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Welcome to /tactical/, a thread for discussing tactically-themed or firearm enthusiast vtubers!

/tactical/-approved vtubers include:

Aaliyah Mercury [www.x.com/AaliyahMercury/]

AceWindhover [www.x.com/acewindhover]
www.twitch.tv/acewindhover | www.youtube.com/@acewindhover

Ainslie_Vt [www.x.com/Ainslie_Vt]

AirshowD [www.x.com/AirshowD]
www.twitch.tv/airshowd | www.youtube.com/@AirshowD

Arianna Foxton [www.x.com/AriannaFoxton]

Atropa Everwood [www.x.com/AtropaV]
www.twitch.tv/atropaeverwood | youtube.com/@atropaeverwood2003

Bessie [www.x.com/cowgirlcowgirl_]

Code Named Ferret [www.x.com/CodeNamedFerret]

Rusty Claudia [www.x.com/RustyClaudia]
www.twitch.tv/rustyclaudia | www.youtube.com/@rustyclaudia

Elfinpsyop [www.x.com/elfinpsyop]
www.twitch.tv/elfinpsyop | www.youtube.com/@elfinpsyop

EmberParadox458 [www.x.com/ember_paradox]
www.youtube.com/@emberparadox458/ | www.twitch.tv/emberparadox

Fishmoochi (Galatea) [www.x.com/fishmoochi]

GachaGuns [www.x.com/GachaGuns]

Gondola Gaming [www.x.com/Gondola_Gaming]
www.twitch.tv/gondola_gaming | www.youtube.com/c/GondolaGamingVT

Grimmivt [www.x.com/grimmivt]
www.twitch.tv/grimmivt | www.youtube.com/@GrimmiVT

Icelyn Winter [www.x.com/Icelyn_Winter]
www.twitch.tv/icelynwinter | www.youtube.com/@icelynwinter

JMeZZ [www.x.com/MrJmezz]
www.twitch.tv/mrjmezz | www.youtube.com/@mrjmezzvt

Juncker_ [www.x.com/JunckerDK]
www.twitch.tv/juncker_ | www.youtube.com/@Juncker_

Kana (OniKanaVT)[www.x.com/OniKanaVT]

Koopa Fortuna [www.x.com/Koopachaneru]

Kuromaru Oniisan [www.x.com/Kuromarutheoni]
www.twitch.tv/kuromaruoniisan | www.youtube.com/@kuromaruonii-san

Leaflit Mitsuha [www.x.com/LeaflitVT]
www.twitch.tv/leaflit | www.youtube.com/LeaflitAsari

Previous thread:>>85923626
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More /tactical/ vtubers:

Mako Fukasame [www.x.com/MakoFukasameTV]

Margo [www.x.com/akiajimargo]
www.twitch.tv/margo | www.youtube.com/@akiajimargo

Noona [www.x.com/Rooftop_Noona]
www.twitch.tv/rooftop_noona | www.youtube.com/@rooftopnoona14

Nyaru [www.x.com/nyaruchuuu]
www.twitch.tv/nyaruchuuu | www.youtube.com/c/nyaruchuuu

Nymphimaniac [www.x.com/Nymphimaniac]
www.twitch.tv/nymphimaniac | www.youtube.com/@nymphimaniac

Nyutoravt [www.x.com/NyutoraVT]
www.twitch.tv/nyutoravt | www.youtube.com/@nyutora

Penelope Parabelum [www.x.com/PennyParabellum]
www.twitch.tv/penelopeparabellum | www.youtube.com/@PenelopeParabellum

Red Baroness [www.x.com/TheRedBaroness1]
www.twitch.tv/the_red_baroness_ | www.youtube.com/@theredbaroness6350

Remi Springs
www.twitch.tv/remisprings | www.youtube.com/@RemiSprings

RenTheVieww [www.x.com/RenTheVieww]
www.twitch.tv/rentheview | www.youtube.com/@rentheview/

Rye [www.x.com/BreadIsRye]
www.twitch.tv/ryeisbread | www.youtube.com/@Ryeisbread

Savii [www.x.com/savisenpaii]
www.twitch.tv/savii | www.youtube.com/@savisenpaii

SkabVT [www.x.com/SkabVT]
www.twitch.tv/SkabVT | www.youtube.com/@SkabARoll

SharklettVT [www.x.com/SharklettVT]
www.twitch.tv/sharklettvt | www.youtube.com/@ScarDumb

