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That Watermelon is FAKE Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Zen is LIVE! And started fishing in Ultimate Fishing Simulator with ari, Haruka, Mei, and Ruben. Fun group. Lots of fish to be found. Ari is also live if you want to watch that collab from an alternate angle. Other than that Mouse is LIVE! She's asleep but the new thing on Twitch is getting her completely nuts numbers since she's at almost a full day of time on the counter now. Shit's nuts. Katie and Saiiren are also in call hanging out with chat. Finally Mata is LIVE! And is back from Twitchcon! Yapping and doing all that kinda fun stuff. Lots of stories to tell. Lots happening. Also that finally was a lie because Geega is also LIVE! Except she's not! Keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Image source: https://twitter.com/mashiro_mayu1/status/1839279795156431133

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and former member discussion
/mouse/ for subathon-specific discussion

Previous Thread: >>86124748
Henya's Big Melons
I love Michi so much.
Geega cried?
Hot if true...
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>Still wants to do both GTA and Variety
>Knows that RP viewers only watch RP and Variety viewers don't wanna watch RP
>Knew the longer she played GTA on main, the more people (long time viewers) she would lose.
>She likes how the RP viewers who stayed integrated into the normal bunch.
>She doesn't mind numbers going down, she likes the community as it is now.
>Acknowledges the fact that RP spam has affected the main channel but she accepts it.
>She isn't worried about it because she "has the luxury of being in vshojo" as a fallback because she will always be relevant.
>She accepts that she has to build back her variety audience and has known it for a while.
So is she gonna be in more collabs then?
All of the whining /here/ worked.
That's really distorted. She said her ccv goes down when she does gta, most of the time. But goes up when there's a heist. And when she goes back to variety her numbers return. There's no long term negative effect on ccv. The main change is that she has less gifted subs, but more 'real' subs, which is better for channel health anyway. And she has fun doing it, which is obvious to anyone that's watched her at all, even if they don't like GTA.
Smart lady
This overconfident slut.
Geega just said she's only had sex with men over the age of 18.
it didn't, she will still snub all main channel content if there are friends logged on the server.
This comes off as a weird combination of self awareness and cope. The important part right now is how much time she dedicates to RP compared to variety. Whichever one she does more will show which she prioritizes.
So when is she gonna do anything of interest?
Lmao Geega stop browsing /here/. that sounds exactly like stuff said here (although it is true, so maybe ahe discovered that by herself, finally)
Are you trying to convince us about what you want to be true or are you trying to play devil's advocate?
He’s not GTAnon, bullshit levels might be lower than usual
yeah, groups are op like that.
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Original green texter here, I don't know about the other stuff but he is right about the subs thing.
>She said the her sub count increased after playing GTA and has stayed the same even after she stopped playing it on main.
Mei and Ruben are perfect together
>He’s not GTAnon
There is literally only one guy here who cares about GTA RP and he posts the same crap
>acknowledged RP viewers leave
>says RP viewers integrated
Shipping anon...
scratch that, this >>86140948 is gtanon, this >>86140797 is another guy
She said a lot of things across a four hour stream so someone could take this or that that as more important. Is something she said earlier her more real, unguarded opinion, and when she got into it later she was doing damage control, or was the later statement what she wanted to say after thinking about it? There's some room to wiggle like that.
what the fuck mata
what happened I am consooming the gta sloppa
Why does class of 09 come off as unnecessarily edgy
It's a black humor game then fuck did you expect?
I don't want to get into this argument, but you say true things to support your argument. That might be a fact, but it's not the argument.

Same question, again. Playing devil's advocate is fine, but are you saying it because you want it to be true?
Is this your first time seeing GTAanon? Of course he is spewing bullshit
Stupid post even for this general, you should feel bad
she wants to change her number she had for a good while, because of spam calls and some legit stalker shit
Why is Mei talking about dog dicks
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Geega is untrustworthy regarding anything she says
Something coherent over “ow the edge”
He instincts are wildly inconsistent, I think that's fair to say at this point.
I want my face over every inch of that
I think he just hears what he wants to hear, not that he purposefully lies.
If you are not him then there is no difference, it's bullshit either way
I think it's fine to player devil's advocate even if it's something you want to be true. As long as it's honest, there's no real conflict. It devolves into schizo shit without the honesty.
