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>/corpo/ resources:

>What is /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss the talents and mascots of corpo™s that are currently not discussed in other threads.

>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.

>Are former corpo talents allowed?
Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.

>Other Corpo Threads
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
EIEN: >>>/vt//eien/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
VAllure: >>>/vt//vag/
NEXAS: >>>/vt//brg/
VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
PRISM: >>>/vt//ppg+/
V-Dere: >>>/vt//vdere/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/
V4Mirai + globie: >>>/vt//v4m/
Small JP vtubers: >>>/vt//indie/
V&U + KR vtubers: >>>/vt//vnug/
VReverie Extended: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended: >>>/vt//tsunx/

Previous thread: >>85986211
anon's ex-wolfwife
Sucking on Iku's fat tits
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ngl, i wan't even paying attention to whatever the argument was last thread. i just post and follow the cute girls.
Post more EVEEXE girls
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>Naki hates microscopic penises
its over for KamiP
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(s)he will suck your balls off and then peg you as your flacid dick flies around
the embodiment of cgdct is doing karaoke
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She raided into our girls being bad at geography
What's with the thumbnail tho?
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Uta da dawg has been live playing some Overwatch with Victoria
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Naki was very cute today. I love her very much
Naki was super cute today.
>Didn't raid Sara
he knows
I love aoi sangoshou
Hated by Prima and EverAfter... why is Sara such a bitch?
Naki never remembers to raid because her usual streams go so long that everyone is done. I'm sure Sara understands
i love lofi
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blair is horny
threesome with me blair and relia
Isla is being cute and yapping
Is it just me or her head feels a bit small?
just a little
sometimes that's on purpose to make everything else look bigger
Good morning, Elia hate and rape
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I think I get it now
like her design but the rigging is so off
Spica singing and piano
My beloved pink cloud!!!
short of that time Spica played Goose Goose Duck with everyone
and yesterday's short of Her Story
I don’t know why Mozzu gets upset about schedules if she doesn’t even stick to one.
Cyon raided Spica
this is different Navi
Nanimo Navi from Eien
Spica singing her second (first) original, Reflection in the Sea
stream it
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I like it when Spica gets like this, happens quite often
Indignantly arguing with/telling chat off, very cute.
Sheep about to regale us with her shower experience
Spica recommends Culinary Class Wars, Korean cooking show
basically Shokugeki no Soma reality tv
now her first (second) original, Interstellar Clouds
I'm not a woman so I don't watch cookslop.
MV art
first Spica improv of the day, Behind Blue Eyes by The Who
It only just clicked in my head that people like Suri, Meeta and Maeve are V&U. My brain still thinks that their largest talent is Liora.
>bare cheeks
This feels like hyperscuffed ASMR
100% of people who tune in to a "shower" stream are coomers
second improv, Behind Blue Eyes RHCP, thank you anon
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fuck I mean Under The Bridge
No shit retard
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man knows what he wants
100% of girls doing "shower" streams are coombaiting
I don't know if it's just her presentation but this is like the least sexual shower I've ever experienced. The sounds more resemble a "you're getting stuffed into a duffle bag, hoisted and locked in a car trunk during torrential rain" rp
Esila occupies an odd space where she kind of rolls with people trying to GFE her but doesn't really instigate it, despite this kind of stream
is it tism?
Been wondering, is it possible for her to swap between her hairstyles and outfits?
Yeah, she's pretty autistic, as long as it doesn't reveal anything about her information she seems pretty open to discussing almost anything and she'll basically just bounce of whatever vibe her chat is giving. Honestly if you didn't have GFE chatters for her to bounce off of she'd probably be near 0 GFE
Spica brings me to a whole new world
Haven't seen her do it even though the face/body look the same
Even in her longhair/short hair tweet she used her old/new outfit
it's autistic larp, but at least it's kind of honest in a way
>it does not stay up
That's what she said.
Spica lewd
3rd improv, Dare To Be Stupid - Weird Al
I just realized you can pay $5 for a British Spica request now LMAO
Spica likes it
now last request Careless Whisper in oneesan voice
Spica makes me happy
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I could make you happy too
Spica flew to the moon and raided Reina playing Crime Scene Cleaner with Miel?
VR swordfighting game tomorrow
I'm not allowed in the Lia thread!!
her new fit is cute though
don't flirt with sexpest VAs on stream
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Kokone is the biggest actually
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I require further evidence
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any of your oshi thinking of playing the new zelda?
i havent played a nintendo game in 25 years
Meeta had everything to be their top chuuba
even sexpest homos
It's funny how she and spectra cared about numbers once Maeve got 100k
Airi I assure you
You are an imposter. You've been hiding how you really are for the past 2 years.
It doesn't get more impressonating than that
Airi sad posting in members about losing fans
No apology or remorse tho kek
I hate sentenno but at least he posts screenshots with his shitpost
She just needs to learn how to successfully pitybait from Elia
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Io handcam
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her pitybaiting is lacking
I had given up hope she would return. Was expecting the graduation announcement to come after their next gen debuts.

