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Why is Sayu ruining her chances of getting into VShojo by subtly throwing shade at Froot?
Hag sex with Sayu.
Another weak vshojo bait thread.
She was talking about the GTARP server autists who were cheating on each other, if you wanted some real spicy bait - Geega is actually part of that server and regularly collabs with them almost everyday
>there's a special place in my heart for cheaters
Using that expression would mean she has a love for them
schizo post
schizo thread
It can also mean that she will always remember what they did
Didn't Matsuri do ERP in holoGTA? I remember it being a big deal too with the guy actually getting banned.
Sayu was married? I thought she was a virgin
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why are there so many divorced indies these days? first the 90 page girl and now this one...
Matsuri was in VCR GTA, not HoloGTA
We are now allowed to talk about Sayu’s marriage since it’s now part of her lore.
Was Froot ERPing?
my kamioshi is based. cheaters deserve to be hung in public.
When that stuff dropped people in /vsj+/ were worried for a second that Geega might be the woman involved in the Moonmoon cheating stuff.
If she had any chance she would already be in silly
That was VCR GTA. Matsuri felt bad about the guy getting banned and then anti started swarming her chat. She got repremanded by management. The guy, who wasnt just sexpesting Matsuri but also Ririka and others, on the other hand got banned from twitch for like a week and because of that decided to throw a party with sex workers.
her marriage was always part of "the lore", considering her now ex husband was a mod and they never hid any of it. in fact, back in Sayu's fleshie career he was on stream with her quite frequently.
sounds like a cool guy
why would she join a corpo of cheaters where taking a stance against cheating will result in management crackdown? Kson is still her friend, I hope she can be freed soon.
is “Sayu was married” new lore?
There was even talk she had a child. I remember that well cause her shota jokes had Twitter so fired up that at some point, the topic came out. Who knows if its true or not though.
it's not, she was even laughing about that rrat on stream
Cheaters that get murdered by the betrayed partner shouldn't even be considered a crime.
Sayu, you fucking retard.
She seems to be mixing up the idiom which is usually "There's a special place in hell for X" with the one that is more typically positive.
fuck off froot
>/vt/ is so supportive of froot that even "cheating bad" is a controversial statement now
I Would probably watch the dude 8yrs ago
She didn't fuck DN you fucking retard.
That statement is about the COLLAB on stream.
I hate male collabs but they didn't fuck, you mongler.
Stop repeating this in every Sayu thread, it's incorrect information.
Just insult for male collabing which is a real thing she does and it sucks.
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>they didn't fuck
There is none. Sayu is going to Japan in October and her original group couldn't join her. Sisters decided that it MUST have been mint and mata, despite neither of them being in japan or having any plans of being in Japan for the time frame when she'll be going.
two people who deserve fewer threads here.
>Sayu in california
>DN in his 3rd world shithole
>They do a collab on stream
>People are upset she collabed with this guy who was involved with spreading public PL information of holos.
>She makes a response about it on twitter
>Sayu who is autistic, writes things in an awkward way as the anti know and make fun of every twitter post
>OMG they fucked!!!
They didn't fuck. DN can't get a visa for the US and she's not visiting that shit hole. It was only ERP.
That was Froot. You're mixing your baits up again.
See, doing THAT bait instead would require /vt/ anons to actually watch streams instead of just lifting out-of-context bait from threads on Reddit, Twitter, & TVA.
>Frootfag constantly ask "SOURCE SOURCE SOURCE SOURCE" because they won't accept reading in between the lines of her own document as valid proof
>This is undeniable proof that Sayu slept with Depressed Nousagi, you just have to read in between the lines
It'd be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. Ah, what the hell, I'll laugh anyway.
I don't know what else you'd expect from bvtm.
So what's the Niji fuckup of the day?
Aster got sub-1k on his birthday stream and only 4 nijis showed up to the totsu, he was even ghosted by his own genmates
related to him
phase chicks were fawning all over him on twatter
>Didn't suck up to Froot like all the other clout chasing orbiters/clique bitches with the typical "omg sorry that happened you're so amazing"
>Says that cheating is bad
I'd say she's pretty based this time
So if I'm reading this correctly, not only was Sayu cheated on, but she knew she was being cheated on and gave her blessing until it became clear she was the lesser of the two women?
She's an unironic cuckquean?
holy obsessed
anyway, Sayu could consult her friends strawb and Rima to brief her on the Froot situation
>but hololive!!!
This happened, but it has nothing to do with the topic of the thread.
Yes. She also tried to become friends with the girl her boyfriend had cheated on her with at the time.
Frootfags literally spent the whole week saying that this wasn't cheating
Bro imagine getting your wife stolen by fucking Moonmoon who is one of the ugliest motherfuckers I have ever seen. Talking about how he is going to breed her when he is obese and more than likely has a 3 incher. I would legit just kill myself.
nah, only vshojocucks think that.
>holy obsessed
nta but literally this thread is about Froot
Didn't the same happen to Rosemi a few days ago? Instead she got Zen and Dizzy.
Honestly don't care for public drama like that but I agree with her, cheating is shitty and abusive. If her boyfriend was abusive and shitty before she cheated, she should have left, her cheating only made things worse.

