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Previous Thread >>86142552

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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So who is the special guest for the watchalong? Koyori?
Wait, the ReGloss 3D debut isn't free?
Mococo was so scared that she took her headphones off and was heavy breathing directly into the microphone
kek this makes her sexier somehow
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>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
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Fuwawa is for kissless virgins ONLY
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wasn't there a feature to change how tweet replies were sorted? did they already remove it?
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They REALLY hated it
Only on mobile?
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fits her eyes and snakes are cute
Welcome to the Japanese countryside https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCwK5TJIP2k
I really wanna sniff those pantsu
they're shima shima shorts ruffian. get it right.
EDF lads are you up to fight some aliens?
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they moved it
how was the game?
Yes yes whatever you say Fuwawa
shiowi is teaching me more japanese than FUWAMOCO ever have... why don't they do streams like this
Fucking sucked, FUWAMOCO were funny though.
Horror kusoge but the the English was funny and so was the end
The stream was kino, the game…
What would she do if you pinched it
You know what for how many jsl schizos we have you'd think they would suggest that FUWAMOCO do streams like this
I thought horror slop couldn't get worse...
Fuwawa is designed to be a mother
How does FuwaMoco keep getting these tactless retards with so much money.
Fuwawa looks very puffy here...
I'd say the game was just as bad, maybe worse than Mbembe BUT they were more entertaining this stream than Mbembe.
They brought up the idea of doing study streams for N1. It honestly sounds great to me but I think 99% of their fans would hate it.
yeah mine but also my wife
Sex with mamapuppy
Game itself was garbage, but the stream was fun
I was playing EDF6 listening to them in the background.
holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck
it's fucking wild to think they read that whole thing prestream, cried and called their mom and made plans to talk with her after instead of reading it on stream. what a fucking schizo I hope he's banned for doing that to them
They were extra cute today it made me want to have sex with them even more
>definitely a game to mbembe :eyes:
LOL I love them. Is this gonna be their codeword for "we hated it wuffians!" cause I love that
>cried and called their mom and made plans to talk with her
I hadn't considered that...
Rrat: FUWAMOCO have secret codes and signals for trouble. If they see a troublesome SC, they know to say Mamapuppy needs them. Mamapuppy didn't actually call. They don't have signals to sync on cue though, that happens naturally.
whats the point of creating fanfiction like this lmao? Mamapuppy calling them isnt some insane thing, and they dont need an excuse to not read supas. they're busy, they skip supas all the time
yes and it's great because sponsors arent going to know what the fluff it means either so they keep a clean record of not hating games
Especially Mogochan. She was EXTRA cute
I think hate is way too heavy of a word for a game that took less than an hour to beat. It's just a silly joke.
It is a shit game don't get me wrong.
Those signals sure didnt helps them avoid atms ASMR superchat
what was that
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Made for rape.
When have they ever mentioned Mama Puppy directly watching a stream before? They wouldn't say that unless they had been talking with her recently to know she'd be watching because she usually doesn't watch it live. It's a pretty high chance they got emotional and called her. what are the odds that they bring her up unprompted for the first time in ages the same time some schizo sends a traumadump about his mom dying and him regretting not being with her
Since he's qualifying it as "streaming games" I'll probably agree. My personal taste is more in line with Kiara but I find those games boring as fuck to watch other people playing.
I mean this is just true. This stream was fantastic, and infinitely more interesting than if they played typical memeslop
They would never ban someone because of a story like that
I dunno, I just dont see the point in coming up with fantastical stories when reality is usually very simple
Jesus fuck take your meds.
There's always a first time for most things. This would be one of them.
ruffians will never suffer from this
You're delusional
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WTF...? she is so fucking sexy... How does she do this??!
>hope he's banned for doing that to them
Lmao do we watch the same girls? Why would they ever ban someone for pouring their autistic heart out? They'll just skip it, cry a bit, and move on after saying some words of encouragment cause they're good girls with a lotof empathy
So you're confident they never ban people?
