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A Filthy Angel's Thesis Edition

A thread for the linking, discussion, and general appreciation of any and all sheep vtubers and their friends, no matter how big or small.

>[often discussed EN streamers]<

>[friendshaped EN streamers]<

>[mostly JP streamers]<

>Who's live right now? going live soon?

>More complete list of sheeptubers here:
(work in progress, feel free to suggest additions or modifications)

>You'll find Raki, Pixel girls, blockheads and unity here:
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
Pixel VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
Ex-Tsunderia: >>>/vt//tsunx/
>You'll find Meru, Lisa, Yuuna and Sleepy discussed there

Previous /wool/ thread: >>85972370
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>u made it through another day of enduring the horrors! good job !!!!!!!
her self sketches are always so cute
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blink blink blink blink
Don't know where the normal poster is but NEUN Karoake is live
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pillow eeping
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Esila anchor for today's streams
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBcdWkJLhHQ ---Post shower chat
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4dYhuTNVMw ---9am PT MD
Link to AniLive showering restream happening today at 6am PT
[..long mimir..]
>bleep bloops
>still sound asleep
>faint pillow noises
>more peaceful mimir
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thank you!
How do people play along with the wife/GFE chuubas and not want to kill themselves at the end of every day
that's the thing...
yeah haha
you got that assbackwards sister
wanting to kill yourself is the starting point
then you find a chuuba that makes it worth living
if she happens to be doing GFE, so be it
>rain/water dripping
>long mimir
>Pillow noises
>back to sleep
Seems like an unhealthy coping mechanism but better than suicide at least.
You can also just not play along, if you don't tell her cheesy/romantic things or send kiss emojis she just reacts like a normal girl
I get it as a fun distraction but man I worry about some people
From what I've seen she doesn't actively initiate it so much, if you removed the 2-4 audience members who actively chat to her like she's their wife with all the terms of affection and such she'd basically be a regular streamer. Still is when she's not reading their messages
Speaking from experience, this is a lot better than what flesh women are willing to provide emotionally. Sex is easy to get, even without resorting to pros.
the wet sounds are really getting to me, not in a bad way
could it be a water fountain for her cat?
Rain on window
only the faintest whiff of precipitation in the entire state
rogue sprinkler, maybe
I can't crank the volume to check atm
I can fap to this
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Fuwamu is playing some Animal Crossing
Huh, you're right. I'll probably play back the audio later with headphones on to double check, swear I heard the sound of rain in the background behind the sound of whatever is occassionally splashing, think it's gone right now too
>wet stuff
>deep mimirs
>deeper breaths
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Para is being very wise right now
>honk shuu
>honk mimimir
>*actual honking*
>more mimir
>*more horns in the background*
Holy shit she is awake already.
is pillow at her new place already?
everything sounds a little different today
don't think so, but she might have a lot of stuff packed so the room acoustics could be different
>deep mimirs
>short alarm? ringtone?
>Pillow dont care
>more mimir
>honk shuu
>*backing truck*
>more deep mimirs
on YT now!
no idea what kind of bird that is but damn he going hard
>more mimirs
>*birbing instensifies*
>back to mimir but not as deep
>I'm not soup because you're what you eat and I don't eat soup
>deep mimir are back
>maybe even light snoring?
this was a really good idea for an emote
>demonic noises
>rolling atop the entity
>peace and silence are restored
let Pillow sleep
>phone dropped?
Essie is a lewd girl
dude's been watching pillow sleep for a while now >>86110666
I happen to agree with this statement and I am deeply curious as to what prompted it
Did it come to you in a dream? Please share
Also Essie just woke up
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I wonder who is behind this post
More proof that Baphomet is lurkan
God I just want to bend her over and spank her while she wiggles her cute little butt.
that's kinda gay
I think she would pretend to complain, arch her back maybe subconsciously maybe not, burry her face in her pillow, get a little anxious until the next blow comes and relieved once it does, after a little more spanking she might even drop a layer and show you the mess and how much she loves it, all very quietly, only red ears poking from under her hair giving away how flustered she is
>brief pillow noises
>back to sleep?
>found the phone
>space ends
that was a great sleeping space
Just imagine hearing her cute voice let out a yelp of pain and pleasure while you alternate between fingering her and spanking her.
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Lillie is streaming some spooky demo thing
>It's time to become Baba Jaga's witch apprentice! I'm soso excited to see what this game is all about! ^u^
>We're dual streaming to both Youtube and Twitch today btw! <3
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>forgot to remove the chat
>mom came over, helped me dye my hair
>natural color is dirty blonde, slight gray tones
>been dyeing it blonder since i was 13
>can't use bleach tho
>went to the doc, increased med dosage, cause midway through the day I get super tired
>just wanna get into the game cause the music is so pretty
>game is early access still
>it's got a very unique artstyle, don't think it's horror
>using an ultrawide monitor for the game
>game is in 16:9 with both chats on each side in the black bars
>will play lots of spooky stuff in october but shorter streams
>it feels weird to come back to streaming after 4 or 5 days, i don't like it
>gonna try to stream more often but shorter stream
Lillie is in game, the chats are duelling
>model is lagging, messing with settings
>thought this would be light on my PC since it's indie
>might have to use a PNG or even stop dual streaming
>making a Lillie in game
>i do have freckles but only on my nose but they are only showing on her face
thank you for recording these spaces
this one in particular was great
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suckling on Essie...
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I know people usually hate chubbas and don’t trust them, but it’s kind of hard not to trust pillow when she does stuff like this and then spends so much time in the discord server streaming dumb games. She also always talks about how much she wants to be held and taken care of. Guys I’m falling so hard for pillow.. and she’s been doing this since she was 17? You can just tell how passionate the dear is
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>I know people usually hate chubbas
This is a chubba love thread
But being serious yes I think the /wool/ girls are all pretty honest and upfront and doing this for the love of it and not any weird ulterior motives. They're all good girls including Pillow.
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I don’t really watch the others much but I’ve tuned in sometimes and I can see it. They all really love doing what they do and I think it’s great. This is one of my favorite threads for sure. I hope more piwwos find their way here, it’s one of the nicest boards
>tossed a coin to figure out what platform to stream on
>youtube won, quick brb
>closing twitch chat (that not necessary)
>i dont like that, feeling fragile
>more BRB
the lillie came back a little sad
maybe more than a little
i think all of the girls regularly discussed here are very genuine and the way i keep myself from falling too deep for one is to look at many others
they all deserve and crave love some are more explicit about it some more tsundere
MD time!
I love crying girls
Same here.
I find it kind of weird the only way I stay normal about it is by being a whore but it's true that otherwise I'd probably hurt myself getting too into one. I had some really weird (bad) feelings about Raki the other day that I've never felt about a chuuba before and realized I had gotten too singularly invested in her. Spreading my time out amongst good girls really helps avoid that kinda thing
>not the kind of person to cry on stream easily
>really bothers me because i feel i want to do better
>thank you for coming from twitch
>thought it would be okay and it wasn't, sorry
>don't know why I'm so emotional about this
>maybe i just feel bad because i havent been streaming much on twitch and that's the platform that has been supporting me for years
>wanted to stream on both platforms today
>always hard to choose one over the other
>been playing a lot of minecraft lately and i feel bad im not streaming on twitch as much