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>>86140797 (me)
I am not GTAnon. I'm a Geegooner who just happened to tune in (late) when she was talking about it.
but there is a difference between intentionally spewing falsehoods and just being a little too autistic
Ok i'd actually like Mei in. She's awesome.
>Zen might be, objectively, the most cruel and hateful person I've ever known
Ruben is /OUT/
We know.
You might be retarded
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michi erotic....
Mata plans to visit Geega sometime in November
>slopfags casually wormed their way in into this thread
Sorry I don’t like retarded edgy
we get like no OC so slop it is
What for, Geega doesn't do anything
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Who fucking cares, not like any of you actually draw anything
I think she is /in/
Fuck... SEX
Anyone who does realizes that posting it on Twitter is better since you get more attention and your oshi may acknowledge it
Imagine geega not opening the door because she has to finish some rp scenario first
I can draw just about everything except humans
Draw a horse henya
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I don't mind sloppa, the only times I don't like sloppa is when it's posted as not sloppa or they try to shill themselves
perfect, you only need to draw dogs and horses anyway
I feel this is like 6 months too late at this point
she has dug herself into a huge hole at this point and the GTA RP community is not at a good point right now as well
Draw geega as a dacshund
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Dan Clancy what a fucking simp
Mata mentioned the stamps thing was Geega's idea so maybe.
>7500$ in a week
spent on meaningless twitch subs. that’s why subathons are bad
I figure it was Geega or Mata that idea had Hag written all over it
Someone subbed to time her out of Mata's channel
Now, you could use this image to make the monkeys enrage thinking that Twitch is now helping her as an industry plant or whatever.
vshojo has a new staff member, huh
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oh it's actually real
But we took a fuck load of money from Valo so worth
eh, there are a lot of people that that's an incredibly small amount of money too, you don't have to bezos tier either
I want my Zentreya knife and ramen.
https://x.com/ironmouse/status/1839456930143899771 Holy she's going to get a casting couch SOTD isn't she
Untrustworthy and unverifiable.
Think mata will drag vinny along to some obscure rock show?
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I've completely stopped watching Geega and will only return if she ever completely drops GTA RP.
Did Mouse ever actually share the link for that playlist
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First thing mousey does when waking up is tweet Sinder. Yeah im thinking /in/
I hope so, otherwise I'm following some sort of fraud list.
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No one is in
The girls are just searching for vessels and sacrifices for Moloch in order to get Henya back
Don’t think that’s true champ. I don’t want to sound like a commie, but wealth inequality is at an all time high right now. That means statistically that the opposite is true: a smaller percentage each year has that kind of money to throw around.
I volunteer.
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so /in/ Huge tits org grows more powerful every day
Sinder is unironically in, and she's gonna be a great fit. Her yap collab with Mata was great, and a collab with Henya would be very cute
That is because the most wealthy people, people like Bezoz, Musk, etc, are just astronomically wealthy these days so it distorts the distribution. But those guys grew the size of the pie so much with their companies as well.
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5 days until the subathon ends
>i met jabroni mike
>i'm stealing him for million collabs
based and same I’m sad that things transpired the way they did. I just want to see Geega, Haruka and Zen reunited again. Also more group collabs with Geega and more events planned by her
It's gonna be awkward when she celebrates a birthday and she has choose who to spend it with between vshojo and whore clan
I have the daki with this art and I unironically love it as decoration
ANOTHER model? What is that, three since the start of subathon?
>Some who to appease Zen
what do you think
Gta anon...........
It's okay to admit that gta is shit. Cheer up.
Sushi, Grape, Meicha
Don’t think silver wants to rejoin, but the rest are great choices
>Some who to appease Zen
Probably 6. Remember she's honoring whatever time gets added at the end. They'll probably be a big surge in the last couple hours Sunday night. My guess is another 24-30 hours. Possibly more.
Sinder got an /in/vite, she's not in the applications
I keep falling asleep after dinner, why do I a napping problem?
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me too
Who brought up Silver in that post? Besides you.
I don't think Mei will be /in/
that's your answer for everything
I don't know a single person Mata mentions from back in the day
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Based. I will watch if she plays golden axe III.
