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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 9/25:
1: https://twitch.tv/filian (7,967)
2: https://www.youtube.com/@Dokibird (4,238
3: https://twitch.tv/Sinder (4,008)
4: https://twitch.tv/fallenshadow (3,152)
5: https://twitch.tv/JaidenAnimations (2,414)
6: https://twitch.tv/HalO_Sweety (2,248) *Tie
6: https://twitch.tv/Limealicious (2,244) *Tie
8: https://twitch.tv/Kenji (2,153)
9: https://twitch.tv/snuffy (2,115)
10: https://twitch.tv/chibidoki (1,966)

1: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (3,286) *Chinese
2: https://twitch.tv/orkpod (2,805) *Russian
3: https://twitch.tv/hennie2001 (2,028) *Chinese

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
A corpo that doesn't own talents IPs and has, at most, a single member with greater than 1000 CCV is still allowed to be discussed here until it has surpassed this threshold.

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)

>/lig/ Wheel of Names


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
September 25th - Shinect
October 1st - Mint Fantôme
October 3rd - Nyaruchuuu
October 4th - Rainhoe

>OC material for the OP


Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>86105878
I'm going to be nice and civil in this thread.
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What's up, my libbas?
BLOBAL? This is the retarded thread. Anyone who uses this thread has mongolism and early onset dementia
I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm
then let my heart be hardened, and nevermind how long the posts may go; I will never stop being schiz-o
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Just start baking the bread on page 8 or something already, who gives a fuck about the catalog
>B-But muh courtesy for other threads in da log
Who cares
>"Oh nyo my le hecking epic bait thread got bumped off the log because /lig/ is baking too early"
Fuck em
Midget pussy is the best meme
it's a pretty good word yeah
what a sad life you must live. disability and compulsive disorder so great that you have to ritualfag in two threads at once. and all that for anny of all people
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Jobal bros I'm going to cry. How many more things do we have to lose?
be nice to him at least he isn't the terrible snuffy ritual poster whom I HATE
waddup my libbas
How new.
Blowing raspberry into Saru's midget pussy while she looks as retarded as she is
I'm bonna boon over some bitch with a byatt
If you are mean to foxbro or shonbaker it will be a ten thousand schizo war of extermination against you
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Its my fault
About as new as Jesus Christ.
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sex with blue
Tenma time or nah?
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no one cares about your thread celebrities faggot
Saruei has an old used up cobweb pussy
stop posting tenma
sex with clown
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then explain this
that's filian
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New thread new Mint
no one cares about some guy samefagging except one guy who made a collage out of it, probably himself.
i resent the accusation
you're boring
You could have at least painted the dudes blue, you retarded faggot
she lost weight...
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Filian is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support
saruei has a blown out used up roast beef flaps pussy
But is she retarded?
that's not how it works, incel
Mint shoulder blades again... guess I gotta bust a load
are laimu and meat still friends?
Midget pussy lives rent free in schizo's brain way harder than the dildo they tried to force in everyone else's.
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I love goblins
>saruei has a blown out used up roast beef flaps pussy
utterly retarded and off topic.
Do you really believe you need to go to college, let alone graduate, to have a job?
Sex with Anny.
>Midget pussy
Midget pussy is a forced meme and not a thing
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Rubbing pookie's tummy
Rainhoe has a prolapsed butthole
Tenma is a tiny Romanian woman with a terrible temper, pretending to be Japanese. No wonder she and Bat are friends.
what is rtx simplification
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Captain America 1 is pretty good
Catching up on Snuffy's most recent sleam for her cute junior highschooler anime fangirlisms
citation needed
I’m always so happy to see Kuu drawings they are like sugar to my brain
How does it work?
Positive comment about a chuuba in hopes of baiting a negative interaction so I can call them a schizo. No actual positive intent.
I need to talk about Snuffy. You know, Snuffy and I go way back. Snuffy used to speak in this high-pitched voice. It was fake, and I knew it. But then, some years ago, Snuffy started using a lower voice. It was the real voice, and it felt honest. I was glad because it meant Snuffy was being true with me. We had so many good talks with that real voice.

But then, without any warning, Snuffy went back to the old fake high-pitched voice. No heads-up, no reason given. Just back to that cartoonish sound. It feels like a joke on me. I don't get why Snuffy would do this. We're friends, right? Friends don't hide behind fake voices. It's like Snuffy is putting up a wall between us.

