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▼Phase Connect Links
Official Website: https://phase-connect.com
Official Schedule: https://schedule.phase-connect.com
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Official Character References: https://rentry.org/pcgreferences
Official Twitch Archive Channels: https://rentry.org/pcgtwitcharchive
Unofficial Phase Connect Archives: https://rentry.org/pcgunofficialarchive
▼Lia 鈴香アシェリア (EN)
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▼Utatane Nasa 転寝ナサ (JP)
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▼Shisui Michiru 紫翠みちる (JP)
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▼Tenma Maemi 天満マエミ (EN + JP)
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▼Pipkin Pippa ピップキン・ピッパ (EN)
https://twitter.com/pipkinpippa | https://youtube.com/PipkinPippa | https://twitch.tv/pippa
▼Kaneko Lumi 金子瑠美 (EN)
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▼Fuura Yuri ふうら百合 (EN) [Terminated]
Archive: https://youtube.com/@TheNationalFuuraYuriArchive
▼Dizzy Dokuro 髑髏ディズィー (EN)
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▼Jelly Hoshiumi 星海ジェリー (EN)
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▼Ember Amane 天音エンバー (EN)
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▼Remilia Nephys レミリア・ネフィス (EN)
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▼Amanogawa Shiina 天ノ川しいな (EN)
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▼Himemiya Rie 姫宮りえ (EN)
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▼Erina Makina エリナ・マキナ (EN)
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▼Komachi Panko 小町ぱんこ (EN)
https://twitter.com/komachipanko | https://youtube.com/KomachiPanko | https://twitch.tv/komachipanko
▼ Runie Ruse ルニ・ルーズ (EN)
https://twitter.com/RunieRuse | https://youtube.com/@RunieRuse | https://twitch.tv/RunieRuse
▼ Eimi Isami 勇エイミ (EN)
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▼ Muu Muyu むうむゆ (EN)
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▼ Hikanari Hina 光鳴ひな (EN)
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▼ Saya Sairroxs サヤ・サイロクサス (EN)
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▼ Gram Pico 倉夢ぴこ (JP)
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▼ Ayase Yuu 絢世ユウ (JP)
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▼ Kaminari Clara 歌美鳴クララ (EN + JP)
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Previous Thread: >>86159802
Panko should draw moree
I agree
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Perceive Her radiance.
Illuminate one and all in Her splendor.
Captivate those with Her light.
Obey only Her brilliance.

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Rape, abduction, and marriage
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michi's tits aren't that big
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Goodmorning, kyodai.
The beginning of that song made me think of this.

Demonstrably false.
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GM Brother. What a beautiful song.
demonstrate it then
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Hag sex
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Do you have the rest of this set? I forgot to save them when they were originally posted and collecting it piece by piece has been pretty slow
fat asian hag titties
fat asian hag ass
fucking stupid bitch pippa, you're fucking annoying. I fucking hate you. Why can't i just be normal around your stupid ass
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Hags sex
Sent Ember a tribute.
how to send?
like so
i have never seen snow irl
lucky bastard
post it
i would like to see it at least once
Go to the nearest mountain during winter
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Opp was sneak dissin' on the Gram turned his city into Pompeii.
Fun fact: the my hero Academy Manga came out in 2014 July 7, over a decade old, thus it is considered retro
>i read that dogshit for 10 years
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I want to make Lia chug beer and hold her hand while she vomits in the toilet later.
>Something a mere 10 years old is retro
Please, for the love of god, do not start this retarded discussion again.
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i have been reading one piece for nearly 2 decades
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To actually cum a gallon you need to ejaculate between 750 times to 2520 times, depending on your diet.
If Clara was holding my hand and whispering in my ear the entire time I could manage that in a week
Then I better start sooner rather than later.
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I could do it in like 500.
2519 remaining
She's not even that hot
do you eat eggs and meat exclusively?
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I have a moderately balanced diet, thank you very much. Why, I had roast veggies with my chicken and eggs just two days ago!
she is to me and that is all that matters
Are you sure you're a capippalist? I thought you guys only eat garbage.
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I like cooking. And I'm a chiramate.
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I am ready for my prostate exam Doctor Yuu
Just like pippa
I'm not like other guys
a... a stream?
You're dreaming. Sleep well Anon.
I thought it was an investigation game but is a cleaning one
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>manko bread for lunch
most I've talked to are much better cooks than our oshi would let you believe
I'm EU so watching this woman cook makes me want to hurl but I just compartmentalise and imagine it's 2012 and I'm watching a howtobasic skit
>a howtobasic skit
fuck that brings back memories kek
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what the fuck did they write?
