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Brown note edition
Browse stories and greentext: https://rentry.org/ringotext
Previous: >>84550409
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imagine if there was a hot mic in there
ringbros, we are so back!
Hello again ringbros
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Where'd the o go?
imagine if there a hidden cam in there
we drop the "o" so it sounds cooler, idk
There’s a good story about that in the rentry in the OP, if you haven’t read it already.
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she can't keep getting away with it
Just doesn't sound as right to say ringobros too many o's
what's the name of it? I don't think I have
imagine the smell
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Hot IrYS piss...
Wet IrYS braps...
Aggressive IrYS shits...
I need braps from Irys as badly as I need air to breathe
A Promise’d Delivery
It’s fairly new, close to the top.
I have committed grave sins...
was thinking the same thing, it's almost prophetic
This is one of the most vile and subhuman generals I've ever seen on this board. I genuinely hope all of you get visited by some kind of terrible tragedy.
>lying on the floor looking up to the night sky
>see something purple and shiny light up in the sky
>oh boy here she comes, you rub lube all over your nose in preparation
>IRyS descends from the heavens wearing no panties under her new skirt
>she floats right down and gently lands herself on your face, your slippery nose sliding right into her butthole
>"I have descended from the heavenly department store! How do I look!?"
>you couldn't really see shit but you raise your arm to give a thumbs up
>"Aww, you're so sweet! I really like my new face! It's so cute and dainty and-"
>IRyS lets out a huge rolling burp that you can smell from a distance
>"Oh my, too much soda again before flying. I'm really gassy.. in both ends!!"
>IRyS squeals and clamps her buttcheeks together, emptying her nephilim gas into your nose with a BBRRRRRRRRTTTTT
>Your nose is shoved so far into her butthole you could already smell all of the shit that Cover had given her the past couple years, but now you're inhaling pure hopium from her source, the fetid shit stink filling your sinuses and lungs.
"Oh man, thank goodness I have you here to stop this nephilim gas leaking out and poisoning someone! Good thing you're so strong, guyrys could never deal with this much!"
>IRyS blasts out another stinky wave of farts straight into your nose. Even your breath stinks of IRyS.
>"Oh jeez, now I gotta pee too.. You'll soak it up for me right?"
>IRyS lifts up the front of her skirt and aims a stream of piss at your erect member, tinkling and splashing all over it.
>She unleashes another wave of farts during her pee, the stinkiest yet. The combination of fart stink and sensation of IRyS' warm pee makes you cum right there, shooting ropes all over IRyS' pretty new face and costume.
>You pass out in a puddle of nephilim piss and wake up with a dry cleaning bill, your breath smells like hope gas for months
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Kinda the opposite. It was written because IRyS didn’t have any choco stories despite being the EN who poops during streams the most.
That's alotta words to say you're gay anon
I'll give it a read, thanks!
cope, seethe, mald, your oshi drops soft, fat, stinky logs
Where's this info from?
Also why is everyone all over the place talking about Irys shitting? Did she say something on stream the last few days?
dude yesterday on her karaoke stream she had to go an "idol meeting" twice, it was crazy! Everyone is freaking out about it
Who has the thickest logs? Like, whose asshole stays open for a while afterwards?
It has to be someone with a piss-poor diet (no pun intended), and gets constipated often. We're talking choco every 3+ days and braps that stink to high heaven. If I had to think of one who might have thickest logs I might have to say either Gura or Mumei. but desu I wish they all drop thick logs
Rissa and Raora
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Miss Culver's also comes to mind.
Idk, I'd imagine Rissa having soft, noisy choco. Like gassy poops, if you know what I mean. She could have some thick logs from time to time but they'd not as solid as you think especially if she eats fast food like Culvers a lot
>Pizzacat bound up by all the cheese
>Destroys public toilets because she knows she'll wreck her own if she goes at home
>Loud Italian grunts heard through the bathroom
>Sometimes have to walk around someone waiting for the stall she was using.
>"Oh, gomenasai!"
>Runs out of the bathroom before the poor Jap woman who was waiting sees what she left, a toilet with water right up to the rim, tp and smaller chunks spinning around from the attempted flush, and a behemoth jammed in the hole below.
I love girls who aren't afraid who blow up public toilets. A good topic to talk about is who do you think is a public toilet destroyer and who's too shy and would rather risk it and wait until they get home?
In EN?
Ame when she ate gluten. Without the gluten qualifier, probably Mori.
In JP?
In all of Hololive?
Raora seems to have gotten addicted to Balatro and downloaded it on her phone. Now I can just imagine her playing it to pass the time while taking a pizza Saturday shit
mori calliope sharting high quality audio re-uploaded
Yeah I get what you're saying too. I do think we can agree on her having some of the more lethal smelling choco though. All that greasy, cheesy fast food can make a bathroom become a biohazard.
oh absolutely, desu it's safe to say all of them would have some pretty gnarly smelling choco, but hers would definitely worse than others. After last night, Irys might've had some lethal smelling choco
Diarrhea always smells worse than normal shit. And it was likely period diarrhea.
IRyS and Suisei should take turns pooping on me
well yeah I know that, and I don't think it was period diarrhea. According to her post-karaoke stream https://youtu.be/n9WjQX-FNuo?si=5CN0ymfqmT-O0Tsz&t=244 she had leftover hamburger steak which probably went bad.
