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>IRyS karaokes and violently shits


>Jet tag
>BD Merch
>SmolRyS plushie rerun
>Clear folder
>Starter Merch
>2024 Valentines merch
>2.0 Plushie

>OMOCAT merch

>Archives (Songs, Clips, Spaces, Misc.)
https://mega.nz/folder/91EUXBqT#uuMZYZmL5cUbXZcDGMCwig (Updated Karaoke)
https://mega.nz/folder/PJljFaDC#bERcB4FtvuLJpahT2AFb5Q (Ancient and dead)

>Moment of my Life
>One Step at a Time
>Quarter Bravery

>Covers and Collab songs
>Channel / Twitter

>IRyS Status/ Milestones / Karaoke / SCs

>Previous Thread

Report all "irys" posters, Brazilians, and replyschizos, post cute IRyS pictures, do NOT feed cheebs
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why is she like this...
i love her so much...
I love her even if she smells like poop
she keeps eating spoiled leftoverfoods on top of the sugary marketing "vitamin" ionic drinks
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im gonna get drunk and eat a pizza in the bath there's no way im ever fixing my sleep schedule
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yamada’s enter key looks a lot like IRyS’ halo
ok IRyS
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>and eat a pizza
Thanks for reminding me I have some microwaveable pizza and a bunch of shredded jack+cheddar cheese. Combining that with the kino IRyS karaoke we just got I want to say "we're eating good", but maybe now is not the best time to say that...
>IRyS losing her titty and thigh identity
no we already have a lot of ass holos
there is no better time
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2.0RyS has always been an ass girl.
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What the fuck did you do in there you little beast?
who saids she losing anything?
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Don't look at me. Someone said we're eating good and I took them on their word.
Choose one:
a) ThighRyS
b) IRaSs
c) IRyS Tofu
d) ThroatRyS
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No question. AssRyS
p) IRyS pussy
IRyS Tofu all day every day
by throat you mean her singing and talking for longer without any complications? I'll take that if not then tofu
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c or d
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>you mean her singing and talking for longer without any complications?
Yeah, but also throat pussy, passionate kissing, and ASMRyS. (ThroatRyS is very versatile!)
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>that face when IRyS finished up then says don't nobody go in the bathroom for about 35, 45 minutes.
why is IRyS acting so much cuter during en karaoke compared to jp karaoke...
don't start
She's just naturally cute and the JOPs don't give a shit.
I don't know she seems pretty cute in this one
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Damn, we even got IRyS is the Global thread.
*in the
Damn auto correct
its AssRyS
one of my top 5 favorite karaoke's she's done
I jwu. How soon did she say for the next stream? Very soon?
Full PackageRyS
valve collab with ame and the girls
Thank you, anon.
one of the ame streams on the 28th
im wishing for it to either be the gmod or tf2 stream desu
Which are the other four?
Right after she gets out of the bathroom. Twice.
I would assume the ending game will be gmod with the entire branch
IRyS playing deadlock would be fun tho
wow IRyS gave baa dee yah a justice
That deleted Sunday night one was amazing
post 5th fes jp one
6mo anni
Summer relay
The I can't describe this flower of hope one from this year
Im not ranking anything these are just ones I can remember, remembering is pretty important
Also there's obvious ones like the 1m sub bday or 3rd anni or wideRyS
Will I remember this karaoke? Yes yes I will
The February voice rehab stream is probably my favorite. Says she's gonna take it easy then murders Rolling in the Deep and sticks Phantom of the Opera in for good measure.
How do we feel about no AmeRyS from now on?
We never got much in the first place but if ever there were a chance that could have happened in place of the usuals, it's gone now.
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When will IRyS start her Kojima arc?
Get boycotted and booted from Hololive then become famous?
Sniffa sniffa
I just meant play snatcher and that weird baby transport game
kek now understood this image
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It's so peaceful now.
fuck you
Rude much?
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I love you IRyS!
I know
why does her bgm sound like the lazy song
How does watching IRyS change your life?
me watch wife me be happy
alrighty then, that was fun. Thanks archiveanons
zoom zoom
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im gonna kiss her
This cosplayeRyS has a pretty decent body. How much of a trainwreck is that face?
Pretty bad
IRyS being like "does this funny looking cup have soda in it?"
lol. Can't have truly nice things.
En are playing tf2, dealock and Gmod but there's no way IRyS wakes up at 5am to play from the start so realistically she'll only be on for the Gmod collab
She won't join any of that anon.
one can hope
You better post pits out of shame if she does join one
Seeing this makes me imagine that Echidna Re:Zero scene but with IRyS instead. I’d drink her body fluids in a heartbeat
do people not watch streams
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SEAmonkeys don’t watch streams they only post low effort bait. Everyone who watched the stream is pretty much asleep now. I would go to bed too but my sleep is still fucked from HoloGTA
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What does IRyS think about this?
She immediately manifests a nephilim cock with her magic

