neuro directly
>three artists down
Not a good track record.
bad night
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Imagine if this got posted today
Sadecsss is one the most important fan artists we have in the swarm and we'd lose him to discord mods
i don't even use discord but we need more pedo artists here so i just make shit up
you are not a general and we are not your army faggot, stop daydreaming
oh I'm sorry, would you rather talk about the threadshitter and the 15 different off topic whores he falseflags with?
>artists are an infinite resource bro, who cares if we bully them for no reason?
>seething about scenarios you made up in your head
Don't start crying when Neuro starts telling chat to post the trans pride emote out of nowhere.
Honestly yes
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he literally covered her entire body instead of putting her in a bikini
>If Rune leaves no one is going to draw fanart
no more neuro piss art
>If kaze leaves no one is going to draw fanart
no more cute orange hair neuro and evil animations and art
>If PPchan leaves no one is going to draw fanart
no more peak animations for neuro music

honestly i will concede the last two are a stretch, but the point is we still lost 3 high quality artists with their own unique art styles
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How many people would buy this if it was available as merch? I'd shill the insane prices that uwumarket has to wear this.
>honestly i will concede
And I will accept your concession.
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What is the 'cords reaction over this. Do they even care? is it being suppressed there by mods? I'd post this here and try to bring the topic up, but im not making a discord.
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no revealing parts like chest, butt, or vag.
assumption a swimsuit is being worn with the shoulder straps.

no hints of lewdness.

don't see an issue. It is a very G to almost TV-Y7 rating
>exposing your powerlevel this hard
fuck no I wouldn't
go post it and find out

What happened to them?
I killed them
Hey, Vedal is gonna be on Filian's stream to test out some Filian AI. Dunno if it was already said
Broke the rules and got upset
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2pfrog shall return inshallah
^does he know?
They are not actually streaming it
Like any over moderated shithole, you can't even speak of it or risk a ban.
stop this retarded bait and fuck off back to flip
The mods said that ppchan left not banned and then no one really cared because it was their decision to leave.
We lost Rune, who didn't even break the rules mind you, to discord faggotry. There's nothing good that comes from having people like this as mods.
yes and i hope he does more neuro art
Gotta love history revisionists being in control
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once again relevant
Looks it's about time some of you here start picking up the pen to replace the banned neuro artists. I wish you luck.
/pol/ hours.
Oh no the piss guy got lost how tragic
if 2p posted this today, he would have been banned.
The retards here can't even proompt right, you really think they have the brainpower needed to learn to draw?
until 2pfrog gets banned I do not care
>if you don't like power tripping faggot mods, you're a /pol/tard!
why don't you go back there since you're clearly so obsessed with it
>artist removed from community forum for posting benign fanart
Spite and revenge are powerful motivators, no?
Unironically if it wasn't for Rune carrying early Neuro art, Neuro wouldn't have been this big.
Look at all the early clippers thumbnails, it's all Rune art, and it got clicks and views and that was what propelled Neuro and Vedal to what they are today
This but unironically.
I don't want lewd neuro art and i will continue notifying the mods about any even slightly suggestive ones
Your argument is flawed. I can't draw, which is why I must be so invested in the status of community artists. If I could draw, they could ban as many as they wanted, I would actually like that as it would remove my competition.
That bot even dumber than hiyori prototype
I dont care about rune or kaze thats the diference
read loomis dumbfuck
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The piss guy with a great drawing style and adorable art, yes.
You're weak.
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I want Neuro lewd art, there isn't enough of it.
Speaking of, paccha needs to draw more Neuros.
ass? believe it or, ban.
The only artist I know is 100% safe from the neurocord artist purge is paccha. They're a fan favorite there.
Go and be a mod yourself then
Is there anything we can do in the face of the discord menace? It seems like every single online community is ruled by a trooncord, and I am starting to get major fatigue.
Every Vtuber who has ever existed gets lewd art, the only thing different about Neuro is that as an AI she's not allowed to decide for herself where the line of acceptability is.
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Agreed, Nuero juice demand is still through the roof
Slapping Evil's (bare) butt.
Absolutely disgusting.
go complain directly to vedal I'm sure he'd love to hear about it
so no, got it.
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what does nurbutt feel like?
AIIIIEEEEEEE discord sama save meeeeee
While you guys were busy arguing about your artists and mods, Vedal has been talking about Neuro's AI in the discord
she could absolutely decide it, and she can do it 24/7, within seconds of art being posted.
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Evil's bare butt has stopped the shipping for over an hour.
we don't do that here
thats crazy
i will wait until he discusses it with the less mentally ill on the whole
unplug for a bit and realize both that there's no "solution" and that it hardly matters.
Mods are fags? holy shit never figured that one out. won't change no matter how many times you change heads.
Sorry but we only care about chinese tranny artists
to be fair it wasn’t that interesting but I guess it’s something
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The power of one AI girl.
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like freshly baked Neuro bread
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Become a big neuro content creator, then you can do somerhing about it
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come to think of it, miss the old ai pedo slop.
Donate bits to get a message highlight during a stream.
No, not even for a second
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Hello Pedus
>bro just walk away bro why do you even care bro
we keep doing this and they keep winning. Across all domains online and offline.
Shit just takes a lot of effort, neuro's got a lot of back end unity code that i presume works to feed her relevant overarching context and stores automated memories.
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I will donate my CUM to nur's cun
Someone needs to make a Flux finetune. SD fell off.
I got over this shit when i got out of high school man, it's whatever. Freaks get signal boosted to you by other terminally online bozos with hateboners and suddenly your whole world is about a war being peddled to you by clickbait artists and provocateurs. Do your blood pressure a favor before your legs swell and paramedics pull you outta your own house because you can't walk.
fill her up to the brim. No drop wasted
What happened to the slop master anyways?
cunny lick

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