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Hampede Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 9/26:
1: https://www.youtube.com/@Dokibird (3,501)
2: https://twitch.tv/shxtou (3,322)
3: https://twitch.tv/nihmune (3,184)
4: https://twitch.tv/CottontailVA (2,824)
5: https://twitch.tv/Sinder (2,525)
6: https://twitch.tv/Silvervale (2,467)
7: https://twitch.tv/Limealicious (2,402)
8: https://twitch.tv/HalO_Sweety (2,275) *Tie
8: https://twitch.tv/Kenji (2,267) *Tie
8: https://twitch.tv/nyanners (2,245) *Tie

1: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (9,080) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (3,275) *Chinese
3: https://twitch.tv/Kamito_JP (2,433) *Japanese

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
A corpo that doesn't own talents IPs and has, at most, a single member with greater than 1000 CCV is still allowed to be discussed here until it has surpassed this threshold.

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)

>/lig/ Wheel of Names


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
October 1st - Mint Fantôme
October 3rd - Nyaruchuuu
October 4th - Rainhoe
October 18th - Squchan

>OC material for the OP


Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>86171183
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I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
filian is based
i like grape
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phew, all the schizos are gone.
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God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
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Fucked up edition.
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Kill it with fire.
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Excuse me but I love Jets
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Alice smells bad but in an erotic way
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Release then new waddlers you fat slut
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In 6 days it'll be Nyaru's birthday, show your appreciation by contributing to her birthday card! Standard card rules apply: submissions must be SFW and have image dimensions that are a multiple of 200 (i.e. 200x200, 400x400, 200x400)

Some things for inspiration:
>Chuuba Friends (non-inclusive): Charlotte Bear, Yoro Yoyo
>Loves Japan, visits frequently (Karaoke, maid cafes, konbinis, conventions, concerts)
>Very, very big into Japanese idol culture and idol groups (AKB48, iRis)
>Nyaru is an idol herself
>Games (Team Fortress 2, Kingdom Hearts, Sonic the Hedgehog)
>Chris Chan
>Phantom of the Opera
>Anime (Kanon, AKB0048, Air)
>Nightmare on Elm Street, A Christmas Story

Model References:
Happy Monday lig I blub my oshi!
thinking about ecto and her pee aroma
I dreamed that I gave (you)r hag pirate oshi a back and butt massage
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Update on Reiyu's sunburn
Chuddy looking vtuber
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Not sure if that's possible.
the comedic timing of this is amazing
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no you didn't!!!!

