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Rabbit Edition

>What is /choc/?
A general to discuss vtubers that have tanned, caramel, chocolate or overall darker skin color. EN, JP, Male, Babi, anything goes.

>Our Menu list

>/Choc/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>/Choc/ Skeb List

>Other Threads of interest:

If you want to add something to the Menu, reply to the OP.

Previous Thread >>85978474
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Up next on /choc/! Times in JST.
NOW: Zekai | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_wZqTLeT0M
>12AM: Hayama | Zelda
>3AM:Kiri | Forza Horizon 5
>6AM: Acti | Ricorie Monetization Celebration!
>7AM: Nyaru | Bodycam Media Share
>9AM: Bambi | Just Chatting
AND: Azura | Building LEGO (Handcam)
>10:30AM: Rara | The Stanley Parable
>11AM: Scarle | How many rubberbands to break watermelon
>12PM: Neon Harper | VRChat
AND: Mumkey | Resident Evil 2

The choc of the day is: Kimi! https://www.twitch.tv/kimibreadsticks
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>round rim glasses
I need to cum on her face
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Good OP.
Choc sex
>7AM: Nyaru | Bodycam Media Share
I'm assuming this is on youtube, but wouldn't you have to worry about submissions being too graphic, even if it's from a youtube video?
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I need chocolate milk.
I missed... I dunno though, yeah it will be on youtube though.
Damn that's a lewd bunny. Choc + Nun costume is the best!
I can't figure out who this is, OP. Please help.
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Shibi. Birthday is in 2 days.
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Choc olev
Its the last month of September so got to focus for the halloween season. I got some input from some selfposters on what they want. but can easily add more since there's still early in the process
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We need more /choc/ girls in cowprint bikinis. I have always felt they're more lewd on dark skinned girls because of the implication.
>an invitation to drink straight from the source
>but it's a brown girl instead of a white girl
>so that must mean it's chocolate milk
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Leah is playing Gourdlets
Roesalie is playing Minecraft
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Posted the wrong image
No you posted the right one. I love that art.
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San is playing Teamfight Tactics
Auteru is playing The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom
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Bodega Rat is back and chatting
Looks interesting
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love her fat rat tits
Bros, I'm gonna need a source for this in case they got comms open, for more choco rabbit
The real question is; who first?
I think it's WinterWarning on twitter or deviantart
My god, that is a model
Etro is playing Pokemon Unite
It's pretty damn sexy
I love the color palette of this design, that shade of gold goes really well with brown and red accents.
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tomboy dog https://www.twitch.tv/doqmeets
All I want in life is a harem of brown vtubers, is that so much to ask?
Yep, it is, thanks anon
Choc bear is live
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I thirst for choc milk.
This is just unfair..
oh I do, how I yearn for some choco milk
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Nyaru is watching bodycams
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/lig/ is putting together a birthday card for Nyaru, I've heard she gets some discussion here so I'm reaching out in case anyone would like to contribute. The only rules are that submissions must be SFW and have image dimensions that are a multiple of 200 (i.e. 200x200, 400x400, 200x400), but it would also be in good taste to not do things like edit other people's fanart of Nyaru for your submission, or submit something that she wouldn't understand. Nyaru's birthday is in seven days on October 3rd, I'll put out a more exact deadline as the date gets closer and Nyaru announces her own plans for her birthday

Some things for inspiration:
>Chuuba Friends (non-inclusive): Charlotte Bear, Yoro Yoyo
>Loves Japan, visits frequently (Karaoke, maid cafes, konbinis, conventions, concerts)
>Very, very big into Japanese idol culture and idol groups (AKB48, iRis)
>Nyaru is an idol herself
>Games (Team Fortress 2, Kingdom Hearts, Sonic the Hedgehog)
>Chris Chan
>Phantom of the Opera
>Anime (Kanon, AKB0048, Air)
>Nightmare on Elm Street, A Christmas Story

Model References:
brown boy chuubas are cute and are some of the biggest bottoms on the planet
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CJ is back
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Rora is playing Phasmo
Beko is chatting
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Bruji is opening pokemon cards
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I miss sana...
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Did someone already post this lady? Pre-debut but this model + rigging is absolute sex
maybe it's because she's not that popular but I would love to see Beko lewds
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Paichi is chatting
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nice find
My thirst for chocolate milk has grown greatly today thanks to this thread...
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Thanks for sharing! I'm gonna draw something for her later
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No anon! You can imagine the nipples! You will get banned like OP did!
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I want to motorboat Charlotte's big brown tits
I want to cum inside of her.
This but Chloe.
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Should I just post the drawing once done or repost the card png with my drawing on it?
Probs just the drawing by itself.
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Sorry for being a bit autistic about it but I'm not sure what size it supposed to be, it's 400x400 pixels. Will this size work once I'm done?
Nice to have her back
Scarle got killed by a watermelon, RIP to our fallen chocolate bimbo
fuck you i laughed
Rest in peace Scarle..

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