That being said though, I also read the scarlet A book as a middle schooler and the message was obvious, making a hate mob and annoying/threatening/harassing Froot is also bad. Stop watching her/supporting her and let that be it. Don't tag her if you want to speak out against her abuse.
i don’t know how nijiEN looked at this specimen and be like ‘she’s so fit for jp corpo life’
They don't have standards, that's why many rejected Hololives entered their company.
If this is about Froot; she didn't even cheat to start. The guy she discorded with was so mad she friendzoned him that he made up lies about her to tell her ex-husband and spread all over the internet via Ant.
Which is even fucking funnier because he stalked ANOTHER girl who came out about him, and he immediately went full damage control, halting all activity on his doxx forum saying he "has to deal with things" and typing essays to her in youtube comments.
It's not, it's about a GTARP where a person pretended to be in a relationship and their irl partner complained that it was cheating.
all this is a lie that she invented btw
Nobody believes you anymore, Cinna. Not that anyone who mattered took you seriously before.
Hell, I even thought that the second girl could be another clout chaser before the retard himself went full damage control.
>Nobody believes you anymore
>Not that anyone who mattered took you seriously before
Woman Moment
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What makes a guy juggle two other girls while already being in a relationship?
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cinna....get off of varis.....
I know we're in a bait thread, but you better leave Sayu out of your relationshit drama. As for what you do with your ex, I couldn't care less.
Moonmoon, OP do your reps.
Chat reflects steamer...
No, she had friends get close to her to cheat with her boyfriend, succeed, and this idiot forgave them until they cheated again.
She's naïve and gullible, always believing the best in people, hence joining nijisanji.
Or at least that's what she used to be like before Niji crushed her mentality and she spent over a year unable to trust anyone, even her friends.
>She's naïve and gullible, always believing the best in people
this is true
>and she spent over a year unable to trust anyone, even her friends.
this isn't
>this isn't
Anon, even she understood her brainworms were the main reason she was isolated, even after the doki stuff vindicated her. While she did have a lot of enemies, she also saw enemies in places that there really weren't, and had to work hard to break out of her shell again and start meeting people.
Granted, many of those people SHOULDN'T be trusted, as they were generally cunts, but she's been healing really well ever since OffKai. Really happy for her.
no, she's still too trusting. her main problem is that a lot of her supposed "friends" used and abused her, pretended to be there for her for the clout then went radio silent when SHE needed them. do actually watch streams, there'll be one in ~6 hours.
I do, but I'll probably skip this one. I don't want to get spoiled before I get the game myself.
that's a good thing, who wants to be part of that shit show, good on Sayu for having at least that standard.
or it auto-corrected
it's dumb women who only realize that having a harem of simps is the better option by a wide margin later down the line
i drop giving s fuck about how when she had the mental break down and wanted to be a hooker, and not even a OF girl like standing outside a 7-11 getting picked up by johns hooker
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>Frootcucks think I'm literally the whore's ex-husband
lmao schizo moment
I'm not OP, but why would anyone watch a whore cheating on her husband in GTARP?
Besides that, you seriously did:
>the moron recognizes that this thread is bait
>knowing this, he still eats the bait
are you stupid?
Is that the best you can think of?
Seriously, can't you think of anything other than pretending to be ignorant?
Let's remember that the anti Froot threads died because the mods banned everyone who criticized this woman.
and this not only happened on this board, but also outside of 4chan.
Anyone that shits on cheaters shits on Froot by extension. Simple
>anti Froot threads died because the mods banned everyone who criticized this woman.
>says this in an Anti froot bait thread
They tried to ban everyone initially. Anyone who'd bring up that cheated got banned so Vshoujokeks would try to bait people into sharing evidence to get people vacation'd
If by Froot you mean Desync "I admitted to cheating" and Cinna "I stalk 3 different girls" I agree
Desynch never admitted to cheating, Froot just tried dragging her down with him when she admitted to cheating. A tranny ex looking for her five minutes of fame now that is Cinna is famous for exposing Froot years ago is not a reliable source.