>not the best at figuring out software issues
>i know none of you guys are blaming me about this but i always try to up the production value because that's how my brain works
>feeling bad not being about to do anything to fix the current issues
>im okay, just frustrated
>can i go splash water on my face and jump around real quick?
>back not sad anymore
>lets gooooo
>literally went to get water and jumped around and went:
i like this attitude a lot
woman tears eroticism aside
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>baby goat acquired and delivered
>baby goats kinda cute
>game pretty
>doing silly voices
the Lillie seems much happier already
i really dont think so but does essie pay for restreaming services?
lillie should ask her im sure she would be happy to help
and she doesn't use a super high end PC either
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river kitten got a big chicken nugget
Gentlemen where are the thick ass bbw sheep girls
Eira moved to later timeslot.
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lots of skinny queens around here but there's Gigi
filename should be twitter handle
she's not usually a pirate and there are big horns under the hat
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>>the anticipation is almost too much!
>i think maybe fellow travellers did this to him..
what's the full name of starlies again...?
Its sad to see Lillies chat so dead.
Having good regulars is truly a blessing.
the regulars could hang out in offline twitch chat and play the stream on youtube
I dont see it, looks like she lost the old guard during the hiatus.
Poor thing.
i'm allergic to youtube chat desu
this but twitch chat
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>Lillie was finally informed that it's Baba Jaga like jiff and not Baya Yaga like she was saying
it's funny because her Norwegian instincts should make her go with yaga, but she was ovethinking and over correcting
Youtube chatters seem less interactive than Twitch tbhdesu. I've come across low 3views who's chats are dominated by the same four chatters
Stream over, raiding blue Pippa.
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>getting tired ending here for now
>minecraft tomorrow
>had to reschedule saturday stream
>going to a high school reunion, gonna be seeing people i havent seen in 10 years
>not sure what to tell them, don't wanna tell them im a vtuber but also dont wanna say i havent done anything
>going cause im hopping it will be a good time but honestly some of the people there used to be bullies
>i know the biggest bully, the biggest mean girl, she's had 2 kids already so surely she
>my idea is to tell them in a manager for online talents and due to NDA i cant say more about it