They wouldn't but I wish the "Mane-chan reads superchats before" thing was actually true so it could get filtered. They cry too easily, this will definitely make them cry and will embolden other schizos when it's inavitably clipped to traumadump them in the future.
Sorry for the guy, hope he's better now and all, but it's just not the kind of thing that should be associated with your channel ever. Not to mention the retardation of sending 10 pinks, send a fucking letter. Don't ruin superchats even further with your attention whoring. And buy a fucking laptop. They're probably getting like 5 bucks to read his traumadump because of the Apple cut.
Yeah he'll get banned right after Raul does, delusional dummy. If they allow literal antis like him in chat, why do you think theyd ever ban someone for traumadumping? Some lf you are so new, its painful.
he was saying they stream better games than Mumei
cover please get the eye dogtor to fix mococo's home3d soon
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I want to give hugs and headpats to Moco-chan while I rape her.
Yes. People outright anti them in chat and they dont do anything about it. Fucking erenschizo brings his JP schizoposting directly to their faces and they dont do anything.
they will never collab with korone because she never ventures outside of gamers
I don't watch her so I took a look at her channel and it seems like she doesn't stream at all, so they win by default. Doom Eternal is kino if the player is competent, though, no idea if she is.
>If they see a troublesome SC, they know to say Mamapuppy needs them
Wasn't this the first time they used the mama puppy excuse?
>she never ventures outside of gamers
She collabed with Mori and Bae.
>and will embolden other schizos w
Those schizos have already "been emboldened to traumadump" a long long time ago. I swear some of you are approximately 8 months behind
yeah move that goal post
korone gaslighted them into thinking that 3d projects are collabs and now they dont need to stream together
I have bautism is not as bad as MY MOM DIED LET'S GO
Lies. I didn't do anything outside of the thread yet
We were talking about them banning people for sending a story like he did, you then said "So you're confident they never ban people?"
Rrat: the mama puppy thing is a codeword saying they saw the SC but they'd rather not read it now and do it an SC reading instead.
They need to do a western movie watchalong with Korone
reminder what happened the last time you fucks got cocky about streaming more than other holos
But the goal posts are stuck in the ground, probably with concrete.
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it will be dubbed in japanese so whats the point
i do not care, all traumadumping is the same. you also forget there was a guy who said "my friend died in a car crash lets goooo."
You people are sonlate to the party, its insane. No wonder you unironically believe theyll ban for fucking traumadumping of all things, something that doesnt bother them
anyone remember what https://gofile.io/d/VpoTRm supposed to be
Wasn't Raul banned for his complete disrespect for Fuwawa by mane-chan?
And then unbanned by them after he begged them on twitter.
>streaming more than other holos
Eh they do though?
I don't like "stream monster" types, I don't like endurance streams, 2 to 3 streams a week to me is more than enough. My standards are not particularly high. I think criticism for those consistently failing to meet it is perfectly fair. You have no counter argument for this and I speak from experience because my JP oshi doesn't stream either.
Korone prefers subs over dub though
are they calling it Common Pissnix W in the discord yet
I don't see it in the archives, must be dolphin porn from somewhere else
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banned? literally once before he became a thread celebrity. After that hes been at most muted a single time and shadowbanned another.
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she watches everything dub
karma's a bitch, enjoy season 3
Yeah. All this talk of them laughing about it and bailing on SCs solely to avoid it is us projecting because this guy is fucking obnoxious. And it's funny to make fun of the same variety of schizo that has existed for years and plagued streamers. In truth, they'll be taking it seriously and feeling bad for him, with some kind words about how they're glad they could be there for him.
Where did you get that link from even
There isnt a single Ruffian they love more than GODnix. Man they love him so much, especially after meeting him. I want to slobber his cock like a dog in heat bros...
>enjoy season 3
I am though. GTA was fun!
