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A thread for the Death the Dungeon Master, Calliope Mori
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Remember to love bad cowboy accents
Are all their characters girls?
Was I supposed to read that in Monarch's voice? Because I did.
It's gonna be fun when some Holos play Pico Park 2.
meeping in two hours
Yes, I loved that monarch stream
You mean 3
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What if Mori and Monarch had sex?
Their child would have blue hair and an affinity for water
>Metal Gear Solid Delta is going to be on Xbox
Thank God, that means they'll probably be able to stream it
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What if Mori and Monarch had sex with me

I would like to watch.
Bros, I fucking love sexy dorks
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with me? yes of course
Fauna is way too hot
Mori/ERB/Amalee threesome
mori is not a va
I bet that's one of the big announcements she can't make yet
Ash Ketchum is probably the most iconic anime character ever.
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Getting a VA thing and everything thinking it will be someone similar to her model only for it to be a little boy would be funny.
If our boy turned into a spunky 10y/o shonen protag, I would unironically laugh my ass off.
Is Mori a cowboy or a cowgirl?
She prefers reverse cowgirl with me
I don't recall it being definitely stated. Fauna is definitely a woman, the other two I don't think were clear. gigi has at least shown she's willing to play a guy before. apparently attracted to fauna so that could mean male or just lesbian/bi/whatever. idk about biboo.
More like she's going to lay on her back, head resting in her hands, while you ride her. Yeehaw~
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yeah with me
Cowboys don't produce milk
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She is a fat ass cow
Cowboys produce CUM
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would milk and I'd let her milk me to death
Explain this then
Shiori mentioned the week event thing so Mori is probably gonna announce that at the end of the ttrpg.
Then info account retweeted mori's tweet though. It does sometimes talk about non umg stuff I guess.
any update on the rainforest song/lose lose days mv?
Oh never mind then it's gonna donmai is leak beat around has anything popped up
I like how sure you think the MV will be lose lose days.
There's not a single other mv that fits that will have an ame cameo. Yeah ame is gonna get featured on cringe core lol
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What if the Huge W was Watson?
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Who will be Mori's TF2 main?
She would probably like engineer once she figures it out since she won't have to aim much.
heavy with kiara pocketing her as medic
Well, she likes to be useful and knows she can't aim for shit, so I'm guessing medic.
do we actually know what the format will be? are they just jumping onto public servers? do they have enough for holo v holo? I know team size per server can be all over the spectrum but it's been so long since I played I can't remember what 'normal' is. sounds like basically all of en is going to be there.
>you dont need to aim with pyro just hold left click and walk around
>you dont need to aim with demo just spam explosives
>you dont need to aim with soldier he just has a big rocket
>you dont need to aim with engineer just build a sentry
>you dont need to aim with medic just heal someone who can aim
whichever one of these she hears first
>you dont need to aim with scout just bonk people with a bat
>you dont need to aim with heavy just fire wildly into the enemy
>you dont need to aim with spy just stab people in back
>you dont need to aim with sniper just use huntsman
melee scout might go hard in an EN lobby though
Mori will become the milkboy
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Previous thread: >>86093659

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@moricalliope
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9GIAD3601I
Upcoming stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YVjDbdXwyQ

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
Sinderella (December 16, 2022) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec
JIGOKU 6 (August 18, 2023) EP: https://lnk.to/mc_jigoku6
Phantomime (August 16, 2024) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_pt_ec
//// Stream Make 'Em Afraid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzOXIHGfVFc

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/

OUT FOR THE SEASON—coming soon to a venue near (You)!
//// Archive: https://rentry.org/3zf6w

