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Kronii's 3rd Anniversary merch is now live!

>Previous Stream:【Don't Starve Together】I'm Hungry With @holoen_raorapanthera
>Raora PoV

>Previous Stream:【Panicore】Very Quietly Now With @KaelaKovalskia
>Kaela PoV

>MV Teaser:「蒼天に燃ゆ / Souten ni Moyu」MV Teaser

#ourokronii (General)
#krotime (Streams)
#kronillust (Art)
#kroniijokes (Memes)
#OKTK (Fanbase tag)
#krossets (Assets)
#kroniirotic (Unofficial Tag for NSFW Art)

>Handy links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@OuroKronii/featured
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ourokronii
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ourokronii_holoen
Free Chat Room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GZ5XGzRY-g
Debut VoD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3oVrq94mGM

【Original Song MV】Daydream - Ouro Kronii: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W749jRBg-4&feature=youtu.be [Embed]
Kronii's Original Song 「Daydream」: https://cover.lnk.to/Daydream
【Original Song MV】Rise -【hololive English -Council- Original Song】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHibTDJlTJw [Embed]
【Original Song MV】 Our Promise【hololive English -Promise- Original Song】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcVyYmVOi1U [Embed]
Kronii's Latest Cover Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQbmiAo6_qU
Kronii's Zatsudan BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dP7cdf-EgI
Kronii's 2nd Zatsudan BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SC9Qzs7VVI
Kronii's Game BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE3yq2GQQmk
Kronii's Member BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QUt_6oM9jI&feature=youtu.be
Kronii's Birthday BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TXGPOaYp30&feature=youtu.be
Kronii's Anniversary BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2OoITXJfAI&feature=youtu.be

>Current Schedule:
9/26 - Souten Ni Moyu Release & Afterparty @ 8PM PST / 11PM EST, (9/27) 4AM GMT, 1PM JST
9/27 - Team Fortress 2 @ 1PM PST / 4PM EST / 9PM GMT, (9/28) 6AM JST
9/27 - Garry's Mod @ 7PM PST / 10PM EST, (9/28) 3AM GMT / 12PM JST
9/28 - Membership: Unarchived JP Karaoke @ 6PM PST / 9PM EST, (9/29) 2AM GMT / 11AM JST

>If you can't do timezones, consult the following:

>Previous Thread:

>Current Bond Level: 8.0

>Fanfic Listing:

>Kronii's Streams, Collabs, Music, and Merch List:

Remember to report and ignore schizos and Londoners. KRONII LOVE!
>Also report any Leaks or Defamation against Kronii to Cover using this link
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Kronii love
Stupid cat cute
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I adore Kronii
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What made the catalogfags uppity last thread?
The list is fully up to date not that anyone really cares...
it's not even cataogfag it's just a bunch of discordfag shitters who put their diarrhea here because they'd get their shit kicked in for doing the same in their shitcords
Just because I don't say anything, doesn't mean I care.
Thanks for keeping things up to date.
You're providing a net benefit vs. whatever those shitbirds were doing last thread.
>Just because I don't say anything, doesn't mean I care
Some people must've forgot how awkward the very first TimeSmith collab was. And since the game was It Takes Two, you can't blame the game.
KEK well thanks I got what you meant
this was waaay less awkward
Kaela was a nervous mess the few first times
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>Cheebs' tummy right now
No one of any merit was actually complaining about the collab; it was some retarded discordfags shitting up the thread because they probably got their latest bait threads nuked.
Where's the problem?
should be "doesn't mean i don't care"
That would be a triple negative.
Are you okay?
Are you? Don't exclude the first part of the sentence.
not understanding that regular sayings in english break a few grammatical rules is really ESL anon...
I see, you're just being a pompous jackass and probably the catalog fag from last thread still looking to shitpost.
Go back.
ESL anon you should stop embarrassing yourself.
That's really not a thing
saying "just because i don't say anything doesn't means i don't care" is correct
There it look like you're just saying that you don't care
Shitting yourself this hard over a silly mistake is very sad, Rice
Stop samefagging and shitting things up here.
And don't think posting a 4chanX screenshot will save you.
"XXXXXX doesn't mean I don't care" is a really common saying in English you idiot.
A triple negative would make the phrase be negative again, so adding three negatives would be pointless.
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>You have to use the phrase exactly as stated or else it doesn't count!
Fucking Grammar Nazis
I'm glad we finally get the song MV, doesn't mean I won't be curious what sort of stupid fucking management bs caused it to take this long
I hate Illinois Nazis.
Kronii would be an honorary American and punch a nazi.
Kronii would kiss a nazi (me)
Oh yeah for anyone who might be curious, if you ever miss out on certain pieces of merch through the Hololive store, you might luck out trying getting it secondhand from Surugaya
I watched a full stream without checking /∞/. It was so much better
Its for the best desu
Blame the lazy mods who don't even bother with reports that aren't from /global/.
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Wonderwall mention
There you go, they deleted a shitpost /here/
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Sounds like Kaela needs to GSH
So that's how we look like to others
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This creature…
Name is never coming back is she
Good night Kronies
You're worse than sanalites
please stop posting this, her supple arms are begging me to suck on them
Name lasted longer than Sana, actually
So what do kronies get on bond level 10
Colonize Venus or something
at level 10 everyone gets her memory wiped out (including Kronii) and we start again
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I 100% do
kronies are finally dead
Thats right you are the final kronie
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when is she going to get fat again?
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Kronies? 骨
She was never "fat". Her mom's just an emotionally abusive cunt who made fun of her for not being anorexic.
If I can't see her ribs, she's fat
Kronii good
Kronii bad
Kronii Inscrutable
Has any other JP girls seen Kronii's GTA shenanigans or has it only been Friend so far?
What a horrible night to be literate
24% body fat is pretty chunky
Fatto catto talked about it I think
Depends on the overall weight as well. If you have literally zero exercise in your life, you can get a relatively high body fat % while being under 25 BMI. I'm pretty sure that'd be the tastiest meat to consume, muscles are chewy.
Do you think kronii would have joined Polka in bombing the wedding?
>Polka convinces Kronii to join her
>Kronii drives through the doors with a van full of explosives
What could of been...
Kronii's adventure with all related POVs

