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Amelia Watson appreciation thread
This thread's for Ame, an adorable, dorky, wonderful detective!
Last thread: >>86091005
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Ame will finish up Elden Ring in just a little while; Elden Lord Bowson will conquer all!
And we'll do it togethaaaaa: https://youtu.be/qlyJD4-jknc
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://youtu.be/fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
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I got to play a lot with Ame yesterday so I'll leave today open for other teamates. GLHF.
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How much of the DLC is left again?
Whats your secret? I tried to get in yesterday but I think my sign didnt even show up. Is it all RNG, or maybe i did something wrong?
two main bosses+the accompanying dungeon, a few optional bosses
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>got work then college just a bit before the stream starts
Help Ame for me, bros.
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maybe ema will stay... haha....
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Since someone was asking last thread

Ame's twitter space archives

July 9th, 2022
September 5th, 2022
September 29th, 2022
May 4th, 2023
June 28th, 2023
June 30th, 2023
Don't... turn the... poor thing in...to a millionaire. Money...would...be...Ame's...prison.
4 optional bosses, which are Scadutree Avatar, Gaius, Metyr, and Putrescent Knight, and 2 main bosses, which are the Miquella adherent group fight, and Radahn.
To the anon that was archiving, were you able to find the VR stream I mentioned? 7/18/2021
I think I've mostly accepted reality at this point mostly because of green Ame but I don't think I'll be able to survive this weekend and Ame's last day.
fine, I'll buy it
if it weren't for that I'd be in way worse shape
also I seem to have lost the 'this gosling hasn't made it' soundpost
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I will follow Ame wherever she goes, but I'm still going to watch Hololive. I hope Ame and the rest of Myth really do remain close and in contact. I'm a bit worried about Holo EN's future.
thank you, literally me
had to skip watching the gen anniversary live and now i cant start it
Saw the trinity song overlapped with Ame clips and it made me misty eyed.

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that's a child >:(
>I'm a bit worried about Holo EN's future
Me too. I'm particularly worried about some girls I won't mention to prevent shitpost but given how much Ame is admired for shaping HoloEN into what it is, some of them might think something along the lines of
>If Ame couldn't... why try...?
That, coupled with increased regulation and duties...
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That's my wife!
Yes my child wife :)
I took next Monday off work, so now i can stay up as late as the members karaoke lasts and definitely be there for the last stream. I'm worried I'm gonna be a hollow husk going into work Tuesday though...
yeah i linked it to you last thread this >>6754951 magnet from 3 years ago still works, but I could upload it to a mirror for you if you'd like
>>86126909 (Me)
Actually I forgot I already did, this one lasts for a week or two i think so not really future proof
It might not necessarily be the future we had hoped for, but EN is not going anywhere anytime soon. Have faith in the girls and as Ame said, it's up to the other fanbases to protect their oshis' smile now.
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Thanks anon
So to prepare for Radahn later, I load a new save and tried to beat him with skibidi level 13 (most likely what Ame will have by the end, currently 11). And after 30 minutes I was able to beat him, but honestly, it was so painful. You do no damage and you die in one combo by him in phase 2 if you miss-timed it. The only reason he even died was because I used bleed (no shield cause that's lame), and stacked heavy armors, defensive talismans, and defensive consumable. Also tried co-op randoms too for Radahn and the desync is terrible. The only positive thing is splitting agro in co-op is way more bearable, but it will still be a long ass stream. I pray for Ame. And that the teammates that get in actually know how to deal with him.
>stopped watching anything ame related because the hurt is too much
did this with aqua too
its unhealthy to pretend they never existed but im unable to confront my feelings
Ame's last stream of a game series of hers, ever.
Couldn't finish the stream yesterday but I see the thumbnail has Santa Trina, how did Ame reacted to her?
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Will do teamate
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Nice work gators!
She didn't find St. Trina. Ended after Bayle
she didn't interact anything with saint trinas
Thanks for the puzzy teamate, that was actually my first time joining one. It was fun!
So soulfags spend the totality of an ER playthrough complaining about summons, but there are several items in the game whose sole purpose is to make it easier, and they don't complain?
she saw purple flower and said "I want to use that pretty picture as a thumbnail
I'll give you a tip, the true soulsfags dont give a fuck what people use to play the game, as long as they have fun. The people you think are soulsfags are just retarded meme hoppers that shit on everything.
