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New griftchuuba just dropped
Subscribed. She sounds based.
so she e-dates while having irl bf.
She's a sweetheart.
Revers unicorn
Holy redflag
Does the edating come with sex? If so sign me up.
Will Miori ever end up like this
>anons calling her based
no bigger red flag
Miori calls herself gfe, that's something
i saw this pop up in my feed as well, even if she commits to the bit she will burn herself out trying to deal with more than 3 mentally ill incels bombarding her dms
Gumpai on the front page instead of on /asp/, she's won more than any 4chan-grown vtuber to date.

And fuck you to the fag /asp/ 1view who posted this on the front page
I bet only women were unhappy with what she was doing
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Miori just became obsolete
Her tweet yesterday went viral and showed up in many fags feeds
DMs are closed. Only thing she has open are her Tumblr asks where she gets bombared by dick pics. Dick pics she asks for ofc
claims to be in love with her community but doesn't DM? red flag
What is this? GFEmaxxing?
She has a discord where she sits in there and watches people. She also reads responses to tweets
She's a walking red flag, follow any of the alts and you'll see what I mean but yeah
>check her out
>turns out OP is a seething vshojocuck because she shit on froot
How fucking pathetic
Holy grift.
now thats the real GFE
I've watched a few of Miori streams, and she has a pretty nice voice. Although her content didn't appeal to me since the streams get derailed way too often with donations, etc, even though the streams had the potential to be very entertaining. Does this one sound nice at the very least?
Male vtubers seething in this thread
based and OP should kill himself
trying way too hard. if anyone falls for this then that's on them for being 60 IQ
Here's a couple of them
I'm sure this will end up great with everyone happy
>1000+ all sharing one pretend internet girlfriend
The absolute state of """men""" in 2024....
Color me intrigued
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I love it when my gf talks like this
She'll act this way until she gets enough normies to join her chat then she'll kick all you retards to the curb like every other girl does.
>boost her self esteem and help her with her various mental issues
>have to compete with 20 other autists in the same discord calls to get a chance to flirt with your e girlfriend
>don't even get to fuck
>if you find something real for yourself it's cheating
its grim out there I tell ya. If she doesn't already have one she won't hesistate to find her own boyfriend when she is sufficiently "fixed" by the emotional sponges in her community. I say this for your own benefit don't let women like this trap you in a mental cage and stop you from moving forward.
She doesn't need normies she's got a throne account where people are buying her $500 gift cards. She's made it
>Only thing she has open are
Her legs
Not enough for high maintenance bitches like this.
No she's too self conscious to post pussy pics. Seems to indicate she's hairy
Decent body of work
>anons don't know she records herself pissing
Don't be talking shit about my piss chuuba
Hooooly grift: https://ko-fi.com/gumpai/commissions
That's based. Be a shit, pay the price
Jesas, what the fuck man
so if she sees this as serious dating, she also has sex with her community then, correct? link the vods
I want to hear Gumpai call me onii-chan
Shes been close to masturbating on mic but she's a bit shy rn
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right, this shit is disgusting and life-ruining because of the insane cost of opportunity. just a way to exploit lonely men and make their lives even more miserable. imagine being loyal to a vtuber who doesn't give a shit about you and then she just graduates after a few years. what are you gonna do about it? you just lost the most important years of your life and are now even worse off than you were before. meanwhile women, as we all know, can find someone in 2 minutes flat if they want to so they're never out of the game so to speak. these women are fucking demonic
With this kind of exposure she got from the tweets it's probably less likely now
Holy red flags. I'm good.
Why are you so concerned about what other adult men do with their lives
What's the of interacting with this kind of whore if she won't send you nudes?
they have been harassing her all day just because she said she's in love with her community and expect them to not have gf's.
are you suffering from some sort of empathy disorder?
No, I'm suffering from BCS. Big cock syndrome. Ask your mother about it faggot
That's actually based, though.
damn she's my type
i guarantee this girl loves cheating. being jealous is not necessarily a red flag but in this situation it definitely is. she will cheat and obviously the fans will cheat, only the pure hearted fans will suffer.
She has been like exactly like this and worse for the last 2 years already
it will also get her permanently banned from all those platforms lmao you simps better get her to delete that tweet
She isnt deleting the tweet of her shitting on froot sorry
Go back
>bikini pics, tummy and nudes
Absolutely fuckable.
For what exactly?
pick meeeee!!!
Giga based will follow and sub.
Twitch doesn't really enforce that unban for money rule
she used to date another vtuber, met up a few times but split up before she exploded on Twitter
>Oh nyo consequences of my own actions I need to blame someone rq
You sound like a woman
No I was referring to the tweet advertising unban bribes you tard
It was only a matter of the until you faggots found her I guess
More vtubers should be like this and just acknowledge the role that the viewer gives them anyway, everyone is happier
Gumpai's been an opp since before half of you were on /vt/.

