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Dedicated to the discussion and linking of any and all Vtubers with love for Retro Games and their Retro Streams.

>Useful Links
Retro Chuubas: https://rentry.org/vrt-Chuubalist
/vrt/ Divegrass Team: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//vrt/
Lumi ARG: https://rentry.org/borbv


Other Threads of interest:
Tsunderia Extended >>>/vt//tsunx/
Kiki Main Thread >>>/vt//pyon/
V&U + Korean Vtubers Thread >>>/vt//vnug/
Mozumi Main Thread >>>/vt//vdere/
Large Indies Global >>>/vt//lig/
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/vrt/ LOVE!
I can see why he is your oshi
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Ongoing Streams

Yumanea_ is playing Armored Core 3

Hank Hill is playing The Lost Vikings

Beuchi is playing Sonic Heroes

Angelina Kumalo is playing Half-Life 1

Astrea Natura is playing The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Yewfie is playing Pokemon Crystal

Hicky Mori is playing Hellknight

Griffin is playing Dark Cloud 2

Mango is playing Fatal Frame 1

Roll Cake is playing Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door

Mom at Cookiebox is playing Grim Fandango
unity love!
/vrt/ love!
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Get away driver Sorarer is trying to beat Fire Emblem 5 Thracia
Yuma is struggling...
I miss cow
She will be back
Speaking of cows I was surprised to see yewfie was originally a cow too instead of a seal
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Sarara is playing Tales of Destiny in a few minutes
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Magical girl Plum Rose is playing Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time in 5 minutes
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>Power fucking died and no more stream tonight
Fucking tragic. That mom is such a nice chuuba
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Fairy wisdom: Do not use arms as legs
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Riona it's working
Sometimes it feels like Yuma doesn’t like Armored Core.
Where is that Skeb Meche said she would post
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Maple Winters the Leaf Elf Hag is doing a charity stream too, and marathoning Kirby games starting with Kirby's Dream Land
so why does she play so much fotm slop?
Well, Hicky's gone. She's looking forward to her korabo with Riona tomorrow.
Which games did you submit to the wheel?
i hope yuma's gacha pulls go well
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If they don’t maybe she will stop gachaing though
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>New schedules added
>Roll Cake
Weird thing for the mods to delete
fairy saved me
I think the image made Bloom look better honestly but a psychopath encouraging harassment of a vtuber is probably going to be against the rules.
No Yuma stream until Sunday…
Yumanea_ should rewrite the Armored Core wiki guide on that fight
>Just use tank treads
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Kiki's Charity stream and collab is starting!
Good luck Giggles!
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Miia is playing Rollercoaster Tycoon
time to save the rabbits!
>Kiki Charity
>Maple Charity
>Runa Charity
My poor wallet
Makes him look pathetic desu
Meche lied, slimes blueballed
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Metal Gear 2 with Vanille
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Frosty is playing Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon
how much has she beaten so far?
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Still on the 1st game
Or did you mean how far into it is she?
are king's bounty games considered retro or just old
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Lobotomy Bunny showed up to cheer Kiki on too
The originals all from the early 1990s? Very retro.
what about the 2008 version?
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Nope not that one. For sake of neutrality we tend to go by the /vr/ sticky rules on retro.
thx babe
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Thanks for stopping by and asking bro
oh good
i forgot of it was this or the NES game first
Indeed this one. Kirby's first game was a Gameboy game. This predates being able to copy powers even.
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Ami spicy
daaaamn shes already way past the goal. good for her
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Feesh gone... and raided leaf hag!
oh my
/vrt/ unity
begging for cum
Based on one of the costume assets she has I think.
I see three donations of 1,500 each that make up most of it so far. Still impressive progress and going to a good cause. I wonder how much she'll get by the end?
Both charities doing pretty well so far.
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Mitora is playing Romancing SaGa 3
Hope they double and triple their goals
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Jean Faymas is starting Devil May Cry 3 for the first time
It might've been better for the whales to hold off on their money because with Kiki already past her goal I think there is less chance she will get as many donations.
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Is this legal?
Yea in Rabbaville
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You dare question? You're lucky she is so humble.
She is gonna be streaming so long, can the rabba handle it?
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that's kirby's dream land done!
I'm surprised she hasn't ever played any of these kirbies before. They seem right in line with her personality and preferences.
Kirby's Adventure is way better too so it will be great.
yeah forgotten land was her first kirb game
she's intensely kirby-coded though so this was a long time coming
I wondered if she had at least played kirby 64 when she was surprised by the infinite flight in dream land but no it was forgotten land's limited flight
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>When the Backdrop hits
Gigi's on break
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Plant Hag Ronenn Haustoria was going to play Gamecube games but decided she wants to play Majora's Mask instead
sik tricks...
>*Six Tricks
Silly hag
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Aussie hag Lioh is starting Mega Man x5
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>Hank Hill is playing The Lost Vikings
He's switching it up to Abe's Oddysee
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Mumkeydee is playing classic resident evil 2
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Meche misses her slimes
Rabba stronk