I don't like summons mainly because it fucks with their AI and aggro too much, you saw how it was with the messmer fight, he would just jump around the arena and target people randomly.
Amelia Watson on my image projecting appliance.
I hope Ame finds the big sunflower hammer thing. It'd be a good weapon for her
Anyone know the name of the loading screen BGM she's using?
shitty generalization perpetrated by the terrible execution in Elden Ring
To the teamate that wished for more and longer Ame streams on the monkey paw, I hope it was worth it.
CUTE hic
BIG hic
I hope chat doesn't lead her away from the cerulean coast just because it's optional. She will love the aesthetic.
I think we're all aligned on getting her to there at some point. It's just an annoying path
>Citadel of Ame's holding a retirement party our current Ame as well as a ceremony of memory for 1337 before returning to their timelines
Do we even know what happened to 1337 btw?
1337 is the main ame we see but she was retconned as filling in for our timeline's ame instead of being this timelines ame
cerulean coast and azuras hidden grave are so pretty. some of my favorite areas in ER.
It's not a retcon. She's said so a couple times before.
Fucking retarded tourist chat doesnt even know that she needs to approach the castle from the church area to get to Gaius, christ I can only type so much
I remember target lock lasting longer for an enemy behind an object in DS1...
ok i guess i forgot with all the stuff going on
>He doesn't have smart fridges
Weakest teamate
>annoying path
she can go straight to it from the giant dragon
meanwhile wawa is crying again over ame...
I don't remember having to do that at all?
>he unironically still tries to type in chat
I learned many years ago not to bother with the mob without 6 smart fridges, 2 tablets and a DS before Ame will read the right message instead of getting "one-guy'd" over and over again. Plus she's playing FOTM slop, so that only adds to the slew of mongoloids typing in stream right now. She'll get there eventually, don't panic unless she's about to brick her game or something
What triggered it?
She remembered talking to Auntie Watson and telling her how great Ame is.
she was just reminiscing again when she stayed over at the offcollab and whe they had dinner with auntie watson and Kiara told her how great Ame is
You need to get to the upper balcony of the specimine room, which has a ladder to go up to the rafters. to get to that you need to go to the flooded area, which you can only get to if you approach from the church area
>they had dinner with auntie watson and Kiara told her how great Ame is
fuck, why is this the saddest thought in days
ame cute
Our Ame is 1337, but she isn't originally from this timeline and we don't know what our timeline's number is. Even before she told us that our timeline never had an Ame in the first place, we knew our timeline's Ame wasn't available for whatever reason
CUTE hic
I'll be honest guys there's something about her today, she seems cuter than usual.
That can't be. She was already max cute yesterday
>Our Ame is 1337
Guess i could've worded my question better, I'll probably look into it eventually, I don't remember if anyone ever actually made an effort to catalog Ame's loose storytelling and implied lore outside the ancient archived channels in the d*scord
CUTE hic
Imagine if she can’t beat the game on stream because of Teapots
Shut the fuck up idiot you're going to manifest this.
>ordering food with ame
Ame's internet WILL stabilize. I'm ignoring my job and manifesting all my spiritual energy into fighting her bunk ass ISP
Made it back home, what I miss
Nothing much
Is holodex dead? I wanted to switch to there so I would've have to deal with youtube chat killing my laptop, but it's not loading.
I thought I was better but I saw some fannart on Twitter and got choked up today.
Teamates how the fuck do I cope? I wanna be strong like Calli and Ina were when they talked about everything.
I know everything will be fine but I can't help myself.
Wat do
power outage
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>casts a spell to block your spiritual energy
All the tourist coming here to pretend to be teamates and trauma dump are getting annoying. Can you at least pretend that you're watching the stream?
So what's she doing in this area? trying to get more fragments?
she easily has enough time to beat radahn, shes just clearing as much side content as possible for now.
If you mean this post >>86132266
I AM watching, I'm just asking for advice!
My bad anon, just feeling guilty at the moment. Should've asked later.
Ame still misses enemy drops like 75% of the time. ER even added those sparks so that you don't have to wait a bit like in other souls games and she doesn't see them.
Ignore the shitter. He's constantly trying to police the thread
my blind, deaf, and ADHD wife...
