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post vtuber feet and discuss feetubers and related topics

Opening question, since we haven't had one of these in a while:
>Whose feet would you kiss?
Subaru's lovely and smelly post fes feet mmmm
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casino the god
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AZKi is using a casino illustration as the thumbnail for her stream tonight
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Casino's perfection as usual
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we need more ID feet.
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>whose feet would you kiss?
towa, kaela, raora, and ollie (because she's into it)
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Obligatory owl
>Whose feet would you kiss
pic rel
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>Whose feet would you kiss?
My wife FallenShadow's
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don't you die on me yet
Need to worship Botans delicate hag toes
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you just know she'd be ticklish and bless you with that beautiful hag laugh while you lick her feet
/feet/ LOVE!
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thoughts on all the feet posting going on lately? personally I really love how into it blaise is getting
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Would love to suck on these rigor Mortis feet
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god I fucking love feet and I want to kiss chuuba feet
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Pekora, in her latest mengen, talked about her feet while trying some foot care stuff to smooth her soles.
I still don't understand the appeal of feat
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More vtubers need to be foot tickled until they're a cackling, sobbing mess!
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this model is way too fucking good at drawing feet
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goddamn, those are nice
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Has anyone tried removing the sandals?
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Even though you can't see it, this pic really makes me want to kiss her feet
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personally i like stronny's more
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Komori from PinkPunkPro
Umeru from PinkPunkPro
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those long toes make me weak holy fuck
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glad to see we're back!
probably either Mori or Nerissa, the former is my kamioshi and both have really ticklish feet
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on the subject of feetubers, this chick does one handed playthroughs of souls games with a camera on her hand and always has her feet in frame of it
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I want Toko to gently scold me or tell me off and find me a bit disgusting at first as I do things to her feet after the live, but eventually she accepts.
>Get her to sit on a chair
>Take off one of her shoes, but keep the stockings on for now
>Start with a chaste kiss on the instep of her foot, similar to how a gentleman would kiss the back of a lady's hand
>Touch her foot all over and gently massage it
>Plant her foot to my face, so I can sniff her foot like a dog
>Kiss all of her toes starting from the big toe, then the kiss slowly descends from her toes to the ball area of her foot, the sole of her foot, and ends at the heel of her foot
>Lick her foot
>End with a chaste kiss on her ankle
>Take off only one side of her stockings
>Repeat the process, but this time she's barefoot
>Do the same process to the other foot
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That actually sounds pretty hot, I wanna do the same with Mori except eventually she pulls me in for a kiss
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Not even a KFP but this is pure fucking sex, it's like she's beckoning me over to her
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sexo con los pies de mori calliope
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good god no wonder i never see these threads, we've used up over half of the thread's posts in less than 24 hours with all the spamming
it wasn't even a problem until last thread funny enough, no clue what this guy's deal is
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it'd be one thing if it was all art, but half of it is just model refs that happen to show toes
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