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Amelia Watson appreciation thread
This thread's for Ame, an adorable, dorky, wonderful detective!
Last thread: >>86079085
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Elden Lord Bowson reigns over the erm tree: https://youtu.be/s7pwfCtXgPw
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://youtu.be/fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
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tomorrow, bros. tomorrow will be our day to be summoned.
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She should go to Radahn right now. It could take the rest of tomorrow if he was not nerfed enough.
>"Fairly okay"
>Beat the game mostly with summons and AoW spam
>Doesn't know what a heavy attack is
Honestly, probably the average skill level of an ER-only souls player.
>planning some cool stuff for the final karaoke
the average experience im pretty sure is a person summons 2 people for literally everything every boss and area and just goes through it like a cake walk
this papaya sounds a little cuter than usual
3D with 360 POV camera, the setting is a karaoke duet and the last song will be Kiss Me which she finish with a kiss and a thank you for an amazing four years.
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Yeah, ER was practically crafted to give people more casual options. My friends who hadn't played any other Souls games were doing moonveil + mimic and using Fextralife the whole time and were still trying to scope why it was especially difficult. And more power to From, I guess, who gives a fuck about being a tryhard in a single player game
>final stream
i believe it
>hello cutie!
Rissa is 100% vying to fuck Ame during that Portal stream.
Was Kiara not enough... are none of my oshis safe from this midwestern menace...
I'm kinda glad she stopped. I'm so eepy.
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How should we prepare for Radahn?
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I'm really weak to girls like her. Rissa and Ame on the same screen being sexy might kill me...
It probably would have been better if she had continued for another hour and explored the purple beach.
Kinda interesting that IRyS is talking how she's always busy with things to do bts
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I'm gonna be honest, now that the stream ended, I broke down crying again, like I did yesterday after the Oblivion stream. God fucking dammit...
She'll probably be on Radahn for like 3 hours tomorrow, it won't be too bad. It was lucky she got guided to Bayle after Messmer though.
half the time I see holos talk on twitter its to say how busy they are or that they have homework or meetings
management has a history of fucking her over with tons of hw
Start practicing his attacks.
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It almost felt like the good old days huh...
I really liked her on debut but kinda dropped her because I didn't like how much she was collabing with other orgs. I liked all the family cameos though. Maybe I'll rebound...
I already know them, all except the special move in phase two where he slashes everywhere and then jumps and slams and sends light everywhere.
I use Vow of the Indomitable for that one.
>I didn't like how much she was collabing with other orgs
Better get used to that depending on how Ame continues her career post-finale
I haven't been in the loop. Is she going indie or what?
It really does. That's what's fucking with me so hard, it doesn't feel real, it doesn't feel like Ame is going away, but she is. Four fucking years man, four years watching her, looking forward to the next stream, but now what? I don't even remember last time my heart felt this heavy.
greatshield, fingerprint is obviously best but any decent one will do, I use the golden one she said looked like a cookie
there are meta weapons you can use to go with that but I use serpent hunter because I like it, doesn't really matter, the shield is the important part so you don't get chunked
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>Two teamates tanking all of Radahn's attacks with Fingerprint shields while Ame doots him to death
I'm actually totally fine with that, to be honest, and watch a large pool of indies occasionally. It was specifically the "join Holo and then do a bunch of non-Holo collabs" that I didn't like
Only 3 at skibidi level 9? Just how bad was he nerfed? When I fought him he was leagues harder than Messmer. And I fought Radahn at scoobydoo level 15
We're getting some of her best streams at the end. She refused to do anything with teamates since members mario kart and she finally did it again, with issues (so far). There could have been more streams like that in another timeline.
Is armor important? What about talismans?
Ive been getting better, I dont cry randomly anymore, almost got there with those faggots posting sad amesame comics here tho.
she skibidi level 11
probably thought "roingus' was cringe
>She refused to do anything with teamates since members mario kart
Not true, shes done core games and public mario kart streams with teamates before
yes. but less going to and more like, going back to.
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I love it when Ame says silly stuff.