I might have missed it, but did Ame ever say if the delay-snap she did on the Breaking Dimensions video was pre-planned, intentional but spur-of-the-moment, or actually a spontaneous blooper?
If not, I hope someone asks while there's still time. Not knowing will bug me very slightly for the rest of my life.
She should be doing the other way around imo, at least she makes absolutely sure she can finish the game, then whatever she wants to do next
I'm a grown ass married man that doesn't handle sadness well. It's taken me some time to cope, but I know she planned this all out how she wants to. She has ideas and it'll all work out.
>O jar O jar
>I will love you from afar
>For you are so rotund
While it does make logical sense, the problem is progressing will lock her out of certain quests and whatnot, so she's choose to take the traditional route of simply doing all side quests before the finale. The final area isn't that big anyway, so it should be fine for about 7-9 hours if she even goes that long today
soundpost pls
Oh man. I fucking love them, I truly do
>FOTM slop
>a dlc that's been out for months
This isn't/v/, you can stop being retarded.
game is still mainstream, the overall point still stands about influenced floaters coming to watch [x] game, go be a thread police somewhere else idiot
>boss version of curseblade
oh boy
She got one guyed into wasting 30 minutes of her stream on this place.
As someone who has completed the whole DLC, no cheese or summons, these guys are some of the worst enemies From has ever made.
CUTE noise
from boss design is soooo epic
i love when ame does little sniffles like she did just now. so kyut~
Divine Lion warriors are worse
CUTE hic
Those guys at least look like they're attacking since they use normal weaponry. These guys just fucking fling their bodies around like your autistic cousin having a breakdown over not being able to watch Thomas the Tank Engine.
I'll just have to keep reminding myself of that and trust in Ame. Thank you anon.
Trust the plan...
Does your wife know about Ame? If so how does that work?
kyut VA
should've spammed more kek
I'm sure your taste in games is so unique and interesting. Fucking hipster. Something being popular doesn't make it slop.
If his wife doesn't have cosplay sex with him dressed as Ame then he's a lil bitch.
What does that even mean? Are you retarded?
She's a NEET so she understands the appeal of VTubers. It's hard to not like Ame when she's extra cute all the time.
CUTE hic
sounds like your wife would fuck a woman
>y-y-you're just being a contrarian
boo-hoo, not everyone thinks this game is an immediate 10/10, stop being a defensive NPC and watch the stream instead of bickering over one-off comments
>married man
you're supposed to be free....
Yeah, me
NTA but as someone who has been here since 06, you can never escape
dude thats gay
She would, 95% attracted to women and still chose me, it feels good after being a khv for most of my life.
Will Ame complete the Metyr quest and beat her?
It's a sign things change. Humans do not like to face the fact that things change.
I came back to here just because other social media has become that shitty. Can't have fun anywhere anymore.
Kiara has Ame hooked on Frappuccinos
Why are you such a stereotype?
CUTE hic
Error: You must wait 4 seconds before posting a duplicate reply.
Based wife.
B A S E D wife.
Ame's gonna love this quest the old guy gets pregnant with finger babies
>little boy
Ame's shota sense is tingling.
>Quest can be done super fast since the areas have no bosses
This questline was designed just for Ame for this very day...
what kind of playthrough did she say she wanted to play? it buffered right when she said it.
She knew exactly where to go.
Magic themed one, since theres so many spells
>Can't have fun anywhere anymore.
where's a person supposed to go? i ask sincerely. like you could discuss this on reddit, i guess. uh, is there a facebook group where they discuss hololive? uh... the internet should be more than just 3 websites, right? i remember the internet being bigger. some discord channel honestly. for as lame as that is it's the closest you're getting to forums of old
she lost the thought but she was meaning to say she wanted to roll with the wizards and shit, was saying there were a bunch of spells in the game
every time she says oh dog the only thing i think of is Menace II Society.
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little gnome boy~
Magic playthrough, she still hasn't used a ton of spells despite being a Faith build and especially none of the Int ones.
A sorrowful playthrough. This quest is perfect for this day.
The follies of men. Their bitter suffering. Is there no hope for redemption? The answer, sadly, is clear. There never was any hope.
cute and funny gnome boy...
