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For the 498th time, what is Ope?!
Also ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.

>"Shunkan Heartbeat" Advent cover

▼ Next stream
Fri 09/27 7:30PM CT, Portal co-op collab with Ame
▼ Previous streams
09/25, EDF6 Advent collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FI2VEPlhZws
09/24, members-only zatsudan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0C0v92PorYo
09/23, HoloGTA Finale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKNt7DvNCVc
09/22, HoloGTA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DA-M6QpPfjw
09/21, sickness zatsudan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jc2psl4Ru-Y

>Recent merch
hololive Extreme Love Voice Pack, Nerissa Ravencroft (Yandere/English): https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_4types_extremelovevoice?variant=45546871062748

"In my Feelings" MV
"Sweetest Scarlet" MV
First EP: In My Feelings
https://cover.lnk.to/esLvqA https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kj9UFrjkLGkscXeNLZJfgOKADxOvDuTpY
Archive of the struck down Moka - Lilium cover
Advent karaoke offcollab (Jul 2024)
Songs & Karaokes rentry

>Useful Links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nerissa_en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nerissaravencroft
Art tags: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds: #depravencrafts on Twitter); RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Merch: https://rentry.org/nerissa_ravencroft_merch01

Previous thread: >>86014882
A word of advice: as per >>1, be smart and don't reply or engage in off-topic or blatant bad faith arguments. To keep peace, hide and report.
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>Basic introduction to the new Jailbirds
Debut Stream
Crunchyroll Interviews

>Tools / Creations by the /ope/ users
/ope/'s library
Collection of Nerissa's Sounds
List of recommended streams
Information regarding membership
Appearances on other channels & mentions

>General Tools
Current OP Template
2024 to date
Solo streams: 92
Collabs: 96
Twitch collabs: 5
Solo karaoke: 4
Members: 15
I love my wife Nerissa Ravencroft more than anyone in the whole world (I'm proud of her singing in the ReGloss cover)
She got one shotted kek
They aren't doing too bad on hard difficulty now
Is it just me or is her connection stuttering?
man remember fidget spinners?
I knew a guy in school who 3D printed them and sold them for a nice profit to everyone else. He had a nice venture going
She's tired of it already
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No. I'm autistic but not that autistic
Holy shit, all that was the prologue?
Advent love!!
I'll take the 1on1, better than group collabs
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Rissa...Come back...
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I miss her already...
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Nini /ope/, I'm gonna hug my wife Rissa in bed and sleep
Have a good night, Jailbro
Good night jailbro because i just woke up and missed alnost everything, i cant seem to fall asleep
Keep the thread alive jailbros, I trust you
Let it die jailbros, she's not going anywhere
this advent unity made re-listen to this cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OffTXFgbn7A
Man I need more Metal Rissa...
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>reverse bunny suit
her voice was weird in this one
>Metal Rissa
That would be quite something to listen to one day...
Did her sisters ever teach Rissa how to please a man?
Aradia probably made Nerissa licked her pussy when they were young
Sisters share their husbands all the time
Almost 500th /ope/
Have a good night /ope/. Remember to love your Rissa
>Rissa has now retweeted two different artworks implying that escaping jailbirds get flattened under her fat ass
what are we supposed to do with this information?
be prepared.
Maybe not home and on mobile setup? Could be why she was on mouse and key also.
>my morissa offcollab dreams might happen
Don't give me hope.
Train endurance and strength to endure the weight of her big ass
>train endurance
Yeah, in the Culver's restroom
She orders take-out
Maybe??? The stream kept buffering for me but it could be also an issue on my end mayhaps
she trains in outside in public? kinky
It is you who has to train enduring her ass Jailbird, not Nerissa
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I thought it was Fatfuck Friday already
sololive in chicago sponsored by culvers one day.
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Sup Nerissa, have you ever dreamt about someone and wondered if they shared the same dream with you? Ive been taking a new supplement and its been giving me the gnarliest vivid dreams of all time. I dream and it feels real it doesnt feel like a dream at all. Anyway, I had a dream about someone and I was wondering if this person had the same dream as me. As in if they shared the same dreamspace as me. I know dreams exist in our individual brains but it would be cool two people shared the same dream. Ive heard stranger things happen. My dream was very happy and I wish the person in my dream dreamt the same thing.
So whats the most happy dream youve dreamt? Does it involve a person? Does it involve a location? Is it love dream? Is it a friendly dream? Family dream? What did you feel when waking up? Did you want to go back in? Were you like oh man that was so good, I cant believe that actually didnt happen.
Sleep well and have a good night.
If hololive can sponsor the dodgers, than anything is possible
It wasnt a sponsor. It was a mutually beneficial collaboration
Since we now know Rissa has GTA V, should she play story of the game? Or would that be too difficult for her?
>nerissa becomes much more mentally healthy and her output of content becomes even better in turn
>we lose out on our regular hearties, and nerissa keeps social media to a bare minimum. hearties almost disappear entirely