I wanna kiss the shit out of her cute little butthole.
that karaoke was so good i cant stop smiling...
im going to go fap to scat now
i have absolutely no idea how to fix my sleep
it probably involves way too much caffeine
try finding a game the fuels your autism or something and just play it
Given the karaoke I can't imagine those words were chosen at random.
Cannabis helps. No joke.
Kissing IRyS’ tummy after she begs me to
No it doesn't that's the same and drinking to sleep. There's a reason why potheads stop dreaming
I still can't believe she said that
And it hasn't become a soundpost yet?
I didn't dream in the first place and there's a difference between being a pothead and taking it medicinally.
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I pulled an all nighter then slept for 14 hours, worked for me. I don't drink coffee and all I needed was some allergy meds to get me to sleep during the day
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Couldn't watch the stream because i had to wake up for a medic appointment (went better than i hoped for), what was the song list?
september x 120
I ask you a sincere question and you answer with treacherous words and dark thoughts, i ask you again, do you stand with us?
Next time people request September IRyS should just say this ten times.
Why the fuck is Carbonated love full of leeching LoL clips before I reach the comments
>homework heave period was sopposed to be only in August
>26/9 and they're still overworking her
Cringe format
Re: setlist
The trash pop arc needs to end. IRyS should have a good long chat with DadRyS so we can see a return to classics.
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Would you guys let IRyS ride your face and pee down your throat for $500?
I would only have to pay her $500? Hell yeah, bub.
this FGO event reminded me that redjuice papa also illustrated Odysseus
When will IRyS get a Collab with Evangelion so she can be in the same place with Kaworu?
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Stop being a cuck
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oh right she always tries to gain some relevance with this
don't reply to me
Inside 900, boys.
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Really makes you think
I need whoever came up with this nailed to a cross.
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Why would you just call yourself our like that?

But enough of that... look at this dummy! Isn't she adorable?
Her chat was pretty slow, it wasn't hard for some people to get theirs picked
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I am a little bit schizophrenic
furry is there every year
Did i stutter? Was the post not clear enough? Nailed. To. A. Fucking. Cross.
You're the unme, i'm the real me, you wannabe me
But who doesn't want to see Mori get flustered at how much ring tailed lemurs are flooded?