After every fucking stream you faggots start posting about shit that isnt Ame or hololive, kill yourselves or shut up until october.
It's a red herring. basically ame fucking around. expect the real name to drop once she's finally ready to stream again.
You're free to close your eyes
Was Ame really a mouse all along?
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That guy's right. We should be talking about how sexy Irys' voice is. I blame Ame for raiding us into here...
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what do you expect from someone who has a rat mom
there is something encoded in my white genes to find Mugi eyebrows cute
>big ears
>smol body
was rratmom a jerboa the whole time?!
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what the hell, it makes sense
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>look at me everybody I love ame the most
Fucking tourists, go back to the catalog, /lig/, and hlgg
I don't understand this angle
Can someone please post Mugi Eyebrows Ame.
the catalog is doxxfags, lig have been foaming at the mouth after the announcement, and hlgg are a bunch of faggots like usual.
Global is pretty normal right now...
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>Ame raiding IRyS has her in a Ryan Gosling mood
Oh yeah. I forgot to ask this after the news dropped.
What will happen to you guys after the end of the month?
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you made me remember how kyut ames eyebrows are, even though theyre smol and far up her head.
He's autistic so if any of the 20 generals he has open slightly deviate from the precise intent he starts to lose track and feels reality crushing in on him. You can't blame him for the way he is. Just ignore.
Ame has that effect on people
Go back
read the archives, timeloop-chan
she's literally me...
I was looking for this last campfire ame. what a shit game that was
I had nightmares with that narrator
gonna rewatch the employee of the month VOD.
Fun fact! The producers of that game all died in a work related fire accident.
What about that one game that burned her dollar store Nintendo Switch? Unless I'm mixing up two old streams.
Was Ame about to say she knew Gura before Hololive here?
Ames Mario streams are so kino dude, so fucking kino...
She has alluded to such way before then anon
I just realized I lost the mega of all the Ameokes
Is that still around? Or maybe one with all her streams?
that mega died a long time ago, false report did it in I think
I know, but she was pretty close to flat out saying it.
>what's the plural of moose
Yup. Some retard reported it for containing pizza for no fucking reason. And MEGA wasn't playing around and just took it down instantly.
Ame has to fight Freyja, Hornsent, Dane and Leda in the final battle. It's a good thing she didn't talk to Moore since he's really annoying with his rot pots. Maybe no Thiollier though.
Will she summon teamates do you think? Or will she summon Ansbach and the generic NPC?
it would be only ansbach, so teamates most likely
You can summon both
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Ohh come in IRyS...
this fight is so kino
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hlgg is fine but i do notice that it keeps getting raided by possible /lig/gers or discordfags whenever ame streams ever since the announcement
I hope that crying gator's not still in here...
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>Ame mention during Kiss Me
fuck you IRyS...
IRyS... i hope you paid ame royalties...
AmeRys bros
>IRyS singing Kiss Me
>And her tummy hort
Fuck this retarded life.
Is this song cursed to give people tummy aches...
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thats it guys, ill cry and you cant stop me
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you guys gave my oshi the shits...
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I thought today was the day I was safe from tears
She even goes to take long shits like Ame...
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tummy hort after an Ame song
chuubas need more fiber in their diets
This is her curse for trying to NTR Gonathan. HUZZAH!
I like to think Ame was listening to Irys sing while working, and is now texting her and laughing at her because of the idol meeting
I need a soundpost of irys singing kiss me and mentioning ame...
okay IRyS shitting her guts out after an Ame tribute is pretty funny and I only cried a little bit, so it was an overall good day
IRyS should sing last resort by papa roach
damn, this song is hella melodramatic
>This many people sticking around in the stream Ame raided into
I'm impressed. You guys must be practicing for watching other vtubers when Ame's finally gone, huh?
I already watch multiple vtubers dude, its what Ame always wanted
Solo Ame is best Ame, other vtubers are not Ame, and thus I closed out of the redirect the instant it happened.
kek she's taking a second shit
i watch whoever ame raids to and when she's gone i'll follow her as an indie and graduate from hololive. simple as
She's got a case of the Armandos...