Keep seething about it while Froot loses viewers and followers. Even her bots are leaving. You lost
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I don't know what he's smoking to see this as "Desync never admitted to cheating"
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This is why I only watch Hololive
>Froot said so, it just be true
She's just trying to make it seem like he's as bad as her. If he did supposedly cheat, it'd have been with Froot too which makes her even worse
>Froot said so, it must be true
That's why all of you shoved "She admitted it in her own proof" rrat up your asses for a whole week though? At least be consistent on that.
Been waiting for other side could at least put up more evidence of their own so I can re-evaluate, but it looks like they all dipped.
You just showed her admitting to it though. You're just gonna cope about him tricking her into thinking she cheated
The only one left is Cinna, desperately trying to get people to stop noticing that he has a history of stalking and manipulating girls, then slandering them for years after they refused to fuck him.
>If I make shit up about the person who proved Froot is a slut, the evidence will disappear!
Relax Cinna. Ant might take you.
Froot's simp chat are all in love-bombing mode as expected, and she'll enjoy a shortlived boost in popularity while the rest of the industry knows she's a piece of shit, then likely go back to declining in relevance, which is what she deserves.
That said, even if she doesn't slowly fade into obscurity, the opposite might be worse for her, as the more popular she gets, the more people will know of how shitty she is.
It used to be literally just this place who knew about this. Now all of vtubing and even many normies know.
She's a sad case of a generation of young women with no father figure. There's a leaked pic of her talking about her "bastard blood father".

At a whole, at this point, VShojo's reputation is trashed. Not even four years old and they've had so much drama it's all they're known for now. Gunrun needs to step down.

Between Froot's virtue signalling and her wanting kids transed, Ironmouse's hypocricy with DMCA and her parasocial "precious Family" bullshit to sucker in incels, Zentreya pretending not to have a dong, Matara the former communist breadtuber desperately clinging onto whatever looks she has left pre-wall, KSON exposing "TALENT FREEDOM!" as bullshit, GEEGA the supposed wise one of the group sperging on Twitter, Kuro making fun of his "poor" fans then BEGGING THEM FOR MONEY after he got caught fuckin tax evading, Mel being a porn actress, Hime and Haruka barely giving a shit to even stream, and of course VShojo copystriking small creators, I think VShojo are well-known as the most shitty and pathetic agency in vtubing.
They're an invaluable blueprint for what NOT to do if you wish to start a vtubing agency in the west. Here's to Phase for surpassing them