stop dreaming!!!!
Reiyu when she sunburns her cock and it touches anything
I actually did lmao
The UK is a silly place
>>86178669 (me twice)
Wait how the fuck did I reply to myself I meant to reply to >>86178500...
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His brain is fried for good...
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Love my wolf wife
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Listen man I've spent the last 3 or so hours dealing with quaternions and the snail screaming into my ears probably isn't helping.
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Are you some kind of math savant or what?
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this bug poster struggles with the 4th dimension, laugh at them!!
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I love goblins
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I hired this Minto plushy to stare at you too
Snuffy should have a furry model like Buff and wear fursuit to meet and greets
you struggle with 2
i am extremely sexually attracted to spedgie and i dont know why
tell me more about it
What are you doing that uses hamilton-numbers?
Yes, but plusher
Considering tanya is so fucking weak and sick, she will probably never meat the barbies unless they visit her. Its jowari da
I have plenty of these staring naiyo images now so I can easily counter.
3d rotations. It's a simple usecase but I'm dumb.
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I bat my oshi
just learn wedge products bro
can you please post she hates us?
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I should go outside
He only knows spedge products
Jeez I know kitanya has a small penis but you can't say she'll never meat people
>It's Friday
Open up your cheeks, Max.
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oh you're doing baby math, they're just vectors bro
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I don't have any soundposts the other anon posts those
I will enjoy the staring battle
i HAted vectors and matrices
she hates us is one of the best soundposts
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Sachi/Dooby is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support
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Update to the tierlist mint (forma de ghosto) wisps posters are the cutest liggermen
I'm retart?
Alice most likely wears boyshorts
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Which are the worst?
Kitanya will never meat people ever. Virgin for her very short life
No, the doctor said your streams are just boring Saru.
Yeah. I've had them figured out before, I'm just extremely forgetful about details.
The only reasonable time to hate them is when you're learning them and before you have any use for them. After you have use for them, you are a brainlet for not appreciating their value.
She also probably isn't very shy about farting since she has no sense of smell
release the whole ranking
How was it?
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i like to call him a good boy, he is really submissive and i bet he has a nice round man butt
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I want her to snap me.
I fucking love girl butts!!
No you’re a cunt who talks about complicated things rather than trying to understand them
didn't know she went to the con
she did play harry potter
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Snefarious sorceress Moon ass
Saruei is retarded and has a midgets pussy
Marrying Saru so I can make her Fansly content less shit
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Imagine the tightness
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Saru is so trad
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>stumble on FFXIV channel narrated by a cute sounding girl named Fluff Stuff
>find out she vtubes
>join her server and play together
>goes variety
>at this point i had gifted her monetarily, flirted a ton, and she gave me pics in return
>comes back and hands ownership of her youtube to some manager
>had plans to come back as a dog girl, peach themed, twitter handles momotski/momodotexe (both deleted)
>disappears completely, shutting down her discord
>ask one of the xiv streamers i knew hung out in her chat if he heard anything
>she had narrowly escaped being murdered in a domestic situation thanks to her neighbors and hasn't been heard from since
so i might have accidentally killed a vtuber like three years ago.
does she have a single pic that isn't angle-frauding
You can achieve that too if you work hard sister
i think he likes g*rls
>can't cook
>can't clean
>can't suck dick
Yes very trad.
I would only marry her to do this and make proper adult content. Not even me staring in it, but like toy reviews, lewd ASMR, 3d model masturbation streams, Actually well animated horny cartoons that arn't just shitty loops with bad audio, etc. She would probably rival fucking melody with actual work.
Stop doxing me
why she have the bull nose ring
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Is it just me or is anyone else getting a strange amount of giftsubs all of a sudden.
I got 4 gift subs in the past 2 days to channels I never even knew existed, let alone follow or watch. And one for rainhoe, whom I follow but haven't watched in ages. I thought you had to be in chat or following at least.
Jealous girl fingers typed this post
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If I didn't include your group you either don't post enough or I can't smell you
Talking about them is more distracting but I did figure them out to the point I needed before and I'll get there again.
>trad means doing chores
Just because you're trad doesn't mean you're automaticly poor, that's some American glorifying struggling and being poor shit. The maid can do those things
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Wolf wife live!
twitch is giving bonus gift subs, so the overall ratio of peeps getting subs is higher then average
People donate more subs
i also got some gift subs to vtubers i have never heard about in the last few days
Nyaru eats farts
In the mood for some Alice cuddling
Basically I'm the most annoying poster possible in your opinion. Makes sense.
Where do the barbie posters fit in there?
I know there's a lot of femanons here, I'm a relatively attractive male vtuber (some liggers have mentioned me on stream if you want a hint), I want to post rtx bait but don't know what to post, shoto got a lot of inter fion with his pecs, any suggestions?
I don't smell bad :(
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Filian is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support
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She would immediately drop you for trying to change her too much and cause her autism lightbulbs to go off. Dicking her down to make the fansly better is where it should begin and end.
Posting cock would be dumb, but I hardly see people post Male ass. Be the trendsetter
>Inter fion
How about you studying English (hands+pen so women can see how big your hands are)?
We don't like your kind here.
>relatively attractive
Don’t bother
what do you mean? nicocado's butthole got posted a bunch of times
Shoto does well and he's in the same category
Thats not the same and it ain't twink butthole
Oli posters don't show up enough but uhhh smells bad also cute

Vivi posters smells bad mid cute

Inis posters smells bad also annoying

Can't believe I forgot shondophrenics very clearly smells bad and is annoying

Bean and green bean posters smells nice is annoying
If she doesnt cook then I don't want her anymore.
We don't like him here.
one guy that says womp womp one time a day but no kuu, interesting list.
Did you miss last week when saru went to go preheat the oven for her pizza and later went to put it in? When's the last time you saw a vtuber leave to preheat their oven?
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>Oli posters
>smells bad
I thought chat reflects the streamer.
Listen uwoslab, you have a wife and a good thing going. Don’t whore yourself out for 20 extra viewers
Yes because I only watch para.
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Is this double annoying?
you're so far into annoying that to include you would make the other posters very very tiny in scale
what are you talking about womper posted last thread