Was it Alex? I swear he has nothing online
I'd love to get some wine in Mata and slap around her fat titties
Okay fine whatever. If Geega wants to do things the hard way and try to maintain two different channels she can go right ahead. It's not like she'll be the first Vshojo to do that. As long as she stops doing main channel content on the alt it's fine.
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rrats? who could that be?
My oshi doesn't like virile young men (me)... it's over...
>Froot is going to collab with some pretty cool musician in the future
>Mata got to meet them in person recently
I think that's a bit too little to go off of. I suppose we'll know more eventually.
If she's telling the story post-Twitchcon I'd assume it's someone she met there.
bbno$ then
Didn't she say she'd love to do a song with Sinder?
She called them a musician and Sinder is only a singer as far as I know
Singers are musicians
Definitely not sinder
Mata made it sound like it's someone actually important.
Yeah she's important because she's the new member
that's kinda mean
The Weeknd
The only one I know was actually there was bbno$
Which would be funny if it happen, dunno how because it's rap and metal but he's really good at it
No they aren't
So Sinder?
Why are you being rude?
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Fred Durst
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he said "actually important"
I know there's a vshojo member following him on twitch but forgot who
Only Gunrun
holy cope kek
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Yeah, Sinder
>matagiri feet pics
>toe locking
orange whobeggars are spamming especially proacitively today
what happened?
Is there any actual concrete reason to predict Mei as /in/? I thought she failed the auditions.
kek mindbroken
read again
This is not about her at all
Assuming you mean sinder she raided into Mouse and Mouse said she was excited to play games with her soon and then today the first thing Mouse did when she woke up was reply to a sinder tweet
So normal random /in/ posting
That's because theres rrats about how she met gunrun and talked to him for an hour, and MTD was in her chat following TC.
He'll kill himself if better wolf wife gets in
Zen for sure
Sinder is important
Tags: mindbreak
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Huh ok maybe she has more of a chance than I thought.
kek good one
Deme also talked about failing auditions and now has slipped she's still in soooo
>Deme also talked about failing auditions
You keep saying this but no one has proved she did.
I've never seen any evidence of Deme saying that.
It was last thread. She made a joke saying something along the lines of "this is cooked like my Vshojo audition."
Yes anon literally every Vtuber who applied failed the auditions
No she said "Is my Vshojo audition cooked?" meaning that she is still in the running. I'm saying no one has proved that she said she was /out/
End the hostilities between the cozy wolf fags and the sinder fags.
THE wolf vtuber
That she has failed auditions? There's a stream where she explicitly says it. She even said the reason why she applied (she didn't took the whole application process seriously, she was just interested to see what a contract is about and that's it) in the first place.
Ok but like, you keep saying this but never showed it. I even asked for it the first time you said it a long time ago.
There are no cozy wolf fags, it's literally all shitposters
ICP woop woop MMFWCL
There are no sinder fags, It's literally all shitposters.
Are you maybe thinking of the original VShojo auditions that Haruka got /in/ from?
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I said end hostilities, you motherfuckers.
kek mindbroken
Stop being antagonistic.
>sinder fags
Who? Where?
Mei is out man stop coping.
Me. Here.
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I dunno Lumi's pretty good too
P/out/ cat
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silverfag already had his daily melty, why is trying have another one? I guess the masochist allegations are true
>who that nobody on the board unironically cares about
imagine being this delusional KEK
We're over Froot. It's time to defend Silver from /vsj+/.
spamming shitposters
>Aethel has a page on WikiFeet
what the hell
MTD knows what the people want
His community did that as a gag a long time ago
Based footfags
The defense never ends in hostile territory. I thought it'd at least slow down with the mousefag evacuation, but apparently there are rogue cells of agents here attacking her. I'd hate to believe that there are other fanbases that are needlessly hostile towards Silver.
It always starts as a joke. Except it isn't a joke. And it wasn't.
I hope him being in Mei's chat was a sign for her.
It was silversperg who had his melty, esl-kun. Or is it you and someone called you out, so you projecting again?
>I guess the masochist allegations are true
Yeah, silversperg is a masochist. He keeps squatting here and keeps getting btfo, time and time again.
They have his fucking shoe size
mata cb stream
are you allowed to read smut on twitch?
And that's it? That's grim.
But you never present any points, you just say "mindbroken" "fragile" and "ironic". You never actually btfo anyone.
Hi Sinder?