Bow down before the queen of /asp/
How much do you wanna bet she's an EN rushia and saying this shit while already married kek
Gumpai is unironically pretty loony and jacked up and stimulants. Crazy ass zoomer. I believe 99% of shit she says
Just watch the Q&A she made.
Not watching a 2 hour stream
Mio doesn't explicit ask for dick pics nor act full whore like this but she has her ways to receive anonymous media links if you truly must, atleast when she isn't having a mental breakdown and shutdown everything for a week
Some retard has been spamming her in the catalog for a while now
barely above an hour, bro
Her asmr isn't good enough for my kind of gfe. I think she's going to create some peak schizos when they don't get to fuck after months of flirting. It'll be crabs in a bucket.
Hi Gumpai
>she used to date another vtuber
From what there is she is very very fuckable which ranks her wayyy higher than other vtubers.
This is the biggest red flag possible. I will not invest.
>everyone is happier
Damn she fleshposts naked on her r18 one
I really want to wrap my hands around Gumpai's waist and torment her with the idea of insertion until she begs for it, then fuck her armpits instead.
I've seen her bare tits and it was so underwhelming that I didn't even bother to save it
>I like posting my tummy
I'm in
Nice lie retard, she doesn't and never has done nudes
I used to date a girl exactly like this and if I'm being honest you're much better off being in her audience than her actual boyfriend, the type that need this much attention and validation from randoms online will never actually settle down fully with one person
How to be successful.
>fleshpost your body
>get noticed by the Twitter algorithm
>thousands of hungry simps pop up
>crank cash out of these hogs
>more successful than languishing on 4chan
Can you blame her? She's making bank.
My dms say otherwise
If you're not actually meeting her in person then she's not your girlfriend, stop deluding yourselves, you're wasting your time and money.
She doesn't send them through DMs either. Wanna keep going and make yourself look even more retarded?
>imagine being loyal to a vtuber who doesn't give a shit about you
its not like the dudes would find a real girlfriend lmao, just let them have fun
that avatar is genuinely unnerving
seems like this is an actual sad girl unlike the phase grifters though and that's a bad thing
This is completely off topic but I have 3 skebs I've been waiting on for 2+ months that are now <3 days away from expiring and just wanted to post a vent
I dated her lmao
If they're not my blood family or very close friends I don't give a fuck about other men
kek, you get the top shit poster award anon
While I wholeheartedly support that women SHOULD do better and at least try to properly appeal to us... this sounds like she had a cheat sheet of expressions to say, checkmarks to fill, and speedran through them. She even put "I want to be nice to men" in there.