Kuu posters putting them in smells nice and cute though
The scent is overwhelming, smells bad
Rakastacy did it over the weekend after and showed tits and gf on stream froglet
Oli is a chubby Latina with thunder thighs
I don't like Layna and I'm glad she has stabilized instead of improving.
I don't understand how you don't find lucy posters more annoying
I am feeling nostalgic for TV shows I watched as a kid again God I hate getting old...
Chuubas should do watchalongs of the nostalgia shows I watched...
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For me, it's the bat
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This used to be a common pattern for me, every 45-50 days I would get a string of 5+ gift subs at once, but it hasn't happened in a long time. Even during this subtember I've only gotten two gift subs. You have the gift now it looks like, enjoy it
He is a lucyposter himself
This ligga doesn't Brazilian Bum Bum Cream his ass.
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i'm pretty cute and post here more than most of them
Unlike Oli, my ass isn't saggy and covered in stretch marks
see there he goes
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You are the most annoying poster, undisputed.
my ass mogs hers I have a penis
Alice is my onahole
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I can't be smelled
Into the tickle chamber you go.
Proof now faggot
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Holy hsit, it's uwoslab, as in uwo's lab. That makes so much sense. I thought it was uwo slab, as in a slab of something and didn't know why he picked that name, I've been calling him slab all this time
Official annoying ranking is
>Lucy fat poster (arax)
>Moff depressed nerd
>Animal webm poster
hand/arm veins, if you aren't lean it's joever
some guy hit on daph 10 mins ago, she's been yapping about how this isn't the place during her "comfy ASMR" stream since
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Oh man how could I forget

Put them right next to the bat posters
I like the cute animal poster but not the weird animal poster

They better not be the same poster
Which ligger is free use coded
What do you classify as a weird animal versus cute animal?
We get this exact post about once a month.
Saru couldn't keep it bottled up any longer
Any one I don't like
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>saru: if someone is angry and wants to fight don't fight back, just let them let out their anger
Wife material
As long as you like horses, wolves, and dogs I won’t ask more questions
i look forward to having that realisation sometime soon, along with what being bat at means
anyone that can squat 4pl8 will mog her
I don't like bugs
Huh, strange. I guess it's some weird thing with some twitch algorithm. I guess now I'm supposed to watch blknght for the next month
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What about butterflies and ladybirds. Do they get a pass?
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I really don't like how your ego is so big without having any actual merits.
People have been saying this for 15 years starting with ethoslab (that I know of)
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ba tat vide og ames
That's the goal, it's why gift subs usually go to random passersby rather than people who already regularly watch that channel
nemu guy and nemu murder guy
such a woman thing to say
he's not beating the female accusations.
Only if they're behaving themselves
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Why do you fear Vei posters?
>saru: I don't think people are inherently bad
What happened to my edgy "there are no nice people" little sister
she grew up. somewhat.
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Our Queen should be feared.
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Aww that’s a pleasant way to describe it
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You are intimidated and jealous
The fish misser? Is there another one of them? Smells bad and annoying
I know, I know, she may have ascended to Goddess by now.
I want a shadow the hedgehoq asque image of saru all dark and edgy with the quote she just Saud "don't become what you hate", it wold ebc kino
...but why?
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Jealous of what? You have no merits but you act like a big deal. I'd like to humble you personally but I'm not an American so it would be hard as heck.
It used to be for teh lulz. Now it is for tiktok/insta likes or updoots or whatever they have.
Who are the buttslut goddess's of lig?
Who’s the sexy hoe
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d-damn i didn't know you wanted my cock in your mouth that bad...
Yenkoes. Polish artist, ex Vyugen.
Huh? I thought she was a rabbit?
>ranking posters
wow this thread fell off
I anti my oshi so less people watch her and I get more of her attention
Your only redeeming qualities are that you are sometimes funny and quite witty.
3am killed the thread
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I can't follow this frogbabble.
It's all the lucyposters fault
She is. She just has a cat ear toggle like all of them.
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Why is she saying "genuinely" like that?
You just earned yourself 3rd place buddy
Getting bullied, even as an adult, builds character
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Ah got you
Layna should fuck off and DIE
going to have a huge melty when the 3am thing starts
do it for the vine
Newfag here. What does the list at the top mean?
No good holes live...
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Chuubas with the highest average CCV for that day
Top 10 highest ccv liggers from that day It means basically nothing
That's their body count

