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autumncore edition

/wvt/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss English-speaking VTubers.
Include a picture and a link so we know who they are and how to watch!

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>Previous thread
Who's the artist for that?
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finnish pokemon autist librarian's opening some card packs on-stream!
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right here
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fluffy woolly mammoth's live with subnautica: below zero
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oh neat, i didn't know she changed the starting soon screen
Oml thats some cute art who made it?
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rrat's reading more class of 09 after some chatting!
Pls respond I want to commission the artist...
Ops sorry phone posting makes me retarded
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not anymore
military aviation shark's trying to survive inawoods while chatting with her viewers
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egh dangit i swore i had an image picked
Retard >>86116066
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cute fae maid's getting into retro streaming with Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey!
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denpa net nurse is playing some Pikmin 2
Literally just woke up from a nap a moment ago listening to her asmr. KK GFE when?
Would kitanya know how to make pre-recorded gameplay footage fun, and useful?
Where’s the prerecorded gameplay footage? Post it. I’ll use it.
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she has such a cute thumbnail for this
>Lapin is having her 4th anniversary tomorrow
Sometimes I forget that sje debuted a couple months before everyone
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loud goat woman's live with My Friendly Neighborhood!
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confused chicken's checking out the new Zelda game tonight
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robo kamen rider's exploring more of pacific drive!
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silly shotapire's doing some super mario bros 2 practice speedrunning
DM me.
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library committee ojou's looking at telefang 2: power version's postgame content!
>fang in 3am
>kyu and margo in the viewercord corpo
what's the point of the popn start rebrand?
Where do you see that
>what's the point of the popn start rebrand?
Ditching the troons
I'm a retard I confused her with Purity
>the two in the rebrand and not in a minicorpo are troons
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cool chuuni's taking care of a few sidequests in FF7 Rebirth's hard mode
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huh, neat
who is she drawing?
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Digby continues his efforts to survive the blighted WW3 future of the Forever Winter
Digby likes winter but not this much


>1st (8 votes)
>2nd (6 votes)
>3rd (4 votes)
>4th (3 votes)
>5th (2 votes) (Tied)
10/10 and 5/10
>7th (0 votes)

Looking at the results, it can be concluded that RP server type streams are divisive. As The first and second place votes are at opposite ends of the rating scale (0/10 and 6.5/10).
With that said, it is rather apparent that they are not popular. This can be concluded via three metrics: the mode (highest voted rating); the mean (the sum of each vote multipled by the rating value divided by the total amount of votes); and the median (the rating choosen by the middle most voter qhich int this case would be the 13th vote). The mean is 3.5/10, the median is 3-4/10 and the mode is 0/10. Both the mean and median are similar numbers. All three types of averages are below 5/10, showing that the thread has a negative view of RP servers.This result isn't too surprising as a significant amount of anons here show a rather apathetic/negative attitude to vtubers when they indulge in the more kayfabe/lore heavy side of vtubing.
Twenty five (25) votes were counted for this poal which is above what is to be expected. This was a single choice poal so I expected the amount of votes counted to be substantially lower than the usual (like a quarter to a third). The fact that it was almost half of the usual surprised me slightly. THANK YOU /wvt/ FOR PARTICIPATING IN THIS POAL!