Glad she's back.
So Mozzu managed to guilt trip Airi over GFE (and AI art?) - I wonder if she will gloat about it on her alt.
Io's hands are the same size as a pack of cards
>Mozzu boogeyman
No retard it's Airi crying about losing fans to male collabing and covering it up with
>but I'm a cute girl and sad. PITY ME PLS
If anything it's Elia who guilt tripped Airi over not streaming with incel eboys that want to groom her
where is Akane when we need him
Didn't he become a male vtuber?
If you can't beat em join em kek
If you're going to anti anyway you might as well post it here instead of vagueshitting
That is not Lia anon, that is a wild liker. They are after your bussy. Don't fall for it anon many /pcg/ anons fell for it and became faggots.
being gay with your fellow anons is fun
keked phasefaggots lmoa
The consequences of my actions?! WOE IS ME
I'm still doing the right thing tho teehee~
please ignore the letters and gifts being from before I showed up to Elia's male vtuber orgy
She didn't get sylveon
You are an adult man. Stop picking on my rape daughterwife who's likely much younger than you.
Core Keeper with kawaii's titty healer
kekedrojis lmoa
holy grift
Am I the only one that finds this cute? Also
>I'm kind of an imposter that doesn't deserve their spot in V-Dere...
She didn't need her viewers for this, this is the Mozzu experience
Excuse me we call ourselves phaggots
Aura is doing a laugh you lose challenge

kiseki miya
Not cute enough. Need naked dogeza to remember
I can't click on these streams due to the unbearable cringe. Seeing the kind of stupid shit other people find "funny" makes me not want to be part of that community.
I don't like react content either but she doesn't do it often and it is nice to hear her laugh
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Eva GFE tonight
Cute traitor whore
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I want Athy to take out her stress on me
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I could just use the TimeTags addon, or I can write my own version that works exactly how I want, turns out you can make one in under 200 lines of js and css. Now if only I had the sense to actually mark notable moments, I'm trying and yet almost always the stream ends with empty list, how do people do it...
go full woolposter at first, then dial it back
The V-Dere special
Well then tell her in her comments that she needs to decide whether to continue with male shit or not
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>"lower your slow ass stick!"
>dude phrasing clip that XD
What a putrid NPC chat this snake has to put up with, holy shit. I'm actually surprised she completely ignored these imbeciles. This brand of "comedy" has to immediately brand yourself a complete moron in the eyes of any woman. But what can you do when these people pay your bills? I almost feel some sympathy for her.
You would be a 4view in kawaii by now, Elia. And then you could've afforded to tell these subhumans to fuck off. But no, you chose to be a low 3view even while playing the latest Nintentoddler release.
She deserves nothing anyway, she's a liar and mancollaber
Grown man complaining about NPCs while making a /pkg/ whorse post this generic a year and a half late btw
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meanwhile i've been applying and getting rejection emails
That's not even a "boomer" thing, many zoomers are sharp enough to actually find the person who does the hiring instead of just dropping a cv to some wagie/sending cv online and pretending they put in the effort
My wagecuck job hires zoomers like this all the time
As if anyone here has to balls to step out of this echo chamber
is there no way to yt-dlp twitch stream at lower resolution but with best audio? It just werks for youtube, no idea why it's different for twitch
yt-dlp 'https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1887141226' -f '360p+Audio_Only' --skip-download
[twitch:vod] Extracting URL: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1887141226
[twitch:vod] 1887141226: Downloading stream metadata GraphQL
[twitch:vod] 1887141226: Downloading video access token GraphQL
[twitch:vod] 1887141226: Downloading m3u8 information
[twitch:vod] 1887141226: Downloading storyboard metadata JSON
[info] v1887141226: Downloading 1 format(s): 360p

