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Total Homo Death
Link? When did she say this?
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Idol culture was a mistake.
kekekek beggars so delusional
>sad trombone music
OP please stop whoring around. We get it, you want attention and validation. Just kneel down and suck my cock like a good faggot your are
>males dominate every lucrative industry
>I sleep
>females dominate just one
Mental illness.
meanwhile the segmentation of vtubing with lack of idol culture are getting drugged, raped, & abused at con
What's it gonna be, anon? Is he a faggot or is he fucking your oshi?
He's a faggot fucking my oshi. shit sucks
>this tread again
gonna keep spamming this?
Some do it willingly, while married and with kids.
Twitch is a cheating den.
feminist ally huh
Nothing more masculine than bullying male vtubers.
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THD : Thinking Homos Dicks
Yeah i agree Homo should be death imagine liking yuri shit
OP is not a samefagging trannie btw
>reddit gray man
It's scientifically proven that defending homos = reddit.
Noone cares about your homos, stop shitting the board with the same bait.
Can't even make your own slop >>86052528.
It was indeed for shitposting.
Mio mama BASED
I am an Miofa now
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The irony.
Your tastes matching those of middle-aged japanese women doesn't make them chads. It makes you an effeminate faggot.
Cope and seethe homobeggar.
>Seething like an incel
Mio getting cucked everytime her best friend collabs with a guy.
she talking about Fubuki right?
If it makes homobeggars seethe harder I'll gladly call myself a feminist
Apparently someone wrote a rape fanfic in response to that stream already
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If not being a mentally ill beggarpag is a mistake, then I don't want to be right.
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I would be careful which holomem I chose to use as a false flag anti male cgdct enjoyer if I were you lads
Because being a mentally ill unipag is so much better. You lot should all make peace, shake hands and go deepthroat a shotgun together.
Here’s your thread
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>you're bad because...i said so
Yes let's just ignore the endless examples of beggartroons being cancer and keep dreaming about le evil unicorns which somehow have zero examples of such alleged behavior.
How many times is this thread going to be spammed?
>zero examples of such alleged behavior.
Literally every male collab?
You’re retarded, this was well before hololive was an idol company and had those expectations set in place, they had like 100 viewers at the time
I'm sure you have plenty of examples to post then. Maybe lay off the discord tranny chinese whispers and try living in the real world. Unicorns just fuck off after male collabs, not do cringe shit like spam walls of rape fics and dedicate their lives to hating someone. That's why you only ever see compilations of beggars humiliating themselves, while you have to fantasize about unicorns who "totally must be doing toxic things, I just know it, my tranny discord ERP buddy told me so".
>endless examples
*endless spam of the same 2-3 screenshots, fify
Want me to post ernoul or some other schizo faggot?
B-but they don't count...What's the difference?
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Ah yes the classic dumbass move when confronted with facts, the goal post move, also hololive was always intended to be a so called "idol company" YAGOO himself said it
The most recent example in here was only made yesterday lol. All you can do is live in your delusions to cope, but it's best to keep it in your head instead of acting like it reflects reality.
He didn't say "idol", just as Mio didn't say "yuck"
You know that interview was after those collabs right? Are you stupid?
>most recent example in here
*the only example in here, fify again
In interviews, yagoo has explicitly stated that the idea of hololive being an idol corp didn’t come around until after gamers debuted, up until then it was just vtubers
>if only 1 image gets posted it means there's only 1 example in history
I'm guessing you live in a third world country or are descended from one of them?
Define idol culture
He literally mentioned AKB48 by name
what are AKB48? also not only does Mio say "uck" but she does it 3 times, there is missing context to the image but the general feeling of what it tries to convey is mostly there it leave out some niceties of her saying "It hurts my soul/heart to see it" but in no way is she condoning them at leat for herself which the the irony of the nijisanji era of her doing collabs with males.
Until gamers DEBUTED, which means it was early enough for him to share those ideas with the current talent and thus making Mio a hypocrite
>what are AKB48?
A group of women to use as a comparison. He said something like "if I was forced to explain I'd say we manage livers in a group similar to AKB"
AKB is an IDOL group thank you for purposely omitting that

also AKB has done collaborations with male idol groups before
Nyfco sisters are so retarded holy shit
What does that have anything to do with what was posted?
No shit they are. I didn't "purposely" omit it, Yagoo did. Would probably mention something about it if that was his message.
You purposely did because you narrative is that Hololive suddenly had a reason for the talents to change their posture of collabs and it fits your narrative