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I actually was sick the entire back half of the stream and immediately slept off some nausea. Hearing Irys outside a holo concert was interesting though

I am going to confess that Ame has planted several earworms in my head in which I cannot listen to another person sing stuff like Moon Song, Kiss Me, Santeria, etc.
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I'm cursed...
I'm not giving whatever demon this is the power it yearns for.
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i already have scoliosis...
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IRyS is just doing this Gosling themed karaoke to fuck with me...
same desu
Well now you have scoliosii.
Let's go Ame !
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this IRyS karaoke is truly dedicated to Ame...
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Ame, my hero, save me from myself
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I just realized that Ame and IRyS had a nonzero chance that they shat in the bathroom together in Japan
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soundpostmate /r/ing the amerys kiss me onegai and thanks and gn
Truman show reference is actually really kino

I don't want her to go bros...
Is... is that you /twg/ anon
Now comes the fun part, I slept 6 hours before she started, now it's time for a day of work and going to the gym and then the other marathon. I have friday off so I can sleep it off after but today will certainly be something.
I think this is the book Ame mentioned
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I forgot about that Dreamin Chuchu Ame temple stream. What a wild couple years it's been.
I'm sad that she's probably going to forget to make a playlist of her favorite streams.
I'm sad that this post is such a waste of perfectly fine quad-quads.
I'm fighting with this thought every moment, anon. I don't know what to do.
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just go day by day
shit isn't going to really hit hard until the weekend for me
but we got a long stream later today to look forward to
Would be nice to see this Ame outfit and hair one more time
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I get the feeling that the myth collab is gonna a homage to their first ever collab but it’s gonna be Ame actually “solving” their cases where she just goes over all the cheesy memories they made… bros I’m ngmi…
I don't get the point of doomposting now when we still have a little under a week with Ame and we know she will probably visit us occasionally in jerboaland. Someone's gotta smack the mopey-ness outta you people.
Smack me harder because I wish I could dream of a future sweeter than a new voice pack for holomyth 5 years
>we never got long hair detective outfit
Itll only get worse as the days roll on, people are emotional. Ill probably just catch her final stream myself.
>A few years go by
>EN6 is still pretty new
>You like the new Skateboarder girl
>Maybe its the short blonde hair or spuky attitude
>They mention a big event coming up
>Hmm looks like a Space Station RP
>Its a 2 week Kinofest and you all have a blast
>Gigi got hit with a moon
>The end of the event involves openning a cryopod
>Astronaut Detective and Time Traveler Ameila Watson emerges
>Shows her week 1 schedule 3 games
>Streams periodically once or twice a week
>You still got your badge

Believe it. Manifest it. Make it happen. Hope for tomorrow
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Without Ame Dinogura would have never been. I will be eternally grateful to Ame for that and for her friendship with Gura. I'm with you guys till the end of the line, as I hope both our oshis are as well, even beyond this moment.
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love these goobers and you guys too, thank you.
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I will really miss Ame but at least she will continue in a different form.
Chumbies and teamates forever friends. Don't forget about us!
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Most based, Chumbies and Teamates unite no matter what
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How's everybody doing today? Are you looking forward to ER!
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Anyone else surprised that Ame isn't going to visit the Minecraft server for one last look around? She spent so much time visiting there.
thats for the charity stream, tourist
Taking a nap before the stream, can't wait to see Ame get grabbed mid-groundpound and miquellested at the last fight over and over
woke up to my youtube auto playing ame making new emotes, made me feel a little melancholy.
where'd the time go...
Pretty good, I'm off work tomorrow so I can watch all of ER without worries because I can sleep it off during the day before Valve.
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Man I didn't even watch that many streams (mostly clips) dunno why I feel so sad to she her go
Also I heard she's going indie. Can anyone confirm? What was her old account?
Investigate like a normal person and stop getting everything spoonfed by others, literally just check this thread and previous threads.
It's not that hard!
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Eat my ass.
Thanks will check those out.
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How are you feeling, lads?
Like on high school graduation day but thankfully your best friend is going to the same college as you.
