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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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wtf is okbuddyhololive?
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the holostars fans reddit
some shit sub they started when the main one became too currated, now it's just a shithole full of antis, beggars and nijiniggers
because trannies deserve to be ridiculed.
sometimes OKBH is pretty based desu
/vt/ for tourists
>people go to plebbit
>for literally any reason other than to laugh
You have retards saying they cried at their wagecuck work over Ame's not-graduation
Eh? Anon you wouldn't want to rape Mio's neglected hag pussy?
You're promoting your twitter or something?
You just proved how weak Unikeks are
why do plebbitors act like they're moral perfection then go and do foul shit like this? it's really telling of the mental schism in these retarded faggots. it's some pure leftypol shit
Genuinely a Holo anti sub
You don't remember
>We did it Reddit!
I clicked into one of the guy's profile and his most current post was r/indonesia.

Can't make this shit up lmao.
she probably already has doujins just like this anyway
>you now remember when they falsely accused a random guy of committing the boston marathon bombings
Until he killed himself, yes.
Am I supposed to see this as serious? Never heard of shitposting?
>Am I supposed to see this as serious?
Their internet words are HURTING WOMEN!
the subhumans laughing about saying mean things about women online are the same ones who will piss and shit their pants at "unikeks" antiing homostars
If you get upset about what strangers say online it just means you're a faggot
Every other day this board has threads discussing the logistics and benefits of euthanizing all homos.
Not saying you should stop, everyone is free to have their schizo fantasies. Just waiting for you to make your twitter post calling that out.
>the logistics and benefits of euthanizing all homos.
well someone has yet to point out the benefits of hurting the girls, unless they already do that on okbh
nigger we don't pretend like we have the moral highground
kill yourself faggot homobeggar
I like woman tears
>OP posting his own xitter on the catalog vs OKBH homobeggars going mask off
>we don't pretend like we have the moral highground
>he says on a thread shilling a twitter post calling out something and labelling it as misogyny
ogey, have fun with your shitflinging duel
>check the post
>top reply to the rape fanfic is someone posting a Tenma image writing "You cooked"
phasenigs really aren't beating the allegations
People defend them by saying "it's just a joke", not realizing that everytime ironic posting happens actual antis would proceed to take over and use them as a cover. See the history of the original commentor if it hasn't been deleted yet before the rape fic, just xim shitting on mio which recontextualize things.
Are you seriously complaining about someone posting a fanfic on a subreddit that's not even officially connected to holo?
Do you not see the irony here? I hate that shitty anti sub, too, but you're being ridiculous pretending as if /here/ is any better.
The fanfic poster is a phasechimp too by the way
I slapped a dick on ERB and made a story. It's fucking fiction. Anyone getting bent out of shape about that needs to chill the fuck out.
>calling someone a hypocrite means you're also a hypocrite
you must actually believe this. this is why homobeggars like you need to rope.
/vt/ for vtuber antis and tumblr rejects
>you're just the same as the weed you complain about.
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before you forget, this is a anonymous board.
>not even officially connected to holo?
Why does that even matter? Feels like you would only say this if you were someone that's pissed off about people not liking holostars on the official subreddit.
if holostar """"fans"""" spent this much time actually sending superchats and watching holostar streams instead of being hololive antis then maybe the branch wouldn't be fucking trash and would actually perform well and not be associated with low quality content and even lower quality """"fans"""". I'll give it to them though, they always find a way to go even lower than before.
it's a meme subreddit. the original was okbuddyretard which is some retarded unfunny antimemes? The hololive offshoot is /vt/ for redditors and just as retarded and unfunny.
>Twitter screenshot
>About reddit screenshot.
....jesus fucking christ this board has no fucking hope. The fact that its a fanfiction. If thata the case, we should eradicate /wg/ aswell. Might aswell kill /horni/ thread because they keep posting derogatory image of your oshi. Then we move on and nuke this entire shit board back to /trash/. What a mistake of a board. Too many discord/reddit/twitter/facebook retard using this place for their retard turf war.
it's just a lame attempt to defend the fact that the place becomes more of a holo hater schizo den by the week
They have a discord where they coordinate raids to actually annoy holos
Isn't the point that you're trying to not post it somewhere where it would affect the talents themselves?
Or are you just upset that it exists at all? That can't be right, considering fantasies about raping the talents is posted /here/ several times each day.
The sub used to be the same dumbass posts you'd see /here/ with "Suipiss", the horse AI shit, etc. all just retarded, slightly offensive stuff that wouldn't fly on the official sub.
Now it's been taken over by beggars, phasebrowns, and sisters that hide behind the "it's just a joke bro, have you never been on an okaybuddyretard sub bro" scapegoat so they can trash on the Holo girls constantly.
One post about a rape fanfic is in bad taste. Multiple posts about them fantasizing about holostars raping Hololive girls or "cucking" the girls away from DA UNICORNS shows a clear bias and you're a fool to pretend otherwise.
Oh yeah, they also stalk people that call them out for this too.

