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The 245th Wind


>LAST STREAM:【Half-Life 2】I am the good guy!!!!!!!!

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
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>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>86068020
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You're mistaken about more than one thing anon.
She really thought that it was going to be something cool...
I'm sleepy.
Remember otomos are snails inside a hard shell. We are slimy that’s why grems always lick us to clean us.
I'm hungry.
>Anons, it's over for me, I sacrificed my best friend but honestly speaking, we wouldn't make it together anyway so it was better for me to survive a bit longer...
Ceci is the kind of person who feels no remorse when killing Yoshi.
He deserves it for laying smelly yoshi eggs
Yoshi is a videogame character. I would kill billions of them for a useless achievement.
this is one of the few streams that I feel like I don't have to give my full attention to, just listening to cute CC noises while doing other things
I wouldn't be mad if this game doesn't get a second stream.
It's a dumb meme, the alternative is that they both die.
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>Easy platforming path
>Already went right up to it
>Did a jank jump from way outside instead
>Spent 5 minutes due to overthinking it
This is too real.
this game seems like a pretentious artsy game that wants you to look past its super repetitive and simple gameplay loop because it has a good art style
The going full Sanic part looks bretty good tho
But yeah this seems like a game for a single afternoon
Pretty similar to "a short hike" imo. Fun little "explore around" game that's alright to mess with for an evening. A "movie" game not in the cinematic sense, but in the kind of entertainment you get out of it.
I'm going to be honest, I liked a short hike more.
Me too. A short hike was more interesting, and it gave Ceci more opportunities to be goofy.
>collectibles for the pet eagle
>little hats and bows
>15% better gameplay
It reminds me of Sonic Frontiers.
are these supposed to be puzzles? is the target audience like 3 yo?
I love her so much. I wish I could find a cute autistic esl girl with a bit of a hater/contraian streak and a big heart
I think those are just games for people that never game
No, anon. They're meant to simply be things to have you interact with the environment at a basic level. The point of these games is relaxing and enjoying the scenery. 3 year olds would also get rather upset at the bird getting hurt or the big fire monsters in general.
Der fahrplan
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stream is kinda nice though; cozy
the chat is slow everyone sleeps
she picks up a lot of messages here and there
It's comfy but I'm very sleepy.
for a moment I thought chat bugged out, very unusual
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she only has 52 viewers today... my oshi is washed up
>52 still waiting
Release those otomos from frozen time immediately!
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>>86135358 (me)
wake up anon, it's time
CC forma da little girl ToT
>I need to refill water, but it's boss battle
it's over shouldn't have eaten those cookies
What did she mean to say?
>with the power of hate!
wtf is that guy yapping about?
I hope cc and rara both stream their pov tomorrow.
Didn't CC say that she won't?
Is she going to finish it this stream?
Tomorrow is the Ame Valve collab.
>>86136335 (me)
Anyone taking bets which characters in Stardew Cici ends up liking/hating the most?
it seems like there's 4 or 5 bosses, so it feels like a good midway point to stop. Also it's already 3 hours stream.
The Zeitplan says she won't.
Fuck this ARS fucker superchatting literally 10 cents with messages. Probably not even really argentinian.
yeah probably though is it worth getting angry on him? meh, he's hoping for it
>>86134503 (me)
yeah it was pretty nice stream, occasional boss battles woke me up enough to not fall asleep during the other puzzles and running and CC achieved a bit of chatting as well, pretty nice indeed
I like when CC makes things walk.
I like when CC
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when CC
>deadlock and tf2
watching cc play a fps against actual human enemies would be painful
who all will be streaming the ame valve marathon? i want to see tf2 gameplay (and point and scream at the yucky deadlock gameplay)
everyone. she finds the bachelors and bachelorettes too childish. she would probably (like everyone else) marry robin if she could tho.
If you can dress up Ceci, what would you like her to wear?
By the sound of it nearly every en member. Seems like they plan on swapping out every few games
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Something like this.
Just a cute dress with stockings and nice shoes without a high heel. Also I thing short dangly earrings would look great on her model
office lady ceci
love this idea
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Something sharp would look interesting I think. Or a goth lolita dress but that's my default.
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tango dress
Immerheim über alles!
something casual and with her hair in ponytails. id love something gothic too but I don't think ceci likes that's style.
Like Mel from Arcane but with green accents/accessories.
yeah, i love gothic but i dont feel like it fits her
would love to see a casual outfit for her tho
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ceci murders everything in cold blood because she has no heart
good, imagine she lets you live only because you're too pitiful to kill
Not true! She has my heart! It in the top drawer of her writing desk in a little box
Cici has no heart. Would you give her your actual heart? (You will not survive without a heart)
seeing ceci with circle frame glasses feels like a dopamine injection into my brain
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Glad tobe your dope dealer otomo
I saw a science man do this on twitch
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Gigi's clothes
Don't worry he's still alive thanks to consuming gorilla biscuits and horse electrolytes.
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Me on my way to kill that stupid bird
Marriage to Cecilia would be fulfilling and pleasurable.
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Don’t do it tonberrytomo!
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thats so cool....
Why are you awake? Stupid woman!
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I telepathically willed it, sorry.
is it dead yet?
I bet they were playing roblox...
Not yet. It can fly and I have short arms and legs.
>The green one
too many nickname
My wife(only im allowed to use this one)
Hi Gigi
take your meds rara
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fine, I'll lend you my jetpack. get to it anon! kill the stupid bird
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Ceci is the übermensch choice
Show some fuckin respect to your oshi. Type it out as Cecilia Immergreen every time.
i think you mean "Cecilia Immergreen of Hololive-EN"
Of Hololive EN JUSTICE
SPIIIIIIN TO WI-hahahahah hey guys how are you doing? I'm sleepy
I’m excited to see who Ceci mains in tf2. She feels demo to me.
She feels like a spy or scout main to me
You forgot her middle name it's "Cecilia 'lilycia' Immergreen of Hololive-EN Justice"
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green women love
only ceci
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i wanna plap this little hag ferret
I really like fauna and ceci alot. They both appear to be quite intelligent from the way they speak and can really yap. They just happen to be both green
GG is a staple now but I honestly want more Raora collabs, they are so good together Verification not required.
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>they are so good together Verification not required.
sorry im drunk
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yeah this. it doesn't even have to be an official collab. I love their impromptu collabs. I love it when Ceci just pops in on Rara's Minecraft or art streams. their collabs always feel so comfy and natural, like watching siblings having fun together.
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Raviolin love!
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