Sad since I heard the news.
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Angry at regulations, sensitive to memories, enthusiastic about the future
Anxious for the future. Sad that we won't get to see Ame with holos anymore. Worried that Holo EN might fall apart over time without her.
I think I’ve come to terms and accepted it. Seeing certain posts here, or art on twitter still get me. I was listening/singing along to chiku taku in the car to work and the bridge with “ What the future holds. Is not, not, not for us to know yet. It's gone, gone, gone before we know it” sucker punched me and I had to hold back tears for the rest of the drive. It’s probably easier now since she’s streaming, and there’s a few days till Monday, only time will tell how it goes. I feel like I’ve been indulging in my sadness by actively looking for art and posts that will make sad, like I’m hurting myself deliberately. I need to stop that.
crying again
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>end of the final stream
>she time travels back to the very first myth collab
>fade to black
How hard will you cry?
damn I'm seeing some pretty obscure clips in that montage, dude was a fan.
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Feeling much better than last week. There's still a lingering sense of dread about the final day though.

Ultimately, I'll get over it. And then my main hope is that Ame truly gets her passion and mojo back through enjoying whatever she moves onto next. And even though she's never been one to care about popularity, I hope she is still succesful.
i've been talking to AI predicting Ame's possibility of returning and how the talent affiliated status would entail using the references from entertainment and other industries and also how would she act in her new adventure.
I hope she had as much fun with us as we did with her. I can’t imagine these past 4 years without her. In those early days she was solely the reason I kept on going so I could watch another stream. Thankfully I’m not in that place anymore. I hope we were able to help her carve a piece of happiness in life.
What’s the outcome?
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with affiliate status, even though it will be a separate entity. She'll still somewhat represent the company. So she has to maintain professionalism if she wants to maintain the corpo relationship. something like that
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I've been feeling painfully painfully 3-D since the talk...
dead on the inside...
I laughed a bit and cheered the teamates who got a chance to play with ame except for that asshole barnabas because for a little while it felt like the good old days again. But I'm really tired... the kind of tired that sleep won't fix...
sad, anxious, trying to enjoy Ame while we still have her
Same as me, ever since the announcement i'm sleeping exactly the same hours as always and i still feel so tired throughout the day, i just wanna close my eyes and do absolutely nothing, i can't even concentrate at work
I haven't been sleeping well since the announcement.
>i just wanna close my eyes and do absolutely nothing, i can't even concentrate at work
Me too. My productivity's down like 85% this week or something.
It's gotten a little better for me though since at the time of the announcement I almost stopped eating entirely (couldn't work up an appetite or a desire to go and make or even order food), but I've just gotten back to eating more normally after the last several streams.
Trying to find an unarchived stream in particular, the Jul 18 2021 VR stream where she did the Chika Dance and Hare Hare Yukai.
I was bummed out by the announcement, but this week has made me really hopeful for the future.
I don't get why people are still doing trauma dumps, at this point I'm way more excited about what's to come than I was sad.
Everything will be fine
trust the plan (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و
Heh, surprisingly accurate to how I think things will go. Does that mean I'm an AI? Anyway I think the people hoping she's going to appear in something next year are probably coping. It would only hurt everyone (Cover, Ame, Myth) for them to do a "graduation" and then she comes back in a couple months. So that's why I believe at most we MIGHT see her make a cameo in Myth's 5th anniversary but I don't see anything more until maybe 2 years later. After 2 years she would have enough information to compare her indie career with her holo one.
eh the AI referenced the legend contract and seems like it doesn't rule out special event like holofes/en concert/myth anniversary.
I'll miss her very rare, but really adorable twitter spaces
Personally I'm still depressed. Not because she's going away and we won't see her ever again. It's all but confirmed we're going to see her very VERY soon. What I am depressed and still dooming about is the loss of Hololive, it really felt like something special and even she's said how one of the main reasons she joined was to find friends and she did. So many. And yeah they all can say how they're friends behind the scenes and shit but it isn't the same and anyone that is an adult knows how easy friendships fizzle out once that one thing they shared goes away.

