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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gawrgura_holoen

Songs: https://rentry.org/Gura_songs
Merch: https://rentry.org/Gura_merch

Gawr Gura Pop Up Parade rerun

AVIOT TE-V1R-HEN Holomyth Earbuds

Previous Thread: >>86068658
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Day 18! Give it up for day 18!
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I love my wife so much!!
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MY wife
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Fact check: Gura is in fact my wife and not >>86119190's
Hello, Gura.
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I don't like the second page of that pixiv post it reveals that the tail is fake
Does Gawr Gura want to go out with me?
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Why won't she say anything?
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No, but I do ;)
D-Don't you dare...leave him be..
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c'mon, a little "goosh goosh" never hurt anybody...
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G-Gutsbud?! Where are you?!
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You are strong enough to defend yourself chumbie
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>>86121861 see >>86122666
you have his blessing ;)
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love my thin wife
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Let's continue the halo discussion, what custom games did you enjoy playing back in the day?
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And Gura is strong enough to defense herself as well. T u T
halo on halo, lava pit, fat kid, and jenga have claimed an unhealthy amount of hours from my life.
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I'll be honest, I was very devious when it came to jenga, if any other player showed weakness or got too close to the edge I would knock them off, though alot of people did this anyway, fat kid is a classic of course, specially the ones where you play through maps where you have to break through multiple obstacles while holding fatty and any infected players back.
>Hail Gura, full of Gawr
>Yagoo is with thee
>Blessed art thou amongst lolis
>And blessed is the fruit of thy cunny, /ggg/sus
>Stinky Gura, mother of memes
>Stream for us shrimpers, now and in the hours of EST
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>lowest stream hours
>worst year for communication
>multiple month long ghosting breaks
>watchalongs gone
>no creative streams
>every game stream is a one-off
>more shilling and promotions than ever
>constant delays for everything she's involved with
>didn't bother showing up to Breaking Dimensions in person
>had to be replaced with Mori for AmeSame's MC segment last second because she no-showed
>skipped most of ENReco
>didn't bother to get to know any of Advent or Justice
>no new outfit for this year
>didn't join Miko's GTA RP event even though she said she would
>no plans or goals for the future besides one big project
>completely skipped her own anniversary
>won't talk to us about Ame graduating
>won't even do one last AmeSame collab
>no one talks about her anymore
It's really over, isn't it? There's just no hope left.
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why is her dick blue?
it's not the worst year for communication, last year she wouldn't have even said anything before leaving for taiwan or being sick or etc
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idk, she must have cancer or something. hopefully she gets better.
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>knee hort
>bye bye
>worst year for communication
wrong, last year was way worse
>more shilling and promotions than ever
Idk, but it feels a lot less than last year too
>no new outfit for this year
I'd say 2.0 counts (not that she's used it ever since...)
>won't even do one last AmeSame collab
you don't know that, one of the saturday streams could be AmeSame
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explain this then
She has been here for 4 years and I feel like out of 4 years only 1.5 were actually great.
We've had more bad years (2.5) than good (1.5) years. That's insane.
Very organic posts btw
Be sure to tell her that.
I did actually in a way a while ago, left a comment saying I miss when she cared and that I used to enjoy her so much.
Sex with a fembud.
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Impossibly fugly
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My posts are gluten and gmo free
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I'm starting Halo 3 now, I'm not where I left off, didn't I just get on the forerunner ship in 2?
>A while ago
Why not just do it again?
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No point in telling her repeatedly.
Other people tell her things repeatedly and they are able to get the message across. You barely ever do it and just give up immediately.
I'm an electric chumbie
I'm not a cunny
It's a powerplay, Gura's edging you guys

I wonder if she'll show up before the end of the month that is not a recording for Ame's farewell (if there even is a farewell stream)
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what do these people do when gura isn't streaming?
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So before the events of Halo 3, there's this comic or something where Chief gets off the forerunner ship, kills some brutes THEN goes to Earth.
go on with their normal lives
be normalfags somewhere else
>her communication's improved over last year
I see this said here a lot, but that's simply not true.
Last year she communicated much more with us. She still used to say why she was gone (internet, sunburn, etc). It wasn't until August that she completely stopped talking to us. Before that, it was only slightly worse than 2022. She even talked to us and streamed from Japan.

There were only two times this year when she improved on communication. One was in February when she told us she was going to Japan and the other was in July when she said she would be gone until August. Last year she didn't really announce her breaks or travel ahead of time and so doing it at all is a small improvement.
But that's it. She's made way less tweets and members posts this year and is gone a lot more often with no explanation.