Sleepy Project [www.x.com/Sleepy_Proj]
www.twitch.tv/sleepy_project | www.youtube.com/@SleepyProject

Tomoe Umari [www.x.com/UmariTomoe]
www.twitch.tv/tomoeumari | www.youtube.com/@tomoeumari/

TwitchyBuggy [www.x.com/TwitchyBugBug]

Vanessa Leona [www.x.com/VanessaLeonaVT]

WafWaffle [www.x.com/WafWaffle_]

Whiskey Project [www.x.com/GrenadesW]
www.twitch.tv/whiskey_project | www.youtube.com/@WhiskeyProject

Winters Ch [www.x.com/thee_marked_one]

WishyVT [www.x.com/tacticow]

Zuma [www.x.com/zumlings]
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Currently live:
Ari is making sure her workers do not unionize and garnishing their wages in Supermarket Together

Nyaru is reviewing Mr. Beast Documents

Ember is late but yapping
Hi tactical
Mr. Beast documents?
Hey. Board is going a bit fast today
Ari’s voice is getting better. She’s beating covid. Also she never ate grill cheese
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Atropa is doing some writing

Skab slept through two alarms but is now awake to play The forever winter

Ayla is back and showing off how she survives in aussie winter in The forever winter
Ayla getting doubled team by enemies
Ari and Rishi reliving their childhood in costco
Atropa can't think. She really was the perfect Marine
What book is she reading?
A new outfit? Nice.
Not tactical.
yea, you're probably right. I was just trying to bump.

and hey, nice digits.
Its over....
We are getting closer and closer to lewd grimmi and I am not here for it.
I miss 2021-2022 grimmi
Gondola's femboyfriend is streaming War Thunder, he was also an Army Medic.
What is it with medics/emt and the high prevalence of zestyness? Not complaining.
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Sleepy streamed today and nobody posted her…
Sexual healing is very common in the field.
I blame Arthur and Leon.
She was supposed to be seiso
>no vtuber with a double breasted military wool coat
>not that I’m into that kind of thing >_>
what did she play
Ai somnium files
Atropa might have one.
Don't worry anon if I was a woman I'd get a model with a war torn and muddied double breasted military coat just for you <3
She’s perfect.
I prefer them to be neat and clean, but you do you.
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Koopa is live and playing Warhammer to kill xenos
Then I'd clean it up just for you
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Sentry is playing history untold

Nyutora is playing Star Citizen
Is Koopa's stream lagging for anyone else?
????? who???? please don't namedrop irrelevant chatters here
Arthur Abbott is a wvt vtuber that grooms her, same with Leonidas Umbra the two groomed her into being more lewd.
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No clips for a few hours or so
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I want a Koopa/Whiskey collab
This bird is back with the end of Operation Market Garden for the anniversary.
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Gondola killed Bessie.
I really like Ember, but I can’t handle the grooming on stream.
I will never make it as a male vtuber because of fags like this
Welp time to work on myself till im attractive then be a face cam streamer
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He can't keep getting away with it!
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>I go to the bathroom and Koopa finish streaming and her vod isn't up
What did I miss?
her power going out because of a storm
I was mostly a yapping stream with Mizuki pumping iron in the background
^^^this bird raided Sentry when he finished his stream.
Skab being a sneaky boy.
Koopa wanting to learn more about the lore of 40k
Love that SVD like you wouldnt believe
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Wish Nyaru had got to play concord
Ember crying from fans supporting her
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Skab got outgunned and outmanned
I don’t think that’s healthy
Airshow showing you how to start a plane
Savii having a good time with a boss battle
don't give a single fuck about your wmds, keep them out of here and grimmi too, off topic cancer fuck
Sorry, anon, but Grimmi’s love for state execution and jailing people who smoke weed or eat edibles makes her /tact/
Anything relating to Grimmi is on topic.
what the hell was he playing
The Forever Winter. Also known as the Tarkov killer
Forever Winter, basically "Do the Evolution" the video game
I thought that was a space horror game like Dead Space?
It's a tactical survival horror, so chances are horror elements will be added.
Some maps are more horror and/or scifi than others, theres also rarer enemy types that are spooky like the corpse tank (Cant find a good picture at the moment).
But most locales and enemies are just post-apoc humans
Looks cool. Cant wait for the collabs thought
Sharklett had some fun
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Riri is leaving Ari for Sharklett
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Someone already did
mmm brown lady
That's his wife.
he has good taste in women
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Goat is playing counter strike
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Goat getting a headshot
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No Mako stream tonight. She's sick
Goat showing off why she's number 1
Goat showed dominance and her enemies called her a cheater
is it just me or is the counter strike USP-S mainly used by females?
Battletech bros...when will it be our time? When will the chuuba sphere love our games and lore?
It's an easy weapon to use
ive seen more and more chuubas getting into warhammer, so surely its only a matter of time
Is she doing okay lately?
Ugggh, I can't believe he turned on the countermeasure dispensers on the ground. That's how you start a fire or foul the runway with thousands of pieces of debris!

