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hey man
Lap is kicking ass and taking names.
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Wait, that's an awesome idea
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Ririka owes me ESL gyaru sex
Have any of the Advent members talked about why they didn't have idol outfits for their full gen 3D collab or Breaking Dimensions?
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ah... 120 calories... 8 mg sugar...
She got her 3D, she doesn’t need to pander EOPs anymore wwssr
I really really really really like Ririka!
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A second English translated Pekomama doujin has hit Sadpanda.
I reary rike ririka
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Please don’t give me hope. My little heart can only take so much…
Because they haven’t gone to FES yet nor are they JP.
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Bae cute!
based. she's following the Lui/Chloe route.
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i want to make a game but cant find a doable(thinking about time) genre wich i can use a lot of the holos(at least all EN)
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Suikoden style RPG
is bowson dead?
>Ririka mistook her PS4 Pro for a PS5 Pro
Your gyaru is showing...
thats a set of mechanics not a genre
will peko's shop really be ok
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made me tear up, how much input do the holos have in these kind of voice packs?
ID3 had idol outfits before fest
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>GOOD NIGHT GREMS im giddyin on up 2 bed
isnt like 4 am in pst?
When is Ririka's 3D showcase?
ID3 are actually successful.
>Having a sensible sleep schedule
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Saliva? yes
Sickness snot blown out of her nose? probably not
Tears? yes
Liquid snot running out of her nose from the physical exertion of our fucking, licked off her face in the moment of coitus? Yes
Sweat dried on her or freshly forming on her forehead, face, armpits, ass, etc.? yes
Piss? yes
Pussy juice? yes, out of a champagne glass
Tongue her asshole? yes
Full on scat or liquid scat? hard no
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Turn based RPG with a pokemon like battle system
Sort the holos you want to use into 6 types (two sets of three, rock paper scissor style)
Each character has 4 moves, with two additional they learn through level ups
You can keep it small scope this way
Also you should make it in Godot
the mask slipped fast huh
You will be sued by Pokemon Company AND Cover.
I'm looking forward to how Wawa is going to handle TF2
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Would (You) say this is an overall visual upgrade compared to World?
ID 4 doko ?
Fire Emblem clone
We got the gurame collabs already, since Gura doesn't want to do it after announcement as she would cry.
When will Lapusama get a 3D outfit that actually shows her moves and doesn't completely hide her butt with her hair?
If anything was going to test Kiara and Mori's friendship is definitely Mori opening for NewJeans. Mind you this isn't like 2021 and Kiara can easily replace Mori with Reine, Nerissa or even ERB if she's THAT jealous.
Ame shall become the embodiment of SOON™
Haitani is prolly nearly double the age of laplus
That's what I was looking forward too
But if ERB is going to be there the whole time it's not going to be the same...
Whenever she uses her 1 million wish I suppose.
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Why does Ame is such a good suffering material? Can't we give her a happy story for a chance?
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You love this angle so much that you immediately used it again in the next thread
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Like a Shiny Smiley story?
That was super fun I'd hope we get another ttrpg soon but Mori is always busy. Wonder if fauna could do one she could probably do G.U.N too it's not too difficult
I think it's possible there could be women hotter than the Handler in Wilds. Do I think there will be attractive women? No.
It is a hard, insane downgrade compared to the twins in Rise.
Do I think it's all a moot point because the early released stats for a game launching in 5 months are absolutely ridiculous unoptimized garbage? Yes.
Do I think the game's performance will only be even worse because it's likely Capcom will go full retard and not only use Denuvo as anti-piracy (of course) but potentially use Easy Anti-cheat which also fucks performance as well? Yes.

a 1660 Super and a i5 10500 to look at ugly women in a resolution upscaled to 1080p with framegen technology running at 30 frames? Hard pass. This is going to be a bigger disaster than Dragon's Dogma 2.
she will still have her solo training first
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thinking something like this or smt, my only fear is the time sink of making the dungeons