Rene uploaded a clip of the interaction with Kronii
kys tranny retard
The saddest part of all is that there is more positive stuff about Kronii being posted in fucking /#/ than here
Here you get a few people live posting what's going on and then it's just schizos and retards samefagging or shoving their shit opinions in everybody's face
Go join the outfitschizo in the catalog already.
>posting anything positive if there isn't an arbitrary big number next to it
Would be nice if the mods and jannies did their fucking jobs more than once in a blue moon and nuked that place along with tards who kept shitting it the thread last night in oblivion already
Who's Rene
Holy shit, I didn't catch that last part with Subaru looking at Polka's article before
I accidentally forgot the 'i' in Reine's name.
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Oh nice, they translated more of the JP stuff than other clippers I’ve seen
11 hours until the wait is finally over
I’m more excited for what she’ll say about the song in the after party than the mv drop at this point
Having an afterparty directly after the song release is gonna hinder it's growth, she could've let it simmer for a day, then have a stream discussing the song and MV.
I wonder how much she'll be allowed to say before getting bonked by management for putting them in a bad light.

Ame takes priority. She could've pushed it to Saturday, but that'd mean screwing members out of karaoke again.
I'm more so saying it for future MV releases.
This already got delayed for over a fucking year fuck off
She’s done it before with her music ending up getting a good number of views for most part. At least she took advantage of having a large audience during her collabs to shill it beforehand which is nice
Ook ook ook ook do you want banana
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For men
It's funny how showing just for one day made such an impression
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Sally onee-chan aishiteruyo
is there a translation of Souten ni Moyu out there? Can't seem to find anything
It's almost like it hasn't been officially released yet.
I know but I find it weird that in more than a year no one has transcribed it
I'm used to watch Kiara play Zelda and I can count on her, but God I wish Kronii would play them on stream too.
Will she update her profile picture?
Please god
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No one wants to be that person to prematurely transcribe a JP song and find out after the fact they got the lyrics wrong since the birthday live didn't have the text on screen either (also Cover ninjas could just be premptively knocking out anyone who might have tried up until now before the songs official release).
ah, thanks for the explanation anon *epic fist bump*
She would lose her checkmark
Blame Elon, I think it happened to her last time she changed it when her My war cover released, it's the reason Mori hasn't changed hers to reflect her new album.
elon is a fraud
Aren't these supposed to be alive hours for you, kronies?
we're at work
Playing the legend of link: wand of watamelon
edging till the MV release, my dick is starting to slightly hurt, I should have bought lube
Depends on the day
I’m in the /#/‘s thread defending Kronii’s honor
Use your time for better things man.
A year and a half for one of these https://x.com/Alchiet/status/1609509993358950400 what a disappointment
Did something happen to bunkeronii? What did I miss?
No one plays on the original EN server anymore.
Man, I´ve been gone for a long time then. When did they switch over? Bunkeronii was fun. Did our clock do something similar nowadays?
Long time ago. She started building Castleronii but it’s been abandoned too
last minecraft stream was before sana graduated, it's really been more than 3 years
anon... this isn't true even if you're only counting the old EN server...
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As other anon said, she was planing to make a castle on the shared server but it went nowhere. But it's not just her, except the JP and Fauna with her never ending tree project, no one do anything important in MC anymore.
Kiara might be in love with her
I'm in love with her, but I'm not Kiara
You say this about every girl who mentions her
Moom reposted Kronmei art I don't know how to feel about that
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Based Moom
Moom was watching your GTA clips and anniversary stream Kronii just fuck her already
how come she's always vibes so well with ESL members
I didn't realize Youtube let's you see how many times Kronii liked someone. This won't cause any problems.
Idk what you're talking about but sounds like a mobile thing
Because her parents are pretty ESL too
Click on someone's icon in the comment section.