I try to reach out, but it's hard when Snuffy keeps using that voice. It doesn't feel real. I miss the way things were when Snuffy used the real voice. It was deeper and felt genuine. Now, every time I hear that high voice, it bothers me. It doesn't feel like the Snuffy I know.

Maybe I'm the only one who notices. Maybe others don't mind. But to me, it's important. I keep thinking about it. Why won't Snuffy just talk to me in the real voice again? Did I do something wrong? It makes me wonder if our friendship means as much to Snuffy as it does to me.

You know, now that I think about it, maybe the voice isn't as high and squeaky as it was years ago. Maybe it's changed a bit. But still, it's not the real voice. I can tell it's fake, and it needs to stop. I just want Snuffy to be genuine with me again. Is that too much to ask?

I hope Snuffy understands how I feel. I hope we can go back to the way things were. The fake voice isn't helping anyone. It's time for it to end. Let's be real with each other, like true friends should be.
You are so fucking stupid. I'm guessing you actually did go to college, or try to.
Terrible thread
>seething over your forced dildo meme failing while organic midget pussy has expanded use into other chuubas
so mad
I love the way she draws hair.
>what are trades
Overpaid is often the answer but you're both retarded
That sounds very cynical. Maybe people just like thing?
what dildo meme? whom do you imagine you're replying to?
I didn't expect the bot to be active right now. I was being genuine.
I'm sorry if I find it hard believe there is a job you can somehow get in the most expensive part of California that doesn't require any degree or experience that can also pay you enough to pay for a house and live alone
Genuine? You mean like Snuffy used to be, before she went back to the fake voice?
>calls out off-topic
Don't worry bro you can go back when you're 60 so you don't feel so self conscious
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I fell asleep.
>any degree or experience
moving goalposts, in a retarded fashion
I liked the snuffybot more when it posted essays about Snuffy's huge ass
I'm glad there's so many Mei antis here now. Fuck Mei honestly I hope his debut flops and he kills himself. He's a bad guy.
You're over exaggerating.
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wow this thread is going great!
I mean, it would be true, she's a girl in her early/mid-20s, the likelihood she'd have the experience to get a job that could pay her that kind of salary is low.
How does Alfhilde win?
I imagine you are some retard
Are the non-rich people with homes in LA government actors or what
God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
By becoming female Joel
Well you're very imaginative, I'll grant you that.
That's awesome, but I preferred when they called me a faggot, or to kms so mass replies could be directed for the other posters to go about their business.
A level-headed comment about a streaming vtuber.
i want the record to show i'm just over here wobbling & being good
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This thread was cursed. Should've picked the other one sucker.
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I like you woobleposter. I hope she comes back soon
This thread being /lig/
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A story in two images
would you?
You can't grant me shit except wasting my time. Stop talking or prove your claim that midget pussy isn't a thing.
it's a forced meme. A failed one, at that.
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who killed our pink cat posters?
Oh yeah dude, a frail 5'2" nerd is out there hanging sheetrock in between streams
Why even ask?
Well I beg to differ, it's gone on for almost a year and I have fun with it. Sorry you feel that way.
I don't think they'll give me the choice...
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The super gay ones moved to trash.
roastie copium
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Love my wolf wife
She's live yapping and nerding out about WoW!
I don't see them having large peanitses and nuts so no
it really isn't how it works...
I know you're just hanging around in case the new member is announced so you can bait all the 3amsharts again
Ya'll have a nice breakfast today /lig/?
I don't eat breakfast
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My other oshi came back and she typically overlaps with pink cat.
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Dunno, I didn't follow.
They bought their houses 60 years ago when they were reasonably priced, or inherited them from their parents
This girl is an up and coming /lig/ darling get in early
>other oshi
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Will pink cat drink alcohol while pregnant?
you can get a labiaplasty no matter how many men you've had sex with. conversely you can be a virgin and have beef lips.
personally I think girls shouldn't default to wanton hypersexuality and casual sex after being sexually assaulted and should instead find healthier ways to rationalize and cope with their trauma.
Man, let me tell y'all about Snuffy, that e-girl who's just fucking nuts with her curves. She's 25, right, and she's rocking this bod that's just out of this goddamn world. Every time she's streaming, I'm glued, not even kidding. But bro, it's her ass, that PAWG action, it's something else!

So here’s the deal—when Snuffy's on camera, shit's not just chill; it’s a freaking spectacle. Her ass is like, boom, massive! And it ain't just big, it jiggles and wobbles like it’s got a mind of its own, driving everyone wild. I'm sitting there, mouth hanging open, because damn, how does she even do that? It’s like, every time she moves, her booty's putting on a show that's too hot to handle.