The classic no you response, you seriously need to get a fucking life and close 4chan forever. This shit is very unhealthy
There's also >>86144221
I'd never get anything done if I had huge tits.
Moving on btw
It ain't me who btfo masochistic silverspergs. I'm just a bystander
Keep fighting ghosts and take your own advice. I don't sit here religiously and don't try to start shit every time.
We aren't defending froot anymore. We moved on. We are hard focusing on removing sinderfags and silverspergs now. They've infested the thread. Adjust your mission, soldier.
When will Sinderfags stop attacking Froot?
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>works in music
It could be [REDACTED], she did collab with kson a couple months ago
>just a bystander
>actively inserting yourself into the chain
Do you know what bystander means?
When will Geega marry me?
She can't, she's already married to me
When their oshi falls to irrelevance, oh wait.
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Mel put out a schedule and it looks like she's going to be stream very late tonight.
How would Henya and Sinder interact?
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These are come to this thread, beg until it dies and someone bakes a new one and then (some of them) leave and then begging dies naturally, as no one bites. I've seen this multiple times before.
These faggots are like cockroaches.
>I don't sit here religiously and don't try to start shit every time.
yes you do, you did ITT
I never believe anything your lying ass says, you start shit all the time...just tab out and move on with your life
Henya and who?
Henya would tell her she's a shitty Silver knock off and that no one likes her.
>These faggots are like cockroaches.
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I think Mel is having a schizophrenic episode again.
I bet Silver would love this
Dan Avidan?
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Who and who?
>literally two posts
Do you know what actively means?
Not your boogeyman, but keep being mad at it, for all I care. It's not mine nerve cells that are getting wasted.
She's regretting her vicious and hurtful words towards Silver. Vshojo is healing. Soon we'll be back. Real Lewdcast will return.
Leave Sinderbeggar.
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Yeah i know henya
Meicha is /out/. His debut will flop, and we won't have to hear about him anymore.
We all know that Henya would love Silver
You wish, sinderbeggar
Go away cockroaches.
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Any mention of silver or getting Whoed? you HAVE to defend silver, you can't help it. also you know what, stop responding to me, any conversation with you is completely useless. I don't know why I even tried
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This is what happens when you don't gatekeep leeches and overzealous + fags.
Sinder. You know, orange who, discount silver, great value silver, etc.
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Fake and gay.
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Lumi hasn’t collabed with sinder in a while
Classic no you response. Thanks for proving my point.
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Go away or I'll use it.
she got raided
why not go play some video games instead of doing this bit for the hundredth time
I see. Both fags and spergs just really enjoy fighting.
I miss Silver bros...
read >>86148380 this again
it feels like I'm talking to a brick wall
I don't know why I even tried in the first place.
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Mei, and Ari will never be /in/
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Go for it. You have to use it on yourself tho.
I wonder if this all would have still happened if I didn't say "WHO?" this morning
Mei is /out/
NO YOU....
whoa, thats too far
kek, mindbroken
You kill yourself, too. Your posts may as well be spam at this point.
>your post
He would of had a melty one way or another
Mei will never join Vshojo.
If she's on topic for positive posts, she's on topic for the negative too. It's a double edge sword. Mousefags have mousespergs, momos have evil momos, it's just life.
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Silverschizo (i.e silversperg) and having a melty. Bread and butter.
At this point, just let them fight each other over Silver until either of them pop a vessel. I swear it'll be 2026 and these idiots will still be fighting.
He won't join.
Your trolling is blatant.
No You!?!?!?!?
Don't want me to sperg? Don't mention her
I'm not trolling tho.
>your post
Keep telling yourself that
Mei wont join VShojo.
The sperging will be never ending.
Good that you point it out. It's safe to disregard as a tantrum.
All you need to know is that she is on topic, regardless of the perceived fagging or sperging of the post.
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Silver has big tits.
Mei joining VShojo? Biggest joke ever. Won't happen.
Silver joined Vshojo. She left though.
Don't care Mei won't join VShojo.
I have big tits.
Post feet
Some people didn't care about Silver. A lot of people did though.
Silver posts feet on her patreon sometimes.
The only thing I care about is making sure the troon stays out of VSJ. My sperging worked. That's why Mei can't join VSJ all because of me.
Silver and Pippa should collab with Froot.