Anon, if you're the mod/bf that's organizing her tactics, tell her to fucking pace herself
how old is the lovechild
>Make a retardedly bold claim
>Post no proof whatsoever
>lmao believe me bro!
Right well I married Roboco.
put me in the screencap
False, pls
You don't date girls like this. You become friends with benefits. Only a retarded would invest himself emotionally with a woman like this.
I hate grifters even if they're vtubers
If you actually follow her alts, you'll see that this isn't any sort of tactic. She is legitimately, out of her mind half the time.
I genuinely do think that she believes everything that she posts. She does see chat as potential boyfriends and she does see dating somebody while watching her as cheating. Is she is a crazy ass zoomer who is on a variety of different medications because she's schizo. She's the true GFE
Unironically, that's what she wants too. The second that she becomes rich enough, I actually could see her hosting real fuck a fan contests kek
Worse than Shondo?
she's not a completely fake bitch like shondo, yeah
>and expect them to not have gf's.
I feel like it's crossing a line when you actively tell your audience to isolate themselves from potential relationships while you can easily fuck someone else in secret, that's some culty shit. This is next level grifting and it's gonna end up bad for both sides in the long run, especially with a girl that deranged
I'm dating Polka
Hi Fuza
>I have a huge media backlog
>this is issue is big enough to get mentioned
She sure has it easy.
I find that very hard to believe. Make no mistake, I fully support the women that other women attack as being "pick-mes" - but she's being stereotypical about it. Like, TOO stereotypical. As if she 100% believed what a pick-me was from the mouths of these women and decided to become that.

It's like these "satanist" kids that came from christian families and think satanism is all about rock, drugs and freedom. They don't know shit about the topic, so they can only emulate the caricature their parents showed them.
I like her voice. She sounds like a cutie. Does she like tributes?
>>86128863 was meant for >>86128477
You son of a bitch
vtubers knowing /vt/chimp lingo is a bad omen
ok so why whine about being jealous? no she want her cake and to eat it too. she wants to be the one cheating.
Some of the Phase girls are legit diagnosed though.
Uh oh gfe bros she likes ntr she rated one a 7 out of 10. 527793 you were forewarned
Submit them to Tumblr.
She has posted /here/ for a few years.
that is the exact reason we broke up actually
what do you mean new, she's been doing this shit for ages whenever she has yet another BPD attack
yeah this sounds accurate
I would tongue and blow rasberries on that tummy
Not to this level.
I used to mod for one, can confirm. Cluster B gals will fuck you in the first 2-4 weeks after you've met and then you're friendzoned
she did this same exact shit only a few months ago when fuza dumped her ass for being a crazy bitch
this might be cute if it wasn’t immediately obvious this girl has a body count of like 10+
More like 10+ per month lmao
Will be a bodycount of 10000 before she's done
is she asian?
this is important, she looks possibly asian
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Sorry GFEbros she admitted that she’s been ran through on her Tumblr.
Offkai is going to be crazy next year. You know for sure she's opening her hotel room to these guys.
As this anon said >>86129538
They'll be the most attached person on the planet online, you meet, they'll fuck you pretty much day 1, then after 2-3 weeks max when they realise your don't magically make all their mental illnesses go away you get friendzoned and suddenly you're scaring them with "too much commitment" and "disrupting their stability". Depending on how efficient they are at the online -> irl pipeline (dating people before they're finished with the last) they can go through several a month easy. Someone with an audience like this could do hundreds
she's a flip
