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Bonus Edition

Welcome to /mouse/ - Ironmouse Subathon General!

The last few days before the cap. Lets beat all them records.
Here we can discuss things related to Mouse's subathon!
Please avoid talking about chuubas other than Mouse if it isn't in the context of the subathon!

Image Source: https://x.com/Uniko_illust/status/1839444103303668045

Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Goals - https://pastebin.com/vA7b6XWi
Vods - https://rentry.org/pm9cnw8r
Pixels - https://canvas.kyubae.com (Ended)

Related Threads:
VShojo+ General: /vsj+/

Previous Thread: >>86141295
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I need to have sex with Mouse in this exact form.
would you buy a IronMouse fortnite skin?
Do you want /mouse/ to stay.
I will repost this for a few threads.
I never want this place to go.
I don't play fortnite but sure.
Can 3d models be ripped from fortnite
Yes. In a heartbeat.
I just play the fortnite store
I've never played Fortnite, but I would if they did.
I've been waiting to play Fortnite since Vshojo appeared on their survey and had no interest in the game. Now I'm interested, but I will wait till the skin appears.
They won one.
Mouse please remind them about getting the timer up to new heights before you play.
I like Froggy, but this cover is shit.
This is Froggy???
What the fuck!?
I wish the victory royale wasn't at the top for a good winner collage screenshot.
Yeah it's crazy the tranformation
Mouse there are likely new people in chat by now they don't know what that means.
tell them to get the timer as high as we can.
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Trying something different I'm not stealing panties today just moving legs.
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I parted the seas

I lied about not taking the panties. I put them on I took them off.
Someone stop this man before he gets too powerful.
They will never catch me or my suitcase full of panties mwuhaha.
I just want to point out if it is not obvious I am not a creep that would steal panties irl its just a funny bit.
Sir, we will need to scan your shoes for the presence of electronic devices.
>You want Bubi as a worm? Wouldn't you want him something cute like a maid?
We all know what you would choose Mouse you made that abundantly clear.
nyan will make time to fuck with bubi's biggest fan, always
of course chat wants bubi worm. though that could lead to a kino af stream. both bubi and mouse showing off their worms.
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So what do you think/hope it is? I want vr personally.
Yes please

Probably vr or play another game
I still think we should bank some of the time.
120bpm was too high Mouse's heart rate is better than it used to be. Its only going to 100 when she gets scared.
it's kinda nice not having to worry about the timer lol
Yeah I just wish we were at least slowly pushing it up more not just holding it.
Yeah, it really sucked during edging because I would find myself focusing on it so much when I wanted to watch her play a game or react. Or she would have to stop what she's doing to draw attention to it.
>timer at 29 hours
Holy shit, what happened? Is it because of that normalfag dumbass who tried to lie about her only to get community noted?
As soon as bonus subs were live everyone proved what we predicted. Most were waiting for that before subbing.
on top of that the bonus bonus subs (1 for 5 is the normal bonus) are way more plentiful than anyone was expecting which leads to more donating to see number go up
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To give an example there was someone who donated only 5 and got 27 extra subs from twitch. Hence why twitch is now the sub leader.
If we only hold it at 30 hours we will still only make about 8640 subs a day.
Which would put us at 264,435 so we would need an extra 4,719 to beat ninja, 18,631 to beat Lud and 42,186 to beat Kai.
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I hate to be paranoid but I hope this don't stop Mouse from doing this. its funny and I like it.
That reminds me did Mouse ever do the candy tasting?
The worm clips he just posted before it are getting more engagement, so it'll be fine
>I'll eat string cheese for the first time on stream
You said the same about pizza Mouse but you then had it off stream :(
Considering the end result of that it was probably for the best
It didn't make her sick until later I don't think.
vr is always kino
Did Mouse just confirm she has video chatted with more than just Connor? Or is she just doing that thing where she goes out of her way not to mention him.
Mouse dumb brain worms.
You are loved.
Mouse definitely needs a hug.
You want her to puke uncontrollably and end the subathon because of it? I am pretty sure she is not ready to consume heavy foods with sauces, meats and stuff
Anon this is not new info but also read the room.
I think she will just spit it out.
A hug and a head pat
she has with nyan,roxy,monke so far but it's just brainworms from monke wanting to visit and hangout one day.
I just want you all to know I'm crying in the club.
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and creampie
Also Aethel said he has seen IRL pics of Mouse (sent to him on stream) and I also think Melody and Sykkuno too
Buff candii and rose too
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Yo, I heard Mouse wants to cover PtR. Let us know if you want this to happen and we'll get Pippa to OK it.
and corpse
I get where Mouse is coming from. Even for normal people knowing someone online for years before meeting up is tense. It isn't unheard of for people to end up not clicking in person. Having said that Mouse has several people she has gotten very close to who she has talked to about deeply personal stuff. Those kind of connections aren't ones to fall apart from meeting someone finally. I can only hope when it happens she can give them a big hug and they will do their best to affirm she is okay.
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got me crying n' shit
You're like 2 days and too late and Pippa already said no
>cover PtR
No she just wanted to do karaoke of it then saw a clip about dmca and gave up if she didn't have permission.
anon there's a reason that the only person in vshojo who's collabed with a phase member is the one who lacks (lacked) knowledge of english internet culture
leave and do not come back
Mouse you forgot to say don't clip that. you know what those cunts are like.
she'll get it taken down regardless, saying "don't clip this" is a kindness to them so they don't spend any time putting up something to be taken down because they don't understand what's acceptable to monetize
I know people hate on candii but she or mel are the perfect kind of people for this. Mouse needs someone who will shower her with affection (if maybe not physical) and constantly confirm she is okay and everything is fine. If she nearly had a panic attack just from sending some people pics I imagine finally meeting would be terrifying. This is not meant to be a dig on monke before some asshole says it is.
pretty sure there's only a couple of people who hate on her with any level of seriousness, they're just very loud
Well she said it, though a little late so that could be rough.
Fine. What ever happened to pink women solidarity?
Mouse can handle hate.
She hurts herself more with her own thoughts than anything haters can say.
But they are right she needs people like Candii to offset her own attitude about herself.
Not trying to sound too parasocial but her chat also kind of does the same people love her.
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Bad afk face
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Chibi toggles are old news, titan mode is the new hotness.
she has purple
the tits should remain the same size when shifting
you missed out in connor wanting to beat up haters yesterday kek candi is a weinie for conflict.
I have a good feeling about the next goal.
It will be the daki with r18 version goal.
Sattoucore is back.
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Anon wake up, the Subt08n0athon never even started.
>Sends chathoppers
>Interrupts subgoals
We're back to Candii from last subathon