this doesn't explain it and the command at the end doesn't work for me either, still gets only the video format without best audio https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/issues/28305
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Sex btw
It's actually baffling how putting on an anime avatar is enough of an excuse for men to get closer to some vtubers who would never give that kind of treatment to the viewers who pay their bills. Like suddenly we're "coworkers" in the same sphere of entertainment so it's okay.
twitch doesn't have video only formats is the issue, so either download them separately and mux them yourself or
>yt-dlp --audio-multistreams -f "360p+ba"
and then strip out the low quality audio at your leisure to save space
she herself built that faggot chat full of discordtrannies from day1 in kawaii lmao
your local schizo putting on a live2d model isn't going to suddenly meet any big names. it's people who already had mutual friends meeting each other
If v-dere stayed in kawaii, their corruption would've continued to harm the girls and culture there, as we can see from how they act now. In the long run, I'm glad they're gone.
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Now that the dust has settled what's the best vtuber to fill the Pomu-shaped hole in pomudachi's heart? Because I'm not so sure Mint fits that bill, it's nowhere near the seamless transition like with somebody like Kanna.
Cringe. Professional cooking is male dominated.
>Lyko has an actual Australian accent
Thank fuck for that, I can't stand that awful half American half Australian accent, give us more voices like Sara and Lyko.
I want Athy to excise my GUILT
That has little to nothing to do with watching cooking shows.
t. obviously wasn't an OG Wisp before Pomu.
Ritard is
so Io said at the start that she did a yab then ended the stream before this one .anyone got an archive of it?
Anon it's already over. Her doing another male collab shows that she doesn't give a fuck about the people that hated the first one
The more you demonize male vtubers, the more they appear as tragic martyrs who need to be saved to female vtubers with a savior complex.
The more you jack off the more bent your pp gets
pomu was a lot of things in one package, so you may want to be specific
she's not /corpo/ anymore, but gigi has been really fun. she has a similar sense of wit and whimsy, and her clip/fanart output is good.
for singing style, I like spica and clara
for raw sex appeal, vee sensei
I don't have names for idolfag, big events, or anal content, but mint still gives me my dose
I have to say it always impresses me how good Rita is at talking during a stream because her chat is extremely boring and never says anything interesting she can bounce off of but she still manages to be a good entertainer. A good example of why I'm not a numbers person because she absolutely deserves to be someone who gets thousands of viewers and yet she doesn't. It's proof that there is no real correlation between your talent and your success. Some people are just lucky enough to get picked up by big corpos which give them big numbers, and some aren't.
what the FUCK
thats not true, its how it rests while its in your pants. i've made my cock from bending to the left to bending to the right by just changing how it sits in my pants
Don't listen to this foul aonanist propaganda anon. As long as you remember to bend it the other way for the same amount of time, you should be fine.
ritard debuffs herself by sucking male vtuber cock every other week, 1on1, also her questionable past
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how goslings are born
it's over
until she burps right in your ear
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get out
Male collab cope and anger
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Does she still miss her?
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Watch Lottie Shinju
Seething woman
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>I don't have names for idolfag
But I don't know if a Pomu guy would like kawaii. I never watched Pomu.
not meaning virtual performances, but instead wota culture, irl groups like denpagumi, and molesting cafe maids
I like some people in kawaii
Maybe Isla? I never watched pomu either but Isla-sama is great for me.
kawaii new outfits be like:
Nene: oh, another one
Reina: those rose antlers look strange
Charzu: imouto cute!
You can just stick with Mint for that
Funny story, you get both for the same ticket
I miss her, I want to go back.
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>anal content
Prism project will never die
Meno will be the last vtuber
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V-Dere group original song in 33 hours
MV looks cute
Spica wrote the lyrics and melody
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In a couple hours.
Good morning! Elia hate and rape.

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