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Tomoe's legs go all the way up Edition

Production kawaii:

First Live Concert:
Second Live Concert:

Song Covers Playlist:


Art Archive:

▼ Talents
>Generation EONIA
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】
【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】
【Nene Amano 天野寧々】
【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Generation novamore
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】
【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】
【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Generation Hanamizuki
【Kaya Nishikino 錦野楓夜】
【Yuno Hanaki 華鬼結望】
【Ran Tsukiha 月蝶蘭】[Graduated]

>Generation Ephemira
【Hiyori Mokami 桃神日和】
【Kohaku Yumekui 夢喰己白】
【Lethe Bonapuchi レッテボナプチ】
【Meimi Majokko 魔女っ子めいみ】
【Navina Nova ナビナ・ノバ】
【Tomoe Carmine トモエ・カーマイン】

▼kawaii Friends
Prima >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
Pixelink >>>/vt//pxl/
Athy - https://twitter.com/owlthy
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami
Felynne deRouge - https://twitter.com/lynnerouge

Previous Thread: >>86125804
Mion could save kawaii
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Meimi Yu-Gi-Oh!®

Raft Kawaii Kruise kollab
Tomoe is also there but has no POV at the moment!
Isla-sama my beloved
Tomoe is a trooper. It's 5AM.
intros are dumb.
Tomoe is being cute
I love puppies too Shee. Make puppies with me heh
I'm giggling already. I needed this. Why do these draught days with no one streaming happen with 15 girls?
I love shee very very much
doggy style SEX with shee
i don't like large collabs like these
>sharks won't hurt me, we're friends!
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Sheecho my beloved
Tomoe where's your swimsuit? I need it.
That shark? Me
I thought shee loved sharks. did they replace shee too?
>do you need clear instructions to eat a pineapple?
women hate me so much it's unreal
That shark was not selling enough cars
more than two female is already dangerous, still better than male collabs
Hiyorin just made Shee laugh. Hiyo was a good hire.
always has been
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you are going to love this
good male hire for male collabs
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Son of a whore, take your mother fuckin Imodium or whatever prevents your mother fuckin diarrhea to shit post.
Tomoe where is your swimsuit
Eat the shark heh
they are fucking mardi gras dogs
Ephemeira is so yap coded shee is like their mother
I want those mother shee milkies
Passing the day away waiting for Isla-sama to return
Surely you can cook the shark
589's tits keep changing
I was too distracted by Sheeno's tits to realize
Kohaku got killed by the shark
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dread it, run from it, globie niggas arrive all the same
589 was tasty
aster walked in on her with a bottle of premium soju
I'm watching a green whore asmr
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They all arrive the same with my fist in their faces. Now fuck off lil boy and go back to your middle school.
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Tomoe just rode him in front of everyone
Phoebe Chan raided Hiyori Mokami.
Tomoe does a pretty good Reina
you vill slurp male collabs and you vill like it
and Tomoe made it awkward
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disgusting fleshposting bitch
eww, she DMs paypigs
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that was Shee's multivitamins alarm
Nene selling her booba when you spend $80 or more https://x.com/amanene_kawaii/status/1839504130068390177
ex prism frog and disgusting hybrid vtuber/overseas idol, VA for that tranny game little goody two shoes
Free Nene Booba
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I already bought a shirt. Wonder how popular the XL version is.
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free whore
Let’s see those Shee legs
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shee legs
same old assets kek
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we hate the blue frog here
I will carry you to bed Kohaku Yumekui
getting palworld nostalgia seeing shee climb up mountains
just give her a bottle of premium soju
>hiyo got murdered by a boar
hiyo you have disgraced your wolf ancestors
I have to admit I teared up a bit when Isla-sama said this in her stream yesterday
you just needed not to dox her, shirgler
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>You don't need armor to protect me
why did that make you cry
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I don't usually think of Shee as a quiet girl but they have the yap on lock
because he doxed her instead of protecting her
Insane world when Brandon the cuck of all people tells people off
he's a troon pls understand
I am in love with Isla-sama
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There's at least one good doxknight
reina's replacement has to go to sleep
Reina was a mistake
European Reina hits different
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589 will never dip her balls in your mouth. feels bad
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Shut the fuck up
the doxknight who exposed the whole doxing operation...
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feed me mommy hiyo
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aster balls are small and cute
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okay shirgler
t. doxknight who got caught
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most doxknights weren't caught, they just decided to lay low for a while but they will be back
Koha's looks the most natty
om nom
you can om nom on my dick
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shee will eat hiyo's popsicle i know it
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Mommy shark Shee is too busy giving them headpats
They had to know this serves no practical purpose besides masturbation right
fucking mardi gras dogs on longboards and drinking premium soju
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You could convince Koha to delete system 32