What animal should IRyS be, though? Bun?
just listened to the vod and realized she didn't mute her mic
think we might have another mori shits on stream moment on our hands chat
Her streaming room is soundproofed she doesn't shit in there
i just didn't want the thing replying to me
damnit, but I heard hear two doors close. One being a stream room, and the other I assume was the bathroom. you might be able pick up something, especially if they were explosive as she made them appear
Imagine caring about iofi and calling anyone else a thing lmao
nah its the chair and then the door
are you sure? it sounded like two doors closing
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she can't poop theres no hole there
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Idols dont poop.
they do, and they smell. like really bad.
Fake news, fabrications even.
>shit lover ruins the thread
IRyS butthole
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On my face.
>Call IRyS your oshi
>Won't even eat her poop
thoroughly washing IRyS' anus before swirling my togue around her butthole
why is her skirt so short?
why isn't she wearing panties?
Panties are lewd.
Skirt is for show. No panties is for the express purpose of rubbing her asshole all over my face.
I’m hearing rumors of IRyS leaving the mic unmuted when she left to go to her idol meeting and that you can hear her shitting. Is this verified?
I’m just asking, dawg
It's true
We need to get the world's best detectives on the case.
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Did she always have that random japanese in her bio
holy shit go to sleep
didn't you hear? shes dropping her english fanbase soon
This guy is quickly becoming mumei schizo tier
meh. there were worse schizos before. but it's still funny seeing the monkey try to fling it's own shit and fail miserably
>what is a joke
ironic shitposting is still shitposting, retard
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Ook ook MonkeyRyS want banana
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Damn that was fast
People get excited as big number approaches.
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That's a cute and realistic mermaid.
do you like her?
i love you
a lot
thinkin bout big nephilim logs
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Thinkin' bout fat nephilim hogs.
I love IRyS but I won't touch her shit.
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It just happens sometime when you stick it in her butt.
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Go away, rat. This is the AssRyS thread.
For the past I-don't-know-how-many years I thought this was from True Lies, because I only remembered Tom Arnold. But True Lies' bathroom scene is way different and I had to watch 30 seconds before I was like, "this isn't right". Then I just looked up 'courtesy flush'.
You gotta admit. Maybe Bae is better in bed than IRyS.
Hold on a second...this isn't the official art!
go back
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Even if that were potentially the case it's not her Aussie shouting would kill every boner.
Oh its offtopic spam hours it seems
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Easily improved.
Have they said if there are any plans to make the cards in english?
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Nephilim bathroom smell status?
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Caesura is not far off for Carbonated Love to surpass too if you don't add all of its alternate versions
CoD is probably still my favorite IRyS song, but CL is definitely up there.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eKxcDWuE0g Underrated, deserved an MV
I would not call it underrated but it did deserve a MV
Bae is fitter and younger therefore the sex is much much better than a sedentary hag
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQ1Gk7dfLTU I think this is my least listened to song from her, I always just go right to Berserker or Enjoy
I actually like it alot. It's Nameless sadness that I always skip.
But Bae is still Bae. That alone ruins it. I couldn't even enjoy a hatefuck.
I listen to Journey less than I should, Sink again Rise again is my favorite of that album but most of them are rarities for me
>Bae is still Bae
NTA but in no world is that a bad thing, unless you aren't a red blooded straight guy for some reason
Obnoxious far outweighs any other attribute she has.
That's just a (You) problem I'm afraid
One step at a time is still my fav. I was so happy when she sang it in her anniversary stream
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Pretty sure it's a Bae problem.
Poke flute doko
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>Fubuki designated Ina to help with translations for GTA before IRyS or Fuwamoco
Ina is the least unreliable of the four
So I guess IRyS is simultaneously JSL and ESL.
She is intuitively fluent in both but doesn't have a strong grasp of either language in terms of being able to translate things. That being said Fuwamoco would have been better than Ina, they actually used to work as translators back in the day
IRyS should play the game Ina is playing
I think she mentioned wanting to.
Watch streams jesus
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I meant play next stream
Ina comes off as having a high IQ. She's also pretty serious (compared to IRyS and Fuwamoco which are very silly/goofy characters), while Ina seems quiet and professional. Asking for her help would also make more sense as an icebreaker for this type of person to make it easier to talk to them or get closer to them. Keep in mind some of the other EN members were intimidated by Ina at first. She just seems like such a well-put together person so by approaching her 'professionally' and THEN softening up once they get to know her goofier/softer side might make it easier for them to get closer to her that way. IRyS and Fuwamoco don't seem that hard to approach directly since they're very lively and talkative.
you come off as autistic
Better advice would be to watch vods/archives since they're already behind so they wouldn't be able to know all the lore simply by watching the latest stream (and some people don't have the schedule to keep up with live streams). Would even recommend clips if someone is very new just to get a quick summary of events if their schedule is really tight.
I like grilled onions on my fajitas
Wasn't the intention, sorry.
