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Bartender Birthday Edition

>Is Stars/Niji/Indie allowed?
Yes! If your male is cute, he may stay.
>Is BFE and gosling allowed?
Yes! There's no harm in loving your oshi without repercussions.
>Is female collab discussion allowed?
No females or female only related drama is allowed, you have the entire board for that.
>Is self-shilling allowed?
No. Go to >>>/vt/wvt instead.

Ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, falseflaggers and don't derail the thread with fighting. Fujoshi, yumejoshi, and hornyposting is encouraged. Genderbends of males are discouraged and considered off-topic.

Previous thread: >>85937296
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Thanks for the thread
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This is the news post for the week of 9/22 ~ 9/28
Reply to this post with any news relating to cute boys!


๑ First Stage Production ๑
•Avallum will be at AnimeImpulse in October: https://x.com/animeimpulse/status/1837205086868754899
•Gale Galleon has released his first cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7OFCKO4SWU
There will be a surprise on Friday on Rosco's channel featuring Cassian
•FSP has now acquired Deadlock perms

๑ Holostars ๑
•Gavis Bettel now has a dakimakura cover merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/gavisbettel_bodypillowcover
•The final episode of Roberu and Rio's radio show has aired: https://x.com/holostarstv/status/1838775441148252508
•Kageyama Shien's cover of Mafia by Wotaku has reached 2 million views: https://x.com/kageyamashien/status/1838946325745799599
•The Holostars 5th Anniversary Live: Movin' On Blue-Ray has started sales on the Bushiroad store today: https://x.com/BushiM_info/status/1838760334925963331
(NEW) •Yukoku Roberu Birthday Goods on sale now: https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/yukokuroberu_bd2024

๑ Nijisanji ๑
•Nijisanji Music Festival 2024 has been announced: https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1832773677357859254
•Ike Eveland Figure preorders are ending soon (October 1st): https://armabianca-shop.com/products/detail/70059
•Nijisanji Family Situational Voice Vol.2 is ending soon (September 30th): https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1831895384849023150
•SP Collect X NijisanjiEN perfume collab ending soon: https://x.com/SPcollect_info/status/1838777206639857835
•Aster Arcadia birthday goods and voice on sale now: https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1838776742548521456
•Saegusa Akina has his first mini album UniVerse and his first solo live Unity: https://x.com/nijisanji_app/status/1838903843217973747
He has also released an original song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_T4K73bvIU
VALZ live tour merch is on sale now: https://x.com/VALZ_info/status/1838873579334873126
•Watarai Hibari's birthday voice and goods on sale now: https://x.com/nijisanji_app/status/1838141417111380360
(NEW) •Aster Arcadia will be revealing a new outfit on October 5th: https://x.com/AsterArcadia/status/1839280077676122352
(NEW) •NijisanjiEN Summer Jam merch is now available for purchase online for both US and non-US residents: https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1839477608318443535
(NEW) •Alban Knox and Sonny Brisko will be at Thailand Game Show 2024 for a fanmeet and will have merch available: https://x.com/OU_EN_CAFE/status/1839289191332712952
•(NEW) Vox Akuma Cafe The Demon Hungers now has merch available to be purchased by international customers: https://x.com/Akuma_cafe/status/1837054101890150847

๑ Other ๑
•Virtual kpop group AFOTS has an animated music video of their song Summer Rain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MECDOgc3qw
•Hoshinouta Kaz of Atanaru is celebrating the 5th anniversary of STELLAnotes, the band he is a part of: https://www.youtube.com/live/hrWWFEtMl3U
He is also having an anniversary 3D Live show on October 5th: https://www.youtube.com/live/5pWPAaW8MqE
•The latest episode of Lassgo Plave is up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsIRJz40-UI
•Whale Taylor has had a new outfit reveal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvyhOzLeGLg
•Leon of Atanaru has an original song and music video up from his 3D show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1gwNVT4Bq8