It's been a mobile thing for years and $5 says it's the same assfaggot who spent all of last night being an obnoxious fuckwit trying to start shit again despite the fact most people got theirs years ago since Kronii very rarely likes comments on YT.
>since Kronii very rarely likes comments on YT.
She should like everyone's comments unless they're weird.
>there are unironic phoneposters itt
shit, it even tells you how many comments on the channel, who asked for this kek
They just added it to PC then.
how does this thread always find something to fight about
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I know you feel emboldened because the IP counter is gone, but the blatant samefagging about "muh fighting" after trying to get people riled about a feature you're 2 years behind on noticing that she doesn't even engage with sticks out like a sore thumb.
Wouldn't it be funny if some portions of the song were rerecorded between the last two times she sung it and now? I still chuckle thinking about how much higher pitched Daydream was originally supposed to be.
she just enjoys being a mole more, also building under is easy because you dont need to worry about how it would look outside
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Hype for later
When the MV drops will Daydream officially be deaddream?
did Kiara cum after Kronii's massage or what?
at least 9 times
If Daydream took 6 months, and this song took 1 year, will the next song take 1 year and 6 months, or will it take 2 years?
Big cat and automaton love
>Shiori listens to lo-fi
>Kronii listens to lo-fi
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Kronii is so cool...
so close...
Kronii is going to kill Boros LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOO
I'm not ready...
Afterparty room doko
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Get ready for big fucking bgm
Here we go!
Is this the same song she sang at our bright parade?
Kronii is raising boros to later kill
it's canon
She sang it at Connect the World, not OBP.
at least it's out/10
I really like it but god it should not have taken as long as it did
Nice MV but definitely not a whole year of work what the fuck were they doing /10
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not enough Kronii hips/10
It's not animated but it took a year?
Glad it came out and it's different enough from the first two times she sang it, but genuinely what sort of fuckery took 15 months for this/10
The MV was fucking great. Very Boros-heavy.
Bright was her first original Daydream
Love this song /10
that was really good!
she really had the accent laid thick, at least to my ears
Kill yourself already Rice
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Boros won
Its all but guaranteed that this isn't the first MV, this was probably one they found after accepting the first wasn't working out If I had to guess.
The MV was just constantly flipping between like 4 illustrations in a fancy way. I didn't expect it to be animated but I expected more than 4 illustrations. Like, at least show how boros went from a baby snek to a giant monster and why Kronii decided to fight him.
A good song and the MV was solid, dunno what the fuck happened with production but I pray it never happens again.
If it wasn't for the massive delay, we'd all be talking about how great it was. That really was one of the best non Marine MVs in hololive.
This will be answered in the afterparty stream thank you very much
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It's good, but holy fucking shit it did NOT need to take this long for it to release. Over a fucking year for something that's not even animated, come on now.
The song however, is a bop, we all knew that.
Kronii LOVE/10
I can finally listen to it on repeat/10
8/10, i think it lacked instruments, also listen to the ytmusic side
Like, at least do it like one of those vocaloid slideshows that tell a story. They're not animated but it's fun to follow whatever story they're trying to tell. This MV does not have that so I don't know why they bothered with having semi-related illustrations about boros in the first place.
Why the fuck did it take so long/10
God, Kronii hugging Boros is cute/10
It's released! Yippee!/10
Please understand MV's are hard
>What does the MV mean
>It means... whatever you want it to mean, man!
Music overpowered the vocals again/10
Lumina is not credited anywhere, anon lied/10
>song in japanese
many such cases
it was never lumina
lumina apathy
>Daydream MV is about nothing
>Souten ni Moyu MV is about nothing
My ratt is they hired Lumina again and they dragged ass so long, they got fired and so we got whoever did this instead.
So late...
>tie on
That rrat was already disproven when Lumina did MVs in between then and now.
