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>Official Links
https://pomu.pages.dev/vsmp (MC server)

【Raki Kazuki】 Clumsy girl next door, zatsu, karaoke, rhythm games, ASMR.
【Lottie Shinju】 Silly girly girl, retro and water-based games, zatsu, drawing.
【Chiaki Katsumi】 Chuuni seiso girl, longform playthroughs with pre-game zatsu, variety streams.
【Miuna Usako】 Delulu deredere, soulslikes, zatsu, karaoke.

【Kanna Yanagi】 Motivated planner, soulslikes, action and fighting games, variety handcams, ASMR.
【Chio Chompi】 Gremlin imouto, horror games, co-op horror, RPGs.
【Daiya Fortuna】 Dorky weird girl, collabs, retro games, roguelikes, ASMR.
【Arisu Oshiro】 Chuuni tsundere, card games, karaoke, drawing.

>Original Songs and Covers
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
V4Mirai: >>>/vt//v4m/
V-Dere: >>>/vt//vdere/
VReverie: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia: >>>/vt//tsunx/
Specialite: >>>/vt//corpo/
Sheeptubers: >>>/vt//wool/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/

Previous thread: >>86145564
Vote on the concept for a new Raki skeb!
Put forward your own idea to be voted on if you have one!
The poll results will finalize Saturday night (burger time)
Make sure to check out the link for any new submissions, in case you'd like to change your vote!
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I'm in love with a raccoon.
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Squishing my ducktective
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Sweaty, back-breaking scream sex with my girlfriend while her dork roommate tries to stream in the corner
Loving Lady Luck
She's releasing a new cover today!
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I love my dinowife
daiya on scarlett's stream
She should tweet these things
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Kanna eats raw flour...
That game Lottie has for today reminds me, is Rayman 2 and 3 really that unknown outside of France and Poland? I've seen vtubers stream all sorts of old 3D platformer games but never those for some reason
2 is pretty popular, at least in the retro sphere, 3 not so much
Lag is hitting pretty hard huh
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Seemingly just Scarlett, Kanna and Lillie have been just fine
How do I get a raki gf
And don't say kidnap her, that would be too easy
Is she not on wifi?
impregnate her mother
You're too late, she's mine
I just realized today would be a really good day to kidnap Raki Kazuki
All that salmonella, maybe she was a chicken all along
Yeah, but she's European. We don't have as much salmonella here
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Red Chiaki this, Blue Chiaki that... why is no one talking about the Choco Chiaki?
what the fuck SEX
Holding Daiya's hand while she gets a pap smear!
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man this will never end
alright man, just because momo was discussed a bit here doesn’t mean you gotta bring the jumpstarts over, keep that shit in /brg/
Sorry, I'm loyal to Chiaki Katsumi, PixelLink's resident cat hacker from first generation PixelStart
Bring the flamethrower
daiya thought she was streaming and teleported away to talk to invisible monmons...
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I'm so sorry, anon.. I just saw her design was fairly similar to Chiaki's and thought it would be funny to share it here. I'll stick my ramblings to Red Chaki since choco chuubas it's where you draw the line.
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Pervert wisumites~!
Raki donated 50 for Wani’s donothon
Chuuni Daiya
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Kanna's favorite Digimon
5min to meltdown!
Alert! Alert! All chuds report in
That absolutely made a child try to hold a cactus
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Best they learn early
Yeah me
Raki rubbing her used tights over my face
Kanna gone...
Redheads still on
Daiya leaving actually
You forgot the + anon, it's PixelStart+
Nta but red Chiaki is a whore
Chio made the lobby public...
Oh man this stream is going to suck so bad isn't it
yeah lol
I don't think she says "+"
Is Fatcat holding Pippa at gunpoint or is she fucking bored out of her mind?
In what way? It's definitely got more potential than the phasmo stream.
so what's the deal with the blond boy's tracking
Idk it felt awkward at the beginning
pretty sure pippa just sucks at collabs outside of her close friends
Both the collabs kinda just felt like she was doing Pippa a solid desu. Not sure if it would be better if Chio was just collab with one of these two one on one.
>>86208812 (me)
Doing Chio a solid* rather
Boku no Chio...
It's Lottie! She's silly!
it's friday motherfuckor
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lottie feels bonita, me happi
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>entire city is underwater
hell yeah
Kanna on the background
lottie is a little boy
>she gets the appeal of cool forest sticks
I want to marry her even more
that is a nice stick
Yeah, mine.
raki... you can get a better stick than that surely... but I guess that's ok for a woman
Bill looks to small to be a call duck
Autists what bird is that
Muscovy duck
it's a duck anon...
What if it's a goose
lottie doesn't want to eat the bugs
your elementary school reps anon..
Prove that it's not
Rule of thumb: if the beak and feet is yellow it's a duck
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This looks like yellow to you?
Anon, it's a Muscovy duck, the beak there is yellow, it has red flesh around its eyes down to its beak
I'm going to marry my wife
Rule of thumb: if it has a corkscrew penis it's a duck
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>Open Musocvy duck on google images
>Not a single one with a yellow bill
Anon, please
Lottie is so fucking funny
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Tourist here, came to say the OP is very cute but the 8-reply-chain about ducks had me keking.
>the smartest pan
it aint /pxl/ if there's no active autism reply chain per thread
Are... are you okay?
>The bill, which can be yellow, pink, black, or any mixture of these colors
You're both colorblind. None of the ducks in the images or in Raki's picture have a yellow bill. The bills can be yellow, but they aren't in any of the examples shown
I really don't know what to tell you anon, that's not a goose and you've clearly never seen a goose
I never said it was a goose...

This is the chain that you're in
Such is the /pxl/ way and its fun
But I only replied to this anon because he's wrong >>86212623 . Duck are recognizable because of their smaller overall size, especially their smaller necks and wings. Bill color isn't a marker of a duck, swan, goose
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lottie is completely destroying this computer game bros, she's so good, look at her go
>hellish week
>get home from work
>crawl into bed exhausted
>look for asmr to listen to
>YT tells me Lottie is live instead
>check it out, shes giggling about being a werewolf
>can literally feel my mood improving immediately
>fall asleep at some point
thank you lottie
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Information for those whom it may concern: Raki and Rose Witch couldn't figure out how to open a ketchup bottle, so they stabbed it with a pair of scissors.
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Chiaki made a funny
okay but fuck those seals I just always stab them with whatever's at hand, so they're right for that one
scissors, knife, chopstick, all work fine
it's cute seeing some of the girls make their own edits of this
I never had problem with these, they come off super easily.
I want Rose Witch to stab me with a pair of scissors if you know what I mean
You just lift the flap perpendicular to the seal and then pull it straight off from one end to the other.
brands differ, happy for you you got good ones
sometimes those things are fucked up to open so I understand, I've done that before, i will not fault them for this
this is the game Raki tried to play really early on that basically didn't work on her laptop right?
It was pretty buggy and her laptop could barely handle it:
We know
yeah I just wasn't sure if there was a second raccoon sim game
Katsudons please persuade Chiaki to do more Twitter spaces when she has idle time.
Lottie is a gamer...!

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