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VIP Lounge Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Mouse is LIVE! It's golf time! Golf with your friends along with Ari, Saiiren, Candii, and Lala at the moment. maybe more later? Ari and Saiiren are also live if you want to check that collab out from alternate POV's. That's the only thing happening at the moment so keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Image source: https://twitter.com/mashiro_mayu1/status/1839279795156431133

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and former member discussion
/mouse/ for subathon-specific discussion

Previous Thread: >>86140617
I love Michi so much.
I love Geega so much.
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I love anon so much.
maybe this time we don't bring up or respond to froot bait
So how many more weeks of silence before it becomes blatantly obvious to everyone that Henya is dead or hospitalized?
She said it in Aethel chat while he was playing it
She’s most definitely hospitalized
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Someone recently said apparently her mods are keeping in touch every so often. So I assume if something ACTUALLY happened to her we'd know pretty quick. She's probably just going through it
Zen confirmed on stream today that she's alive. She said she messaged her and tried to hit her with a deez nuts joke but she saw it coming. Zen never lies about stories though....right?
I would say that's bullshit, but Japanese people do tend to go to the hospital for all kinds of thing that we don't in america, so it's possible.
Zen only makes shit up about herself, she wouldn't lie about something like this
I think chammers was mia for 6 months or so before anything official was announced
Henya said she wanted to avoid going to the hospital if possible but she might have had to
This anon is right. Zen would never lie about making a deez nuts joke.
Bros my head hurts I think Helene's gonna fuck me up and there's no Michi to keep me sane
It’s a bit cheaper than the US so yeah, also she kinda has restricted access to the internet by what it seems, so I doubt she’s at the computer
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>Go to Youtube
>New False video
>Watch it It's pretty interesting about the Blerp party at Twitchcon, but that's not what's important here
>Look at the sidebar
So this is that guy who thought the real Gabe Newell was commenting on the Froot shit. I don't want to give this guy a view so I'll just assume he genuinely believes this and is retarded.
she is inside nyan's womb
the opposite actually he is calling out idiots for thinking it was about israel
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Guys I just want to say on behalf of mousebros, most of the the people who shit on all of the plusses that hang out with mouse seem to really have been fellow mousebros. Cause I only ever see it in /mouse/ currently. Though I hesitate to call them fans of mouse since they're also the same people who complain about every single thing mouse does. But if you ever complained about anons who were shitting up the thread, feel vindicated. Though again, like I said, they're kind of the worst and I dunno if I'd call them fans with how they act.

Also for those talking about Henya, Heavenly just mentioned he watched a movie with Henya cause she was sick and wanted her to feel better.
Wow. He is really fucking bad at clickbaiting then lmao
you're giving him attention.
every vtuber is pregnant according to this thread
And we are right
Shit like that is one of the reasons I want /mouse/ to continue after the subathon is over.
>isekai slice of life starring Nyan, Aethel, and Henya
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Can I stay here and be a Mouse fan. I just like mouse and everyone else. And all her friends. All the plusses. I just like watching the girls(that's kuro too) be happy.
>Heavenly had a discord date with his oshi
Eh it's probably the last time. I mostly regret watching the one I mentioned in that post because now Youtube's going to think I want to watch that kinda dogshit content
Love my nigga Heavenly
Just look at the previous thread. They were having a field day. I haven't seen such threadshitting in a while.
I already knew it was the mousewhiner faggots.
I hate those fags more than the schizos and the /pol/tards.
Of course you can, you one of the normal ones. It seems so, at least.
The occasional Mouse discussion we've had here since /mouse/ has been made has been fine so sure. Like, Mouse discussion has genuinely been so much more peaceful, it's been nice.
they're trying to sow division between us and /mouse/ now?
>blud thinks he's on the team
It was a bit obvious, I assume is due to Ari or Heavenly, since you took one of the worst posters alive, the Connorfag that probably already called Heavenly and Ari something like "couple of a walmart leech and black guy", it's funny because both could have a full day of collabs with Zen and they would only get those posts due to being Mouse in the collab.