They're so fucking cute, bros...
did mikki shit on the carpet again
The visions...the visions are starting again
>kyut crabuh~
She wouldn't change Bubba's name, no?
normie explode
This is an accurate recreation of a historical battle within AR 2110 of the Lands Between Calendar. And here we see a Giant Enemy Crab...
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much appreciated
Wow! So gender!
We'll never forget this crab!
Put it on the /v/ woke list!
Just got home from work, what boss she heading for bro's?
She's unknowingly being lead to Gaius by chat, and got the quest for Metyr not long before.
Oh nice, Gaius is a good choice sense she'll get a bunch of fragments after.
She needs to do the Metyr quest because ___
i'm gay
There is nowhere to go. The internet is cooked. I was going to type a big thing explaining the problems with each site and Discord, but you already know it all.
>chicken soup-uh!
CUTE hic
Wheres the fuckin figma already!!!!!!!!
Erm, what the figma
Guys please send me your energy so I stay focused on my work while watching the stream, I don't want to be peeved from Ame not summoning me, I have to focus
>the internet should be more than just 3 websites, right?
it is, we've just been brainwashed and monopolized endlessly over the decades while squandering our potential to where you either can't use alternatives or simply don't even know they exist (for example, the hundreds of different streaming/video platforms you'll never hear about)
There's places that are great but they're obscure and I'm not posting them. You gotta find your own little slice of comfort.
Good smile company is basically the figure making equivalent of a twitter artist who takes commissions, they'll largely ignore their backlog and just hop on the latest trend. Myth nendos were announced 2 years ago and Kiaras is still in the grey form, it'll be out eventually
CUTE whiny ame
You got this anon! I was also one of the people she didn't summon, so I know how you feel. Lets just enjoy the Ame :)
>frame trap fireballs into wrath from afar
Actual comedy bit lmao, I'm surprised this kinda dumb stunt never happened to me. At least she hasn't fallen down off the ledge yet kek
As long as that one bird bastard doesn't get in again, I'll be okay with not being summoned.
>As long as that one bird bastard doesn't get in again
Gonna be honest, she's clearly doing it for us more than herself, or else she'd be monitoring who she summons and not randomly circling back and forward lol. The least we could have are people who just are good as her, not hyper carrying or not being straight up IGN journalist tier of garbage
Yeah same, I've put my sign down at Giaus already, but am mentally prepared for it not showing up. I realized my matchmaking wasn't on though, and reset the password and logged out. So maybe that will help with the issue? I was one of the people who's sign didn't even show up :(
But as I said before, I'm just gonna enjoy the Ame either way
Good question. Answer is that these things just take time, it'll still be released anyways.
Didn't get the Nendo personally, but no way I'm missing this. Compatibility with MLA makes it a definite purchase for me.
I have hated rafters in every single souls game and ER is no different
Same, DS1 gave be PTSD
>Gaius is -20 to holy
What are the chances she is lucky enough to not need summons?
I blew through this section with the bow spell. STR/INT is OP as fuck in this game.
>First time fighting
>I hate this guy!
same wavelength
Well she'll only figure that out if Gauis actually slows down long enough to walk into a bubble kek
If she keeps staying away Gaius is just gonna spam his charge and instakill her every time.
His hitbox fucking sucks, that big bubble should be hitting him...
>the boar is helping him do fucking tag team combos
this is worse than the acrobatic tree sentinels lmao
just wait till you see his 5+ hit combo where him and the boar synch their swings
Why does she never think of using the doots normal attacks? She could easily deal lots of damage with it by just R1ing and not having to worry about the long wind up of bubble blowing
A bunch of bosses just have bullshit armor I think. I did a magic playthrough and all of the giga spells were practically useless against the centipede chick because it's like one iiiiiitty bitty part of the spell would clip her centipede armor and it would invalidate the whole spell. Like it was comical how she could just walk through a massive spell particle and wouldn't acknowledge it
The Ame way
Did the same when Sana left... despite being a teamate, something about sana's lore just clicked with me and it gutted me when she left making me dread if ame's time ever comes and here we are...
>roll into him
>rolls through his model
>takes damage anyway
what a fucking game
monkey brain conditioning bc L2s are too strong + ameway, pls andastand. Also she should switch to a smaller horn if you wants R1s without getting punished
now chat is trying to teach her iframe abuse with torrent, this'll end well
its fucked up that chat is trying to teach her torrent iframes when using vow of the indomitable would fix literally all her issues much easier
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can anyone see this?
i killed gaius so cant check, but i probably saw your sign yesterday. i saw a ton of fellow imp helmet teamates.
