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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gawrgura_holoen

Songs: https://rentry.org/Gura_songs
Merch: https://rentry.org/Gura_merch

Gawr Gura Pop Up Parade rerun

AVIOT TE-V1R-HEN Holomyth Earbuds

Previous Thread: >>86119016
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I love my wife so much!!
>Hail Gura, full of Gawr
>Yagoo is with thee
>Blessed art thou amongst lolis
>And blessed is the fruit of thy cunny, /ggg/sus
>Stinky Gura, mother of memes
>Stream for us shrimpers, now and in the hours of EST
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MY Gura.
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Day 18! Give it up for day 18!
Does Gawr Gura want to go out with me?
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Oddly sleepy in here all of a sudden...
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MY wife
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I'm having chicken melts for supper from Costco, which are these little chicken sandwiches clearly made for children but fuck it. I'm an adult, I'll eat what I want!
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Sounds tasty chumbie. I made some baked chicken breasts today. Not bad at all
>I'm an adult
Gura, on the other hand, is at just the right stage of childhood for sexual bullying and ryona T u T
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It's weird to see this amount of gurame fanart when watson won't mention gura and gura is fucking dead
Sex with a fembud.
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I'll take this >>86144529 as Gura taking the initiative and shooting your ass
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gura tummy
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Just a friendly reminder for you all that Gura makes Ina eat her ass out on a daily basis.
Is Gura a lonely loli god?
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How should I go about catching up with the over 3 and a half years of Gura that I missed? Should I start with her debut and try to watch every stream? Because that'd take me over a year if I managed to watch one full VOD per day.
watch 2 or 3 vods per day
otherwise, be a clipfag
Start from the last two years and you will be caught up before her next stream.
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MY Gurandma
You probably don't need to bother because it will all be over soon.
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You brought up a good point. I haven't seen Ame mention the others very much recently. She feels disconnected from the rest of Myth now.
And I still can't believe Gura didn't bother going to New York to see her in person because she knew that was the last time they could do someting together IRL as part of hololive and she just didn't bother to show up.
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It's performance art
Sit back and enjoy
I heard somewhere that Gura cute.
Could there be some truth to this?
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ame went to gura afterwards according to the teamates
If they're going to throw a soft ball, why shouldn't I hit it? And it's not like there isn't a small part of me that truly believes she's done.
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You heard wrong, Gura is ugly.
it was speculation due to her doing some quick travel right after before heading home, still unknown for what exactly but everyone wanted to shoot for a THEY ARE visit
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Can you even cite a single schizo teamate 4chan post to back that up? I don't even believe you that teamates think that Ame visited her, let alone have evidence that she did visit her.
Ame literally implied it
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So this is going to be the angle for the night. Kind of boring honestly.
gura must have felt betrayed because she wanted to graduate first last year but myth told her to stay.

Then Ame threw the letter first and now gura is mad
Seethe faggots
he'll slow down in 2 hours; he's bored waiting
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You're getting really bad at telling the difference and I'm not sure how you keep getting these back. I'm going to go cum in these now, so be sure to remember that the next time you want to use them.
Where? When? What VOD? Do you have a timestamp? I think you're full of shit.
My throat is starting to get scratchy, might need to make some of that cinnamon tea to help it out.
Nobody can view that here. There's still no proof she didn't just mail the sardine candles.
I think Ame decided to graduate last year in August. Maybe when she renewed her contract, she told everyone that 2024 would be her last year. That's around when both Ame and Gura stopped streaming.
Kiara mentioned that last year, she brought up the idea to management of graduated talents sometimes coming back to make a concert appearance like Morning Musume does. I feel like she wouldn't have brought that up to management unless she knew that someone was graduating, but no one graduated last year.
I also found a stream from January where Kiara talked about wanting to do more myth collabs.
I think Myth has known Ame was graduating for a year.
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>post a timestamp
>no not like that
Right. Not like that. There's still no proof Ame visited Gura.
Since you're a teamate, what do you think of >>86148112?
