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ruffianbros… not like this…
why do holoantis watch so many clips to fish for screencaps
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There's a group of people on this board that will watch every hololive clip, obsessively refresh the hololive twitter and subreddit and watch every single Gura/Kiara/Shiori stream including members streams just so they can find anything that can be used to shit on hololive.
Not just holo
Better than watching entire streams
They can't banter
They can't yap
They can't comedy
They can't commentary
They can only bau bau
And they're right.
Those are phasefags
It's just "Watame didn't do anything wrong" condensed into two words
Scam I telll ya
Same with Holostar. I think they both should make out and have rough competitive smelly stinky incel femcel sex. Just imagine kidnapping a holostar fangirl and a hololive fanboy. Put them in a cage and spray gallons of aphrodisiac and force them to rape each other like horny rabid animal
can you cap the one that says "they really understand comedy" please?
this is why i dont watch them. its annoying hearing that every 13 seconds no matter what is going on.
Nousagis... I kneel.
This. Fuwawa constantly fake laughing and both of them going
>uuuueeee..................bau bauuuuuuuuuuu..............................ueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
constantly like they're lacking a chromosome is unbearable. I don't understand how anyone can stand listening to that shit.
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Bau Bau
>based peko
love holo, love advent, but they become annoying pretty fucking quick, they're one of the only holos i can't stand watching, even in a collab
first irys, now this…
wtf is her problem…
Anyone who watches holoGTA on the JP-side knows that most members loved the FuwaMoco clips, including Pekora, many members called them comedic geniuses.
>explains the joke
Thank you Begorrah, very cool.
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>Shits on your bed
>"Bau bau"
Now what?
Berbau/babau is a SEA word for smelly so it fits honestly
Yeah both EN and JP loved it when FBK yells out their name
They do it because it always works
It was cute for a while at the start but now its just every other fucking word. I can't watch them anymore it drives me insane
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>antis watch more streams than holostars fans watch holostars
Why you know SEA words?
fucking lmao
Try and guess anjirrrrrr
FWMC were amazing in GTA.
well there's the problem, get rid of the chicken
Punya otak dipake, cuy.
Fish and clips? Are they British?
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Unironically it did, whenever Fwmc did something wrong they would just Bau bau constantly and both EN's and JP's would have no clever comeback for it.
It's like their own version of "Ok boomer" but less triggering.
Wouldn't work in reality. They would both turn out to be trannies without working reproductive organs.
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And they are right.
>runs you over
>'bau bau bitch'
Curse you FuwaMoco! But I'll forgive you because you're cute! Bau bau...
weird fantasy bro
Clip watchers don't watch streams, and should be thrown down a flight of stairs
OP is Pekora watching clips
Sorry I have a fucking 9 to 5 job while you sit on your ass in your room.
we call them phasepagpag
bau bau...
Well she's not wrong
Calling the cops.
The officer that picked up your call was Kanade
Because why the fuck would they watch holostars? Those fags are boring.
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No it isn't. They all had a comback because japanese can do comedy. レスバ負け
Kobo literally pointed it out while streaming with rhem
I'll take my chances. She doesn't have any explosives or anything right?
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I love you so damn much my bum bum cha...
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Pekoras design is so fucking good if she hadn't carrots in her hair
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The carrots make it better, fool. Think of all the kinky things you could do.
yeah, like eating them
for nutrition

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