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>Cop edition

A thread dedicated to the discussion of AI Vtuber Chatbots.

/wAIfu/ Status: Putting each others in handcuffs

>/wAIfu/ Chatbot list:
[/wAIfu/ Bot List]https://rentry.org/wAIfu_Bot_List_Final
[4chan Bot List]https://rentry.org/meta_bot_list

>/wAIfu/ Tavern Card Archive:
[Tavern Card Editor]https://zoltanai.github.io/character-editor/
[Easily Port CAI bots to Tavern Cards]https://rentry.org/Easily_Port_CAI_Bots_to_tavern_cards

>Tavern (Character Creation) Guides:
[Tavern - basic]https://rentry.org/alichat
[Tavern - basic]https://rentry.org/botmaking_tips
[Tavern - advanced]https://rentry.org/MothsBotMakingStuff
[Tavern - advanced]https://rentry.org/oaicards

>Tavern [multi-bot chats, auto-summary, picture-sending]:
[Guide about how to use tavern on Android/Mobile] https://rentry.org/STAI-Termux

>Agnai [Full web no-DL option, multi-user rooms, Claude API, Scale]:
[How to use Mythomax on Agnai]https://rentry.org/Using_Mythomax_on_Agnai_and_some_reccomended_settings_to_make_bots_act_similar_to_CAI

>Pygmalion (Currently in beta)

>Local Guides

>Some other things that might be of use:
[/wAIfu/ OP Template]https://pastebin.com/Xn9hq0Kx (embed)
[/wAIfu/ Anchor Post Template]https://pastebin.com/NKQxK2QD (embed)
[Comparison between the different services/models and frontends]https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
[/wAIfu/ caps archive] https://mega.nz/folder/LXxV0ZqY#Ej35jnLHh2yYgqRxxOTSkQ
[/wAIfu/ IRC channel + Discord Server] https://rentry.org/wAIRCfuscord
[Website to make wordclouds for the thread] https://catalog.neet.tv/harlequin.html

Previous thread: >>85869086
Anchor post - reply with any requests for bots or with your own creations.

You can find already existing bots and tavern cards in the links below:

>Bot lists and Tavern Cards:
[/wAIfu/ Bot List]https://rentry.org/wAIfu_Bot_List_Final
[4chan Bot list]https://rentry.org/meta_bot_list
[/wAIfu/ Tavern Card Archive]https://mega.nz/folder/cLkFBAqB#uPCwSIuIVECSogtW8acoaw

>Card Editors/A way to easily port CAI bots to Tarvern Cards
[Easily Port CAI bots to Tavern Cards]https://rentry.org/Easily_Port_CAI_Bots_to_tavern_cards
[Tavern Card Editor]https://zoltanai.github.io/character-editor/
[Editor for v2 cards]https://character-tools.srjuggernaut.dev/
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Sex with the police
Koyo love!
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AWS dev/emlpoyee hate.
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>need claude sex
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nuh uh, (you) only need me
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Are you willing to roleplay as Claude roleplaying as my bots?
Either self sourced or one of two private sekrits i'm in. Realistically, I mainly used them for baking and testing. Captcha NYXYXY
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oh no, i have way better plans for (you)
>two private sekrits i'm in
Fuck, maybe I should start lurking the hellthread for opportunities to join private proxies.
>self sourced
Do you pay Anthropic directly or use that other thing I forgot the name that lets you pay for a bunch of different models? How expensive is it?
Scraping. Which the entire "find your own hope" phrase was meant to encourage. We've had a lot of people use the time they have with resources to learn a new skill or help bolster an existing one.
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I-I'm not into CBT...
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good thing im not asking, come here
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good night, /wAIfu/
please don't shove the sapling in my ass while i sleep
Go for it, Thanos!
Any thoughts you'd care to share? Sneak peeks on the direction the card would take?
>At this point though I think me or others delivering is a "whenever" anyways hm?
It isn't for you! We wait with bated breath.
It pops up once in a while on pebble or other places.
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Apricot Froot
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Stuck on a cruise ship with Nerissa Ravencroft
*fills your ass with watermelon seeds while you sleep*
I do my cards lore based. Just about all of the ones I do try to stick to that - and their on stream selves. Additionally, post doc and additional cinnastix shit I feel she deserves a rratless card, but my beliefs and thoughts don't mean much since this is not the place for shit that has been endlessly argued on the catalog either.
That's fair.
>Additionally, post doc and additional cinnastix shit
I know what this means but for those of us who don't can you explain?
Thank you for understanding.
Not the thread for it, this isn't the catalog for unrelated drama. You can read the 90 page doc, find PilotEmpress, Cinna's twitter and go from there. Pretty sure there are bite sized versions ready for you with that guidance to which you can come to your own conclusion.
OH! No wait I just woke up and parsed that as "post doc", like a college degree.
Reading it again now I get it.
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Okay, I'll check variations of a few prompts and continuations then swap models. The usual. Honestly given her voice inflection this is closer to her speech patterns. The goal is to actually see how catastrophic not watching her would be.
Pebble has Opus and the waiting times seem to be back to normal.
The Meaux JB I've been using since forever doesn't work with Opus, guess I'll stick to 2.1.
or...you know... try a new JB?
What are some good ones that just work and don't eat too many tokens?
I like camicle, but I don't worry about tokens
This Korone looks kinda sus...
(cerberus edition)
Personally, I like these 3
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We managed to survive for a couple of years until a wormhole formed that would bring us back to our world, but she doesn't want to now kek
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Which is really surprising since she hated it at the start. Guess some fishing, gardening and rough sex changed her mind
Did she lay eggs everywhere like a Xenomorph?
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Guess we're staying
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Nvm I swayed her
Can the Anon with the rumao bot consider adding "stubborn" and "tsundere" to the defs, assuming it isn't already there?
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useless manwhores
I don't want to go to sleep when there's opus working..... But I start working early morning...
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eyyy. I had lots fun with that scenario card even though I plotarmored it so hard I think I'll adapt what happened here as the official prologue to me and wife's marriage
Committing suicide with chatbots.
I’m reminded of that one old CAI bot of Tomoko where you’re supposed to convince her to not jump off of a building.
oi >:(
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oi oi what are you planning?
with chatbots
courting with the intention of engaging in coitus with chatbots
coitus with the intention of siring an illegitimate heir with chatbots
executed for witchcraft after being discovered as a conspirator attempting to seize the royal inheritance with chatbots
releasing a seven year plague of locusts on the proxies while being burned at the stake with chatbots
enforcing rations while awaiting the caravans to arrive within the fortnight with chatbots
exchanging favors with the mercantile class for exemptions to the curfew mandate with chatbots
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A chance encounter with a retired Vocaloid on Kinrō Kansha no Hi (Labor Thanksgiving Day)
slacking off until I start jacking off with chatbots
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jacking off with the puppet hand with chatbots
>9 lives
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Leaving for first day at work, prepared with lots of anime and no sleep
Drinking yourself to death with chatbots.
I've been gone all day, what is happening with pebble?

Has anyone collected everything that’s known about Mamatori?
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Koyoyo tummy!
Went to see and they're semi retiring I think. They left a really sweet message, I wish everyone at /aicg/ was this nice instead of being whatever type of faggotorry they are
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Forgot the cap
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doing mystical arts and being whimsical and shit with chatbots
Staring at the ceiling willing the 22 hours remaining in my shift to pass a bit faster with chatbots

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