I hope to create the September poal by Monday if laziness doesn;t take over...
but half of them still are?
>With that said, it is rather apparent that they are not popular.
Yeah honestly I barely see anyone discuss it even in /lig/
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>This result isn't too surprising as a significant amount of anons here show a rather apathetic/negative attitude to vtubers when they indulge in the more kayfabe/lore heavy side of vtubing
this is a bit much. game RP is usually limited to that specific game, it cannot truly be called "heavy lore". i think the bigger issue people take with collab servers is that they're another type of large-cast collab that is aimed way more at the streamer enjoying themselves than engaging viewers
there's also people apposed to who got picked for the lineup, especially malechuuba antis
>more kayfabe/lore heavy side of vtubing.
but none of the RP streams were as their vtuber character
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cute emo bear's streaming some left 4 dead 2!
what a slutty outfit this light-skinned bear is wearing
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autist ice fox is chatting for a bit before starting frostpunk 2
also she's looking into investing more in GFE apparently
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finnish combat medic's live with Dragon Ball Z: Budokai!
>/lig/ barely discussed the server
That's actually extremely surprising. I recall there being a significant amount of /lig/ chuubas there. Was it that unappealing for them?
You make a lot of valid points. RP server streams can and often do devolve into more collab focused events rather than ones that keep the viewers in mind.
Just because a vtuber is playing another character doesn't mean that kayfabe isn't involved. The character tends to have their own backstory, personality and way of speaking which the vtuber tries their best to stick to. Especially if they encounter other vtubers. That to me is strong kayfabe. Kayfabe is the act of creating a believable story without doing actions which would remove the immersion from the viewer.
>That to me is strong kayfabe.
Strong GTA5 RP kayfabe, which no one gives a shit about
That is the point that I made previously.
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>Just because a vtuber is playing another character doesn't mean that kayfabe isn't involved
what separates a game-specific RP character from a chuuba playing another character on multiple streams? i can't put it into words yet, but the appeal still feels different. i think the koragiverse characters would've been way less impressive if they were only used for minecraft or something like that
Hauntvania perfected keyfob.
I think it's mainly the difference in investment vs reward betweenthe two types. Game characters are stuck to the game they are based in and rarely have supplementary material to create interesting scenarios. Vtuber created characters can show up during any stream and the vtuber can do more creative streams to expand the characters further. Basically, game characters require the viewer to do more heavy lifting for them to be just as interesting as a vtuber created character.
Has she played Frostpunk 1 before?
The vote of 24 4chan users doesn't reflect well on the average market.
Just look at the obsession people have with manga, books, television series, and trading cards.
People love fiction. People love to immerse themselves with fiction.
Those 25 suckers probably only view to chat for attention, and were upset that the roleplay, and gameplay was getting in the way of them organizing a phone circle at offkai.
If vtubers had an audience the way holo has an audience then there might be more vtubers like hauntvania who like to play a character, but until we seperate the casual innit 4the phone circle vtubers from the genuine showmen the audience in the thread who plays a role in community activities like poll voting will always wear spacers handmedown shoes, and akwardly walk in his footsteps.
Someone bought cliff mcconaire the exact thing he said he'll never use lmao
why did he say he'd never use one?
He is a digital composer he can't and never plays physical musical instruments
>collecting things you don't use is bad.
Think of it as a memento.
basically he's too lazy to change strings, which isn't difficult at all for most guitars. He already owns multiple guitars so I have no idea why this one would be any different
if you're too lazy to change strings you already lack the patience to learn an instrument rumao
Rebel, I would appreciate it if you would cease taking every opinion that does not align with your own in bad faith. That does not foster any constructive discussion nor help build vtubers into a brighter future.
Side note: Please think more deeply about what you are going to say before saying it. Otherwise people will interpret your actions negatively and you will not help move vtubers in yhe direction you wish for them to go in to.
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A memento MORI one might says
speaking of people who have instruments and can't play them kek
Vtuber doesn't read this thread anymore so his advice is kinda pointless
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Why was she and botan the only competent cops... more importantly, why did taso and koropapa cuck dr fox so hard... it's not fucking fair...
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peruvian drow merchant hag's enjoying more Metro 2033
well this won't age well
Maybe so. However, for the good of the thread or at the very least for my own sanity, rebel needs to improve his argumentation and rhetoric. His posts feel rather samey which decreases the thread.
that's why he posts his dumb advice in /asp/
Funny because he refuses to leave here for /asp/ and sometimes uses /asp/ as an insult. His opinions change every week
She needs to get thicker outlines she looks a bit weird
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i thought the lines looked too thick in some places. it seems like a hard thing to get right
he keeps posting his channel in the trash asp thread asking if he'd make a good vtuber, I wish he'd get global'd
gunsmith vtuber?
Callie love
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caramel idol's doing a mediashare stream!
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gun nut forest witch is celebrating oktoberfest by attempting to play an accordion
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farming sim enjoyer marionette's continuing Echoes of the Plum Grove tonight!
There were a lot of people in that server not on the list, and a lot of people on that list wound up never playing
Why did she abandon Lapin
>muh living situation
>muh health
>muh accidents
So many missed chances...
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Holy fuck nekoreeens model is horny
I think I have to watch the next stream with a spare set of pants