I think that's also one of the reasons Kiara is/was so sad too. Kiara is a seasoned CC in a different continent than most CCs. She knows how easy it is for people to say
>we'll talk soon!
and then just stop. It happens all the time. It's natural.

Anyway I'm venting again. Whatever.
You're not Ame!
Well considering the events in my life that I had been dealing with prior to this (lost my job, grandmother in hospital, other stuff I won't name) , rather bummed and dull. I know it's unlikely that she'll actually stop streaming completely, but this still marks an end of an era in this time, place, and community. I guess you could say I'm not really feeling up for the change right now, but as long as she's safe and sound as we're all making our way in life, I suppose it doesn't matter in the end. Something something, chin up everyone
shit you just reminded me of those.....Did anyone ever archive them or any of the other rare stuff she did? I hope she never stops doing those things every once in a while
t. Graduation #6 Teamate
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What do you guys do to calm yourselves down between ame streams these recent days, personally I'm watching storm drain unclogging videos
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I'm working on something but it won't be ready before the 30th. I'll still post it for you guys when it's done, since we'll be here.
That guy who breaks up dams in culverts and shit?
yeah him
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>Until we meet again.
I never got to watch aqua much because I'm a teamate first and foremost after all... but if all the rrats about why she graduated are true (hololive shifting focus to idol stuff from now on, dancing, concerts, songs and promotions instead of regular streamer stuff like gaming etc...) then I 100% understand why ame decided to go on this path. Don't get me wrong. I know she enjoys the all the idol stuff too, but I heard a few teamates put it perfectly before when they were joking about how ame's "not much of a deduction and reasoning detective" but more of a "hard-boiled, action detective" type analogy. As much as she also enjoyed all the dancing and concerts and being up on stage, she probably felt that it just wasn't her style. And what she wanted to truly do, she couldn't do if she focused more on being an idol than a regular innovative streamer. But of course, I completely understand that's also just my headcanon cope of what's really happening.
>pic absolutely related
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I have an important exam on the 30th, so I'm studying. Not only is it hard, but I also won't be able to make it to the final stream, so I'm bummed
I may be able to phonepost while I'm on the way home from college, but most likely I'll be absent...
t. sukonmate
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microwaving Ame corn
Would you follow Ame if she was reborn as a mouse?
go away for 5 days please
Sorry mate, I'm not stinky indian I don't believe in reincarnation.
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Ame outright said that it's because she couldn't keep up with homework not because of the amount, but because she couldn't bring herself to work on anything because (in her own words) her work ethic was awful and she'd see she had some homework when she wanted to stream, not stream because of it, then not do the homework and therefore COULD have streamed and repeated that cycle ad nauseum
There is no grand mystery, no überrat, she said everything very plainly and I wish people would stop trying to "figure out" why she's doing something when she gave everyone the reason
She wants to fix her brainworms, and it takes time, and she doesn't feel like she can do that and give us what she thinks we deserve at the same time (since she's been funked out for over a year)
Very cozy choice. Just been drowning myself in work personally
So,.. do we know if Nabi is doing some new art lately, or?
She was doing drawing streams not long ago
I'm still sad that she's leaving hololive, but I'm hopeful for the future. I'll follow her wherever she goes
I am trying to download it nowi will upload a mirror if I can. but the file size seem quite low so quality might be too
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gl sukonmate, i believe you can do it
the thumbnail is so cute
let me know if you can't dl it, I have that stream, it is 1.19GB when zipped.
i'm still unsure how being fulltime streamer would fix that.
Except like, leveling up her voice acting/singing skill to the point that she can be satisfied with the results faster. but that can be done without streaming.
>I have that stream, it is 1.19GB when zipped
yeah exactly that, I wasn't the anon who asked I am assuming you aren't too ? I am really surprised the torrent is still seeded though, god bless those teamates
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Because she can work at her own pace without having to worry about homework and expectations, which are the source of her brainworms, and take things as slow as she needs to
I'm not him either I just have a huge cache of unarchived stuff saved. Around 250 GB but some of those may be dupes of stuff I unzipped. I also have the twitter space from last July and that one time she accidentally started streaming on Gura's channel for a couple seconds.
yeah but she wants to work on her productivity right. with all the homework gone, there's no more thing to produce. that's why i questioned it.