>streaming minecraft tomorrow
>saturday off
>maybe sunday off as well depending on how saturday goes
>really enjoyed the game
>looking for someone to raid seeing some pixel girlies
>raiding Globie blue Pipperoni who she helped with audio the other day
Lillie enjoyed her witch game i think
That is pretty much the standard on all platforms though, especially during gaming streams.
need more essie kisses
Whenever she goes back to sleep, Estelle Underscore Channel allegedly gets "freaky dreams" but "AS IN CREEPY AND SCARY BEFORE YOU GET ANY WEIRD IDEAS"
...and yet she keeps going back for more
You be the judge, I'm just the messenger bringing your food for your Thirsty Thursday Thinking
I love you
esila doesn’t usually interact with people in her corpo, but its nice seeing a couple of her kouhais pop in to show support
seeing momoko in chat made me happy for some reason
she's terrified of initiating, both within nexas and out. the collab with Meimi happened because she hopped in chat a bunch of times, then she asked Esi to do a MD stream together.
i never look at chat, is Meimi still hanging out in there or just gone now?
to be fair, so is momoko, so i don’t really expect a collab anytime soon
still cute though
I haven't seen her in chat in a while, but she's pretty busy with her own channel by the looks of it.
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Fussy Baby redebut when
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This is the deck that ruined it for everyone else and cancelled viewer duels.
i need a tipsy essie karaoke
Ohime my beloved
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this thread may be manifesting on nino's subconscious
>wet cheek
>essie dream on thursday
>just roke up
that's normal if you've watched essie a couple times
is essie actually into girls?
Assume every girl is cute unless proven otherwise.
by cute I mean bi

nini shaggers its too late for my brain
This is a decent rule to follow irl but is way way way more true for vtubers
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Fussy baby doesn't really wanna study so it's a date actually
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>im awake i promise
says the eepiest racoon ever, i mean the fussiest baby

>the thing that counteract energy day is rain~
>when i joined my meeting room and i saw my name i was like "ah-" >>86130001
>and manechan was like "what? uhh?" i had to explain it to her, she wasn't there during the stream
>then she was like, i have a surprise for you, and she got me a skeb! i was not expecting it!
>we had a birthday planning session, i wanna do a 12h stream
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>we drove to academy cause it was raining
>went to class in PJs
>prof as giving a big spiel about preparing for the storm
>so we went and got food
>i had 2 instant ramen, udon, poptarts...
>also got peanut butter, im kind of a peanut butter girlie, i like it with banana