i dont like srpgs
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we might be able to give her a happy story but in exchange we have to give her up
I like when Lyrica says sou sou sou sou
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I thought the impromptu collab was about the training
stop posting close up CCs, only normal distance CCs are allowed
ERB is even more of a retard, it's going to be great
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Ririka broken English sex UOHHH
Pekora just sitting here in the card shop opening packs instead of serving the customers trying to buy stuff.
That's exactly why fighting game pros are doing whatever they can to reach the younger scene.
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Didn't Ririka stop her EN pandering streams? She doesn't need them now that ReGLOSS is popping off.
She'll just do her usual back handed compliment she usually does and move on. That's what's she's always done.
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say that again, but slower...
Man who gives a fuck about the women I'm going to play the game to turn big monsters into chopped liver and cool swords. There's always going to be day 1 mods to remove all the bloat shit Crapcom puts in anyway
Nice posters are allowed to be ESL, I gave them the pass
Could you give an example of a backhanded compliment from Kiara? Make sure to quote it right.
I wonder how many times have native English speakers been called ESL because they had a brainfart when writing their post.
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Okay. I'll take down my post.
There is no online play with mods if they implement EAC and hardcore MH fans are already bitching big time about what was shown off in the latest trailer.
She will be just like me and only play medic so she doesn't have to shoot a damn thing
I also play Scout
I dunno bro I can do that in World or Rise to this day without having to buy a 4090 in an economy with 12% or higher inflation.
>Calli sure does get a ton of sponsorships doesn't she....
>calli is collabing with one piece.... cool....
The tone she uses everytime is always the same monotone drone
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based meru
oh man, this could be really good. I haven't watched many Fubuki playthroughs of story games though, will she cry like Okayu did at the ending?
Daigo Umehara is over the hill
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Ririka is looking forward to Metaphor ReSomething.
does Ame's valve Marathon include a playthrough of the Half Life series
Bowson is literally me
>peko shop has no lighting
>covered in empty boxes
>selling only 1 thing
>literal smelly fat nerd walks in to play cards and bought nothing
looking good
>Fauna doing another dungeon stream in October
are we seeing an RP renaissance in EN
Breaking Dimensions is such a cheesy song but it really hits hard when you are drunk.
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Gura cute Gura cute!
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This is pretty obviously written by management to make sure that teamates don't leave and continue buying merch and voice packs. Are you people seriously this naive? I'm not even cynical but you people are either in full denial mode or genuinely retarded.
Business is booming peko
EAC ain't shit and with a franchise this popular people will figure out a way around it. Mh online has always been peer to peer, they can't do shit to stop modded gameplay. The only true thing is the optimization is probably garbage at release so that's the one thing I'm concerned about
Those were not backhanded compliments and you know it
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you don't have to sign your bad posts with 9 am mooms, did you know that?
The power of Christ compels you!!! Back off evil woman!
Stop entertaining the shitposter
I'm placing my face there
Rhythm game mah nigga
So why did it take Kronii 15 months to release her MV? And it wasn't even animated, just usual low effort moving pngs. It takes more than a year to do something like this now?
In all sincerity I could see Kiara being genuinely jealous and envious of this considering her history and Mori's history.

She's a hag now so she's over the hill as an idol and conscious of her age in this industry. Mori is getting opportunities within genuine Japanese pop culture circles that Kiara "should" be getting at this stage of her life and career given she came up as a genuine idol... But instead it's the girl who came up in the Japanese idol industry as... a wigger rapper?
The hot new Fatlus RPG.
Okayu’s fat ass.
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oh yeah? check this
I mean they are anytime kiara brings up something Mori related that's work there's always something to add on that she says that thinly veiled jealousy. She wouldn't dare say that to her face though would she.
In all sincerity, I don't really care about your fantasy.

You're a big faggot so you're over the hill as a shitposter now and getting conscious of how little impact you've made here. So little I can't even be fucked to do the rest of your sad post.
Insulting both Mori and Kiara isn't gonna give your oshi what she wants anon
You definitely could, but I've sunk 1.2k hours into World according to steam and I couldn't really get into Rise, a new title will be a breath of fresh air and new monsters. In any case I'm pretty sure my 3080 will hold up just fine, I don't need ultra graphics for the gameplay to be enjoyable
Kinda sad when Mori does see Kiara as a genuine friend, Kiara is either an amazing actress and can masterfully hide her emotions or Mori is just that naive
Metaphor ReFANTAZIO. Atlus RPG from Persona creators but more influenced by SMT, DDS, etc. with no romance systems (but a social system of sorts). You're trying to leverage your little twink protagonist and his party of cool fellas to maneuver in this spooky occult contest to become king of the fantasy region after the king is killed or something.

I'm scared to the play the 6-10 hour long demo because I'm worried I might like it too much. I don't want to pay $70 fuckin dollars for this even if it looks cool...
Should staff really be opening cards?
I always thought that Myth will graduate together and start their own company at some point. I guess their bond wasn't as strong as I thought though. Kinda depressing. Also weird that Gura is just letting Ame leave instead of stopping her or joining her.
Re Fantozzi
At least where I lived as a kid, the staff in TCG shops were always nerds of some sort who would open packs from time to time
A FE clone would make for a good fangame. Cut down on some of the more tedious game mechanics to make it more casual friendly like the RNG stat growth, get some simple 2D sprites and a couple of maps, make an alibi story (or just cut it altogether and set it up for an endless mode), and once the math behind it is solid, you have a game.
Anon back in the heights of the TCG craze (and probably still to this day) unsavory card shops would use a high grade scale and weigh boosters and take the minutely heavier ones out of the packs to open themselves to add them to their high priced single rare catalogs because packs with holographic foil are a minute bit heavier.
I'd love for Mori to hear some of the stuff kiara says behind her back
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It's kinda mid ngl. Same shit as persona. They even kept the boomer ass turn based combat instead of fixing it and making it akin to something like7R
Yeah something like the GBA Fire Emblem games would be a good base to start with.
I've always thought some holo spin on gomoku could be interesting
That doesn't make it morally just.
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Did Ame's graduation embolden shitposters? I have noticed more holo seethe than usual. It's not a graduation so you fags can go back to where you crawled out
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brother she has basically graduated already
People who aren't faggots don't want that dogshit fucking zoomer retard combat from that soulless piece of shit "remake". FF7R is fucking trash in every way except the porn it's generated (even then Tifa and Aerith are generic as fuck).
>Man I want to fuck Calli so fucking bad MMMMMMM I want her to brap on my face while I rim her cowgirl butthole
I hate TCG shit... it was rigged from the start...
They literally talked about it before several times, retard. Watch streams and do your reps
>replet telling others to do their reps
There's a reason why you never buy unsealed boxes/packs anon
Card Shops always open a fuckton of boxes to get high value singles
Gura doesn't have any merch to shill so no reason to appear
I literally called card shops weighing packs to pick out the ones with good cards unsavory.