Although, we aren't good either. This side has the Froggy "I'm out" guy and the boreclan *pukes* but they are usually a one post pony, the other one would be the Gatekeeper and the shared custody of the Meischizo.
/mouse/ is a containment thread.
you're not subtle
I've seen the boreclan guy in /mouse/ too. But yeah it never made any sense to me since most of the people they complained about hung out with Zen and Geega plenty without any sperging. In the end /mouse/ will end up as an anti thread with the way it goes during some hours. I stayed there during all the froot shitposting, but now it's better over here easily. If most of the anons are complaining about mouse more than enjoying her streams, I would rather them stay in there own thread anyway.
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I said it before, it's fine to have a split. I think there's nothing wrong with neither side, and I'm not opposed to have some Mouse posts here, but things were getting out of hand before the subathon, we already have shitton of fights in here, adding one more is just so fucking tiring. The Connor one is wack as shit, like the guy, but the amount of people who fight the "Connorschizo" is just insane, not counting also all the complains because Mouse is here and hears them.
In fact what's funny is that the last /vsj/ was basically /mouse/ that themselves realized that. imo /mouse/ should stay as /999/, it also benefits them, I use /999/ when this thread would shit itself and I wanted to chat about Henya
Connorsperg posts in /mouse/. It's not really a different thread except that no one else gets discussed, the meischizo isn't there, or the silverfaggots.
>I said it before, it's fine to have a split.
As long as a split is made in good faith and the one making it has good intentions, there's nothing wrong with it. It should also be easier to maintain than /999/ because Mouse streams 12 hours a day. There really shouldn't be a problem with it's existence.
You're going to trigger them again.
Mouse deserves a split because her and her fanbase are big enough to justify it. /vsj/ was always a retarded idea because she was the only one that could prop it up, especially with Henya gone.
I don't see silverspergs/sinderbeggars shitting up this thread. Hope it stays that way.
So Lala is a + now, right

BLTbros are dominating right
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Both threads suffer from the same issue: it's almost impossible for the sane posters to drown the annoying fags because those fuckers spam like crazy.
There is only so much you can discuss about a stream (unless it's an event) compared to two or three mongoloids engaged in a "NO U" competition or repeating the same shit 20000000 fucking times.
I personally do my best to ignore them, engage the people who are here to enjoy the girls and remind myself that those faggots don't represent everyone else who is a fan of one of the girls (or of vshojo in general).
>we need a split!
You've done this one before too
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I'm fine with the acquisition
Also, I don't know if you are weebs but if you want to check out TGS
VShobro, HighGai is doing an IRL
I'm gonna cope putting a Henya png, and pretend she's there again https://www.twitch.tv/highgai
I don't know about the other anon, but I'm not trying to be subtle.
NTA but Highgai doing an IRL at TGS? Thanks for the heads up. Kson is supposed to be there right? Has he seen her yet?
It was supposed to be a Mouse IRL but Mouse said they had "technical issues" My guess is she forgot and overbooked so he's streaming it on his channel
i'm in love with michi mochievee
yes we all know you're here to shitstir
That's why I asked "is having a chill thread is too much to ask" last thread. Sperging faggots just can't contain themselves, they have to shit on Connor, Mei, Silver, Mouse, etc. And then start their deflecting "why are %vtuber_name% fags are like this" olympics. No wonder normal anons are leaving this thread.
I think he hasn't seen sonch today, he saw her yesterday
I only watch vtubers that have tits bigger than my head
I think HighGai would stream regardless, I think the problem might be that HighGai couldn't connect the Discord with the video for her, but yeah, a shame.
I only watch vtubers that have tits bigger than a small child
who's us
Kson is always so damn pretty. I'll never forget when Mel described her as "violently attractive" because that fits her so much.
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I heard some tribes know how to shrink human heads
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Sonch and Kaho have a chance to be in a Yakuza game at the same time. And that means we'll get a high quality Kaho model...
In that context? /vsj+/. Did you take English in school?
I can't tell if the guy in black is actual security or just an actor
it's weird how despite mousey having the biggest audience on twitch we can't even outpost the schizos
i'd suck zen's dick?
It's a good thing none of the girls have a strong 4chan audience. I mean, I'm one of them, but idk, have you seen the ones that are strongly dependent of them? They aren't good.
i'd suck froot's dick?
look at threads before this week and look at vsj+
the plus sperging shifted over after a certain event, the stream content sperging though is totally different
If there's a question mark there, no you wouldn't