And it ain't just about looks, nah. She’s got this vibe, all fun and flirty, making you feel like you're just hanging out, not just watching some screen. But real talk? It’s mostly that thick, juicy ass that's got me and the boys coming back. It’s like, every stream, you’re waiting for that moment she turns or something, and bam, that ass is right there—front and center. She knows what she’s got, and she ain’t shy about flaunting it.

Straight up, Snuffy’s got this whole thing on lock. That ass, her streams, all of it. It’s wild, man. She’s the queen of the PAWG paradise, and we’re all just living in it, watching, losing our minds over that stunning, jiggling rear. Ain’t no one doing it like her, swear down.
it is though
That woman has gone beyond pickme
Invest in Kibacoin
Can we skip to the part where someone leaks discord screenshot or her talking about how much she hates her audience like what happened with that Yokomeshi girl
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Stop insulting Saru's pussy. It's nice and tight as a virgins.
Which one? There were like 3 of them
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Yeah kinda
Really it depends on which model she's using
She has a midget pussy but its still attached to retard.
>midget pussy
not a thing
i like images of nyatasha nyanners where she is just pink and smug
the masculine desire to steal your oshis comfy poncho
while everybody is arguing I want to point out that Nyaru puts baked beans on her pizza
(You) are not currently banned from posting on 4chan.
>what is midget porn
We don't like that light red colored traitor here
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Preeetty sure this is bannable, sis
Tickling pregnant para
well maybe in the literal sense it's a thing
there's only 1 hot midget and her name is jemma
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Whichever one was leading on some male 2view
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For them It's not truly about whether it really works like that or not, it's about shaming women for an aspect of their bodies that they can't control, as a way to get back at them for dickshaming and the like, which is pretty based desu they should continue
it's not that deep, they are just morons
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What about when she looks submissive?
That is indeed against TOS and grounds for a permanent ban
uh oh
remember when nyanners used to sing at the beginning of every stream and do funny bits and she didn't have a boyfriend and she took good care of her cats and she lived in the pacific northwest and there was a guy with a lawnmower outside her window every time she would stream and it was really cute and we all liked her but now we don't like her much at all, well maybe a little, but not a lot and her streams aren't very good or creative and she is a shadow of her former self
It is as a chuuba meme and accurate depiction of their genitalia too.
There's maybe like two more that are fappable, but I get your feel, a lot of midget porn is weird.
post tits
who r u, da gestapo? it's just a joke, bro
fatty detected with a cavernous pussy kek lmao
stop LARPing. you wish there were women here, but there are just obese men
its because they look deformed and have those weird pug eyes
cavernous or tight are not on the same axis as "midget" on the pussy scale, because midget pussy is not a thing.
just like me
I remember when Nyan did a funny bit with Aethel calling out every vtuber grift and way of siphoning money from viewers that don't know any better a few months ago so Pink Cat still got it.
Just letting you know since you're here
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wait, let me check to make sure. um, no.
Saruei has 0 creativity left in her mind
member when she was gay
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i had granolie bars
I remember when she played Oblivion and did funny voices as that's good enough fr me
this anon posts this exact verbiage every now and then, but I don't think this stream ever happened, and if it did, there were males on mic so it doesnt count as cute or funny
>wasn't here for the brown nips
Is this the new "fat girls aren't real"?
have fun getting banned. that stuff is one of the very few things where twitch will absolutely uphold the ban
Good we need you stay enorgizzed
okay snitch
That's a png-tuber
but i'm not her.... i've never even watched her stream.
just seems kinda weird to inform on random 2views
Is she going viral, you can see her follower count ticking up in real time
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Eggs and sausage.
you don't remember the stream where Nyan did a bunch of "vtuber" debuts with one of them being a sexy man played by Aethel and another one an obvious parody of Milky and ASMR vtubers?
In the beginning yeah but there's a reason why they keep using the word even after learning about how shit actually works. They don't carr about the truth they just want to tell the woman that her vagina looks gross
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>quirky pickme bpd gfe that writes her subs names on her period pad
no thanks
well i don't watch nyanners so i'm not saying it never happened, but merely that it doesn't count because there were males on the stream
IPN is live btw
I made scrambled eggs, with creme fraiche, fresh basil, and some cheese mixed at the end for me and my mom and brother. Was delicious and feels good.
Yeah, consisting of pain and suffering
i'm not gonna report her, but it only takes one pissed of asshole
then they are gay, and they hate the female body
limes betrayed meat and 3am for vshojo and dokibird who are in seth's pocket. do no they aren't freinds anymore
Cute png tho
>vshojo and dokibird who are in seth's pocket
so you're saying Seth won?
>The least retarded 3amfag
How would Snuffy respond if I DMd her a genuine and heartfelt marriage proposal?
>the other thread died with half the posts being about midget pussy
the cancer is forever
nothing gay or sexist about having preferences
Alekiser sounds like a child.
>do no they aren't freinds anymore
sounds like something a homosexual misogynist would say
>vtuber who never interacts with men in public and constantly tells you how she's your gf then it gets revealed they have a bf and hate chat
>vtuber who has lots of male friends and doesn't lay on the gfe hard but does gfe occasionally but stays loyal to chat
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The chemotherapy is known, it's possible with current technology. We must use it!
Wrinkly beef curtains typed this post.