only half a bottle of premium soju for that
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Shut the fuck up mongoloid
i like when nano says "you want me to die?"
Sex with nonstop with Nano first
Bed breaking sex with Charzu
Stream RN
I can explain. I was typing with one hand while fapping to nano tits heh
Koha got hired!
>she had mandarin oranges
Shee, I'm dying
>Koha uses a nitelite
>Shee has a digital family picture frame
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i just don't think i am good enough to support her
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do better
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Young man, there's no need to feel down, I said
Young man, pick yourself off the ground, I said
Young man, 'cause you're in a new town
There's no need to be unhappy
Young man, there's a place you can go, I said
Young man, when you're short on your dough you can
Stay there and I'm sure you will find
Many ways to have a good time
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Thread was a little better than the last one with a stream to post about. Keep it clean. Goodnight fags.
Isla regularly gets 200+, sometimes even 300+ CCV, why can't management look at what she's doing right and encourage the other girls in that direction?
Because that would be bad for the feminist twitch streamers in kawaii, they would have to act like proper cute girls and that's too cringe for strong independant women
jesus fucking christ
Shitters are going to have another field day with this.
They sure showed us, I'm sure it's in response to us shitting on them for shitting on kawaii
yeah fuck her, I'm not defending her anymore
I guess the no male rules are all gone because this shit has like 10 males and 3 girls
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In less apocalyptic news, Lethe also has a collab
what the fuck is a bluejump
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Fucking pissing me off cuz this motherfucker is in it again
That’s Ran’s friend
I genuinely feel like I'll puke when I see male vtubers
what the fuck is this
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girls see this and go "yeah i want to collab with that"
Who was that faggot that was coping and said they weren't talking to dudes BTS in private discords and shit KEK
What a thumbnail. I didn't need to see that. I should've gone to sleep earlier.
bro jinxed it
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looks like a casting couch the way Yuno is positioned. You know what? Charzu was wrong. I have the ability to look at something and know that ain't kawaii.
I shouldn't have trusted yuno
Basically 12 males, 1 tomboy and 3 girls in a collab.
koshita please come back
I was about to say I dont think any of what they have been doing is very kawaii
Charzu will always defend this so expect some male collabs coming out of the original 6 (Reina doesnt count) in solidarity soon!
Yuno’s revenge for getting shit on here
who cares yuno is shit and not kawaii she should have never been allowed to join
probably, these male collabs always feel spiteful
they always have the "girl doing porn to make her dad angry" energy
It’s hard to say no when Meimi and Hiyori are in a huge fall guys collab with le males too
Koshita saw what they were like behind closed doors and wanted nothing to do with them. He got out it's time we got out too
>male collabs coming out of the original 6 (
Nami maybe, I don't see the others doing it
Charzu always hated the "no-male" rule but she'd never do it herself
I’m not going yet. I am still supporting my kawaii oshi. Fortunately it’s not Yuno, or any of the male collabers in a big group. I will simply unsub and do not watch them.
As holofags learned the hardway, no girl is safe
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No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. Allah is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
dont leave cut youre donos and wait for oshis pl return way this is going may be soon
Well boys, looks like we are having another shitstorm on our way.
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It was better back then
Islam forbids male collabs. Male collabers will burn in jahannam Inshallah.
It feels like it was a lifetime ago...
Nostalgia probably tints my perception of it though
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It's been a long goddamn week in kawaii. At least Yuno is doing this before the anniversary. Good luck hitting those goals.
She just went on a trip with her boyfriend and didn't really hide it when talking about the trip why are you guys shitposting you knew it was coming
Charzu choosing to address the male collab question after months of ignoring it yesterday was not a coincidence
Kawaii made their decision make yours
It's so fucking weird to see every corpo suddenly doubling down on male collabs even though it's clear that fans all hate it
What the fuck is going on, are they all trying to self-destruct?
I will simply not watch the ones who wants to be in a big collab with the homos. I will not abandon my kawaii oshi because one other talents mistake. That’s just me though.
holy fucking shit, it even has homostars in it, literally can't make this shit up
did anyone imagine kawaii would be in this state even 2 or 3 years ago
>every corpo suddenly doubling down on male collabs even though it's clear that fans all hate it
I wish. Most vtuber watchers are just as willing to gobble homo cock as the girls are. Whenever the topic of male collabs comes up during a stream, most of the chat will give the same shitty "I don't have a problem with it" or "do what you want" response, and anyone who disagrees is usually ostracized. The most recent example I can think of is when Shee was asking her viewers if they'd be okay with her joining the GTA server. The few who were vocally against it were made fun of.
>most of the chat will give the same shitty "I don't have a problem with it" or "do what you want" response
then they don't watch it
no one likes it but no one is going to say that in the chat
detective warn us but we refuse to listen until it is to late