I don't really care who the evil bad no good posters are, I just ignore all stupid bullshit.
only just now opening the stream wth took us to 30 hours
>normal anons are leaving
Nah I'm just watching streams and not having melties in the thread like every other good poster is
It's weird that Zen said she got Henya with a Deez nuts joke but didn't post it to twitter. She posted the mouse ones.
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the only thing I know about /mouse/ is that that retard who complains about people being horny for mouse posts there so I refuse to use it
She didn't get her
he's trying to cover it up...
Bonus subs.
Yes, doing it from /vsj+/ wasn't working.
>I swear I'm not false flagging guise
Fuck off. I've complained about Mouse not doing shit she has planned but I'm fine with all of her friends don't assume shit.
Do Phasefags and Holofags have something better to do than shitpost here?
Yeah, for whatever reason it seems when any Vshojo starts getting a strong 4chan audience, that audience starts moving towards something resembling /pmg/.
there it is
False flags are false. There's definite + spergery over there, even ignoring Mei schizo. "People" even shit on babysitters that take over during sleep.
You're a shitter who only complains even when shit goes your way. Don't taint /vsj+/ with your bullshit, get back home.
Yeah that guy is a cunt who keep trying to pretend he's multiple people.
What if he's just schizophrenic?
>You're a shitter who only complains even when shit goes your way.
No she's putting off one type of content from the goals that is all I have complained about your just a prissy bitch.
Gon' cry?
hentai keep in mind that it's (((safe and effective))) and she should be fine :)
are you the daki and cb stream fag?
Well, it was a nice thread, see you all next time!
nta but I have jokes about cb stream at 500k and I've seen others do the same.
and all retarded no one cares about ironmouse is sexy or ratanass anon
its the dumb cb shit, daki shit, and omg she held back on saying a word
Yeah this is the anti mouse lewd nigga
I want a r18 daki of Decora.
Daki goal any time soon hopefully
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These niggas don't actually just stare at the pic and jerk off right? They watch porn and then just turn around when they're cum right?
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I assume these posters have a tiny dick when they don't show cock.
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If you're horny enough it's possible. I've fapped to less before.
anon, were you looking for this? how did you find this tweet? is this your twitter account?
explain yourself
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I know Geega is stressed out because of what she talked about today but she will see that her main channel will be back to normal when Mousey's subathon ends and I wanna cuddle her and tell her everything will be alright.
2025 we should all come together and tacitly agree to not post these cumsad posts. It's better for everyone.
We should all agree to print the posts that make us mad and cum on them instead of replying.
What if it's cumhappy
How can people live without bidets?
weak all the mouse ones actual show the action
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Apricot Froot? More like DIRTY WHORE
>See this
>Look at their media tab
oh my GOD this guy's done so many fucking cum tributes. This isn't even the first one. I see at least 3 more Froot, girl_dm_, Zen, multiple Vei, Kiara, and Scarles. A fucking Michi.