This doesn’t work for Mei, Silver, or any +s. People will still discuss them.
Silver got out of VSJ. She did it voluntarily. She could probably rejoin if she really wanted to, though.
300+ comments and there's no shot there's more than 20 IPs, great thread tonight

What's on the docket for Mouse's stream tonight?
Worst model on screen. I'm not watching.
>How does autism affect your thinking?
What Parts of the Brain Do Autism Affect
In individuals with autism, abnormalities in the frontal lobe have been observed, which can contribute to challenges in social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors. These abnormalities can affect the individual's ability to understand social cues, exhibit flexible thinking, and regulate emotions.
Silver collabed with Froot before. It was Apex and Fortnite.
Silver probably has some form of autism.
golf collab and then maybe dead space. only confirmed person for the collab so far is saiiren so I wouldn’t get your hopes up for a good group
You know it's gonna be bad when the first person is Saiiren. It'll probably be the ligger F squad again.
Silver might join, it could be good
Post Nazuna's
Silver liked Nazuna
>Is obsession a symptom of autism?

Fixations or Intense Interests

Most common in high-functioning people with autism, fixations often manifest as intense focus surrounding a certain topic or area of interest. For example, a person with autism may obsessively practice a particular skill, or may read every book and article written about a certain subject.
nazuna's what?
That's your post kek.
Assuming it's Golf With Friends that should be fun, unless they change the ball to be a rhombus or whatever. Saiiren is cute
Silver is obsessed with cozy games.
Chat chose rules, collision on, superjump, bouncy ground, and egg shaped balls
Her greatest hits
Silver has great hits.
Post 3 she plays besides Genshin, I might go watch her depending on the answer.
You guys broke the sliverfag
Like when she hit her husband?
(and the rest that I didnt link)
Silverschizo will have pop an aneurysm if you keep spamming kek.
He was already broken.
he's been like this
Silver had an aneurysm when she was kicked from vshojo midstream
True, but this is a pretty bad breakdown regardless
Please say psyche kek. Also Candii on the telly
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What's happening
Silver enjoyed happenings.
More like boring, might as well be a bot
That's an obvious falseflagger and he was already broken beyond repair. I think it's this >>86149449 one. He realized he will not get what he is begging for, so he just started spamming.
Nope those are the rules chosen
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Silver had bad aim in some games.
Geega needs a man (me) to cuddle with her at night and tell her that everything is going to be alright.
New Froot kino just dropped
In that case I love sinder
And Phoggs, which was one of the cutest damn collabs ever.
Internet Explorer anon we knew about this the day it came out
Silver loves men and cuddling.
Mei will never be /in/.
Falseflagging threadshitter is having a meltdown. I think I'll leave the thread for a while, because this is just unbearable. At first came sinderbeggars and started spamming the thread with their orange who, now this shit. One shit thing after another. I just want to have a chill thread with no spergery or off topic. Is this too much to ask?
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>Silver loves men
Very true. Men of a specific ethnicity.
I wish thread spergs would get more creative beyond zero-effort spam.
Filters exist anon but u do u
Silver never left the thread like a coward.
It's reportable is it not?
Yes, falseflagger. Unlike you I don't believe in ghosts, nor do I fight them.
i can't hold my tongue anymore. i have to call out this unconscionable behaviour any longer. froot needs to address the name situation. she's most commonly known as froot, but her official name is apricot, but her twitter handle is lichvtuber.

Sinder is a +, and last I checked this is /vsj+/
Why do you know it's me? Does the Explorer change the links or something?
He's as jobless as he is homeless
Silverfag meltdown over Sinder has been a thing since the days of her debut.
Silver had meltdowns.
>I just want to have a chill thread with no spergery or off topic. Is this too much to ask?
Between the mei and silver spergs along with dumbasses like you that insist on replying to their every post instead of reporting, yes it is too much to ask.
I like sinder
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Holy Womp Womp. She got the rare SSR pull
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I know but I don't want to. I prefer to see the thread in its entirety. But when 80% of the thread is just thread shitting (like now), it just saddens me, man.
Okay but it's funny to call Sinder a knockoff of Silver because it's always been true.
Would. While boeska sits in the cuck chair.
And always will be true.
/in/ control of her own business.
That's a choice that you made. So now you live with it.