Obviously fuckin' 7-11 selling YuGiOh boosters probably wasn't doing that. And if you had cash you could buy sealed booster boxes. Or just go to reputable card shops.

But yes cardboard trading is an absolutely retarded activity (fun fact, Konami themselves short print rare powerful shit a ton and YuGiOh tournament prize pools peak at like, 1 Nintendo Switch and a card playmat).
Nigga wat its literally shiny cardboard it ain't that deep, it's just nerds having fun why do morals come into this?
>boomer's brain is literally too slow for real time combat
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Fuck off I don't want a dogshit samey Pokemon system because it's le heckin OLDSCHOOL
It's funny because fatlus fans endlessly praise the ARPG devil summoner games even though they have shit combat.
Gura doesn't shill merch, are you confusing her with Kiara and Ina?
It's not even real time combat you actual moron. It's a braindead pastiche of both that's been iterated upon and evolved into what it is now over like 5 different entries. And 16's combat is literally just shitty Devil May Cry stuff (ironically probably better than 7R's gay boring compromise).

You just have subhuman zoomie brainrot. We should have strangled your entire generation in your cribs. Not we as in us and your parents I mean we should have killed your no doubt faggot parents and killed you too.
This is actually fewer than the usual Kiara shitposts.
>look up hololive "art" (AI) on pixiv
>all the flat girls get nice stuff
>look up holyboobers holos like kronii
>all fetish trash
What the fuck? Why
nerissa should play baldurs gate 1
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Ame has come to cast a spell on you guys, have happiness on who you watch and don't hate on others! ٩(๑・ิᴗ・ิ)۶٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶
>forgetting Fauna's little TTRPGs too
But I hope so, these are a ton of fun
More like Kronies are literal psychos
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She made my dick hard instead.
>Oh man I can't wait to play the next SMT game the combat's soo amazing
said no one ever
She's streamed 70 hours in 2024 and of those over half was to shill something
If it had to be someone from Myth I really wish it was either Mori or Kiara graduating instead of someone actually good like Ame. Why is the world so unfair?
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she would get filtered hard by real time combat
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big boobs are a fetish enjoyed by only the mentally ill, real human beans enjoy the perfect construction of a flat chest
It's fine. She can just set it up to pause after every action.
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Her last shill stream was Sendai one from a year ago. Weird shitpost angle, phasecuck.
Objectively it should have been Gura. Subjectively Ame is the next best choice.
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Mori is locked in till 2027 at the earliest and even then she will probably go longer. She's genuinely stuck and unless she wants to get sued for millions she's gonna stay
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No, what she should actually play is Dragon Age Origins. And then never touch another Dragon Age game again.
Chattini be like, 'wow my oshi's eigo jouzu'
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If Gura graduates Hololive will die. If Mori or Kiara graduate people will celebrate. Seethe deadbrap
Meant for >>86175664
>The universal constant of death and the eternal phoenix will be the last remaining holos
jrpg style for ENReco Book 1
Yes and Ame is never leaving because she needs to support her family kek. Delusional tard
sex with obnoxious indonesian fujos
If Gura graduates, nothing changes. Her likeness will still be used and the character will still exist. No one cries, everyone gets what they want and Cover still makes bank. Seethebud.
This image was meant to reply to >>86175607

I was originally going to tell him that the reason for that is the people who post AI renderings of the flat chuubas simply enjoy tasteful artwork of beautiful bodies. While the holyboober prompters are dopamine addicted gooners.
she would just sit in character creation for the entire stream trying to roll 108
the support her family thing was always a flimsy made up reason. But Mori is still gonna stay a long time she literally part of UMG.
Nah, Kiara is showing heavy hints of leaving soon and Mori hinted at graduating too. It's a domino effect after Ame's departure. The beginning of the end
Gura is already dead though so your point makes no sense. She's quite literally a mascot that anyone could do. They don't use her voice in any of them. Just merch merch merch
EN probably won't exist as a branch by the end of next year.
Ame'a graduation model is literally tailor made for Gura
Did something happen to inspire all this myth seethe?
And it will literally never happen no matter how much you continue to seethe deadbrap. Meanwhile Mori is on her way out already
thank you ame
I'll miss her kaomojis
Optimistic, they're going to be lucky to make Halloween. And that's if Gura comes back for her traditional spooky withdrawal.
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Peko opening pack after pack of duds brings back memories
How can you still call Deadbeats “deadbrats” when IRyS talked about herself shitting up the toilet yesterday?
Will Kiara's upcoming 3D live beat Gura's latest one in terms of viewership? Will it even beat Gura's latest karaoke stream?
[both actually said the exact opposite]
She's just going to be doing what she is doing a holo but without the idol activities. At least Ame does want to do something she can't do while in holo.
Keep seething cuckbeat
It literally already has happened my adorable little seethebud.
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>If Gura graduates Hololive will die.
gura is already dead you fucking retard
KFPiss having a melty again
If Kronii graduates we will see an unironic spat of genuine suicides.
will gura even stream?
>latest one
Gura doesn't stream and I love how much you cope by using that because you know yourself how much she's regressed and being lazy. Hey kiara streams while Gura is still an alcoholic.
Myth unity >>86173734
Will anyone care? Do people still talk about *checks notes* Avatar 2?
>Kiara mogging the lazy shark
You love to see it.
buy peko's overpriced rare cards rather than stealing them by buying like 20 cheap packs!
Why am I watching a cartoon rabbit sell not-pokemon cards to random white people?
No, it's all artificial. Unorganic
Hey Mori is about to preform the opener infront of 36k people while Gura is downing pills and getting drunk lmao
Why are KFP attacking Gura?
What's with random Gura seethe?
If I was in Gura's position I would be drunk and high every day gooning away and occasionally maybe playing videogames *I* was interested in or watching Cx streams on Kick all day if those were going on.