I would have to use a remedy to see it which would remove my sign
well she's gone right now, pls check
I saw the sigma anon earlier but no one else
Anons why do I want to rape Ame all of a sudden?
Is there! Is there! Is your name "Impmate"?
i need to prepare myself for the last ame doko...
uhhh no.....
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Sorry bro, I'd check for you. But all the bosses are dead for me.
Oh, then that's not you...
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I'm glad Ame has discovered how yummy these are
ah fuck my sign was definitely on screen just now, unfortunate
I might end up missing Ame's final stream due to the hurricane. It's apparently going to knock out all the electricity for ten days.
Hey, if its on screen there's a good chance it'll be there again. Some people were able to be summoned or at least have their sign up several times.
yeah it is, but I think Ame's reaction to it would be funny
Moldy is gonna job, for real for real
The best way to get Ame's attention is to be ugly, fat, or tiny, so you are correct.
is it the same password as yesterday?
hopefully your cell service still works
jobbermates... not again....
>wearing guardian garb that makes you eat a fuckton more of dmg
>low skibidi
Yes! (.á´—.)
I don't play ER. How come everyone has Ame references in their names/characters. Can you just change your looks easily or do you have to level up a brand new character?
>cheers don't job
>makes him job
good cosplay moldy
Crazy that the same team which made something as magnificent as the Bayle fight also made this. This must have been like an intern project or something and that's why they shoved it into the corner of the world.
is "was" a teamate from here? he has the hat!
So do you need a near frame perfect light roll or dash with Torrent to dodge the charge?
t. haven't bought the dlc
>change your looks easily
their looks is just their armour, man. beneath that is a pretty bog standard human being model
go buy a gas powered generator
Average Teamate was clearly made to look like the Chad meme.
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Easy win
it's accurate. i look like that, after all.
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>same energy
>same detective coat
ame probably wouldve been stuck at this guy for 2 whole streams if it wasnt for the summons, she only hit him like 3 times that whole fight
iirc Nyumei was one of the jobbers from yesterday so it's nice that they redeemed themselves
yeah you can chisel the chin in character customization. it's really common for streamers to make like shrek or something really dopey looking because you can go kind of wild with the proportions, but you're still human even if green
and then you can make your name a meme. it's wild that you'd want to play the game as average teamate with no one seeing that but you could invade other players. play as moldy terrarium with a meme outfit in mind i guess
Good job tankmates
I better not see any glass cannon builds anymore
yes, funny enough I always wore it beforehand for the end boost
my only regret is that I didn't get to do the gesture first, but props to the guy yesterday for having the same brain cell
Yeah, was def someone from yesterday. I remember thinking that it was close to "Mumei"
She didn't beat the DLC, she is farming the make-the-game easy items!
Ame's not gonna survive til the 30th if she just keeps subsisting off Starbucks...
I'm fucking broke lol
CUTE double hic
CUTE n BIG double hic
Cute double HIC
Eldenmates, what do you guys think of Marika, after learning everything about her past on the DLC?
idk. i didn't read any of the lore, because who cares
I ordered the Gura figma like 2-3 years ago and it just arrived yesterday.... don't know what took so long.
Marika and Miquella did nothing wrong
Fuck Hornsents
Fuck the Greater Will
And fuck everyone who thinks Ranni is any better than Marika
She was based for killing all the hornsent, shame about what she did to messmer though
I want to seggs her so she'll have more cursed children
Nobody is in the right in the grand story, everyone has an agenda. And she was also being used by Metyr. Basically, she woman momented all the way to godhood.
CUTE hic
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need quick help testing something
could someone look for a red duelist sign with the password at this hinterland grace? Pretty sure this game is just overloaded and my sign never shows up
Got a little silly, did some girlbossing, definitely isn't innocent
CUTE hic
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Fuck all the people who shit on souls game descriptions, the Golden Braid alone has better exposition than entire AAA games
Not seeing the sign, at the grace just called "Hinterland" right?
cute monchin
booting the game back up, sec
I dont see it, but you have to understand that the matchmaking pool for souls game is strange
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>couldn't be summoned
>actually getting cock blocked
Unpaid Intern, I see, I saw it, tried to summon, but it was unable to connect I think you stopped it or left or rested
Just saw it but when I clicked it it did a connection error and sent me back to the tittle screen.