would you press the button?
Nerissa would give the most mundane reactions to the funny bits. She’s no Kiara.
I am of the opinion that Nerissa would be more attractive with larger boobs
eh, beggars can't be choosers. Flat or not, I still wish to become her husband. I say that as a man who prefers tits over ass and loves C/D cups.
flat tits, no ass
why are you describing mococo
mococo is secretly the busiest bitch with fat ass and tiddy
doesn't matter, she puts on that lip gloss and a bit of eye makeup like that one picture, you know the one, and I may as well be dead. She's beautiful as is, but that look would absolutely captivate me if I could see it in person.
ogey doxchama
Without hesitation. Nerissa's health comes first and foremost before any of us. I want her to proper in life and in business because I love her.
mmm yes that would be lovely
going to need some grade a lamb sauce on this anon.
Only natural beauty is qualified for my cock.
nerissa and miosha should have an intimate discussion on nopan
Nerissa go to church this Sunday it is the feast day of Saint Michael. He cast down satan into hell and I always put him in my edits with the caption "Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum" which means "if you want peace prepare for war."
Here is a little bit about him
>watch from 23:44 to about 29:30
Dont be afraid to ask for his intercession. Btw I always liked the name Michael for a son, and on the topic of childrens names the two girl names I really like are Elizabeth and Cecilia, its funny that your coworkers choose those names as well.
Youre the best Nerissa.
Archangel Saint Michael ora pro nobis.
Lads, makeup is satanic and should be outlawed. That being said I am a sucker for red lipstick but thats the only piece of makeup that gets me going. However I do always prefer no makeup. I think women look most beautiful without any makeup.
Rissa loves Christ
nerissa should do a talking about makeup stream like kronii did a few weeks ago
I guess Nerissa is Satan incarnate or something then because she loves health and beauty products.
isn't our father-in-law canonically a ruler of hell
Probably. The bureaucracy in hell has always been wild.
With time travel bullshit you'll go through that several times in the game. Shit has 147 missions and they only beaten 13.
Nothing wrong with health and beauty products as long as its stuff like skin health and grooming type of stuff, acne products, wrinkle stuff and the like. Its makeup that is satanic, it goes against our faith. Even piercings, stuff like the common ear lobe piercings of women, is anti-Christian as it comes from pagans sticking stuff into their skin. I didnt even know until recently.
as it should be
her not liking them is very cringe of her
>our faith
You mean your faith. Nerissa uses makeup and has ear piercings. I guess being the daughter of a demon does send a big middle finger to half of the western world. It's ok, I still love and accept her even if she's covered in tattoos and piercings.

Also not too huge on bunny suits or bunny ears. Am I cringe? D: probably...

On that note, goodnight /ope/ until tomorrow.
I love you Nerissa Ravencroft.
Tattoos is too much
Rissa's anus belongs to ME
it seems we're getting the worst version of both though...
Goodmorning /ope/
Rissa is an idol. Idola dont have private parts. Therefore Rissa doesnt have private parts including an asshole
As Nerissa said in her membies, SHE WOULD NEVER SMOKE
This is a lolipop stick don't worry
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The Japanese fans loved the cover too and are asking in the comments whether an English translated version of the song could be made.
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If Rissa doesn't have private parts does that mean she's exclusively for public use?
No, if I wanted that I'd oshi Fauna
it depends. which of these rissas is more likely to make a joi audio?
I can only feed you crumbs from the “last” supper.
So what if a small amount of properly applied makeup fills me with lust for the woman I love? Don’t you want us making babies?
Bunny suits are only valuable because shy girls like Nerissa feel safe to wear them in public due to coverage. Otherwise they’re boring and don’t impress me. Also, >>86104859 is correct. Tattoos are trashy and only takeaway from a woman’s natural beauty.
Oh yeah, Rissa did say she dislikes reverse bunny and prefers traditional bunny suits. That was a fun discussion and made me so excited when we finally got Bunny Garden...only for it to be STOLEN from us like Lilium. Rissa is just too powerful when unchained it seems.