YAGOO "did" because for Japanese people it is already implied who and what AKB48 are, there's no reason for him to mention them otherwise, he could've easily said "My project is similar to my colleagues here" as Activate/Upd8 and one other Vtuber CEO were up there. He said AKB48 because they are IDOLS and Japan's most popular at the time and it creates a easier image for people to understand what kind of group and work he was aiming for with Cover Corp.
>Try to make a different version of the same thread using your twitter account
>Get exposed so hard for being such a faggot you have to make another using the original bait pic
this is like the fourth thread btw
>because you narrative
That's not my narrative, I don't really have one here. You seem to be arguing with at least two people at once.
The rest is your baseless speculation . He mentioned them as an example of group of girls doing stuff together, which was kinda different from what others did at the time.
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The threads will keep forming until morale is destroyed.
It literally doesn't make sense even in Japanese for YAGOO to mention them by name, Cover was not really doing anything that much different from Nijisanji or dotlive or Gamebu which proceeded them at the time, the only thing that was or was going to make them different is IDOL content like the live events
but unikeks aren't psychopaths, right?
she collabed and found them yucky it seems. and shes spreading her wisdom to her fellow coworkers
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Are you actually retarded? Here's a picture of a seething trannie (hi there, ernoul, you're probably here) sperging directly at ERB. And if there's one picture, surely there are tons of others - your logic.
Multiple times? also that could very well explain Mio but not others.
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that guy is a /here/ fag
For me, being against homobeggars has nothing to do with the content they push for
It’s just that 99% of them are troons, fags, mexicans and all the other things I hate
you didn't answer the original question you just posted a picture of a reddit comment
go back
That's just YouTube algorithm at work, may be ease off on those transition videos.
>But unikek aren't psychopath, right?
Take your meds Okbh tranny
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I got nothing against cgdctrannies, but "99%" of the time they're misinfo faggots and catalog spammers on top of being totally un self aware hypocrites
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Based Miosha.
YouTube algorithm decides xitter bios?
here's the person making these threads by the way
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>No u
I accept your concession Okbh tranny
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rocks in glass house or something
Decides who you hear about in the first place. I personally don't know of any legit troon vtubers. Honestly. Doesn't mean they don't exist, they surely do somewhere, just not my cup of tea.
Don't rip off your cock is a house made of ripped-off cocks?
I'm talking about the fucktards who constantly screech about unicorns and “muh same company”, dumbass
see >>86109473
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Great, so both sides of the retard war are trannies. To the surprise of absolutely noone.
Always has been
Always have been. They're also filled with sisters and actual women, the more you learn.
Idol culture is the only thing funding vtubing
People who don’t pay don’t get a say now fuck off beggar
>all obvious falseflaggers
>fujo fans complaining their boys are not getting popular as the females
>also fujo fans being jealous when their boys are collabing with the girls to get some views going
women never fails to disappoint me
does it really matter when it happened? other holos do it now.
Poor kid got groomed into being a bald tranny at like 10. RIP.
Like clockwork
goddamn I love this cute wolf
>he's gonna choose to waste his life
That is a direct quote from Yagoo, retard. Guess you've found the biggest nijisis, congrats.
im ngl but the collab was hot as fuck holy shit
Total troon homo homobeggar death when?
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That one specifically is extremely mind broken, went off for hours upon hours since, self reported as a Niji and fleshie watcher and doesn't actually watch Mio but apparently "loves" her
>That random post in /r/malaysia in their language among all those schizo posts
That explains it I suppose
He spoke after the talk about Kizuna Ai, so it did make sense for him to use AKB just as an example of a group project for contrast.
My personal rrat is that interview itself was, at least partially, what pushed them towards increasing idol-poi activities. As in that Homelander scene - he didn't mean it that way but liked the public reaction.
Towa was complaining in Holotalk (i think) that she stated clearly during her auditions she intends to participate in apex etc. tournaments and everyone was okay with that, then suddenly at the debut it was NG. Which fits the timing of this panel around autumn 2019.
And if you look at who they've got for the previous gen, you can't seriously say they were intending to go the idol route at the time. To this day only Flare can sing out the five of them, not to mention dancing.
>That one specifically
He's the only one spammed in these threads. Of which this is what, sixth? Seventh? Talk about mindbreak.
>ernoul post
stopped reading
>receding hairline before 10
whatever gets the cash flowing
Now that's disgusting.
Their collabs are always funny actually, so it's a win.
Until the brown handed phase fag behind it gets bored or one of the whores that he watches cucks him again.
even in their own posts on this subject they (accidently?) imply the girls don't actually want to do it. They can't stop coming off as creeps kek
This is seriously disgusting
People like her are usually the real sluts. Bet she has "conservativ" values as well.
So true, nijisister
Friendly reminder Axel is /here/ and probably seething at picrel kek
Why would he be seething?
>he thought he was making a smart post
it's not a real post and the girl in that pic isn't transgender

homobeggars can only lie and project
Sorry to tell you but there are no pure women. The more they yell "look at me I not like the other girls" the they are just whores.
total fucking war thread, kill all homobeggers
it was over before it even begun
Lets be real even if it’s not yuck, a more like ugh you beggars would be seething anyways. You seethed at IRyS when she said it professionally and you seethed when FWMC didn’t say anything. How you want people to believe that if she said “ugh” instead of yuck you wouldn’t seethe?
If you wanna get real, who are you even talking to? There are no real beggars here, go to okhb or whatever that shithole is if you want to discuss something with them.
Don't think there's a single post ITT supporting the homos (not sure, didn't read it all but looks like it). Most of the discussion is about whether unikek trannies should kill themselves. Which they undeniably should, along with their beggar counterparts.
you're also saying this on fucking 4chan, which has had a suisei piss drinker and someone who analyzed Mori taking a shit
>when you have to go back literally like to the fucking inception of their career multiple years ago BEFORE the company was huge and they were all trying to get any exposure/sub/collabs they could
Every single time. This isn't the huge own you think it is.
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>It's ok to hang out with guys but only if it's for money
Holy cuckoldry. I think there's a specific term for such behaviour.

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