but from when was dokibird / youtube streamers ever in there
It's a list of vtubers you are forbidden from discussing
It's their daily whore score
sweaty wolf thighs
The number of penises they have sucked
it's there to make wvt seethe(it's super effective)
She must love getting bullied
I thought it was total daily calorie intake
Bao soon
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>you will never have a beautiful aryan tard wife with who to hike and seduce cows with
>asstards crying
well it was awesome for me, her bare slutty toes were out for all to see
I just watched the whole tobs vod and she did NOT discuss the ecto pee rrat did you just make that shit up
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>30 viewers
>chinese language
>verified only mode
impressive. now find one that also has a disgusting model and it'll be the scientifically worst ligger.
Thank you. I was a bit confused but the fact it's for a particular day clarifies a lot. Once again, arigatou.
verified only chat is based though
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I like that thing look at it go
stupid bitch
Yuy will remember this.
Yes when you are a high 4view
no, in general
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Alice Sawyer is an enchanting VTuber known for her captivating blend of charm and creativity. With a whimsical aesthetic inspired by nature, she often appears as a forest fairy with vibrant green hair adorned with flowers and sparkling accents. Her character embodies a playful spirit, inviting viewers into a magical realm filled with adventures.

Alice's streams are a delightful mix of gaming, storytelling, and interactive chats. She engages her audience with her infectious laughter and warm personality, creating a welcoming atmosphere that encourages viewers to share their own stories and experiences. Whether she's exploring new video games, hosting art streams, or sharing tips on nature conservation, Alice's content resonates with a diverse audience.

Beyond her gaming persona, Alice is passionate about environmental issues, often weaving themes of sustainability and appreciation for nature into her content. She promotes eco-friendly practices and encourages her community to cherish the planet, making her a role model for many young fans.

Her unique voice and artistic flair shine through in her original songs and collaborations, adding another layer to her multifaceted identity as a VTuber. Alice Sawyer is more than just a digital entertainer; she’s a source of inspiration, reminding everyone to embrace their creativity and the beauty of the natural world. Through her enchanting streams and heartfelt messages, she has built a loyal community that celebrates imagination and connection.
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>Listening to Menace massage me and giggle and kiss my ears
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Why the gpt post
What kind of weird fucked up chuuba sloppa should I make today?
time to jerk off to a squirting jap avtuber
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loli tan lucy sitting alone in a cafe
Chuuba leading you by the hand pov
rainhoe with triple shitting cocks
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krumsy kitten
I love Asian girls so much im sorry hitler I'm turning my bloodline into a riceline
i second this
You know when you think about it Alice is kind of sexy
Fat milf Silver with penis nipples
Remember when Saru was playing kinoge?
can you do BuffAtVideogames?
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she also gives great head
Hinabobina with lipples (lip nipples)
Silvervale farting at a squat toilet
Alice deepthroating my cock without breaking eye contact send post to my local government
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You guys are pretty cool. Don't come to /lig/ tomorrow.
You mean 2 weeks ago?