I'd show up to my rare stream 3 shots deep and do the song and dance and go back to my millions and my wife (alcohol).
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Seething at Gura won't make Mori lose weight, cuckbeat
>and seemingly her enreco seethe can be traced back to the ending of Ame's video where she got a delivery flyer while everyone else warning posters
Wat even is this?
Seething chumbuds talking shit and getting hit
There's something entrancing about watching simulator type games for seemingly mundane shit
She did lose weight.
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Has she sprayed any stinky ones yet?
>only extrovert in ID
of course she is. She keeps doing sexy moves on streams
>Kiara being loud and obnoxious and ruining the mood
>Mori just wanting to get out of there as soon as possible
>Ame and Gura not saying anything because Kiara won't shut the fuck up
Wow I sure am looking forward to the last Myth collab
I heard that Peko Cards weighs their packs and picks out any boosters that contain rare cards, don't buy from them.
Ame is going full QAnon. She's been talking about too many conspiracy theories before ENReco. When we hear from her again, she'd be unrecognizable.
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the usual
>Mori seethe
>Gura seethe
I really smell some Phase shits around.. they really are the loud #3 that's telling #1 to watch out for them, and yet they still can't even topple #2.
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Bae a cute
when enreco was happening kiara made sure everyone knew the lore wasnt canon, in the behind the scenes mp3 she talked about how she much preferred her depiction in the drama where she was a warrior compared to in enreco where she was a fast food manager
Have you seen Kaela?
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Man I really want to fuck the shit out of Iofi. I want to fuck her and take her glasses off during and put them on myself.
Warner Brothers hooked her up with Ozempic?
Thank you Sora, very cool
Phasecucks loves Mori since she gives attention to their whores. They only hate good Holos like Gura and Kiara
Mori has no friends in Hololive.
She's not very good at picking out the rare cards then, I looked at the rare cards on display and they were mostly shit
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So you're just going to go on the internet and spread completely unsubstantiated rumors then huh?
Mori's TTRPG was a huge floppa and got mogged by Holotalk.
Mom, BVTM is raiding this thread again!
>where she was a fast food manager
Suuuuure, KFP manager
This happens a lot, remember CHaDcast getting mogged and humilaited by holotalk with c-lister JPs?
Like you'd know you know fuck all about her. Stick to your whores
What the FUCK went wrong with Shiori's sad career?
Retard we all saw how big her stomach last stream on her rm account stop the cope
Probably seethes about Chimera mogging her slop.
Your body can't handle Ririka 3D reveal
Honestly, Mori should just stop bothering. She isn't cut out for organizing collabs.
>mori collabs
>getting mogged by kiara collabs
name a better couple.
Idk whats the point
Its not gonna make me like hololive less
If anything its gonna make me like it more
ooof poor Mori
>Gun TTRPG was a great success
>that clip of Mio going full “Male ew” made it to reddit, mos faggots agree
>people found out the anti subreddit was writing “Mio got raped lol” fanfics
>very few HoloJP streams today
I hope she has some nice jiggle.
How nice of Kiara schizo to join us. Keep using those sim card seanigger
>great success
When is the thread going to be comfy again?
Mori collabs have always been failures though?
When Shiori is dragged through the streets and shot.
>frogiara disappears
>en goes to shit
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Protip: A raid is going on right now.
Moona doesn't make enough money to live in Japan
She have connor also he is literally the reason why she join hololive at the first place
What about Ina...
>people found out the anti subreddit was writing “Mio got raped lol” fanfics
Fucking hell
Kiara isn't leaving anytime soon, she just pity baits for attention and throws out hints at leaving to scare her fanbase into doubling down on their support. Kiara has nowhere to go and she knows it.
Fauna debuff
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So how much has Zeta been selling her body for?
Christ, what a brutal humiliation. No wonder Mori has been seething.
Mr 4 devices has finally shown up thank God my oshi doesn't stream at these dog shit hours. The ttrpg was kino, I'm out have fun with him.
shiori ain't your uncle...
It's really sounding like the idiot is masquerading as a KFP that's obsessed with Kiara.
?????? what the fuck
keep begging for views deadbeats
Shiori face be like :<
He is right you know it's literally a copy of phase connect outfit even mori said it herself retard
won't watch it
cope and seethe
I hope Ame and Aqua become friends. They were both a soulful part of hololive.
Delusional. Wawa is an actual idol, she will be more successful without holoshit dragging her down
Of all the things you could pretend to Bandwagon for, you pick Kiara of all people LMAO.
God I hate Flipfsgs
As is obvious from just about everything about Zeta, she's from a well off family
Nobody gonna watch your whore of an oshi cuckbeats kiara was right they should put mori in vshojo
I keep falling asleep at 8 p.m... Is this what being an ojisan does to a shigga?
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I can't believe that Ame is going to become retarded in less than 100 hours
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big day tomorrow, better get some sleep
Wait, so Mori is collabing with Newjeans in a ploy to rim Kiara's asshole? Isn't that pretty sneaky?
never forget how her fans were begging for her to get in holo only to be mogged by Nerissa
Bruh, what even is the point of raiding this place now? It’s a rest day for HoloJP even
Yup collabs should be fun and then ds3 the day after is gonna be great.
2nd protip: Flipshits end their classes/work on 6pm, and by 7pm, they are already at home.
This is what happens when you retards can’t stop “I’M SO SAD” posting
Idk about kiara but mori literally fucking said she wish she graduate but she cant becouse of umg even she hate hololive
Hey you were right, exactly 4 replies
Mori should have her head caved in with a lead pipe so she stops dragging EN down with this failure collabs.
you could say it's sneky neaky neaky neaky neaky neaky neaky neaky neaky-
>Zeta is their beta tester
stay mad
What's supposed to be the elements that make Calli the discount version? I don't get it. The bunny ears? Just that?
And she's a 1.36M subs streamer
I'm giving an even bigger rrat:
The Mori anti IS the Phase Talent. A KFP Rogue member who unironically thinks she deserves to by in Myth.
No, this is what happens when someone dedicates his life to being the dullest, most obnoxious faggot he can be
Lol he replied twice more when you called it out
>Gura seethe followed with Mori seethe with Kiara seethe sprinkled here and there
Bubba left Ame to join KFP?
Shut the fuck up cuckbeats and leave kiara out of this nobody care about your whori
>he thinks it will stop
ame will be on a limbo so you can start taking a seat now becsuse this will go on for years
Why is Gura going to be the next Myth to graduate while my oshi still loves Hololive?
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>Kiara is the dishwasher schizo
>very few HoloJP streams today
Pekira and Shion are both streaming today, that's 100% of the JP roster accounted for
>this is what deadbeats have been melting down for 8 hours
not a good look desu
So is the goal just to get rich in TCG simulator?
Poor Mori, nobody watches her solo and everyone hates her collabs.
can I get some Bae seethe seasoning? Can't have Kiara seethe without it
Phase connect never did hate mori retard i see alot of deadbeats there and they straight up welcome them
Aqua only loved JP extremely.
Ame only loved EN (and ID somewhat) extremely.

