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Amelia Watson appreciation thread
This thread's for Ame, an adorable, dorky, wonderful detective!
Last thread: >>86161021
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As one Bowson's journey ends, so too does another, as Ame now closes the book on Elden Ring. We did it with you Ame, and we did it togethaaaaa.
Later on, Ame will be doing collabs of some Valve games, like TF2, CS2, Deadlock, Portal, and Gmod with the rest of EN and with ID too.
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://youtu.be/fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
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I'm afriad of change
Impmate I'm on my way give me a few minutes im trying to figure out how to do shit with keyboard
Alright I have it set up with the settings you had before with ILOVEAME as the password
k, what password will you be using?
so are we expecting her to start right after her graduation or will there be like a week-few month break between?
She definitely deserves at least one week off after this week. But who nose.
She changed it from "in October" to "soonish" on the archive channel, so I think they told her to hold off for just a bit. All I know is this won't be goodbye.
I give her at least a Month, she had "new content in October" but she changed it for "soonish" so i guess she'll start in like November
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it might be just you and me, the queue is still saying waiting for 5...
Give it to 2025. The holidays are busy and she should relax
Inb4 that guy who calls everyone tourists
Like fucking clockwork with this shit, cmon man, just wait till october
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How do I join?
Ame: "Don't you forget about me"

I won't, and that's the exact words I need to hear.
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well now that the stream is finally over I can remind everyone that we're the second game tomorrow for the last weekend of divegrass, after narrowly escaping death by technically beating /mion/. Game is at 1:40 pm EST or 10:40 AM PST. 17:40 UTC. It could be our last game, could not. If you have time come show your support for the team one last time before the season ends. I also made a tribute video that will play after we lose which could be tomorrow, Saturday or sunday. Who knows. Its a good thing the valve games start way later in the day too. Time for bed. there's also some garbage day event happening right before it if you're bored
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Have these settings in your pvp matchmaking, and ILOVEAME as your multiplayer password
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Being forgotten is a fate worse than death if you truly loved being there. I've experienced it many times
Is she gonna play Paper Mario this weekend?
In case you missed it like I did because Ame was streaming, this happened
I hope after all this Ame could take some time off to rest and visit a doctor to get her health properly checked out...
>Ame talks about the 3rd timeline destroyed, main character!!????
> Dogs are chasing her because she broke time law
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does some1 even know why she stops
If only. If been seeing gut specialists for over a decade to little success. If her issue is autoimmune the science just isn't there yet.
I think she could get done benefit from moving abroad but with her family situation...
Tomorrow is Valve day, the next day is the charity stream, the last glut of supas and a couple of collabs, the day after that is the final Myth collab and the last member's karaoke, and unless she's playing it during her final stream the day after, there's no time for it.
Isn't it past your curfew?
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Is that in Leyndell? I can't change the settings except for the Password.
I don’t think she’s moving abroad anytime soon.
round table hold you can change things
I think everyone went to bed or something.....
yeah thanks for reminding me boss
I think its just us... I guess everyone went to sleep? Maybe we can try again tomorrow for a group picture when people are awake...
NTA I just joined, but yeah no one's coming....maybe tomorrow if anyone's willing
It is 4 am brother...
I can't enter combat unless I allow Spirit Ashes, weird.
alright, tomorrow then
To get other depressed gators into the Valve mood https://youtu.be/NoA4Cii27ok?si=OiPGHZt558Lwi4fA
Alright, I'll try to join next time too. Goodnight, gators.
how many people can possibly join the Gmod stream since its the last one
Nah, you want valve you use this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU32H6FpO2I
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as many as the server can handle, at minimum it can handle literally everyone from EN and ID
way more than all of EN unless someone starts spawning chairs under the map, I do wonder if ame did atleast some form of planning for tf2 and gmod or if shes just going to wing it
what if the indie journey is just another "shiny new thing" in her long list of abandoned protects that she gets bored of as soon as they are no longer shiny and new...
fuck off
Somewhere out there, snippy has a smile on his face knowing that he tanked that fucking sunflower for like 5 minutes to make his oshi happy. What a memory to make. Rest well, king
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>>86172030 (Me)
Ignore, this is your brain on 11 hours of Ame
Shitposters still need to neck themselves though
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I owe this woman my life during a very dark time. I don't care. I just want her to be happy. Maybe I'll find my own ame someday, maybe not, maybe I'll end up with someone completely different. All that matters is, she saved me and she deserves all the good things left in the world... She's earned it.
and somewhere out there, is ophina who deserves to die of extremely painful, bloody diarrhea like the asshole he is.
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Prob same as when Advent joined last time but with more people
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Well said
Oh I forgot that brief moment Mori used her model in game. Hopefully they got management to approve it this time. Would be kino
When I came across Ame I just got through a messy breakup and also lost every single one of my friends. I was nearly ready to rope myself before she changed my life. Now I want to create things and be happy, which I'm still working on, and Ame inspired that in me. She is my sun, and will forever be in my heart.
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For all our memories with ame. Even after everyone else forgets, and all the "real" teamates have left...
Guys, do we REALLY look like this?
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do you got the other one where shes running around those chairs?
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thank you.
>katana and turtle shield
as much as i loved her doot build later on, this one was pretty kyut too. probably wouldve been more effective later on too honestly, that doot is too darn slow for some bosses...
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another long stream coming up
later gators
Sweetest dreams, small Amelia
Wonder if this is one of those people who asked her how to become a vtuber in various Q&As. Well, I don’t wonder enough to watch and see.
Thanks for the cross post, anon
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I was doing a good job of keeping it together but it's really kind of starting to set in and hurt
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>And while they all have their own Myths, I know there's only one for me
Man. I'm gonna miss Bowson. I know Elden Ring and Oblivion were gonna end eventually, but...
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small ame tribute I made with my dogshit editing skills
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I'll wait for as long as it takes