The only girls who want to join them are all those indie chuubas like Bao the Whore, Sinder, Buffpup, Squchan, Lucy Pyre, Numi, Shylily, Yuzu, Saruei, OBKatiecat, Cottontail, etc. The running theme is they're mainly just egirl pornwhores who will never find good men and need the constant highs of validation.
That's VShojo's potential talent pool. They're all just failed egirls that now have the niche relevance to try it again.
Decades of female empowerment and the best they can do is whore themselves out to lonely men.
(Mint and Henya had the wisdom to shut the fuck up about it, though. good for them)

They'll all ride the highs and lows of this crazy career, which is still in its infancy, and they'll all hit THE WALL at pace. But I'll give them all one thing. They do contribute one thing to society: they're single-handedly keeping a bunch of cucks out of the gene pool.
Godspeed, you useful hoes.
Long live VShojo: the last bastion of population control. The Covid 19 of vtubing.
Or maybe I should thank your absentee Gen X fathers.
There's a positive in everything.
You just got to find it.
If any of you guys here ever need hope, just know that millions of vshoujo simps are leaving things open for guys who actually have their heads on straight.
Stay positive and keep at it. These dumb bitches aren't worth it.
>I've been cheated on
>I've been married
Sounds like an impure whore. People actually oshi this?
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Yeah he totally owned her in the replies, look at him go- wait, why did he delete those?
>sayu is a cuckquean
>oh please drop the drama and don't talk about me specifically, but still watch the video because froot is a lying, cheating whore who wouldn't fuck me. but don't worry I've changed. But watch the video. But don't look into it or me at all.
You're telling me you've never cheated on your 32 year old asian wife? What a virgin loser haha.
>Calls her out for being a drama leech
>Proceeds to celebrate his six year anniversary with his girlfriend
How is that not him owning her? She's pretending like he ruined her life because he looked at her Facebook account while he's in a committed relationship and doesn't give a shit anymore. Kek
What a fucking weird yet kinky thing to do.
wait, six years?
SIX years? All of this went down in 2017, so that girl was the fucking Froot rebound, and he's still so obsessed with her that he decided last year to reignite the smears against the girl who didn't fuck him six years ago?
He's not even apologizing. In fact, he's doubling down and praying to god that the woman doesn't expose what he is.
If he left it alone, people would've just ignored it and thought she was a clout chaser, but by directly addressing it and bringing attention to her, it pokes holes in his story of having "moved on" and that froot was lying about him being a stalker, as there are now corroborating stories.
No way in Hell you thought someone would read all of that.
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Based Cinna owning everyone in the comment section. Go get em king.
Jesus, he really can't help himself, can he?
The dude's scared that he might even get a taste of the shit he's thrown at Froot all these years and STILL trying to peddle.
What a worthless excuse for a man.
>He's praying that he doesn't get exposed
You can't stalk someone online, retard. All he did was follow her Facebook account and the dumb bitch considered that stalking while pretending she was traumatized over it years later. She is definitely a clout chaser and he called her out then went on his anniversary date. He's winning more than any of the women involved with the drama
Have you seen her? Who wouldn't cheat on that?
Follow her facebook account? How do you even know what exactly the stalking was? She never mentioned facebook anywhere when talking about him, only twitter.
Why the fuck would you even be following her facebook account years after breaking up? Facebook is often tied directly into people's real names and offline identities/locations. Prying into that kind of shit without their consent is literally stalking.
>She never mentioned facebook anywhere when talking about him, only twitter

KEK that's even worse. Looking at someone's Twitter isn't stalking and she's literally just begging people to not trust him when he already supplied evidence that she cheated for months. And no, looking at someone's public social media account isn't stalking
Is this evidence in the room right now?
Because right now the only evidence that exists paints a very different picture for Cinna.
I wonder if the girl he's been a relationship with even knows about how he's been treating women all these years and stalking them behind her back. Cinna hasn't been cheating, has he?
>the only evidence that exists
No evidence of stalker and the grifter ex never even proved anything and she said she wouldn't prove anything. She's a Vtuber with 8 viewers, she's just trying to grift viewers from the latest drama. Keep on seething because your whore got exposed for being a whore, vshoujofag