And into to the trash she goes
has my shin daikamioshi finally revealed herself? giga based
>ran through
Oh no oh no oh no
as I was saying
hate to dissapoint you all but shes filipino
she's also californian
Ahhh following Gump is always a riot, sometimes she just randomly starts screaming about nothing, really fucking annoying she always deletes her channel and socials and restarts due to being mentally ill. She's quite the silly one, I know for a fact that like 80% of her followers are here, I see you Gumpanions
Okay so her "mildly experienced" means she's been the town bike
honest whores are infinitely better than lying whores
She's literally responded to a question about sex saying she'd have sex with any of her audience members if they somehow met her, so she's more like a 1000cc motorcycle
the weirdest meltdown was when she doxxed her real name and address on twitter for some reason
This thread was made by a jealous woman
This is what unicorns want.
i don't care whether she is a virgin, that is a dumb expectation to have. if i was a girl i wouldn't be a virgin and you would do the same. what you or i wouldn't do is have dozens or hundreds of bf's, especially at the same time. women that fantasy are fine too, but women that actually go and get it are just insane
What you retards dont know (or do i havent read the whole thread) is that gumpai has broken up with her boyfriend fuza who is (was?) also a streamer and a really cool guy actually because she wanted to have a relationship with all her fans instead, she is a mentally unstable, mentally challenged, mentally retarded woman who has shit all over asp walls and also squirted in the corner
it wont surprise me if its her who made this thread just to get more clicks
That particular answer sounds like saying what the viewer wants to hear. Just saying "yes I'd fuck you"
I doubt that bit desu but with this woman anything is possible
Having sex with your fans as a GFE chuuba doesn't make you a whore
yeah the issue is she isn't honest, or perhaps her honesty means little since there is no consistency and she will honestly believe the opposite tomorrow
asp sucks lol
well gumpai is the asp incarnate so there is that
admitting to being used goods does, imagine giving money to some ran through poser slut
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>crab post
Gumpai so made it
Okay, I hear ya and I have no reason to not think it's her who made the thread.
But if I'm offered an anonymous way to tribute or otherwise get spicy with no strings attached I'm going to do it.
Anon, you missed the point. Here I'll give it to you in greentext format:
>I am not a virgin
>I know other girls lie about that, so you might want their content instead
>Instead I will sell you the lie that I am only mildly experienced instead
If you cant see this implicit lie, then hags will eat you irl. They peddle the same shit
I don't use this word often but you sound like an unironic incel lmao
where is the crab? >>86130295 was all documented on her tumblr page in a total schizo rant post but i dont know if that is still up
>male vtuber gets cucked by the fans for a change
i see no issues with this
>A GFE chuuba should only be for her fans!
>She does
The only winning move is not to play with these schizos
you sound like an incel
I love hags
>thread about the "biggest" pickme grifter whore
>posts an even bigger pickme grifter whore
Stay classy, "Anonymous"
ok, and?
hag love
you will one day learn there are multiple people on the internet (aside from the bots) and you have been misusing labels to ignore this reality to your own detriment
>>A GFE chuuba should only be for her fans!
If you just ignore the dozen dudes who used her up before you came along to donate throne gift cards, sure bro
I highly doubt this barely 2view has more than 1 schizo (You) targeting her
more like if you ignore she will do whatever the fuck she wants including get an irl bf in a couple weeks tops. these bitches ain't loyal, period
If she genuinely does then can we even call her a grifter?