What did you fuckers write?
Wtf, what did you guys do?
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This particular pico thumbnail art always looked so scuffed. Who's the artist?
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honestly disgusted by the amount of women that come here and everyone just acts like its reddit
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I will rape anon.
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Yeah I hit Pippa in the mouth and call her a retard when shes here.
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It's nice that phase connect has older Chinese women as working with Chinese older women has made it so I can only get off to women over 50 now
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They are cunts though.
Pov: You are Roy Martínez in 2019
I should start writing down the streams where I one guy Pippa. Its so funny.
who the fuck decided to send fucked up shit to the doggo?
Lumi of course
previous thread
>Pico won't read my story
It's over.
I've seen a nigga with the Oblivion map on his wall that wasn't a 400 lbs landwhale or a 80 lbs twig.
Lemon woman is making me sour
That's clearly the province of Skyrim. Fucking bafoon. You bozo. You nimrod.
Clara is insane holy shit
Haha suffer Gumikeks.
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Why are cleaning sims so popular
squatters rights, love pippa
love tva
*shoots you in the head and puts you in a fursuit*
>entitled cops bodycam.txt - https://files.catbox.moe/frro0a.txt
ctrl+F "twitchcon" = 1 match
>class of 09 is back.txt - https://files.catbox.moe/mzltsa.txt
ctrl+F "twitchcon" = 1 match
>it's okay when girls...txt- https://files.catbox.moe/yoy78j.txt
ctrl+F "twitchcon" = 23 matches (all after AF said it wasn't banned)
That's Boogie1488, currently paid retard of Keemstar
Pippa is my whore
Our whore*
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Pippa is my city.
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Even ai knows Pippa only does react slop these days
I really like her 3D model, its cute and sovl
u gonna eat those fries?
What did Pico mean by that tweet? What did people send her?
Jap unicorns having a melty?
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Professional jiggers wanted
Pay: 2 Jannies
This, there is still some communism inside Pippa from last nights stream
Same over maros, I still remember the guy posted proof he sent her a dick pic in dms on twitter but never blocked him. So I assume she is into it.
Sounded like the opposite based on the translation, I think a foreigner posted something that JPs won’t like
>a foreigner posted something that JPs won’t like
like what?
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With everything that's been going on, what are the chances Pippa's had/given herself the time to read the next book for today? It's not looking very good, is it...?
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I love Runie
She a cutie
>PCG gets mad about her canceling book club and lying
>Addresses it the next week by lying again and canceling book club again
It would be a VERY Pippa outcome wouldent it?
Who knows. Many things may trigger them. Pico runs a very tightly curated show.
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What does this mean?
JP bros in chinchilla streams are pretty chill and understanding of us gaijin tho
>work cancelled for now power
>no streams worth watching
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Who knows, could be done Indonesian said something about them, could be a Philippino saying something how they should all die, could be done American saying how they didn't get to fuck the hottest jav model available on their trip and they're all a scam for it.
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Hoochie mama I love Runie!
I wrote a story about how 2 nukes just wasn't enough
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I want polka to sit on my face
They are quite friendly. I think it's part of Pico's brand as well to keep things light and not anger anyone.
Which Phase girls enjoy streaming the most?
The ones that stream the most
>inb4 you said please to chatgpt
fuck off force of habit.
Lumi and Tenma going by raw hours and consistency
Unironically Pippa, she streams more than anyone else and puts the most effort in
The other girls just spamming gameplay and zatsus don't really care
Ew what are Likers doing here
i always say please and thank you. it seems to give better answers when you are nice and polite vs calling it a retard and being rude
i say please and thank you to chatgpt
When the guralisk becomes reality, you shall be spared
plapkin ploopa
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so did horus repent in the end
Hime is skipping stream...
likers are always welcome here. we are phase general regardless of who splintered off.
I wanna breastfeed Muyu and Wemi and change their diapers.
How did Likers even turn out so gay when their oshi is a hot as fuck young girl that just screams SEXO
He realized the errors of his ways while fighting sanguinius, but at that time sanguinius had given into chaos and the black rage and slaughtered horus. The emperor emerged to find horus dead and sanguinius beyond redemption so he had to kill him
Notice how we say man whenever something disappointing happens
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I think muyus charm has been going away seen I started to watch saya and jelly and I hate it
He may not stream
there used to only be like 2 likers so they effectively set the entire culture on their own
Chat reflects the streamer
I just like hearing her voice before bed
but if it is for her outfit, its fine
Did all the straight likers die during lietnam?