>Since debut
wtf happened behind closed doors?
Jesus more than 2 years
WTF is management doing
I wonder if Omega era of management actively tried to sabotage shit before they got the boot. Like what the fuck.
>Actually we fucking hated her since day 1
>We could've had bandit Kronii
Marine wept
How the fuck do you think "bank heist" for a song like this?
Ah that was nice
it was before an extensive lyric rewrite
>we could have had this
that's not cel shading
fans will have to do it
this is literally the plot of Volvagia in the Ocarina of Time manga
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Don't tell her this
she doesnt know man
It is what it is type vibe
Why is Boros blushing and holding his belly..
Let's print this and stick it on the fridge type energy
He's mpregnant..
Kek, literal Blue-eyed Samurai
Really into this ngl
Is this the only time she's drawn Boros outside of the one member's stream?
Even with all the setbacks, 15+ months is still inexcusable
So why was this in the works since debut?
Kill yourself Rice
Same reason why IRyS had like 8 songs in the works since debut
Well at least she’s happy with the end result
I dunno about that one, Kronii
Armed Robbery is still a violent crime Kronii...
She's such a dork.
>almost anime
minus you know, the animation
She got this from a webtoon...
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Honestly I can fuck with it, the samurai aesthetic is cool if you do it right
>can't even launch the song on time after 3 years
that's normal even for songs that release on schedule
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Shut the FUCK up rice
how does Rice send so much while saying nothing of substance
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>Rice SC
Lots of practice
Ok, I seriously want to fight whoever mixes Kronii's tracks because her vocals are smothered by the instrumentals in nearly every goddamn song and her voice is amazing.
I cannot believe I'm the only one here who's triggered by this.
its probably korean
I'm like 60% convinced Rice is laundering drug money at this point.
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Where's military uniform Boros?
It's amazing how the literal child talking in the third person somehow writes less obnoxious supas than Rice
Oh she actually meant the MV when she said that
>dealing with Lumina was worse than waiting 3 years for your song
>Singing confidence getting worse
Why is it so hard to do it on time bro?
Because it JUST IS OKAY?
assuming the tchan that does subs is the same as the tchan that handles the subreddit, he's probably busy sucking dick on random fancords
word salad vomit...
I take a piss break and she's still reading a Rice supa, jesus christ
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Spamming the same banal compliment 9 times is psychological manipulation
I'm so proud of her.
>Bringing up her family after watching her members streams
Kronii is thinking about me. Later virgins.
>Kronii you're kind of a bitch but you're nice enough
I mean...they're right
Kronii stop digging.
kronii is blushing rn
Well now she is, kek
Nose blowing compilation when
why do the jpfags have to ruin our moment?
fuck them
Draw Boros breast feeding off of Kronii. Draw it right now.
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draw daaku instead
Draw Boros sucking the snot out of Kronii's nose.
Draw it right now.
Only if he's sucking the milk out of her teat with his fangs
>Has to travel to produce the things to "slowly make up for the travels"
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Wadamama love.
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Boros is gonna get bullied…
don't worry, Boros is strong
>Ponytails are really versatile. First, you can have girls with ponytails undo their hair and suddenly become beautiful, or have girls with ponytails flashing those cute grins, or have girls stealing the protagonist's hair ties and putting them on like, "Haha, got your hair tie!" That's just way too cute! I really like when their ponytails have that luscious flow, and it's amazing how it can look really cool or just be a joke. I really like how it can fulfill all those abstract needs. Being able to switch up the styles and colors of ponytails based on your mood is a lot of fun too! It's actually so much fun! You have those half ponytails, or the thick ponytails, everything! It's like you're enjoying all these kinds of ponytails at a buffet. I really want Kronii to try it out or try some twintails. We really need more ponytails in Hololive.
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Kyon is literally me
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Kyon is just Japanese Ryan Gosling

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