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The Scarlet Pon Queen Edition


>Timetable / Schedule:

>Previous Live:

>Next Live:
Undertale (Finale?) 1700 BST

>Unarchived Karaoke:

>Membership Celebration Karaoke

>Original Songs:
>ABOVE BELOW【hololive English -Justice- Debut Song】

>【COVER】OTONABLUE (Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame)

>【DEBUT】Ello Ello Ello~! #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice


#BloodflameLive #BloodflameArt #BFKingdom

Previous thread: >>85987021

Don't feed the seagulls
Luv me 'Liz
God save the Queen
Simple as.
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Surely she won't spend hours getting wrecked by Asgore
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Buff Liz. Hnngh!!
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Elizabeth Rose Bufflame
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Frame up, starting in 30 mins
My favorite game ever, game
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Luv me pon queen
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Ayeee lets get those jetpacks
Certainly wasn't too bad for the first try, but this is going to take a while lol
Make yourselves comfortable. We're gonna be here for a while.
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...I am late.
Cute scream there
Why does she not buy more food or find some dogshit salad?
5 gold left lol
No money, and no gamer brain to figure out that she could just grind more money
She did it!
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Well, that was unexpected.
I would still let Flowey violate me
I would pound Flowey into flour.
Uh oh, does this game have auto save?
>>86127216 (me)
Oh never mind, didn't know that was intended
Heh, she really gets into this shit. Quite the opposite of rea- ehh, I don't wanna read.
I completely forgot you fight Flowey in the neutral route
She wasn't pacifist enough to get that one?
You always get the neutral ending first no matter what, but after this she can load her save (from before Asgore) and backtrack to the True Lab.
Liz, you're supposed to dodge
She dodged the heal instead
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Liz managed to beat the game, I never though I would live to see the day
I swear this wasn't spelled out in the original release or maybe it's because I crushed Flowey at the very end
Wow, Dr, Alphas is downright romantic. Stat padding like that.
Are any /ag/ Rosarians into Alphys?
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Time for more roleplay
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Anime is real

Taun taun
It's blocked by Tom Morello's guitar?
>running into completely stationary obstacles
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Did she already beat the birb thing? I thought she died.
Nope, she hasn't attempted it again yet
Dammit, asshole phone call. She killed it, huh?
Endogeny a cute
She killed it, but didn't save and then died right after lol. Will have to do it again next stream
OK, cool.
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>Kiara's been streaming for 7 hours
>raid her instead of Ame or Cecilia
Liz why
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Confirmed to be joining Ame's valve stream, no indication of what game though
>Link's Awakening
>on the newer side
I know she means the remake but I still found it funny
Kiara's stream turned into "chatting with Liz" real quick
Was nice, would be interesting to see them off-collab considering Liz seems to like Kiara's songs.
Also for those who weren't in the Kiara stream, Liz and Kiara both confirmed for TF2, which according to FWMC's schedule, is set to start at 2100 BST
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Also, apparently Raora likes to sniffa sniffa Liz when they're together
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I miss justice collabs
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Yeah, wtf is up with that? Have the other girls been buried in as much homework as Liz?
Well we did have ENreco, and then almost straight into GTARP, maybe we'll get one soonish
As fun as it was they need to space events out more. One a month is probably still too many.
Once Liz puts out that new cover (god I hope its by next week), she'll probably go back to a more normal schedule and have some 2 or 3 man Justice collabs. I would expect the full Justice collab will be much rarer though, because the time zones are just too shit. The fact that the time zone difference from Liz to Raora to Gigi back to Liz are all 8 hours (CC is +1hr from Liz) makes it impossible to find a good time for all 4.
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Left it up too long and the wind got it.
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Oof, that injury looks fatal.
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Yeah I don't know how coordinated these things were, since it's en management and then gta was planned by jp (mostly) talents. I do know mori has something cooking for october. not certain but it could be something like 7 days to die. I recall it was something horror themed (she just said appropriate for october) and that she rented a server. though honestly liz might be left out on that one without fucking up her sleep again regardless, so we'll see.
As much as I love these big events it's pretty hard to keep up with them. I'm still going through different povs for gta and there's still a shit ton of stuff that I haven't watched yet.
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Wake me up when my wife comes back
Not yet.
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Maybe Morpi will invite Liz to the next TRRPG

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