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▶Tomomi Toraya◀
▶Mozumi Pichi◀
▶Super Meche◀
▶Airi Viridis◀
▶Elia Stellaria◀

>Useful Links
Lumi ARG: https://rentry.org/borbv

Previous Thread: >>86103964

Other Threads of interest:
Tsunderia Extended >>>/vt//tsunx/
Kiki Main Thread >>>/vt//pyon/
Mozzu Main Thread >>>/vt//vdere/
Large Indies Global >>>/vt//lig/
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this is the best thread on /vt/
Don’t post streams of vtubers not in the OP
Don’t post vtubers not in the OP
Don’t post about vtubers not in the OP
Only post the vtubers in the OP
Only post streams by vtubers in the OP
Only post about the vtubers in the OP
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Lumi Diablo
the return of diablo what does it mean
Lumi cute?
lumi cute!
Meche live
Yes thank you, I was getting to that
No one knows
How was Elia's stream? Did she talk about her childhood again
She learned about guns
nobody here watches elia
and I don't mean here in this general
people in this general post about bloom more than they post about anyone in the op
You're literally the only post mentioning him here
Cute. Being a Brit I wonder if she's ever handled a firearm
i didn't say they post about him here.
Meche spending too much on games... should we tell her about flashcarts and ODEs? I know their legality is perhaps a bit contested in glorious Nippon, but who has to know?
Meche has money
>ywn have meche as your voluptuous sugar mama that makes you earn your games and treats by sitting on your face
Does Mozzu ever get jelly of any of the other girls' numbas?
Could you fags start actually linking?
The link to her channel is in the op
mozzu is the one vtuber here i refuse to watch sorry /vrg/
why not
too flaky, too obsessed with numbers, treats mites and other chuubas like garbage
it sucks because she has some pretty based opinions and is rather entertaining
There is nothing wrong with Mozzu
Elia Stellaria with some Zelda game
based Elia
why are the bottom three in the op? ive never seen them mentioned let alone are retro streamers lol
there were some never talked about so they were cut and the thread absorbed /vdere/ as something new
damn thats lame. guess im going to the retro chuuba thread, good luck though
The good ones are still here
which ones did you want to talk about? i do think he should have left jowu and ami
im not going to bitch and moan over the girls who were removed, more so than adding girls who have literally nothing to do with the thread at all. this is my last statement though, I dont wanna instigate any schizoing
I'll instigate a bit in your stead then. Threads changing into absolutely whatever that's still roughly in the board's theme is completely fine otherwise your new home is /trash/, it's anyone's prerogative to push for change even if it faces resistance and adaptation and iteration. In that sense changing the OP suddenly or unannounced or single-handedly is fine in a vacuum.
That said, what a mess of a concept the thread is:
>these few girls + mozzu + mozzu's business associates
Reads like one guy's subscribed list and not a thread anyone else but him would be interested in.
there had been posts about this one
I think one person wanted it more than others on the list but his choices were mostly good or at least the ones that were getting posted about already. i don’t like clauvio but she did have her streams liveposted so maybe he was right
the v-dere girls being absorbed was because /vdere/ is dead and the posters moved here already I think was what was said
The thing with the sins ages ago was that it had a semblance of democracy. Like it or not, it was a rough popularity contest consensus even if everyone on there wasn't not for everyone. Then rigging, blah blah, other pre-history that's not worth re-iterating.
>the v-dere girls being absorbed was because /vdere/ is dead and the posters moved here already
Dead posters being absorbed sounds like some tree falling in forest making a sound riddle. Do they still make a sound?
>I think was what was said
"What a guy decided upon" would be my impression of it. But I stress that threads becoming anything at all is fine but I'm just interested in who is it for? Threads with more focused and more popular topics don't stay up.
is the cute streaming tonight?
i thought so but no it is tomorrow
>That said, what a mess of a concept the thread is:
It's a bit non-sequitur I'll give you this, but I think practically speaking it is more coherent than what /vrt/ has become. Those /vdere/ girls do stream retro if only occasionally, whereas in /vrt/ you have endless walls of linkspam of literally who's that I'm 90% sure the one posting isn't even watching. Even if I could tolerate the faggotry over there, it's almost impossible to have a conversation outside of the select few the usurpers have chosen because of all the spam. I've even seen some that only png-tube on the side but whose main content is fleshtubing being posted over there, c'mon.
Forgot to add, and it was one of the main points I was going to bring up, is despite the shaky concept, I think the thread has potential. I think the big thing hurting it is the reputation the name has garnered of recent (which is a shame because it is a good name)
I don't care much for the contents of the OP, but if this is the course from now on I think the name is better off changed. Even if some of the girls sometimes play retro it's hardly the focus of most of them.
And like you say, the thread could use a rebrand anyway.
it doesn't matter
charity stream in an hour!
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lolis in song...
She will die in a house fire.
Why didn't Tomomi take part in this?
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Huh? Did she want to?
I don’t know
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Spica is streaming by the way

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