They both kinda fucking based not gonna lie
and his name was Calliope Mori.
IDs are rich by indonesian standards but most of them aren't rich enough to do shit like moving to Japan
Kiara isn't your oshi, phasecuck.
Shunkan Heartbeat forma de Advent was a floppa
If I had known 10 years ago that engaging in some desperate nonsensical insane retard weeb white woman ploy to move to Japan and become a successful j-rapper would ultimately allow me to RIM KIARA'S ASS AND LICK HER PUSSY I would currently be the sole male member of Myth right now, preparing for my collab with NewJeans in between Kiara rimming sessions.

Mark my words.
That's the goal in basically every simulator yes
You'd think by now he'd get range banned do they even bother doing them nowadays.
I find it funny that they’re just numberfagging and arguing based on numbers.
As if that was ever tolerated here.
Nobody actually thinks you’re an actual Holo fan, retard.
What did you expect from a whore we are just lucky she will graduate soon for all the harm she did to hololive
No, ofc they'd say that. But the Talent are smoking guns. For example, did you know that Shiina beefed with Mori over OWTH?
Before making a metapost ask yourself two questions:
>Will my post make the shitposters go away? and,
>Will my post make the thread better?
If the answer to both of these is no, then don't make the post. Pro tip Metaposting never makes the shitposters go away and it never makes the thread better.
He's from the same refugee camp as the meidos
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Correct! Hololive superiority !
nah that's deadbeats, Mori is a 2k shitter
I can't get rich in DCS world...
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Honestly Cover still selling fucking voice packs and making money out of Ame's graduation is genuinely fucking scummy. I'm really disappointed with the direction this company is taking
Most of those shitty corpos went insane at owth because it's true
Maybe if she leave and join people who have whore personality like her in nijisanji
Shut up, schizo
Good metapost, retard
Probably some janny tranny endorsing his boyfriend
Not now, desdbeat
I just got back from video games. Damn, sorry you guys have to deal with this.
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No? Until this month, Ririka's done at least one english only stream a month since January. Her last English stream was only barely over a month ago, cooking with Raora. And this is the month before her 3d debut, and she's doing tons of lessons, particularly dance lessons, since she's the weakest member there. I don't think missing one month when her schedule is at its most jam packed is evidence she's stopping.
Maybe try learning English
Stfu tranny
This is exactly what mori want tho
The voicepacks centralized on Ame because she is leaving probably. This will probably be the norm if a member is graduating, the voice pack will focus somewhat on them.
That's what I think anyways.
Or this was just a coincidence or one time thing. Just speculating.
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Deso's 3d thumbnail has arrived
Just leave until NA prime time where flip is sleeping in his mud hut.
That's supposed to make you get rich irl retard, just get your flying license
Why does this type of posts keep popping here anyway?
Raden is a JP talent who I rarely, rarely if ever see clipped and translated and when I'm reminded of her I feel a regret unique to her about being an EOP.