OP source: https://x.com/ametsuki0510/status/1839416190281875794
News Post Source: https://x.com/Essu_twit/status/1839279168355446863
More Fuuchan Zelda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLUuNJfAWb0
More Zali Jurassic World: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvNTnuqMemI
GB Zelda Majora's Mask
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Call me crazy (I am), but I think FSP decided they wanted to cater to a female audience the moment they posted this image. They know what we like.
Also Gale still has the sexiest hands here.
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cute, my 2 oshis!
I want all of these in my mouth
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God, same. And by same I mean actually same. I have a fetish for having fingers in my mouth. I get instantly turned on. I want Gale's fingers in my mouth with the gloves on.
so someone did bake while i was sleeping, great! ROBERU FANS COME GET YOUR NUTRIENTS
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Thank you for the bread!!! I love my cute wife (male) (son)!! Check out this Roberu merch I bought!! I love the little acrylic stand, it’s sooo cute! I loved Roberu’s birthday stream! The Okinawa holiday was so cool, the diving was pretty, and the village, and the island and everything was so beautiful! I wanna go on a vacation with Roberu too! Roberu revealed interesting things during a drinking collab too! He’s ok with kissing his friends when drunk! And he has a yugioh drinking game, he has a lot of drinking games! I wonder if he’s calmed down alcohol wise. Anyway, for Roberu’s birthday merch, I think I’m just gonna get the can badge and voice pack! I have so much Roberu tote bags… I’m gonna wait if Ruze has anything cool for his birthday merch though.
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Thanks for the bread!
I've been meaning to ask, does anyone know how long the wait was between when auditions closed and the avallum boys were announced?
Reminder to tune into honorary Holostar Utai Meika's birthday live!
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Pico Park 2 Collab!

Gale: https://www.youtube.com/live/pW-v2dF-Qx0
Claude: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U046gaFACho
Shu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lo8NsDsAp94
Vanta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuOOY-x0yHU
Lucien: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=St3M8-oF1_Y
Shoto: https://www.twitch.tv/shxtou

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8-man collab telly (altare and bettel don't have povs due to perms)
shoto purple telly (live for 3hr already)
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That ice cream (almost thought it was a cupcake) button is too adorable! I'm glad you're enjoying his birthday and the merch! I'm hoping Ruze has something cool too. I know he'll come up with something badass for his birthday.
>can't even get past the first obstacle
I love dumb men
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Fucking kek these idiots
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Shu's pinned message for color reference!
Shu's laughs are incredibly cute in this collab
Leader being bullied so hard he krilled himself....
I love when boys talk about succing each other
Around 6 months.
I have a hunch that the wait might be slightly shorter for gen 2 though.
Gale has 57 VPNS

Felt like a little over half a year but gen 2 should be announced either this month or next. Hopefully not too soon though since I wanna save my money at the moment.
BETTEL don't encourage my dumb captain's whorish behavior!!!!
Bettel is weak! Quick, grab his frail and dainty wrists!
KEK Shu's passive aggressiveness is killing me
>I can't STAND this guy
I love cute boy collabs!
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Rio, Hakka, and Octavio will be at Anime Impulse
Scared Bettel T o T