I was told their only favorites were Japanese
Those are the people that actively post/read the thread while a stream is going.
the most recent action instantly invalidates all previous events for the purpose of loops
already at double digit cancelled streams and it's gonna get worse from here
>reminder what happened the last time you fucks got cocky about streaming more than other holos
What, they continued to stream more, put out the best 3D debut in years, had a god-tier performance at Breaking Dimensions, and have come incredibly close to 1 million at a faster pace than anyone in EN?
Guess being cocky really pays off.
I don't even see them acknowledging it in the cliquecord which says even more about it tbhdesu
uh... faggian did you miss the orgy at new york? I bet that queen was slurping cock there
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Ruffians have good karma, as evidence by all the incredible things that have been happening as of late with FWMC. Man I love them
Cockybros... we won!
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Everyone in Hololive cancels streams. As long as the output is reasonable, who cares?
Why not? Do they not realize how huge an honor it is to be retweeted by the FuwaMoco themselves.
So they love EN fans and pissnix is the EOP savior? I hate him but it's better than jpcuck loops I suppose
Ah Fauna canceling...just like old times...
No they only love GODnix
Still streams more than your oshi yikes
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I can't imagine being so invested in the fans of girls you don't even care about just to shitpost on 4chan.
I still think celebrating membership anniversary is so weird. Why not monetization anniversary. Cover release anniversary. That one time they tweeted something silly anniversary. Enough milestones already.
holy fuck this post reminded me that was tonight, thanks. still on the opening screen
That's wasn't me. I do appreciate that he used my data though.
It's just neet zoomers who spend all day on discord. All of the worst kinds of posters in one person. Only f*male is missing from this ultimate shitposter.
quality over quantity
I dont really care seeing as FWMC stream SO MUCH that its pretty much impossible to keep up unless youre a NEET. I actually think they should stream less cause its a LOT.
Not many other girls have this "problem" which only comes from working way too hard.
If they have ten streams in one week, and cancel one, then they still have 9 more streams than most girls.
I don't worship false spam gods. I only worship Fuwawa and Mococo. I trust them.
So what percentage of the time do you they speak to each other in Japanese at home?
the time
FWMC are both, since TWO is better than WAN
Guesses on who is going to be their guest for the watchalong?
celebrating membership is like celebrating existing fans while celebrating debut is celebrating themselves
0 unless the context calls for it. 100% of the time once they step outside of their home.
Would be a good question of the day for FWMC Morning.
hopefully someone from EN. otherwise Zeta since she recently arrived in Japan
Why do EN fans clip in the middle of streams? I noticed other adventrix doing it too. I thought the culture of respect was to wait for the ending like has always been the case for holoJP.
I guess. Just never seen it before, feels strange. Guess I just got "lucky" that none of my memberships did it.
They did answer this before. I think is mainly English with a smattering of Japanese.
I love how mbembe has become an inside joke.
Other things like extreme violence came from games too, but they aren't the kind of thing to stay as inside jokes just between FWMC and the ruffians
In this same stream, she also force fed listener-san raw and burnt meat
I want to fuck Bilbo Waggin's tight add so badly right now what a brat
That was never about respect, that rule exists because Youtube will consider your clip the original and will flag the stream once it archives as derivative content. On twitter this isn't an issue.
A rat race to get shit posted for likes and attention whoring
Their 3D debut is one of the best ever and people still bitch about it so I don't know what you are trying to get at.
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After moving? If so I don't really remember, if not then the answer could change as they switch their habits for immersion's sake.
I don't think Fauna's a really high bar considering her lack of MEAT
EN: Raora
JP: Koyori
ID: Zeta
/baubau/ favorite: Nodoka
why did they pick pissnix's shitty phone clip when the two other main clippers had better edits of it posted?
A JP member, so I'll just skip the watchalong and sleep.
Fuwawa just throwing "how's the mechanic" on other people twice during holoGTA was pretty funny too.