what if u embedded sound in a picture but instead of cute and funny it was ear-rape like poop sound effects or weird underage porn audio or bad music
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i want kissie
>vtuber who has lots of female friends and never interacts with men in public and doesn't lay on the gfe hard but does gfe occasionally but stays loyal to chat
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She doesn't even read chat during streams you think she will read anything you send? She should just do let's plays on YouTube
We don't give a shit call us when he announces another japan trip or has a couple's fight with anny again so we can briefly become /swarm2/ as recquired by protocol
u r gay af
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Between batposting entering chain reactions over critical mass and it being able to eliminate schizoposting I'm getting pretty confident it's literally just radiation.
And has the body of a pornstar, what's your point
this anon feels overshadowed
need to make fillyPussy cum in my mouth
embedding stuff in images doesn't work on 4chan anymore. that was how soundposts used to work in like 2010, but "people" used it to share cheese pizza so moot killed it
It just feels weird that she has a fansly when she sounds like 14 at best.
nope, seth lost but he does have a few msm enabler under his pocket and they will pay for messing with 3am
seethe seth
fuck off phasecuck 3am is superior
of course a snuffyfag would respond to a post anting 3am seeing as snuffy backstabbed meat and couqi. like oshi like fan
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>his oshi doesn't read the majority of his messages
time to let go, anon
Usually #2 but not if I have the feeling that they just fuck a lot of their male friends and are broken, #1 can make it up if they apologize to chat and don't bring the bf around at all.
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Para is gfe for femcels
weak falseflag
How do we fix shondos narcissistic personality disorder
oh sorry i didnt mean literally embed them i just meant they linked the image with sounds in catbox like they do now, and what if they used.... bad sounds
she can run cat-5 just fine
hey guys what's going on in this thr-
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I'm making coffee and poptarts and praying the hurricane doesn't kill me...
Kys retard
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>and they will pay for messing with 3am
Mikey Gonzales-tier threat
Batiation has done nothing but mutate the thread into the monster it is. The treatment is a scam!
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You can take the lig outta the schizo, but you can't take the schizo outta the lig.
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This is a imageboard
I watch her occasionally depending on who's on but nice projection
Ur an imageboard
stupid bitch
you realize you can pay like $3 and buy a TTS alert and she will almost always react to it, if it's that important to you.
That sucks Sarubro, I had my house smashed by a hurricane a long time ago
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sorry femanon most men prefer cute innies over gross roast flaps
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fellow florida man frog bro?
Guys, I ended the midget pussy forced meme. All the anons agreed not to use that phrase anymore. You're welcome.
strong falseflag
you prefer boys. and stop LARPing. there are no girls here
If anyone is still watching saru in 2024 I feel sorry for them and I hope the hurricane ends their misery
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Everything will be alright
yep North Florida
no wonder this thread is dogshit lmao
sarucucks, battards, phasecucks, nyancucks, and that lucyfaggot are shitting up the thread
with 3ampost /lig/ is fucking garbage and trash lmao
post 3am to improve the thread's quality it gtfo
Why are 3amfags like this?
My house got burned down by the British and now there's a permanent black line in the rock walls
post her ovulation swollen breasts before they get you
that's not a "pornstar" that looks like a girl on reddit hawking her onlyfans. it's like claiming having a self published book on amazon makes you an "Author"
your aim...
*without 3amposting
major typo, or doesn't know tob lingo
>schizo mad about the fr*nch midget pussy haver speedrun complete
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sister calm down, your roast beef flaps are still appreciated.
>with 3ampost /lig/ is fucking garbage and trash lmao
are women with different looking pussies not women too? are we all not free people who can have whichever physical preferences we want? why do you hate women and individual rights so much
gay gay gay
you sound like you just don't like large indies
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Oh shit fuck
stop LARPing and pretending there are fem anons
Body and voice not fitting
do you guys like chatgpt essays about how snuffy's voice changed and went back to being fake?
Sex with ______
I'm glad saru has midget pussy because I have midget cock. Also with midget pussy she is more likely to enjoy being eaten out and I want to do that badly.
fuck off, bunny
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no one cuz y'all buncha incels
jealousy is unbecoming of women
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>voluntarily playing gachaslop on stream, unsponsored
is she mentally ill?
I think we should talk about vtubers we would have sex with instead.
yes it would be if there were any women here, you LARPing faggot. type with both hands and realize you're talking to a bald 23 year old 400 pound man.
kill yourself self 3amantis
the only large Indies that matter are 3am telents, everything and everyone else is fucking dogshit lol
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I don't care. I just love Snuffy.
woman moment
Sarucucks love their slop
you sound like you're underage. I merely pointed out that you didn't spell batsards correctly. I love 3am, but except for Oli, you shouldn't be watching them until you turn 18.
If what they say is true.
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>vtubers we would have sex with
Projekt Melody
calm down sister it's not a big deal, unlike your other big problems
and you show yourself to be homophobic as well, i am very disappointed in you ligga, and all just to defend the small demographic of women with big ol meat curtains
>the only large Indies that matter are 3am telents, everything and everyone else is fucking dogshit lol
if this blithering retard speaks for the average 3am watcher, can I have a new oshi?