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>Nobody is in the right
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don't see shit captain, rip
I had Armando tier shits out of the blue and couldn't grab my phone cos I ran to the bathroom so fast. What did I miss? She beat General Gays already? Did she need help?
yeah she used summons
she beat him but needed help. gays take a lot of holy damage it seems but they move too much
Hope it was resident teamates.
I'm still there if you wanna test again
Someone managed to summon me, must be simply getting cucked I guess. Congrats btw
yeah, rubbish system that hasn't been touched or properly worked on since the demon souls
We had one resident teamate actually
Bro didnt I just summon you? I jumped
At least one of them was confirmed a teamate.
NTA, someone else was waiting for me there
You jumped while I was trying to spell out Ame with shiny rocks
Oh that must have been someone else lol
Ames brilliance leaves a big shadow in my heart with its absence...
I only got into this hobby about a year ago and this is maybe the fourth stream of Ame's that I've caught live, but I was still at least distantly aware of her existence from debut thanks to osmosis. I might have missed the golden years, but it's hard to remember a time when she wasn't "there" in some form. Plus, I've seen enough VODs to already know that Ame really is something special, just like all the girls from Myth.
What I'm trying to say is, I might be late to the party, but I'm going to miss her all the same. My condolences, teamates - your oshi has and will always have my undying appreciation and respect. o7
My wife is so spatially aware~
dog oh dog
Uhhhh guys, is Ame a little, ya know?
Next question.
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Teamates why the fck ChikuTaku is not even at 900k? do your job, time is almost over
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This took way too many tries
Thank you for humoring me though
What is she curretn;y trying to do I zoned out to her voice
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Better version
She's trying to survive kek
Honestly chat should just gas light her into leaving, these spots are extremely disappointing unless you're doing the metyr questline
Nice! My picture says its too big to upload lol
CUTE hic
CUTE hic
Should post this on the Amelive tag!
she is doing that questline
>touch the dongle
yeah mine
I want Ame to blow my dongle like that...
bowson blowing into your urethra
mocking loretubers
She's mocking fromsoft you absolute nonce.
CUTE hic
CUTE hic
Just got back from the bathroom, thanks for the moss friend! That was fun lol
ame somehow got the rare interaction of doing the bells incorrectly lmfao
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>Ame really is something special
the one rrrrrrring
I want to bottle Ame's hiccups so that I can place the jar on my windowsill and admire how the light reflects off of the hiccups bouncing around in their glass prison for eternity.
I want to occasionally take the jar down off the sill and press my ear to it, allowing the HIC to gently reverberate inside of my eardrums soothingly.
I want to leave my home and think fondly of my Amelia hiccup jar from time to time, knowing that it awaits me patiently, missing me as I miss it and it's cute little hics.
I want to go to sleep at night with a little smile, knowing that I will forever have a perfectly preserved jar full of sunlight and hiccups.
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She's not finishing ER, is she?
Oh well, it's not really that important, as long as she's having fun.
New thread:
still like nine hours to go, and enir-ilim ain't that long
Wait, she's going for a marathon!?
That's amazing, lets go!
this but with Ame's smile
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>a perfectly preserved jar full of sunlight and ame's hiccups
Made me nervous for a second there anon.
She could finish it pretty suddenly at any point by just burning the tree and summoning for Radahn. I'm glad to see her making use of the extra hours to play more like she normally would.
This but with what you thought the other anon's spoiler was for
Alright so she will beat Putrescent knight, then continue Thiolliers quest, then burn the tree and get to radahn, then after that she can beat Metyr and Scadutree Avatar.
sounds like a good plan
Dismount while jumping? Was she trying to Yoshi the horse?
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Trinatomos! Teamates! Are our oshis finally collabing?!
unfortunately their first and only collab
I don't think anyone is trying to get her to do the Sunflower. Almost a hivemind understanding of she doesn't have the time for everything.
she will have time for sunflower and metyr for sure
She probably has time. I just don't think anyone's that passionate about the avatar (even if Ame would like the flower aspect)
a fucking deadbeat
Dat holy bubble dammy...

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