Acting like it's the same as any actual Holo-specific thread /here/ is beyond disingenuous.
There maybe be dedicated schizos here and there, but that subreddit is a large gathering focused on targeted harassment at this point. Standard fare for reddit faggotry when a sub gets infested with faggots, thirdies, and tertiaries.
Yeah, I know the place is shit and that they were responsible for a lot of the holoapp gore and doxx shit, but making a catalog thread for a twitter post of a reddit screencap about a fucking fanfiction is just depressing.
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>twitter screencap
>about retards on plebbit
>in order to bait about """"""homobeggars""""""
Are (You) just trying to set a record for number of reasons to kys?
>One post about a rape fanfic is in bad taste. Multiple posts about them fantasizing about holostars raping Hololive girls or "cucking" the girls away from DA UNICORNS shows a clear bias and you're a fool to pretend otherwise.
It's a fanfiction. I see disgusting shit of my oshi /here/ all the time. I don't whine and permabump catalog threads about every single goddamn post I don't like, you fragile child.
No the point I'm making is that you will call people antis for posting things you don't like just about anywhere but when it's this particular subreddit it's suddenly ok because it's all jokes and not official.
>Me reading fanfiction of my oshi getting railed by a dog.
....damn....I wish I was that d-Ooh shes live. See ya lads.
There's more than just the "fanfic", retard. Also you know excatly why it was posted.
I don't give a shit where it's posted as long as it doesn't hurt my oshi or her friends.
Fuck off and grow some damn skin.
>Or are you just upset that it exists at all? That can't be right, considering fantasies about raping the talents is posted /here/ several times each day.
Random anons posting about their depraved sexual ideas isn't the same as a sub of people who unironically want Holomems to get raped because they say they don't like or want to do male collabs.
You really just don't get the point dumbass, nobody's complaining about the fact that "disgusting shit" is posted, it's because of the intent behind it you 70IQ third worlder.
WTF I'm a Holostars fan now