Hopefully this. If it's someone from JP it would just be a terrible way to watch it
>spend early morning mental energy on JP reps
>checking chat all the time for peroTL
All while trying to enjoy a concert
carnivoreschizo is still here?
probably ten thousand reasons why I can't think of or whatever that loser is up to sending them. It's pathetic and done out of pity. fucker is autistic as hhell too from new york
I have no idea, and I don't wanna start speculating because it leads to loops and sisters shitposting.
Why funny?
>FWMC Morning at midnight
>Ame collab at 5AM
>watchalong at 8PM
>wake up at 5AM to sing
Please rest lots on homework day...
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Fuwawa is my goddess.
Got timestamps or a clip for those?
It doesn't really make sense for it to be a JP stream since they don't have to promote themselves. Actually it would be better for it to be an EN stream since they can promote regloss to us and that kind of stuff.
Realistically it's going to be a JP stream though lol
The watchalong is a offcollab?
There might be a special guest.
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I want to carve Fuwawa's name into my flesh.
That doesnt answer my question fuwawa
>It doesn't really make sense for it to be a JP stream
Not like it would stop them from making it a JP stream KEK
New ruffian here, do they take superchat requests? Such as "say this funny thing"
Why are the browns seething about Phoenix so much lately?
Wtf is this shit

Yeah that's why I said that realistically it's going to be a JP stream
Cause hes a better Ruffian than you who's actually active in the community and cares about them.
All you do is whinge and complain like a jealous cuckold.
Kneel before GODnix, the man who dominates your every thought, and make sure to imagine his rock hard cock tonight.
They may. They're not in touch with most recent memes, though, so be careful with what you ask if you don't want to be skipped. They were scared of saying "pog champ" and only did it because Nerissa was watching and told them it wasn't a bad word.
Sometimes. It REALLY depends on what you want them to say, they will skip you go too far.
Normally yeah if they're silly little things.
"Mococo please read" is a pretty common SC. She even sang "you are my sunshine, my only sunshine" once!!
no, she sang youaremysunshinemyonlysunshine
Yeah this. Kepp in mind that theyre unironically VERY out of touch hags who know nothing about modern internet memes and zoomer lingo.
Treat them both like cute grandmas who dont know anything.
She did not sing it she didn't even know the song.
Line requests get skipped almost always. Work it into the text if you want it read.
>Yeah this. Kepp in mind that theyre unironically VERY out of touch hags
what? You make it sound like they're old womenm How old are they?
I won't be mad if they bring a JP guest to the watchalong and make it into a JP stream, BUT if they do that I hope they give EN ruffians a heads up. I would be really annoyed if I woke up at 4AM just to get a surprise JP stream.
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>How old are they?
Should he know the truth?
Just got a dislike
They look pretty young to me. Flawless skin.
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Early 30s
Title, description and thumbnail are going to be in english but it's going to be a JP stream
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>How old are they?
In their prime, wuffian
Yes they're very gorgeous for their age
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Don't even joke about that.
kek I don't think that fag is a threat to anyone. Same with everyone else's favorite cuck fantasy Andy. they're weak fags that are probably not even interested in fucking fuwamoco
Could be older
I vaguely remember sending an intentionally misused zoomer lingo and they just read the first word and then skipped it entirely kek
Would be kino to have a GTA medic team watchalong.
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I love my retarder and autistic hag wives.
I dont either, but the only reason anyone would constantly spam him here is if they were a jealous fucking retard literally keeping track of his retweets.
Skibidi Mococo
>You can't just BAU BAU and get away with everything
>*hits lapras while driving*
>BAU BAU!!!!
Holy kino.... What an arc.
>get handcuffed by shuba
>"You can't just BAU BAU your way out"
>"BAU BAU, it's a misunderstanding!!!"