How outlandish is it? Do you think it's why Gura stopped streaming suddenly on August 17 and became so depressed? I know Ame slowed down around then too, right?
i'm not gullible so i don't put much weight into anything posted on /vt/. anyone can string together disparate details while omitting contradicting information to form a narrative
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I love my cute shark daughterwife!
I don't love Gura, but I enjoy watching her content.
is gura the vtuber that has the least toilet breaks so far in hololive?
I wonder if this is the calm before the storm, I wonder how big the storm will ramp up to be. I'm scared of whats to come.
Gura loves her peegasms
I want to tickle gura's tumtum
>*Le touché*
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Gura approves of thin shark tail.
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where is my wife
My name is electric chumbuds
electric chumbuds is a fancy way to say chat
nobody posted this yet?
Kiara said she organized one-block because she knew Ame was leaving, and this is the stream on May 21 where she pitched the idea to the rest of Myth.
Here are the timestamps where she talks about it. It’s kind of sad rewatching this now and understanding why she wanted to do more Myth collabs.
But I still think they knew way before this because Kiara streamed almost every day in May and never seemed that sad, and she's pretty bad at hiding her emotions.
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whats with these girls and posting a
Who cares? If they did have something to do with Gura, Gura will never talk about it.
If she follow Ame's example, she can come back to siphon viewer to another account as much as she want
Kaela's not in japan, so I'm not sure why she'd reference Gura if that's what she's doing.
Maybe they just internally announced Gura's graduation.
yeah, I'm thinking we're going to get an anniversary live
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I don't think that would be something kaela would post if that was the case
two more weeks
kaela solo live guest confirmed
this is like the third or fourth time she's said a unprompted I think
got a link to the last one?
yes, but do your own reps
maybe only the second time now that I look, and last time it was thought that she met Gura in japan
but I don't think Kaela is in japan right now and am pretty sure Gura is not in indonesia, so
so no link?
where is gura
my stomach
I also remember kaela posting "a" previously this year, but only once. Can you at least say the month she posted it? I want to say it was either May or July. Is that right?
Remember when Ame tweeted that she raped Gura?
rape (consensual)
Actually nevermind. I found them. And yeah, the last time Kaela posted "a", she was in Japan and it's almost assuredly when she met Gura. And she did it twice.
Feb 26 - https://twitter.com/kaelakovalskia/status/1762176546041958725
Mar 6 - https://twitter.com/kaelakovalskia/status/1765443444493975823
Also, Here's a bonus when Bae met Gura before fes.
Mar 4 - https://twitter.com/hakosbaelz/status/1764845361066373431
>almost assuredly when she met Gura
Nope. Schizo delusions.
Have you considered a career in acting, thespianchama?
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Is that a little girl?
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squishy Goobutt
That's cute. Fucked up that me asking is the first time it's been posted in this thread.
>stupid slimes
My wife is battling what she wishes to become... I won't be listening to this because they're charging a stupidly high price and nobody is leaking these for some reason.
I don't think the youtooz got posted either
I don't really care anymore, none of this shit means anything to me, I await the next frame or post or tweet and nothing else
Cover just stealth dropped it, without any kind of announcement
Oh, it's still fucked up but it's Cover's fault I guess.
I think I saw it on twitter, looks like utter shit, not surprising nobody posted it
yeah it's really fucked up how they exploit a tragic event like this
They're going out of their way to say it's not canon so I don't think they're exploiting anything. Literally never heard anyone talk about the details of it so it might as well not exist.
it looks better than I expected, if anything, I expected some borderline funkofaced abomination
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someone please post the voice dramas I want to hear Gura fight slimes
>Ame disappearing in the voice drama while she's graduating is just purely coincidental
Not canon, doesn't matter.
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No one here loves her like I do, but that's ok.
There's nothing wrong with having to say "I love her almost as much as Anon does."
she looks like a child
I love the one who loves Gura the most the most.
look at this so-called gem of the sea
Am I the only one who thinks she looks kinda retarded here?
i love retarded child :3
Baguraette honhonhon
Tell me all about how cute you think my daughterwife Gura is.