25 bonus subs for 5 fucking subs gad damn.
what chat hoppers do?
candii always brings out cutesy mouse
If she can get Mouse to declare Dead Space as dead forever then that would give more time for better goals and I would love Candii forever.
Mouse sounded interested in that hentai game.
be extremely based by making crying anon cry
candii is the only one mouse is her true herself around now
nta but fuck off and stop being miserable Candii is nice to Mouse.
Candii my beloved.
She's boring no matter what
Your wrong now fuck off.
maybe you guys could make /candii/?
fuck off connorfags let mouse have friends other than him
I miss them already.
noone brought him up sperg kek
fuck off
worm karaoke
That was a nice small little moan Mouse made before she answered Candii's call.
no you fuck off none of you fags every complain with him but anyone else mouse likes you cant shutup about it be less obvious
ESL sperg kek
i said no to making /candii/ i will talk about her hear
bake /ihateconnor/ on /trash/
monkesperg larping as a candi stan jesus.....
noone brought up connor but him dude is fucking mentally ill.
Can you rephrase that to make sense?
unlike you assholes i dont sperg about every friend mouse because they make mouse happy unlike the abuser
Imagine if we get a gigachad oiler offering to match subs while the bonus is going.
I love Mouse. I love Candii. Therefore I love Mouse + Candii. Simple as.
monkesperg atleast pretend to know candis group.
Again, don't use Candii for your sperging. Candii likes Connor.
i like it when connor and candi talk it's funny
Hello, I like Ironmouse
Candii likes anyone who interacting with could potentially get her a few more viewers.
kek connorsperg spazzing out when no one even mentioned connor
>Mouse knows I'm cumming
candii is blind to the truth mouse good at hiding it we got lucky mouse accidentally admitted to the abuse now she has to learn to get away from him she has friends to help her now
if you kys now everyone will be happy and we will live in peace.
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Well it was a good run. o7
i feel bad for any candi fans since shes being used for the monkespergs breakdown.
It's over.
We're back to first Alien: Isolation playthrough Mouse somehow.
mouse is having a tactical goon sesh in the bathroom rn
connorfags cant help but complain about anyone other than him mouse has other better friends they can fuck off
mouse hates people like you im sorry it hurts you she listens to me more
Record it and put it on patreon.
ntas but Mouse also hates people like you too and trying to used Mouse trauma for your sick game is disgusting.
there it is, the elevated heart rate from gooning
don't reply to him
and if you accidentally reply to him and realize it just stop replying to him
he does go away eventually and tends not to self
If we can never hear it at least give us as few good moans on stream.
I don't really except either but would be nice, love you Mouse
im willing to accept hate if it means saving her
so leave us alone
>she listens to me
You are legitimately the creepiest poster on this entire board.
we don't want you here, go make your own thread with like minded retards quit shitting up our thread.
The constant content whiners and the +spergs make this a miserable thread. I wouldn't mind if it was once in a while, but it's literally the same shit every thread.
I was against this general being permanent because even if I main Mouse, I watch other members and pluses, but if it's going to act as a containment thread for these, it's more than welcome.
>content whiners
you mean the fucking list mouse is ignoring again?
Its still no not that bad. Connorsperg is the only real problem. I can handle people complaining.
If Mouse can do one big rally push/speech a day about breaking the record and chat can hold at whatever we get to for a whole day we might stand a real chance.
the monkesperg is the biggest issue the only thing we can do is report till a Jannie finally decides to slap him.
what do we report for? I'm willing to do it every time but I don't know what to put it under
You're one of them. Again, I get that you complain, but having the same conversation and throwing a tantrum over it every goddamn thread is annoying and contributes nothing of value or new. It's just noise.
who's the artist of this model?