Congrats to the boys! I'll pin this one! >>86182775
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I think my favorite voices during this collab was Vanta and Claude's. Altare's cute pathetic whines were so adorable too! And of course I loved my funny pirate captain. All the boys were very very cute today. I'm so glad I got to catch this collab. I love cute boys so so much.
New cover from Rosco, Lucien, Cassian
Luci having such a beautiful and handsome design but having such a ditzy look on his face is such a gap moe.
Avallum my niggaz
Bettel zatsudan
Random Fag Witch.....
Doppio Boyhood's End
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Altare in Tokyo Game Show digital world
Leo hopped into Valo with the boys
Claude: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8YP-RsO-Q8
Shu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDCkY7dl8Qs
Uki and Alban are in too!
Bloom live with some retro anime games!
I want to wrap my legs around Gale's waist.
Exit Uki and enter Ryoma!
Hakka Arctic Eggs
Another After Party of Break Outta Here
And Uki Crime Scene Cleaner!
>this is light compared to what's happening in December
I know we've got 3Ds around that time but what else could we be getting?
>January is supposed to be even more hype and February is supposed to be even better than that
Oh god....I don't know if my wallet will survive
Luci's singing voice is amazing I love his harmonies
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I didn't know the moon identifies as a star
One week left to preorder Hakka X Ghost X Ghost merch!
Armis Deadlock Collab (only Octavio and GB atm)
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Kek at least we get a once in a blue moon Goldtavio collab
Come to think of it I didn't realize they never really had a 1-on-1 collab have they? It's kind of a cute auntie and nephew dynamic the way Gibby is teaching Tavi.
I love all these cute boy noises in the Valo collab. I especially miss Alban's voice ueee
Other than Octavio's talk show, nope! Yeah, it's a cute lil duo when you describe it like that!
He'll be back soon.
Before October's over!!
Too many cute boy collabs going on, I'm gonna explode!
Wait I just realized I still have over a dozen streams of his to catch up on. Never mind Aruban please stay on break for a little longer!!
i real aruban as aruran and got very confused kek
Let the many cute boy voices consume you!!
Leader joining the not-so-Armis collab!
Every day I count my blessings that FSP manesans gave up on trying to contain Zanny’s sluttiness and let him show full arm/thigh
I worry about him showing so much but my god.....the veins on his arms.....I will not cheat on Gale I will not cheat on Gale I will not cheat on Gale I will not cheat on Gale I will not cheat on Gale I will not cheat on Gale
imo him showing a certain amount of skin somehow strengthen the immersion rather than breaking it.
Sonny Street Fighter 6
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Is this too cute of a boy to post here?
>they don't say "idol meeting" anymore, just "Imma go take a piss"
wtf my immersion....
Also Jutard finally enters
Kek the backseating
dino always loud, really hurts my ears
Dingo is going the not-so-Armis collab!
i'm getting pretty tired of seeing all these boys playing deadlock
Luca Minecraft
I'm pretty lucky that I enjoy competitive games and watching guys be competitive. At least they're having fun and you can listen for them making funny sounds.
Axel what the fuck kek
I want to draw more C(ass) but alas
I must go to bed because I have work in the morning.
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Please don’t die while I'm trying to sleep....
Takao is doing another PR game stream, this time with a game called Festibattle (mobile team pvp). It's a viewer participation stream so you can join and play with him!
i need to look more into the starsjp boys, they're all too adorable for words
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You can't spell Cass without the ass...
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Izuru stream
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Atanaru video. It's like a shopping show and tell with the boys.
Lucien Zelda Echoes of Wisdom
@Shienyume that's your cue
Utai Meika 3D live. All the guests are guys.
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I just clicked on it, him and Astel have amazing voices together.
Zander Black Myth Wukong
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January might have something related to their 1 year anniversary.
Also, considering that some of fsp jp members are getting new outfits, avallum might get new outfits in early 2025.
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Oh I was thinking something Valentine's Day related for February but it could also be that.
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someone pointed out that roberu put ice cube in his milk and I think it’s over between us, not only does he like to drink cold milk (which is fucking gross) putting ice in it so it gets watered down??? insane
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>>86272300 (me)
Bro had an entire buffet and only selected this
You don't put ice cubes in your milk?
I'll admit plain unflavored milk with ice is a bit odd though.
Milk is better when its cold what the fuck are you on
I don’t drink milk at all. It’s gross. But if I must, I like my drink steamed and warm, like a comforting cup of hot milk. But ice cubes?? You want your cold milk to be watery?? I thought this was a safe space.
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My cute artist boyfriend is horrified by your hatred for cold milk.
Zander House Flipper
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What tha FUCK do you drink with your Oreo cookies then?!?!?
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I don’t eat Oreo cookies….. But if it did, in hot milk!! Or just eat them as is. I eat cereal with cold milk but that’s ok cus all the cereal flavor goes into the milk. I don’t eat much cereal either though.
Trigger warning: ugly model
>I don’t eat Oreo cookies
What are you.....?
I was thinking it's not THAT ugly until I saw the bottoms...
They really couldn't think of a better name? It feels like there are many better options than "Chunky" for what they're trying to be.
faggots, there's women here right?
As a black fudan, we wouldn't want him anyway.
A threeway isn't cheating, is it?
The bio of that account almost make it looks like a troll/shitpost account.
I honestly think this amount of virtue signalling to the point you put down others is just stupid for no reason.
Unrelated, I want more Fudanshi chuubas ...
Lol, he's definitely not gonna make it in this scene by shitting on the people who make most of the male vtuber art for no reason
Google, draw him getting his guts rearranged
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Cute orc playing Celeste
I haven't watched him since... well, that. How's he been lately?
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it’s always a treat when fredrik and nick are together on stream. nick’s new furry model is a lot more tolerable to me if i imagine him violating fred!
Is it odd that I’m starting to learn to draw just so I can draw a scenario where me and my oshi are taking drugs?
Especially with this Fred model...
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fred never using this model after it was revealed genuinely makes me suicidal
You have to groom into it, anon. It's the only way to get some of these males to use their other outfits.
Gale is live! I took a longer shift at work today to save up for that Ike Eveland figure and Gale's voice is helping me get through the last hour and a half
Not at all. Keep up the practice. Most people start drawing because they want to see something they don't see elsewhere.
Eat your FUCKING vegetables, Gale!!!! You sound like such a child right now!!!!!
Male chuubas and bad diets, name a better duo.
thank you pirate for not streaming votv I am saved from more years in the vod mines
>name a better duo
Me X my oshi :)
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Shinomiya still playing Schim
KEK even other people are calling him a little kid right now T o T
>Gale is drinking milk with his sandwich
AIIIIEEE anon who hates milk don't look
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Good one
How do people drink milk with anything other than cookies and cereal? I don't get it!!!
milk is a nice soother.. I like to drink it with a peanut butter sandwich when I am feeling whimsical
Okay, peanut butter sandwich makes sense!
My Irish bf is finally debuting his Live2D model...
he actually speaks irish omg
I will check this out O:
after stalling for 30 mins he is finally showing it >-<
I thought I could trust that pirate!! Drink water Gale!! It’s a way more epic drink!!
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Also, the only milk I would drink is Roberu’s breast milk
he is so pretty (˶˃⤙˂˶)
h-handsome men....
It's about time! I missed an hour because of work and-
Also kek the artist was told to draw friendship....
>fujoshi are an integral part of fandom
All right I'm listening to your Irish bf
It's such a good model... like comparing it to his PNG, its such a huge jump in quality, i am terribly impressed.
I am instantly attracted to men with long hair and he is very beautiful. I like how the outfit isn't overdone either. Nice design with a few details here and there while still being quite unique.
>He's going to have a lewd tag
I am all ears
He has a 3DIO... he better start doing BFE ASMR
Oh, that's how you pronounce his name.