so fucking based
>we're policing intent now
>on /vt/
There's no fucking way you're serious
Then why are you excusing your favorite subreddit? Because you agree with them.
Then make a thread on that instead of your bizarre obsession with fanfiction.
Jesus christ. Make a thread about the doxxraids, or about that retard mod who got banned from the other hololive subs because he got recognized in bvtm's discord leaks. Have some goddamn self respect, anon.
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Are you guys talking about this fanfic?
Why do you keep going on about "fanfiction"? Open the link.
>we're policing intent now
>on /vt/
No we've pretty clearly been talking about people on reddit who aren't anon and post with a username so you can keep track of the shit they post and can actually see their intent.
So yes, it's not the same, faggot. Difficult concept, I know.
>Then make a thread on that instead of your bizarre obsession with fanfiction.
Here I thought you were already being disingenuous, but you sure exceeded that now. Try responding to the actual criticism next time.
What do you have to gain by complaining about people who are upset that people are trying to infest and destroy your hobbies and harass the people you watch? I already know the answer though.
I hope the mods ban that sub for cp posting linking in their discord.
Hololive has a predominantly male audience, so women doing stuff on their own is now bad because it’s pandering to men. It flips the usual culture war logic towards sticking it to them, so they espouse sexist/misogynist views on the female talents in order to promote male talents/co-ed collabs that they think female viewers want (actual female viewers usually don’t, they mostly prefer watching the girls do their own thing as well).
The one behind the fanfic is a phase-nigger. You are just being played out.
Its funny because /vt/ have more exposure toward the fanbase. Its even funnier when you realise chuuba lurk this place even more than what ever the fuck that reddit board is. The truth is, the girls probably know about that rape fic FROM this place because you fucks just really cant ignore a pile of shit that clearly and easily be ignored. But hey, anything for your turf war right? You dont really care about your oshi.
Thank you for being as stupid as them.
The place where all the brownoids and beggars shitting up this board originated from.
>originated from
Weird, that's not /jp/...
Homobeggars absolutely hate the girls and express it every chance they get. But I'll grant that they probably don't know or don't recognize just how intensely they truly despise the girls because to be a homobeggar, necessarily you want the girls to interact with your homos, so their expressions of hate is mostly subconscious and they play it off as jokes. They're just in a perpetual state of self-hatred and don't know it to move on, so they channel all their hate to the girls instead.
That's alot of numbers compared to the 25-30 people browsing catalog.
Learn English you fucking cretin.
>/vt/ have more exposure toward the fanbase
I'm sure you can prove that definitively.
>Its even funnier when you realise chuuba lurk this place even more than what ever the fuck that reddit board is
You can't prove every girl-- especially the JP members like Mio who this was about are /here/, faggot. Maybe whatever other corpo that attracts third worlders like you has streamers that do though, sounds like you're speaking from experience.
>easily be ignored
The clip that spawned this was posted to the official Holo sub, and there was eventually discussion about the okbh post on that thread. Even they called that the purpose of the original clip was to probably incite controversy.
The official sub which actually does have Holo members engage with it, unlike your headcanon about /vt/.
>You really dont care about your oshi
You and faggots like you complaining about people pointing out targeted harassment are a stain on this hobby, regardless of who you watch.
You can't say you care about your hobby or the people you watch if you actively disparage people who are trying to prevent others from misrepresenting the people you watch.
People like you are the reason video games, anime, and manga are so gay and shit now. You aren't going to try and flip the script on me when you're an active threat just like dedicated antis are.
>Thread is a thinly veiled twitter shilling for OP.
Nice ESL. Almost in the level of the phase-brown that wrote that fic.
Alright calm down now. You're sperging like a retarded chihuahua. So some retard post a questionable clip on the official reddit to incite the most obvious controversies and you fucker didnt mass report that retard? Then some moron make a fanfiction on an UNofficial subreddit that nobody in this fucking world would knew if you retarded fucker stop posting that shitty fics everywhere. I dont even know what the fuck is okbh is until you fucking rabid retard start spewing your retard disease knowledge all over the place. Who the fuck are you fighting for retard when all you do is bring fuck load of attention to some 3rd world shithole that you are clearly have some sort of fucking obsession with. How many fucking youtube video and twitter post about this garbage board you can see on the daily. This board is normal fag central. Literally the absolute embarrassment of 4chan. All you need to do is literally mass report and be done with it but thats clearly too much for you to do.
This reads like it was written by someone who just discovered the internet.
Yes, there's gangrape fanfiction of every singe holo, homo, niji, etc. somewhere on the internet. Get over it.
>twitter screenshot of a reddit screenshot of a clip screenshot
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my personal favourite is the doujin about shion getting gangfucked by her fans for failing to stream on time
my takeaway from this thread is that we suddenly like okbh for being based.
You don't even register as a human being, SEArat. Go back to your shithole.
they are scum that know no end
SEAchads rule this board
As if these women don't read the filthiest smut imaginable
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ok but what the fuck is this guys problem? write what you want idc but jesus christ
I don't care how many times you necrobump this thread, I am not giving any views to a blatant containment breaker.
holo subreddit run by bvtmfags
its like if you took shittiest parts of reddit and vt and combined them.
Here's OP by the way, he screeches about holostars (specifically Tempus) and anti-unikeks at any given opportunity
same kind of shitheads as subs like gamingcirclejerk where they try to pass off their seething hatred as jokes but make it blatantly obvious how evil and vicious they are every time anything happens
No, you don't.
>To know who rules over you, find out who you're not allowed to make fun of
I can make fun of you freely, so eat shit.
people are fine with rape fanart or other weird fetish as long as the male is not an actual male talent
What multiple posts about holostars raping hologirls are you talking about? All I see are a repost of a Fuwamoco tweet from the main sub, some guy blogging about a dream he had about calli and shiori, and some ame doomposting
It's a shitpost not harrassment. Where's the evidence that this guy is going out of their way to stir up shit for Mio? And are you implying that it's passable to do shit if you do it anonymously? Grow up
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Whenever beggars complain about imaginary toxic unicorns in their head it's always pure projection.
Yeah and I'm sure you can definitively prove that okbh has more exposure towards the fanbase and the talents than this board? This isn't targeted harrassment it's a nothing burger compared to the endless bait on the catalog. The exact same screencap of the clip was here yesterday with the exact same talking points and shitflinging in the comments but suddenly it's an issue because some indog redditor made a gradeschool level fanfic about Mio getting fucked in the ears.
>holostars fans are hololive antis
tale as old as time
the holoanti subreddit
it's a burner account made for calling out that shit you illiterate apes
Sure thing, sis. Buy an ad next time you want to shill your seethe account.
tranny redditors mad we despise their homos
holo nyfco
It used to be a 30% funny, parody of vt with some shitposting.
It got run over by dox discord members, after they shut down there though. Isn't as ironic now.
I hope this spreads and Cover suits see this is how your average homofan acts and they realize they need to kill the homos off completely.
you sharty basedkeks are blight on humanity
One of the homos could assault one of the girls and yagoo himself would probably hand him a sololive on a silver platter
>One of the homos could assault one of the girls
you can tell they probably have considering they're forced to ride different busses.
Its just nature. Men will always rapes women given the chance. Whats worst is yagoo himself is a man. Should really try to convince the girls to remove him and have a woman replace him. Men should know their place by now.
Jokes are just opinions for cowards
Totally deserved for creating her own drama. There was no need to talk about it. She could have simply ignored the topic yet she can't keep her mouth shut. Why are women like this?
The retards who think they're Japanese Ken-samas and despise EN originated there. The retards who THINK they're Hololive fans but really just drama farmers originated in the shitty reddit board in question.
she made the english language reddit post? schizo
Tbh that pretty much par for the course for Holo fanfiction, but that sub is a disease
It used to be shitposting/lewd holo subreddit. Nowadays, though it's just a discord group led subreddit, primarily filled with dramafags and doxxfags.
Why are people so hostile and upset at OP itt?
Everyone always says this about subs like okbh and gcj, they werent taken over they were always created for this purpose from day 1, you were just tricked and used by them
>Chuuba says she doesn't want to do male collabs
>Trannies fucking seethe and write rape fanfics
What the fuck?
Reddit antis
I have a friend who used to send me memes from okbuddyhololive every once in a while. They were all pretty shit.
But anons on this board make those types of fanfictions about the girls every day. What's the problem here?
male viewers are actually psychotic
it's reddit so /vt/ likes to pretend they are better
Moral grandstanding basically
It's because you can check his post history and see him seething about Mio's position right before running off to write his revenge rape fanfic. There is something particularly unhinged about that beyond writing some contextless hornypost in hlgg.
You could say the same about people on this board who make rape shitposts about the girls whenever they do something they don't like. It's nothing new.
Why are you so keen to handwave this particular incident? The whole point is you can see the context and that makes it more pathetic, something this site doesn't allow unless you autistically track posting styles or image use.
That makes this place a different kind of shithole from that leddit anti sub because of how easy it is to falseflag but that's a whole other argument.