lol the animations are great
Yes she did
Look at her massive head
>made an entire 3d model as a joke
I would have two nickels
Yeah that's what she's giving me right now
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>I don't spend money at all
fucking what?
this bitch burns through it like a mf.
if she didn't have a gorrillion simps picking up the bill she'd be forced to sell her ass.
since she's presenting does that give the green light to go?
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Minto plushie is /tactical/ now and will shoot (Your) oshi
her ass is pretty good though... What's the going rate right now for USD to Euros?
thats weird cause she made a 3d model for each barbie for the lethal company collab
it's the same Saru that thinks a guy knowing how to cook is a red flag because it means he can't afford take out. Her views on money are skewed.
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Fucking hilarious
>thinks a guy knowing how to cook is a red flag because it means he can't afford take out
What the ever loving fuck is wrong with this putain.
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Which ligga is this?
liggerman... please hold me...
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>guy knowing how to cook is a red flag because it means he can't afford take out.
now I'm angry
I Love Lucy
in her defense Saru is french and pretty much everybody in big cities eats out at bistros instead of cooking but it is still a retarded opinion.
She never said that though
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This is me as a viewer once the stream ends.
Also probably actually a significant portion of the chuubas too.
that is unironically one of the biggest red flags I've ever heard. Everybody likes it when their partner takes the time to do something nice for them like cook a special meal, even the most tradpilled chudwife
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Your room is not messy enough. Mine on the other hand...
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She didn't say this in the last 3 years at least, pre vtuber saru was wierd so I wouldn't count out the posibility
are you the batposter that let a watermelon rot in your room?
How hard is it to just take your trash out to the trash can when you go to the bathroom or the fridge?
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It got moldy in the fridge.
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Rip McGonagall
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that sucks
Sadge that yesterday's barbie collab broke but gladge shondo's stuff is fixed again. Conflicted that I can't watch her, Nina's beach stream, and Tanya's lego stream at the same time
ha ha
>chuuba post good morning tweet
>reply saying good morning
>all the other replies get a like
>mine doesn't
I lost
I feel miserable
She hates me
It's over
Fuck. I was hoping this would just be towa or something. Now I'm sad.
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I'd like to gape a batposter with a bat.
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alice kicking her legs cutely while making muffled gagging sounds
you are my thread oshi
Time to become an anti.
hell yeah
Mental illness can make even the simplest tasks become unapproachable
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suko womb status?
she's probably hanging her head in embarrassment she needs a big hug
>advice for streaming? Be entertaining. When you start it's very importent to be entertaining, when you get bigger you can be more lax, like right now I'm not really doing anything entertaining
Sarus the most self aware vtuber
and where in this post does it mention her being completely unintelligible
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ze zomboid soon
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Pre-vtuber Saru was really stupid and she admits it.
If you post a photo of a trash bag/can full of trash from your room I will draw a picture of your oshi
and cervix kisses
Not really
My mess is mostly contained to trashbags with "clean" paper/plastic/glass because I only have the energy to regularly toss the things that go bad and become filthy. I take out the "clean" trash once in a while once I get the energy.
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>"new" saru streams
that saru can stay dead
When is she going to apologize to Anny and Vedal?
Haha yay
fat tits she's not ashamed of like anny
I need to rewatch keeping mum. I'd recommend anyone here to try it out
It's about her being a lovable serial killer. 11/10
she plans on making her tits smaller with her next model
come to brazil baby
Kitanya shut the fuck up I'll pound your womb until you break
While she is the hottest hungarian.
She is also a rotten woman.
I thought lig loves fujos?
need rough sex with succuguts
Not rotten like that
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just type out what you're trying to say fucking retard
Squ knows how to market her body
boring streams are good as background noise while gaming/drawing/studying
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Shut the fuck up
mostly the former but she has her moments
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F o7
/lig/gers who enjoyed playing Harry Potter games that aren't Hogwarts Legacy?
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Is my question confusing to you?
I just want to cuddle fat bitches, is that so bad?
I liked the old ones where you had to move the mouse in a pattern for spells and collect jellybeans
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Tenma played the PS1 one.
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Juni on her slug queen arc
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read the question again
tenma enjoyers really do like to pretend that she isnt phase trash
Don't tell me what to do.
Are there any good Lumi butt pics? I'll even except sloppa.
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It is your God-given right to do so
So no sloppa?
phase is good though, they all have the 100k pact to show their naked feet, that should be standard vtuber stuff
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No, sloppa is fine. I have a fever and spell check is hard. I'm sorry.
why does she sound like that
I wish Tanya would sext max like that one anti keeps saying she does for mods…
the cock hungry stare of an unfaithful woman
the lack of Lumi(wolf) ass is surprising, unelss she is rakistan tiddy focused
she's only unfaithful when she sees cute shotas around
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Kitanya flirts with Max openly
most of the art she gets is focused on her breasts or feet
Hey, I'm not an anti I just like to keep posting dumb rrats about liggers until people start believing them.
I'm just messing with you. Get well soon
>her breasts
Has Shondo killed herself after yesterdays tragedy of a barbie stream?
Computer generate Moriko ryona
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she really likes including her feet
her best model
Thanks anon. I hope your day is as beautiful as your oshi is.
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Computer generate moriko joi audio sloppa
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Very good
Computer generate Moriko a brain
Invalid Parameters Set
computer generate i shoot bat twice
Breaking Tanya's hymen while her family can hear through the walls of her dirt hut!
computer generate pregnant mother moriko
Computer, generate a good post.
Breaking a hymen doesn't make an audible sound
> >>86180948
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good, art should include the whole body, artists should just learn to draw feet instead of just cropping them out because they are too lazy and bad to draw feet
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I think They meant her screaming in Pain or like a whore in heat
computer spank alice until she cums
Mixya my beloved… I miss you so
Where is Rakistan poster when you need good lumi porn?
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Would you like this Juni?
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God damn that is some good sloppa!
Its not your fault
kumhole was made for stomach deformation sex
celebrating end of subathon
That depends. Is she being genuine and how does she feel about this change?
It's over?
Stomach bulge makes me diamonds
what a fucking slut
it was STILL going?
Krumhole sex
What if she would feel embarrassed?
Why is bella drawing a man
I can't believe Tob actually confirmed the story about Ecto wetting the bed what the fuck
Why would she tell people that
people piss themselves all the time anon

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