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I've seen quite a few people redeeming themselves both in chat and on twitter.
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if she did her subgoals it would be more rare for complaints honestly.
Seems to me that half the vtuber audience thinks they're cringe at first until they watch them. Or if they're vtuber viewer already they read dumb stuff about a vtuber before giving them a chance.
I don't think that's the artist, that's the person who designed it but the probably did not do the finale art.
isn't that just the concept artist? i meant the model art
99% sure it's https://x.com/kamochiruu by style
ok that makes sense why it felt familiar and like it a lot
Post the henshin scene
Where are the golden kappas. we had like 2 in the first few days and we've not had one since.
Dan hasn't received the new backpack yet.
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Was skimming the vod and yeah seems to be kamo based on chat
Final day, prayge
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Also seems like this model doesn't have vbridger and Bubi will say tts. Susuiika is apparently recording a tutorial for Mouse to set it up. I wonder if it will have the same fate as the last tts Bubi.
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so good
Didn't the last one immediately break and then never got fixed? I think it was double audio or something.
subathon over
PoS Intel strikes again!
angered the subathon gods with the switch up
>Crime scene cleaner
Mouse you said you would sing tonight
Nice, she's getting a new PC with an AMD cpu.
Didn't hyte interact on twitter with mouse recently?
possible! but really it could be any company, everyone wants to work with her
Yeah and anyone who knows Mouse knows she will hype you up forever if it works well for her. Easiest advertisement ever.
A 5+50 just happened
You know someone with Mouse's Twitch sub cut could probably really make it into an infinite money glitch.
Sweet chat kept the timer up overnight. Hopefully we can gain some time today.
This is the problem atm we are doing great for today but we are just holding around 30 hours we need to push it higher.
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The fuck how high does this shit go?
That one is the record so far, so who knows.
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Someone on twitter took a screenshot of it.
I'm looking around twitter to see if there are any bigger ones.
Yes. Specifically we need to get the timer to 132h and keep it there (assuming it stays at 10s/sub). But I don't expect it to rise during NA nights, just keeping pace is fine.
Maybe, I hope they can push it but I'm worried they will just keep it at 30 too.
Mouse could maybe tell chat how many hours we need to have on the clock to beat the record or put it on screen below the timer saying goal.
>put it on screen below the timer saying goal
"Goal 132h" below the timer could work then new people who come in can see we have a goal and might sub instead of just thinking its fine because we have 30 hours on the clock.
Is that to Luds goal?
No, that's for Kai.
Ludwig would be 66hrs.
Well better to shoot for reaching Kai's.
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Went to sleep, timer at 29 hours. Wake up 8 hours later, timer at 29 hours.
Good morning Mousenation
I love these so much.
We have to bump that time up.
Americans gonna have to carry again to actually push the record
I hope so
If yesterday was our biggest day ever. I think the last day will be insane. I Dont think were gonna beat Kai tho
>I Dont think were gonna beat Kai tho
We might as well try
Mousey singing rn
How is Mouse so tired, she got like 10 hours sleep
We'd need to average 20k subs/day to beat Kai. That sounds insane because we've never even gotten 20k subs in a day, yesterday was the record at 17k. I'm still optimistic though, if people have been saving for this point (personally I held back half my subs) it's doable with Twitch gacha.
bro she was gooning
Did you miss the conversation a few days ago with Michi about REM cycles?
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The only good song from Be More Chill
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I love bald girl
Pussied out of the tentacle porn line.
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