he is like jesus in a way

we must repent
Well, this Yuno collab certainly will give Shee or anyone else the more reason to join that GTARP server now or big collabs with homos.
nta, but this is how you have to approach this in the whole hobby, really.
It's not like Yuno had viewers to lose either way kek
shee has more to lose and they both know it
Heh how will the discordcucks react to Yuno’s big homo collab
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Did anyone get bingo? I watched some streams and slept in because i just sleep when there aren't streams.
with glee, I'd imagine kek
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I appreciate Lua Asuka a healthy amount!
Not yet, I am still missing some.
I was looking at Lua's art tag and holy hell is it a ghost town? The majority of the posts are from Lua herself posting comms she got...
Whose tags aren’t a ghost town these days?
Want to hear my not so crazy rrat, I have always thought about it but thought it was too far fetched until now. Brave was getting plants in all the small GFE corpos before aquiring their own corpos so they had ins, the play was to have managers slowly groom their rival corpos into pulling mask off moments because Brave is trash and they can't win the normal way. So Sora and Chris and the other male managers they hid from us until the Nano leak have been dropping hints there, pushing them a certain direction here, pointing out little things about fans that will set them off, all in time for the mass Brave aquisitions. The stage is set to destroy every small corpo in hopes everyone will flock to Brave
Why is it always that same one globie dude? What's his endgame?
Guess that's true, haven't really looked at any others though.
guess I'm just used to more active art tags from other corpos girls
It is not a question of if but when. I will pray for you and your oshi but women peer pressure other women to do the same. They have no personal agency when in groups
I also don't want a single one of my hard earned dollars going to managers that sexpest and other talents who hate me. So until my own oshi leaves I will not support her
my rrat is that he’s one of the male collab shitposters here
to be braves weapon against other corpos and weaken them through male collabing
Brave is definitely behind this but I don't know if that's really the case. Brave is killing its own corpos with this shit too. I see it more like an attempt to completely subvert and kill the culture, it's definitely not for profit since they're bleeding money.
I saw some posts saying Brave is the Blackrock of vtubers and I'm starting to agree with that. Don't be surprised if you see these corpos doing DEI training soon
weaken them enough so that brave can purchase the corpo heh
If you told me 4 or so months ago this was going to happen I would have called you a schizo and we were riding the idol journey high, everything went downhill fast. I guess the Eonia concert was as good a sendoff as any
The idol dream died with Koshita leaving.
Oh god, Sweet Baby Inc infiltrated Brave.
You were too naive then, this outcome was kinda obvious when the buyout happened
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some of you really need to take your meds. or a walk. do the kawaiikruise bingo. you'll feel better.
I've been paranoid about this since the company got acquired by the company that owns 774inc (I think?), but I didn't expect it to be this bad, at least.
Any word if they get to keep the models if when kawaii gets shutdown or will they have to go back to PLs?
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Why are unicorns still in this hobby? Don't you get tired of getting burned again and again?
You’re missing 7 more kek
Ask Aliaga Cuckin
its not a male collab if tis in large gr- oop touche nice loophole Yuno
More like Glowie
the actual rule was that it's okay in group collabs as long as the female/male ratio is at least 1:1
this just confirms that the kawaii we know and love is dead
there has never been a stated ratio
I doubt it is the influence of Culture but of the new girls and managers fighting to change the culture from within. Those who were on the fence like Shee were pushed over it by the Brave girls and gen 5 girls.
Just proof that once you are a whore you will always be a whore. Shee had much more convincing GFE than even Nene and she still turned her back on pawtners for the chance to gobble more cock
It is what it is I'm taking a fucking break from this shit
I guess it’s safe to say, 1 on 1 male collab is not allowed, but anything goes with big groups as long as there are other females there. They are testing the waters on what’s allowed.
this is worse than 1 on 1, might as well get gangbanged on stream
It doesn't matter what the specifics were because it isn't a rule anymore
If only Koshita was here...
Who is next on the cock carousel?
Maybe it's just me but a collab that is 90% homos on comms is significantly worse than 1 on 1.
It's bad enough that all the previous stuff I just shitposted about but this one I am debating whether its still worth donating to my oshi if 50% goes to kawaii
Completely organic reaction btw.
At this hour? There's maybe 5 IPs posting ITT total.
I definitely agree with you if it’s a majority of homos in a group collab.
>it's ok to be a whore so long as every guy gets a hole to put his dick in
In retrospect that was probably what made all the day 1 fans leave because they didn't have as much investment in the company at that time and saw the giant red flag
They are considering everyone who would watch Isla Lethe and Shee aren't watching since they aren't streaming. I was expecting a better defense force comment than this
I mostly meant that once the company was no longer "independent" that it's identity was basically dead as a result as well.
So far we have Hiyori, Meimi, and Yuno in big group collabs with homos. Possibly Shee, and Reina considering that they were going to join the gta server.
Letting the girls hire HMZ was the biggest mistake ever
>wake up
>look in mirror
>see male
>click on a female vtuber's thumbnail
>male voice earrape
>close tab
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I love agency vtuber (virtual YouTuber) Ms. Lua Asuka of Production kawaii Generation 2 (novamore)