Many of you cite her most recent tweet explaining why she skipped her anniveranniversary as improved communication, but you're misremembering and think she didn't used to tell us when she was sick, but she did last year. Many times.
If you only consider last year as being late August through December, then yes, of course communication improved this year because there was zero communication during that time. But you're forgetting the entire rest of the year before that including the Japan trips and the fact that she still felt obligated to give reasons for being gone.
I was going to joke one of them moderates /vt/ but you wouldn't see a mod reading this post at an event
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Is shark wife okay?
why couldn't they include that in the game? also so far I feel weaker than in ODST
this year just needs gura to appear like twice in what's rest of it and I'll consider it a straight up upgrade in all fronts compared to the last one
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No I think I sexually bullied her too hard this time T u T
>I'd say 2.0 counts
It doesn't. 2.0 upgrades are given to all members by Cover. It just took them excruciatingly long to give them to Myth.
Every member is given a new Live2D outfit by Cover once per year, but the talent is responsible for planning it with their artist mama/papa. Sometimes outfits are delayed because the holo or artist is too busy. But Nacho-mama isn't that busy right now and so it seems the delay is on Gura's end. There's still a couple months left, but Gura usually takes November and December off now, and so I doubt she's getting a new one before the end of the year.
>it doesn't count because everyone gets them
how is that any different from a new outfit?
dunno about all fronts, but two more appearances would also be equivalent to last year, not better
if you wanna split hairs it'd take four more appearances to match, since the anniversary stream is still tba and the upcoming collab could could for 'matching' last years garys mod
Man, that's not great.
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No you didn't
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I'm the last chumbud
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I decided to bake some chicken breasts today chumbies
doesn't sounds so bad of an ask, considering gura honestly feels in a way better place this year compared to the lasr
I don't know how anyone except people desperate to doompost like you can compare her bd and the complete silence in her bd month last year to this year's kino concert and communication
You're welcome to have that opinion, but it's wrong. She streamed and communicated more last year despite being completely gone for a third of it. You just have a very bad memory.
The 2.0 upgrade doesn't count towards Cover giving them a new outfit for the year. It's supplemental. They always get both.
Am I the only person that doesnt like halloween? I feel like I’m alone on this
what's not to like?
I think most people like Halloween a lot. Scary stuff is fun for most people. Gura loves Halloween.
funny how nobody agrees with your "correct" opinion, guess people that watch gura can see she's doing better than before
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I’ve had bad memories during halloween I guess. I just like November and December way more
What's wrong with Haloween? The parties are like anime convention after parties but instead of flirting with waifus you flirt with demon girls and witches.
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and sometimes also waifus
You guys are flirting with witches and waifus? I just chill at home
should be changed to "only alive"
you said it's better on all fronts and I disagree, it's not
I agree it's better on that front though
Except you're objectively wrong.
You're comparing Gura's streams and activity this year to late August through December of last year, while ignoring January through mid August.
Reminder that Gura streamed more last year than she will this year despite disappearing for a third of last year.
That's too bad. I think most people really like Halloween because it's unusual in that it's celebrating scary stuff but in a fun way.
I actually like thanksgiving more than halloween
Goob abternoon retards
he was a badass and jumped off in the first cutscene, also comic as the other one said
>*Le touché*
Thats the funny part, you are. Legendary chief cant survive beam rifle shot but full health odst can.
Smile or else
NTA, but the problem is you're cherry picking individual events rather than observing the differences between years as a whole. I could say the same thing you're saying but for this year's anniversary compared to last year's instead.
Last year between August and the end of the year was the worst it's ever been, hands down. But the rest of the year was overall better with her showing up in things more and spending more time with us and tweeting more and being more loving. May was also really bad last year, but there have been multiple "Mays" this year and we're going through another one right now.
I don't understand how you could possibly think this year was better unless you only started watching Gura last year after August.
Still no Gura news or activity
I want to replay halo again
Gura news, she's with me.
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choombies, i need a remedy for nausea
I feel like gura using vr right now
Ice cold water. Mint. Ginger ale. Take your pick, bitch
There were times last year when she disappeared without giving a reason. A couple times she would say why she was gone after she came back. AFTER. It was always some bullshit excuse.
I’d rub your tummy if I could chumbie
I don't like it because I don't want kids knocking on my door for 3-4 hours during the night. I turn all the lights off and they still do it. I don't answer, lol.
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I'll have water I guess
All the kids in my neighborhood go elsewhere because they know they arent going to get shit here
That's a child
the jackal snipers also seem to shoot faster, I got double tapped a few times, and I have even less grenades, why can I only hold 2? I used to be able to hold 4, then 3 in ODST and now 2 what is this?!
Let us know if it works
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>cherry picking individual events
it's her BIRTHDAY MONTH, it's not some nothing event, and her having better projects and the community being way more involved in them is something to note
>But the rest of the year was overall better with her showing up in things more and spending more time with us
unironically wrong, it's literally just the month of july when she went full overdrive padding the numbers of a dismal year, she's been way more consistent this year, the fact that we are hearing from her when at this point in time she was already gone for the rest of the year tells you everything
that's why she stopped giving excuses
oops sorry wrong thread :D
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State your business
>b-but muh august to december
dude gura disappearing all may and june only to show up with no excuse on her bd, drop us some kanauru slop and leave again was way worse than anything 2024 gura has ever done
or you know she stopped giving excuses because she says something beforehand now and therefore doesn't really need to
sure as hell beats 'maybe a member stream tomorrow' followed by 'huhaha sorry gays burnt out oh nyo' three months later
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I finished watching the new spice and wolf anime today, it was p nice.
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this, doomposter autist are using stupid shit like raw number of messages when anyone else can see what's inside those messages has been way better this entire year
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what if my heart hort?
Are these retards still trying to insinuate gura is liar?
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I hope Gura is doing okay today.
ODSTs have more pockets, I guess? But in halo 3 you have 4 types of grenades instead 2 so technically you have same amount. Biggest reason is probably MP balancing.
>I could say the same thing you're saying but for this year's anniversary compared to last year's instead.
lmao no you can't, it's literally 1 obligatory collab vs 1 obligatory concert, unironically this year you can say she put more effort into it because she traveled to japan for it and recorded a song
you're gay too, things still suck and doomposting is understandable
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glhf chumbie!
Uhh sir... why is your shark kitten naked?
Doomposting is ALWAYS gay.
Baguraette honhonhon
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Is there an internet fight happening?
Try not to think of it. out of sight out of mind.
Same desu
purple nahida
This chicken breast I baked is really good. I wish it was even cheaper
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I'm a sick fuck and I can't wait to see her get all emotional with ame on the myth collab
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Do you like a quick fuck?
I heard they will continue it, which is pretty awesome. And maybe Wolf and Parchment as well?
The material is so good. I feel like the anime industry is desperate for good authors these days.
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Same, Gura really is the most erotic when she's sad and depressed T u T
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La basé
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Yeah, a second season is coming (hopefully) next year. Glad to see another bud who likes it too
she's barely streamed all year again, one of her wives is graduating, and she was/is sick, doomposting is understandable
it was only gay during times like back during that christmas when you embarrassing cunts acted like the sky was falling because she cancelled on the 24th despite her being the sweetest creature to have ever lived on the 23rd
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cutest shark in the universe
I was always sad when the original never got finished. And the reboot it is better than isekai number 454
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I’m feeling feisty and mean…
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Do you travel?
I mean, yes criticism is ok but when someone drags it on it's always shitposting
Almost never, I hate traveling, it's stressful and just makes me wish I was home again
I can't afford to travel.
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For King and Cunny!
True, Gura should stop dragging on her disappearances
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For s’ghetti too!!!
I can afford it but I rather chill at home or visit family. I do travel every other year though for a change of surrounding
And now we don't even get that except for once or twice. Not even when she's missing for a month.
She won't even tell us when she goes to Japan anymore after February.
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same desu
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I don't really bother myself, I just don't begrudge it
I do have a criticism of my own sorta tied to it but eh
I'm not the shitposter type and I tend to leave your general alone, but I definitely enjoy popping in from time to time and seeing you suffer
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I'd love to go on a fishing trip one day
that just shows how empty and joyless your own life is
>She won't even tell us when she goes to Japan anymore after February.
unlike last year?? tell me when she recorded for the end of year concert then
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I made s’ghetti today! I started putting more salt in the pasta water (1 teaspoon instead of a sprinkle or 2) and I think it tastes better.
it's a pretty good life, ngl
it's honestly not that different from seeing P Diddy get into shit and snorting to myself
It's been over for a long time..
It is just sad, but I still enjoy the occasional stream
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Can you guys slow down a little please? It's getting a little too fast in here for no reason again.
Yes. And last year was unfortunate because of scheduling, but that doesn't represent the entire year. You're acting as if you wouldn't mind her being gone for the entire year as long as she comes back for her birthday.
>unironically wrong
Yes. Yes, you are. Here you go.