Fts also have expectations. Not really a fts if they don't stream for weeks at a time
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It can start with little things, doing chores, sticking to a schedule you set for yourself, doing long-term hobby projects
There's a lot of ways to slowly get yourself acclimated and fixing yourself
You don't just throw someone into a factory job to help them fix themselves, you start small
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I really hope she can do it. I personally have no idea how long left of the DLC she has, only that the final boss can take a long ass time. Last night was supposedly encouraging however, in terms of time?
her issues with working and streaming leave her doing neither, but in the future she'll be able to at least do the latter (hopefully, god I hope)
pushing through it hasn't worked because the work never stops, and despite the amount of homework not being the full reason the homework HAS increased dramatically since post-lockdown japan arc etc, and that probably isn't gonna stop either, so her options are to try and go her own way or burn out so hard that she hits full gwombo status
ah i see, quite a lot of people ask for unarchived stream archives here, good to have a offline backup, i dont really have the space unfortunately
man i hope she does really have a plan.
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Do we know if Ame will stream on YouTube again or just Twitch from now on? I'll be honest, I fucking hate Twitch, I hate how awful their player is, how it constantly buffers for no reason like I'm still in 2013 while YouTube never buffers for me, how Twitch chat is just emote spam that you need 10 different extensions to see them all and no one is actually talking or commentating anything, how streams don't get archived permanently, how it doesn't have regional pricing like YouTube does so subbing to Ame would be too expensive for me to begin with, how small streams are practically invisible since only top dogs get shown on the front page, everything, everything about Twitch is just absolute dogshit. I seriously, SERIOUSLY hope she realizes how she built her fanbase no YT, not on Twitch.
Most if no all of what you said are exaggerations, but I agree with the general sentiment that YT is preferable
if she's going to ignore the NPC questlines and the optional bosses she can beeline directly to radahn. if she goes for optional bosses the big ones are gaius, metyr, the scadutree avatar and putrescent knight
I like twitch well enough but I kinda hate how it uses 30% of my 5800x3d for no fucking reason when chat is open
with that said probably twitch and youtube for vods
I have nothing but frustration having to use Twitch back when I watched Vargskelethor live, and all the times I tried using it since then it's still just as awful, since like 2019 or so I've just been watching his VODs on YouTube, but if Ame doesn't post VODs on YouTube I know it'll be frustrating trying to keep up with her when Twitch doesn't archive streams (older than if I recall correctly or or two months) and the chat is just people spamming shit like Omegalul and Pepega, it's just awful.
The final boss will be taken down, dont worry about that. At minimum she will beat it. Its the 4 other side bosses that she might not be getting to, but even those are simple enough to do if she gets a bit of guidance. If she summons teamates to take her around the areas and not just bosses she will be able to do it all.
In total she has Scadutree Avatar, Gaius, Metyr, and Putrescence Knight for optionals, and for mandatory its Radahn and the group fight of Miquellas followers.
I have the opposite experience, the few times Ame streamed on twitch it was way better video quality wise, the chat isn't a badly coded resource, and I like how it automatically fills most of the screen without addons.
Only thing that sucks in the archiving as you said. Discoverability wise, yeah it sucks, but it's not like Ame "built most of her fanbase" that way either, she built it by being in hololive.
resource hog*
I've seen more and more people doing dual streaming since Twitch allowed it. However, every time I've seen it the streamer seem to focus 95% on Twitch chat and ignore YT chat. It was even funnier when I saw a vtuber doing it and having like 3x the amount of viewers and chatters on YT but she still focused on Twitch chart. I think part of it might be how chaotic Tchat is, it's like looking at the graphic representation of one of those unicorn frappes with candy and shit. Just a torrent of rainbow shit flowing through the screen so the streamer eyes get pulled to it.
why the fuck would you care if you follow ame only. I wouldn't touch twitch otherwise.