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Gura surprisingly has a decently big part in the voice drama. Shame her mother voice is pretty much the same while her "evil" voice is played up. Oh well at least she's experimenting with the evil side.
Be a bud and share please
I think she's very ugly.
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Are there really no other VNs like muv luv alternative? How will I scratch my autistic need for mission briefings now
Gura said she was getting ready to travel in a member's post on February 21.
Kaela's first "a" post was 5 days later and Kaela was in Japan. Bae's "bloop" post was 7 days after that and she was also in Japan.
And finally, Kaela's second "a" post was 2 days after that.
Not only is that not delusional, it's entirely reasonable to assume Gura was in Japan by then because she literally told us she was going there soon. You have zero argument against it.
You're just retarded and you get upset when someone points things out that you couldn't find yourself because you're a low IQ mental midget monkey.
Kill yourself.
Why are you so mean?
Why is Gura so ugly?
Only her personality.
only her soul is, she's very cute and pretty on the outside
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My wife is beautiful inside and out!
Please post the voice drama pleasep lease please and the first one too
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You kill yourself, schizo. You're trying to figure out things nobody has any business thinking about. If Gura wanted you to know whether she's in Japan, she would tell you.
I don't care if she's in japan or if it's anyone's business or if anyone finds out via consulting the stars
shut up retards
You should care, because Gura is deliberately obscuring her location and trying to discover it is anti behavior.
shut up retard, you can stop replying to yourself to fish for actual replies now that you have this one, go away
Gura told us she was going to Japan and then other members made references to her who were in Japan. This isn't prying, you dumb cowardly bitch. Holy shit you are one ball-less faggot. Get out of this thread you petulant trash.
Castrate yourself with a box cutter.
It takes Gura 4x the effort to do the same thing as others.
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Gura only likes ojisans over 30
Gura only likes people who pay for voice dramas.
Will Gura be mad if I goom to Shion instead of her tonight?
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For King and Cunny!
She'll put you in a hearse if you do that.
You're still clinging to this dead meme when Gura has said to support other girls many, many times.
Guess what? I don't give a shit what you think. You don't know what she wants or cares about and if she didn't want us knowing, she wouldn't have told us she was going to Japan. Repeating what she and her friends say is not being an anti, you dumb, downy fuck.
Lmao, I remember your subhuman ass seething when she told us she was going to Japan because you thought it was dangerous for her to care about her fans and tell us she was leaving.
And I remember having this exact conversation with you 7 months ago.
You deserve death for shitting up these threads for so long. I'm sure you've been an absolute scumbag faggot this entire time and are the "she owes you nothing" shitroach that comes here to anti her. Die in a ditch.
>subtle cuckposting
You aren't slick, retard.
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I finished Halo 3. I'm frustrated because I kept falling off, got hit by debris which caused me to spiral and also fall off.
But anyway, I'd say It was decent to good, was more challenging than the other Halos, frustrating at times, the ending was satisfactory, I'm glad it didn't really end on a cliffhanger this time. I still enjoyed Halo 2 the most and by a lot. I'll probably start Halo 4 next week or so
what is it about voice dramas that stops people from posting them when the voice packs usually get posted. it's weird.
What the ever living fuck are you talking about you 30 IQ schizo goat fucker?
How was saying she went to Japan for holofes cuckposting?
the pool of people who actually give a shit about voice packs and dramas is already very low
it's even lower for this because it's $30
>Start Halo 4
Big mistake, but I guess some have to learn the hard way.
by every account I've seen it's a good product so it's surprising. not $30 good I'd pay 15 bucks for it but not 30
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relax faggot
I paid for the master chief collection and I'M GONNA USE IT
>start halo 4
Why would you do that to yourself?