--- Gura's 3D in-person Appearances in 2023 ---

Jan 12, 2023 - 【3D LIVE】3D新衣装お披露目!! 兎田ぺこら生誕祭ライブ【ホロライブ/兎田ぺこら】

Feb 22, 2023 - 【お誕生日】ゲスト盛り沢山日頃の感謝を込めて歌います!【 #猫又おかゆ2023生誕祭Live /ホロライブ】


Mar 4, 2023 - It was too stimulating for INA【hololive/宝鐘マリン・Ninomae Ina'nis】#shorts (bts short of Gura's 3D Showcase)

Mar 4, 2023 - hololive English -Myth- First 3D Collab #Myth3Dkitaaa

Mar 5, 2023 - MYTH IS MOTIVATED #shorts (bts short of Myth's First 3D Collab)

Mar 18, 2023 - hololive 4th Fes - Our Bright Parade - holo*27 stage

Mar 19, 2023 - hololive 4th Fes - Our Bright Parade - Day 2

Jun 20, 2023 - 【BIRTHDAY 2023】HAPPY FISHE DAY #GuraBirthday2023
https://youtu.be/_Br7Oc1VmdY (These MVs are different than the other performances and were directed by Kanauru)

Jul 1, 2023 - ホロライブ史上最大の夏が始まる……【#hololivesummer2023】

Jul 2, 2023 - hololive English 1st Concert - Connect the World

Aug 1, 2023 - 【 ゲスト多数!新髪型お披露目! 】#さくらみこ5周年 記念アイドルLIVEアイドルよあてんしょんぷりーず!【ホロライブ/さくらみこ】