At that point you get the whole service (and so does everyone else). Sounds pretty honest to me.
>really fucking annoying she always deletes her channel and socials and restarts due to being mentally ill
Just like Denpafish.
>barely 2view
>average ccv over 90 days is 103
well there you go, being wrong again based on your preconcieved notions. i am someone elses "schizo" (finally sane) and just being a tourist here. i will forget her existence tomorrow but i will remember the GFE scar forever
You can follow her alts and go back about 3 days ago when she was talking about how much food makes her sick because the nerve thought of eating can make her feel fat and she's at 111 lbs.
She often lies to people about eating because she has terrible body dismorphia and gets unironically pissed whenever other people imitate her tweets.

She started a meme by accident because she was complaining about being a flip and when she saw other people copying the format because they thought it was a shitpost, she referred to them as "gang stalkers". She actually is on a variety of different medications and has incredibly low self esteem. She is very very mentally ill
This girl is a whore but at least she’s not fat, denpa is shameless enough to be both
>If you just ignore the dozen dudes who used her up before you came along to donate throne gift cards, sure bro

There are no virgin girls over 14. If they claim they are virgins at 20, they had at least 7 boyfriends (minimum). Least they can do is be honest about it.

t. I grew up with 2 sisters and 5 female cousins.
Denpals should make their own bait thread instead of baiting in the gumpanion bait thread
she got banned on twitch for a week so had to stream on YT and Kick
Getting banned does not make you "barely 2view"
If her life is so fucking hard getting money donated to her while she whores herself out irl, can she just hang herself already?
Her Gumpai server is owned by a bi fag pedo named azuthehoppou who grooms underage boys
the cutoff for 2view is literally 10 ccv
So how did she end up this way?
Someone post the screencap of gumpai calling denpafish fat as fuck
Don't talk shit on my boy azu...
Shes from /asp/, known her since she only have 5 viewers in chat and let me tell you shes far more insane than you know.
Kill yourself faggot
She posted about that as well. Something about how women fail more often than men so she doesn't wanna go through with it. She also is happier now that she has a bunch of people constantly fapping to her. She unironically really wants to see your dick cum all over photos of her because she thinks that's the best compliment a girl can get
Sticks and stones
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no amount of your seething will make me not horny for asian women
Seems like a dime a dozen BPD whore, not really seeing what makes her “insane”
>unicorns and goslings will unironically defend this behavior
She's a flip and a Californian one at that. Being a schizo was her calling from the day she was born
What's the most insane thing she's ever done?
She's for her groomer mod
She is entertaining. I don't care that she is mentally ill, at least she is not a boring naggy cunt like most girls.
None of you know this but last year before she blew up she had a donathon stream where she would write every donor's name on her tampon pad, wore it then posted the bloody pad on twitter/discord. She then deleted her whole discord and twitter shortly afterwards.
to reiterate, do not stick your dick in crazy. more accurately don't stick your heart in crazy, but the line can get blurred easily so you need to pay attention. value your sanity. value your time. value yourselves.
Everything you mentioned just proves she is Mikeneko 2
I am waiting for the husband reveal and the domestic abuse charges
that mod? Me
>She unironically really wants to see your dick cum all over photos of her because she thinks that's the best compliment a girl can get
I guess when her brain neurons and loose vagina have been so ran through it makes sense she doesn’t understand the concept of loyalty or love, at least she knows she’s really only worth a sad cum
>tampon pad
virgin anon not like this
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I can fix her
I'm not a women so fuck off but yes she is this crazy.
You should really stop signing your posts with "ran through". It makes you stand out.
no. fix yourself and be worthy of an already fixed woman.
The pedo azuthehoppou is busy sexting young boys
I like whatever is wrong with her more
I don't want to fix her I want to make her worse so she can make me worse and we end up in a murder suicide situation.
That contradicts your statement
I will now watch this mentally ill woman
Fucking based. Any chuuba that actually wants to see me cum to her is a real one. I wish there were more girls like her. Cum tributes are a complement.
based autism noticer
just another whore that wants your cuck money
>unicorns already cucked in a single thread
Better luck next time.
She seems like the type of girl that will get killed by some /r9k/ anon.
Oh, phew. False apart, but we have to keep an eye on her.
/r9k/ anons are not killers or else they would get some hybristophilia pussy.
can't believe virgin cucks fall for such a cheap trick and donate money to her so she and her boyfriend can keep buying condoms kek
And followed. Incest is so fucking amazing, I know because I fuck my cousin all the time.
she has an actual brother
oh, this girl showed up randomly on my recommended on youtube, I remember checking her out but being weirded out by her PNG and her voice, but she sounds hella based wtf maybe I should go back and check her out
They even send donations to her groomer admin
Anon... you shouldn't fuck your family
I need to give gumpai my siscon cock fr fr
>the insane cost of opportunity
What fucking opportunity? I'm already a fucking worthless loser, no woman will every fucking look at me with anything except disgust and repulsion, what the fuck opportunity cost am I paying? What the fuck am I missing out on by choosing to watch a GFE vtuber? No real woman will ever love me. A vtuber will pretend to love me in return for money, that's more than any woman has EVER given me in my entire fucking life. I'll take it. Better than NOTHING.
your boy made that server just to get in her dms
Theres a nice system where if you buy her a cosplay/lingerie you can photos of it
>What fucking opportunity? I'm already a fucking worthless loser, no woman will every fucking look at me with anything except disgust and repulsion, what the fuck opportunity cost am I paying? What the fuck am I missing out on by choosing to watch a GFE vtuber? No real woman will ever love me. A vtuber will pretend to love me in return for money, that's more than any woman has EVER given me in my entire fucking life. I'll take it. Better than NOTHING.