Lol maybe for his long time viewers who want it but I'm still relatively new to him so I will skip any BFE he does. I am loyal to Gale.
Bettel Sims4
Okay his enthusiasm about reading is very endearing. I love his accent too. I never get to watch his streams because of overlap or I'm tired ueee....
So many new faces, please be nice to my Irish bf!
Thank you for showing us this Irish cute boy, anon
/asp/ male detected, live stream rejected
Man sometimes I forget how horny twitch chats are. And I thought chats during debut weeks of corpo male vtubers were bad.
It's usually just for model debuts, but luckily it doesn't happen on posterior streams
>posterior streams
Ruadh shows his ass on streams?!? I didn't know he was such a slut....
He's literally quoting a gay porn right now.
He is a total slut.
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>Vox Machina
My two oshis fused....
a matt mercer vtuber would be kino
Fair, you are forgiven.
As long as it isn't selfposts I don't mind /asp/ vtubers. Bloom started there and he gets posted here without issue. Besides the new model is nice
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Thanks for sharing him here even though I followed him long before he was posted here lol. He's so pretty!
Oh no I meant my two oshis are actually Vox Akuma and Machina X Flayon
Ah I know but I followed up with matt mercer as a vtuber would be kino
The HoloNiji collab we need
Oh lol
The only thing I know about him is he voiced some anime characters I think. And something about critical roll?
oops I should've given more context, vox machina is the name of the animated critical roll series by matt mercer. whoopsie
I'd love to see that but /mans/ would be on fire. Not that I care since I don't go there but I think it's strange that even the mere mention of Vox will set them off enough to shit up an entire thread about it.

