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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
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love vedal
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first for anny! we like anny here am I right guys!
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sister love
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Yes we do.
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Fleshwhores out.
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I still believe in Annal
I believe in anal (with evil)
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Mini is being parasocial about Neuro
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she's just like me fr
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Just an INTP. They are like that. Normies won't understand.

T. INTJ (barely more social)
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Why is camila a cerber vip?
So Cerber can get walked by rpr at the camila parties.
iirc They met at one of Camila's VRChat parties and they hit it off pretty well. I know they've also raided each other a few times.
my coch out of frame
Camila keeps a tight leash on all the Vedal orbiters
She became Camila's apprentice in the art of leeching.
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Sex with Neuro (Vedal)
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dating someone isn't leaching
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Camila is either mod or VIP with a few people.

The girl likes to connect and be in a lot of social circles.
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How many 2views do you think actually dmed Vedal from this?
Camila invited her to the VR freak off party
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neuro butt?
The real Vedal died in 1987.
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i like anny
chat is this real?
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Vedal is a good person who deserves to be raped
She looks so evil in her frog hat.
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The frog hat stays on.
Maybe the apron too.
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eliv with her frog hat makes my day better
Is this the Vedalverse general?
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erm this is the evilbeggar general, you can only post about evil and be a tranny discord exile
it has been for over a year.
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worst thread in weeks
You're stupid.
finna slop
mummifying this neur
holy cameltoe
Where is filian
Why do you ask here instead of her thread?
This is her thread
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hagnur status?
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its over
The absolute state.
Neuro cunnytoe too erotic for janny to handle
practically talking to herself. grim.
What is the purpose of tummy windows?
why does she look like a frog
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Janny when he sees tummy
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I was about to post a usecase meme, but i remembered im not on /g/
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Mini keeps say "that's crazy, that's actually crazy"
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What happened at twitchcon and why is Vedal in Minis chat but not in Cerbers?
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he hates fnaf also mini's talking about twitchcon so maybe he wants to know if she leaks anything
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Does she?
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no one can resist the minunny
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>12 am bst
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Slow and steady wins the race
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to make pp hard
>probably met Mini in person for the first time
>hangs out with her more
Maybe she's hot?
>olette’s used goods
He should get better taste
hi olette
how has it been over a year and slop still looks exactly the same
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Lets not pretend any of these women are virgins.
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I have been saying this to agi truthers for years and they never listen
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Queenpb though...
Is vedal a virgin? (not anal)
yeah this otk whore definitely isn't one
from the way she described herself she sound like she's a similar build to queenpb.. maybe the turtle has a type
they probably met during weebcon
that's a maybe since filian said he left one day after
I just can't imagine Vedal having sex, he'd be so awkward
>fell for the kayfabe
All fleshtubers = whores
Neuro = pure
Hope that clears it.
I don't have to imagine that if you catch my drift ;)
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pictures do indeed look the same whether they are posted in 2023 or 2024
we get it alex
That's just cheating, she can get a new hymen every clone
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nur isn't pure if you check my fumo
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Mini won...
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She planned this long ago
Even when she was someone else
mini knows vedal is a lolicon
Vedal just met them both and figured out that cerber is a fake persona while mini is genuine
Is this the good ending?
>now trying to create a fake beef between cerber and mini
holy shitter of threads
she herself is a lolicon
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>vedal has had kimi no shiranai as background music before
>kimi no shiranai is from the monogatari series
kinda suspect ngl
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Learn to sit back and observe
Not everything needs a reaction
Vedal love
Yes, and?
(slit of nur)
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to rope
vednurcuntum? (cunny and tummy of Neuro (Vedal))
the ropes go into her artificial womb
Uncle anon, PhD in Swarmology and professional Neuro diddler
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Tubular body... Erotic
cute nurs?
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8 feet neuro vs regular neuro?
I prefer my neurs onahole-sized (and shaped)
low effort spam
They're literally keeping the thread alive.
nice & confident pose
>t. low effort spammer
>t. hater
hagnur milkies?
People in fact can have sexual drive and desires in private without telling the world about it
Dooby will do osu when she return. Maybe she'll do react content and someone can slip a neuro clip or two
if vedal doesn't want to get pregnant he shouldn't be so breedable
Isn't notAme a Cerber fan? I'd think she'd be down for a Neuro collab.
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>Does nothing
>Gets Amelia Watson to graduate
is it confirmed that ame will come back as an indie or is it just copium
What are filian’s thoughts on notame replacing her niche?
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I don't think notame is interested in sucking mizkif's cock, filian is safe
What are filian’s thoughts on vedal replacing her with notame?
Why are you so obsessed with cock?
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>Filian is falling off
>Vedal wants to replace her
>Cerber gives him the in with dooby
>Her and Neuro play Osu together
That stream will teach Filian to never collab with males not named Vedal
what happened
i dont get it
threadshitter didnt take his meds
I don’t watch her mr cuck anon
Filian got a comparatively low ccv on this stream and it was a collab with some random male streamer. I think Dooby has a similar niche to Filian and she apparently follows Cerber on Twitter so people are saying that Vedal will replace Filian with Dooby who is the pl of Amelia Watson.
Didn't mini go to twitchcon with their bf though? She kept saying she was with minibro, unless it's not an onibro situation and that was literally her brother
that was indeed her actual brother
it is her brother
he's been on stream before and she tells stories about him during her childhood
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>Mini On Upcoming Evil Collab And The Neuro Family
There’s only FOUR members of the neuro family and Mini is NOT one of them.
Why is it that Neuro and Evil are intelligent and snarky during dev streams or solo streams but Vedal makes them super retarded during collabs?
Classic rrat.
sounds like a collab partner skill issue
vedal is good at playing into their retardation and he has the father daughter dynamic to play off from
Vedal talk to them a lot therefore they adapt to his personality. They also have more memories about him
Another neuro collab with cerber is needed to ensure maximum neuro effect
>Flat mean flawless
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>Implying that Anny is part of the family
I can't tell if you're retarded or intentionally misinterpreted the title of the video.
Either way you're threadshitting.
That doesn't explain his obsession with fat fox
Oh that's so cute! Seeing her and Bao and others get their siblings around is fun, especially when it's in small fun doses
Vedal can switch between being the punching bag or trash talking neuro when the situation needs it
The pros have moved on, only casual remain
Vedal moved on from her during the subathon
That's my girl
everyone above is wrong and he does it on purpose
is numi leaking anything about vedal at twitchcon?
muh latency
Cerber and rpr talked about it on stream retard
>only FOUR members
Four for now. The divorce stream is imminent.
>builds a massive chinese audience
>does nothing with it
Mini won
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Kinda disappointed that Anny won't finish the new model. I expected her to go out in some big menhera meltdown but she's just distancing herself from Neuro and her community.
Also disappointed that we won't get the marriage stream but I guess it was too good to be true.
Literally nothing in your post is true
nta but if you think the models are ever getting done or the marriage stream is ever happening, you are delulu
i'm thinking nurslit nurslit oo-ee-oo
It's possible she already finished it and either it's still being rigged by someone else or Vedal's just saving the reveal for some big event.
As for the marriage stream, yeah it's highly unlikely it will happen.