Aug 9, 2023 - さかなー!ちんあなごー!あてぃしがに! #UMISEA #ホロライブ #湊あくあ #宝鐘マリン #沙花叉クロヱ #がうるぐら #一伊那尓栖 #hololivesummer2023 (bts short of HoloSummer 2023)

Aug 14, 2023 - [DX Plan Limited] Behind the scenes of short shooting [UMISEA] (the full, 30 second members-only version of the Aug 9th short)

Aug 17, 2023 - 【3DLIVE】紫咲シオン 5th Anniversary LIVE【#紫咲シオン5周年記念】

Aug 21, 2023 - swimsuit shark! #ホロサマshorts #hololivesummer2023 #shorts (promotional short for Hololive Summer 2023)

Aug 26, 2023 - Hololive Summber 2023 3DLIVE Splash Party! - Sunshine

Aug 27, 2023 - Hololive Summber 2023 3DLIVE Splash Party! - Night

Sep 16, 2023 - 【3D SHOWCASE】 Gaming idol kirin in 3D! #3DKirin

Nov 12, 2023 - 【昭和歌謡祭】宝鐘マリン4周年記念LIVE【ホロライブ/宝鐘マリン】

Dec 31, 2023 - hololive production COUNTDOWN LIVE 2023▷2024 -hololive side-

And these are just her 3D appearances. You literally have no idea what you're talking about.
weird timing definitely not larper
keep telling yourself that
being a regular on this board alone is proof that you are a miserable life failure
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They're just making their rounds chumbie. They'll be shitposting in another thread eventually
>but that doesn't represent the entire year
we are now at 6 fucking months of her gone what the fuck represents the year then? also you look pathetic struggling to put up those 3 second or one song appearances, this one link has more content in them than all of those links put together
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I suppose. Still sometimes I wish people would stop trying to overanalyze my dumb shark daughterwife and also stop being so mean to her.
>because she says something beforehand now
What did Gura say was the reason she was gone for a month after holofes and her trip to Taiwan?
What did Gura say was the reason she was gone for a month from the end of April to the end of May?
What did Gura say was the reason she was gone for most of July before her family trip?
What did Gura say was the reason she missed half of ENReco besides the one day that she said was a schedule conflict?
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Same desu. We'll get through it chumbie
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>What did Gura say was the reason she missed half of ENReco besides the one day that she said was a schedule conflict?
I don't get this shitpost angle, almost every single holo rested a day or more and gura gave us heads up one day and cancelled another so that's just 2 days she always planned to rest or whatever
>And last year was unfortunate because of scheduling
link me when are where gura said that, last I checked she ghosted may and june of last year with 0 excuses
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Please stop.
Maybe you should stop being such a fag and ask her like a normal person.
The myth anniversary concert was done months in advance. Gura didn't do anything for her anniversary besides have them play a recorded video. She didn't even talk to us. All the others did things and celebrated it with their fans.
I can tell you don't actually give a shit about her because to you, there's no difference between her talking with us vs her showing up in an MP4 file they played on someone else's channel.
To her, she didn't see us at all for her anniversary and she spent zero time with us.
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I hide all bait these days chumbie. I can't say the same for the others though
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I want to life that skirt up and chow down
I haven't watched the new spice and wolf anime, but I sincerely doubt the music is better in the new one.
I don't get how people aren't able to mentally filter it at this point. It's always the exact same three or four angles.
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>not aprecciating gura making content for us
fag, again gura objectively put more effort into it than last year and you can't deny that
I'll always like the first opening song in the original anime but for a reboot it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be
wow, a bit more effort compared to very little effort is still shit effort
Is Gura a lonely loli god?
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This feels like a falseflag from an excessively desperate schizo that is attempting to set up a villain to point to in order to deflect from any negative discussion.
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>already making concessions
nice, squirm more for me
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those of us who do that already aren't posting in response fyi
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You can't hide stubs on mobile which is probably their problem
i am not that anon you fag
We have three separate time from last year when she confirmed she was in Japan.
1) The Japan training arc.
2) The off-colab twitter space.
3) The Ina Onigiri Incident.

This year, she told us she was going to Japan for holofes in February, and then never told us anything after that.
There's like one legitimate complaint for every thousand schizo antis who only intend to harass.
probably because she's been in japan less times, all it will take is her talking about the concert when she comes back and we will have a 100% rate
~80% of the shitposts we get are by the same larper. ~10% from feisty bud defending the larper, and the other ~10% from random tourists.
Don't ask how I got these numbers.
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I know that, I just meant why people feel the need to hide posts is all.
no me
how did you get those numbers
though for the record I'm not defending the larper, just doomposting
the 80% is extremely fucking obvious even before he starts in on her being a lying whore
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Keeps the thread looking nice and tidy. I do the same in minecraft. Everything has their place in my inventory.
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good ol tism
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The only one who streamed less than Gura was Bae, and she was on a month long break that she had planned over half a year ago.
I was talking about her lack of 3D live for her birthday that she couldn't do because she didn't have access to the studio.
Like I said, May was terrible last year.
Use NTA, you fucking faggot.
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>3 minutes apart
She's not going to talk about when it was recorded and also you don't know the rate because she might have gone to Japan more than just for fes and the anniversary live. She has gone missing multiple months this year. She definitely went to Japan at some point to record her birthday live because she was there with Towa. She might have recorded it before fes, but we don't know for sure. All we know is that she's been to Japan multiple times this year and for some of them, she didn't tell us, which is different from last year unless she went once in September through December, but she wasn't talking to us at all during that time.
it's fun hiding one post and then watching half the thread disappear
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Then perish.
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NTA but I'm currently not being that anon, I'm at this moment being a different anon that the previous post you just linked, the current event in the chain of them that could be considered my life is patently different than the being you responded to. Irregardless of my ontological difference from the previous correspondent I must participate in the discussion in a manner that might mistake my proceeding post to be from the previously mentioned original anon, in conclusion the following post does not refelct upon his worldview or character at all:

lol fagget
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I wish I was an anon...
How much healing energy did you channel to Gura today? I think I might have overdone it since i'm getting a cold. You fags need to step up your lifeforce donations, there's enough of us if we each pitch in
I've given Gura all of my energy...I am not long for this world....goodbye to you all....
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I just got over a cold too
I'm injecting a fresh stream of semen into her cunny at this very moment!
>>86132738 (Me)
By the way, I'm a cum-gargling queer and I have two y chromosomes.
I hate traveling it makes me feel super tired and stressed out but i have to travel regularly to other countries due to work. The most annoying thing is that you can never complain about it because people just think youre gloating or a weirdo so i just have to pretend i enjoy it even though it burns me out so much
Oh yeah! i love having to waste over 20 hours traveling around, eating random food that i would never go for if i could, sleeping in places that are not my home all for the cool benefit of seeing some old museum or building that i really couldn't care less, i genuinely don't understand what people enjoy out of it outside of posting about it in social media (which i literally only have for job related purposes anyway)
Unironically i'm 10000x happier just watching slop on youtube than spending a week in any country in europe
from my experience it's mostly women who want to travel a lot and post vacation pics on social media (probably to brag and get attention)
Not now, Muhammad.
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MY Gurandma
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Gura wants her chumbuds to get with fembuds and build families together.
The fucking faces that they make when you hint that you don't enjoy it that much is fucking retarded as well
EVERY SINGLE WOMAN I've met just dreams and dreams and dreams of traveling even the ones that do actually regularly travel just want to travel more
Like seriously there has to be something wrong with either me or them, because whenever i go to these trips they are literally just enjoying "being in another country", literally they could be doing nothing (either staying in the hotel or having meetings) and they just "feel happier" because they are in another country like what on earth
Sorry for ranting but its like an universal thing with them that i just don't get
I'm no grouch irl either it's just that literally the only good thing about traveling is the extra pay that you get
I think if you don't want to travel and explore the world with Gura, then you're probably not a chumbud.
nta, but I think you're a retard
I just sent her some energy by gooming to her
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Can I....can I rest my head on your Gurandma's lap?
I don't blame them, you do type like a little bit of a bitch
When you get older, you realize that experiences are more important than possessions. You and that idiot hate traveling because you don't have anyone to travel with.
I bet she was probably around 6 months in this.
If Gura wanted to travel with me then I'd do it for her, but i'd enjoy being with her rather than enjoy traveling or "exploring" (lmao) itself
I've been to most countries that are worth traveling to, i've spent years total outside on them and "explored" most of everything there is for tourists and made friends with locals that showed me around their favourite places
Humans are humans are humans and the places they live in are the places they live in
The more you see the more you realise its all pretty much the same
It literally went from tiring and boring to me to cloyingly annoying and to be avoided at all costs if i can for me. Whenever i can i offload travels to other people under me (which they really appreciate anyway) but i can't always do it, and i can't even fucking complain about it irl, which is why i guess im having a melty right now
It's honestly just tiring above all else, but traveling with gura would be fun, because i wouldn't give a shit about it outside of if she was enjoying it
And you'll accomplish nothing in your life typing like that either
Nah I'm very frugal, I have no interest in cars, sports, collecting trinkets, traveling or anything like that. I hate traveling because it's stressful and doesn't bring me joy, but I'd do it if I could do it with Gura because I want to spend my life with her. was in the middle of typing, pretty much this >>86134549
TRAVELING IS NOT A FUCKING EXPERIENCE jesus fucking christ its the easiest thing in the planet to do if you have fucking money you mong
Read an actual good manga NOW THAT IS AN EXPERIENCE, i've cried more to anime than seeing any piece of architecture of another country, or traditional food in a traditional hole in the wall surrounded by other people. Is it nice? Yes sure. Is it worth the squeeze? For me no.
It's an extreme normalfag thing to want "traveled to Italy" as a conversation piece. For some reason, they don't think it's as cool to see the bats swarming out of Mammoth Caves, they only want to walk around major cities that are expensive and far away.
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travelling is more than just the airport part, go experience some local cuisine, go to some nice beaches, climb a mountain, skii, you know the shit people actually travel for
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pardon my interruption but I have an announcement