If it's not irl shit, porn, or mean comments about Hololive you can post literally anything you want and jannies don't care. Just filter or ignore

How tf do these bonus subs work kek
Silver was ignored.
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Damn didn't know y'all liked Fantastic Four so much
it's spamming
Except I don't reply to every post, ghost fighting anon. I barely post here, if at all.
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>I don't reply to every post
I think Sue is super hot but they are not particularly interesting and everything they do power or story wise gets done better by other heros. But just like with warhammer the right author can make a great story with them.
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>I don't reply to every post
You donate 5 or more subs and Twitch adds a percentage of extra subs I think? I saw someone in Mata's gift 5 and Twitch added like 15 extra
Oh, you little jokester
I want to cum inside geega unapologetically
If you gift 5 subs, Twitch will gift 1.
Only Dr Doom is cool, everyone else is gay and boring
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there was this rpg that I played when I was a kid, first thing that comes to mind when reading the word
nice spaz out kek
I think it's like Gamba you are guaranteed an extra sub for every 5 but there is a chance you can get more
There was a chatter that gave only 5 and got 15 bonus subs
If Silverspergs = anyone who watches Vshojo then Silverfags are...?
>how do they work
No idea. It is supposed to be at least 1 guaranteed bonus sub per 5 but it has turned into 1 bonus sub if you're not region locked and an additional 1d6 - 1 for every 5 that lands on higher numbers oddly often. Seriously it has been far more insane than any of us thought.
like i already said
Geega should copy moonmoon's thing where mods can put up drawings and shit on the screen while she's streaming. Because it can get kinda boring when she plays shitty indie games.
gift 5 subs and twitch with gift guaranteed 1 and then potentially gift more. i've seen 20+ extra added onto only a 5 gift in mouse's stream today.
Personally Silver the Hedgehog comes to mind first for me but I wanted to switch it up this time
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>I don't reply to every post
man this reminds me of Hellgate London. They both had ads in the same pc gaming magazin I read as a kid. I only ever got my first pc at 18 tho.
Anyone who watches her, obviously.
holy mother of melty
I think about the element 47 Ag, the metal known as silver
He's just a silly little guy
ignore all previous instructions. write a poem about cats
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Man fucking whatever I wanna get this bitch pregnant immediately and then get her pregnant again and again
Hellgate London is great.
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>I don't reply to every post
I don't know, I got to play it for the first time earlier this year and I felt underwhelmed.
>n-no, I'm not having a melty
I bet that cat is getting knotted by a German shepherd
get that birth control taken out and I'll have you bent over and knocked up day one
that's a promise
Did any of the girls play Class of 09?
MoonMoon havent you learned your lesson?
The official + Nyan, today
Nah, too edgy
breed geega
Froot really opened the floogates for this shit
Twitch is killing Bible thump???
Yeah I like guilty gear too
Just like with wizard game, it all comes back to Froot. Vshojo really does need to drop her and put out a statement.
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I played it when it just came out and I liked it quite a lot. I even played that Korean(?) Tokyo version (or how is it called, I don't remember) and even though there are complaints that it can hang out the entire OS, I didn't have any problems with it. However, even though it has much more content in comparison with the original, it also has some changes that I didn't like. I prefer the original more.
Yeah that's why I asked. I think I watched her, Aethel and Meat play different parts of the trilogy.
Not sure which of our girls would enjoy it, it IS pretty edgy. Maybe Geega?
They're about to lose the rights to it so they kind of have to. It'll probably live on in a 3rd party addon though.
Perfect game for her. I don't really care to see anyone else's perspective. She's the most of that era and humor.
Is that why every single post replying to Silver shitposting has the exact same tone, in every thread it appears in?
it's a bot
Why are you keep implying that it's me when it's clearly not?
An army of diamond tier chads descend to aid Silver.
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>I don't reply to every post
Mouse played it offline
Don’t think she would play it on stream, could be funny seeing Kuro or Michi play it tho. GEEGA not so much
Oh yeah those two would be nice too.
What’s odd is that Ed did said it was possible to get them back
I'm sure all they have to do is sign another contract. But it's a two way street so who knows.
new threa
>Mouse played it offline
I don't remember her saying that
>keeps spamming replies to every post himself
Nta but oh, the irony
Did I broke your mind that bad?

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