I feel you, but its at least marginally better than the obviously jealous hens and assholes who do the same with negativity. I'll take positivity over shit, because I'm gonna see shit either way.

Excellent cover last night, the Jailbro who posted Megitsune last night I agree with, Advent just doesn't miss. Its so sweet to have them grow together.
she rarely wares makeup
>>86111232 (me)
I jwu
They could also do skincare and fashion, or talk about theater and acting.
This went over my head yesterday kek
>reverse bunny
I still don’t get her dislike of them. They’re meant for private viewing. So, hating on them gives the impression she won’t wear lingerie, which would be massively disappointing.
what if you had it right though
I can imagine rissa peddling makeup MLMs at this point in time had she not gotten accepted into holo
I doubt it, because Biboo said she did that nude fashion show with her when they were getting to know each other. She may have preferences, but anything in your mind thinking she is a prude, just throw that thought away.
I’m sorry, they did what?! Also, I don’t think she’s a prude. Her massive lewdness while preferring to be covered up is part of her gap moe. However, I fear that preference of hers may spill over into the bedroom where it doesn’t belong.
>I’m sorry, they did what?!
Rissa is crazy about Advent, she tells no lies.

I don't think advent knows that meme kek
No, Shiori definently know about Nerissa's fertility
Where the Jailbird?
I'm the one taking the picture, she's smiling for me and only me
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We're gonna be eating good soon bois
Sorry but the precedent set has made me only trust Yomosaka & Fongban as reliable artist on twitter for good or cute Rissa art
>outfit swap
>gender bend
I cant possibly see how this would go wrong, like at all
(in the bag)
I think i'm too round to fit in the bag
>No Rissa tonight...
What do???
Sleep early
Kiara -> CC -> Shiori -> TTRPG collab
Sounds like a plan. I'm in
That's why Rissa flattened you with her ass beforehand, duh
Cry a lot
Now it all makes sense
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Rissa shoulda had knife ears...
WRONG (you)
Nerissa should be programmed to suck dick on command.
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and flat...
Take it back
Yeah, mine.
Don't worry, after she's finished learning to deepthroat with my assistance we'll release a video of her progression.
No i'm right. Dont you remember her knife ears from the TLoR watch alongs?
Same here 'cept I can't catch any streams until after 7pm. So it's (maybe) Ina -> Shiori -> TTRPG
She gives me that look every night before bed
Huh? I think the thoughts are supposed to be both 18+
I was expecting at least one "I'm dying, help me jailbirds. Too much work" tweet from you Rissa
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wait kek I wrote this before checking twitter, it was literally the same time
I wonder what she's doing "running around". She usually records stuff at home, right?
No idea but I hope she's working on solo covers
I hope she's still getting some good rest. Mostly recovered isn't the same as fully recovered. I'm still not "fully" recovered from having my sickness. Glad she's keeping busy though. Being sick and unable to do anything you want/need to feels terrible. I love you Nerissa <3
A fembird? A teacher fembird that draws?
I'm flummoxed Jailbros. Reminded me of that Jailbro who had the students who messed with him. But man, what a diverse community.
So close to perfect, so close...

I bet she misses that studio now that she is back to the closet.
>Reminded me of that Jailbro who had the students who messed with him
That was watabird iirc kek
She's a woman so it's to be expected....
Recording can be anything from
>song (group, cover or orisong)
>a demo for a song for the future
>a guidance recording for other members
>special voice pack for birthday
>adlibs for another member's song
>a recording for a karaoke of another member
>a recording for a hologra or official channel appearance
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Eyy at least you cleared your name after the SMN incident
Yeah but I assumed by "running around" she meant working outside the house, where she usually records. It's why I was curious.
I'm actually expecting her to be recording a cover since Halloween is already next month
It could be. Her last solo cover was 8 months ago, if I'm not mistaken.
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Nini /ope/. Since there's no Rissa tonight I'm gonna get my 7 hours of sleep for the night
Yeah, i'm thinking EN translyrics Phony or lets go crazy with Darling dance
Man, I still wish she did a stream about translyrics. She has that one short about it but I think a stream where she goes more in-depth into making 'Love Me, Love Me, Love Me' and other translated covers would be really interesting.
mamamia Rissa where are you touching me
quiet jailbird quiet..
and don't tell your parents, mkay?
Mole doko?
Raora, i think you should go to bed
how do you make Nerissa straight
The rod in her back's got half of her covered. Hence why she's bisexual.
It's business yuri. She is straight
I think the next time she's in Japan Rissa should eat out Fuwawa daily for purely business yuri reasons
Would moco be eating out rissa while she eats out fuwawa?
Of course not
That would be incest by proxy with only Rissa in between sisters
so who sucks cock then, Fuwawa?
Rissa reminds me of the girl that friendzoned me back in high school
Malpha teaching Nerissa how to give head by practicing on her husband.
She reminds me of the life I desire, but fear I'll never have.
I missa da Rissa
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I want Rissa to play this
She should have her mole fucking removed permanently
I want to know what Nerissa's mouth feels like on my cock.
Rissa should play it with her impeckable vocal control
Like bags of sand
Nerissa should have a butthole and a vagina
Okay which jailbird is spamming global with Nerissa pics?
Me. Now suck me off.
Probably irrelevant now, but I watched the Dracula musical. It was pretty fun, a lot of catchy, interesting songs, but zu ende is definitely the highlight. It's such a good "good and evil guys shouting at each other 'you suck!'". Just, you know, rivalry and personal conflict in general, it's can be applied to more than just Dracula and Van Helsing. Also, I think the guy playing Van Helsing kinda sucks...