Lietnam killed them all
Is there any archive of Phase's ads on youtube? I have never seen one and I know that in the past the CEO cared enough to put out ads.
She's getting ready for her new outfit on Sunday. She's been streaming a good bit lately so I'll cut her some slack. Sounds like she has some good stuff cooked up for next week.
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When will AI replace your oshi? It could be any day now
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Peo was pretty cute after Clara's stream. Clara raided into her afterwards.
another Clara cover in 2 days
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Are you doing anything fun this weekend /pcg/?
has a stinky butt
that cover looks too normal
very sus
Yeah, you ;)
*rips your clothes off and pins you down*
same as usual
my sides
your mom
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Can someone please tell me which phase connect girl has shown her support for Russia and called for total hohol death? I need to donate to her
Working overtime and watching vods
Jelly should use her binky toggle more often. Just imagine pulling it out of her mouth and sucking the spit off of it In front of her.
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>these days
You mean the past 3 years?
Same as always, jong and some other stuff
Yeah I stopped jerking off to her after that. I tried using her asmr a bunch but I just get sad and give up.
Cъeби oбpaтнo в чaг, шизик
Pico's viewers are talking about the niggers in Rome they saw while visiting there
thanks anons i don't feel as cringe now.
But i thought they were in paris?
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Probably not.
why would he lie though? why not just say "i was moderating chat as i saw fit sorry i'll check with you next time" and be a man?
gf's with her parents so time to play vidya and scream slurs in our house now that she's gone
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phase girl for this feel?
Anon and pcg
because he chose to spit in her face instead
don't talk to the mentally ill
who's the girl supposed to be I knows it's russian
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Иди нaхyй. Пиппa Z нaми
is that anime Dmitry III
Another story about potential pick pockets in Italy. I think Japanese take for granted how little crime they have there (soon to skyrocket considering the jeets they're shipping in by the thousands)
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I know you want that AF, so bend over
i didn't get banned either, just timed out
All Phase girls support the return of the Kurils to Japan
She's called Alpha
Pico is finding out about fish and chips
pippis and pippa, except they don't even leave, just post on cooldown about how this time for sure it's over
what does pipiss taste like?
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I heard that kirche said that Putin is based and a lot of phase girls are friends with her. I just need to know whom to send money to make hohols butthurt
One for me and one for my hooker (Lumi)
honestly pippa is the easy answer, not because she cares about it, just twitter thinks she does
why do so many westerners have extremely positive fantasies about living in japan
Panko just thinks both sides are subhuman
Japan is kinda like how western countries used to be before diversity.
You don't have to worry about getting robbed by niggers
Still doesn't top Muyu's very first marshmellow being PLAP DING PLAP DING PLAP DING PLAP DING, and I don't think anything ever will
Why not just donate to Lardsche
Forced open borders
only non western nation with any real soft power
with korea maybe
it's because japan is like going back to a better time, you can find the same thing if you go to any part of europe with a higher living standard like in the alps, it's usually very cozy and you can leave your car door unlocked because there's almost no foreigners
Is there a possibility to convince her to support russia just like based tim pool?
You can touch underage girls inappropriately on trains, it's heaven
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Because her model looks awful
It's safe and comfy. There are shitty things about it but nothing on the level of what you have to put up with in shartmerica and cucknada.
you can but it would have to be you trying to convince her that she's wrong and ukraine is based so she turns on her pippa woman brain and starts acting contrarian towards you as hard as she can
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Panko needs to realise that as an italian, she needs to stop coping and support III Rome
People will give a lot of bullshit political answers but the reality is most westerners are usually to societies will actually tell you what they think to the point of being rude, so the idea of a place where people are all polite by default, even if it's all a mask, is appealing to people. Especially to autists.
Not after the schism, she'll never forgive the patriarch for that, you're just a descendant of hellenic homos for her
>III Rome
you guys are trying that again?
>are usually to
are usually from*, I meant
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Phasers are the best livers.
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Would you be willing to help me? I would love for Pippa to see that Russia is the most based country in the world
By paying her money?
damn that's some badass cosplay, is that epoxy?