I love guru
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> go to some nice beaches
I live 5 mins on foot away from one of the best beaches in the continent
In the last 8 years i haven't gone there a single time outside of showing it to a friend that was visiting/wanted to try out surfing
>go experience some local cuisine
I guarantee you that i've eaten anything that you can think of
> climb a mountain, skii
Climbing a mountain could be fun, but its also something i could do locally anyway
I would rather not fuck up my knees skiing tyvm

Why is it so hard to admit that traveling might not be all that? It's fine if you enjoy it, but i swear to god most people only think they enjoy it because society venerates it as the mark of sucess or some shit
Again I'm not saying that "it's impossible to have fun traveling!!!111!!" I'm saying universally my experience is that I just wish i stayed home the entire time
last message about this shit from me, i've ranted/derailed it enough
Are we all creepy perverts?
>drive to blueridge parkway.
>not crowded.
>can stay in a cheap cabin overlooking the mountains.
>insanely good local cuisine like wine, cranberry sauce, turkey, venison.
But even though the experience is much better than typical tourist traps, most tourists care more about how prestigious the destination is since the purpose of the trip is just to be a conversation topic.
>actually this much of a sad fuck
what a sad existence you have bro
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Can I come over to fish chumbie?
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that I 100% agree with, spending time with my family in my local beach an hour away is way better than whatever normie tourist trap beach there is
>sad fuck
I actually very much love my life
I am paid extremely well, i love the work that i do, i work with wonderful people, and can do whatever the fuck that i want, including retire right now, leave my job to go open a bakery (great cook here, have always lived by myself) for me and gura
I just dislike traveling. i can and have done everything that society wants to do, and found out i much rather watch anime and shitpost on 4chan which is why i do it
pro tip: don't mistake a rant for someone feeling unhappy with their life autist bro

Never actually went fishing! I'd actually really like to try, they say its good fishing around here, but i don't really know anything about it
Are you interested in history at all? I think you're a retard if you think traveling to Japan is similar to traveling to somewhere like Europe.
You sound like you're unable to enjoy the differences of places because you concentrate on social interactions instead of the uniqueness of places. Simplifying every place and culture in the world to the same thing of "humanity" makes you sound autistic. A retard from Spain and a retard from Japan are still retards and so of course your conversations will be similar if that is who you choose to be around, but a castle in Spain and a castle in Japan are not similar at all.
Also, I guarantee you haven't even done 0.1% of "tourist things" or experiences. You just don't care enough to try and look for interesting things to do. I don't like going out to dinner or seeing movies by myself, so honestly I probably wouldn't want to travel by myself either. I think sharing experiences with others means more to me than experiencing things by myself, but you thinking others are dumb for wanting to travel is ridiculous.
Mostly it feels like you have zero curiosity or child-like wonder and the world disinterests you. That's fine, but you aren't like other people. In fact, you sound broken to me.
I'm not the one sounding desperate to tell a bunch of strangers your life is great
I traveled in 2017 to see the total solar eclipse with my family and it was one of the best experiences of my life.
You sound like an autistic retard whose life is devoid of meaning and are compensating for that by convincing yourself that no place exists that's worth seeing.
pff, you haven't even explored your own backyard and you're talking about childlike wonder.
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also I can guarantee if you sell the location well enough most normies WILL take interest, it's true many are shallow fucks but many also really want nice experiences like you are describing but only know what's popular and are afraid to try non mainstream stuff without a recommendation
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I love the ocean a lot. I wish I didn't live in a landlocked state
>literally physically unable to understand that some people might just not enjoy traveling
Like i said its just societal brainrot. Say you don't enjoy fish? "yas slay queen you can not like some food"
Would rather stay home than travel? "you are sick in the head, KYS NOW!"
I've never said i've never enjoyed activities in other countries just that i'd rather just stay home. It's not like im irl grouch just pulling a face every second i'm in another country lmao, its just that whatever you cna do in other countries you can do in your own country with very few exceptions (which are for sure unique experiences, but like outside of the first 30 mins you are doing it and for conversation it really isn't that great. The most fun thing i picked up was surfing but i just got tired of doing that too eventually)
Anyway actual last message about this, but its still funny that even in 4ch people can't fathom other people finding it not worth the hassle

I like smelling the seabreeze in the morning. When i was here for the first time i used to catch the sunrise every morning (early riser). Nowadays i just drink tea in my kitchen while watching the sun go up (hot cinnamon spice now! Hopefully gura still drinks it, or updates us on what's her new favourite)
more power to you man, with these kind of soulless, joyless fags as my competition for gura I'm feeling a lot better about my chances
I love Gura!
Being horny for your wife is not creepy
Would you lick the gura chocolate?
NTA, but
>most people only think they enjoy it because society venerates it as the mark of sucess or some shit
Is a very odd thing to say. People like traveling because they like seeing and experiencing new things. This is a very common trait among humans, since most people dislike the sterility that is predictability and want the variety that is common with seeing other places.