Latest covers:


Kawaii isn't sending their best, but I don't really think you can spin this to kawaii fans in a good way
who is youre oshi?
Any big collab is earrape regardless of gender
Especially so if it's only women
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None are safe sell your suzucoin
I just wish they could have been more transparent about it. Share in a members stream or something. But we all know they wouldn’t, so they are just letting us know through their actions.
nta, but at least with women I can have my ears bleed with a smile on my face
Post your Yuno memberships, "real" kawaii fans.
Kohaku's drinking stream has almost 600 downloads. We have a LOT of lurkers.
Does gifted memberships count? Because I have been getting a lot of gifted Yuno memberships.
why would I member Yuno when the girl has been a red flag from jump kek
Who would member the shame of kawaii?
Not unless you actually continued it.
Thanks for revealing yourselves.
Man they really arent sending their best KEK
I was a member for 4 months but I dont need a pic to prove it yuno can just look at her monthly report there is no defense for this
Isla will never leave because she's too loyal but... man
drop dead
The girls should not depend on collabs to grow. You must do the work to make yourself better. Idols do not beg for attention or leech from others, they improve with effort. If this happens too often, you will see who does not care enough to be successful. The entertainment industry is very hard. Let them have some fun.
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Well, whatever. I'll just keep watching Lua until the corpo desolves or she leaves
Good afternoon, Hide-sama. Has that earlicking slut let you fuck her yet?
I'm typing with my glasses off, cut me some slack kek
Same with me, I ain’t going to abandon her after all these years.
Actually, why isn't she tardwrangling Kaya and Yuno?
she doesnt like male vtubers but she's in the "let the girls do whatever they want" camp
and i agree, they should be honest so i can avoid the ones i dont like
Isla gets an anxiety attack just posting in the slack lmao, she isn't going to speak up
Even Charzu could only say that it is up to the talents what they want to do to try and separate herself from the rest
sanest anon ITT
Yeah, she's also not given me any real reason not to keep watching and supporting her where I can.
Shut the fuck up manager-san if they want to have fun do it off stream with their male friends and fuck buddies like they always have done bringing this shit on stream is nefarious and clearly a way to lash out against fans.
Grown men btw.
Christ, I come back from a (male) concert and people are doomposting about kawaii dying yet again. Yuno following homos on twitter is brought up often enough that I'm not sure how this would be a surprise.
>Even Charzu
Charzu has always been against the anti-male thing though. She's not going to do any male collabs but she's against the whole gachi/unicorn thing
Yuno makes otome content. She was a lost case from the beginning.
Incompetent women btw.
my baby boy chinchin will always belong to ms. asuka
Charzu is for males btw, she even said she would collab with that sonic styled one if she was given the chance. She doesn't believe in the idol thing either
being against gachis always struck me as odd considering the companies original purpose
she's professional enough to do her job and keep her political views away from her streams but she's still one of those twitter types, it shouldnt be surprising
Women don't like men or love anyway. Let them die of supersyphilis or whatever the fuck.
she would do better in indie
Meimi and Hiyo forced their pl friends to stay up late tonight to run defense but they forgot how absolutelt incompetent those retards are. Lmao
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I will still watch my oshi but my donations will be reduced, I don't want to support this and honestly I have no idea what her headspace is right now. They are whispering in everyone's ears for a while it seems and as anon stated earlier women have very little of their own agency when in groups.
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meh, I guess. still feels like a disconnect in goals
I'm not sure. She's got a lot of talent and whatnot, but luck play a large part in that. I do kind of wish she'd try to join another corpo though, but I guess she might have tried already, who knows.
post your donations so far
>trusting woman in the first place
lmao. now you know why every other board looks down on /vt/. this is the only board that vehemently whines about pirating or leaking content
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>trusting woman
Good morning saar
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what lua does to people... she's powerful
she needs more art...
I don't think any birblings are actual artists. I remember there were a few that could draw, but none of them did it on anything resembling a regular basis.
she could be in top again in phase or pixel nene to
just how the human mind works in groups.
some people are more resistant to it then others, though, when they have something on the line
Go to bed Yuno you need your rest for all that cock you're gunna take.
Schlicking it to kawaii fans lamenting about their favorite corpo going belly up is the trait of a physcopath you need therapy and graduate
even with that being the cases, you'd think you might see more skebs from birblings
there are a few girls I follow elsewhere that are smaller then her and their fans get them skebs way more often then you'd expect.
I need to go to bed, I keep fucking up my typing kek
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If that's your only defense is to try to dox fans that are pissed at the direction the company is going that's a terrible defense. I have put more money down than any of you pl homoloving fags get back in your cuck chair
honestly, yeah. I feel like if she would have tried to get into a different corpo she would have already, so maybe she's just comfortable with where she is
Just to annoy Yuno. Seems to have worked!
You've been shitposting for 20+ hours anon, go to bed
You either die a unicorn or live long enough to see yourself become a homo sex pest >>40311542
Only spend on what gives her the best cut.
kek, and I'm sure the excuse in the morning is going to be that it's a single threadshitter ruining the threads. /pkg/ has always been known as the schizo general.
Even if I was this sex deprived there are better and less expensive ways to have sex. Putting on an anime face on the screen isn't going to make you more fuckable
anyone have the geoguessr archive?minus the leak I was looking forward to that stream.
/pkg/ is completely dead at this time of the day every day and it's peak third worlder hours. don't kid yourself thinking more than 2 people actually care about Yuno
nta, i don't care about Yuno, but it's a good indicator for other things.
this isnt about yuno retard
They really aren't sending their best.
Just cause you are a pl friend staying up during sheeno hours being a good little simp deflecting actual kawaii fans isn't going to make her fuck you
isla and nene are the only ones left that we can trust it seems i should have slept in more instead of waking up to this shit
Wait...wait a minute...I just saw this post about "Lose yourself" in the last thread.

