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Towa chads? Explain

And yes, that is an Adam's Apple you see right there.
What is there to explain
Unicornbros attacked her back when a male voice got leaked in a stream. I assure you she doesn't welcome you
Why would someone get upset over this? 2 males singing a song is a little gay but still pretty normal.
she killed her unicorn audience years ago, i dont think it matters.
This. Only the cucks are left.
cpt is cuter than towa
>pretending to be a unicorn for Towa
Get better material next time anon.
That's CPT anon
>2 males
This so-called "cucks" helped her become well-known chuuba in jpsphere and got herself sololive

I know it's shocking for you that there exists fans simping for non-GFE friendly chuubas, but it's a fact
towa is a gay boy
>be fan of a chuuba who is NOT being orbited by countless other guys who all claim her as their girlfriend
>somehow this makes you a cuck
I love unicorn logic
im gonna improve this thread by forcefully inserting some facts in it:
CPT is a korean and like all good korean boys he's gonna have to serve in the military, so he's gonna be gone for 1,5 years
If someone from holoEN released a duo cover with a male streamer, the catalog would be spammed with hate threads for months, no matter how unicorn friendly they are perceived as.
It's okay if it's JP.
>the catalog would be spammed with hate threads
so nothing would change
bae had the homos at her live which is just as bad and barely anyone ever cared.
Already happened, retard. And it was an original too, not just a cover.
prob cos the board is terrible and holoen "fanbase" is terrible
what's wrong with 2 boys singing?
This I don't see the problem here
my only problem is that japanese men's singing is absolutely fucking repulsive.
Cpt is korean, you numbnut.
see >>86126927

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