>got away
they did indeed BAU BAU their way out
Knowing that I could confidently overpower and end 99% of ruffians in a 1v1 unarmed fight makes me immune to the cuck schizo ramblings.
Watchalong when?
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she lvoes the giggles
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>Knowing that I could confidently overpower and end 99% of ruffians in a 1v1 unarme- *BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM*
what did Fuwawa mean by this?
Most of the medic team stuff is either the Foobs story or assorted FWMC clips. And I guess InaRyS?
I think he meant medic team watchalong for regloss 3D.
Or a brown person trying to get others to hate whichever Ruffian they hate this week.
I would participate in organized Ruffian boxing matches if they existed
agreed, they might be the sexiest non jap hags
Fuwawa doesn't fuck around
Never. Mococo would literally cry if she saw that.
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this is like how no parent thinks their kid is ugly
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It can't be that bad right?
They are the sexiest women to ever exist besides Suisei
So what's wrong with finding them attractive exactly?
This. Could even eventually lead into a HoloNurse unit to perform together.
I can overpower and end 100% of Ruffians including you.
I'm so thankful I'm not gay
Sexiest women in the world, easy. They invented sex.
Nerissa is attracted to Fuwawa. Proof Fuwawa is sexy.
Only if you sit on me, you fat fuck
Nerissa is attracted to anything that moves.
She feels dizzy when she thinks about touching the veins in Fuwawa's arm, body horror like Uzumaki or The Thing would make her faint on stream.
Nice I have a chance
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I can tempt and seduce 100% of Wuffians, including you.
I know Lamy likes Fuwawa's cute giggles, but I still can't tell if Marine liked them too or was just making them during that holo GTA clips watch along.
why do they play horror games if they're so bad at them?
Yeah but I can overpower you Fuwawa.
they aren't
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Good ol' Fuwawa prime gorjus seductress
The JP hags have brown nipples so FWMC are sexier than them too
Because "fans' are fucking shitters and they love to see them screen. Horrorslop always brings in higher than average NUMBERS.
I'm surprised there aren't any more JP tweets
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Do I have to move quickly? My knees aren't what they used to be
I dunno they're pretty attractive to me, so it would seem they just aren't your preference, which is fine.
Why does this picture encapsulate Fuwawa so well
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Anon no! That's what she wants!
Isn't Fuwawa too powerful? We should try to stop her
It is not just them. A bunch of JPs just like playing horror even though they get spooked easily.
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I got captured by Nerissa, I'm sorry Fuwawa...
You can just hear her from the image alone
reminds me of that "I'm feeling dizzy" soundpost
You faggots thought it will be a JP stream earlier.
She was the one who initially brought them up and said they were really cute during the stream.
She also said that FUWAMOCO were really good during it, Lamy asked in which sense, and she said they were really funny, specifically with how they bantered with her.
During the stream every time Fuwawa giggled she would giggle back.
She'll ride you no worries.
I just...to Shiori's Japanese language lessons. Forgive me, Mococo.
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I wouldn't mind being held captive by Newissa. She can sing for me anytime she wants to like a good birdy.
Anon she doesn't even sing for Jailbirds anymore.
it's not your fault. it's natural a curious ruffian wanting to relate to their JP streams would need lessons and if they aren't offering them you have to go somewhere
I think I might be neaeing the end. my heart is flaming and I have a weird numb sensation in my right leg that drags when I stand or try to walk
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Maybe they should play psychological horror games without cheap jump scares and misunderstand the scary parts
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Their models are very hot, and they are good at piloting them
you had a fucking stroke anon
you're cooked
Did she hurt her voice or something?
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Alright well I don't know what to tell you anon.
No she sang just fine at Anime Impulse and loved it. Jailbirds are just assholes to her and I think she has a mental wall about doing karaoke for them
She's too much a perfectionist when it comes to singing and doesn't like karaokes.