I literally clenched my teeth from the cringe of describing that shitty song as something "masculine" that women just dont understand.
Please dont ever talk about rap.

Nobody watches this shit, it’s just impossible to be honest in your oshi’s chat with your real username
Just saw the post about Oshi no Ko in the replychain lmao. lil bro ain't wrong about Ai, but from what I remember since I dropped that shit early on when it became obvious how much of a shitty melodrama OnK would be and how Ruby gets shafted, it's barely even about le dark side of the entertainment industry and isn't even particularly anti-idol. Wouldn't be surprised if that anon didn't actually get Ai in the first place and only hates her for being a liar.
>and she still turned her back on pawtners
Threadreading faggot who wasn't there for the streams. Shee backed out. Fuck you.
10 months. 7 days. I wanted to get to see the one year bellflower fully open up at least before I dipped out but I think this is it for me if she goes live with those men.
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>As holofags learned the hardway, no girl is safe
Hololive is the only place where safe girls can exists because the girls are rich enough to refuse things that go against their values
Get yourself a unicorn girl (like fuwamoco, gura, etc) and you can be sure that they'll always be kosher
ConSteve is the only one that uses "gunna" like a retard
Why is kawaii doing a kruise dummer themed event at the end of september?
Fax machines being late again?
None of them backed out and those who weren't even supposed to be there are in the server still give it up man she can't be saved. Even if we want to go back to how things were the intent was laid bare. We can never go back
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3 years and still going strong btw.
Here's to 3 more years of sisters seething (but they are adult men). Before you know it this is all you will have done with your twenties!
kawaiiDomination baybee!
The poorest cope but I wish you guys luck I'm going to go through all my memberships and start culling tonight. Youtube is gay and won't let me do it from the phone app for some reason
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I have good news for you bros
Miki is BACK
good timing too because I was feeling down


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