I think you might be Morshubud and so I recognize this conversation is probably pointless, but this level or narcissism is surprising, even coming from you. I know you like to reduce other people to vapid caricatures incapable of thinking for themselves, but you probably most often do this because you don't understand the perspectives or desires of those you denigrate, even when you see common patterns in the preferences shared by others, such as a desire to travel.
Maybe your problem isn't boredom, but attitude.
Are you a chumbabooey?
>knowing antis by name
>misidentifying them
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ye, I'm very sad
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>indirect replying like a pussy
Anon, no one attacked you for disliking traveling. You attacked other people and called them brainless indoctrinated sheep for wanting to travel, and so anons defended themselves.
Imagine if someone came into the thread and started saying,
>"I can't believe anyone actually likes eating food. It's all the same organic matter at the end of the day and it all ends up the same. I swear anyone who enjoys food must be doing it only because others tell them to!"
That's essentially you right now.
I don't think morshubud is an anti, he's just... very peculiar.
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Doing a non-nightshift at the golf course for once. Have you buds been sillymaxxing again?
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Hmmm interdesting! Sounds yummy!
>*Li touchí*
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>The chumbies were gossipping about me behind my back while I was gone
I'm, uh... flattered
Absolutely unequivocally would
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Who wouldn't?
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Oui oui monsieur
>non-nightshift at the golf course
Sounds like a nice change of pace bud.
>Have you buds been sillymaxxing again?
If we were I'd have just replied to you with "watch out for snipers"
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don't worry about it, it's quite peculiar today
How high are the chances she will still do her anniversary stream when she returns?
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I just woke up. That night shift 4 days ago really fucked me up…
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I really want cover to make a green big dino gura deck in that card game they are making
They could even make food tokens with the other foodguras!
>*Lo touchõ*
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Do dino goobas have cunnys?
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No they are tewifying pwedatows, they are not for the sex
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I thought so too. Only problem is that the last train home leaves like 20 minutes before I can get to the station and the next one would be a four hour wait, so I have no choice but to take a rideshare home... between that and the fare to get here over half of my wage for the day is being spent on travel lmao.
Ah well, it's still a net profit at least. Plus it's kinda dead today anyway due to the weather, so it's not like I'm breaking my back for nothing. I could definitely use all the money I can get.
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I’m gonna fuck a dino
There's probably no point anymore, so near zero.
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>antiing stops as soon as travel autism began
it's quite telling that the gura anti is some fucker that has so little joy in life he can't even comprehend other people's joy in travelling
I wonder what they're playing today?
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Yes because dino gura is just gura in a costume.
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I'm playing limbus company
I too know the pains of wagie life, and of dealing with the problems of people who make way more money than me. Stay strong chumbud.
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Retard, here's proof they are different animals
Fall themed gooba related pictures. I need moar!!!
Please call me a retard.
>also you look pathetic struggling to put up those 3 second or one song appearances
Okay. How many of those did she do this year again?
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Chumba boobie
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She said that she will do it when she feels better. If she breaks that promise then the pre-chat of her first return stream will be fun because she will definitely catch major heat.
Her first stream back will be a collab like always so that she can avoid questions and then the next solostream she'll play some new game for 3 hours and not a single person will even bring up the missing anniversary stream.
>antiing starts as soon as travel autism ended
dang he really is a sad fuck
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The chumbies do be lookin extra smexy today…
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Thanks bud, but believe me, considering my situation I don't think I could have asked for a more perfect job. Believe it or not the rich people I usually interact with like Eric are mostly surprisingly nice and down to earth. I've definitely had it way, WAY worse, and I'd assume you have as well.
Basically what I'm saying is that I'm counting my blessings, lol
So many fembuds in denial.
>missing anniversary stream
She literally was in a concert for her gens anniversary though?
whatever they'll just find some weird angle to cope about gura being great
>not a single person will even bring up the missing anniversary stream
i highly doubt that
why are there 300 posts. can someone link the good posts or art
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Try to keep it in the replies chumbie. I have everything hidden so I can't see what you are talking about
not really anything, we found out gura antis hate travelling
>She literally was in a concert for her gens anniversary though?
lmao and this guy is talking about other people coping
he's doing it on purpose
Probably why he's so happy with current gura state, joyless fag that just yesbuds everything he gets, disgusting anti that has no standards
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Generic brand foods are just as good as name brand
How come they can shitpost all thread but I get banned in only a few seconds for discussing Gura lewd art with dark dicks? They just spam about spaghetti, politics, halo, nightshift every thread but I can't talk about very important Gura porn that seems entirely related to vtubers and not off topic, and is only a couple posts.
I see yesbudsubhumans are already preparing an angle when Gura really does not stream her anniversary when she comes back from her (umptiest) hiatus.
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>bloop detected
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You actually hate the comfyposting?
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bunny gura seggs
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scroll up and tell me that was comfy
why are you still here? what keeps you going? I really want to know
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Nobody post after me or they'll get it.
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I like talking about spaghetti and halo with my chumbies
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I love gura!
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Not much. I actually just want to see Gura and this place crash and burn at this point.