Oh I never knew it was animated. I just know he's been guests at any nerd-related convention I ever went to.
the ike 3d made the thread so cancer and I wanted to talk about their boy...
Jesus I wasn't even there and I am so sorry you had to go through that. I had to miss it live because of work but I saw the vod. I'm so happy Hakka got to call in for his buddy's 3D and I hope to see them together in 3D someday. That's another reason I'm thankful for this thread and will always fight to keep it alive so people don't have to put up with that kind of mental illness over anime streamers.
Does /mans/ also hate male-female collabs?
I only lurked there a couple times but they seemed neutral about it.
The autism would be off the charts I need this to happen
Yeah I was asking cause I haven't been there in a long while but they were okay with it back when I used to browse so, so just wondering if things changed.
So it seems like /cbdct/ is pro-NijiHolo and anti-female, and /MANS/ is pro-female(Holo) and anti-NijiHolo, good to know the differences.
Speaking only for myself, I don't mind female collabs if things are in a group session and kept very professional, it's when things get flirty one on one that I find it distasteful
I don't mind them either but people here WILL get mad if a female is posted here, so it's best not to do it.
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They actively encourage them. Not even shitposting, they will get angry at you if you even say that you skip/don't watch male-female collabs in the nicest way possible.
I don't know if the culture is similar but in /orc+/ I saw a couple anons who were gushing about how gentle Casspurr was being with a couple female chuubas in a small group collab. Admittedly I assumed this was the only thread that dislikes female Vtubers but I don't know if other male centered threads dislike female collabs too.
/orc+/ is basically a branch off of /MANS/ so it makes sense
Well naturally so because it's off-topic. As the OP says, you can post females in literally every other general, even the male-centered ones (/nenmen/ talks about the girls so often sometimes that it's practically /NijiEN 2/). I remember going to /mans/ during Rio's duet karaoke event and even the nijisanji girls that sang with him got little to no hate. Some anons were even lusting after them.

Ruadh pls lmfao
>they actively encourage them
eh i wouldnt say this is true at all, there are definitely some retards there that get offended if you say stuff like that but its a real mixed bag
>the nijisanji girls that sang with him got little to no hate
imo that's because they aren't EN. Nijijp and other branches seems to be respected/tolerated by stars fans in general but the mention of nijien can really makes some stars fans go schizo.
Is this Gaelic? Sounds so similar to Swedish. I guess they're around the same area I think.
Yes its Gaelic, he's Irish.
>the mention of nijien can really makes some stars fans go schizo.
I'm so glad I don't have that level of mental illness. They were just singing too.
Okay that was fun but I'm tired of Ruadh's chat saying lewd jokes.
Now to go back to Gale Galleon's stream as I laugh cutely to him saying "peanits" for the tenth time this hour.
The lewd jokes have toned down.
Now he's just autistically talking about his interests, which is peak content for me.
Does Ruadh avoid collabing with females? I only watch him occasionally but I don't see him collabing with any people, and the line of "not sitting still like a female Vtuber (or something like that)" made it sound like he isn't interested on the idea.
Ah right. I meant that in a "whoa, so this is what it's like" way but I guess it came off like me asking a question with an obvious answer kek

I'm kiddin around. I just wanted to get my Gale fix before heading to bed. Might turn in early tonight. Enjoy your cute Irish boy!
I don't think he collabs at all lol
He wants to do his reading streams, his ASMR streams, and autistically play his single player RPGs. It's all solo content mainly.
I don't think he'll start collabs but I think he's open to collabs, I've seen him on other male vtubers channels a few times.
So it really depends, he won't start collabs, but if a female asks him to collab, chances are he might say yes. Probably won't do it on his channel at least.
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I hate being on my period. I was feeling nauseous today and had to lean on something often. I want Gale to give me a gentle belly massage. Or let me climb on his lap and straddle him while he's playing video games so I have a big warmth on my tummy. He'll occasionally pause the game and rub my back and kiss my neck whenever I groan from cramps and other pains.