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}
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every time i reinstall I usually spend a few hours going just for fishkills
Won't they be stuck with mostly default weapons anyway? not played in forever but I remember it taking a while.
Kinda lewd don't you think
You can borrow weapons from the store in a 24 hour timer.
the default weapons are still the best weapons in the game
Wrong. The tide turner is a random drop.
I didn't say they weren't. I don't feel qualified to comment on the tf2 meta anyway, I just know that the huntsman is not a starter weapon and it was mentioned by name.
The Huntsman is an achievement reward.
Honestly though every default weapon is at least high tier, you just don't get fun gimmicks.
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Mori should play widowmaker engie with a mini sentry
That playstlye requires aiming and high situational awareness, it might not be the best pick for her.
Mori should be my pocket Medic GF and shove healing beams up my ass instead.
POV You died, 1/6
i believe in Mori
I think she will like scout's character
is this vore......
Welcome to the underworld! Goodbye
Vorefags should kill themselves.
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Uhhh, not sure if I fuck with this one broski.....
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predictions on announcement at end of stream
Marriage to Fauna, Biboo, and Gigi
Rapper pants for rappers
I'm high on copium today. Tutugram.
Is this just the red dead intro music?
She is dropping her summon sign for Ame
Nice hat Bibber
Kinda wish she kept the pious rep, but dropped the copper right
Indefinite pause of streaming
She probably thought two pious characters would feel kinda samey
Any sort of involvement with the Gachiakuta anime
anon please don't get my hopes up like that
Penis size reveal for everyone in hololive.
But the Rattlesnake Roundup isn't until March.
You can play your rep any way you want, it doesnt have to be played straight
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Has Mori caught up with Part 8 yet?
Fauna is having fun
nah she's reading Berserk right now
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>Travis Tumbleweed
Based Fauna
Biboo is literally me right now
Not Mori related but since a lot of us listen to weeb music, holy shit Sayuri is dead
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>/uuu/ OP linked the Phantomime teaser instead of the stream
it's not Red Dead, just generic royalty free
happens to the best of us and the rest of us
Damn, that's sad news
nice sturdy big wagon
can take a load
Why would Mori do this
Sacrifice for the annoucment
>Bilbo running
sorry but who
ridin' bilbo
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she had done a handful of OPs and EDs https://anilist.co/staff/122727/Sayuri
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I-is it getting bigger?
>>born in '96
damn she died young
There is a lot more foot fetish fuel than I was expecting tonight
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literally me
>Slimboy Fat
She's being consumed
bandit Fauna makes me feel funny
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southern belle Fauna is hot and makes my PP hard I there I said it
I don't like it as much as Mythbreakers, but it's okay. I imagine even this group would be better if it was intended to be more than a one-shot.
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I see this said a lot but I'm not feeling it desu. Pitch 2high4me, sounds a bit silly to me more than anything.
I like when Mori plays western lady characters
I need her to talk dirty with me in the thickest Southern/Texan accent imaginable
kek Gigi is a riot
This and also spit in my mouth
This, but you are both transported back to the 1800s. You are black btw
I think I'd rather just be handcuffed and given a reacharound tbdesu
yeah I like when she plays the Texan PAWG character
I want to taste Gigi Fauna and Mori sexually
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Holy shit, the tension of that scene with the old man raising his gun was so good. Actual kino
beebs is like my daughter/sister I can't put my penis in her unlike these crooks she's fighting
>Fatboy Slim
she's got the wrong fella
You're gonna put your penis in these crooks for her?
Biboo is my daugher/wife so it's okay.
Biboo mauled the wrong guy...........
I'm imagining this playing while she goes feral
Gigi is kinda sexual
imagine hot stinky sex with Gigi
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You have no idea how badly I want to sniff her
So this takes place before the previous session?
truly it is the RDR2 campaign of Gun
if the first campaign was a retarded Blood Meridian what would this campaign be?
This should have been 2 sessions
oneshots are objectively better for streaming
No, this has meandered and then been forced to wrap up quickly.
we still have at least another hour and a half
Learn from mythbreakers. That also had to "wrap up quickly." They never do.
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wuh-oh, the fun police is here
It's an obvious immediate improvement that should have been made.
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My Pink God
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Wait, so the reverend hired them to steal from the mayor but also hired the cannibals to kill them?
It was a set up I'm pretty sure
That’s a bloody shot
Biboo in cute lingerie
Why does she hate fauna?
thoughts on the fight?
GG nerfing herself just to commit to the bit is pretty kino
Needed more gore as shrapnel
Brutal as fuck
So it is written...
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Seems a bit metagamey to go around spending the cash right now, but I guess its about to bite them in the ass right now for not hustlin out of town
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how big is this?
Those are some pretty big names she is with and it's sponsored by a big company
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2 days and the opening act
she's performing on the same stage as some HUGE artists.
seems pretty big
>New jeans
Oh hey isn't that one K-pop group Kiara is obsessed with?
Small world lol
good to know she's the opening act that amazing
thanks kek
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I know one of these, and one of them kinda from Kiara
rauw x3
ending is dragging
Jesus christ that is a lot of views.
we're heading into the climax now. at least another hour until the conclusion
I might be being optimistic, but her cough seems to have gotten much better (knock on wood)
I'm Bonesy btw
Bronchitis coughs last like a month even after it's technically healed.
kpop isn't real music
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Deadbeats are British?
Yeah, but from the end of the character creation to today things seem to have even gotten better
she's British......
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g'night /morig/, i really really wanna catch the end and the announcement after but i'm slipping in and out of consciousness right now
How important is being the opening act?
seeing as one guy has almost a billion views on each vid I'm assuming that's pretty huge
It's usually reserved for an up and comer and is usually a "smaller" artist but in this case she's opening for literal superstars. There will be a lot of eyes on her
Kino, got me in stitches
>Bones Malone is sweaty
not like this
thank you based Sayuri
you know I'm not a superstitious person but I'm starting to believe that the universe bends to Mori's will and she kills people from Mario Party
>Cat MC
>Ring tailed lemur
>Lots of cute animals
This about to become Mori's favorite movie ever

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