Thanks for the rec, Rissa.
You mean when it's not of Astarion?
she doesn't want to fuck Aerith, she wants to be Aerith
Straight women don't make countless posts talking about how gorgeous and beautiful other women are.
kill all rmbirds
You've clearly never met a Taylor Swift fan. Hell, or a fan of any popstar.
Feminists do.
If she wants to be Aerith then I want to be her Zack. Can't wait to make her my wife in the future.
Correct, she wants to fuck Tifa, as Aerith
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my 33 y/o mexican co-worker (only ethnic, she's pretty whitewashed) fucking LOVES swift and has managed to bring my mother to her side somehow
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>your mexican coworker
>your mom
You sure it's just a coworker jailbro?
i made the mistake of inviting a few co-workers over to a party and she ended hitting it off with my mom somehow. one minute she was hanging out with the usual girls she does at work, and the next my mom is also there. my mom now listens to 60% taylor swift as a result
Whelp, i guess you gotta wife that woman now. It cant be helped
Would you let Nerissa Ravencroft make out with your butthole?
it'd be weird due to the order of events... but she is pretty cute, all things considered. she's always been decently friendly with me.
>>86147961 (me)
SHE ALREADY GETS SOMEWHAT ALONG WITH YOUR MOTHER. THATS LIKE ONE OF THE MOST OBVIOUS HINTS MAN. + If you're hispanic, which i assume since you called her whitewashed and i assume your mother is hispanic too, your mom can fix that whitewashedness easily, if that is a problem atleast.
I'm half mexican, dad's white (irish-italian). I'll try hitting her up for a date, and hopefully she isn't turned off by our age difference (I'm only 24). If things go well, I'll hop back in to let you guys know.
Okay wait never mind, if she is 33. I'm 24 too i thought you were one of those ojibirds.
nah, not yet. my mom and dad are up there, but I'm not.
>the ravencock raveged the rocky slit
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Nerissa raw dogged this
Nerissa fan daki
I want the official one to be lewder
do these stay up forever, and pre-ordering is just like pre-ordering games, for example? never bought from this site before
Where's the guy that always complains about the moles being missing?
her two moles are there, they're just smaller and less opaque than usual
Seeing that they still have pomu and selen dakis I think they're permanent
freakin schweet
>text on top right
What would Nerissa think of my piss fetish?
what would nerissa think of my vore fetish?
what would nerissa think of my feminization fetish?
stop being weird we're watching cowboy TTRPG action
To be honest, biboo is acting as weird as the anons /here/
>nerissa older than me
I'm in
Have a good night /ope/. Remember to love your Rissa
How could i ever forget?
Get in there and get that hagussy, jailbro
Do it for all those that don't have an easily accessible mommy GF
i like it when nerissa picks peach in mario spinoffs
what does her room smell like
Girl cum
BG3 scented candles, literally
Grool. It wasnt Little man who peed on the floor. It was Nerissa who just let her juices run down her legs and she doesnt clean them up
Rissa's armpits my beloved
tips for getting gud at art? wanna draw my risser
Obvious response would be to look at tutorials. If you're starting, I think it's best to begin with the basic shapes, because they will certainly help you down the road. Also, don't be afraid to use references. It ain't cheating...unless you trace.
Even tracing, when disclosed, isn't cheating. It's a legitimate way people learn drawing with
Take a look at some of Ina's learning streams just for a jumping off point
Well, I suppose it can help. But don't trace just because you can. Actually think on what you're tracing in order to figure out how to apply it to your own original drawing.
Funnily enough, I'm currently drawing something myself, though not really Rissa related
its been a while since ina.... sure thing jailbros
back in middle school all the drawing i'd do was forms of tracing, ended up being at least okay when not tracing. hopefully picking it back up digitally instead of physically is as easy
looks like rissa is coming out of a prolapsed anus
Yeah, mine. She ruined it with the Ravencock
You could maybe try drawing by eye if you have any poseable models like gunpla sitting around
Every time I see a character with black hair and blue backdrop I see her as Rissa, even without the horns
only thing close to that is a nendo lol. most figures i buy are things like popup parade