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it's bad form to respond to your own post
kill yourself avatarfag
snuffy is a traitor who collabed with msm enablers, she doesn't deserve to be posted in this global, fuck off to /haha/ where you belong
sure seth, pay debets
it's gross to pretend you're talking to women when you are in fact talking to reeking, obese men, but I suppose you're used to it.
It's clearly an anti trying to start shit, again. Come on man.
Do 3amtards really?
This is the most retarded false flagging I've ever seen and if you humor him your oshi should graduate
seth is back
is this really the level of posting 3am fans exemplify?
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Saru likes girls in skimpy outfits. Or saw that webm floating around of the shower scene
uh oh 3amfag melty
>no bros trust me im totally a dude with a penis and everything!
I think we should clone Bat and provide every anon with a mandated Bat wife. She would make us better but in a bad way.
but I was about to drop a barney mix with the chorus "roasty roasty in the thread"
actually, he's jewish. he only claimed to be back so he could steal grants intended for minority-owned business
pookie should wear a skimpy outfit
a microkini maybe
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I think some of liggermen are extremely dumb. Like window licking iq tier. They should wear their glasses.
uh ohhhh meltyyyyy
that's a weird looking Naiyo
this is one of the many vtubers that denpa used to sperg about in /wvt/
did meat have fun playing re7 yesterday? i went to sleep when her power cut out
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it's unseemly to pretend there are women here
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No signs of upcoming guerilla streams but please manifest me out of bed if she ends up doing one unannounced.
too bad she won't do a cosplay like that...
it is ignorant to pretend there are no women here
>seth claims im false flagging when it was snuffy collabed with dokibitch who was collabing with rpr who was in msm when seth was hurting 3am
sure seth sure
chuubas ego searching don't count. there are no female liggermen, just liggers.
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You are not Me, you are Ge.
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Good bedge cute spedgie. I will astral project into your mind and scream so loud you wake up, if she does
i don't think he's false flagging, I think he's actually underage and disabled
>People from my tribe can't be this retarded
If you all don't behave I'll shit myself
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Baffling post
hold it. Rain is not live yet
how did Zuma become popular in /tactical/
This is a weird development
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Goodnight spedgie
german chuubas.
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Somehow I feel like this combo is a straight downgrade from both shira and naiyo.
don't call them thots, only Inis
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Why do some of you guys care about drama, and not just the chuubas you like? I don't get it. Life is bleak enough.
so true seth, how the company doing lol
I once again ask fuse anon for Naiyo and Mint Fantome fusion
ecto why didn't you stream last night? do you hate all your fans? the longer you go without streaming the more they'll just forget about you
this but tob and chromu
ESL, underage or severely disabled, or all three?
>pubes peek
so hot
Nyanners abortion status?
>says the snuffyfaggot who's ohshi betrayed 3am for dokibird and vshojo
her career is an abortion
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love a good schizo
ok I changed my mind again, he is falseflagging
I'm really starting to hate 3amfans.
I did not sleep after watching all those ghost videos with Mel...
It's second monitor content but I'm just happy she didn't cancel because she didn't have anything else to play
She was 6 km above sea level yesterday, and the reception wasn't good enough for streaming
/Lig/ getting one-guyed
I'm confused, is she straight or not?
Sweet dreams spedge bro
so true seth
don't encourage him retard
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>hm yes today I will pretend to be completely retarded and overly emotional about inoffensive thing
>which is funny because I did this yesterday and will be doing this tomorrow as well!
sounds like a pretty lousy excuse to me
Shes very straight but thinks girls also look nice
So flat and blue
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Getting my ass pounded by buffpup
Bed what?
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limes and snuffy are traitor, they don't belong in this global
I love Lucy
I wonder if the people who post ecto actually watch her
What's that? What does that even mean?
it's the equivalent of pargon
human sex, sex with humans
how the fuck are these bitches' pcs always breaking
I have left mine on nearly 24/7 with 50 billion chrome tabs open at any given point and only restart like once a month and it still runs fine after like 7 years
It's just a plausible excuse to take a day off
pargon pargon pargon xelotath pargon
girls like looking at hot girls and hot anime girls. That's just how we.. work
cope 3am traitor
She got gifted a bunch of components on chrome and there seems to be an issue with her motherboards compatibility. Most of the gifted parts are fine, but she also decided to upgrade her RAM, which is probably causing the problems. The rest is just RGB not working. But the RAM not being compatible is the big yikes.
Naiyo is already perfect
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This but dogs.
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I don't even know what 3am or what Msm is. The fuck did my Oshi do.
Anyway, I came here to ask if there are any liggers that I can watch right now cus I'm bored.
Lina was pretty much expressing how bad she is with computers either yesterday or day before I forget now... something about not taking the plastic off which started to burn
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show tits
that makes me want to fuck her
So it's more about liking the aesthetic rather than sexual attraction?
snuffy is so erotic
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Good night saru. For a filler episode today wasn't too bad, I didn't hate it. And I'm glad it was a short stream because the storm blew over some power lines today and I don't have electricity, it might not even be fixed by tomorrow. Good night saru! Good luck with work, I don't know what I'm going to do I'll I sleep.