Still not doing my reps. School's out, mothafucka...
This is what we have to deal with when deadbeats are stuck with an unpopular oshi and can't handle it
Cute flattis
everyday I thank Phase Connect for keeping the Rushia tier menheras out of holoEN and keeping the branch clean
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I just got back from Doing some Gundam Breaker Shit.

Why is it always the same damn taglines, as if the shitpost is one giant Ad for some other vtuber company?
I'd rather read metaposts than the old drivel being vomited by these retards.
True zentreya should join hololive it will be lonely for mori to be the only hololive member who have a tranny voice
Advent is the floppa gen
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this is a teenage boy
nice metapost
No one will give me an F-18 Super Hornet...
The TTRPG was just setup as a thinly veiled excuse for calliope mori to use her sherif voice for hours on end and it's just so fucking obvious.
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>raden has to do a big milestone stream every other week
Voicepacks are the only Gura content we have left, please leave them alone
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She has some English subbed vods, if you didn't know.
You do realize mori is more of a menhera then rushia right
Kinda disrespecting for Regloss to do their 3D showcase during Ame's graduation. They should delay it.
Uhh based?
Like you would know you didn't watch it.
Based, Wawa should do a ttrpg set in England so we can hear her brifish accent for hours
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I love the aspect ratio she uses on her streams
good luck learning english, anon
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Literally me.
Protip: Menhera doesn't mean chuuba I don't like, stick it to your skull, Phaseshit.
Sorry Pekira is a typo I meant Pekora
She just want to flex let me remind you mori is literally the only hololive member who have a voice this deep even towa staright up said she was jealous of her
This seems like a hard song to do solo
Cute retard
make an eroge with 19 routes
That's honestly cute
All ending in violent sex with Bibi
You gotta hustle more whippersnapper, look at peko's TCG shop, its basically barebones, start with the shitter planes and work your way up you'll get there
>Will Gura ever get to do GUN?

This is the real question.
Wonderful 101-like
Do you think Peko is stinky?
Her design is pretty plain but the clothes are 10/10, super cute
Best raden clipper: https://www.youtube.com/@Raden_Art_Class/videos

This one is pretty good too:

These have some decent clips
It would be without mori ruin this stream like bro nobody want to hear mori men voice
can someone post like uhhhh maybe like ughhhhhhhhh maybe shiori? post a shiori?
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My cute daughter~
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I have this one
Have you actually gotten to talk to actual females, dude? Actual people do not sound like Kawaii Uguu characters.
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Not that guy but thanks. I love seeing her talk about art.
What TTRPGs can you even set in England
Changeling? The Agency? Albion?
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There's no reason to assume that Gura knows anything yet. Ame finalized her decision less than a year ago so Gura probably hasn't checked discord since then
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Yes i actually did and none of them sound like mori it's becouse of her teacher voice
I fucking love how Raden gets so surprised everytime
Anon, most of the people from the US sound like Mori
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Some of you have developed complexes towards a female teacher and it shows
Her excitement about any topic is incredibly infectious.
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shiori's face is a cute meme that's been doing the rounds for a while now. what do you think about it?
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I REALLY wanted to fuck my Spanish teacher, does that count?
I genuinely hope no one here is retarded enough to fall for the obvious holo vs holo tribalbait and get in on it. Because holy fuck, is it low quality.
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we are pro holoKR(unnoficial) in this thread
I did when I was 12 and my English teacher called me honey
May I have images and fanarts of Raden being cute in her twintails form please?
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What do?
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I literally took Spanish because my teacher was a scarily hot shortstack
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I still don't get the seethe against Monster Hunter Wilds. From what I've seen, it looks like it's gonna be fun.
MY TEACHERS IN MIDDLESCHOOL DIDNT HAD THE RIGHT TO BE THAT HOT the hottest one became fat in last year.. that was my personal 9/11
Bowl of eggs ASAP
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>go to a card shop to buy some card packs
>clerk is ignoring you and doing nothing but opening the same packs you wanted while complaining they're trash and had no good cards
Pay the cabaret tab
We should get more holo vs holo tribbing to 'bate to
Mori isnt a holo to be fair
Go Raden go!
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Here's one by her papa.
Learn English, please.
I am convinced these must be bots because there's no way someone this sad and retarded exists
>retweeted her announcement
>There's no reason to assume that Gura knows anything yet.
Are you retarded or something? What the fuck
There is a non-zero possibility that someone's teacher was a female from Texas and kept failing said educator's subject and thus had a grudge.
Thank you kindly
I had a huge crush on one of my teachers in middle school and she totally knew it. She was 25 then, 40+ now and she looks almost exactly the same.
after a while it doesn't even register, just the same white noise threadshitting every day
What seethe?
Don't tell him, it's really funny to see him seethe in broken English.
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Shionyo SOON
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>Nips falling over themselves to call Ina's nihongo skills almost perfect in public
>As soob they're anonyomous she's suddenly an invalid who needs a translation to understand the language of the chosen people
fucking two faced women all of them. O bet one of those is laplus on a new IP
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computerlets seething about muh optimization because their 2018 shitbox won't run it at 1440p 60fps
The usual DEI complainers.
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I like it when he goes so ESL it's impossible to parse which Holo he is shitting on
Oi, my 1060 is still going strong at 1080p.
>Ina will probably miss TF2 because it's too early for her
>same for Mori, Bae, Mumei and Irys
>no Gura because of [redacted]
>no Fauna because she doesn't play FPS
Are we seriously only getting Advent and Justice for it? This sucks
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Pekora looks like she would make for a good wagie
Is my 6700 xt going to be fine?
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>look up Holo fanart on XTwitter
>really like this one artist's works so I follow them
>they keep talking about their morning shits in between making art
just put everything to low and you'll be fine
bush status?
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Ummm, how did she find my house?
Ina already confirmed she would appear on it yesterday though, and she has a record for waking up for early collabs in Japan too.
Always there. Trust her papa.
C'mon, like there's no difference between chat and /vt/?
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Foobs Omori time
they both should sit on my face together
What? It only needs like 2070 for recommended settings, that's insanely well optimised for 2025 game
peko is profiting more off deodorant than cards
>please stop bullying mori :(
she was
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Love these guys
You ever think about how you may wake up one day, open twitter and see Cover announcing that your oshi literally died? Imagine how fucked up that would be
Okanyan is a fat ugly bastard!
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Is Shiori Seiba?
My Wawa resurrects
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Upa rupa janai!
Supaa Dupaa!
Raden yapping!
What's up with JP Holos reacting to the same single clip of FWMC antics in GTA?
Do Japs have literally only a single clipper to go around or something?
I had a dream that I was a girl and I was in hololive and like 7 months after debut I found out I had terminal cancer and I had to do an impromptu graduation stream from my hospital bed and you could hear the muffled voices of the doctors in the background and this place was just going "MALE ON STREAM" as I said my goodbyes.