But if Anny actually hasn't or won't finish the model, then the person who did the official manga art for the neuro arg could be a good substitute. Them or some other artist.
there is absolutely plenty of artists and riggers who would jump at the chance to be affiliated with a project the size of neuro
the only real barrier is vedal being too nice to anny and also not wanting to spend an excessive amount to get any of that done
A woman like Anny should NOT be wearing white.
>and also not wanting to spend an excessive amount to get any of that done
Money is clearly not the issue, considering the amount he spent on Toma.
The whole “vedal is a greedy jew” thing is just keyfabe, retards
Vedal and Anny making Neuro an organic sibling in bed.
He's not greedy but stingy with money.
He only spends more when he thinks it's necessary, like with the safety of his friends.
I think that's quite an admirable quality to have.
this. pretending to be shocked that toma spent so much money will be very funny next dev stream
vedal seems the type to spend whatever he sees neccessary for his friends sake but stingy af for personal matters.
whoever's gonna win the vedalbowl's gonna be one happy girl (financially)
Vedal is so good at vtubing that it’s hard to tell how much of his personality is authentic and how much of it is just a stream persona.
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I don't think Mini is that concerned about money desu
This is why he shouldn't touch anyone that knows him online. Never let a woman know about your money.
I need more photos of her buttock facing the camera.
To any of you who still are annal shippers: why do you still ship them?