You realize it wasn't made by bungie, right? It's a skinwalked halo and it's dogshit. It'd be like if the woman behind Gura was replaced. For fuck's sake they added loadouts and sprinting because the new team wanted halo to become call of duty.
it might be good but it's still a voicepack/drama, compared to physical merch not many care, it'll take a while to get uploaded
He paid for the mcc and it comes with halo 4 for free. I'm kind of dread starting the game too
you mean it's not going to get uploaded, the first one still hasn't been posted and it's been ages
>*Lo touchõ*
that is also a possibility
I would like to listen to them before Gura inevitably talks about them now that it's beyond obvious that they're the intimate thing she talked about doing with Myth, but then I look at the price and nope the fuck out. I could buy Elden Ring for that much.
oh it's the subhuman that claimed the following
>Gura is gonna graduate soon despite the fact that she just said she's looking forward to her 3.0 also I entirely base this gossip on that one time she said this was probably the last time Myth was able to do something like this together (you just got proved to be wrong and that gave me the last laugh)
>this is not the first time Gura is late to her anniversary stream

either watch streams or kill yourself worthless piece of shit
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what da chumbies doin
if Gura says this is in fact the intimate myth thing, I may actually buy them despite not giving a fuck, but until she does no thank you, I am eyeing yakuza 8
Tell me how it's cuckposting and I won't post it again.
Until then, I'll continue saying she left for japan in late February or the very start of march because of Kaela and Bae's tweets. What the fuck else could "bloop" mean?
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They got them together to record it. I don't see what else it could be.
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I almost died in zomboid because my keyboard was low on battery
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Currently into anno 1800. Managing goods inventories makes me happy
**this is the first time Gura is late to her anniversary stream
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my mom cooked me spaghetti, it was good
Are you a fembud?
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I really want s'ghetti too
Buds, I'm hungry.
I remember you getting blown the fuck out for not understanding English a couple weeks ago. The quote you posted never happened. Someone asked why Gura said she didn't think Myth would ever be able to do the intimate thing again and said maybe it means someone is graduating.
You assumed they meant Gura and you went into retard rage mode because you're a subhuman chimp nuisance. Turns out that was exactly why Gura said it and you were wrong.
Also, I don't remember anyone saying Gura was never late to an anniversary. I only remember you retards had an autistic slap fight about what day her anniversary was actually on and you proved you were SEA or something.
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watching more of the robo waifu anime, apparently they have a catalog with all sorts of upgrades you can buy, you get points for buying stuff and you can upgrade your "Mina" to the "Super Mina" (the one that's almost indistinguishable from a real woman I mentioned) for 100 points, which seems like a good deal to me.
>and am pretty sure Gura is not in indonesia, so
Maybe Gura took a wrong turn swimming to Japan?
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She should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque.
Actually, I just checked and Kaela stopped streaming three days ago and she never stops streaming unless she has to travel.
So she very well might be in Japan.
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Which stream was it where Gura specifically said "I had some s'ghetti" really cutely? I thought was the Stickmin stream right before she drops her cookie but that wasn't it...
Maybe it happens later in the stream?
sure, except for the stream two days ago, and the stream yesterday
other than those she hasn't streamed at all in the past three days
I decided to grab an Arizona hard tea at the gas station and I'm tipsy enough to consider the possibility life isn't as bad as I often believe it is when sober.
I don't think she will be able to join Myth. The east coast is getting hit by a fucking hurricane
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Careful with those hard teas chumbie. Those are really easy to drink
This is Kaela's last stream.
It was on September 24, 2024 at 11:13 PM EDT.
It is currently September 27, 2024, at 1:40 AM EDT.
So while it hasn't been a full 72 hours yet, it's still accurate to say the stream was three days ago.
Kaela did not stream on the 26th nor on the 25th.
That's already a longer break than usual for her.
So where is the stream she did yesterday.
Post it or grovel on the floor like the little bitch monkey you are.
are you okay
he's an anti, of course he's not
roguelike marathon: Brotato, Inscryption, Balatro
It's only 5% and I only got one can. Usually when I want to drink I just go all in with a 1.75 L bottle of kraken and get completely fucked.
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goob morning
sleep tight buddy
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Answer the question. You were so confident about her streaming yesterday, so where is it? I'll even allow you to say you're on the west coast and still on the 26th. So where's her stream from yesterday?