Fucked up, dreams bad actually.
Raden sure loves mushrooms
I hope you don't regret everything you saying about Ame and gators in next couple month.
If only Watame played it
FWMC were the most fun ENs in the event and the JPs are realizing how funny their shenanigans were
how do you explain Mori dying?
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>Today I'm going to play Omori! In Hololive I know that Okayu played it, I don't know if anyone else did though.
That's totally what would happen too
Ollie played it too,
The really fucked up part would be if her last stream ever was just a regular gaming stream and her last words are just telling chat she'll see them tomorrow
Mio was close.
>in strange eons even death may die
Most ENs were shitters in holoGTA
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i remember some autist SCing mori about why did it kill her dog or something on those lines
The white space is an allegory for masturbation addiction right?
>please watch en
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>Ame dreamed of buying her first car.
>It's a white triangle car.
Cant wait for Regloss 3D debut, because after that Raden and Ririka can finally visit Kiara's bedroom.
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God I wish Peko would spray me. Imagine her staring at you with disgust, holding the can with a fully extended arm, trying not to get to close as she purifies your hideous putrid form.
is fubuki the type to cry at omori
Imagine if Idol announces one of their talents died from an Iranian missile that got through Israel's iron dome..
She’s returned to the underworld and isn’t coming back.
>Tune into Lap-chan's stream
>She's playing Blanka
kinda based
Basically this, but Holo.
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She might ToT over shota.
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I'm gonna say THAT word
Ina is the only artist I know that doesn't have back problems. Curious.
kill yourself ken-sama
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did we ever figure out who these two were?
How was the TTRPG? I fell asleep watching Ame
FWMC are cute and funny.
>was looking forward to solo tf2 wawa
>wawa's pussy started yearning for british hag cock and made it into a collab
My bad, I forgot that it's currently SEA/EU hours and English literacy is dead in the ground.
what the hell has bae been doing?
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>Gura's illness -- she has cancer, has told no one because she wants us to be happy.
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>lapu becomes obsessed with fighting games
>returns to youtube full-time
Stone Ocean Raden!
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fucking kek
Slam the door
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Why is she fighting games? Has she become Russell Crowe?
You know why it can't be this? If she wanted people to be happy she would have spent 2 minutes to say merry christmas on Christmas instead of being absent for many weeks among other things. Stuff like that. She wouldn't stream but she would at least spend a minute here and there to say hi to chumbuds.
who artist
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Are you a bug...?
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Raden's singing is uhhh
She had chemo that day
I didn't open a single FWMC stream through the GTA rp week (was watching Ina/Biboo/Cece) but they pretty much were the only ones to have standout clippable moments it ain't rocket science. That and the 1 day Kronii caused the entire police force to chase her down for a meal debt.
What's a cute phrase an EN can spam on a youtube short like maitake maitake guru guru
Getting kneed in the groin by deso!
Her rap, though!
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Wanna say something to the class?
Cute as fuck?
Sovl of the best kind!
>EU hours
Burgers sure are retarded
She looks a little like OG IRyS
I hate these stupid tiktok short songs she releases, they're just annoying
But I guess they work
Does anyone have Raden's Godish karaoke timestamp on hand? I want to listen to it again
>white space
>full of colour
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My wife is so hot
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What I'd imagine a stressed, drunk japanese OL would sound like after her 10th beer
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you say that like its a bad thing
Yes, it's obnoxious and stupid. Destroy it.
Raden needs better face tracking
It's not, it's weirdly captivating
more holos shouldn't be afraid to do acapella
No, she should just wear the mask
Wear the mask, Raden
god omori has such a shit pacing. its a 20 hour game that should be like 6 hours long
She just needs to wear the mask more.
What if Omori, Hiro and Kel all stuck their cocks in Aubrey's mouth while she was stuck haha...
Why is no Holo named Capella? It would be a perfect last name for a good singing holo
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yeah, wanted to but don't think I can stand watching this
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Yeah I don't understand the people saying management wouldn't allow her to come back. It would be a historic event and the easiest PR slam dunk.
>Kill off the prettiest girl in the cast and you can't play as her
What did Omori mean by this?
don't fuck your older sister anon
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my pov in a few years
Are you illiterate he literally mentions Fauna’s dungeon.
The best is unreachable
I'm late, but since GMOD is in Ame's Valve marathon. What are the chances of one (1) holo seeing the potential in that sandbox game and doing more content with it?
maybe CC can pick something up
>kronii dropped the furry hollow knight game
>raora dropped the furry hollow knight game
>shota drinking milk
ah ah ah
I bet Raora doesn't even cook the best pasta in EN
Yeah they do because did you see it Avatar 2 looked so fucking good. I hope someone does a watch along.
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god she is too cute
>tfw I missed the wholesome romance arc of Ina and Hajimya
A nice palette cleanser after the debauchery of the baker family.
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we like raden now?
It was karaoke? I thought she was doing rakugo
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Rare Raden face
She shits out of there... a LOT
No, she's rude and unladylike, and she drinks too much for a woman
t. japanese salaryman
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Always have
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okay it isnt funny anymore, let her out
Trash mori try so hard to copy kiara she will never be as popular as kiara tho
Imagine the smell
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idk, there's always an occasional JP HATES EN FANS posts every now and then.
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I lef tthis thread around 2h ago. Are we still being raided
Do not speak to blanka players
No. What she did during Aqua's stream added 2 months to her sentence.
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It was really cute.
The brainworms are Nene's, only she can free herself.
I don't really have any thoughts about her, she exists and I am unfazed. I think I've seen like 3 minutes of her debut and saw she wouldn't be for me.
Please learn English
Her actual answer during her zatsu was far less certain ("maybe in the far future, if they'll have me, but I don't want to mislead you guys, but if you wait for me..."). She obviously doesn't know if she'll come back. The audio drama is steeped in lore stuff so that's at least partially why it'd be written that way.
I like it when she sings and when she nerds out
Yes but this time by Radentomo who are kinda chill.
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That's a great figure.
I jwu for Risu's original song.
Wait, why is Raden cute all of a sudden?
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She stopped smoking
Omori is pretty gay. They make you go through depression PSA #109127, yet you don't even get to fuck any of the girls.
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Raden just ended her karaoke and 800k celebration stream!
Make sure to tune in tomorrow for the 3D concert unveiling! According to many Hololive members and the Legend of Polka, Raden moves around a lot and hardly stands still so looking forward to seeing that