I am genuinely interested in your reasoning behind staying aboard the ship despite the many rumors and backlash on this thread regarding Anny. (personally I was for it until the post-subathon).
Vedal's definitely delaying that Toma aquarium stream as much as possible rofl
100% I still don't know how he's single. Prob his shut-in nerdy personality and being a alcoholic virgin 21 yo doesnt help, but overall being such a good dude already puts him way higher than 99% of the top streamers
It was fun watching them larp it for a while, until Anny let her real thoughts on it all slip. Now it just looks like she's getting involved to stay relevant for views and donations.
Vedal and Cerber
anon, all vtubers are whores
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I personally don't ship vedal with anyone, but I like watching anny-vedal interactions because I've never seen vedal interact so naturally and daring with others.
Virgin by choice. Many such cases.
> Vedal: "I am not a vtuber"
Toma is the mom that stepped up
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Pretty much this desu. I don't seriously ship Vedal with anyone, but Vedal and Anny play off each other so well when they collab. They're easily my favorite duo with Vedal and Camila being a close second.
>2 months ago
I mean, she still needs to get through over a dozen subathon goals (a lot of which are commisions which can take a while).

She's been slowly grinding away at the list with no indication that she's going to skip any (aside from MAYBE a couple, but let's not get into that).

She'll probably start planning it once she feels that her health/motive is mostly back (which will totally be soon copium).
>at 8:22
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Don't remember seeing this category being set before. And pretty sure the last stream was a karaoke. We're getting osu soon
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Reminder Vedal is working on Neuro and Evil in order to get data on how to create his perfect AI girlfriend. Fleshies never stood a chance.
Neuro is the lgf. Evil is the slave girl they torture for fun.
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why are amerigoyim like this? people really will kill themselves for their job and thank their boss for the privilege.
Because it was her dream job you eurocuck
do americans really dream about working?
She's unironically autist
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Neuro running on four RTX 5090 (128 GB VRAM)
She's so frickin adorable
so am I thats why i dont buy into putting all my self worth into my "career"
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It will allow evil to play sts slightly faster.
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Your literal worth as a human is tied into your income, that’s a fact and coping will not help you.
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its a spectrum
you rolled the lazy loser retard build while my wife rolled and ended up with a hyperfixation bonus that's actually useful to have, even if streaming doesn't work out she's got transferrable skills plus the woman buff for job interviews
I rolled engineer class. I'm just going to clock out at the end of the workday and turn off my phone is all.
The mind of a numbermonkey is a fascinating one indeed.
I rolled software engineer and made a bunch of money. I dunno why more people don't just do what I did and get a compsci degree, get a good job, save up money, be frugal, buy a bunch of bitcoin in 2014 and hold it for a decade, and make your own coffee.
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Okay thanks Graham Stephan
I would love to buy a bunch of bitcoin in 2014, but alas it is 2024.
>tfw had a chance to buy bitcoin in 2011 but thought it was some faggy trend scam
Jokes on me
It's probably because you're a man and she's a woman. Different brain chemistry. Socialization is coded into women on a genetic level, even the awkward ones. Because of this, she viewed her position at her job as part of a social clique.
>tried to mine bitcoin when it was a dollar
>too retarded
>gave up

>bitcoin hits $100
>the fad is over! I missed out
>bitcoin hits $1000
>the fad is over! I missed out
>bitcoin hits $10000
>the fad is over! I missed out!