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My pov when I cum in her mouth btw
then I want to marry Aerith
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>You mean your faith
I meant what I said. Our faith.
>Nerissa uses makeup and has ear piercings
So do 99% of women. I doesnt mean shes not Catholic. She shouldn't, those are the rules and I dont make the rules, but she's still Catholic, it doesnt make her a bad Catholic for wearing that. We're all a work in progress, none of us are perfect. We're all on the path to heaven at our own pace. For some its naturally faster and easier, for others like myself its slower and more difficult. I do not view Nerissa as lesser for wearing makeup and having piercings when I have done much worse things and continue to do bad. Irl she might be an saint of a woman, so what is wearing makeup compared to her holy works. Nerissa is a good girl and I want to guide her.
The vice of lust is bad no matter what. When you truly love a woman you no longer see or feel lust, you feel love. This goes beyond just the flesh, it is both body and soul. To want to be joined together and never be apart, the painful insanity when you are not together. The souls of two lovers who need each other to live. The dramatic thrill and stimulating passion when in each other's faithful embrace. You would not understand if you are not Catholic because if you don't love God, then it is impossible to know what love is. Knowing what love is you can then understand what it is to be in love with someone, that one special person God made for specifically for us, the one that fills the hole in our heart. The one we need and cannot live without.
>To live without you, only that would be torture
>A day alone, only that would be death
This is what I feel towards my future wife. It is one of the most beautiful lines ever written and it comes from Gomez and Morticia Addams.
Rissa loves Christ.
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Hi Nerissa how are you? I stopped taking the supplement because my dreams were too gnarly. Its MSM powder btw, basically sulfur in the form of powder, its supposed to help with joint pain. But the dreams it gives you are too powerful.
Speaking about love from my previous post. Are you all in when it comes to love or are you more withdrawn? Do you enjoy physical contact with your lover? I do, skin to skin handholding (scandalous I know), hugging, good old fashion unpromoted make out sesh after staring into her eyes and seeing how beautiful she is, princess carrying is always a good show of dominance, sitting on my lap thats always hot, lounging on the bed or couch together thats always nice, napping together, spooning, sharing meals together, cooking together, massage, I could go on. It made me sad to find out some women dont like too much physical affection.
>giver or receiver
Do you prefer to give your show of affection to your true love? Or do you prefer to recieve that affection from your true love? Maybe both? Do you like to show outward love? Do you enjoy receiving outward love? Personally, Im a passionate lover Nerissa, I have to show my outward love its in my nature. I cannot be contained. Thats one of the reasons I love Gomez and Morticia's relationship so much, its just them two against the world, they dont care what anyone else thinks. They are both on the same page and as far as theyre concerned, as long as they are together thats all that matters. And the children of course.
>your husband
How would you like your husband to be like? Personality wise that is. What sort of lover would you like him to be? Passionate? Possesive? Trustworthy? All of the above maybe? How would you like him to treat you? Kind and caring but also knows when its time to get rough? How would you like him to treat your children? Is he going to be the fun dad and youre the strict mom? Or the opposite? Or balanced? How do you want to feel when in the arms of your husband? Tranquil and at peace? Like everything is perfect in the world and you have found your man that completes you and you know that you make him feel the same way. While in his presence you can just dig your head into his chest, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and as you exhale all your worries and stresses gently leave your body. Complete tranquility and love unlike anything youve ever felt. Thats how you know he's the man God made for you.
Have a goodnight Nerissa, sleep well.
Practise a lot
Mamamia Rissa what are you sleep talking about
My sweetest scarlet my sweetest scarlet

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