It's tough, since the faster mecha games probably do better on stream since the pacing is better for a viewer.
I think if a streamer is going to do well with a Mechwarrior game, they're going to need great narration about their decision-making and I've only seen a handful of streamers good at that in any game, period.
Either that or they'd need to be an absolutely coked-up light mech pilot.
When someone competent gains the rights to MechWarrior
Who knows, she's been getting sick recently
Mw5 was decent and clans looks good!
MW5's writing and mission design was not nearly as good as 4's, it was almost entirely procedurally generated. The gameplay and mech feel is great, but it really made me miss 2 3 and 4. 3 had the best cockpit feel bar none, and 4 was the most kino story.
Well duh, hand crafted always beats generated content. It's why clans looks like to be the better game.
Goat was pretty wild this stream, shit talking her teammates and chat.
hows her mic now?
chat kept saying it was tinny, but it seemed normal to me
/tactical/ without getting deep into it I've really been going through it. I'm worried I might end up in the hospital again. Please pray for me and my tactical oshi.
Why is that the first thing you thought of?
Depends, who's your oshi?
transfolk stay on these types of peoples minds 24/7
when i think god I think why are people terrible Idk I just hate myself and everyone around me constantly vtubers are the only thing that make me happy when the world is constantly tell me how bad everything is
I will pray for you.
The usual. But ven though I might die soon, I'm still more worried about my oshi and the guy above me.
a vtuber?
Well, maybe if you stop misgendering your brother, it will hurt less.
No, mostly because I can’t afford to lose money. Anon, you might want to step back and make sure you aren’t forming an addiction
lmao, I have had a gambling addiction since 2011. I never said I wasn't addicted, I merely said I need better CounterStrike 2 tips.
Zuma still gets parking tickets?
yeah it was like 700 norwegian kroner, or whatever it's called
I thought after she got like a 1000-dollar ticket she would have learn her lesson
jesus christ how many parking tickets has she got
I honestly don't know. I'm surprise she still has a car or a drivers license
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We have to save Zuma
you're a few years too late anon
>Norwegian doctors didn’t find her autistic enough
Wonder how they came to that conclusion
they dont know about her zuma antics or as I call it her ratatantics
autistic behavior is pretty normal in Scandinavia because everyone's brain is destroyed due to eating copious amounts of rotting fish
this is a common myth. It was when the Hwan empire targeted the autism raygun from the Giza pyramids towards Finland during the last days of the Finnish-Korean Hyperwar that the surrounding Scandinavian countries felt the effect.
now that's a meme i haven't seen referenced in a long time...
Is no one streaming?
Its 9am
erm, it's 10am acktually
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I’m actually going somewhere and won’t be able to bump the thread. So hopefully you guys can manage without me
Ill try
ive got stuff to do around the house today, but i should be at my pc from time to time
Shark is dying of food poisoning...
typical side effect to british 'cuisine'
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despite being sick sharklett has gone live.
something about a house wife shark
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Shut up furry.
Shark plz...
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nudder bumpo
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Leona is live playing MechWarrior 2 https://www.twitch.tv/vanessa_leona
Human shota x Furry older female is supreme taste
so you guys aren't /lig/germen and you like Zuma? uwu?
The day of the razor will not be delayed because of this good game choice.
Razor only makes sense during the summer, too chilly now. Also lion always has the best taste in games.
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seriously tho, wake up /tactical/
ive gotta hit the hay so don't let the damn thread die
eepy image for good luck
took a long time for these threads to start running this risk again. What happened?
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it's so over...
Retirements and yabs.
the fops is live, yapping then Frostpunk 2 (sorry i don't have a picture) https://www.twitch.tv/icelynwinter
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I'll try and hold down the lines for a bit anons
Until she gets filtered.
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She needs a husband
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guys i wanna fuck sharklett
what do?
Realize that she is nothing but a tease.
Its so over...
she is everything including a tease
What did you mean by this, huh??
will Eepy get farther in A.I. or will she yap for hours?
find out NOW!
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Ari is celebrating her birthday week
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I like her normal hair color
What if sleepy was so sleep that you could impregnate her in her sleep?
do not the Eepy
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Nyaru is watching Karen freakouts