Gale Gallons of Rizz my beloved!!!
DUMB STUPID CAPTAIN I am going to smooch him all over his head
checking in on galeanon again! you doing well?
Wishing I made a pipsona for this stream but I'm too shy and afraid because I'd just use her for yume art that would eventually get a bit lewd.
Count Scapula....

Jun Dark and Darker
Collab! Lucien and Rosco are there too!
Gibby surrounded by flips and spaniards kek
i will forever call goldbullet gooby now, thanks jurard
Oh, no one linked it. Rosco Job App stream
He has so many nicknames it's hard to keep up...
Vanta showing dirty socks onstream....
Sonny Zelda TOTK
I forgot about his handcam stream tonight. I was even falling asleep during Gale's stream. I hope it's been fun
It has! I've only caught part of it but he's been really cute and silly tonight. Also, he really needs to wash his mousepads kek
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Taking ibuprofen with my oshi sounds really good right about now
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Nidaime Dying Noise
who is this manwhore
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On the topic of taking meds, I'd imagine that most of these boys are the "just shrug it off" type that would take medicine as little as possible.
I saw some screenshots. He really put his dirty worn socks on the table....
Looks like it's another stream I'll be catching up on
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I want to see a drunk Roberu and watch him be all cute and vulnerable with me and having him skirt closer to me and planting kisses on me while giggling and being super affectionate
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Kaz sing
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Its the weekend and most boys i watch are on break. The waiting felt so long.. please i want cute bois..
Enjoy a European cover from boy from a distant realm
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I hope my cute artist boyfriend gets to eat lots of delicious and apparently confusing food!
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I just realized that he slightly changed his look. I lowkey want to say “Thank god!” because I can’t imagine myself liking a cute guy’s design that has him wear shorts regularly
Yeah, this outfit's been used a couple times now and I personally prefer it too, somehow suits him a lot more. Though I do think the shorts are cute on minitsun.
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Lucien unarchived karaoke rebroadcast
T o T these chibi are precious! If they told me they don't wanna take their meds I'd say okay and give them head pats.
>She can't appreciate a cute boy's slightly lean, long, slender legs
I want a big all-boys Crab Game
Uyu TCG card shop simulator
The last big all boys holo/niji/fsp collab for amogus was so kino. TT i miss those days so much
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And the Valorant tournament was so fun too. I love big all-boys events I'm so happy and glad to be a cute boy enjoyer. I think we'll have even more when gen 2 of FSPEN comes around. I think there should be another NijiEN wave sometime soon too. Hoping it's all boys
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Kek it’s just not my thing!
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>gonna miss Cass' Wukong stream AND Ruze 's birthday stream because I decided to take another full shift
so you hate your oshis
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Don't usually come to these threads, who's this? The art style reminds me of Gamma, so I'm wondering if it's him. Image search didn't yield any results.
Spoon-feed me, onegai.
Ruze birthday stream
Assuming you're not shitposting.
Cassian Black Myth Wukong
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Thanks! Looks like I was right, glad to see he's still around.
Not shitposting, just don't keep up much with male vtubers these days.
Ruze is being super cute today
Oh yeah completely forgot it’s Ruze’s birthday today. Calling it now, his birthday merch will involve some kind of hydro flask
I need a new water bottle ever since I accidentally put Flayon’s in a washing machine
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Wait they’re not dishwasher friendly?!?
No! I swear I'm working hard because I love cute boys! I must have plenty of money to buy their merch.
Nta but I wouldn't put it in one even if it was. I hand wash mine.
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butterflies made me think this was u-san. casspretty
Bettel Who's Your Daddy with Bettel2
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Look at this cute Korean whore. Also, I found an artist who draws a ton of Ver lewds
Ruze Birthday karaoke
Hanakishi Radio #62
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Elf whore making whore noises as he stretches
KEK i remember when Mysta was trying to get that rap part right and it ended the exact same way
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fred these sleeves… aaah
Congrats to the DnD fans, that merch is for you
he's still going, yahoo
I am going to eat him

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