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A panko poster lifted today
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who's anons current oshi
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Wrong, I just never truly understood the idea of having an oshi before her, they were just entertainers before.
this cute thing
Russians are based and panko needs to finally understand it. Berlusconi was the last based italian leader that understood that Putin is based and the last hope for europe
is airi cool
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The autistic cat
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No she's a dork. That's part of why I love her
honestly our last hope is to finally snuff out everything about germany
and buy phase coffee
i find this answer very funny because as someone who did the opposite (move from japan to north america) i can say the same thing but with the countries swapped
Idk, i see a lot of these people praise japan and i go look at their opinions on societies, cultures, rights, politics, manners, erc. and i can tell they will not like living in japan, especially pippa
none, the girls make edgy jokes and say racist stuff sometimes but they're not explicitly political
don't know and frankly I don't care about a woman's opinion on serious issues is
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Even though there's Pico and Yuu, /pcg/'s behaving like it's the deadest of dead hours this morning. Guess that's so for the EOPs.
I'm typing in chat
I'm watching Pico, just shitposting on the side
>Idk, i see a lot of these people praise japan and i go look at their opinions on societies, cultures, rights, politics, manners, erc. and i can tell they will not like living in japan, especially pippa
Well obviously, if they hated where they lived so much they'd just leave
>but I can't afford to!
Doesn't seem to stop plenty of other people.
I started playing through xenosaga so I don't have much to say right now. Going to see what the whole stat matching hullabaloo is about.
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canadian company
Pippa is a fake weeb. She wouldn't like it there.
>Move from JP
A rare nip. I lived in Japan and liked most things about it. But then again I'm sort of a shut it so I only really dealt with others at work and the expectations for me were different since I was a foreigner. I really liked how well mannered and polite everyone was even if it was clear they didn't like you.
You probably live in an safe isolated place if you really think that. Were you being actively extorted by Yakuza or something? Seems ridiculous to have that position.
>I really liked how well mannered and polite everyone was even if it was clear they didn't like you.
I can't stand people who are fake, I'd rather people just tell me to my face that they don't like me
Why are you so desperate to convince people on a vtuber board?
no.. that’s not what i meant
they all talk about what they want and like about the society and what they don’t want and don’t like about the society, but things they want aren’t often in japan and things they don’t want are often in japan (in terms of culture) so it’s like a contradiction
No way, I don't have time for that shit. I'd rather people keep it to themselves and cooperate. Wearing a bit of a frown and acting a bit annoyed but not overtly is enough to send the message. People in NA are such faggots about things for no real reason sometimes.
Because you need to realise that Russia is based
Just noticed Pico was at 17k subs. Feels like just yesterday she was at 15k.
yakuza is not a thing (well it still is but it’s not as big) anymore it’s almost always going to be 半グレ but i agree japan is overall safe, though there are definitely plenty of places that make you think of or ウシジマくん (idk if you know these mangas?)
i was more referring to this sentence
>There are shitty things about it but nothing on the level of what you have to put up with in shartmerica and cucknada.
Yeah she'll hit 20k in no time. Memory however makes me saviorfag so hard
地元最高 or ウシジマくん
Fuck that. If you're being an unreasonable asshole I can just clock you and that'll learn ya some manners. But if you're just being a passive-aggressive bitch, what am I supposed to do about that?
I'm Finnish so you have a better chance of the sun exploding, buddy.
Cry about it lmao
When was the last time you clocked someone for being rude
Uhhhhhh 5 years ago maybe if you count a fight?
Don't you get raped by niggers in America or something
if you relax or live a democrat city
Anon do you really think the absolute worst parts of the country is what the entirety of a nation of 350 million people is like? You realize like 90% of the entire country's crime is in like 5 cities, right?
weirdos hours
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Cute wierdos!
i forgot its aoi's birthday, maybe ill draw a little sex today
>But it's the cities
You can live in a city and use the metro without sitting next to a piss soaked hobo in the civilized world.
>But it's the cities
5, out of something like 130,000 cities in the US
What percentage of the country lives in those 5 cities
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Wemi in 40
Like a quarter-ish? If they want to live there, that's their perogative.
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I love this pupper so much. She tries so hard for us.
I know who you are now fucker
I don't like fake people either, though only among people I consider myself close with. Among strangers I don't mind people putting on a face for the sake of things like peace on all sides. For example, a few days ago there were two fellas (also strangers to each other) almost getting into a fist fight on a bus I was taking a few days ago. Better that they kept the seething about whatever to themselves than endanger the other passengers (including a family), endanger the bus, and possibly get the authorities involved. Nobody cares or should care that you two share an ego problem. Folks just wanna get home. Two friends can have it out over something (preferably without getting other people invovled), but having a chip on your shoulder about every hint of hate or apathy from strangers is a waste of time and, if adopted as an attitude by every member of a community, crashes that community. A community should not be a battlefield. At least keep it in places like here and other places on the internet where you can throw away those feelings into the void.

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