Atropa is playing the accordion

Twitchy is doing a variety of things until ready or not at 9pm
Why is shark like this?
Shark having a lewd mind
ace is playing bf2042
Damn, these karens on Nyaru's stream...
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Skab is playing the forever winter
not even 30 minutes in and the game bluescreened him...
is this the first icelyn stream in a while or have I just been missing all her streams?
You don't have tier-3 sub to watch her vods?
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Alya is playing gundam
Sleepy does not do well with eye related body horror
Nyaru had to see one of her fans get arrested.
Atropa is drinking too much
She needs a husband
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/lig/ is putting together a birthday card for Nyaru, I've heard she gets some discussion here so I'm reaching out in case anyone would like to contribute. The only rules are that submissions must be SFW and have image dimensions that are a multiple of 200 (i.e. 200x200, 400x400, 200x400), but it would also be in good taste to not do things like edit other people's fanart of Nyaru for your submission, or submit something that she wouldn't understand. Nyaru's birthday is in seven days on October 3rd, I'll put out a more exact deadline as the date gets closer and Nyaru announces her own plans for her birthday

Some things for inspiration:
>Chuuba Friends (non-inclusive): Charlotte Bear, Yoro Yoyo
>Loves Japan, visits frequently (Karaoke, maid cafes, konbinis, conventions, concerts)
>Very, very big into Japanese idol culture and idol groups (AKB48, iRis)
>Nyaru is an idol herself
>Games (Team Fortress 2, Kingdom Hearts, Sonic the Hedgehog)
>Chris Chan
>Phantom of the Opera
>Anime (Kanon, AKB0048, Air)
>Nightmare on Elm Street, A Christmas Story

Model References:
She’s perfect.
I need an Atropa big sister wife.
>big sister wife
What do you mean by that?
Like a big sister personality but in your partner?
Ferret playing World of Warships on NA servers https://www.twitch.tv/codenamedferret
Slightly older woman with some maternal and romantic love.
Oh damn you just described my type lmao
I guess thats what its called then
It’s a play on Pippas “little sister, wife” descriptor. Atropa could teach me about woodcarving and small game hunting.
>small game hunting
If a woman went hunting with me and was teaching me things I would actually fall in love with her. Hell I still think about the time I went to a feed store to get something for my dad and the lady there just lifted a 50lb bag onto her shoulder and carried it out to my car
is Kuromaru still in Japan?
Same brother, same. I grew up in the suburban life, and know a lot about fishing and firearms, but not much about hunting.
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Yes and he's undergoing his weeb arc.
Where can I find a woman like Atropa?
In the marines
>no atropa gf on the logging road while grouse hunting.
Skab living up to his name
Sentry is playing Delta Force