Stop talking about shit we cant know, talk about Ame and the things we do know.
>and the chat is just people spamming shit like Omegalul and Pepega, it's just awful.
Repeating this shit won't make it true. Chat reflects the streamer. I have seen comfy intellectual twitch chats and retarded pepe spammers everywhere.
And don't act as if Ame's YT chat is full of quality chatters

On a side note, you only need FrankerFaze. You can install other addons through it (like bttv, 7tv etc) and change/customize basically everything in twitch with it
Like how pungent her farts are?
I hate Twitch too. The chat feels more full of children. The forced preroll and midroll ad breaks are atrocious too.
Fuck it, sure why not. I never liked the /d/ fetishists but they're better than the fucking catalogfags and tourists who have been camping this thread for the past week.
Stream cleaner and/or AdGuard Extra seem to work. I'm not a twitch user, but I've been testing these last few days
>catalogfags and tourists
>how small streams are practically invisible since only top dogs get shown on the front page
That doesn really matter when there's the recommended streamers bar pinned on the side that has discoverability miles ahead of what you get on youtube. Like mine is full of 2 and 3 views similar to who i usually watch.
My shitty ass Internet always struggles with Twitch
>calm yourselves down
lol. lmao. I wish. Being born too late and making stale life choices means I get to spend these next months in uni. I'll be seeing you all in December when we're bored out of our minds
I still remember when Ame wished me luck on one of my performances/exams. Really wish I wasn't such a piece of shit superchatting back then
I'm sure Twitch feels more user friendly in PC but in a Phone (where i watch streams 98% of the time) is just an absolute nightmare, feels slugish to use, when i exit the app and just use the popup window most of the time it is laggy or just closes suddenly, and of course in Youtube i can browse videos or shorts and quickly come back to the stream while in Twitch if i even dare to exit a stream or close it by accident i have to eat up like 2 minutes of ads again, it's just awful
There is no problem with Ame . Ame is already a millionaire, subconsciously she knows she does not have to work, and that is why she doesn't have the urge to. Ame should just become a wine aunt.
one other reason is probably because youtube is spaghetti coded
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>doing long-term hobby projects
>There's a lot of ways to slowly get yourself acclimated and fixing yourself
Like building a big ass professional 3D studio
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They finally revealed what these look like
Nah twitch is shit on a pc too due to ads. Ublock origin can't seem to block twitch ads so you have some weirdass suspicious scripting shit you have to install to block them (supposedly). But I don't trust it. So i just don't watch twitch streams
The whole add problem is a moot point anyway since if you get membership for the channel you won't see adds anyway.
>Ublock origin can't seem to block twitch ads
Because they are fed through like they are part of the live feed. Same for Amazon Prime ads.
not bad, kyuter than I expected
uBlock, Stream Cleaner and AdGuard Extra. I use those 3
Would buy
>but in a Phone (where i watch streams 98% of the time) is just an absolute nightmare
They're not that bad, I expected way worse.
as a chummate or teabud or whatever, I am contractually obligated to say
>paying rich people to play video games
I would never. The only streamer I would get a membership to is a small struggling one who I also liked
not bad, probably cheaper than some other merch
feels like bad actors outing themselves out almost
That would be me, I was picking up my Ame pop-up parade from the delivery company, managed to grab the last one I could find on the internet.

I broke one of her feet I want to kms.
Yeah people who watch ads are destroying the internet. Back in the 90s and early 00s, the internet was at its peak when people did what they did out of love, not greed
surprisingly not bad
I'm gunna be getting one for the cute bubba
It's actually alright
Better, but sitll sad
hopeful for the future
This will be the only figure of Ame in her idol outfit.
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Why did they pick this tweet lmao
I thought they mainly do faces that look like these ^_^
it's an amecore tweet
New thread:
I've got hope for the future, but the present is gonna hurt a bit. It's gonna be different, it's gonna be difficult, but I'm gonna do my best.
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>10k likes for ai art
damn... might need to start prompting
honestly most people don't care if they like the end product
Imagine the sniff

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