why does it keep getting worse...
hell yeah
As long as VODs are around there's still ways to support a vtuber during a hiatus.
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aussie tomboy pilot's getting cuh-rayze in devil may cry 3
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An improvement I'll say.
What if Tanya made a video game called Greedy Mod Simulator?
Whenever you watch a male 2view, you intrinsically agree that he is welcome to cum straight into your mouth and you would unquestionably swallow it all immediately.
this but with trans chuubas
Tanya sometimes lets out her paranoia of being taken advantage of in the form of someone controlling her channel, or extorting booby pictures from her. Tanya manages to avoid a lot of trouble on her own. Tanya is also South African.
Greedy mod simulator would be a game designed by Tanya where a mod, or manger attempts to fly out for phone circles, wine n dine, and extract sexual favors from a talent. Greedy mod would be named D-chan, and have a dog avatar, but is also a vtuber, and fat. The way to win the game would be managing to not get cancelled while amassing a harem of talents to manage, and explout. You lose when all the girls quit, and you get cancelled.
Greedy mod simulator would exist during the month of october where you'll go on a adventure of dressing up talents using a Sims 3 style character creator to get your talents to cosplay your favorite vtubers, and snapshat a series of photos just for you.
D-chan who is a dog, but also a vtuber, but also fat has 3 moves to perform: Eat cheez chips, goon, and sexpest.
Expect the game to be created by Tanya Fish Creative Lab studios whenever Tanya goes through her game dev phase. I really think Tany could pull this off creatively.
she was also downplaying it because she actually fractured a rib apparently
Mention the sexpests you know
rebel, spooki, rin wasabi, cliff, tvwastaken, dirk, taiga, adrian, feef, mamimuemo, camui, arthur abbott, blackswift, veleck, bondburger, swissed toast, gumpai, hanabi
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artsy wood elf's starting her retro kirby game marathon!
i wish gumpai would sexpest me...
>1 cutie
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hyoerzoomer tomboy's playing black myth wukong tonight
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game localizer cat's chatting over more granblue grinding!
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Purity is officially 4 years old!
What do I need to do to get sexpested?
nice cleavage window
I've been summoned
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kill everyone on this list but feef and make him sexpest me
but which one are you
>black myth wukong
Boring game
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Hi BB!
Nice guess
didn't he drop clio?
Nah its fun as fuck
Who did Rin Wasabi sexpest?
lapin and mau
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seiso flower AI's playing zomboid with viewers
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corpse is doing some errands in pathfinder: kingmaker before tackling a big dungeon!
Yeah I dropped her on my lap and gave hagcare
just another of her cock carousel dickings
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reaction to maple announcing she put "hag" in her selfshill command
long live the twitch hag tag
As much as a whore Clio is she had only at most 3 boyfriends, rest were women
maple is a hag? always thought she was a zoomer desu
She's been a hag for 2 years now or something
oh I guess she's the same age as me then, weird
how does jets just plow through games and enjoy them so much? i have a lot of games i want to play and i play for an hour or two and nothing gives me feelings anymore
you just haven't found the right ones yet
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house arrest magical girl's playing more F&H Termina
Iirc she didn't get to play vidya much when she was younger
sounds like you might have depression dude, I can play some games for 12+ hours and forget the world around me
Will Colt ever collab with males?
he used to collab with the south side males except reda
that anon has posted about having depression before
Did he? I don't remember that.
You don't need the exception, it's a given
Only if they are femboys
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oh neat she's doing a wheel for deciding the donation goals
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this stream thumbnail is powerful...
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lolibaba wetware fairy's live with okami!
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cute punk frog's shootan zombies in RE Code veronica
Is GFE entertainment or something else?
it depends on what you do with it i think
i think he did technically
How groomcord is Gumpai discord? Are you ever going to fuck a paypig?
Why would he?
>name not there
Huh. Guess my nature is more annoying asshole than creepy as fuck asshole.
To at least pretend he isn't solely in the game to be surrounded by a harem of girls
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Why is it always the goober virtue signalling vtubers that end up over sharing and looking like complete losers.
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Why would he do that?
He cheated on his wife and called it polyamorous. Leon will never get better.
What did Leon do?
>t. Reda
nice one leaving yourself off the list
OK so the entire vtubing universe is going to dogpile this guy for weeks just like Froot yeah? :-)
Cheat on his wife and called it polyamorous. That's Leon and Cherriwhitewing is his second wife.
What are you on? Leon second wife is Meat
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gamer baeg's running around more in sanic frontiers!
you forgot the "2" in the name
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Why does Paperbag draw this character?
Does anyone here watch mishymolly?
i tried watching her once but her chat was kinda insufferable
How so? I haven't noticed anything wrong with her viewers.
maybe it was just a particularly bad day
they were kinda just throwing her model around with redeems while she was trying to get through a level, i don't get the appeal of doing that kind of thing instead of cheering on chuubas
It's just a different type of auduence, anon. Not everyone is going to watch chuubas for the same reasons.
i guess you're right...
oh, and i guess i saw one of the usual actors there.
i'm going to miss my aushi streaming on the weekend uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
To be fair, anon. I'm not really sure she was enjoying DMC2 that much
what happened to everyone streaming shiren the wanderer
is it just that quick to finish
there's a handful of them i think
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computer science shark's chatting for a bit before streaming a game tonight

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