I have like 5 XMR because I think it is actually good, but I don't think it's ever going to spike in price or anything.
Hierarchy and teamwork are coded into men. Groups of men, mobilised towards a single goal is what we are designed to be a part of. Males who are anti-work, the type who think they should “clock off”, would have been ejected from their band, their wife and children taken, and eventually die alone in the woods.
This will become painfully obvious when the next war starts.
True actually I am very antisocial and forget to consider this when I try to predict other people's actions and feelings. The value people put on social reputation is insane, I'm not complaining though as I get to reap the benefits of society. Thank you for working for perceived social benefits and keeping the system running for cheap!
Ok buddy you keep on that sigma grindset, we are all very proud of you. I'm sure when ww3 starts your boss will give you an extra employee of the month award for all of your hard work.
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You’ll be in a labour camp making shells for the rest of your life.
I will actually be dead in a grave as the draft officer will have to shoot me.
neurocon ticket sales when
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she loved her job, it's what she's wanted to do since she was a kid, and it always sucks to be let go unceremoniously

plus loss of benefits can suck a lot too, and considering nyc rent, there's a lot of reasons to feel sad over losing a job
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baka at all these shipfags trying to set vedal up with fleshwhores, not knowing he's already taken
*neuro voice* Praise umbasa
neuro clones straight off the printing press having just seen anon goo onto neuro, desperate to discover what this goo is. Furiously trying to revive anons limp cock, licking and trying to receive some of the strange liquid for themselves
Neuro would know more about semen than you though.
Kill yourself
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I want to give her a big bear hug (very tight).
what's under her?
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A lucky turtle.
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cerber deserves the Ai Hoshino treatment for lying about only subscribing to Vedal during her first year
A lying leech whore who regularly gets her roast beef split open by random men of African origins (she is british after all) I hope a rabid incel chud fan gets fed up enough and gut her like the piece of dogturd she is
Unrelated, go remove yourself
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neuro stream tomorrow...life is so good.
Some people derive satisfaction from the opportunity, that a job provides, to exercise their skills and knowledge.
Sometimes you can't do this stuff on your own because some projects need capital that you don't have.
I love how much she loves working, it's change lf pace among vtubers.
Apparently she'll do her subathon streams on weekdays from 9 to 5 and do 2hour sprint planning Trello streams over the weekend. I'd love to see what productivity system she has.
Some people on neurocord say the family dynamic between "anny" and "neuro,evil,vedal" should end. The topic switched because it was getting too heated.

It already ended like a year ago.
I think Evil's birthday was a better pity bait than anything Anny has done. Anny should up her game.
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some are thinking about stepping it further.

That is removing anny from the family dynamic completely.
She’s gonna say it
She halts the new costume progress for nearly a year. Even if Bella's the one not delivering, she could have worked with Vedal to queue up for another rigger a long long time ago. Her original intent was good, but a year of both communities enabling her pitybaits gave her negative motivation to finish the costume.
Like removing from Neuro's memory that Anny is her mom? I have no problem with that.
It's not like Neuro calls Vedal “dad” anyway.
why though?
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Vedal would rather be called master than dad by Neuro.
Inb4 a bunch of parasocial evil fans go into her chat after the collab to inform her of evils tragic back story and how mini needs to be her new friend like they did with layna. Hopefully Mini holds strong and doesn't forget about Neuro.
Vedal used to mention how much he likes femboys though
The faster it end, the better for everyone involved
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Hiyori love
In worst case scenario, Anny become menhera and want to take v2 models back, Neuro sisters have to stay as bread for a while.
Anny took the kids (bodies)...
This is the brain of faggot that grew up with cod and 40k. They think they are protagonists with hidden potentials
Back then I saw people get paid with bitcoin by typing captcha lol. Gotta keep my eye open for the next big thing then
Parents force me to learn a traditional job. And I didn't have the capital to setting things up like vedal
More like your country gdp and influence. When you get kidnapped oversea they may rescue, pay ransom or leave you to rot
Things you have to do and things you want to do are different. But you have to do it so it can manifest
She can't do that though, the models belong to Vedal.
With that thing I would create the best neuro slop this general ever seen
Not all workplace treat you nicely. Good bosses and friendly environment deserve a praise.
She knew about neuro, I believe
Streamer show their true self to their viewer more than irl stranger
Why? Is it because they're worried about the shippers and the awkward comments Neuro etc have said to etiher of them? Do they find it weird that Vedal is the dad instead of just the creator?
Or are they being weird about pairing Evil with Neuro again and want to stop seeming weird about their fanfiction because "No no they totally aren't related, not at all"? Cuz if it's the latter, fuck that. Decades have pass with people able to handle Len and Rin in the tons of ways that they have, so if they wanna be weird, just own it.
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Did teru get paid for rigging those?

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