Shut the fuck up and stop making shit up.
they look cuter than their models
I can kinda understand that ngl
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>stop making shit up
that isn't true for any vtuber, that's why the entire industry even exists
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ueh spirals
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There there
I thought she has throat issues and will cough out blood if she sings too much?
Jailbirds have been begging for karaokes for months. You make it sound like they're the ones telling her not to sing.
weww i fink you aw wong
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She said she "hort her voice" before debut but she also mentioned this offhand in a random stream and it also didn't stop her from doing them before her Japan arc.
If Mococo had a futa cock, shouldn't it have a knot on the end to knot Fuwawa with?
the knot was tied at birth wuffian
Fuwawa is the superior sister
When will they show up in polden
I know at least he was still number 1
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my girly muffins!!
Didn't they send in their response for the chicken nuggets episode?
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>She sees that
>Instant "my tummy hurts"
demon of sex
Wait, they're doing a watchalong not with advent? I assume it was in today's stream, any hints on what they were watching?
They are doing a watchalong for regloss stream early saturday morning.
If I don't remember it then it wasn't impactful or big enough of a role
Oh, I give way less of a fuck about that
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Mogotyan come let's turn into a spiral together
Cute onahole
rough maybe she needs nodule surgery
I am new can I have a clip for context?
Which one gives better head?
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Made for impregnation
Fluffy. mogogo doesn't like texture
fuck off in mori's chat not every dog reference is about them
At what point do you think she'd get scared?
Fuwawa would have better technique but it would be way sexier forcing your cock down Mococo's throat and seeing her gag and sputter while trying her best to keep it in. Though I just want to make it clear that Fuwawa swallows and Mococo spits
Fuwawa, Mococo doesn't even do blowjobs.
Both would be sloppy retards who try their best and would probably accidently gag/throw up due to still haveing a gag reflex. Mococo would thow up the minute she sees your cock vein.
Anyone who would watch that fat wigger isn't a real Ruffian anyways.
don't insult mogotyans oshi like that...
she always goes for the balls...
Her oshi is Polka, watch streams.
shove it back down
Is that one of you playing HD2? Fuzzycoco?
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it's quite a coincidence that both her oshis are fat fucks
makes you wonder who else...
>he doesnt know
even if you are retarded enough to have a problem with Mori, GG Biboo and Fauna are on her stream
Watch streams, brown ESL kek. Mori is her EN oshi.
I also have a problem with Fauna
I just... thinking about Fuwawa's eggs
>polkas a fat fuck
>moris a fat fuck
you better not be implying that my mogotyan is also a FAT FUCK
he sent them money today. Just like that
Everyone knows Mori is one of her oshi. She mentioned polka and her on that gacha card.
get over yourself fag you can't buy their love. Even if you weren't poor they'd see the darkness in your heart and be scared
Oh no, I was implying that she secretly looks up to Pero too but doesn't want to admit it.
It certainly was! I think? I can't quite rembembe… But we did become ramen

Thank you for the fun today I'm happy I could see you two! I didn't expect its scariness to be so potent though… I hope the silliness helped at the end Good luck today!
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>Fuwawa swallows and Mococo spits
what problem could you possibly have with Fauna of all people?
does this thing even watch streams? could the AI not pick up the joke even when used in the main tweet? Where did all the punctuation go too
She doesn't eat meat.
me neither, wanna fight about it?
I just want to get on fuwamoco morning once before it ends potentially
It won't even be a fight it would be like beating up the nice disabled fella down the road that wishes he died in Nam
>get over yourself fag you can't buy their love.
I wish I could, then I would he as loved as this thread pretends I am... Thankfully, they aren't like that so I'm simply tolerated by them.
It's an abstract kind of feel
too bad, nae has the bookmark for tomorrow's walk. sobbi misunderstanding and qotd. bandit 3x doggie and pero walk who cares
if you could buy their love it would be worth nothing. that's how you know the love they give to you and each ruffian is special and real
Make them a VN and you will
Alright, im going to off myself. I'll try my best to be here tomorrow. Goodnight everyone, stay Bau-mazing!
one day your chance will come
idk why you linked that but it's pretty cool
Please make sure to put them in your will before you leave.