Now that they have all finally released piss audios I can now rank all the VAllure ringo:
Honestly worth the wait. Sounded like a real nice stream with some good force behind it.
Similar reasons as Stronny's, good length to it along with good force.
Icey gets bonus points because of how much piss audio she has recorded compared to the others. Good streams, and her sighs of relief afterwards are the cherry on top.
Good length, but I don't get the same amount of force as with Immy or Stronny.
The most average out of all the girls. Decent length, stream felt relatively weak too.
Same as Azura, but gets less points as it's also way shorter.
imagine the smell
Suisei would look at you with intense disgust the whole time
Hmm I might check her's out I got a rec for her sniffing asmr and it was pretty good.
oh I have been, ever since the stream. I would've done anything to have been in that bathroom with her
loved how you ranked and described their ringo's anon. I wish I was this detailed with ringo but I'm a dirty brap and choco bro
good, I want her to still act like a prude while she's laying a log from her fat ass
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Gura has mentioned multiple times that she takes fiber supplements, so yeah
she also alludes to diapers, so I choose to believe she supplements to bulk up her messing
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Latina Tomboy Choco

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hmm. I think when it comes to Holos most would hold it until they get home. Haachama, Okayu, Ame, Nene, Moona, and Ina are a good few that I can see being bold enough to shit in a public toilet.
Isn't Ina quite timid? Though it is hot to imagine her in that scenario...
I’d add IRyS to that list. She didn’t care that 17000 people knew she was shitting last night. I doubt she care cares if a few people in the bathroom know.
god i wish i was IRyS’s toilet
you and me both bro
yeah.. at most she would probably be in and out as quickly as possible, but this may have been bias from We4ge's recent set in hindsight.
i was considering IRyS too, but she told a story before about how she spent a few days holding in her piss while on a trip. granted, the stream where she talked about it is about a year old now, with the actual incident going back even further, so she could quite literally not give a shit anymore.
Kiara talked about how she would hold it in rather than ever use a squat toilet
>Matara missing her bidet
Are you guys fine with ringo during sex?
as long as it's on me, and it doesn't make a huge mess then yes. I can change some bed sheets, mop the floor, etc. I don't wanna buy a whole new mattress if you get what I'm saying. Just a little bit, not a deluge
she wouldn't have to use a bidet if I was with her, if you catch my drift
Well I commissioned this Finana anal with her self pissing
I'm dumb forgot to link
Maybe a bit in bed since I have a mattress protector but I'd prefer the shower or outside for ease of clean up
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damn, that is really good art! Whatever you paid was well worth it! And desu the ringo came out very well, and that looks like a reasonable amount
Shibi ate a McFlurry and forgot to take her lactaid
Today's been a big day for Shibbing apparently
wish I could've watched her "pass that jobby on the loo"
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IRyS is a nephilim: angel in the front, devil in the back
>IRyS will never take a seat on your face after a sweaty concert performance
why live
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FUCK that's hot
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>Ceci farts on stream again?
Thank you anon! It comes from Leone145d you can find him on discord on Twitter. Very good artist
Hope you don't mind me posting here, I just want to get more eyes and ears on this. I think I have some amazing findings here.
The first VOD I looked at was this one here:https://youtu.be/OpjyF220x3Q?si=z38Ce_CrC7dOB-gu&t=6086 [Embed] (timestamped) There wasn’t much to really report except this very interesting thing that happened at 1:41:26. She says she has to use the restroom real quick, but you can hear some noise then mutes for a second. That moment right there got my heart racing and my imagination running wild. Why would she have to mute right there? And why for only such a short moment of time? And what was that noise right before she muted? I might need from an audio anon to clear up the audio, but I’m nearly 100% sure she farted, and tried to cover it up. Clever girl. That would also explain why she had to go the bathroom, she probably had a choco brewing. Anyways, after that she went BRB for approximately 6:40~ from 1:42:22-1:49:01, which give or take the time it would take from her to take off her headphones, leave her room and walk it to her bathroom, wash her hands (assuming she did) and walk back, would give her just enough time to leave a nice stinky choco in her toilet. But this is all speculation, what do you guys think?
in this second VOD: https://youtu.be/hJjYywZeS1g?si=DWJHC9dkb7ZogNh6&t=9617 [Embed] she admits that she’s “going to explode” which is so hot just to hear her say that. She’s in BRB from 2:40:50-2:52:28, roughly 12 minutes, enough time for her to explode on the toilet. She comes back with the energy seemingly sucked out of her. She must’ve been fighting for her life on that toilet. She even says “if you hear a grumble in the background, it’s me.” Whatever she ate earlier must’ve really messed up her. We’re treated so a possible stomach noise at 2:53:06. It’s cute to think nobody timed her, but I did. She admits to having a bowel movement at 2:54:16, which most vtubers would never admit to, especially her. At 3:16:57, she possibly farted as you can see her model lean to one side and a possible fart sound, but again I really would need an audio anon to help clear up the audio, but I’m almost 100% positive she brapped. I’m sorry these posts are so long, I’m just very passionate and detailed about this kinda stuff.
>My name is Ms. BM!
>Like bowel movement?!?
>Hahaha maybe!
>I'm Bilbo Wagons
>I need to mark my territory...
God they're feeding me so much.
>Bijou recommends eating yellow snow
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too bad we didn't have another 116 moment there
Shiori wants Nerissa to piss unmuted
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final oshIRyS to pass the baton to dead hours crew
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Stay alive
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