Maple winters gone already...raided fellow plant hag Ronenn
/vrt/ unity
And 1,400 isn’t bad for a streamer of her size
I'm happy for kiki but I still hate minecraft streams.
it appears she's going to do the B route after this, nice
on day one!
things will probably slow down since she reached her goal already but it's still cool
Lots of angry monkey noises no doubt.
slept for 2 hours and now im wide awake uuuu karin cursed me
They're all quite modest or even humble with their expectations on the fundraising.
I hope Runa's is successful too, she is an even smaller chuuba than Winters.
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So many collab games played alone...
I wish Ami still hung out with them
with how schizo buckos and bots are, it may be a good thign
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>Aussie hag Lioh is starting Mega Man x5
This low attention span lioness switched to super mario bros 3
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Coqui is playing Resident Evil Code Veronica
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Sad Light Banjo Kazooie
Slump and Lioh switch up their games all the time huh
So many chuubas playing that new zelda game
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She's gotta be near the end now.
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Yuma's skeb might be finished next week. Awerage complete time of that artist is 3 days.
Jets is fun to watch, but her aussie streaming times I usually see her for like 30-60 mins in the morning. AND she is more of a /lig/-chuuba, kinda in the same vein as Olivia
nice chompers
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Rrat is playing Bloodlines
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she used to stream earlier, I remember being able to watch her during the eveing EU time
Yuma uuuu
Meche went to TGS and may post a vlog if the footage she shot is okayish
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Megamook is playing Daraku Tenshi
That could be cool
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Dianko is so fucking cute.
I keep forgetting she has wings.
Even Lumi acknowledges that yesterday's stream was, in fact, NOT friday diablo. And today its friday night RTS with C&C Tiberian Sun Firestorm
Are you sure tonight isn't Thursday night RTS?
I want to pull on her hair
in 40 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfueWxlMLZg
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Cute Mega Irias is back! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wc_vhr9hbi0
They would be cute animated
Another later start day
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Guys, is that a sign?
Well not all fairies do
That has too many legs to be a bucko
Yuma has her Yuma mobile
because it's a tiberium-mutated bonko
She drives
Rare for a chuuba
Torneko with Kanon the succubus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hplerj4wSdc
I’m happy to see she is feeling better from yesterday.
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That spinning direction...it's the Law hero...
I want to break the law.
Just a sec!
Lumi, stop browsing here and start your stream.
That isn’t one sec, that is many secs
Many lumi secs
She would be cuter without wings and freckles, to be honest.
her car is YumFord
Lumi live!
I disagree
I know youtube can be laggy sometimes, but Lumi must also have pretty wonky internet...
But imagine where else she has them
Her streams have more stream instability than most other youtube chuubas and I don’t know why
Kiki's special Carrot Cottage Charity Stream (Part 2) is live!
Go kiki go!
What is next one the itinerary?
dianko could hit monetization before the month is over
A quiz and some drawing I think
Oh, also the chuubas in the OP will make an appearance, I think there may be more coming than there are on the pic now.. some last minute additions
That reminds me that I need I need to reset my Dianko playlist tab thank you
Doing my part to help a new retro chuuba and her fans
I wondered if there would be some late additions. With how quick and casual the sign ups were from what Yuno said during her stream I figured there would likely be more chuubas still signing on.
Maybe Char managed to rope Eira into it too.
I was surprised but pleased to hear that Dianko was the one that spurred Yuno into signing up.
All these charity streams and of all the weeks for me to misplace my wallet
Char needs to call in Eira’s support for her and Yuno, the oppais are outnumbered.
It is the weekend so Lumi should be able to stream longer today right?
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Shining Yin the light elemental girl is playing more Final Fantasy 8
>Meche's tweets
did she visit the Dustborn booth lmao
she needs to finish her chocolate model already
She loves video games, a good thing for a game dev
She is the mastermind behind Yum dot com. Yuno was always a scapegoat for the mastermind fairy.
depends on the video game
MMP live with Zelda
She WILL beat it today!
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Ririka the tiddo on kiddo is set to play more of her childish Disney Mickey Mouse and Donald platformer
>knocks the light balls back at ganondorf repeatedly
>just sits there and doesn’t fire a light arrow
Oh no this dumb bnuuy
No armor upgrade either
She's gaining around 25 a day and is 900 away, with 4 days left in the month. Unless you mean before next month is over which I agree if everyone that is helping keeps at it for her.
>some drawing I think
Some talented artists
She's excited about her celebration stream for hitting 5k
we were born from a GDI war factory??
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Havela Miagne maid tits for Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
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Audrey Mina is continuing her Ghouls 'n Ghosts marathon.
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Naomi Minami is playing Ocarina of Time
I forgot about that guard
Maybe you were, I was brought by a stork
this game fits our holy wizard
>holy wizard
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Audrey herself, she's a holy wizard, just a special one
Live (no tits)
>holy wizard
it was a pun
I didn’t even realize that now could damage Ganon’s tail
She will.
I need more sleep, didn't even think about that
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Finntroll Ronja Peikko is playing Condemned Criminal Origins, hobos beware! You’re in for a scare!
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She's experiencing some scuff
MMP beat OOT!
good job chocolate bnuy
Retro pc gaming scuff love

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