Pekora is so bad ass
I have time. I play game. I jerk it to Fuwawa futa
if the schizos are to be believed just do any combination of the below
>spam chat to get cheap reads
>spam clips on Twitter
>act as unofficial spokesperson
>know JP and liveTL
>go to breaking dimensions and meet and greet
>send them thousands of dollars
me madness chama... don't go yet
Wait for your Pero plushie to come in and do something cool with it ie. impale it, crucify it, burn it at the stake...
So who do you hope is the guest for the watchalong? Please let it be Bae.
I want to stick my dick in the pink ruffian plushie and pretend it's her
advent space jam watchalong
I don't know if that would get you on FWMC morning but you would certainly be remembered.
Hopefully Biboo
Isn't it super late for her?
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>So who do you hope is the guest for the watchalong?
She goes to bed between 6-7AM PT and the 3D live is at 4AM PT. I forgot that she's trying to make it a lighter week after GTA, so she's probably out anyway
That will really be surprising.
The guest is Mamapuppy the call was to arrange travel plans.
I live in eternal hope.
Shiori really needs to stop being so sexy in every image she's in
No one is promised tomorrow. Treasure the time you have.
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Biboo's built well... like a rock
Hana no To was so good. RIP.
28 is younger than me. unnatural causes?
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I'm just now catching up on the horror slop vod. Wtf is wrong with this guy spamming pink supas? Please god I hope they didn't read them...
Chronic illness, unspecified.
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>Fuwawa's naked shoulder
>Mococo's toes
40k left... they're going to make it...
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Hmph Ruffian!
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they didnt read it
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i miss my wives so much right now.
good night wuffians
poor mogotyan
They're doing a watchalong in 3 hours right?
haven't been around, what's this about a watchalong?
You scared me, ReGLOSS's 3D live is in 29 hours
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nah I'm good
Damn. It's only been a month since advent's 3D Live.
Theyre doing a watchalong of ReGloss's 3D live in a little over a day. There will be a surprise guest
Oh kek my bad, I mistook this for the concert because of the "1" in the headline
That's in a day and a bit. There's a video in 3 hours but it's just a voicepack announcement:
ReGloss are so cute. I hope they get to do more stuff with Advent.
a watchalong for a debut concert is terrible, why would you want to listen to someone talk over a show the first time you see?
I actually really like them, especially Kanade, Ririka and Hajime, who all seem to get along well with FWMC. I feel bad with how they got segregated with the confusing branding
They're cute but they also championed male collabs and I think that's one of the reasons they were separated. I can't help but see them as some executives pet project to show "integration" can work.
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Then dont watch? I had a lot.of fun watching them watch the pekolive and watames live. Same with FES. Honestly I enjoyed those way more watching with them, then if i watched alone. Getting to listen to my dorky wives geek out is adorable.
They'll watch this if they do a GTA clips watchalong
Artist source?
why are her boobs so big? is this traced slop?
Not gonna lie, I unironically think Nene looks way better than her model
I'd love to see them do whatever with those specific girls, they're all good girls.
dang raden is at 800k subs. if they hadn't fucked the branding she might actually have gotten to 1M already
what makes you think they won't watch FWMC clips like everyone else?
maybe paypigs should make themselves useful and ask for one
It's all because of the animation shorts she does. If FWMC did them too, they'd definitely get a few 100k.
>Oh but dead subs!
Her last cover has over a million views in 2 weeks.
#helpfwmc. nothing is stopping you besides your own ineptitude
Why do you think them watching that means that they won't watch any other clip
>watch clip
>bau bau and tangent
>watch clip
>bau bau and tangent
>repeat until the 1hr mark where they read supas
>watched a total of 4 clips in JP
Bau Bau mention!
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