You're replying to a sister, women have absolutely no clue about the male experience.
Oh I watched her play elden ring the other day, I thought she and her chat was normal but you can never know
10 isnt that much. In college i knew girls with 200+ bodycounts
Wait by that me?!
Makes sisters seethe
>have a huge media backlog
>listed on the same level as having low self esteem, loneliness and not taking prescribed meds
Why are consoomers like this?
std-ridden whores
Go watch VAllure.
>rape victim
>Becomes an unhinged turboslut
Every single time
oh fuck yes I want hags to eat me out irl
I only watch virgins, sorry
It's funny watching denpa the ice dildo girl seethe over the fact that no matter what she tries she can't copy what gumpai did.
okay I laughed, would date a girl with this humor but what ze fuck
well i'm a fellow man and 30+ year old virgin that did this and i can say from experience GFE isn't worth it. it's not nearly enough. it's like saying a little drug is better than no drug. you will be even sadder soon and the only way you will get better again is facing reality
I did, they have most of their maros locked unfortunately. So where the fuck do I send them to? Even Katta from idol lets me DM her on twitter.
>transvestite discord administrator
That's azuthehoppou, he gets to DM her while they sit in the cuck chair.
What have you been able to send Katta?
Spoken like a true and blue coomer. I honestly wonder how vtubing reached this low point somehow
Where was the wrong turn?
>no woman will every freaking look at me with anything except disgust and repulsion
Genuine skill issue. Even fat and incredibly ugly people get laid all the time, go ask /brg/ about Noah
my cock unironically. she likes seeing them.
Spoken like a true faggot right there
This is how I am with women IRL. Any girl that is not obsessed with your cock WIL be obsessed with someone elses cock. The instant I get the signs of being "too busy" or "needing space" I immediately pump her for the last time and dump them. I have truly seen how some women will lust for men and I can say this. NEVER be with someone who doesnt love your cock!
You know how snakes don't have arms of legs because of a mistake of evolution?

Vtubing evolved wrong too, should have never been about simping for fake as fuck bitchy girls pretending to be idols.

Always should have been about fanservice, and any woman not trying to please their male audience should have gotten exactly 0 amount of support.
I love her. Thanks for shilling her to me.
>I honestly wonder how vtubing reached this low point somehow
>Pretending it wasn't always this bad
If by evolution to mean losing the fucking plot, then sure man. At that point it's no different than some random street hoe or Twitch thot.
If you're into that kinda shit, all power to ya. But I'm not gonna pretend like it's not the exact same thing.
>At that point it's no different than some random street hoe or Twitch thot.