>oh my gosh i have no spatial awareness when it comes to grocery stores
>so then we came home, and i made us coffee
>excepts there were chunks in the coldbrew
>got 100 on an asignment
>today just gonna be doing some research for the next assignment
>Rose is feeling better
>Sun started her job at the cafe, working right now
>mic now in binaural mode

>i kept knocking into things
>forgor to defrost chimken, brb
>guys i just had the craziest flashback
>Rose was downloading things, and she was like
>>what if we watch the whole 50 shades of grey series???
>and i was like... ....sure!
>she was so excited about it
raki corruption arc real

>we have to pick an endangered language and make a presentation about it and teach it to the class in an interesting way
>i have a idea but what if you guys dont like it...
>what if i wrote a short play and the characters could be
>sheep pig dog cat
based sheep pilled raccoon

>never picked up the languages my family spoke, feel like failure
>turning the pomodoro timer on
>rakking in
i don't get it...
>Rose wasted her time watching anime cause it ended in a cliffhanger
>Raki suggests reading the manga
>prof told them they need to read a book
>locking back in for another 20min
i swear everytime she mention what she has to do it sounds more like elementary fussy baby school than anything academic
maybe it's the way she phrases things
erm 4chan dying or waht
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>i almost set my hair on fire earlier
she said very casually

>coffee is not working
>*eepy baby noises*
>10 min break
>*big strech*

>i stretched on call and manechan was like
>>what was that?? was that your cat??
>and i was like no... i just stretched...
>getting a snack, brb

>im back
>im back... with something in my mouth!
>my paper plate consists of:
>3 dried mangos, a cookie and a tiny orange
>aka girl dinner, it look at bit sad...
>here. i'll give you ASMR...
>peeling the orange... peeling the orange...
>oranges are kinda freaky....

>guys i think im gonna go to a haunted house for halloween this year, i've never been before...

>spilling the orange... eating the orange...
>*big bite asmr*
>*coughing a little*

>missing the charge lemonade, was really enabled by ToraP, manechan is the one who stepped in
>*another feral orange bite*
>sorry, that was a little wet...
>everyone should maro ToraP and say "how are you?" just to freak him out
locking in for another 20m
>sudden ragi jumpcare
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Essie wants maros for stream in 20 min
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Pillow's ASMR101 with frosty dragon Nova
>Nova doesnt really talk about ASMR much but listens to a lot of it, especially SPA stuff, interested in the RP/acting side of it
>she is literally Pillow
>Nova did GF teaches you to play TCG ASMR as a donothon reward once
>would do GFE ASMR maybe but not as Nova, keep an ear out for it
>will try to do the GF thing today

>Nova gets tingles as tippy tappies on her brain
>N: before stream Pillow asked me if i had trash around my room and, actually, i do not
>P: you're a good girl for that! it surprised me, all the girls i asked so far has trash around their room...
>N: well i just moved in...
that explains it!
I'm hearing sussy sounds
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Essie is a marshmallow today
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>*one last big stretch*
>thankfully i don't have to lock in too hard, these are more chill than the proper studying i will have to do for finals
>stummy is full of snackies
>was not aware that this stream was titles as a date
>hunting for horror movies on ntflix
>wanna watch more movies with pans
>maybe the 5th element?
>thinking about halloween costumes ideas
>trashpans... i dont wanna leave...