Froot already hit the wall at 27
>still avoiding the question
It's been six years like you said, and you STILL don't have any fucking evidence.
But hey, why don't you explain why Cinna wouldn't be able to talk about it in private with the ex?
>I would have reached out to you privately but you know why we can't do that
Dude probably has a fucking restraining order for stalking. You'd better pray she doesn't come back with receipts.
>new vtuber drama drops
>Sayu immediately tries to insert herself into it
what is wrong with this girl
>It's been six years like you said, and you STILL don't have any fucking evidence
Go watch AntHime's video. Has her admitting to stalking AND photo evidence of her cheating on her husband in it. Failing in taking down her video must be painful for you, Froot
>Go watch AntHime's video. Has her admitting to stalking AND photo evidence of her cheating on her husband in it. Failing in taking down her video must be painful for you, Froot
>still trying to shill Ant's video
Hmmm, isn't it weird? out of all the dramatubers, AntHime's the only one to ever have any of this "evidence" that you still refuse to post anywhere.
Instead, the "nudes" leaked by her were found to be AI, and she's even gone as far as to commission porn of herself with Froot.
You have all of this indisputable evidence, enough to counter Froot's 90 fucking pages of logs, so where is it?
>Matsuri felt bad about the guy getting banned
She really shouldnt. Twitch is really really heavy-handed on porn bans compared to youtube and everyone on that platform knows this going in. Just because there are some whores trying to push the envelope by wearing bathingsuits in a blowup pool inside their bedroom because it is technically within twitch guidelines doesnt mean that twitch doesnt regularly smite people for trying even 1% of the shit that youtube lets you get away with.
>Please post the DMs so jannies can kill you for wrongthink
Kek. Evidence isn't fake just because False said so. Go watch the video. I know you already staking out the forum where all the evidence was posted so I don't know why you're asking. You must feel immense pain in failing to protect Vshoujo, False
Why the fuck would anyone want to get into VShojo right now?
Fuck them for making kson delete her tweet.
ok Cinna.
It'd help if you changed up your phrasing once in a while. Make it a little less obvious.
Froot was hard doxxed by Danbooru for years too because her artist name on there was her real name.
I hope she never joins that garbage whore "company"
I'm glad he got cucked desu
Not even cock can save this woman cock ruined her
wait she was married??
Yeah, her husband cheated on her and she kicked him out and got divorced a little bit before joining Niji. He was a big part of her community and was a mod on her channel, too.
Sayu's genuinely stupid and way too trusting, hence even joining Niji in the first place... .
nigga are you retard? Do you reps brain dead retard
Also OP is a faggot. This drama is about mooonmoon and some girl cheating during twitchcon. Go check LSF if you love drama so much.
> Why the fuck would you even be following her facebook account years after breaking up
here, let me teach you kids what adults with a job do in these situations -
> follow gf during your facebook years
> grow up, get job, years pass, things don't work out with her
> sad, but eh, other fish in the sea and all
> last facebook login : 3 years ago
She wouldn't have got cheated on if she wasn't a stupid, ugly menhera
There's literally nothing to be lost by correctly pointing out the many self-reported faults of froot. Id compare doing so to the average brainless tweet like 'liked my dinner at [restaurant]'
Also Sayu's hubby cheated on her then she had to pay alimony. Froot news regardless, she's a victim in her own regards.
If frootniggers attack her that means they think their oshi is guilty.
just like when you start hinting at their real ethnicity, they'll try to bait you into saying it, just so you get a global 3-day for "racism"
but enough about finana
Vshoujo jannies are a cancer
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Sayu hates cheaters. Froot turned out to be a cheater, so do the math
Sayu should lean harder on being a cuckquean I feel like that's a very underexplored niche in vtubing
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Oh shit I used to play battlefield 4 with this guy all the time on discord years ago. What does he have to do it this thread?
he's froot's ex-husband
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I really want to like her cause the streams were really good, but she is quite literally one of the ugliest IRL women I've seen on twitter. Now I can't watch her without picturing the alien face.
He's literally the most active lurker of the site lmao.

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