Let me guess: you looked at her channel page, saw the free chat that ends on 3/25/25 and misread it as 9/25.
Is that right? Is that why you fucked up so bad? Because you're a dyslexic idiot that can't fucking read?
Here's her channel on holodex, so go find me yesterday's stream, retard.
You being a dumb bitch doesn't make me an anti. It makes you a dumb bitch. And that's all that means.
hope florida chumbuds are doing alright.
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no I looked at this, I still don't really care if she or Gura are in japan but I remembered watching the lethal company collab for a bit a couple days ago and knew you were wrong about three days of not streaming
are you okay
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First time checking the threads in about 10 hours. What the fuck was going on here?
Gura isn't streaming when she is collabing on someone else's channel, therefore Kaela isn't streaming, amiright fellas?
there's a new voice drama and everyone loves gura too much to post it
It's been over 48 hours since that stream so how the fuck are you seeing it as "day ago"
Like I said: that stream was on the 24th. It is now the 27th. It's accurate to say it was three days ago even if it hasn't been a full 72 hours.
And the lethal company stream was on 9/23, which is over 72 hours ago, so you're wrong no matter how you look at it.
Didn't Miko post this a couple months back? And nothing came of that.
Gura was in Japan in July so that lines up if Miko posted it a couple months ago.
No. It's just mainly the peninsula of Florida and Georgia. In 24 hours it won't even be a hurricane anymore and the winds will be a lot lighter. Just mainly rain at that point.
I do not know why youtube does what it does or displays what it displays
also you're very determined to hang on to this, because whether it was one or two days ago you were still wrong about your assertion that she stopped streaming three days ago
Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see this frame posted. Anyone know what Gura stream it's from?


Original Source:
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Why is Gura the only Hololive member afraid to tell her fans when she is in Japan? I don't get her paranoia. Everyone knows what Kiara and Mori look like, and even they tell their fans.
it's been posted like 4 or 5 times already, blindchama
That link doesn't work
I didn't see it.
I think gura would feel safer if she was allowed to conceal carry in japan
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La basé
The real answer should be opsec
It was over 48 hours ago. That means this is the third day. Hence why you can say it was three days ago. Learn English, you dumb motherfucker.
Doesn't want to tip of the oji san who lives in the park about her location.
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You realize it's only cute when girls are retarded, right? How the fuck is it possible that so many of you retards in these threads struggle so much with time zones and simple time calculations?
Is it because you're third world?
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What if we just killed every ojisan in gura's vicinity?
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Will you two just make out already?
oh you were right, except yours it hasn't been posted this thread, but it has been posted a couple times the past 2
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Another evening another dollar
>I don't get her paranoia.
Really? The woman that's afraid to take a botched McDonalds order back to the restaurant? You don't get her paranoia?
You couldn't even kill a lanklet twink with white hair.
Griffith is able to teleport and do all sorts of crazy shit. That dude is overpowered
>Guts could only kill the ojisan from his childhood with a sneak attack
Its over...
She used to tell us, but then she completely stopped caring about us missing her or wanting to share anything with her. She's become an unempathetic, ungrateful bitch. It's why Gura's a failed idol.
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don't push your luck, champ
The thing is. Gura lusts for the BBC since you white fags can't satisfy her with your tiny limp dicks
Only the homocollabers have failed
ever heard of YAB entertainment?
Actually Gura lusts for Latin American cock.
t.knower with esoteric knowledge on many subjects
yeah they call themselves kurosanji or something
Latinx have even smaller dicks than whites anon
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And yet the baby isn't yours... is it?
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I'm pretty sure that baby was Guts'
Wrong hole~
I think you smoked too many leaves with your shaman
Why didn't Griffith and Guts just fuck? They could have taken on the idea of evil together.
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Not anymore it isn't.
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Because Griffith had a dream and Guts was not part of it because he was unworthy.
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I guess I'll head out too. Sleep tight chumbies
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shut up, brat
What if she actually did go to Japan in order to escape the big you-know-what that's happening right now so that there's no chance it could interfere with her being in the final myth collab?
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For s’ghetti too!!!

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