And goddamn wolf Lumi lmao. I don't know why that one specifically is so funny to me.
>he can't get hard and jack to completion to fully-clothed, non-sexualized women
Momos, post cum tributes on twitter to soothe mata's jealousy. It's the only way
>posting and talking about cum tributes
fuck, we're becoming /nijien/
Explain this then
At least the biggest thread schizo still gets zero replies, even in this thread.
Until you bait replies.
jorking it to all of your posts
You're right, we need to do better. Everyone should post their load when Mel does lewd streams.
*cums on you*
Ari is racist
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Mouse and Heavenly thought Ari was about to say something racist.
Mel update. She won't be able to stream tonight after all. She's still at a friend's birthday party.
I would love all of those things yes
No Michi, no Mel. Yeah I'm gonna kill myself
Alright. It was kinda gross but I saw Froot a lot and was curious about the numbers so I counted and he did this to Froot and Kiara the most, with Vei and Scarle just behind them.
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>Deep South amphetamine psychosis burnout
Anon, it's a miracle she hasn't torn the flesh off of someone's face. She's basically a krokodil PSA that went rogue.
Where the fuck is my oshi
I want to order a stack of pancakes with a side of eggs and an English muffin from Miss Lala so I can hear her yell to the cook for "a stack of Vermont and two cackle berries in the alley and burn the British!"
I want to order a glass of freshly squeezed milk from Lala
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me in the middle
I want to be crushed by the frooba and the milkers.
Froot looks like a milf here
How long has Mouse been friends with Miss Lala?
Heh, Max just gave Mouse a shout out on his xhanbel.
John just mentioned Mouse on his channel
A few months?
Kamala just mentioned Mouse in a rally
Bob mentioned Mouse
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Went back in his vod to look, easy to find since he's only been streaming for 50 minute so far. He's talked about her one before when she won the streamer of the year at the game awards and he's always nice cause he has no mean bones in his body. Mentioned he respected her alot since she's doing it for charity. Also you could tell his chat knows all about her and are obviously all subbed to her since they all have her emotes.
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Oh that's nice. Actual worlds collide
Love this guy even if some fags in FGC hate him
Wake me up if another vtuber hits the tower
Snowden just dissed Geega in a podcast
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Trump just said Mouse will make America great again.
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Epstein just name dropped geega
you need porn to jerk off?
Bill Clinton just denied watching the entire subathon
Cats will not satisfy Geega's pussy. She needs a real cock.
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I remembered this exists
mikhail gorbachev just got rigor mortis from watching a old henya vod
Holy shit that got so few views. Oh well, I get a cool tiny song on the playlist
Kamala Harris just subbed to Vei
Kublai Khan said he's not invading Japan if Henya streams again
Knug say Grog eat mushroom. Visions of a green moose in white lake. We kill neighbour tribe in name of moose.
fuck off roflgator
Fucking hate that nigga
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Guys Geega walked into my house and raped me
Mouse's wife live
I'll walk right into GTA RP and erp with geega
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Wrong vshojo
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Who's this?
google her name and didn't found much. Some mouse old friend?
its an edit
she used to be pikamee
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You can tell it's an edit by the old model
ez mouse dub
twitter is still banned in huehueland so i could really tell if it was a new SOTD or not.
Zen in her vrchat years
the text as well, is very obvious
Froggy is a surprisingly good singer
geega should have huge tits
just makes me my desire to fuck her stronger
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i want to jack off u-san
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Legit don't even remember this happening
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The more you think about it, the more Grimmi sounds like an absolute sure fire lock right? I mean if we're getting only 1 member, then I wouldn't be so sure but since there's a possibility of more then 1, it's almost guaranteed.
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I thought the same about Sushidog but alas...
I don't know anything about the JP scene so who knows.
imagine having never seen a vtuber before and clicking on mouse's stream rn
Yeah anon everyone totally got denied and the auditions are over
Am i the only one who finds it weird to do this?
>I'm sure it can't be too bad-
>What the fuck is she doing??
Don't know why people were so huge on sushidog. She's cool but most of her viewers are EN that came from VShojo exposure. She speaks JP and EN but doesn't attract many JP viewers.
Taking her in through JP auditions would like the equivalent of hiring a low 3 view EN friend. That's not gonna do anything for the JP side. If she gets to 4 view and applies through EN maybe.
According to Katie they're cool with the account posting it. From what I've seen Froot is cool with the account generally as well. It's just a hardcore fan account. Honestly I always thought it was a chick by it's posting habits.
Hire her on the EN side then.
I don't think the current viewers of the applicant matter much in this edition. At least thats what the management has stated so far.
Then that wouldn't work either because there are far bigger EN applicants
Going by the old ways they only took in 4views. If she joined she would boost to 4view easily and could appeal to JP viewers, but Vshojo JP itself needs to find a way to grow a JP audience.
Sushi, like Henya, will read comments and speak in both languages often enough to gain and retain some JP viewers. It is smart to have multiple talents that can speak EN and JP as a base, then bring in native JP speakers. Even though Kson is a native English speaker she doesn't cater much to the EN side because she doesn't stream much in English and mosth of her Youtube streams are 99% JP.
>hardcore fan account
They also just started a clip channel for froot like 3 days ago
>thought it was a chick by posting habits
I would be surprised if they weren't
>ZONE in Mouse's chat
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Zone's a bum
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they fuck
It's not gonna be a meme no matter how much you force it.
let the meme die
on a related note: would this be a problem for him? biologically speaking it’s not girl on girl. what about femboys dressed as a woman?
>let the meme die
>femboys dressed as a woman
This guy is irrelevant now, his only recent achievement is stealing a years-old trend from minus8.
Mouse wont acknowledge them any more because she doesn't like nsfw content.
kinda sorta just a bit hypocritical ngl
>the ironmousemodelindex literally tells you which model is live now
Nice, now I don't even need to ask for the name, I really like this "bloom angel" one, I prefer angel themed chuubas over demon themed ones and I think there's too many of the latter.
I am parasocial for geega
Highgai is at TGS.
the next one at the start of the month is witch but the one after that is the angel ghost from the time to feast video so you are in luck
Did Zen watch TGS?
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I have updated that /in/posting pic with more appropriate images
geega is someone i want to be friends with and share long conversations with because she seems like she would be actually interested in what i have to say
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I think Grimmi has the best chances here, but also Vshojo management is an enigma that we can't reasonably predict
these bitches are so pale holy shit
You're 3 inches in Katie and Froot is 12 inches in you
Which way do you move?
>12 inches
nah bro
From the thumbnail I thought the middle one had a visible, but covered erection. I am sad now.
Yeah that's way too small
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What if...
Mating press
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Plap plap plap
The important criteria is their rtx height. No talls!
Mei should kill himself.
don't give this creature (you)'s
Male pretending to be a female and lying about being intersex.
Michi's cover needs more views
He's in love with her
why do you think they are lying?
I want Katie and Ari /in/. We need big titty blondes.
You didn't even link it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9ATrnhPzsY
I'm scared to watch this... I don't want to become ultra parasocial...
I don't like the song

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