Meanwhile, please check out her Shinigami cover which has already gotten over 1mil views in 2 week!
Only Nene can set herself free
Oh no Basil is getting nonced.
Mori mogged god damn
Honestly this not graduation thing is the hololive equivalent of daddy going out to get milk.
>not Medic
oh come on Kiara, he is German
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yeah, g*rman
"If they'll have me" Is kinda moot because Cover always welcomes graduates to come back although it's more on the nose now with Ame & her not graduating.
It's all about her own now & the fact she negotiated the deal herself & how she said the ball is already rolling, she also wants to come back.
Wawa soon
>all the reglosses at 500k subs
>raden at 800
she seems like the least mainstream of them all
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Lapsama my friend
Ame cute
>TikTok brainrot spreader of Regloss
>not the one mainstream
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Gura cute Gura cute!
I want to plap your friend
Pekora can be cute sometimes
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Raden will always be based for busting out her vape randomly duiring Polka's program
tiktok hit is magical
I hope ERB joins her
She got a huge buff from those stupid tiktoks and shorts

I miss GTA streams during these times :(
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I wish there'll be horror movie watchalongs this Halloween month. Like maybe Child's Play with CC.
I think it's entirely possible for graduates to eventually have that opportunity quietly revoked if they disrespect it enough over time.
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I wanna watch classics again like Alien, The Thing or Halloween
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FBK is attacking me
W+m1 lets go
>she also wants to come back
Part of her might, but she hasn't given a straight answer because it's a very real possibility that she doesn't.
I worry about people interpreting certain things the way they want to and concluding that she'll for sure come back when she, by her own admission when asked, can't say for certain right now.
Do we just have to accept that these phasefags are here to stay or... Why is this tolerated?
Kujaku mention
Why Portal 2 and not L4D2?
i dont know whats going to happen but to me it seems a lot like how ive felt at previous jobs ive had that i quit, like "i'd love to come back" or "tell me when you guys post a new opening" and then eventually i stop talking to the people who i used to work with and i move on
but maybe i am wrong

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