which is pretty funny because she is as goofy as IRyS and Fuwamoco
But she has a much higher capacity for competence.
yeah I don't think anyone who actually watches Ina can be intimidated by her, especially this stream
did the voice game get an en release yet
I wanted to try it
Ina just found out today that it came with english included
Some of the JP members think Fauna is the epitome of sexy mature vtubers. They don't realize how goofy/dorky she is because of the language barrier. This might be less of an issue with Ina, but I doubt all the other holos watch every stream she does. Think even Marine mentioned how much she looked up to Ina because of her art skills a long while back. Maybe the way she acts outside of streams seems more professional than when she goofs off during streams. She is a professional artist too and other Holomems are technically coworkers so she might have interacted more formally with them at first.
If they want the illusion of Ina being well put together shattered all they have to do is go visit her house
>all they have to do is go visit her house
Whatever you do, please don't mention this to Flare. It would destroy IRyS.
Lay off, that's just the sleeping floor next to the trashfloor.
Ina has been mistaken for a manager, Flare has been mistaken as a manager. I think IRyS has a thing for reliable seeming ladies who are pretty dorky when you get to know them.
IRyS has so little mindshare that even Fubuki doesn't know she speaks Japanese and Fubuki has hung out with her before. IRyS really needs to do something to increase her profile in EN. She is always an after thought when it comes to both fans and the talents.
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I find this hard to believe...
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...considering how often both their asses have been mistaken for home sweet home.
how the fuck can Ina be mistaken for manager she sounds like she's 2 feet tall
Thanks for the archive update, femRyStocrat
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If your cat turned out like this one morning, what would you do?
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I'll do you one better, i you posted IRyS instead?
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Will IRyS still become the Elden Lord and the True Consort?
yeah mine
sex child
IRyS will never be an Elden Lord but she will plap aliens in Mass Effect
Ina is actually a lot taller than her model
IRyS is a lot shorter than hers.
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Ina is actually tall like what anon said. most models are not accurate from their actual heights because it would weird out the mama/papa's drawing proportions
here you can see Ina is hugging leaning down and Lamy being shorter she's hugging upwards
One of the tallest in EN sans Nerissa who would probably be taller if she didn't have a titanium spine from growing too fast and getting wacky wavy spine disease.
Considering she's from MN she's probably full of goliath Norse blood.
IRyS's position actually got nerfed for actual height, I think Biboo is now either first or second with IRyS being third for smollest.
just as she intended. next she should have a flat chest
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IRyS is good in all sizes.
Bae is very short irl too, she made a tweet the other day about elementary school japanese kids being as tall as her
Idc about bae why are you bringing her up here?
Because it's relevant to a discussion about smallest en holos?
the shits offtopic tho?
go make a bait thread or something if you wanna talk about vtubers other than IRyS so bad
Are you retarded
We've been talking about other vtubers for hours now
its offtopic go be a useless whore somewhere else
Buddy this is /HiRyS/
We don't talk about IRyS here unless there's a stream going on
Hey shit for brains, learn to read, I already know this less about offtopic discussion and more about you having a tranny meltdown over a Bae mention, Biboo was brought up first and you didn't care, don't try to hide it behind a guise of "le offtopic" and own up to your hatred skunk ass faggot
NTA but Biboo was posted in the context of being shorter than IRyS while Bae's height was brought up as a random fun fact, the difference should be obvious
Not just Biboo
There were Ina mentions and Nerissa mentions yet it's the Bae mention that made him lose his shit, it's kinda funny
Uh-oh the Americuck is trying to police the thread again.
The brittranny is the one trying to police it
Pretty sure her height was brought up because she's also shorter than IRyS (at least according to this stream)
Both were brought up for similar reasons but only one activated the tranny, I don't care if he has a meltdown but it's pathetic how he tries to hide his obvious hatred behind "offtopic"
That's valid
IRyS should play OSRS
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IRyS should play Wizard101 instead desu
I want to fuck IRyS
She's mine.
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well at least now I'm guaranteed to get altria in november even if I have to reach pity
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its over...
Yeah, mine
What does that mean? He's only behind a few days, right?
he keeps messing up and adding new shit while in the process of it
NTA, but it could be because Bae is trash.
Yes, IRyS is mine and we have reproductive sex 7 times a day.
his pc keeps crashing when rendering ontop of adding polish and extra shit like hair styles everytime it does
I see...
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She's mine and mine alone. I can't stop thinking about how perfect her body is. I fall deeper and deeper in love with her with every pump. She is my Goddess and nobody else's. In her karaoke her body kept sliding up and she has the most amazing lower body. I need to grab her perfect hips and take her over and over and over again.
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Agree. She's really great.
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One day, IRyS will be pregnant and it won't be yours.
Yes, because I will be the fetus.
I'm pretty sure she doesn't even want children. I would push her for it though.
Men can't get pregnant
IRyS is a man??
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only one way to find out
What prompted the literal shitposting?
A shitter. Just go back to posting IRyS and everything will be okay.
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