>...have i been doing a good job lately?
> ...thank you
> pans pans trashpans love..
>gonna head out now
>playing crime scene cleaner tomorrow, not sure why i decided toplay that game....
>it looked like powerwash simulator....
>i need to buy and download the game
>i had fun today, good studying
>good job everyone buhbye
>otsuraki~ mwah!
god she is so fucking cute when she asks for praise
they are kissing each other
>Pillow is embarrassed having to explain how to kiss for ASMR
>N: who am i kissing?
>P: your chat! Piwwow watch yourselves!! remember who you belong too
>N: to me~
>*Pillow silently pulls out a knife*
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>muted cause essie_dad is blasting his facebook feed
>essie_mom has become addicted to phone games
>also they were arguing cause it's essie_sis's friend bday but she's not allowed to go cause bad weather
>getting tiktoks of university kids stuck at school as the hurricane is about to it
>had to pretend to be a european and live without AC for a day
>praying for georgia, dissing the midwest
>essie would not move to the midwest but does want to visit chicago
purely because of the bear btw
>5min solo ASMR starts now
>little sister RP
>on an accents tangent
>apparently the kids have the Roblox accent
>from all the RP they do
>it's like valorant/valley girl/demure accent for the girls
>for some reason i still get tiktoks from highschoolers
the algo thinks Essie is about 16 TT o TT
Essie feels like she is in constant wonder about very normal things about the world
It's great. I hope she stays like that forever.
>every single time i get gas i think about how it's a limited resource
>and soon one day we are going to run out of it
>wait do you mean it evaporates???
>*starts to doodle*
>if the nozzle is in my car tank ...how is the sun making contact to evaporate it???
>do you not feel guilt in your heart that you wasted precious material???
>and if you get a drop on your shoe do you not think about how you might catch on fire???
>i always think about that..
>*looks up gas station explosion*
>chat is this real?
>how can this happen?
>statics??? does that mean i should never fill my car in winter???
this kid has been traumatised by environmentalist propaganda and learned nothing from physics class
and there are millions like her
It took Essie a solid 40 minutes to start her ois. The need to yap was too strong.
essie is not quite fluent in grumanese
Essie has an obsession about curing allergies with microdosing and exposure therapy
is this some sort of coping mechanism?
>True baachi culture is to not wear anything be free
Is she telling baachis to be nudists now?
well she has her modest essies out when she sleeps during summer
>this is literally us!!
>this is soooo cuuute
>>why is he naked?
>don't shame him, he's just a bear
>i dont see any of you guys wearing clothes...
>the true baachi culture is to not wear anything, be free
Para trained you to remove your pants, Essie wants you fully naked
>sneezed so hard she ejected her headphones
>i always appreciate all the skebs people get me
>you know...
[...long, pregnant pause...]
>...actually nevermind! *laughs*
>i appreciate ANY of the art you guys get me
>two puzzles done
>two maros answered
this is not a normal pace for either
>accidentally ordered 1000 baachis stickers
>she only meant to get 100
>that means every baachi can get 300 free stickers
there are like 3 baachis in the world ever
>>86128418 >>86144338
she got wrenched on essie's channel
odd timing
she was wrenched on raki’s too
can’t blame them, she is indeed a cute girl
proud of her for trying to branch out though, she’s also pretty shy when it comes to talking to people, so i expected her to go on the silent grind like her senpai is.
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four legged essie
>I need to like find a place for myself too
>I'm just like so reliant on people taking me in and like, y'know, adopting me
At least there is a place dedicated to her /here/
>Essie sometimes doesnt recognises herself in the mirror
>will get microbangs this winter to look more like 2.0
>gonna be destroying my hair with heat so it'll look good
this is a thing vtubing does
you become the model and the character
just by being praised for being a silly anime girl on the internet you become more anime IRL
just getting called cute makes girls cuter, it's kind of magical
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just showing the kinda bangs she wants
>had a nightmare about a monkey who had 4 holes in its nose and could speak english
>and it scared me really bad...
more holes huh
these puzzles are pulling at my autism strings and i will forget to bump the thread...
>i truly think that i love you guys more than you love me
>i will not tolerate a second essie
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2.0 spoilers dont look
>essie is at risk of muchification at work from all the free candy
this is not an issue that needs fiing
cardiobunny essie...
>essie can pass for latina
>been told she looks like she is from nowhere
>has curly hair that goes frizzy depending on how it dries
>is asian...?
i'm starting to believe essieland is really populated by sheepgirls
someone tell Lisa
>>i open-mouthed kissed a horse once
>i'm really glad that you are expressing your love whether that is human or animal
our girl
someone post this in chat, it's almost done
this 4h stream was way too short...
According to Para Essie is not asian.
On one hand they are like glued to each others cunts and probably should know things like that.
On another it was drunk Para after 24 hours of streaming.
It was completed by 3 stubborn baachis
Full res pic is 10MB...
essie space
thanks anon

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