They absolutely not do what gumpai does. They cumbait and get then mad when their male fans show the smallest sign of horniness or attachment.
Do you have a bwc? Katta is pretty hot for a crazy bitch
Katta likes tributes I've sent some
Has Katta posted pics?
1. This is an /asp/
2. She's dating Fuza. She used to talk about this on stream on all the time but realized it was hurting her viewership and pretended they broke up but they're clearly still dating
3. Stop shilling yourself
>whore pretends to 'date' hundreds of men
>whore gets mad if man has girlfriend
Hardcore GFE is the ultimate cuck material.
7 inches i think is a good size
her tits once but then deleted them. I have them saved
shut the fuck up cedric
>her tits once but then deleted them. I have them saved
You lie heathen
catbox it
inb4 he posts his dick
Meanwhile she DMs her sexpest troon admin and draws art for him
I tell the truth. Oh btw Zenya also likes getting cum tributes or at least is ok with them. Zenya and Katta are the only 2 vtubers I watch. I may have found my third though....
>shin daikamioshi
bit much, innit?
Holy hag skin, I like
No surprises about zenya there, the groomer aura in her chat is strong
Phat tits. I'm off to cum to one of her ASMRs. thanks anon
Well that's underwhelming. I thought you mean bare tits or a bikini pic.
She looks aight though
Might as well have googled "bob"
Never try to hype this garbage again
>no replies an hour later
As far as titty pics go, this is on the lower end of them. But tits are tits, I guess
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That means less than nothing
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Isn't that the girl who was supposedly fucking Aviel the King Jew over at Idol? And that's why she left when Brave bought him out?
This is why I only go for GFE ASMR. Get the feel good feeling but 0 attachment.
If a woman online asks me to be only for her and bankroll her, then I'm out. I'm not giving my money to a lady who I'll most likely never meet physically.
Guess I will sub, thanks op
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Not surprised about Zenya, after all she also blew up after years of going nowhere because she went down the coomer route with blowjob ASMRs.
Do you think she has fucked some fans too? Or at least has shown interest in doing so? Some of her flesh posts were good.
I believe your thinking of Riro Ron
>coomer route with blowjob ASMR
Any links? I've been looking for more ASMRs
It was another manager who allegedly was banging Riro. He got fired because of it.
Nah, Riro was doing ERP with Aviel's best friend and Idol's tardwrangler
>Even fat and incredibly ugly people get laid all the time
Not if they're also cripplingly autistic.
Go to a con, everyone gets fucked at a con.
The same one, yes
So what happens when two of these ladies end up with a relationship with each other?
I hate america.
Ok I am actually asking this of you. How do you do it. Do I just be myself and talk about interests? Buy them food? Should I have a hotel room for myself? Go with friends? I need this redpill because I have been trying for 5 years and never figured it out.
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it just happens, pic related got lucky with a Mint cosplayer
There are women that believe a happy man means a woman is suffering
>source is a 4chan post
I fucked Gura at a con, now you have to believe what I said
Don't go, it's people like you that end up making cons unpleasant for everybody
Wasn't that mint cosplayer a dude?
I just want to get laid bro. My cousin used to molest me and I was the happiest guy ever but its been years.
The thing about conventions is they attract 'sociable autistics'
And the thing about sociable autistics is they're often incredibly hypersexual and will fuck anybody that wants it as long as they aren't outright disgusted.
Same issue with furries and trannies and why they all end up fucking each other really.
>If you're fat and ugly, do Ugly bastard cosplay (make sure you smell good though).
>Ask around to get invited to the afterparties at the hotels.
>You are now in a place full of drunk ethots willing to have sex
Everything afterwards is up to you
You sound like you have autism so I'm gonna make it clear, >>86135245 was not being serious or literal when he said "everybody gets fucked at cons". You should not treat cons as a brothel, and getting fucked is a more complex matter than following a script. I recommend trying to have fun buying chuuba merch and seeing displays and enjoying the hobby rather than attempting to "get fucked".
Game is game
Most of them are SEA coomers who found her ewhore account. They didn't even know that she's a vtuber
What is it about vtubing that causes them to either be hypersexual freaks or forever alone virgins?
Elfinpsyop grifted $30000 from her viewers pretending to be a poor neet femcel while dating her groomer manager. She still hasn't bought the PC they donated for lel
>30k for a PC
This thread is perplexing. So many of the posts say things about her that make me interested, but we're clearly posted with the intention to make me dislike her.
>UHM if a woman isn't a virgin when you meet her, basically she's cheating on you!
That's the femanon problem. They hate men so much that they think
>does thing men like
is an insult.
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This is actually what I usually do. I but merch, and play games. Take a lot of pics of cosplayers too. Closest I ever got was this one girl that cosplayed as Fischl and got myself a hug. Bought her pizza because I was that grateful.
Fucking newfag holy shit
They are seething women and trannies. Not joking.
it's ok to be a cuck
Her tits look better nowadays than in this pic. I love flatties
i'm just saying don't fall in love. jack off as much as you want
Any new photos
Who's the manager?
>poor neet femcel
you can detect a grifter chuuba with 99% accuracy if she pretends to be only two out of these

if she pretends to be all 3 then you're in presence of an actual scammer
Of course. Idol taught me not to trust pisstubers.
Don't trust BPD whores.
That 'asexual' azu troon bragged about getting dickpics from the fag tempie and kids on his server, he nuked the NSFW section to hide evidence but still does it in a locked VC. If you want to keep your account you should leave his Gumpai server before it gets banned for him soliciting CP
Run away if they have it or show the symptoms. You'll thank me in advance.

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