If you are trying to say anons writing ui rape posts or cunny correction posts is the same thing as a seething beggar sincere posting about how childish and wrong she was for saying what she did, how she
>showed her true colors
and was cringe and weird and probably also racist towards arabs (kek) then immediately writing his rape fic then you are just being disingenuous on purpose.
Counterpoint: he is a phase shill.
The same people who cry about muh ebil unicorns are writing seething rape fanfics lmao. I think I'm just going to reply kill yourself to you those retards from now on.
Yea because everyone here is the same person and agrees with everything every anonymous poster posts here. Fucking retard.
>You could say the same
Not really. Stop trying to push this angle
my takeaway from your post is you're a brown redditor with a small penis
If he had posted it either before this Mio drama started or after it blows over, there wouldn't be a problem.
for fucks sake, go back to your reddit hugbox you massive faggot
funny considering all the people running defence for this clown itt are definitely regular posters on that sub you included
This is just the typical post of people who hate vtubing in general. Trying to get specific is retarded.
The official Indonesian Hololive subreddit

I have no sympathy towards anyone involved in this terminally-online nothingburger
So it's like here but actually on reddit?
fibby bibby, I can't even take it seriously because it's such glaringly obvious anti bullshit.
Unironically not even the worst thing I've read this week
homo/tranny leftist crowd

It keeps happening
Ok so everyone in OKBH wants to rape Mio?
Nobody likes them, go get some pag-pag and leave the board you annoying roach.
if people wanted to rape Mio she'd have a baby already
Anti-ing against Mio yes
get the fuck over yourself
This thread proves that holostars fans are better than hololive fans
Because they don't act like they're moral perfection any more than the general population of this site does and is full of a variety of people who do a variety of thing, and it is pure brainless retarded "MY INTERNET FORUM IS BETTER THAN YOUR INTERNET FORUM" dickwaving to believe anything otherwise
Get shitted on she deserves this
Why do you continue to stir the pot by posting this shit? Posting about the problem just makes it worse, you're no better than them.
to be fair, /vt/ is already /vt/ for vtuber antis

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