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The fact we live rent free in your head and it makes you miserable gives me the strength to continue existing. Suffah anti
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I like dinoposting and chillin out with the comfybuds. Sometimes the shitposters come by sometimes but they usually go back after a week
Well it seems like a problem if they are gonna camp the thread and janny me while doing their gay off topic samefagging kissing themselves twenty post long ritual chain into paragraphs of off topic arguing. This thread is for GURA PORN.
Feel free to cunnypost chumbie. No one will stop you unless theres a black guy in the picture.
how can I self insert if there isn't?
Certainly not as miserable as you feel deep down becaus Gura keeps disappearing on and neglecting you. <3
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I truly want to see Gura come back someday. It might not be happening anytime soon, not without a major sea change at least, but the theme of a hero's greatness, followed by a fall, only to get back up again and redeem herself, is something I find truly beautiful.
I'm not going anywhere until the story gets the happy ending it deserves. And I'm still not going anywhere then, either.
I didn't know we had black chumbies here
I don't care if there are black guys and think the people who care excessively about it, either direction, are sick in the head
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That's one comfy hibernating dino!
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gura dont do it
Its impressive that at this point in time you still believe Gura will ever get better again. I used to be like you but there came a point where I had to face reality.
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Speaking of reality, I really want to get into rock climbing or a combat sport
Nah, moderate properly and get rid of the nightshift samefagger who derails every thread with off topic and I will post about every kind of Gura porn but crop out any nudity since it's unfortunately a blue board.
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im obsessed with bunnyshark gura
combat sport isn't worth it, specially if you are already not young
I love fembuds.
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I'm 28 now. Maybe just rock climbing then
Post bunny Gura with fishnet stockings
rock climbing kicks ass. I wish I had ap lace near me I could go to do it
Just be careful with your form and reduce your body fat as much as possible
A friend did permanent nerve damage to his shoulder by trying to show off climbing without using his legs
I had no idea Gura posts on instagram, never saw someone mentioning her activity here before the Ame anouncement. Why is she more active on instagram? I dont even have a main instagram account.
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I'm no samefagger, and you're one of only like three anons I've ever seen complain about innocuous "offtopic" conversation. You fuck off.
because what you saw is likely a fan account
yes, your posts are off-topic, the fact that rule doesn't get enforced in this thread does not make them on topic.
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I'm just chilling playing games and being patient, while you continue to seethe on a mongolian tapestry forum.
You have gotten ridiculous replying to yourself with deranged off topic larping and attacking other posters here. You're just spamming. I was ignoring it but I will make a fuss now that you've gotten so bad.
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Rules lawyer and, ironically, break the rules by making posts complaining about moderation in the actual thread all you like, the fact remains that there's nothing wrong with idle conversation peppered inbetween cunnyposts.
That reminds me, how's it going Halobud? You making good progress?
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Aim better.
>now that you've gotten so bad
most of his posting from day one has been replying to cuckposts with ten thousand word dissertations all thread long, this halo arc is bliss in comparison
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this is the best bunny gura imo
because certain subjects aren't tolerated by mods
they can't cover every topic but some are stupid enough that it's blacklisted and an easy ban when they see the report
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the dinos worked hard today raking all the leaves
now it's time to have fun
I genuinely love Gura
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>That reminds me, how's it going Halobud? You making good progress?
ye the flood just crash landed on earth, so realistically we'd be doomed (shouldn't they be able to assimilate the plants too? and there's jungle all around us...), but I'm sure blowing up the city will stop them somehow. but I just got the flamethrower so its BBQ time!
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I like this one.
It's true that I've mellowed out somewhat with time. What can I say, I came to appreciate how cozy the thread could be.
Also, to drive the point home to that other faggot: "muh samefag spam" btfo, picrel (green lines are my posts, red are replies)
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This one might be my favorite, but she's not flat enough in it
Maybe but if he's going to freak out like a damn redditor reporting posts he doesn't like, then he deserves to start getting moderated for all the off topic and troll spam he does. I'm also tired of his twenty ritual spam posts every single thread, you're only supposed to have one.
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uoh my god her butt TuT
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>Blowing up the city
>The city
I think youre right. I hate that i fell for this.. oh man i hate getting older. that account has way too many followers for a fan account
God it's perfect, this is what Gura will wear for me in our love nest
I have reported nothing for several splits you retard, I've actually barely even been here all day because I was doing errands before work. See >>86140721
I like both flat gura and small budding breasts gura desu
Look, you're not gonna convince anyone that it isn't you samefag kissing yourself like a schizo every thread, take some meds.
can you just stop responding, this argument is no fun to read and nobody but you and your antis care
yeah I immediately went
>more like the blow up the planet...
when cortana suggested blowing up the city to get rid of them
That image is the max size that I'm a fan of, artists drawing anything bigger that isn't an obvious shitpost are just annoying.
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Huhahahaha booba
It's time for me to admit that I'm probably not going to play more dark souls. I'm going to start Elden Ring today. Making this post mostly because if I don't I'll put off starting it again.
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Whatever, take your meds.
Sure, I'd rather talk about Halobud's adventures more anyway
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Wife soon?
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Ngl, I love booba Gura.
No, i dislike the hassle and planning. I really need to go to japan but i just never get around to it.
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Knife spoon
japan sounds miserable to visit if you don't speak japanese
the friends I know who've been were pretty impressed, I think it's fine as long as you stick to tokyo and kyoto
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>Open thread
>Walls of text

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