Lovely! Good job mate. She indeed did it AMEWAY!
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very nice, saved, post it again when teamates aren't asleep!
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>text bubble killing the fat fuck
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aw man that's very sweet ; ;

>I don't know when, but I'll be back. It's only a matter of time.
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I made this image four years ago because of something Ame said which inspired me in her first drawing stream.
Seeing that she has remained focused on self improvement on this time contues to inspire me, and I'm still as excited about the future as I was back then. Her determination inspires me. For me, this has always been the true Ameway.
Seeing anons still post my dumb edits makes me happy. Thank you Teamates.
I think I made the mustache one.
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Rewatching some Myth MVs for memories and I forgot we were in Mori's Kawaikute Gomen cover (+ Chumbies).
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Bless you you magnificent bastard. I will live and die by the belief that, that image is legitimately magic. Everytime you or any other teamate posted that here when we shitposters and schizo antis kept trying to derail and ruin the thread, that thing would always come in clutch whenever we replied with the magic words.
lets hope for the best.
>page 10
last teamate reporting for duty
I wonder who her friends will be in the indie scene.
You know who, also shut up
Me, her boyfriend. And not!Gura, her girlfriend.
let's pray for a great future, both for each of us and the people that we love
One of the things that I can't forget about Ame is when she the removed the I<3MOM sticker from her laptop(the stream asset) offstream. I don't think anyone here or on global mentioned it. The other one, which some anons here have noticed, is when she put something in her description for her upcoming stream asking teammates to do something related to her mom(I think it was about celebrating something) but she removed it after a few minutes.
Looking at her follows it's very concerning BUT let's hope she's just following them out of courtesy and doesn't mean she plans to collab with them.
Yeah fucking call me if she follows Peo otherwise I hope she just solo streams
I will make Hachiko proud...
man this feels like the true end of realta nua.
Quick! There isn't much time. Someone write a cover for Ame-zing Grace.
I don't know whats concerning in there than that fishy looking unseenjapan account thing
another kino that people might overlooked from ER stream
>teamates helped ame to get the sunflower (ame)
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Not only that, but her summons are two gremlins.
She started with little grey gremlins and ended with big green gremlins.

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