Jmezz is playing ready or not with Twitchy
I thought he maxed out that part of the skill tree a while ago
Twitchy is on point when it comes to negotiating with criminals
Skab being a lucky sob
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Time for slime
She's so adorable
Atropa is conducting a mating dance
Twitchy killing a doctor and/or nurse
ok but what is she actually doing
Her boobs keep staring at me
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Grimmi is live
What is your guy's opinion on adding non english speaking tactical chuuba's to the thread?
I dont have anyone in mind but maybe it could fill in some of the dead hours
I mean there's a french speaking one.
...But if you have any more FR ones, then I'm down.
Sentry mocking his foes
Despite my best efforts to move on, I'm still madly in love with Leaflit Mitsuha and want to spend the rest of my life with her. Because, while I'm sure I could find and marry an autistic bratty shut-in with a good job and no homemaking skills, I will never ever be able to find another woman like Leaflit. She's unlike anyone else I've ever met, and the thought of her being single for the rest of her life keeps me awake at night.
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Confess to her in private anon
Either she gives you a chance or says no/bans you in which you will be forced to move on
She didn't ban me.
Then I presume you were rejected?
I mean there's already a french speaking one in the OP
as long as the people who want to discuss them here speak english, i guess that's alright imo
Twitchy had a good stream
Leaflit anon, nhentai is up again and has a new translated slime girl work.
Ah, Atropa. She's so out of my league. Anti-communist, a collector of firearms, and a woman of all trades. Not to mention she'd call me a loser and a f@ggot if I told her where I was from. Not that my states' reputation helps my case.
are you new here
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>The marines took away Atropa’s M16 and gave her a m4
Why are marines gay? And she was a lance-corporal
the fact that those milkers are going unsucked is a damn crime
>Atropa hates Biden
Can't believe Gondola broke up with her.
gondola is a manslut
he can't stay tied down
Someone needs to save Atropa from herself
Who else was there, Jets, Vanessa, and Atropa.
No, I just tend to not type profanity/swear words because it doesn't match my overall mental state. I don't like swearing in general because it doesn't really convey my rage.
Price control and tax on unrealized gains is good. She should read on Marxian economics
2/10 weak bait
She has, that's why she hates it.
Grimmi supports the troops
>she'd call me a loser and a f@ggot if I told her where I was from
i wish she would do that to me that would be so fucking hot
She'd probably call you a loser faggot just looking at you. If you wanted any more she'd make you pay $50 each time you jacked off thinking about her.
off topic posting is getting out of control
talk about guns and the military
so, which /tactical/ tuber is most likely to have stuck a gun up their coochie for fun?
Atropa no contest
ok Jecka
Atropa and Koopa
Country gals make do but Sleepy is seiso
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Goat is playing Counter-strike
Goat needs to assert her dominance over chat
Leaflit needs to assert dominance over her simp.
all me
it seems to be the time of the night where anon's medication has worn off
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Can any AI anon make Sleepy sing Swanee River?
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Mako, weakened by her sickness, decided to stream for us
Leaflit is a footfag. It's over
She's also an armpitfag.
She's also a fag fag.
sorry, i saw an opening and went for it
Please be more respectful to my future fag wife.
i believe in you, leaf anon
your cock will cure her
Mako is explaining why she's dying.
And... like... fuck.
Depends on how good the voice is
wat she say?
A sinus infection that turned in a bone abscess and the doctors were like, "you were probably a few hours away from a brain infection."
Also the bone infection supposedly won't go fully away. Any time it comes back, straight to the hospital for an assessment.
fuck, that sucks
as someone who gets frequent sinus infections, i know that feel (literally)
Will she be, okay?
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Ren is playing Apex
I dont know if there's an available voice model or how it works honestly
I haven't done much voice stuff, but I've looked into it.
There are two types of voice generation, "text-to-voice"/"text-to-speech" and "voice cloning".
TTS is actually "harder" to do, because written text does not capture most of the voice features (at least in English). Like, how does a TTS model know it's supposed to be singing, with a specific meter and pitch? It doesn't.
Voice cloning is about converting an input voice into an output voice. It's "easier" to do because the input voice encodes the vocal cues needed to accurately reproduce the output. It was a lot less flexible originally, because you need a model to convert a specific person's input voice into a specific person's output voice. But these days the model architectures have gotten better about dividing responsibilities (so you can create an input-half that interprets the input voice, and pair it with any output-half that produces a given output voice), and about generalizing (so you can use things like raw samples of the output voice, and not have to train the input voice at all).
People also seem to dislike voice cloning a lot because they don't want to record their own voice. So there are a lot of idiots like, "can I use TTS as the input to a voice cloning model?" so that they don't have to read their mommy ASMR RP script out loud in the privacy of their own home.
Is it possible to use a voice bank from a video game, say, Metal Gear Solid, and have the output voice be something like Liquid Snake in real time (give or take a few seconds)? I have access to a voice and would like to do something like that on a side channel.
I think what i've seen are voice cloning instead of actual TTS. Generally for songs anyways.
Models need training data. The kind you need depends on the model architecture.
>TTS needs voice clips paired with the text transcription
>Voice cloning needs input voice clips and output voice clips that are mimicking each other (similar relative pitch, emotion, pace/meter)
>There are newer models that accept raw voice samples as "training" data (more like they analyze the sample and extract some general features), but the specifics of those are highly contextual to the model in question
So if your game audio has, say, closed-captioning (but is the captioning high quality and accurate to the actual lines spoken? not always!), then you might be set for a TTS training.
Also, all voice training data should be the highest quality recordings you can manage. Background noise will fuck shit up.
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