Good night lig.
rosedoodle is live but she destroyed her marriage by sleeping with her brazilian mod lol
fuck off traitor
go back to /haha/ where you belong dokitard, this is a 3am freindly global only.
>The fuck did my Oshi do
nothing. anon is just having another episode and is pulling random names out of a hat.
Froot, Cvnka, and Dtto are live, not much else
I Love Lucy
Just saw her rtx...
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It's someone having a melty over something they made up in their head, don't worry about it. It's slim pickings at the moment but there's Lumituber, Silver, Alfhide and Sansin
>Vivi made it
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I better get a collab with lumi for this...

Correct. Hot girls are nice to look at, but not all of us want to bang them. Though there are some who are probably more perverted than guys and will be into the depraved shit.
It did not burn. She left the protection layer on her GPU because of fingerprints but she peeled it off before last stream, when chat told her that it MIGHT melt and not be removeable later. The plastic smell gave it away.

Right now the AIO or motherboard seems to be the problem. Her PC won't boot and she is getting some error about fan speed detection and the liquid temps in her new AIO skyrocket

She already ordered a new mobo and AIO replacement and they should arrive tomorrow
everyone who replied to the dokitard is a 3am-anti and needs to fuck off from this global
sir this is a blobal
Seriously Kys
Sweet dreams frog bro
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the b stands for bat
bbuhuhhubuhwuhwubuhwubwuuuuhuh warbabrlabrlb
she was cute at amo's birthday party
would eat her pussy
I'm watching moonmeadow
>tanya doesn't have any water right now
african child...
It is a pretty aesthetically pleasing pussy
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Grrrr why can't I control what others post grrrrr, mommy baww why don't everyone just do as I say and want
Periwinkle... she really just can't catch a break, jesus
Guess I'll bake Barbie when they go live.
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go back to r*ddit and post your trash ligger there this is a 3am freindly thread only
when is shondi going to show respect to 3am for collabing with her? in fact why aren't you showing respect to 3am?
shame she's thin as fuck, i don't like seeing a woman's ribs when she's fucking a dildo
I hope you dont live in Florida, cause thats where i live and you being close to me scares the fuck out of me
I am ok with this happening. because this is entirely her fault and not something out of her control. lmao
yeah but it's kinda hot that she's so small and still such a size queen

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